IRC log for #asterisk on 20160808

01:04.45tm1000file: wiki down :-(
01:07.57fileRusty may be doing maintenance
01:34.34*** join/#asterisk acidfu_ (
01:44.54*** join/#asterisk tristero (
01:48.07*** join/#asterisk nickgaw (~nick@2602:306:36a9:ec59:1cf9:da89:1c73:9bc6)
01:49.13nickgawHi, What would the cost be for someone to help me write the configuration files for a two extention asterisk system with voicemail and where all calls are recorded with each caller on different channel of a stereo file and for a short message prompting the user to dial the extention they wish to call?
02:08.35*** join/#asterisk boris_t (~boris_t@
02:35.48*** part/#asterisk nickgaw (~nick@2602:306:36a9:ec59:1cf9:da89:1c73:9bc6)
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03:21.55*** join/#asterisk captain118 (uid167508@gateway/web/
03:22.37*** join/#asterisk fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
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06:12.54*** join/#asterisk Primer (
06:13.38PrimerHi, is there a PPA for ubuntu 16/mint 18? I can't seem to find one. Asterisk segs on start on a freshly installed mint 18 machine
06:22.38*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
06:28.35wyoungPrimer: a PPA for what?
06:29.04wyoungummm no there doesn't need to be one as it exists in the repos already
06:29.27wyoungI don't know about mint 18 but Ubuntu 14.04 works fine, I havent tested 16.04 though
06:29.39PrimerI did a more conservative install and now it's no longer crashing
06:30.55PrimerBut it's still not working, but I haven't looked at any config changes required between what was in 14.04 and 16.04
06:31.04Primerubuntu versions...I thing it was 11
06:31.10*** join/#asterisk chuckf (
06:31.22Primersorry, asterisk version 11 on 14.04 to 13 on 16.04
06:32.00wyoungah ok
06:33.36Primer[Aug  8 06:33:10] ERROR[11508]: message.c:1388 ast_msg_tech_unregister: No 'sip' message technology found.
06:33.41Primerscratches head...
06:33.56wyoungPrimer: filesystem permissions on /etc/asterisk/sip.conf
06:34.10Primeryup, that was it
06:35.13wyounghas happened to me a few times :)
06:35.16Primerand it's all working
06:35.20wyoungany time
06:35.49wyoungPrimer: it would be great if that is the first error message :)
06:35.57wyoungmight submit a bug report
06:36.08Primerthat would make things much easier to fix
06:36.22wyoungI agree
06:36.37PrimerNow to see if all runs well from systemd...
06:36.53PrimerI'll refrain from giving my opinion regarding systemd
06:37.55Primerok, everything looks good...I can die happy now
06:38.09Primerwyoung: thanks again
06:38.28*** part/#asterisk Primer (
06:38.56wyoungah systemd
06:47.34*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (~pchero@
06:48.49*** join/#asterisk Haris (~haris@unaffiliated/haris)
06:50.10Harisok. what tutorial do I follow to install asterisk for ws/wss video calls + cdr + vm + etc etc ?
06:50.37HarisI have centos 7 64bit fresh installed for this. What version of asterisk do I install on it ?
06:51.19HarisI was watching a few yrs old youtube video which said asterisk 11, 12 didn't have good support for ws/wss calls (at the time of making that video)
06:51.45HarisCorrection: ..time of making of+ that video)
06:59.43*** join/#asterisk creativx (
07:00.13wyoungHaris: yum install asterisk is probably your best bet unless you wnt to compile from source
07:00.32wyoungcentos has a habbit of being slow to adopt the latest versions of software
07:01.00Harisis there a custom yum repo its on ? its not in base, updates, epel
07:01.13wyoungummmm, it's not?
07:02.30wyoungasterisk.x86_64 : The Open Source PBX
07:02.46wyoungyeah it's there
07:03.21wyoungI have the standard repo + epel
07:03.28wyoungnot sure which one it is in though
07:03.47wyoungI am using Centos 6.6 though
07:04.08HarisI'm on 7.x latest
07:04.16wyoungit should be in there then
07:04.32wyoungif not you can compile it from source, there is probably srpm for it somewhere too
07:04.35Harisyum info asterisk should show which repo its on
07:05.22wyoungIt's in base, epel, extras and updates
07:05.48wyoung1.8.32.3 though, it is a somewhat dated release
07:06.16Harisits not in repo for 7.x
07:06.31Harischecking another mirror
07:07.40Harisits not in base for 7
07:08.41Harisnot in base, extras, updates for 7.x. checking epel
07:09.40wyoungI just do a sudo apt-get install asterisk  :)
07:10.11*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (~mirkob@2a00:1950:400:0:89f4:570b:65e3:3409)
07:10.49Harisnot in epel as well
07:12.30Harisok. so I was using freepbx as a way to configure asterisk before now. found out its not a good option for my work. is there another tool which is great at providing front end for configuring asterisk, rather than needing me to poke around files
07:19.04*** join/#asterisk Haris (~haris@unaffiliated/haris)
07:20.44*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
07:24.02wyoungHaris: Not off the top of my head.  Most people just edit files.
07:24.18wyoungyou can create a web frontend if you want to
07:39.52wyoungdo it
07:41.00Harischecking if its been updated for c7
07:41.59Harisnot updated for 7
07:43.01wyoungInstall Ubuntu / Debian? :)
07:43.35*** join/#asterisk FarhaadN (~Farhad@
07:45.20Harisok. with debian I can also try freeswitch. probably a good idea
07:46.07FarhaadNi have a problem, randomly extention shows inuse in core show hints
07:46.26FarhaadNand any extention monitor this extention ,show show inuse
07:46.37Harisis ws/wss calls support been turned into separate mods on debian pkgs' ?
07:46.45wyoungHaris: or compile from source
07:46.48wyoungthat is what I usually do
07:49.19Hariscan srpms for 6 be built on 7 ?
07:49.32wyoungdepends on the dependencies
07:49.50wyoungsource code <3
07:50.21Haris is dated 23-Oct-2015 14:10    Size: 7.8M
07:50.35Harispretty old ?
07:51.38wyoungbuild from source or use another distro or use asterisk's yum repo or all of the above
07:52.21Harisasterisk hasn't been updated to support c7 yet. will have to come down to c6
07:52.24FarhaadNwyoung: can u help me?
07:54.42wyoungFarhaadN: ummm I am only computer qualified though so depends on your issues ;)
07:54.47HRH_H_Crabhi all, i am using asterisk on debian testing with the distro versions. i think i *may* be seeing this bug:
07:55.00wyoungFarhaadN: I have never experienced that issue before
07:55.05HRH_H_Crabsymptoms are that when i make outgoing calls, the recipient can hear me, but  i cannot hear them.
07:55.17HRH_H_Crabincoming calls work fine (with directmedia=no)
07:55.22wyoungFarhaadN: however check your firewall / logs, you may be under attack
07:55.26HRH_H_Crabnote that i connect to my upstream sip provider using ipv6
07:55.39HRH_H_Crabbut my handsets connect using ipv4 to my dual stack asterisk server.
07:55.40wyoungok that sounds like a firewall issue
07:55.48wyoungis your asterisk server behind NAT?
07:55.58HRH_H_Crabthere is no nat involved.
07:56.05wyoungyou have a firewall?
07:56.07HRH_H_Crabit connects to the upstream provider using ipv6 (so no nat)
07:56.20HRH_H_Crabbut there is no nat between the handsets and asterisk
07:56.24wyoungipv6 means no NAT?
07:56.37wyoungipv6 means no NAT?/
07:56.39wyoungwhat about a firewall though
07:56.41HRH_H_Crabwyoung: not necessarily, but in this case there is no nat.
07:56.48HRH_H_Crabi also note that if i enable the hep server
07:56.54HRH_H_Crabwhen making *outbound* calls
07:56.57HRH_H_Crab(not inbound)
07:57.07HRH_H_Crabi see errors about "address family mismatch"
07:57.14FarhaadNwyoung: there are'nt any firewall ,this is local
07:57.17wyoungif you can't hear stuff then it is usually a RTP issue
07:57.23wyoungin particular, being blocked
07:57.26HRH_H_Crabwyoung: i think so
07:57.35HRH_H_Crabbut in this case i think that its not the firewall blocking anything
07:57.54HRH_H_Crabi think its the dual stack server not correctly bridging ip6 / ipv4 as per that bug report i referenced.
07:58.11HRH_H_Crabi note he has an excerpt of sip debug included
07:58.32HRH_H_Crabbut im not sure reading that, how he has diagnosed the problem
07:58.47wyoungok well I have never used IPv6
07:59.19HRH_H_Crabapparently (from his report) he only sees the problem in asterisk 12. im using 13.8
07:59.24HRH_H_Crabhe says that version 11 works fine
08:00.02HRH_H_Craband i have heard from someone else using a dual stack asterisk server bridging ipv4 / ipv6 works, so i may try that to confirm
08:00.19HRH_H_Crabbut i thought i would mention it here unless anyone knew about this problem.
08:06.52wyoungTK would know
08:07.08wyoung[TK]D-Fender: *bump*
08:11.27Hariscentos or debian for asterisk's best support ?
08:13.43Hariswith debian I had a slight issue with pkg re-installs. it would cache already installed pkgs, rather than re-installing them, which in my case would generate pkg version conflicts. I prefer centos for clarity of pkg installs .. especially in case of re-installs. This happens for me when I manually re-install asterisk
08:14.23*** join/#asterisk pa (~pa@unaffiliated/pa)
08:15.03Harismanual install tutorial for asterisk doesn't mention the fact that node js server needs to be setup. is node js server needed for ws/wss calls ?
08:16.59*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (
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08:17.21*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
08:34.26*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
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08:44.58davlefouhi, is it possible to send and receive sms via asterisk when we used voip line?
08:49.56*** join/#asterisk MrBlackHeim (~Mr.Blackh@
08:57.37wyoungHaris: for best support buy a digium PBX
09:22.19Hariswell, I'm not implementing a traditional voice pbx per se
09:22.38Haristhis one is for webrtc calls over ws/wss over the Internet mostly. no pstn connectivity at all
09:36.12*** join/#asterisk FarhaadN (~Farhad@
09:58.26*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
10:06.37*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (
10:25.19Harislooks like community has stopped maintaining or upgrading pkgs for new OS version(s) or for centos 7
10:25.30Harisor there is a break in it
10:34.25SamotHaris: Actually explain your problem.
10:34.59WIMPyHe did. He istalled from packages.
10:37.18SamotWIMPy: Before you go down this rabbit hole, [TK]D-Fender and I have spent almost the last 8 weeks hand holding Haris on this endeavor.
10:37.54WIMPyI actually missed that.
10:38.04SamotWIMPy: Total lack of the ability to follow instructions or absorb the knowledge of things discussed, at length, with him.
10:38.30SamotDove in to VoIP/SIP, Asterisk, everything about the same time we started helping him.
10:41.19*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
10:41.45SamotAnd you wouldn't have seen most of it. He started with FreePBX but it's design won't let him implement WebRTC they way he would like to.
10:42.19SamotJust a little FYI.
10:42.37Samotfile has seen it, he knows the drain of this help vamp.
10:44.19filehmmm? oh
10:47.39SamotHaris>  ok. what tutorial do I follow to install asterisk for ws/wss video calls + cdr + vm + etc etc ?  <--- You've been provided the links for this a few times. Including last week when I provided them to you.
10:48.35WIMPyWasn't first, won't be last.
10:49.15SamotCrtl+D generally stops that problem.
10:49.28SamotIn most browsers.
10:50.02SamotBookmark command.
10:50.13HarisSamot: well, someone also mentioned later on that .. that url was for something else, rather than this
10:50.21SamotWhich one?
10:50.26SamotThe one for WebRTC?
10:50.28WIMPyOh, right.
10:50.32SamotThat has the links for Secure Calling?
10:50.48SamotAnd links in the Wiki for basic user / device setup.
10:51.13SamotNo, the Wiki link to make WebRTC work is for making WebRTC work.
10:51.32WIMPyis currently upgrading openssl so I can upgrade Asterisk tonight.
10:52.16HarisI'm getting my c7 VM re-installed for c6. and the other VM re-installed with debian latest to start from scratch. Looks like asterisk is not yet ready for c7
10:52.19*** join/#asterisk sekil (
10:52.49WIMPyIf distro matters, something is seriousely wrong.
10:53.06SamotIt would mean he has to install from source.
10:53.07Haristhere's an asterisk yum repo with c6 rpm pkgs. old though. It doesn't have pkgs for c7
10:54.20WIMPyYes, but how likely is it that a packaged version does what you want? I find it a little questionable to provide packaged versions of an application as configurable as Asterisk.
10:54.29SamotHaris: I'm going back to my original advice to you for almost the last two months: Hire someone.
10:54.45*** join/#asterisk KValchev (
10:54.49HarisI'v relayed that option to decision makers. let's see what decision is made
10:54.52WIMPyHaris: Have you check if they are new enough to enable you to do what you want?
10:55.41SamotWould a cost analysis of this endeavor thus far help them make their decision.
10:55.47HarisWIMPy: I need browser to browser video calls over ws/wss, between mob app user and bank agent and then cdr + possibly vm
10:55.49SamotBecause they are bleeding money on this.
10:56.06SamotOh christ, now a mobile app is involved.
10:56.31Harisshakes head. why did I have to mention that. now he's going to get more confused :|
10:56.35WIMPyHaris: I didn't as what you want to do. I asked if you checked, if the available version will let you do that.
10:56.50Harisit doesn't have mods for ws as separate pkg
10:57.05SamotWIMPy: Watch the edge of the rabbit hole.
10:57.26HarisI'm going to check it out. and remove it completely if it doesn't work. and then go with install from source .. all over again
10:59.10Harismob app part is just going to have one button that will initiate sip call with our sip server. that's a no brainer or more like a sip client configured to call one sip server/proxy/exchange. that's not the part which is proving hard to work on. the server part, in which we want to deploy a sip server that'll actually make the calls to happen
10:59.35SamotYeah, the most vital piece of the service.
10:59.37Harisis the part which requires major attention
10:59.43SamotYou know, making the calls work.
11:00.06SamotIt's not funny Haris.
11:00.11SamotReally, it's not. has given up on that a long time ago.
11:00.19HarisI'm not laughing. that was a smile in agreement
11:00.39SamotYou're being paid to do a project that you are totally dependant on IRC community support to do.
11:00.48HarisI'm not a contractor
11:00.52Harisor on a part time job
11:00.54SamotAre you getting paid?
11:01.02Harismy position is full time.
11:01.12SamotThat means you are being paid to do this.
11:01.19Samot"Make WebRTC calls work"
11:01.23SamotThat's your job right now.
11:01.33SamotThey are paying you to get Asterisk and WebRTC calls working.
11:01.35SamotYou are in here.
11:02.04SamotAsking every step of the way "How do I do X?"
11:03.11Harisyes. that's because there isn't a clear way to doing X or my practical experience has shown that the documentation does not lead to a working solution or doesnt' lead to a working solution in my specific condition
11:03.28SamotYour practical experience is asking everything.
11:03.35Harisin apache, I can load/unload mods to have or not have functionality
11:03.44SamotYou can do the same in Asterisk.
11:03.56SamotYou can load and unload modules you need/don't need.
11:04.18Harisso far, with asterisk when I enable web sockets mod, I can't register properly with asterisk with a browser on a random laptop on the same LAN segment
11:04.22SamotContinue to compare apples to oranges though.
11:04.45WIMPyProbably because of NAT.
11:04.56Harisnat does not apply on the same lan segment
11:05.04SamotSomething he's been told numerous times as well.
11:05.23WIMPyThat doesn't mean it's causing trouble with SIP.
11:05.34SamotYou've installed the SSL certs right?
11:05.48HarisI had installed them
11:05.59SamotAll the TLS settings are set and correct?
11:06.08WIMPySome attempts to make SIP work over NAT will make it fail if a NAT situation is deteced but does not apply.
11:06.11SamotAll the device settings for transport and TLS are set?
11:06.14HarisI'm re-doing to OS to show my config again
11:06.20Harison two separate OSs
11:06.52HarisWIMPy: why would anyone need nat for communication between boxes .. on the same LAN segment ?
11:07.05HarisOSs = VMs
11:07.58fileif it's not working then reinstalling or trying a different OS isn't going to help - you have ot investigate and undestand *why* it's not working
11:08.18WIMPyHaris: That's not what I said. The fact that it's there, even if somewhere else, it can do harm with SIP.
11:08.58filein the case of websockets that's narrowing things down - looking at wireshark captures to see the negotiation
11:09.13WIMPyThat's just the classic case of a bugfix intrducing new bugs.
11:09.52filewebsockets themselves haven't been touched and are used quite heavily - as ARI also uses them for the event system
11:10.56fileand WebRTC itself can work, but when it doesn't it's hellish to debug because there's lots of moving parts to it
11:12.03Harisand since its happening in browser. there's no errors or logs made
11:12.31filethere's the Javascript console, and you can also enable logging within Chrome, as well there's chrome://webrtc-internals
11:12.49fileif anyone is seriously wanting to get into WebRTC and make it a product that is stuff they HAVE to learn along with WebRTC itself
11:12.58fileotherwise you pay someone to deal with all of it
11:12.58Hariswhen I input my sip uri in sip client, I get nothing. just the page reloads "as was"
11:13.37Harisif chrome://webrtc-internals helps debug or give me errors, I'll at least know which direction to look into
11:13.51Harisor where the problem lies in the path
11:16.42Samotfile: No one has correlated that even once they get it working, they have to be able to support it.
11:16.47HarisI need to be able to run a manual sip session via telnet. if I can succeed in that, I can try to build a tool, a basic tool, say in VB, which exchanges basic sip headers to troubleshoot basic connectivity between client <-> server
11:16.59SamotJust stop.
11:17.12SamotYou don't even understand the basics of SIP and WebRTC..
11:17.20SamotDon't talk about making tools for SIP testing.
11:18.41HarisI'v read on sip and webrtc. seen tutorials on webrtc on youtube. seen sip client web apps. I know SIP, RTP, RTCP, SRTP
11:18.48SamotYou do?
11:18.58SamotBy watching a few youtube videos?
11:19.16SamotHalf comprehension of some Wiki pages?
11:19.39Harisasterisk is not the only topic where I read or learned about sip, etc etc
11:19.50HarisI'll leave it at that
11:19.56SamotHaris: If you had a basic understanding of any of that....
11:20.03SamotWe wouldn't be two months into this.
11:20.20SamotWe wouldn't have had to explain every step of TLS calling.
11:20.22Harisbasic understanding of a protocol cannot be compared to implementing a product
11:20.30SamotYou wouldn't be asking HALF the questions you ask.
11:20.33Harisa protocol and a product are two different things
11:21.01WIMPySamot: You need to get more productive.
11:21.09SamotI know.
11:21.12Hariswe have run webrtc calls directly between two browsers
11:21.21SamotI've already installed two servers while doing this.
11:21.23Harisjust not able to get it work through a client/server architecture yet
11:21.29SamotConfigured FOP2 on one of them already.
11:21.44SamotHaris: You get that is the BASICS?!
11:21.49WIMPyOh, does that still exist?
11:21.57SamotSo what you are saying is "I can't get the basics to work"
11:21.59SamotBut once I do...
11:22.02SamotStand back!
11:22.18SamotWIMPy: Yup.
11:22.29SamotDeploy it a lot.
11:22.52WIMPyIs it still SIP only?
11:23.24SamotYeah, I don't think it has IAX support.
11:23.27HarisI did get asterisk to work. I did get microsip <--asterisk--> microsip video calls to work both over udp and tls
11:23.39Harisjust unable to configure asterisk for ws transport based calls
11:23.47SamotThat's the basics of a standard SIP call.
11:23.59SamotWe're talking about the basics of a WebRTC call.
11:24.32WIMPyIt would need at least DAHDI support. Although I'm not using that any more, either.
11:24.35Hariswe'v already done a basic laptop 1 (browser) <---> laptop 2 (browser) video call over ws. it works with no asterisk in bwtween
11:24.57SamotThe bottom line is this: As long as the steps in a Wiki or video that you follow result in success, you're fine. If they result in failure, you're completely lost as to why.
11:25.45Haristhat's because the client does not throw errors and the server either doesn't get any traffic or isn't configured with verbose setting enough to give debug output for the activity I'm performing
11:25.57Harishate browsers for not throwing errors :|
11:26.41SamotIf it's something like JS that is client side based...
11:26.47WIMPytoo. But it's probably a good thing, as no professional web pagge has less than 100 errors.
11:26.50Hariswith apache, smtp, imap, I can perform a basic connectivity test via telnet, exchange headers. see if the server side responds. with sip, I don't know how to do that yet
11:26.54SamotThe Developer Tools with it's console and error reporting will show it.
11:27.03SamotIf it's sever side, then the server will show it.
11:27.06Hariswill try that
11:27.48SamotHaris: apples and oranges.
11:28.53Harisproducts are ofcourse apples and oranges. but the same method of troubleshooting can apply to sip, asterisk
11:30.09SamotNo, comparing SMTP to SIP.
11:30.58Hariscool feature
11:34.51Haristhere are
11:34.56HarisI just don't know how to work them yet
11:35.34Haristhese tools are for basic voice calls
11:37.11HarisI'm a CCVP
11:40.59*** join/#asterisk FarhaadN (~Farhad@
11:41.16*** join/#asterisk Zogot (~Adium@
11:41.47Harisrestarting irc client to change language :|
11:41.48*** part/#asterisk Haris (~haris@unaffiliated/haris)
11:42.01SamotJust no idea.
11:43.13*** join/#asterisk Haris (~haris@unaffiliated/haris)
11:56.53*** join/#asterisk nohitall (~nohitall@unaffiliated/nohitall)
11:57.57*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
11:58.00*** join/#asterisk chuckf (
11:58.13nohitallhi, i got a weird isue with incoming calls, 4/5 times the call fails, logs say invite fails, not authorized, so I googled that and read about allowing guest sip calls but that doesnt make sense to me since in 1/5 it works, it works randomly. I am a asterisk noob though, anybody can point me in the right direction?
12:00.18WIMPyCalls from an ITSP?
12:04.07nohitallsome mobile
12:04.20nohitallI am not familiar with the terms of SIp stuff sorry
12:04.30nohitalltest calls from a mobile phone into office, randomly works
12:04.35infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet Telephony Service Provider (or VoIP telephone company). They allow you to either SEND calls to the PSTN (this is called termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs.
12:05.20nohitallin logs I see "Using INVITE request as basis...SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized"
12:05.21WIMPyHow are those calls comming in to Asterik?
12:06.29nohitalluh via blueface the provider?
12:07.54WIMPyThen I guess they have servers on 5 different IPs and you only configured one of them.
12:08.03*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
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12:09.00nohitalli should see in the log which IP it comes from right?
12:09.32WIMPyProbably not.
12:09.50*** join/#asterisk Tiffon (~name@unaffiliated/tiff0n)
12:10.04WIMPyOr, the security log should have it.
12:10.16nohitallunder which settings panel do I see this for the IPs?
12:10.36nohitallah sorry, config file
12:10.40WIMPyWhat software are you talking about?
12:10.43nohitallim using elastix
12:10.50nohitallbut I can also directly check the confs, works too
12:11.27nohitallthis is first day I ever came across this, so im doing crashcourse learning here, so forgive my missing knowledge :D
12:11.37WIMPyIf your ITSP uses multiple IPs, you need a peer per IP of your ITSP.
12:11.46nohitallwell sip.conf is empty
12:12.07nohitalldoes freepbx store the settings somewhere else?
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12:12.37WIMPyNo idea. And no support for 3rd party GUIs in here.
12:13.15nohitallwhats the setting called, so I can google int he docs
12:13.20WIMPyAnd not sure how much support you get in #freepbx when you mention elastix.
12:13.30WIMPyThere's not setting.
12:13.47WIMPyIt's about setting up peers.
12:13.56nohitallyou said it would be in sip.conf, how would it look like
12:14.08TandyUKits not a setting, its an entire config block in sip.conf, per peer
12:14.21nohitallyea I get that
12:14.23WIMPyLook for a sip.conf.sample
12:14.53nohitallk thanks
12:17.08nohitallwhats the overall opinion of elastix here? :D
12:23.52nohitallthe peer details for trunk are set by domain
12:23.57nohitallso I figure that elimantes IP issue?
12:24.21WIMPyNope. It causes it.
12:24.56nohitallI get 2 IPs on resolve though, not 5 or w/e
12:25.05nohitallso you think I gotta set them both and that should be it?
12:25.16WIMPyThat's been bad luck then, I guess.
12:25.31nohitallyea well 50/50 still can end up with fail/fail/fail/fail/fail/win
12:25.34nohitallok thanks
12:25.56nohitallanother noob question: they'd be both in the same trunk though right?
12:26.14nohitallI assume I can't put 2 host=ip...?
12:26.37WIMPy"trunk" doesn't really mean anything, except as a marketing term.
12:27.25nohitallso I change to 2 lines with host=ip1 and host=ip2
12:27.54WIMPyCorrect: You CAN't.
12:27.59WIMPyYou have to make two peers.
12:28.10nohitallso 2 trunks
12:28.45nohitallok how sure can we be this is the reason anyway? if it resolves by IP and I get authorization issue, that means there must be somewhere a esttings that only allows for certain IP correct?
12:29.20nohitallor why is using the domain the issue?
12:30.20WIMPyWhat do you think how a call is matched to a peer?
12:30.56WIMPyITSP won't provide credentials when they send you a call. Or at least I haven't seen any do so.
12:31.16WIMPyWhich is pretty bad, off course, but well...
12:31.24nohitallyea but if asterisk says "unathorized" against what list does it authorize?
12:31.30nohitallor what reference
12:31.46nohitallif only 1 of the 2 Ips work where is this set?
12:31.52WIMPyThe list of configured peers.
12:32.22nohitallin which conf file do I find that?
12:32.30WIMPyIf you use host=domain it will chose a random IP for that domain when it parses the config.
12:33.11WIMPyOr maybe in a database. But I won't dive into "realtime" configuration.
12:33.43nohitallhm but its not there, hence its not set it seems
12:34.11nohitallbut the peer details have the domain
12:34.31nohitallhost=domain is in peer details
12:34.44nohitallwhere is the other IP that is not authorized defined then?
12:35.18WIMPyIf it was defined it probably wouldn't be unauthorized.
12:35.56nohitallbut if incoming callis from the second IP is fails
12:36.06*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (
12:36.23WIMPyTh' IS the way chan_sip works.
12:36.31nohitallah ok now I get it then :)
12:36.55nohitallcan I do this? host=ip1&ip2&ip3
12:36.58nohitalljust saw that somewhere
12:37.37WIMPyI already told you you need to define one peer per IP.
12:38.19nohitallcan tehy have the same settings? othewrise, here stuff like qualify,insecure is set
12:38.27nohitallcan port be the same?
12:38.30WIMPyWith chan_pjsip it can be handled more efficiently, I think.
12:39.04nohitallI give it a try
12:39.08nohitallhelp is much appreciated
12:39.37WIMPyAnd if you want to tidy things up there's the template thing. But that concept most probably doesn't exist in any GUI.
12:40.43*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
12:41.54nohitallis there some cmdline tool to check how many trunks are up/configured
12:42.01nohitallI set the second one, applied changes
12:42.04nohitalljust wonder if its set
12:42.28WIMPy'sip show peers'
12:44.44nohitalldo I need to setup second route too?because it says that
12:44.53nohitalltrunk is unused, route needs to be set
12:45.28WIMPyIs that a outgoing thing?
12:45.36nohitallyea seems so
12:46.23nohitallah nvm I can set trunk sequence
12:48.17nohitallwell seems still issue still though
12:48.53nohitall7 fails, all with SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized
12:49.06WIMPyDo the calls come from the expected IPs?
12:51.35nohitallwhy is it doing Using INVITE request as basis request
12:52.10nohitallwell the failures all show this
12:52.30nohitallwait I copy to pastebin
12:52.40WIMPyThat's how SIP works.
12:53.59WIMPy"no matching peer"
12:54.38nohitallwell but sometimes it works
12:55.04WIMPyThen you need to find the difference.
12:55.42nohitallwhat does the no matching peer means
12:55.52WIMPyEither at the *CLI with a lot of verbose and debug or with sngrep or wireshark.
12:55.59WIMPyWhat it says.
12:56.58nohitalli dont even know what to look for
12:57.33nohitallseems setting both trunks by IP caused total failure
12:57.52nohitallor failurerate is much higher now hm
12:58.04nohitallone sec I try to find a succesfull log
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12:59.51nohitallWIMPy: works now
12:59.54nohitallWIMPy: THANKS
13:00.04nohitalldont know why seems config reloadwas not instantly
13:00.35nohitallWIMPy: feelfree to query me if you ever need help with something( no matter the topic)
13:02.44WIMPyErrm. That's a pretty broad range.
13:03.07nohitallSIp stuff is the only thing I never worked with
13:03.13nohitallother than that basically anything
13:03.20WIMPyOther Telco stuff?
13:03.23nohitalljust saying if u need a favor returned ;)
13:03.47WIMPyhas lots of open building sites.
13:04.25nohitallwell if you ever get stuck with something maybe I can be of help
13:04.59WIMPyLike do you know anything about Parley service access controllers?
13:06.04WIMPyOr are you in to GNs Lite3000?
13:06.21nohitallI got no experience whatsoever with anything that has to do with telephony :D
13:06.48nohitallso no to both, dont know them
13:07.05nohitallyou can ask me for cluster/networking stuff
13:07.08WIMPySo what ARE you good at then?
13:07.23WIMPyOh. Actually I can.
13:08.01WIMPyFor the VoIP stuff I set up TC which used to work great.
13:08.11WIMPyBut at some point it stopped doing so.
13:08.35WIMPyAnd so far I have neither been able to find out why, nor did I find anyone with an idea.
13:10.41nohitalldoubt I can help ther either
13:11.24nohitallwhat you mean with TC? tele closet?
13:11.37WIMPyTrtaffic Control
13:12.37nohitallin what form
13:13.13WIMPyman tc
13:13.23WIMPyOk, so any other category?
13:15.31nohitallwell you can always query and ask, maybe
13:16.01WIMPyDidn't work out too well so far.
13:16.43*** part/#asterisk nohitall (~nohitall@unaffiliated/nohitall)
13:16.52Harisok. preparing my centos vm for asterisk 13
13:17.00Harisfresh os install
13:33.44*** join/#asterisk Spengler (
13:34.18Spengleris anyone using Asterisk over a VPN?  If so are there any caveats?  I have been testing it over a 50/50 FIOS connection and it seems to work pretty good.
13:34.41Spenglerusing a site-to-site VPN, Edgerouter lite from Ubiquiti
13:37.37WIMPyWith SIP the usual IP confusions apply.
13:38.15SpenglerI had to take the "localnet" configuration out but after I did that everything worked great
13:38.24Spengleraudio was crystal clear and no choppiness
13:41.28*** join/#asterisk Krikke001 (c13a29fa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:42.14Krikke001Good afternoon, I was wondering if somebody would be able to give me some troubelshooting tips regarding G722/H264 troubleshooting on video calls.
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13:56.30gingitsuneWhat SIP client would recommend for development purposes?
13:57.29SamotTo vague of a question.
13:57.49gingitsuneWell thats really as specific I can get at this point
13:57.58gingitsuneJust shopping around for clients at this point
13:58.08gingitsuneDownloaded linphone
13:58.44gingitsuneMost of these webpages on softphones seem rather web 1.0.
13:59.32WIMPyYou mean they are actually usefull?
14:00.47gingitsuneToo early to call on that :)
14:00.55gingitsuneI'm sure they are
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14:55.45ntz[TK]D-Fender: servus
14:56.26ntzi've partially resolved issue I've been asking here about - thanks chan, you've told me crap that delayed me 2 days, anyhow, I have it already solved at my own
14:57.02ntzwhere do I please find the description and names of available array fields for CALLERID ?
14:57.32WIMPy'core show function CALLERID'
14:57.49WIMPyDescriptions don't exist.
14:58.55ntzok, thanks
14:59.17*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-fypbvgaeikqqhzhf)
15:00.15WIMPyIf you should find any, tell me. I might then be able to finally tell, which channel(s) do things right and which one(s) don't.
15:02.01ntzthis seems usable
15:06.07*** join/#asterisk pa (~pa@unaffiliated/pa)
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15:09.22ntzhmm, I'm still unable to set correctly CID and DID however I have workaround
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15:33.00ntzokay, can anybody please help me with following: I have difficulties to set DID and CID between two t38modems .... how do I please dump the environment during the call ? I need to verify, that sending modem at least tries to send something within his CID and DID
15:33.29WIMPyntz: That may be usefull and, as usual there, outdated. But does ot tell you anything about CALLERID.
15:34.10WIMPySending a DID doesn't make sense.
15:34.17WIMPyAnd for the rest there's the Verbose application.
15:34.46WIMPyWhat are you trying to do and how does it fail?
15:37.18ntzWIMPy: building a paste for you, gimme a minute
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15:43.41ntz^^ please check comments ^###
15:44.26ntzthere are only 3 things and full output from `sip set debug on' during sending/receiving fax from to
15:46.05ntzWIMPy: I'd like to achieve nothing lesser than that I see on receiving side both CID and DID
15:47.01WIMPyAnd what route does the call take?
15:47.16WIMPyAAnd is it about the sending or the receiving side?
15:47.52ntzthis is my actual dialplan:
15:48.10WIMPyStop posting random snippets.
15:48.26WIMPyI need to get an idea of what your doing first.
15:48.43WIMPyWhat's the full path of the fax call?
15:49.00ntzo.O, I don't understand to the question
15:49.36WIMPyHow do you send the fax and what components/technologies are involved on the way to the receiver.
15:49.37ntzthere is just t38modem that uses asterisk's sip as an carrier so *everything that comes out is sent at asterisk's sip port
15:49.52ntzt38modem + hylafax
15:50.10WIMPyOn both ends?
15:50.17ntzyes, and same versions
15:50.19WIMPyConnected to the same Asterisk?
15:51.31ntz10.0.255.211 (aka 111211) sends via asterisk ( to (aka 111212)
15:52.07ntzthis is exact dialplan (extensions.ael)
15:52.34WIMPyOh. AEL.
15:52.47ntzI was playing with Set(CALLERID(foo)=xyz), that's why it's commented out
15:53.27WIMPyNormal caller ID is in CALLERID(num).
15:53.59ntzWIMPy: I'd start first with checking from sip debug output if sending side sends it
15:54.36WIMPyThe sending t38modem does not send any caller ID.
15:56.00ntzhere is some sort of correct from and to destinations
15:56.58WIMPyThe only from part I see there is the username.
15:57.28ntzcan I somehow pair on the astrisk side that has a prefix 111211 ?
15:58.07WIMPyYou can set caller ID in a peer, yes.
16:01.11ntzbut I can't do it on the hylafax side ....
16:01.52ntzcan I somehow set on asterisk side that call from will have 111211XXX ?
16:01.58ntzas the CID
16:04.18*** join/#asterisk puzzled (~puzzled@2001:982:1097:1::1:3)
16:06.17WIMPyYou can set caller ID in a peer, yes. peer as in sip.conf.
16:14.25ntzWIMPy: okay, CID works now !!!! good
16:14.34ntznow I have to make working DID
16:18.36WIMPyI still have no idea what you mean there.
16:24.50ntzthat f****** DID does not work .... I am not able to see on the receiving side the number that is supposed to be receiving a fax
16:28.34WIMPyAh, the called number.
16:29.17WIMPyThen you should try to Dial(sip/theModemsPeerName/TheCalledNumber)/
16:30.36ntzsuperb, thanks
16:32.53ntzWIMPy: I guess right in here, eg Dial() part from my extensions.ael: Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@T38modem_mgec211,15,g);
16:34.12WIMPyBut you already have it there, just with the @-syntax.
16:34.29WIMPySo maybe your EXTEN is no longer valid.
16:35.19WIMPyNo, looks good.
16:35.50WIMPyBTW: Thanks for using raw text pastebins.
16:36.11ntzWIMPy: seriously or ironic ?
16:36.36*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (~luckman21@unaffiliated/luckman212)
16:36.37ntzgood :), I also like it, you're welcome
16:36.43WIMPyIt's quicker and more readable.
16:38.43ntzI'd be so lucky if I'd be able to see on receiving side a DID :( .... isn't there a way that I modify somehow my Dial() command ?
16:39.25WIMPyThat must be a t38modem thing.
16:40.19WIMPyAnyway I'm away for the evening NOW.
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18:42.51||cwntz: that's typically done by modifying the CID with the DID info, like not sending the name, bit the CID number field has the CID, and the CID name field has the DID, but the provider needs to do this
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23:08.51scvfun times
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23:09.05scvgrandstream is using freepbx code in their ucm61xx without acknowledging it
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