IRC log for #asterisk on 20160807

00:16.34*** join/#asterisk acidfu_ (
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00:34.12*** join/#asterisk UncleKiwi (~UncleKiwi@unaffiliated/unclekiwi)
00:34.32UncleKiwianyone here going to astricon
00:35.24UncleKiwii think its far to expensive and that's not good
00:37.32alfabitwas there in 2009 haven't been since ha
00:39.57UncleKiwii wonder why they need to make the price so high
00:40.19UncleKiwido they only want the elite turning up
00:40.20alfabiti was actually on the site just yesterday but didnt' even look at the prices...what are they?
00:40.39UncleKiwii think for the cheap tickets its like 700USD
00:40.41alfabitprobably.  same thing with defcon it is not like the old days there either
00:40.45alfabitOMG haha
00:40.57alfabityep corporate leaders only
00:41.03UncleKiwithats bs
00:41.15UncleKiwiasterisk has been hijacked
00:42.07alfabitany opinions on running * in place of a sip client or why that's not a good idea?
01:05.39UncleKiwii have a couple sip clients (bria on android and bria on an iphone) they work most of the time really well but its a bit hit and miss its not really at a level where I can offer this as a quality service
01:06.13UncleKiwii think its more the mobile networks going on and off and on and off
01:06.33UncleKiwior can it be done really well ?
01:06.52WIMPyDo you rmember Windows 95? That was famous because it worked most of the time and it still was a massive success.
01:07.43UncleKiwiHey WIMPy
01:07.44WIMPyAre you using SIP over TCP there?
01:07.59UncleKiwii think its TLS
01:08.30WIMPyYou might have done everything possible then.
01:08.45UncleKiwiits really great
01:08.54UncleKiwibut im just curious if i can make it better
01:09.12UncleKiwiI only like to get my clients using really quality solutions
01:09.29UncleKiwiin the meantime I provide my family with this service
01:09.54WIMPyYour're on the wrong track then. Or not serious about it.
01:10.23UncleKiwiwhat do you mean
01:10.45UncleKiwiyeah i think i need to get more serious about it
01:11.22WIMPyIt's really great how much that SIP thing works. but it will never become anything reliable.
01:12.22UncleKiwii wonder if i can use alternate protocols
01:13.30UncleKiwiits great when traveling
01:13.51WIMPyYes, but's not going to make things easier. And it will only be better, no chance of normal quality.
01:14.27UncleKiwiyeah i use g729
01:14.31UncleKiwiover mobile network
01:14.37UncleKiwiand g722 on wifi
01:14.46UncleKiwiit works nice most of the time
01:14.49WIMPyDo you have to?
01:15.05UncleKiwiits experimental
01:15.23WIMPyYes. It all is.
01:18.18UncleKiwiwhat i see a lot of is people here setting up hosted pbx's and trying to run big organisations with 90 phone or more over a remote asterisk box. I my opinion this is will be no good
01:19.00UncleKiwiI like to have a PBX at a site that big
01:19.19UncleKiwiam i correct in this view ?
01:19.59WIMPyIf they use the service on-site, I'd certainly agree.
01:20.41UncleKiwiits funny what people try to do
01:21.09WIMPyTrying to use the internet for realtime streams is enough for me, really.
01:21.36WIMPyAnd it's pretty easy to explain why that's never going to work.
01:21.56WIMPySo it's nice to see that it actually does work most of the time.
01:22.44UncleKiwiyeah its great what I have done with the softphones on the smartphones
01:22.49UncleKiwithats neat
01:23.04UncleKiwibut its almost perfect
01:23.49WIMPyMy list of issues is too long to remember.
01:24.16WIMPyBut that's probably the way it works. Let enough time pass and you forget about most of them.
01:24.43UncleKiwiso you never use sip ?
01:24.55UncleKiwihere in NZ we have very good providers
01:25.04WIMPyThat's unfortunately not possible any more.
01:25.11UncleKiwiwhy not ?
01:25.25WIMPyOr not practical rather.
01:25.30UncleKiwiwhy not
01:25.50UncleKiwiyour in germany right
01:26.14WIMPyBecause the Telcos really don't want to provide real phone service any more, except for mobile.
01:26.40UncleKiwibut businesses but still have landlines
01:27.01WIMPyThere are only two big ones left that will still sell real phone lines without mayor hassle.
01:27.13WIMPyUsually, yes.
01:27.18UncleKiwithere must be quality sip providers that are not thoes two players
01:29.11WIMPySure. The thing is that bigger installation would surely work better with SIP than residential/SOHO situation. But the later were thos that were forced to migrate first.
01:29.26WIMPyThe result is that people relly switched to using mobiles instead.
01:30.16WIMPyThey are more reliable, still provide most known features and the prices aren't prohibitive any more, either.
01:30.42WIMPyThat's the reaso why some people already proclaimed SIP is dead.
01:32.27UncleKiwii dont think i understood you . So for example a business with 20 lines 50 phones what do they use ? isdn ?
01:33.08UncleKiwisurly the cost of sip vs isdn is lts less
01:33.44WIMPyIP is much more expensive unless you use your residential type DSL service.
01:33.58UncleKiwiwow thats odd
01:34.35WIMPyTrouble is you need QoS or a dedicated IP link only for VoIP.
01:34.52UncleKiwino you dont need that
01:35.01WIMPyYou do.
01:35.17UncleKiwiyou just need a good internet conection 100Mb
01:35.39UncleKiwiit doesnt need to be dedicated
01:35.44WIMPyThat's not available everywhere.
01:35.49UncleKiwiit can be deicated
01:36.23UncleKiwiwould be fine
01:36.28WIMPyThat bog standard connection is still 16/1 ADSL2+ and if you go to youtube while you're on the phone that is going to go wrong.
01:37.20WIMPyYes, but that's more expensive than a 16/1 with ISDN as well.
01:37.39UncleKiwiit all depends on your market
01:37.52UncleKiwihere its different
01:38.16WIMPyfIf it made sense, more people would change for VoIP voluntarily, don't you think?
01:38.49UncleKiwiwell some old business owners are stuck in their ways
01:39.07UncleKiwiand the current telcos dont want them to wake up to VoIP
01:39.18UncleKiwiwell thats what its like in NZ
01:39.18WIMPyit's generelly not clever to replace something that works for something experimental.
01:39.52WIMPyDoesn't sound too bad :-)
01:40.12WIMPyDo you use mich ISDN in NZ?
01:40.26UncleKiwiI have a client that is doing over 1500 calls per day and 50 hours of calling per day and they say that its better than the isdn as far as reliability
01:41.24UncleKiwii dont know much about ISDN except i like shutting it down
01:41.35UncleKiwiand replacing it with SIP
01:41.42WIMPySounds pretty impossible. That old telco equipment was as good as military standards.
01:42.19UncleKiwiwell when its configured correclty it can ber great
01:42.28WIMPyYou woul'd stand a chance of a deal with a promise or 99.9% uptime.
01:42.55UncleKiwii think I would
01:42.59WIMPyJust as in the broadcast business.
01:43.30UncleKiwisorry all im saying is that we have very vewry good uptime
01:43.45WIMPyNoone promises more that 98% uptime any more today. Most only 97%.
01:43.47UncleKiwii have clients that are taxi companys
01:43.56WIMPyTry to calculate what that actually means.
01:44.58UncleKiwiwe have had 100% uptime over the past year for this client i mentioned
01:45.28WIMPySo you have a VoIP service with 97% uptime using an internet connection with 97% uptime. So you have a 94% chance to use it.
01:45.50UncleKiwii have fail over internet connections
01:46.14WIMPyThat's 1.5h downtime per day per contract.
01:46.35WIMPyNo. that's wrong.
01:47.45WIMPyAlost one hour. Bad enough. So if you're phone doesn't work for 57 miutes every day, you can't even complain. It's what you signed up for.
01:48.02UncleKiwiahah here its not like that
01:48.30WIMPyThat's what you get from the big telcos here.
01:48.52UncleKiwiyou need to get new leaders
01:48.58UncleKiwiover there in Germany
01:49.06WIMPyAnd if they wouldn't have to guarantee at least 97% uptime per law, I guess they would offer even less.
01:49.17WIMPyTell me somethign new.
01:49.46UncleKiwiyou should pack your bags are excape
01:50.13WIMPyNot a bad idea. But where would I go to?
01:51.17WIMPyThat's the mos obviousely worse place.
01:51.29UncleKiwii think it can be good
01:51.41UncleKiwilooks like they pay IT people good money
01:52.07WIMPyIt can be good everywhere. It mostly depends on the amounts of luck required :-)
01:52.19UncleKiwiyes luck is a factor
01:52.23UncleKiwii agree
01:52.48UncleKiwibut ya can make your own luck
01:53.01WIMPyBut the amount you need differs a lot between places.
01:53.12UncleKiwii agree
02:16.38*** join/#asterisk trelane (trelane@unaffiliated/trelane)
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11:53.01skyroveRRHello all.
11:53.44skyroveRRHow can I completely disable the generation of the XML documentation during compile? I am attempting to cross compile version 13.9.1 for ARM.
11:54.33file./configure --disable-xmldoc
11:55.04skyroveRRThat doesn't appear to work, it still generates docs after entering the menuselect directory.
11:55.40fileit will extract XML from things for menuselect, so it knows dependencies
11:58.42skyroveRRfile: let me get you a paste of the compile script and the build script. One min please.
12:01.23skyroveRRfile: build script: ; compilation output:
12:02.06fileI have no experience in cross compiling, but that's what it is trying to do there - get the XML information from everything so it can figure out dependencies
12:02.13fileand that's not something that has a built-in way to disable
12:03.40skyroveRRCould you perhaps add an option to disable the dependency checking in later versions then?
12:04.24fileWe can consider such a contribution, but that's a pretty serious change
12:05.46skyroveRRfile: IDK how distros like openwrt cross compile such a thing.
12:05.51skyroveRRIt's a mystery.
12:06.44fileThey might patch and hack stuff
12:07.12skyroveRRThey have some patches.
12:07.33skyroveRRBut that doesn't seem to do *anything*.
12:07.50scvyou can prebuild the deps file, it will use a cached copy iirc?
12:08.29fileAnd I can't look at outside patches to comment
12:19.47*** join/#asterisk Rasputin3711 (~Rasputin3@
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15:45.47raspberrypifanis a2billing the default free billing system for asterisk at this point?
15:49.32WIMPyTher is no such thing as a default.
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16:50.36laptopdude91Hello everybody!
16:50.43laptopdude91It's been a long, long time
16:50.53laptopdude91I lost my password to my original account, laptopdude90
16:58.25infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
16:58.32laptopdude91I remembered
17:20.22*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (~luckman21@unaffiliated/luckman212)
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17:40.33*** join/#asterisk nickgaw (~nick@2602:306:36a9:ec59:1cf9:da89:1c73:9bc6)
17:42.33nickgawHi, Are any of the Digium sip phones able to connect using wifi or just the network cables to the router or to the dahdi cards?
17:43.37WIMPyNo (AFAIK), yes, no.
17:49.30nickgawIs the best place to ask about those phones sales?
17:58.16nickgawSomething that is easy to connect to any network I am ok with buying a base that connects to the router then handsets that are like chordless phones but that can be assigned to different extentions is this type of phone even around?
17:59.12shido6office environment? warehouse? lots of dust and mud?
17:59.20WIMPyYes. How many? What area?
17:59.40nickgawsmall home setup with around 4 extentions.
17:59.49nickgawbut the ability to expand if needed.
18:00.01WIMPyLook at the Gigaset stuff.
18:00.20WIMPyOr an IAD with DECT, like AVM or ZyXEL.
18:01.57nickgawDo any of these companies have setup services where they can setup the phone so when I get them I just plug them in and they work with my asterisk server?
18:03.20nickgawor would I just go to the ip address of the phone is that either displayed on the phone or would I have to find it in the router and configure it that way?
18:04.31WIMPyAs far as your Asterisk goes they are just som SIP phones.
18:04.56nickgawyes but how do I configure the phone for the asterisk server?
18:05.16WIMPyVia web interface, like any oher IP phone.
18:05.31WIMPyOff course they contain some mini pBX themselves.
18:06.00nickgawlike what can the phones do on their own could I directly connect them to my sip trunks?
18:07.20nickgawDo any of them have voicemails built into them directly?
18:08.38*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (
18:08.53WIMPyThe routers do. At least teh AVMs do. Not sure about the ZyXEL.
18:09.41nickgawIs the voicemail system that comes with asterisk better then the sip phone answering machines?
18:09.44*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (
18:10.21WIMPyDefine "better".
18:10.55nickgawcan do more like allow checking of the messages from away from home and abilities to send messages to other users.
18:11.33WIMPyI haven't seen the option so send messages to oter users anywhere other than Asterisk.
18:12.06nickgawHow many messages can one of those standalone sip phones hold?
18:12.45WIMPyNot sure. But you can andd USB storage for more.
18:13.02shido6talk to Steve
18:13.11nickgawWould any of them support recording of calls or would that have to be done threw asterisk?
18:13.55WIMPyNope. Not seen that feature. Prpbably because that would be illegal in some places.
18:14.46nickgawI am in the USA with permission with both people on the call is it ok for me to record the calls for testing purposes?
18:15.39shido6i haven't seen usb storage for cordless phones
18:15.40shido6The VVX 500 phone has a USB port that allows for local audio call recording.
18:16.05nickgawwhat do you mean by local audio?
18:16.16WIMPyNot for the phone, off course. For the base.
18:16.37nickgawyes but would both sides be recorded?
18:23.36nickgaw! the book
18:23.48nickgawwhat is that bot called on here?
18:51.11*** join/#asterisk Rasputin3711 (~Rasputin3@
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19:38.51infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
20:16.45*** join/#asterisk boris_t (~boris_t@
21:22.16*** join/#asterisk Hauke (
21:27.25Haukewhen I want to do a sip call I always get this: tp_engine.c: No RTP engine was found. Do you have one loaded?
21:28.41HaukeI am using Asterisk 13.9.1 on OpenWrt / LEDE on a MIPS Big Endian CPU:
21:29.45HaukeI follwed this tutorial: and only added the new sip.conf and added the baisc dailplan
21:30.33HaukeI see the error when I want to start a call from one client to the other with Empathy
21:30.42HaukeThe call is droped after 2 seounds
21:30.48Haukeor disconnected
21:46.44Samot[Aug  7 21:25:47] ERROR[1283][C-00000000] rtp_engine.c: No RTP engine was found. Do you have one loaded?
21:47.15SamotThat's going to cause issues. Looks like you don't have DNS configured either.
21:52.46HaukeI found it, I had not installed some of the rtp modules
21:52.57HaukeI assumed they were included by default
21:54.29SamotAsterisk loads the modules you tell it to load.
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