IRC log for #asterisk on 20160805

00:07.06*** join/#asterisk klow (
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01:39.28*** join/#asterisk BeachBall (~BeachBall@unaffiliated/beachball)
01:40.14BeachBalli'm getting an error when running make with asterisk 13.10 - at make chan_iax2.o error 4
01:46.05BeachBalli disabled iax in menuselect = all good
01:46.17BeachBalljust being here makes me smarter
01:46.27*** part/#asterisk BeachBall (~BeachBall@unaffiliated/beachball)
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02:03.25*** join/#asterisk piling (~piling@unaffiliated/piling)
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03:51.02drmessanoNo it didnt
04:54.03freebscalm down
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05:52.34*** join/#asterisk Tiffon (~name@unaffiliated/tiff0n)
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06:37.58*** part/#asterisk ceiphas (
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07:26.52*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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07:34.36*** join/#asterisk Haris (~haris@unaffiliated/haris)
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08:15.53*** join/#asterisk bof23 (~Thunderbi@
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10:07.48Harisis there a tool for sip to check ws/wss based connectivity ?
10:28.36Samotsip show peers
10:28.50Harisnot in that sense
10:29.00SamotThen in what sense?
10:29.09SamotClarity is your friend when asking questions.
10:29.23Harislike I can manually simulate the register, options process of sip call as we do with troubleshooting smtp connections by manually telnet to the smtp server and going through a smtp transaction
10:29.43SamotClarity is your friend when asking questions.
10:29.53SamotI have no idea what you just said.
10:29.58HarisI need a tool or way to manually register and exchange headers for ws connection with asterisk
10:30.01Harisat server end
10:30.14Samotsip set debug on
10:30.44Harisit shows output. it doesn't actually register or exchange options headers to make and keep the sip connection
10:31.00HarisI need a manual way to register with a sip server like asterisk
10:31.13Harisand manually exchange headers to go through the register process
10:31.22SamotWhat do you mean by "manual way"?
10:31.37Harislike telnet to a smtp server and then going through the smtp transaction
10:31.56Harisehlo domain
10:31.57Harismail from: this-and-that
10:32.01Harisrcpt to: this-and-that
10:32.14Haristype data in multi-line fashion and exit with \n\n and .
10:32.33HarisIs there a manual way to telnet a sip server, and manully exchange headers
10:32.42Harisor a tool for it
10:32.45Harislike wscat
10:32.48Harisnpm install ws
10:32.49SamotYou realize how many headers are in a SIP messege?
10:33.07Haris12-13 in one time sending
10:33.26Harisjust like a http client sending its request to server end
10:33.33SamotWhy do you even need to do this?
10:33.50Haristo troubleshoot if I can actually succeed in connecting to the server via ws/wss
10:34.03Harisregister with it, and/or stay connected
10:34.08SamotWouldn't a WSS support client do that for you?
10:34.13SamotSince it would send the information
10:34.29SamotAcknowledge the auth-challenge.
10:34.36SamotSend back the proper response in www-digest format.
10:34.47HarisI'v been trying. perhaps I'm doing it the wrong way. I was not getting anywhere with a sip client that does ws. I mean get no output on errors or where the problem cams up
10:34.50Hariscams = came
10:35.34Harisws clients don't mention errors or where problem came up .. just like a browser stays mute no matter what error comes up
10:36.15HarisI tried barebones, eyebeam
10:38.41Hariswith ws/wscat I was able to connect to ws port. but I couldn't do anything further, like register or exchange headers, so I couldn't actually check if the server end was setup correctly
10:46.04SamotDid you actually go and install a pure Asterisk server?
10:46.16SamotOr are you still trying to do this on a FreePBX system?
10:52.55Haristhis is the freepbx distro install I'm moving on with at present
10:53.19HarisI'm hoping most stuff is pre-configured/ready on server end
10:53.53Hariswith a manual asterisk install, I'm not sure everything works correctly on centos
10:54.12HarisI have the other VM turned on, where I installed stuff manually. but not using it at present
10:54.37Harisif server end is ok, then I only have to worry about client end
10:54.57*** join/#asterisk piling (~piling@unaffiliated/piling)
11:04.57*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
11:08.53SamotHaris: What part of "It's not going to work on FreePBX how you want." was hard to understand yesterday?
11:09.23HarisI'm not using freepbx on that VM
11:09.30SamotFlat out told that everything you are doing at this point is pointless because of how FreePBX handles WebRTC/WS calls.
11:09.30HarisI'm using the asterisk installed on it
11:09.39SamotThat's what I just asked!
11:10.26Harisasterisk installed on VM is manually configurable ?
11:10.28SamotSo you have an Asterisk server that you installed but haven't really configured and aren't using it.
11:10.48HarisCorrection: asterisk installed on that VM is manually configurable ?
11:10.54SamotInstead you're still jerking around with the FreePBX install that's not going to do what you want. AND you're in here asking about it.
11:11.25Harisok. so you want me to manually install everything all over again ? rather than just flush the prev config and do the config manually again ?
11:11.45SamotOn the standalone Asterisk server? Yes.
11:12.01SamotGet rid of the FreePBX server. It's not going to do what you need/want.
11:12.07SamotStop messing with it.
11:12.43HarisI was not asking about the asterisk server. I was asking for a tool that one can use to troubleshoot sip connectivity
11:12.51SamotThere isn't one.
11:12.53SamotMove on.
11:12.55Harisvia its various transports
11:13.34Haristhat's a big ouch for the whole community or anyone who's trying to setup a voip box from the ground up
11:14.12HarisI have the other box. let me check if ws connectivity works on it
11:14.19SamotWhat you need to be asking now is "I've installed Asterisk X.X and I have followed instructions X, I've done A, B and C and now I'm getting Result Y [verbose debugs follow].
11:15.02HarisNope. don't need to ask that
11:15.18HarisI'm not doing text book exam here
11:15.50HarisI need to enable functionality that it comes with and test if that functionality works
11:18.10Harisits like making a virtualhost in apache and testing if that virtualhost is configured right. its like not follow exactly that manual page and that's the only thing that this piece of software can do
11:18.44Haristhere'a a million scenarios' for which a virtualhost can be configured
11:19.28Samotvirtualhosts have nothing to do with getting Asterisk configured to support WebRTC or TLS calls.
11:19.29HarisI built asterisk from the ground up with ws/wss support. I'm trying to test if it was built correctly. there's no manual page that helps me do that
11:19.54Harisit tells me vaguely how to develop it. but not how to test it
11:19.58Harisif it doesn't work
11:20.08HarisCorrection: or what to do if its not working as intended
11:20.34SamotHow you test it is using the debug tools that are provided within Asterisk.
11:21.02Harisasterisk debug tools report output. they can't be used to test or troubleshoot connectivity or to simulate a basic sip session
11:21.18Hariswhich is .. what I need at this point in time
11:21.23SamotWhat connectivity?
11:21.39SamotYou mean if your WebRTC client is sending SIP messages to Asterisk?
11:21.44SamotYes, it will tell you that.
11:22.06SamotIf you don't see the messages then you need to figure out why they aren't making it there.
11:22.37Samottcpdump will monitor any traffic on your interfaces to see what is happening.
11:22.58SamotSo there are various ways to see if your "connection" is making it to the Asterisk server.
11:24.57Haristhat's ok. that part doesn't take much to make it work. simulating a sip registration or header exchange is what I need
11:25.11SamotThen use a client or a phone.
11:25.16SamotLike everyone else.
11:25.40SamotSomehow everyone else has managed to troubleshoot their issues in that manner.
11:25.45Harisis there a client which can show output of headers it sent or received for doing what it does ?
11:26.08SamotNo. You can use wireshark on your computer the client is on.
11:26.09Harisdebug output exchange in verbose mode at client end
11:26.11SamotWatch the traffic.
11:26.29Harisneed to learn how wireshark does that
11:27.17SamotThen I guess you start learning.
11:31.16*** join/#asterisk clopez (
11:35.59*** join/#asterisk Zogot (~Adium@
11:38.33HarisSIP Debugging re-enabled
11:38.50Harisws connection is starting up. but don't know how to proceed
11:40.03*** join/#asterisk newtonr (RustyNewto@nat/digium/x-jiqobaelmncbtuic)
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11:44.09*** join/#asterisk Haris (~haris@unaffiliated/haris)
11:48.50SamotSo now you're showing results without explaining the steps you took to get those results.
11:49.17SamotWhat have you done to configure Asterisk for web socket support and calls?
11:53.24Harisexactly as that page said. config http.conf, sip.conf
11:53.35Samot"That page"?
11:53.39SamotWhich page is that?
11:54.07Harisres_http_websocket is loaded
11:56.44SamotThat's two things. What about the rest?
11:59.04SamotProve what you've actually configured and done.
11:59.07Harisit says enable http server - done. it says set bindport - done
11:59.08infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
11:59.17SamotShow it.
12:02.25Haristhis is manually installed server asterisk/freepbx 13
12:02.33SamotNO FREEPBX!
12:02.37Harisbut this asterisk is also configured through freepbx
12:02.46Harisit has no ssl cert
12:03.12Harisok. well, it'll take me some time to get all things re-done.
12:03.18SamotThen do them.
12:03.20Haris*sigh*. bbl
12:03.25SamotDon't come in here with things half-ass.
12:03.42SamotAnd no FreePBX.
12:03.46SamotStraight Asterisk install.
12:03.57*** join/#asterisk bof22 (~Thunderbi@
12:03.58Hariscentos 6 ?
12:04.06SamotWhatever OS you'd like.
12:04.10SamotIt's Asterisk.
12:04.28SamotIt plays nice on CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian, etc.
12:05.04Harisok. going with c7
12:06.00SamotAnd when you come back for help it's "I followed X, did A, B, C and got result Y"
12:06.17SamotA,B and C better include settings up TLS properly.
12:06.42SamotNo "How do I do?" type questions.
12:06.58HarisI have the cert handy. it'll be done.
12:20.52*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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12:28.31*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
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13:57.00*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-bdqorouhqlazduls)
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14:15.02*** join/#asterisk ntz (
14:15.07*** join/#asterisk WIMPy (~wimpy@
14:15.19ntzi need to ask for one rather generic thing:
14:16.00ntzI'm designing some software solution for fax based on hylafax, t38modem and asterisk doing full routing based on fax numbers
14:16.35ntzI am completely not an expert on telephonia but my solution works (somehow) fine but probably not following a RFCs
14:17.30ntzI can send/receive faxes with users from ldap determined by subaddress when the is in format $base_number#$subaddress (note # character)
14:18.25ntzdoes "xxx" in typical number like +32-2-12345-xxx represent subaddress ?
14:18.35ntzi'm little bit confused by this
14:19.56ntzwhat I'd like to point out is, that in this case the subaddress is somehow enwrapped in the fax number (part before #) so on the target device I see:
14:20.31ntzAug  3 14:39:21 srv0 FaxGetty[18617]: RECV FAX (000000134): recvq/fax000000045.tif from 1111212, subaddress 07, 2 pages in 0:00:22
14:20.53WIMPyHas anyone ever used subaddresses?
14:21.10ntz^^ for testing purposes I just created a dialplan with sample numbers (not connected to outside world) like you see 1111212
14:22.17ntzso from the hylafax POV the EXT is `1111212' and the subadress is somehow hidden inside t38 protocol
14:28.07[NC]ntz: subaddress is a FAX thing, it is actually part of T.30, so yes hidden inside T.38. Asterisk has no knowledge about this FAX subaddress Sender and receiver need to support and use this.
14:36.05ntz[NC]: it does work for me, I have no problem with that .. I'm only asking, for that our customer wants to have fax numbers in ldap and they also want to be compatible with outside world so how it works with assigning fax numbers (or tel numbers - I guess it's same)
14:36.42ntzthey shall have a national prefix (eg +32) and the rest nin-digit-number from some provider, but who's that provider ?
14:37.10ntzwe're now testing that in the bubble of own network that is not connected to outside world and it works as we set it in the bubble
14:37.46ntzif we fax to four-digits number it works .... if we create fifteen-digits numbers in dialplan it will work also
14:39.28*** join/#asterisk babak (uid19622@gateway/web/
14:50.25[NC]ntz: You need a VoIP provider that has numbers in the country you need them. (you could use a traditional telco provider with an ATA too..)
14:55.26ntz[NC]: and does it work like that the provider gives me say first six numbers eg 123456 and let me freely assign the rest of 3 ? so the format is (with nat prefix) +$nat_prefix-123456-$extension ?
14:56.36*** part/#asterisk Haris (~haris@unaffiliated/haris)
14:56.48ntzeg for belgium +32-123456-789 where 123456 is the number I pay for to a provider and the rest 789 is my exclusive range I can do whatever I want with that ?
14:57.20SamotWhat do you mean by that?
14:57.29SamotDo what with it?
14:57.37SamotIt's the last three digits of the number.
14:58.56ntzSamot: example from our company - we have some prefix for telephone numbers eg +420-123456-xxx and this rest part is somehow managed within our company (IP phones) and our admins can freely assign/re-assign among the employees
14:59.28SamotAre you sure it's not because they got a range of numbers from the provider?
14:59.45SamotBecause in US/Canada it's NPA-NXX-XXXX
14:59.57SamotThe XXXX is the same as your XXX
15:00.00*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (~mirkob@2a00:1950:400:0:f56f:26f6:526b:6aa)
15:00.18ntzSamot: okay, so it works like that we'll get some available range (or pool) ?
15:00.19SamotCompanies get a range of number in XXXX and generally do assign extensions based on that XXXX part.
15:00.36ntzSamot: good, thanks
15:00.47SamotYou just don't randomly pick that last part of the DID out of the air.
15:00.58SamotThey need to know how to route that number and it's calls.
15:02.31ntzSamot: just to explain you - I'm responisble for making it running but my knowledge about dialplan-related and other phoney-related RFCs is rather none, so actually for me everything works when we're in the PoC bubble and we can create a dialplan as we want so I am asking what I shall expect when it comes to prod
15:03.06ntzSamot: so in other words, I shall expect the range of numbers that are for us
15:03.35ntzand it will be basically 9-digits long (without NAT prefix)
15:04.39ntzNAT == National
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15:08.05*** join/#asterisk amessina (~amessina@unaffiliated/amessina)
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15:09.49amessinagtjoseph: In trying to compile the Asterick 13 branch, including the UUID generation commit from, I get ...asterisk.c:4435: undefined reference to `ast_pbx_uuid_get'
15:10.24gtjosephhmmm.  you may have to do a distclean
15:16.15amessinagtjoseph: This is in a Koji/mock chroot for Fedora 24 x86_64 which starts off with a clean slate
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15:16.49gtjosephsomething's inconsistent...   how are you pulling the source?
15:19.40amessinagtjoseph: I start with the released asterisk-13.10.0 tarball, then apply the diff between 13.10.0 to branches/13 on top
15:19.52gtjosephok, let me check
15:26.01gtjosephamessina: I think it's something in the diff.  How was it generated.  Can you try just checking out branches/13?
15:27.43amessinaWhile on the '13' branch... git diff --patch --stat -M 13.10.0 > asterisk-13-branch-update.patch
15:30.13gtjosephweird.  the 13 branch by itself compiles fine of course.   Can you try something else?   Do a git format-patch instead of git diff?  It'll create a patch file for each commit but you can apply them all with git am
15:30.21amessinagtjoseph: I'll try building the checkout of branches/13 manually this afternoon.  I've got to brush up on building from the git checkout.
15:30.33gtjosephno worries
15:32.36WIMPyntz: You seem to be talking baout DDi, not subaddresses.
15:34.59*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (~luckman21@unaffiliated/luckman212)
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16:26.46amessinagtjoseph: After removing LOW_MEMORY from MENUSELECT_CFLAGS, which I had enabled previously, I'm able to compile with
16:27.23gtjosephis LOW_MEMORY soemthing you need?
16:28.03gtjosephnot that it's OK if it fails
16:30.29*** join/#asterisk Tenhi (
16:30.33amessinaNot really.  It's ok for me to disable it, but using less memory seemed like something reasonable to put in ;)
16:31.34scvLOW_MEMORY can cause a lot of odd issues
16:31.48*** part/#asterisk frawd (
16:31.48scvalso, dialplan strings get a hard limit of 255 characters and there is *no* warning if it is truncated
16:32.14gtjosephyeah it can.  it're really meant for extremely limited environments like embedded devices.
16:32.35scveven in those cases its pretty un-necessary these days
16:33.16scvaverage usage is like 80MB or so peak in my environment
16:36.44gtjosephamessina: would you file a issue for this?
16:37.31amessinagtjoseph: yes, I can.
16:39.35*** join/#asterisk shootbird (
16:40.35amessinaThanks for your help.
16:40.46gtjosephno prob
16:42.37davlefouBonjour, sauriez vous où sont stocké les messages d'accueil de voicemail?
16:53.04*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
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16:53.57hdonhi all :) does a 100% vanilla asterisk really need to persist astdb? we're seeing a lot of syncs to this file and we're thinking of just moving someplace ephemeral and in RAM only
16:54.09hdon(or is there a way to tell asterisk to sync writes for this file to disk less often?)
16:55.19fileif you are configuration based it's used to persist inbound SIP registrations and in the case of PJSIP also subscriptions so they survive across Asterisk restarts
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17:22.32scvam i correct in understanding that under chan_pjsip if a qualify OPTIONS is sent and the response is received it should refresh the contact expiry timer
17:24.22[TK]D-Fenderthat isn't bumping a registration timer
17:24.44[TK]D-Fenderthat's just a keep alive to see if it should give up period.  The device is still required to re-reg on interval
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17:28.42scvi think there might be an ALG in the path here overwriting the registration expiry :/
17:30.31scvyep. wtf
17:31.26SpaceInvadersif you load a variable with a file (e.g. myvar=FILE(/test.txt,u) can you treat that var like a file and read it line-by-line (e.g. FILE(myvar,line#,#lines,l) ?  I'm guessing no but that'd be handy :)
17:31.48SpaceInvadersif you load a variable with a file (e.g. myvar=FILE(/test.txt,u) can you treat that var like a file and read it line-by-line (e.g. FILE(${myvar},line#,#lines,l) ?  I'm guessing no but that'd be handy :)
17:33.04filescv, you aren't Antonis Psaras are you?
17:33.26scvwhy do you ask
17:33.38filean issue was filed against chan_sip yesterday re: registration expiry
17:33.50scvthis is under pjsip
17:34.37scvi took a whack at the compact headers issue btw
17:34.44scvthe problem is in pjsip itself
17:34.57[TK]D-FenderSpaceInvaders, Good reason to start looking at AGI, etc
17:35.13scvthe generic header function assumes that there will be a compact header alternative always
17:35.19filescv, yeahhhhhh
17:35.32scvi suppose it could be worked around by passing the full header as the compact version
17:35.34scvbut that's icky
17:35.48filetharrrr be the issue for that
17:36.00SpaceInvaders[TK]D-Fender I'm still working on understanding AMI  3:
17:36.12scvis pjproject responsive to bug reports?
17:36.23SpaceInvadersbut I'll keep that in mind as I plan on reading up on that, as well. Thank you!
17:36.31*** join/#asterisk monsterco (
17:36.38fileit's faster if we do it usually
17:36.56*** part/#asterisk monsterco (
17:47.55scvthere's no issue patching pjsip sources from asterisk?
17:48.14scvwouldn't that be inconsistent if the user opted to build with the system copy of pjsip
17:48.23filewe submit any changes upstream
17:48.28scvoh, i see what you mean
17:48.52filethe only patches we have in the bundled stuff are changes which are not yet in a released version of PJSIP
17:50.27*** join/#asterisk Tenhi (
17:51.07scvin the interim that should be fine then, anything in patches/ is applied from what i see so i'll just drop a fix in there
17:51.13scvworks for my internal builds i guess
17:51.38scvif the patch works properly i'll put it up on that ticket
17:53.58scvof course this modem/router has no ALG toggle
18:01.05hdonfile, thanks. that doesn't seem terribly critical to our operation. i'm tempted to try this..
18:01.14*** join/#asterisk cresl1n (Adium@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
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18:01.25hdonfile, putting astdb in a tempfs
18:02.07hdonor maybe asking asterisk to sync the sqlite db to disk less aggressively
18:03.13scvwe're seeing a lot of syncs to this file and we're thinking of just moving someplace ephemeral and in RAM only
18:03.30scvhdon: we just recently switched to that technique
18:03.45scvastdb is in a tmpfs and we sync it to persistent storage every 10 minutes
18:04.22scvthe reason behind that is to improve registration speed however, since there's a single lock taken on sqlite and REGISTERs will block until that lock is free
18:06.03scvi dont think its an issue under pjsip though
18:06.16scvwont be a concern once i get rid of the last of chan_sip
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18:17.53hdonscv, yeah i'm a little worried about locking during the copy blocking asterisk, too. but we'll play around with it and see what's acceptable. so far, it seems like if we lost the astdb during a power failure or something, it wouldn't be a big deal.
18:26.57scvhdon: the copy wouldn't lock the file
18:27.14scvthe biggest issue you'd need to worry about would be copying while its being synced
18:29.00*** join/#asterisk Echo6 (~Echo6@
18:29.58Echo6Hey guys! Can I receive calls for multiple DIDs using IP based registration instead of account based?
18:30.59SpaceInvadersas the new guy here, I think you may need to add some additional detail >:)
18:31.40Echo6I have a provider that wants to route my calls via IP instead of account registration.
18:32.19Echo6My concern is that if I have multiple PBX's behind the same IP the calls will only go to one of the systems
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18:58.16DivideBy0Echo6: you can usually specify a port with the ip, so pbx0 is forwareded on port 5060, pbx1 is 5061, etc
18:58.41DivideBy0depends on provider, but that's how I've gotten around it
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19:00.03scvah grandstream
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19:01.18hdonscv, a copy that doens't lock the database is pretty useless
19:01.26hdonscv, unless you have atomic file copy
19:02.01scv"sip re-register before expiration (in seconds)" actually means send register at interval+before time
19:02.53HRH_H_Crabhi all, im very new to voip / sip / asterisk but ive been making some good progress. ive got a slightly odd network configuration, i think pretty similar to the user in this bug report:
19:03.04HRH_H_Crabi suspect it may be possible that i am seeing the same issue that he reported.
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19:03.47HRH_H_Crabi have the symptoms that he reports: incoming calls to my asterisk server work perfectly (with directmedia=no)
19:04.20HRH_H_Craboutgoing calls do not have any inbound audio! the person i call can hear me fine, i cannot hear them.
19:04.37scvhdon: you could use ami to trigger an exclusive lock by sending the query directly
19:04.42HRH_H_Crabwhat im wondering is how to determine from his debug where the problem is happening - it doesnt make sense to me.
19:05.35HRH_H_Crab(im trying to work out whether my issue *really* is the same as his)
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19:07.27HRH_H_Crabas an aside i did a packet trace, and it looks like all the audio does get from my sip provider (ipv6) to my asterisk server.
19:07.42HRH_H_Crabits just that it is not then properly bridged to my ipv4 handset
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19:36.38shido6DivideBy0 - you could use ports - or you can use a Session Border Controller or and EdgeMarc or a kamailio instance
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19:53.18hdonscv, well, the .backup command isn't a query. i don't think you can send it over the query API. i think it's only an sqlite3 shell command. there are C APIs for sqlite3 to do similar things that are probably used in the .backup command impl
19:53.30hdonscv, if i'm understanding you right
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20:47.24rcphi guys, how can I ban a number
20:47.32rcpblock it from calling me.
20:48.11rcpI tried this database put blockcaller number-here 1
20:48.17rcpbut it didnt seem to block them
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20:54.29rcpdo I need to restart asterisk once I add a number to it?
20:54.41robmaldialplan reload
20:54.52shido6what robmal said.
20:55.05rcpif I restart it, does that do the same? reload dialplan?
20:55.17shido6yes but it tears down existing calls, too
20:55.36rcpdialplan reload gives me loads of options
20:56.51rcpive just restarted
20:56.57rcpsorted I hope.
21:00.40hdonrcp, what options did it give you?
21:01.06hdonrcp, "dialplan reload" command will usually spit out a lot of information as it loads the dialplan, but it's straightforward. you don't have to make choices or enter new information to reload the dialplan.
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22:13.30SpaceInvadersHow do I make this work? testvar="this is line 1\nThis is line 2" ?
22:14.16SpaceInvadersThe only thing I can find in the docs on esc seq is on pattern matching and doesn't seem to apply
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22:25.02SpaceInvadersI don't understand why dialplan functions is missing function_strings
22:29.36[TK]D-Fender* doesn't do line breaks and fancy things
22:31.36SpaceInvaderswill \n do a line break?
22:32.00SpaceInvadersgot it
22:32.29SpaceInvadersThank  you :-)
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