IRC log for #asterisk on 20160727

00:18.36*** join/#asterisk klow (
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05:28.33iheartlinuxI put delete=yes in voicemail.conf, but they aren't deleting from voicemailmain. any ideas?
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09:33.27clive-Hi guys. I am still using asterisk version 1.8.23 and considering upgrading. Which version is recommended for stable production use ?
09:35.14*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
09:42.25filethe wiki has a page, which lists versions and when they are supported to
09:42.50file11 goes security only in a few months, 13 still has 2+ years
09:59.17clive-thanks file
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11:29.56filela la la Wednesday la la la
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12:28.08leon_Hi :). would you please let me know how to control sdp in asterisk ? when I tried to call to endpoint, the rtp channel is always open video stream with audio.  But I dont want to open video stream, and I'm using pjsip channel driver. Can I control this in asterisk with pjsip ?
12:29.31leon_my asterisk server version is 13.9.1
12:29.44filehow have you configured the endpoint?
12:30.07leon_I don't know what variable control this.
12:30.23*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:32.46leon_it's configured in ps_endpoint database table.  id, transportm, aors, auth,context, codec setup(disallow, allow), network control(ice_support = no, force_rport=yes) , rewrite_contact=yes, rtp_symmetric=yes.  and all the others configured null.
12:32.55*** join/#asterisk friedrich (
12:33.09fileand what is the configuration?
12:34.31filewhat is the configuration for the endpoint? PJSIP will only offer video if you've configured it with video codecs in the allow section
12:35.28*** join/#asterisk friedrich (
12:37.41leon_oh I'm sorry. It works video and audio.  can i switch this ? I meant video+audio call and  audio only call.
12:38.18leon_allowed : ulaw,alaw,g722,g729,gsm,speex,opus,h264,h263,h263p,vp8,mpeg4
12:38.29fileyou can't control what codecs are used when dialing, except by creating a second endpoint with a limited set of codecs
12:40.00leon_is it only way to control this ?
12:40.11fileactually you may be able to use PJSIP_MEDIA_OFFER - - but I haven't used it so I can't comment on a working way with it
12:40.39leon_thank you :) I will check it.
12:48.32*** join/#asterisk thiagoc (~thiagoc@unaffiliated/thiagoc)
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12:56.53stefan27in chan_sip you can set dialplan variable SIP_CODEC_OUTBOUND=ulaw just before dialing a sip peer X, in which case it should not offer alaw even if X has both allow ulaw and allow alaw
12:57.05stefan27PJSIP has something similar?
12:57.16fileyes, PJSIP_MEDIA_OFFER
13:00.54slimaIs that have any sense? exten => _00ZX.,1,GotoIf($[${REGEX("2433712[0-4][0-9]" $CALLERID(num)})}]?ok:notok)
13:08.16[TK]D-Fender$CALLERID(num)} <-----
13:08.19[TK]D-Fendermissin {
13:09.50slimaoh, thx a lot!
13:11.15*** join/#asterisk thiagoc_ (~thiagoc@unaffiliated/thiagoc)
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13:21.56stefan27if i recall correctly the behavior of the SIP_CODEC_INBOUND variable was not very intuitive... for example if you receieve an invite from a peer X which in chan_sip.c is configured to have allow:ulaw,vp8 then if you set SIP_CODEC_INBOUND=ulaw,vp8 you might expect nothing to happen
13:22.33stefan27but if X offers only ulaw and you set SIP_CODEC_INBOUND=ulaw,vp8 then X can not reinvite with vp8
13:23.33stefan27so setting SIP_CODEC_INBOUND=<list1> before answering a call from a peer X which has allow=<list2> then X is limited to the intersection of list1 and list2 for the rest of the call
13:25.37stefan27I meant he is limited to the intersection of list1 and list2 and the actual codecs that were offered in the first invite
13:26.04stefan27maybe PJSIP_MEDIA_OFFER works differently
13:29.26*** join/#asterisk leon_ (~starisk@
13:29.53stefan27in short, setting any of the chan_SIP SIP_CODEC* variables prevents reinviting with more codecs
13:30.12stefan27is that a bug maybe?
13:31.00leon_can I get the information about endpoint status in dialplan without AGI ?
13:31.08fileyou can't add codecs to an answer, you can only respond with what they offer or a subset
13:31.25fileit's not an Asterisk limitation - it's SDP itself
13:33.25stefan27I'm not talking about adding codecs to the answer sent to the offerer X, I'm talking about asterisk rejecting codecs in the second offer coming from X
13:34.08fileoh, yeah, I'm not surprised
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14:22.49jeffspefflooking at  is the ip or hostname required for the client certificate? just wondering about the use case of phones having a dynamic public IP.
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15:08.40*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (~luckman21@unaffiliated/luckman212)
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15:10.33polysicshello! is there a way to list installed modules an versions, please?
15:11.14polysicsI am trying to figure out what exactly is installed on an Asterisk box I have
15:11.33Samotmodule show
15:11.38Samotfrom the asterisk cli
15:12.39polysicsthat does not have versions, though
15:14.15[TK]D-FenderModules don't have independent version #'s
15:15.20[TK]D-FenderIf you installed it you should have the source or packages handy you did it from
15:15.28[TK]D-Fenderoutside of that * should show you on connect tto CLI
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15:19.51polysics[TK]D-Fender: the issue here is that the source folder contains 3 versions of the same thing
15:20.10*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (~luckman21@unaffiliated/luckman212)
15:20.13polysicsI tried to reinstall using a few combinations but did not get anything working
15:24.51[TK]D-FenderAt this point then you have whatever you just built since you've done it so recently.  You should know the last one you did.
15:25.07[TK]D-Fender"few combinations" really tells us nothing of course
15:25.22[TK]D-FenderAnd no details on why this would be a combination effort in the first place.
15:25.32[TK]D-FenderMake sure your recompiles are CLEAN
15:25.45polysicsI am installing Asterisk + UniMRCP + UniMRCP plugin
15:25.59polysicshas anyone done that recently?
15:26.36polysicsmost combinations of versions i have tried result in some compile error, while installing everything using the "all in one" package UniMRCP provides results in a segfaulting asterisk
15:26.40[TK]D-FenderNever heard of it
15:26.46[TK]D-FenderGet * working by itself first
15:26.52polysicsit's a TTS/ASR interface
15:27.07polysicsAsterisk itself compiles and works, it has never not worked for me :D
15:27.08[TK]D-FenderIf you have a problem with some all-in-one installer they offer, then you'd need to ttake it up with them
15:27.48polysicsI guess my real problem is that I am not sure what the problem is :)
15:29.21[TK]D-FenderTime to find a clue
15:29.38[TK]D-FenderYou don't know what packages you're even working with and have no details for us.
15:29.45[TK]D-FenderAnd lay off the doobie :p
15:34.19qakhanhi all, i have few exts which are being used in 1 office over NAT. i am trying to restrict them dont configure except 1 IP address.
15:34.36qakhanhere is my config of ext
15:35.20qakhani am getting Peer '42xx' is trying to register, but not configured as host=dynamic
15:35.23qakhanon cli
15:35.49scvthe error message is rather clear
15:35.58WIMPyIf you specify a host, there's no need to register.
15:36.00polysicsright, time to step back and see what's wrong in the current install
15:36.04WIMPySee permit/deny
15:36.08qakhanRegistration from '<sip:42xx@x.x.x.x>' failed for '110.9.x.x:1177' - Peer is not supposed to register
15:36.24Samotqkhan: Because you have a host specified.
15:36.39SamotChange your host back to host=dynamic
15:37.12polysicsfirst thing first, my current * installation fills /tmp with core dumps
15:37.21qakhanSamot i want to restrict sip registeration with 1 IP address
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15:37.48qakhanits works if i use host=dynamic
15:38.21polysicsand the logs do no seem to tell me why
15:38.39WIMPyBut the core dumps will.
15:38.42Samotqakhan: Yes, because that's how it is supposed to work.
15:39.10SamotWIMPy pointed you in the right direction. permit/deny settings.
15:39.19qakhanbut how can i restrict the sip registration with 1 ip
15:39.28wyoungWIMPy is the best
15:39.43WIMPyIn what?
15:39.58wyoungAt being as awesome as [TK]D-Fender
15:40.18polysicsWIMPy: gdb seems to be quite cryptic though
15:40.37WIMPyTo answer myself: I guess in guessing. I just hoped that were the right names :-)
15:41.01WIMPypolysics: Depends on how much debuggung you enabled when compiling.
15:42.53*** join/#asterisk ghoti (
15:47.28polysicswaht it looks like is that safe_asterisk is what is segfaulting
15:47.41polysicsif I run * from the CLI it works and does not core dump
15:47.45polysicswhatever that implies
15:48.56WIMPyThat is just a shellscript.
15:50.41qakhanany thought on my question
15:52.35SamotYou want the phones to only register to one IP?
15:53.06SamotSIP Domain/SIP Proxy/whatever they call it in the device.
15:53.24SamotYou tell it to register to a IP or FQDN
15:53.35qakhani want to allow only 1 IP address which is remote office router IP address
15:54.44WIMPyDo it! We told you how.
16:08.30polysicsWIMPy: rather, the safe_asterisk script works if called manually. At this point, it does look like the service/etc.d script is somehow breaking *
16:16.32*** join/#asterisk leon_ (~ofu@
16:18.22leon_somebody let me know how to use dialplan function named PJSIP_MEDIA_OFFER(media) in dialplan. I can't find what is the media, and how can i use it on dialplan.
16:22.36scv12:12 < rm> you still win
16:34.49*** join/#asterisk Cory (~C@unaffiliated/cory)
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16:44.17charlotI have a question could someone help me?
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16:54.06WIMPyNot if you keep it to yourself.
16:58.32*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (~luckman21@unaffiliated/luckman212)
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17:19.03[TK]D-Fender<qakhan> i want to allow only 1 IP address which is remote office router IP address <- so do it
17:19.49drmessano11:53:37 <qakhan> i want to allow only 1 IP address which is remote office router IP address <-- Sounds like a good idea
17:20.05drmessanogot here late, isn't sure who to pass the dead horse to next
17:25.28*** join/#asterisk tikun (
17:28.30tikunI have a SIP trunk that has three phone numbers associated to it, the main number lets say is 555-1515 and the other is 555-5500, the last is an 800 number. So the SIP trunk account is setup w/ the auth name being 555-1515. Now, I'm trying to take all calls made to 555-5500 I have created an inbound route with the DID 555-5500, created an IVR and then a ring group.
17:28.45tikunbut when you call 555-5500 it sends it to 555-1515 no matter what.
17:30.50shido6whats the cli tell you, Asterisk is very chatty
17:31.24shido6Looking for X in context Y is what I'm looking for - you could also look through the sip debug to find out whats being sent and watch the debug to find out how its being matched
17:31.39shido6use pastebin, for posting configs and debug
17:33.41*** join/#asterisk WIMPy (~wimpy@
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19:44.17*** join/#asterisk Janko (~john@unaffiliated/janko)
19:46.23JankoHello, I've got a lot of NOTICEs from probably malicious IPs in my logs, like
19:46.32JankoIs it something to be concerned about?
19:52.09*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (~luckman21@unaffiliated/luckman212)
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19:55.59*** topic/#asterisk by file -> #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.10.0 (2016/07/21), 11.23.0 (2016/07/21), Standard: 14.0.0-beta1 (2016/07/27); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.11.1 (2016/03/01), DAHDI-tools 2.11.1 (2016/03/01); libpri 1.5.0 (2016/03/28) -=- Asterisk wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
19:56.27*** topic/#asterisk by file -> #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.10.0 (2016/07/21), 11.23.0 (2016/07/21), Standard: 14.0.0-beta1 (2016/07/27); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.11.1 (2016/03/01), DAHDI-tools 2.11.1 (2016/03/01); libpri 1.5.0 (2016/03/28) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
20:14.12[TK]D-FenderJanko, You're allowing un-authed calls in the first place.  And they may eventually land on something that can dial out, etc.
20:14.19[TK]D-Fenderand they are wasting your resources even as they fail
20:17.04*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (~luckman21@unaffiliated/luckman212)
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20:36.36Janko[TK]D-Fender: Thanks, I've disallowed allowguest and installed fail2ban, and it looks better
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21:32.16K0HAXIs there a way for me to send a SIP 603 when hanging up on an inbound caller? The call is coming in on a PJSIP trunk.
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21:53.47SpaceInvadersI have a question about what I'm reading in The Definitive Guide.  It uses the following example
21:54.08*** join/#asterisk billum (~Bill@
21:54.12SpaceInvadersMy question:  Why is the 3rd line called the 2nd priority?
21:54.33SpaceInvadersThe reason I'm asking is I thought the 3rd line would be the 3rd priority as they are numbered in priority 1,2,3
21:55.26SpaceInvadersI thought exten => 321,1,NoOp() was in the format ext,priority,command such that the next line the n would be incremented (and thus, 2)
21:55.48SpaceInvadersIs the 1st n always the same priority as the above line?
21:56.31WIMPyWhere do you see anything different?
21:56.51SpaceInvaders I copied from the guide
21:57.12SpaceInvaderswhich also says - "In the second priority, we assign the value of 3 to the variable named COUNT ."
21:57.26SpaceInvaderswhich is why I asked
21:57.50WIMPyThat's obviousely wrong then.
21:58.03SpaceInvadersthat means I understand
21:59.45billumHello kind people.  I wondered if I could please ask for some help.  I am facing a consistent problem forwarding DID numbers to a SIP extension.  I have tried 3 different DID providers (Twilio, CallCentric, Zadarma) and both sip and pjsip channels.  The calls go through fine but for some reason they spawn multiple dialplans in parallel.  The command line shows them proceeding in parallel,
21:59.46billumand you can hear them all at once, talking over each other.  Does this ring a bell for anyone?  I can share more details.  Thank you!
22:06.16billumIn other words, Asterisk is constantly spawning new extensions, as if the DID provider does not understand that prior SIP invitations were accepted/answered.
22:07.17billum(Though I am not actually "answering" the call - I want to let it ring.  Is that a problem?)
22:12.42rmudgettThat sounds like a NAT issue where the responses are not received.
22:13.51rmudgettOr sent to the wrong place.
22:14.00billumThank you.  But hmm, I don't have any NAT.  I am trying to understand "re-invites" in sip.conf
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22:25.51billumYou're right, Asterisk's SIP responses are not getting received by the DID host.
22:47.02*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-qznudeuebjhmzbxf)
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22:57.38Micc_What's the best way to add a jitter buffer to a sip channel that is created as a result of a dial? Should I use option b to do a gosub before the dial but with the channel then I call JITTERBUFFER(fixed)=200?
22:58.44Micc_Or would I use option U to execute via gosub for the called channel before connecting to the calling channel?
22:58.52Micc_or is there some other way?
22:59.50Micc_Or if I set the JITTERBUFFER(FIXED)=200 before I do the dial, will it apply to those channels?
22:59.55Micc_the new ones I mean.
23:05.00rmudgettJITTERBUFFER works on the channel that executed the function.  I would use the Dial b option to add it to the outgoing channel before dialing.  Using the U option after the call is answered will delay connecting the parties to run the dialplan to add the jitter buffer.
23:06.48Micc_ok, thanks
23:15.19billumI am still facing the problem of parallel spawns of the dialplan.  Your note about NAT made me doubt my hosting environment, so I moved it.  Now the same problem is there with a VPS on both DigitalOcean and Vultr, and also with multiple OS's, sip vs. pjsip, and multiple DID providers.  Any other tips what I could explore?
23:17.34WIMPyHow do you "let it ring"?
23:18.42billumwith the Ringing() command
23:19.16billumMy whole dialplan is Ringing(), Wait(1), Hangup().  The problem is same with or without the wait.
23:20.34WIMPyMaybe you've just found some of those annoying providers that retry endlessly when a call isn't answered.
23:21.12billumHmm, any suggestions for better DID providers?  I see identical behavior from Twilio, CallCentric, and Zadarma
23:21.42WIMPyWhere does the call come from?
23:21.57billumSame behavior if I initiate from a mobile phone or from Skype
23:21.58WIMPyIt doesn't have to be the last provider in the chain.
23:22.18billumI didn't know that though, thank you
23:22.47billumCould an international source make it worse?
23:23.25WIMPySure. Anything can.
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23:25.11billumI've seen consistent behavior from three origin countries, but none of them are where the DID number is hosted
23:27.25WIMPySo the provider you're getting the calls from isn't the one where the number is hosted?
23:29.22billumCorrect.  Calls originate from India and Myanmar, number hosted by DID provider in US, Asterisk running on VPS by different host in the US
23:34.27*** join/#asterisk robink_ (~quassel@unaffilated/robink)
23:38.12billumJust replicated with a third host as well.  So have now tried (Twilio, CallCentric, Zadarma) x (Linode, Vultr, DigitalOcean) x (Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, CentOS) x (Asterisk 13, 11) x (sip, pjsip) and I still see the problem.
23:39.26shido6scrolls back -
23:39.32shido6whats happening?
23:39.45shido6parallels spawns of the dial plan - what is that?
23:39.57shido6parallel spawns of the dial plan - what is that?
23:40.40shido6show the dial plan in, please - billum
23:41.12shido6and the debug , stop it after a few bad events.
23:42.57justdaveanyone use Polycom phones and happen to know what config I have to tweak to make them send a proxy hostname in the INVITE request when picking a call to return from the missed calls list?
23:43.55billumthank you shido6.  coming right up...
23:44.01shido6okie dokie
23:44.06WIMPybillum: It about what the calls have in common, not what's different.
23:44.08justdaveif I dial a number manually, the packet trace shows "INVITE sip:1234@my.asterisk.server;user=phone".  If I hit the Dial button on a call list entry for the same number it does "INVITE sip:1234"
23:44.31justdaveeverything after the @ is missing, and Asterisk apparently doesn't like that
23:44.43justdavesends a 404 back to the phone when it does that
23:44.47shido6it actually makes it to asterisk?
23:44.54justdaveit actually makes it to asterisk
23:44.58SamotBecause ive never have a polycom do that.
23:45.16SamotHave the INVITE in the call history.
23:45.22shido6ok well you can write for the SNAFU or fix the phone... sounds like you want to fix it in the phone
23:45.55shido6is it hitting the default context?
23:45.59justdaveWe just upgraded the firmware recently on the phones, it's got 4.1.1 on them now
23:46.03SamotIf its making it to Asterisk then the polycom is using the proxy for the call
23:46.24justdaveyeah, the polycom is sending it to the defined place, it's just not including it in the headers
23:46.31SamotOtherwise it wouldnt know where to send the call
23:46.36shido6ok - what about +
23:46.38SamotShow a call
23:46.41shido6do they have +'s
23:47.02justdavenope.  they do show up with a sip: in front of the callerid number in the missed/received call lists now
23:47.25justdaveit didn't do that before we upgraded (they previously had 3.3.1 on them)
23:47.32shido6looks at justdave and gestures toward Samot - [ show the cal ]
23:47.35SamotShow a call.
23:51.40SamotNo pms
23:51.58SamotPut it in the channel
23:52.44justdaveso I need to sanitize it first then.  what part if it's actually important to you?
23:53.07SamotAll of it,
23:53.32SamotWe need to see what is happening and when people "sanitize" debugs they generally cut something out.
23:56.15justdave <- there's the one that doesn't work, that's when I hit the Dial button on the number in the call list
23:56.21justdave <- that's the one that does work, that's when I just dial the number on the keypad and hit Send

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