IRC log for #asterisk on 20160719

00:02.29*** join/#asterisk netman (~netman@
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00:42.03SpaceInvadersAsterisk UP!  Spam-stomping engaged!!!
00:45.49*** join/#asterisk avb (~avb@
00:46.06avbguys, how to decrement GROUP()? :)
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01:35.21*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (~luckman21@unaffiliated/luckman212)
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03:34.36raspberrypifanSent RTP P2P packet to (type 08, len 000160)
03:34.36raspberrypifanSent RTP P2P packet to (type 08, len 000160)
03:34.36raspberrypifanhello people so im still having issues with rtp
03:34.44raspberrypifanit seems the packets get sent but never returned
04:19.21*** join/#asterisk babak (uid19622@gateway/web/
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06:53.33nttHi, I'm trying to configure asterisk and I have some doubts related to trunk configuration. More precisely, I'm using freepbx and in the trunk configuration menù I see there are 2 sections: incoming and outgoing. First doubt: should I use the same "type" value for incoming and outgoing? My idea is to use "peer" for outgoing and "user" for incoming. Is this correct?
06:57.33*** join/#asterisk klow (
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09:09.08lwlvlhi everybody
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09:59.06*** join/#asterisk UncleKiwi (~UncleKiwi@unaffiliated/unclekiwi)
10:06.12UncleKiwihi, im just wondering if i compile asterisk with openssl but not libsrtp and i use TLS for authentication what are the benefits are the username and passwords protected btu the audiostream not encrypted ?
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11:10.08SamotUncleKiwi: Not having the audio stream encrypted isn't that big of a deal.
11:10.23SamotConsidering there is not encryption on the PSTN anyways.
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12:09.57UncleKiwiSamot: i guess my question is regarding the passing of passwords and telephone number info ? Im wondering if that is encrypted
12:16.39SamotWell if you're referring to an endpoint manager system that pulls profiles for the phones, no that's not encrypted.
12:18.45SamotBut when an endpoint registers to Asterisk it doesn't send it's password with the first request anyways.
12:19.33SamotAll registration is challenged and once the challenge is presented then the auth is done. But that's done through digest format..
12:31.38*** join/#asterisk SpaceInvaders (
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12:36.55UncleKiwiok so is it never done plai text
12:43.57SamotWhat part are you referring to?
12:44.55*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (~luckman21@unaffiliated/luckman212)
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13:12.27*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
13:16.45SpaceInvadersHow does Asterisk know where the sound files are stored?  Is there a sound-files-dir= ?  I can't find one.
13:18.21mubor maybe /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/en
13:18.32SpaceInvadersWhere is the setting?  Can I change it?
13:18.56mubWhat are you running? FreePBX? Vicidial?
13:19.12mubOr something custom?
13:19.33mubBecause if there is a web interface, you'll definitely want to change it in there
13:19.41SpaceInvadersMy OS is Fedora 23 and I used dnf install Asterisk - so that would be Asterisk, right?  Or is there a way to identify it as FreePBX?
13:20.08mubSo you're just running asterisk by itself!
13:20.13SpaceInvadersok yep :)
13:21.07mubRather than changing the settings, I would link your sounds directory to that location
13:21.19mubOr in other words
13:21.20SpaceInvadersThat's what I was thinking.
13:21.28mubYeah you get me
13:21.29SpaceInvadersThe reason I asked -
13:21.41SpaceInvadersThe Fedora build organizes
13:22.30SpaceInvadersI was going to symlink so I could pick the language
13:22.37SpaceInvadersbut I also know there's a language setting
13:22.47SpaceInvadersbut I'll bet that doesn't impact this given that
13:23.03SpaceInvadersthe instructions I've found for sounds are all about copying/moving file locations
13:23.19SpaceInvadershave I read that correctly?
13:23.49mubWell if that's what the instructions say then I would move the sound files of the language you want into /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
13:23.50SpaceInvadersmeaning--I'm thinking I could del ~sounds and symlink it to ~/en_US or en_AU
13:24.02mubOr that
13:24.12mubeither way will work
13:25.59SpaceInvadersthank you :)
13:26.57mubThen make some easter egg dialplan entry like:
13:27.16mubthen reload and call 2345 to make sure your sounds play
13:27.30mubchange the sound files though. I chose those files because they're funny
13:28.25SpaceInvadersThanks I'd been thinking about how to do a test just like that :)
13:28.41mubyeah just make sure it's in your default context
13:29.57SpaceInvaderswell if I screwed up the location I'd know immediately when I dialed in for a test because I wouldn't hear the initial greeting.
13:30.28SpaceInvadersatm I'm using the robo kill and "I don't accept solicitors please hang up or press 1 if ur not"
13:34.12mubIf I was soliciting some product or service, I would totally still press 1
13:34.20mubbut that's just me :P
13:35.27SpaceInvadersHey, is this a good starting point given I'm running Asterisk?
13:35.37SpaceInvadersI want to setup a white list.
13:35.56SpaceInvadersI know that's FreePBX but I've been able to implement following FreePBX info for other things.
13:39.08mubI've set up blacklists for specific numbers, but I've never done any whitelisting
13:39.48mubAnd FreePBX has an extremely complicated configuration, so alot of things you see work for freepbx users may not work for others
13:40.28SpaceInvadersI haven't run into that.  I've just read instructions and noticed conf files appear to work in a similar fashion.
13:40.48SpaceInvadersI'd like to setup white lists so known numbers don't get the initial call screening
13:41.18SpaceInvaders*AND* so friends can press 1 to call my cell :)
13:41.28SpaceInvadersso I have multiple white list plans
13:42.35mubWell there's gotoif()
13:42.38mubSo like:
13:43.53mubexten => s,5,Gotoif($["${CALLERID}" : "1231231234"]?friends-list|s|1:s|6)
13:44.18SpaceInvadersCan I tell it to look at a file full of those numbers entered like
13:44.24SpaceInvaders1231231234 # Mike
13:44.59SpaceInvadersI'd like to ultimately allow access to my white lists and black lists via web page
13:45.15mubYeah idk I have no experience here
13:45.45mubWe've only had one case where we had to stop a number from calling us
13:45.57mubAnd they never thought to change their cid to get around it
13:56.51*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (putnopvut@asterisk/master-of-queues/mmichelson)
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14:04.02SpaceInvadersHey, is there a reason linux arecord would create a wav file Asterisk can't play?
14:04.40SpaceInvadersoh duh.... it tells me "Not in mono 2"
14:09.07*** join/#asterisk cresl1n (Adium@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
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14:09.47*** join/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-arupjyybfofpxkea)
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14:16.34leon_hello :)
14:17.31*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-wesjcvuumckffwxa)
14:19.45*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
14:22.36Kobazthis guy has some grandstream phones
14:23.08Kobazbrand new out of the box (and manually config'd with host/user/pass and nothing else)
14:23.19Kobazyou call a phone, it auto answers after 8 seconds, and then it automatically hangs up after 20 seconds
14:24.00*** join/#asterisk Rasputin3711 (~Rasputin3@
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14:45.38*** join/#asterisk MissionCritical (~MissionCr@unaffiliated/missioncritical)
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15:14.16*** join/#asterisk Inf0r (uid2810@gateway/web/
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15:27.50*** join/#asterisk Khronos (
15:28.03KhronosMorning all.
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15:53.40SpaceInvadersShould I see the CID displayed on the console for inbound callers?
15:54.06SpaceInvadersI was using -cvvv but upped it to -cvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
15:54.19WIMPyIf your dialplan tries to write it.
15:54.34SpaceInvadersso the dialplan has to write it somewhere
15:54.57WIMPyIt doesn't appear anywhere magically.
15:55.16SpaceInvadersso like when I transfer the call to an ext I'm guessing at that point I'd see it.  Trying that, now
15:55.55WIMPyYour terminology is rather vague.
15:56.26WIMPyBut unless you explicitely write it somewhere, you won't see it.
15:57.45SpaceInvadersYes.  I don't know enough to be specific :/ I'm still experimenting with a sandbox build.
16:03.39*** join/#asterisk obelixBE (~obelix@2a02:1811:a423:e600:d526:3fd3:9952:32fe)
16:09.55SpaceInvadersI'm a little confused about context, "entries", and options with regards to referencing.  If I (in my dial plan) create a context and then an entry like exten => 6003,1,Dial(SIP/6003,10) followed by a series of commands for voicemail if I somewhere else in the dialplan reference 6003 will it go back like a subroutine?  Or can I configure it that way?  Does that make sense?
16:10.42SpaceInvadersTo help with that question--I'm just trying to figure out if every time in my dial plan I dial that extension I have to add all the code for voicemail (or if there's a shortcut)
16:11.12WIMPySee Goto() and Gosub().
16:11.20SpaceInvadersok thanks
16:17.56SpaceInvadersworks exactly as I expected.  Thanks!!!
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17:10.12*** join/#asterisk pchero (~pchero@
17:12.25*** join/#asterisk SunGod (~SunGod@
17:32.42*** join/#asterisk rrittgarn (
17:43.50robmalDear Polycom users, i salute you and kindly ask for help. How can i has a notification once a call is complete? The quest i'm trying to accomplish is a simple notification that the extension user tried to call is now not in use. I know i can handle this via extension h, but i'd have to parse cdrs which is quite ugly.
17:47.27SpaceInvadersOK I'll preface this with I am still learning asterisk so my input may be completely useless--but I notice I see console output every time a call ends indicating the call ended and how.
17:48.49robmalThat's when extension h starts. But i'm hoping for a nicer solution that Polycom invented and i've never heard of.
17:50.20SpaceInvadersYou did mention extension h and it didn't click.  Got it.  Thanks!  There are people here that know so much more than I do :)
17:52.33robmalThink about it this way: I'm xx years old and this guy spent last n years creating dialplans for PBXes, i still can change industries.
18:03.16rrittgarn@robmal: I would guess you'd have to do something with an EFK - but I haven't done anything with Polycom like that... Aastra (now Mitel)  on the other hand its super easy - just set an Action URI - not sure if there is a direct comparison with Poycom
18:03.52robmalMitel bought Polycom in april.
18:03.55rrittgarnyou could use the h exten, to popup an efk on the phone (if that's what you're trying to do)
18:04.05rrittgarnyeah but the provisioning / xml code is still all polycom
18:04.13rrittgarnvs. the Aastra stuff is still Aastra
18:05.08robmalI don't want to use efk, i've done pretty nasty stuff with it but it needs user interaction. Although, thanks for the hint, you've reminded me of something :-)
18:05.28rrittgarnno problem - sorry i didn't have an easier solution for you
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18:16.39robmalrrittgarn: Thanks a lot for the clue! I'll add EFK to the mix, so the user can monitor the called party to get a push message when the called party hangs up.
18:29.40*** join/#asterisk CeBe (~CeBe@
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18:40.16SpaceInvaderssame => n,GotoIf($["${CALLERID(num)}" : "8005551212"]?my-phone,myext,1)
18:40.32SpaceInvadersI can use the above line and white list a phone number straight to my extension
18:40.42SpaceInvadersI can use the above line multiple times for multiple numbers.
18:40.57SpaceInvadersIs there a way to have it look at a file with 1 number per line like -
18:41.06SpaceInvaders8005551212 # Information
18:41.09robmalUse ODBC
18:41.25SpaceInvaderswithout ODBC? :D
18:41.45robmalODBC with sqlite is pretty much the same as using text files.
18:42.28*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (
18:42.38SpaceInvadersHow would I go about using text files?
18:43.36robmalThere is a file function, but you're taking the long way if you want to use it as a database connector.
18:45.09SpaceInvadersI could be going about this the long way.  I just want a white list and ultimately I'd like it web accessible
18:45.43SpaceInvadersI'm concerned about adding the complexity.  Right now I don't have ODBC or a db installed.  Just Asterisk.
18:46.42robmalThis is a great moment to start...
18:46.49robmalinstalling a database server ;-)
18:48.56SpaceInvadersLOL I've done that before.  I'm trying to keep this install as simple as possible.  I've limited overhead (HW).
18:49.18SpaceInvadersI ran a DB2 db server.  It was a blast.
18:49.32robmalSo how do you store CDRs?
18:50.11SpaceInvadersI was just reading up on how to handle CDRs.  I plan to keep them very, very simple and txt is very compressable :D
18:51.01robmalWhatever floats your boat.
18:52.08SpaceInvadersso how would I go about using a text file of numbers in a comparison?
18:52.56robmalUse the file function, then cut by \n, while gotoif to a label hangup endwhile
18:56.04SpaceInvadersso it's similar to a bash script reading a file one line at a time
18:56.14SpaceInvaderswith a while loop?
18:56.49SpaceInvadersYep--I can research all this via google.  Thanks!!!!
18:58.30robmalNo problem. But remember i told you it was the worst way possible.
18:58.59SpaceInvadersWould you still go ODBC and SQL lite if you were thinking of moving your build to raspberry pi?
19:00.25robmalI'm pretty sure you underestimate the lifespan of an sd card.
19:00.50robmalAlso: you can use an external db.
19:03.06*** join/#asterisk raspberrypifan (
19:28.02*** join/#asterisk dandann00dle (uid120491@gateway/web/
19:34.37*** join/#asterisk TECFALL (
19:34.57TECFALLbest budget phone for production environment using Asterisk 13. Ready go!
19:44.24*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
19:47.13KunsiTECFALL: i prefer using snom phones
19:48.47infobotmethinks grandstream is the Yugo of VoIP hardware.  Run...  Run away now.  Though, therealcircut says that they're not that bad.
19:48.58infobotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
19:49.27[TK]D-FenderPolycom > all
19:51.05lvlinuxTECFALL: Yealink is a good budget brand. Polycom rocks though.
19:53.54Kunsiwe got some very nice alcatel phones at work, don't know if they work with asterisk though
19:56.28dadrcyealink's hardware is good, firmware is … well, inconsistent. It works, but advanced features are a bit hit-and-miss
20:37.35*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (~leon@
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22:23.37UncleKiwii have never had any drama with grandstream, what is the negitive experiences witht he 'current' grandstream gear ( current ie last 3 years )
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23:20.28*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-arupjyybfofpxkea)
23:46.59scvUncleKiwi: major security vulnerabilities, gxp color gigabit series having several issues across multiple firmware revisions making them effectively unusable
23:47.25scvmultiple bugs where some stuck threads in their sip stack caused high cpu usage, phone becomes unusable
23:47.29*** join/#asterisk war9407 (

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.