IRC log for #asterisk on 20160706

00:28.38*** join/#asterisk fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
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02:02.19*** join/#asterisk [[thufir]] (~thufir@
02:15.32*** join/#asterisk MajesticFudgie (
02:15.49MajesticFudgieIs it even remotely possible to have Asterisk read login details from a database
02:16.37*** join/#asterisk boris_t (~boris_t@
02:23.40MajesticFudgieIdeally via an HTTP API or a shell script that can return a status
02:40.08lvlinuxMajesticFudgie: If I understand what you are asking correctly, the answer is yes.
02:41.10MajesticFudgieAh could you give me some pointers as what to look into?
02:57.38*** join/#asterisk shootbird (
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08:11.08*** join/#asterisk kippi (
08:12.52kippihi, I am trying to up the amount of meetme channels I can have, I know I need to set max_pseudo_channels but I don't have this option under /sys and if I add it to the configuration file I get errors saying unknown option
08:15.12drmessanoWhich Asterisk version are you running?
08:41.27*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
08:45.14*** join/#asterisk jonah (
08:46.55jonahHi can anyone please help. Asterisk is no longer answering calls and gives this error: my_get_callerid: read returned error: Invalid argument
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10:04.33*** part/#asterisk jonah (
10:05.22*** join/#asterisk SunGod (~SunGod@
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12:15.03*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:16.11*** join/#asterisk ghost75 (
12:17.00ghost75is chan_mobile able to work over pulseaudio in asterisk?
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13:02.53drmessanoghost75: ?
13:03.51[TK]D-FenderI'm wondering what BT has to do with PulseAudio...
13:04.59WIMPyIt might, but what does it have to do with chan_dongle?
13:13.02*** join/#asterisk Terminar (
13:14.28ghost75WARNING[2821]: chan_mobile.c:3023 sdp_register: Failed to connect sdp and create session.
13:14.33ghost75not sure where comes from
13:27.15*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
13:32.46Scuttlehm....I have a weid issue...I have two phones connected to my asterisk. One softphone, once cellphone. The cellphone connects through my firewall. I can call from the softphone to the cellphone, but when I call from the cellphone to the softphone I get "Ignoring this INVITE request" in the debug-log
13:36.31[TK]D-Fendertaht message alone doesn't mean anything
13:36.33*** join/#asterisk sekil (
13:36.38[TK]D-FenderShow the complete CLI with SIP debug.
13:36.46infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
13:37.13ghost75dont have
13:37.42ghost75Scuttle: which version on bluez do you have
13:38.01ghost75Scuttle: forget that
13:39.46Scuttlehrm.... I seem to have more problems than that...
13:39.59ScuttleI can register the phone, but after I make one call, it de-registers
13:40.34Scuttlespits out message about stale nonce
13:46.43*** join/#asterisk hojuruku (~sabayonus@unaffiliated/hojuruku)
13:47.24hojurukudoes anyone here use siproxd? it's what i want the smallest thing that can re-route sip calls between users behind sipproxy on embedded OS (openwrt) but it adds 2 VIA headers to outgoing sip traffic therefore breaking connectivity with most VSP's like callcentric etc. Has anyone got around this?
13:48.07hojurukuthe other solution i was going to try was some smarts with internal dns and rtpproxy :P that will get the job done. but siproxd is more cool. the problem is all the ddns providers make you pay for wildcard on your ddns :P
13:48.42hojurukuwhy ask here? #siproxd has only the developer in there and he's been asleep a week :P
13:50.04[TK]D-FenderYes, well this is #notourproblem
13:50.06Scuttleokay, here is the pastebin: - 6001 is the phone making the call, to phone 6000
13:50.28[TK]D-Fenderaaka #not2ndlevelsupport
13:53.03*** join/#asterisk TECFALL (~dschuett@
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13:55.34TECFALLWhy do my two peers still show connected even when the passwords do not match?
13:56.25SamotBecause you have qualify set.
13:56.29[TK]D-FenderWhere do I see "connected"?
13:56.40[TK]D-FenderI see configs.. not results
13:56.45SamotAnd they are accepting SIP Options from each other?
13:57.07SamotTherefore sip show peers will show them as OK
13:57.10Samotand Monitored.
13:57.20SamotBut in no way are either of those setup for registration.
13:57.35[TK]D-FenderWhich means nothing more than "OK ... so they respond to SIP OPTIONS packets... doesn't mea calls are going to happen though"
13:58.18TECFALLSamot: ah, so they are just passing traffic. But calls will not register?
13:59.02SamotIs that the issue you are having?
13:59.15TECFALLEvery single example is different as far as connecting two asterisk servers via SIP.
13:59.29TECFALLSamot: I hadn't even tried to call. I was just trying to break the connection.
13:59.46TECFALLJust testing security
14:00.13SamotDo you want them just PEER or do you want one to register to the other?
14:00.18[TK]D-FenderThey are not ALLOWED to register.
14:00.22[TK]D-FenderYou set a fixed host
14:00.24TECFALLI am just curious as far as if i need to use qualify, secret, fromuser, username ...
14:00.54SamotYou have a fixed host, as TK pointed out.
14:01.17SamotSo secret, username don't matter.
14:01.56TECFALLThat makes sense. So if host was dynamic, is the only time you would use usernames and secrets correct?
14:02.11TECFALLwhy would you ever use dynamic then?
14:02.19TECFALLis that more for devices?
14:02.23TECFALLand not servers?
14:02.36TECFALLsorry, i'm very much still in the learning process of asterisk
14:03.22[TK]D-FenderYou NEED to be dynamic to allow to register
14:03.26[TK]D-Fenderthat's the point
14:03.33infobot[~sipregister] SIP registration is to tell your provider what IP address & EXTEN to send INCOMING calls to.  Some ITSPs let you use a fixed address or host rather than registering.  Registration is NOT normally needed to PLACE calls, as those are typically auth'ed independently.  Others accept unauth'ed calls once you are registered (saves on negotiation BW).
14:04.21[TK]D-FenderRegistering is to tell the other side where you are.  If you set a fixed host then * will say "I HAVE an address for that user I'm not listening to your suggestion of where to send calls to"
14:06.08*** join/#asterisk jjrh (~jjrh@2607:f0b0:8:801c:c1f0:7c1d:62ae:8496)
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15:00.48*** part/#asterisk monsterco (
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15:34.36*** join/#asterisk bounceman (53ff2ca4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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15:54.40*** join/#asterisk Echo7 (~Thunderbi@
16:13.04*** join/#asterisk RichiePBX (
16:14.37RichiePBXHey guys I am learning asterisk, however in CLI I am presented with this warning: [2016-07-07 01:42:02] WARNING[4298]: chan_sip.c:3761 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0xa6140a8 (len 588) to <ip-removed>:5063 returned -1: Operation not permitted
16:17.07[TK]D-FenderSounds like a firewall issue
16:19.15RichiePBXI am having firewall issues moreso NAT related. However this warning is posted every second in CLI, the IP mentioned is also my old one and I am trying to find out where else that IP is configured for it to present this warning.
16:19.56RichiePBXin config files*
16:21.49[TK]D-Fenderiptables <---
16:21.51[TK]D-Fenderiptables --list
16:26.17RichiePBXJust had a thorough look, no mentioned of the IP given out in the warning. btw thanks for your replies. any other suggestions
16:31.50[TK]D-FenderShow us the dump
16:33.07RichiePBXSorry, excuse my ignorance. Dump of the iptables list?
16:34.37RichiePBXok, one sec
16:43.11[TK]D-Fenderyou've got very limited outbound ranges
16:43.16[TK]D-Fenderand a default drop policy
16:43.34[TK]D-FenderYou don't need to filter a specific IP... when you only PERMIT certain ranges
16:46.21RichiePBXI am settings rules via CSF. Asterisk cloud based, extensions are remote behind NAT. So instead of opening up too many ports I thought whitelisting the remote WAN IP would bypass all the restrictions of the limited outbound range.
16:46.51[TK]D-FenderYour thoughts were not correct
16:46.54[TK]D-FenderFix your firewall
16:47.32RichiePBXOk so base it on port ranges instead of filtering IP?
16:48.54[TK]D-FenderSUBNET ranges
16:49.40[TK]D-FenderAnd hosts as well
16:49.52[TK]D-Fender81- 87
16:50.20RichiePBXAlright. Thank you for your assistance and pointing me to the right direction..really appreciate it mate!
16:52.07RichiePBXHave a great day..cya
17:03.58*** join/#asterisk sikun (
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17:18.42MajesticFudgieIs it possible to daisy chain asterisk instances together to pass calls between them?
17:22.37[TK]D-Fender* can call out using any tech it supports... which the others can probably speak as well
17:22.47[TK]D-Fenderthe term "daisy chain" isn't really apprpriate
17:22.54[TK]D-FenderAs connection isn't implicit
17:25.11MajesticFudgieAh, so it is possible?
17:25.28[TK]D-FenderYes, clearly you can use SIP to call from one to the other
17:25.35[TK]D-Fenderor any other tech that they speak
17:25.57[TK]D-FenderOtherwise would ou think that 1 company using * couldn't call another who also use it?
17:26.01[TK]D-FenderHow you get there is up to you
17:28.06MajesticFudgieI assume I'd set it up similar to how I'd use sipgate?
17:28.24[TK]D-FenderSIP is SIP
17:28.40[TK]D-Fendermake it match and it'll do itts thing
17:28.51WIMPyYou really made my day there :-)
17:29.29WIMPyThe mighty Fender
17:34.22*** join/#asterisk pchero (~pchero@
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17:36.22[TK]D-FenderWIMPy, Which convo did I earn it for this time?
17:36.51WIMPy<[TK]D-Fender> SIP is SIP
17:36.58WIMPyThat one.
17:46.35*** join/#asterisk makowals (
17:53.07ghost75anyelse using chan_mobile?
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19:13.43hojurukudoes anyone here use siproxd? it's what i want the smallest thing that can re-route sip calls between users behind sipproxy on embedded OS (openwrt) but it adds 2 VIA headers to outgoing sip traffic therefore breaking connectivity with most VSP's like callcentric etc. Has anyone got around this?
19:13.50hojurukuthe other solution i was going to try was some smarts with internal dns and rtpproxy :P that will get the job done. but siproxd is more cool. the problem is all the ddns providers make you pay for wildcard on your ddns :P
19:13.57hojurukuwhy ask here? #siproxd has only the developer in there and he's been asleep a week :P
19:14.57[TK]D-FenderAnd we still aren't 2nd level support for sipproxd
19:16.13*** join/#asterisk K0HAX (~michael@2001:470:c298:1::20)
19:18.46*** part/#asterisk goblin5 (~jristo@
19:20.15SamotAnd generally any proxy you pass it through will add a route that you will see ala "VIA"
19:24.48*** join/#asterisk klow (~textual@
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19:54.17hojuruku[TK]D-Fender: haha well not many people use it. Samot i know that's RFC. I need sipproxy to break RFC's to work in the real world with broken telcos. i think someone made a plugin for it to do it.
19:55.40hojurukuok then. how small can you make asterisk 11 or 13 to put on an openwrt, what's it's code size, absolute minimum sip forwarding and registering only
20:10.57hojuruku[TK]D-Fender: I'm making my own custom build, in fact i'm making a package for openwrt right now  - i'll be doing the push request soon. just made a new openwrt procd (think systemd) init script for mini_snmpd which is no longer available packaged with openwrt.
20:11.07hojurukupull request i mean
20:12.36hojuruku[TK]D-Fender: seeing you are so rude about it, I use freeswitch :P I only came here because your userbase is allegedly larger. Still paying money for skype trunks? freeswitch does it for $0, wow you get 8 outgoing unlimted international calling trunks for $20 dollars a month with freeswitch. There goes your indian callcentre busienss asterisk :P
20:14.44hojurukudid i look like a lame end user when I talked about using dns and rtpproxy to allow in-dialing on a home router without going through to the internet or having a full software pabx? for god sake I used gentoo since 2004 - before they made an installer to keep the lamers away. all you got was the stage1 tarball then :P
20:16.33[TK]D-FenderOh... someone wants my opinion.
20:16.38*** join/#asterisk slav3_sergal (~frankthet@unaffiliated/slav3-kitten/x-0866809)
20:16.48[TK]D-Fenderok then....
20:17.46[TK]D-FenderDisclaimer: Expletives are for "flavour" and not intended as direct in any denigrating manner to any trypically targeted groups.
20:20.54[TK]D-FenderOpenWRT is for 2-bit faggot kiddies trying to recycle cheap consumer trash to feel cool.  Skype is the bastard child of the telephony world used by said aformentioned kiddies who want to look "cool".  The combination of which is a laughable offense
20:22.04[TK]D-FenderAnd those coming in here asking for help on sipproxd, and then spitting on * saying they use FreeSWITCH : GTFO
20:22.25[TK]D-FenderLamer : they guy who spits on a product and then comes to their channel to ask for help on ANOTHER one.
20:28.27[TK]D-Fender... and it's checkout time.  BBIAB
20:28.27*** join/#asterisk piling (~piling@unaffiliated/piling)
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20:40.11ghost75at least openwrt is cooler than crappy stock os from vendor
20:41.45*** join/#asterisk KerioMorgan (
20:41.55||cwghost75: to be fair, you won't need openwrt unless you're "trying to recycle cheap consumer trash"
20:42.10*** join/#asterisk piling (~piling@unaffiliated/piling)
20:42.21||cwI don't agree on the "to feel cool" part of that thought, one does it be make useless stuff useful again
20:42.41ghost75is cool to buy expensive stuff which doesnt offer more options?
20:42.52||cwthere's also some pretty need embedded projects based on openwrt
20:44.27||cweither way I don't see the point.  let the router be a router.  if you want a tiny pbx get a Pi.
20:45.02ghost75it already starts that on most routers not even dhcp can be set propery
20:45.04WIMPyWhat's the difference? Other than the Pi has less hardware?
20:46.11ghost75ever used lancom router? i prefer openwrt 10 times
20:47.29drmessanoYou can buy Mikrotik for the same price or less than crappy Consumer jumk and it's 100x better
20:48.32drmessanoPutting alternate firmware on consumer junk is polishing a turd.  You fix the software issues and add some features, but it's still unreliable crap
20:50.48ghost75expensive not always reliable
20:51.00drmessanoMaybe you missed the first part
20:51.09drmessano16:47:29 <drmessano> You can buy Mikrotik for the same price or less than crappy Consumer jumk and it's 100x better
20:51.27ghost75dont know this
20:51.47ghost75what makes you think is better?
20:52.03drmessanoNo, "Know"
20:52.10drmessanoIt's called "Experience"
20:52.29drmessanoAgain, "Experience"
20:52.42drmessanoBut if you want proof, specs are readily available that show actual performance
20:52.53drmessanoBut technical specs are not "proof" per se
20:52.54ghost75not having bad experience with opernwrt sooo....
20:52.59drmessanoThey are a comparison
20:53.11drmessanoYou have one variable
20:53.28drmessanoMyself and others have many variables to work from
20:54.34drmessanoBut still in all, as someone said earlier..
20:54.36drmessano16:41:55 <||cw> ghost75: to be fair, you won't need openwrt unless you're "trying to recycle cheap consumer trash"
20:54.55WIMPylikes Microtic, but there have been some rather broken RouterOS versions as well.
20:55.08drmessanoWIMPy: Not unlike anything else
20:55.25ghost75this discussion doesnt lead to anything
20:56.54drmessanoNot if you want someone to tell you how great junk consumer routers are, and how openwrt fixes all their problems
20:57.06drmessanoIt doesnt lead to that at all
20:57.18ghost75always depends where you want to use the stuff
20:57.29drmessanoNot really, no
20:57.51drmessanoActual usage and quality are exclusive
20:57.55WIMPydrmessano: Are you using an iPhone?
20:58.04drmessanoRight now?
20:58.24ghost75sip is sip and router is router haha
20:58.36drmessanoMy mobile phone is an iPhone
20:58.45drmessanoIf thats what youre asking
20:59.08drmessanoghost75: Not really, no
20:59.40ghost75u dont get the point
20:59.55drmessanoYoure not making any sort of worth that I would consider valid
21:00.59*** join/#asterisk liquidxd (
21:01.28drmessanoIf you continue to profess the greatness of OpenWRT and the requisite consumer junk routers, expect a lack of agreement.  However, if you would like to simply state "I like OpenWRT" then ok
21:01.50*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
21:01.51drmessanoI can agree that you like OpenWRT
21:02.24ghost75at least is better than stock soho software
21:02.31WIMPyI don't understand how you're able to use Asterisk with that attitude.
21:02.47drmessanoHow so?
21:03.16WIMPyThere are professional dedicated and reliable PBXes out there.
21:03.37ghost75asterisk not far from openwrt really
21:03.48WIMPyWhy use experimental free stuff?
21:04.17drmessanoWIMPy: You are greatly misunderstanding my issue with the scenario
21:05.07drmessanoWIMPy: I don't install Asterisk on a $100 cheap chinese PC from Alibaba
21:05.45ghost75how this will fix software bugs?
21:05.50drmessanoOpenWRT and others are generally geared towards repurposing crap consumer junk routers
21:05.59WIMPyHow often does hardware fail compared to software?
21:06.45WIMPyThe only thing that makes them junk is usually the formware. The hardware is usually capable of doing a lot more.
21:07.13drmessanoIf you put OpenWRT on a Belkin router from Walmart, it's still a cheap Belkin router that probably looks horrible on a spectrum analyzer on the wifi side, and the throughput is terrible
21:07.48drmessanoI don't agree that the hardware is of anything less than junk standard
21:07.56*** part/#asterisk Echo6 (~Echo6@
21:08.10drmessanoanything more*  ... I ruined my double negative
21:08.14WIMPyMaybe, but suddenly you will have a managable switch.
21:10.38drmessanoI have never seen alternate firmware magically fix a poorly designed or produced device
21:10.56ghost75what sort of gui this mikrotik devices have?
21:10.59drmessanoMaybe I didnt install the build that remanufactures it
21:11.09WIMPyMost of the el cheapo reouters contain VLAN capable switches. So that's something on it's own that makes using soem alternative firmware interesting. And there's often more.
21:12.18WIMPyAnd many routers have telephony hardware. On some you can use them. So they look like a very sensible choice for installing Asterisk (to get back on topic).
21:13.49*** join/#asterisk klow (~textual@
21:16.56ghost75all mikrotik support dual wan?
21:17.31drmessanoMikrotik has not concept of "Dual WAN".. if you want to use multiple internet connections you just connect them and configure the ports as such
21:17.33WIMPyAs many as you want.
21:19.06drmessanoWIMPy: and as far as the "are you an iPhone?" question, I also own an iPad, and I exclusively use desktop Linux and have for years.  But I buy a decent laptop and decent desktop machine to run said Linux
21:19.48drmessanoI don't buy a $100 cheapbook and expect it to last so I can proclaim ZOMG I Linuxed it
21:20.10ghost75there is webui?
21:20.37drmessanoghost75: There are lots of interfaces to Mikrotiks
21:20.58drmessanoSSH, WinBox, WebIf
21:21.38WIMPyhasn't seen the web stuff, yet.
21:21.38ghost75intuitive to use or wth options like lancom?
21:22.34drmessanoI would say its intuitive
21:22.55drmessanoBut it requires some knowledge.. it's not for a consumer level end-user
21:23.40WIMPyBut if you know what you're doing (and when you use devices like these, you should), you can manage them without reading the manual with little experimentation.
21:25.43drmessanoEverything is pretty well grouped and easy to find.  Configuring it takes some knowledge of what you are doing
21:25.45ghost75some vendors make it unnecessary compliated
21:25.54drmessanoI wouldnt give this to a non-techie and expect them to get anywhere
21:27.35drmessanoBut seriously, you can get something like a HAP AC Lite for $50 and it will blow away any consumer box going for twice that much.  You can scale up as much as you need to with it
21:29.28ghost75unfortunately almost everyone here is using allinone boxes with telephony and dsl modem
21:30.38drmessanoThey have this thing called "Passthrough", though it goes by many other names
21:32.00ghost75is the trend, one box for everything but without much possibilites
21:32.26drmessanoYep ok they have those everywhere
21:32.41drmessanoand you put a router behind it and configure the AIO to be just a modem
21:33.07WIMPyAnd that's exactely the kind of hardware whe you want a better firmware.
21:33.20ghost75and then need something to connect old pbx with isdn
21:33.54drmessanoI feel like I am being trolled right now by the Vacuum Tube brigade
21:34.19ghost75its a rick rolled
21:34.25drmessanoWhy use Asterisk even?
21:34.30drmessano3CX runs on Windows
21:34.42drmessanoWindows is guten
21:35.02ghost75who answer this
21:37.46drmessanoI guess if I am going to spend $50 to $100 on a router, I want something that works... and the idea of buying a cheap consumer POS only to put alternate firmware on it, to hopefully get a slightly better POS, seems silly to me.  But if that works for you, then more power to you
21:38.31WIMPyThe point it you get the cheap stuff anyway, if you wan it or not.
21:38.45||cwyeah I would do that.  but I would do it to a router that I already had
21:39.12WIMPyAnd there's lots of unued things. Why bin them if they are still usefull?
21:39.26drmessanoWhy buy them in the first place?
21:39.41WIMPySure. I (usually) wouldn't buy somethig to try to make it usefull.
21:39.44||cwbecause you just need a cheap router at the time?
21:39.56ghost75often provider telling we cant help with issues because u dont use our router, so you stuck with their cheap devices
21:40.09WIMPyThat's the point: You don't buy them. You get them from your provider or from the skip.
21:41.16WIMPyAnd every time you change provider or move or just change plan you get another el cheapo device.
21:41.29ghost75forever cheapo
21:41.36drmessanoThats where I get my PBX boxes from too.. Curb surfing before the trash truck comes
21:41.54SamotI just have a modem from my provider.
21:41.58SamotI turned down their router.
21:42.09drmessanoI bought my own
21:42.17SamotBecause I like to have control over my router.
21:42.20drmessanoBecause $7-$10 a month rental is expensive
21:42.34drmessanoIm sure they wouldnt like me putting new firmware on it either
21:43.12SamotWell it's why they lock people out most the time.
21:43.23drmessanoI know i'm an IPhone idiot an all, but I prefer to choose my modem and router
21:43.32drmessanoRather than take whats provided and pay rental
21:43.49ghost75personally i only use such box because it consumes less energy
21:44.02WIMPyIh yeah. Moem rental seems to be the new thing.
21:44.14SamotModem rental is not a new thing.
21:44.23drmessanoLike 15 years maybe
21:44.43WIMPyWell, it seems to become fashinable now.
21:44.58SamotIt's always been in fashion.
21:45.02drmessanoI was buying ADSL modems in the early 2000s because I didnt want to pay to rent
21:45.23WIMPyNot here. Rarely any offers fo rmodem rental so far.
21:45.24ghost75rent is most stupied thing ever
21:45.29drmessanoI haven't rented a modem since 2002 I think
21:45.59SamotHere's the funny thing about modem rentals...
21:46.12SamotAt the end of it all, they don't really care if you send it back.
21:46.37SamotI canceled my ATT service last year and I was like "Where do I ship this?"
21:46.43ghost75because they paid like 5x sum of what is worth
21:46.48SamotAnd they said "Throw it in the bin, someone will use it."
21:46.49drmessanoModem costs them nothing.. they just like to collect the money
21:46.57||cwatt doens't care.  charter does
21:47.10||cwbut charter doens't charge a rental anymore either
21:47.11WIMPyOh, that's usually the business plan here. A free modem for the duration of your contract. And if you don't send it back you get a bill for at least 10 times as much as it is worth.
21:47.13ghost75there is also telekom is US ?
21:47.21||cwyou pay the same if you buy your own modem or not
21:47.36SamotCharter doesn't care.
21:47.40SamotYou know who cares?
21:47.52SamotThe contractors that collect the equipment for them.
21:48.07SamotBecause they get a bonus on returned equipment.
21:48.19WIMPyBut honstly I don't know why they even pay for the postage to get their old hardware back. It's surely less worth than the postage.
21:48.21SamotThey just send them a list.
21:48.24||cwwhich means charter cares enough to offer a bonus
21:48.37SamotI didn't say a bonus.
21:48.41SamotI said the contractors.
21:48.45WIMPyIf I were them I'd hope the cusomers didn't sent it back so I wouldn't have to pay to get rid of the stuff.
21:48.48SamotWho are not direct employees of Charter.
21:49.01SamotAnd get paid based on the returns.
21:49.11SamotThey don't return equipment, oh well.
21:49.18drmessanoOh and, if you RENT, and there's a technology upgrade, you can't upgrade unless THEY decide you have a valid reason.  Like if you had a DOCSIS 2.0 cable modem.  Until THEY decided your Surfboard 5101 was obsolete, fsck you.. Your modem is fine
21:49.35drmessanoDamn all that
21:49.48drmessanoI wanted a 3.0, I found one cheap on Amazon
21:49.49||cwthere's Surfboard 5101s that haven't fried themselves yet?
21:50.20drmessanoThey are good for 30 megs, right?
21:50.27drmessanoSo they're still a standard
21:50.37freebssettle down
21:51.23drmessanofreebs: Since you're a PFSense user, I guess I should explain
21:51.39drmessano30 megs means 30 megabits, which is what you would get if you didn't have PF
21:51.46drmessanoJust FYI
21:52.10filedrmessano, you're funny
21:52.45drmessanofile: It's been a while since I got to troll freebs and his pfsense box
21:52.47||cwpretty sure I've clocked pf at >1Gbps in vms...
21:53.04drmessanoHe misses me
21:53.05||cw10G vm nics FTW
21:53.39freebspfsense makes the world go round...
21:54.16drmessanofreebs: Right after you disable SIP ALG
21:54.16WIMPyShouldn't things better go square in the digital age?
21:54.46freebsnone in pfsense
21:56.20drmessanoI went to a Linuxfest not too long ago, and this poor guy just took a BEATING during one of the talks which was basically supposed to be how FreeBSD is stealing Linux's lunch money
21:56.59drmessanoPoor guy could have made a case, but none of his points were valid
21:58.19SamotI just setup Polycom Desktop Connector.
22:01.39SamotNot bad
22:02.24SamotNot sure I would personally use it.
22:08.51hojuruku[TK]D-Fender I love you already mate! I got banned from #lede-dev for not supporting gay marriage. I hope that openwrt fork dies and gets gobbled up like libav will soon be by FFMPEG!
22:09.40hojurukufunny bugger you'r cool. I'm a conserative anti-gay-pedophilia activist and i like your use of the word faggot. I am - refugee of the west gay pedos like snowden and assange for the UNHCR paperwork in HK before snowden went there b4 russia.
22:12.17*** join/#asterisk acidfu_ (
22:43.22*** join/#asterisk klow (~textual@
22:51.11*** join/#asterisk pa (~pa@unaffiliated/pa)
22:57.11drmessanoSamot: Truth is, I don't support happy marriage either
22:57.19drmessanoI think Marriage should be miserable
23:02.12*** join/#asterisk Juggie (~Juggie@unaffiliated/juggie)
23:14.03SamotThat's just experience speaking.
23:16.55drmessanoNever go full marriage
23:22.38*** join/#asterisk absentbird (
23:23.28absentbirdI am trying to troubleshoot some analog lines through a t1 card on an asterisk server. Is there a simple way to send a ring to a channel to see where it goes?
23:38.24drmessanoYou can't troubleshoot analog lines with a digital card
23:46.17*** join/#asterisk b11d (
23:46.22b11dhey all
23:48.14b11dI've got a phone system thats doing about 500-600 calls a day.  We're looking at using asterisk as a backup to our current system, and am wondering if its at all possible to use it to queue calls, and hand those calls off to cell phones back out the same PRI?
23:48.52b11dlike, the only way I can seem to envision it is that I'd have a call out to a cell phone thats attached to a conference and have members of the queue swap in and out of that conference somehow
23:49.23[TK]D-FenderCalls go wherever you tell them to go
23:49.30b11dthe reason it'd be going to cell phones is that in the case of needing this particular box, the local network would be down and we still need a way to be able to answer/handle/dispatch all those calls coming in
23:49.53b11dright, but I know I cant possibly sustain that call volume back out to phones on a single PRI.. i'd run out of channels too fast
23:50.27b11dlooking for an elegant way to have people use a few cell phones to receive that level of call volume.
23:50.38[TK]D-FenderIf you want to come in via PRI and then right back out then you'd have to enable 2BCT
23:50.40infobot[~2BCT] 2BCT (2 B-Channel Transfer) allows a call coming in over DAHDi and back out again to the same telco to be handed off freeing the channels from your circuit.  To enable this (if your carrier supports it) add "transfer=yes" to your channel configurations.
23:50.47[TK]D-FenderAnd have your telco support it
23:50.50b11dthats it?!@!?@?!
23:50.58b11dlololol.. so great
23:51.09b11dI'll talk to the vendor and see if its an option.
23:51.20[TK]D-FenderBTW ... you WILL be billed as required as though the channels were still going through you, but at least they'll be free
23:51.36b11dindeed,  understood.
23:52.06[TK]D-FenderYou also can't be doing ANYTHING that would for * to stay in the path
23:52.12[TK]D-Fenderno recording, DTMF-based features, etc
23:53.11b11dof coruse, it'd be out of the picture at that point.
23:54.00b11dany pointers on how to look at setting up the queues and allow these cell phoens to be able to manage them?
23:55.27b11dive done it with voip phones on the same network as the pbx, but never with cells that exist outside of the system... maybe its virtually the same.
23:58.55*** join/#asterisk KerioMorgan (

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