IRC log for #asterisk on 20160705

00:09.59*** join/#asterisk monsterco (
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00:17.54marcozinkHello, I
00:18.48marcozinkI'm having troubles with a "#" character in a dial string to my ITSP, it's showing as %23, i'm using asterisk 11, any ideas?
00:30.40*** join/#asterisk fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
01:58.55*** join/#asterisk Juggie (~Juggie@unaffiliated/juggie)
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05:23.41sigmaorionhi guys! I need to use either G729 or iLBc with FEC enabled... how do I enable FEC on those codecs in Asterisk?
05:23.55sigmaorionis FEC supported at all?
05:26.08sigmaorionas for silk you can set fec=true or fec=false in codecs.conf
05:32.08*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
05:37.55*** join/#asterisk raspberrypifan (
05:38.07raspberrypifanoptions for plain asterisk billing
05:45.55[TK]D-FenderMS Excel
05:46.32raspberrypifanwell sometihing more systemic
05:46.57[TK]D-FenderMS Excel + VBA
05:52.53raspberrypifannot really what i was thinking
05:53.24SamotWe're not sure what to recommend. Most of the options have a lot of text boxes.
05:57.33*** join/#asterisk shootbird (
06:00.52*** join/#asterisk tparcina (~tomo@
06:01.05drmessanoHome ITSP
06:14.35SamotHe literally had just said FreePBX has too many text boxes, it felt unpolished and needed improvement. He suggested it all be done with menus.
06:15.57SamotThen TK showed me a video on how to polish a turd.
06:17.16SamotApparently if you have a lot of meat in your diet your turd will be really shiny when you polish it.
06:17.43drmessanoThat dude is just.. idk
06:18.09drmessanoHe wants an ITSP in a box that has like 3 boxes and bills with PayPal
06:19.08SamotDoesn't everybody?
06:20.56drmessanoSomeone needs to come up with an ITSP Distro thats easy to configure as Snapchat
06:21.06drmessanoMaybe actually use Snapchat to configure it
06:21.41drmessanoDoesnt Snapchat have a REST API?
06:25.59SamotI've never used Snapchat.
06:26.52drmessanoIts all the hotness
06:27.37drmessanoHave you ever wanted to take a selfie and put dog ears on yourself?
06:27.43drmessanoWell, you cn
06:37.28*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
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07:04.28*** join/#asterisk AviiNL (~AviiNL@
07:05.09*** join/#asterisk UncleKiwi (~UncleKiwi@unaffiliated/unclekiwi)
07:05.37UncleKiwihey i have a few spa122 ATA's registering to an Asterisk box over lan
07:05.55UncleKiwiand every few months or so the SPA122 hangs
07:05.58UncleKiwicant ping it
07:06.07UncleKiwiand have to pull the power and boot it again
07:06.14UncleKiwiand then its fine
07:06.24UncleKiwijust wondering if anyone has seen this
07:06.39UncleKiwiI have just upgraded them to the most recent firmware
07:06.46UncleKiwito see if this will help
07:07.13UncleKiwior are the spa122's just garbage
07:13.31SamotSPA122's are pretty decent.
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08:16.08UncleKiwiyeah i just get them failing after like several months
08:16.21UncleKiwiyou know they are just not 100% uptime things
08:16.44UncleKiwiso as you can imagine if i have 100 of these devices in service
08:17.01UncleKiwiits just making me look bad
08:17.09UncleKiwiwhen they fail
08:17.58UncleKiwiits not asterisk letting me down at all
08:18.15UncleKiwii think its just garbage hardware
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08:21.03Alblasco1702UncleKiwi, try to make a script that restarts the SPA122's on a time nobody is there.
08:21.16Alblasco1702befoe they hang.
08:21.55UncleKiwiyeah i guess i could rebooth them once a month
08:22.11UncleKiwithat might .... solve it
08:22.51UncleKiwibut that would assume that they have a min hang time
08:23.19UncleKiwiwhich i would assume is probably greater than a month
08:23.29UncleKiwiso yeah might work
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08:26.46UncleKiwii have a school and a hotel im about to put asterisk into
08:26.59UncleKiwi42 phones
08:27.04UncleKiwiin the hotel
08:27.39UncleKiwidont worry i dont be using any more spa122's
08:30.36Alblasco1702UncleKiwi, or it barfs on a configuration setting don't ask me why.
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10:01.18ronybeckWhen a UAS sends a 401 unauthorized (authentication challenge) does the To and From fields need to match the invite (especially the IP address)?
11:10.39*** join/#asterisk bounceman (~bounceman@
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11:12.37bouncemanHi, can anyone provide me with some ideas on this issue. We experience that asterisk do not answer to INVITEs but 8-10 seconds later. When I look at the sip debug CLI the INVITE does not even show. If I run tcpdump port 5060 I see them quite well.
11:13.01bouncemanThe response times are excellent, there are no network gaps and the server has 8 cores with 0.8 load on each and 1gb of free space.
11:13.12bouncemanThis ALWAYS occur on high loads when queued calls reach 50-60
11:13.15shido6compile from source?
11:13.31shido6+did you
11:13.54shido6so you are processing 50-60 concurrent calls or total calls?
11:14.02bouncemancurrently 20 ongoing calls and 52 in queue
11:14.26bounceman100 active sip dialogs
11:14.41shido6kewl beans, so thats a lot of call data to paste in pastebin.. soo standby
11:15.11bouncemanAsterisk 11 btw
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11:55.58shido6brb breakfast for the fam
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12:20.28*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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13:08.24bouncemanWhat can cause asterisk to not recieve INVITES on high load? The invites register in tcpdump but no in the asterisk cli
13:09.46SamotThen it's receiving INVITES.
13:10.31fileif chan_sip is in use then blocking operations (database access, slow DNS) can cause UDP traffic to be delayed
13:14.24*** join/#asterisk shootbird (
13:19.22bouncemanSamot: yeah, I've seen that asterisk do answer after about 8-9 seconds, however which it so late since the sip dialog has been destroyed.
13:20.01SamotWhat are the specs on the PBX?
13:20.18bounceman8 cores and 2gb of ram
13:20.59SamotAre you recording calls?
13:21.08bouncemanIt occurred some hours ago when the calls went from 0 calls in queue to 60 :D
13:21.14bouncemanopening hours to say
13:21.54SamotSo you have 20 active inbound, 52 in the queue (which I'm sure is playing music)
13:22.26SamotSo roughly 75 calls on top of all the other inbound calls you might have but recording all the audio....
13:22.36SamotI'd raise your resources.
13:22.38SamotThis a VM?
13:23.10bounceman20 active calls and 50-60 in queue
13:23.18bouncemanaround 100 channels
13:23.24bouncemanSometimes 80 calls in queue
13:23.31bouncemanPlaying music correct
13:23.40SamotCalls in the queue are active calls.
13:24.21SamotCall recording can cause delays.
13:24.25bouncemanIt's a vmware
13:24.43bouncemanThe cpu load is only about 0.8 and there is plenty of free ram
13:24.49SamotBecause right now you are actively recording 60 calls.
13:25.01bouncemanThey do only record once reaching an agent, queue is not recorded
13:26.39bouncemanI might wanna start logging slow queries in the mysql, see if there is any holdup, but why would that stop asterisk from sending a TRYING?
13:37.00[TK]D-FenderDB lookups will freeze *
13:37.34bouncemanIs the lookup being done before a trying get sent?
13:39.17fileI do believe so, and because chan_sip is single threaded a request can block all others
13:39.21bouncemanI would expect atleast to see the INVITE in the cli
13:43.41[TK]D-Fenderchan_sip = blocked.
13:43.51[TK]D-FenderYou shouldn't see a thing... because nothing got the packet yet
13:48.04*** join/#asterisk jeffspeff (~overyande@
13:48.36bouncemanI see, do you have any tips of how to troubleshoot this Fender?
13:48.40bouncemanOr anyone else for that matter
13:55.08*** join/#asterisk monsterco (
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14:08.34*** join/#asterisk puzzled (~puzzled@2001:982:1097:1:cd6b:f19f:4d4c:248a)
14:13.40*** join/#asterisk catphish (~catphish@unaffiliated/catphish)
14:15.00catphishi'm looking at using a proxy in front of asterisk, is it possible to have sip peers that require authentication normally, but are trusted if they come via the proxy?
14:17.42catphishi'm a little confused about how it will work, i don't really want my proxy to be a peer itself, i want it to be able to tell asterisk which peer a request is originating from, and have asterisk trust that information, unfortunately i don't 100% understand sip proxying yet
14:25.46jkroonbounceman, pjsip or chan_sip?
14:26.12jkrooni'm better if you run netstat -nuap | grep 5060 you'll see the receive queue has stuff in it.
14:26.20bouncemanjkroon: how can I see which one is being used?
14:26.38jkroonif you're asking that question it's chan_sip :)
14:26.48jkroonhow many SIP endpoints do you have?
14:27.04bouncemanasterisk 11 is chan_sip if am not out in the blue
14:27.20bouncemanUsually around 20 active, 30 in total
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14:27.22jkroonyou're correct.  read the above.
14:27.28jkroonyour problem is *disk* IO related.
14:28.44bouncemanYou think so
14:29.04jkrooni spent a week trying to track down the source before I wrote that.
14:29.15jkroonchan_sip is single-threaded on RX.
14:29.43jkroonon register it does an fsync() to disk by way of sqlite ... which can take *seconds*.
14:29.57bouncemanwe use mysql, maybe not any different
14:30.19jkroonnot your problem.  chan_sip uses astdb which uses sqlite.  you have no choice in that matter.
14:30.37bouncemanDo you have any tips how we can monitor the IO?
14:30.39jkroonmysql is very smart about caching etc in-memory, much more so than sqlite, but sqlite is more suited for the task here.
14:30.40bouncemanVerify that it is causing it
14:30.48jkrooniotop and iostat -dmx 1
14:30.58jkroonalso, that netstat command
14:31.11bouncemanI am looking for high utilization%?
14:31.20jkroonyes, and long queue times.
14:31.51jkroonhigh utilization % values is not *always* a problem (NCQ queues up to 31 concurrent commands, so even a value of 100% doesn't mean you're maxing out on disks).
14:32.08bouncemanhow do I read netstat -nuap | grep 5060 ? I see udp followed by 0
14:32.11bouncemanmeaning queue is 0 ?
14:32.38jkroonProto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name
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14:33.10jkroonso yes, if the value direction after udp ever goes >0 you've probably got a problem with backlog in chan_sip.  it's normally very fast and sporadic >0 values is OK.
14:33.32jkroonmeaning netstat just happens to sample at the exact moment the packet arrived but before asterisk did a read() on the socket.
14:34.54jkroonread my blog entry that I gave you the link for.
14:35.13jkroonit doesn't give ways to confirm that you've got the problem, only the fix.
14:35.21bouncemanI will, I already started it.
14:35.24jkroonwhich is a definite shortcoming of the write-up.
14:35.43bouncemanGreat help
14:36.11bouncemanI will be a frequent visitor of your blog, looking for more fixes for disguisting issues.
14:37.18jkroonlol, i don't write that often at this stage.
14:37.19*** join/#asterisk Terminar (
14:37.28jkroonbut thanks for the implied compliment.
14:39.03*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-qauqvqtjpgsapgkr)
14:40.57bouncemanjkroon: what do you mean by RX?
14:42.29jkroonindeed.  i'm off.  i'll be back tomorrow if you'd like to get more info.
14:42.49jkroonI'm reasonably sure I've got the patches I used to measure those timings around still as well.
14:46.11*** join/#asterisk monsterco (
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14:48.39bouncemanThat would be cool
14:50.34*** join/#asterisk carp3 (~chatzilla@
14:51.45carp3Hi, when i put 10 files in spool/asterisk/outgoing queue, asterisk tries to call them at once. so 9 of them fail. is there anyway to tell asterisk to call them one by one ?
14:54.17[TK]D-FenderYou need to feed themthat way yourself by whatever means you come up with for that
14:54.45[TK]D-Fenderincluding triggering the next at the end of each via dialplan, etc
14:55.23wdoekesor by requeueing themselves after failure, with a increasing or random delay
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15:26.38catphishis it possible to have asterisk skip password authentication of peers for certain IP addresses? (chan_sip)
15:28.06catphishi have a proxy between end users and asterisk, and i'd like it to be trusted to authenticate peers, but i'd like end users connecting directly to asterisk be authenticated by asterisk
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15:45.51xaiHello. Why "Scheduling destruction of SIP dialog" happens?
15:46.48xai(possible reasons)
15:52.41shido6catphish, yes
15:52.50[TK]D-Fenderbecause * will not let lagging comms stay open
15:52.55[TK]D-Fenderthis does not mean it's a CALL
15:53.02catphishshido6: how does one do this?
15:53.10[TK]D-Fenderso don't take it that this is related to any issue you are currently having
15:53.10*** part/#asterisk monsterco (
15:53.18shido6host=IP of that host and remove secret
15:53.45shido6Im assuming you have all the other details in sip.conf for that peer
15:53.53catphishshido6: oh yeah, i was aware of that, what i was hoping for was more a way to bypass the secret for a trusted proxy
15:53.58shido6there I go making an ass of myself, again.
15:54.07catphishi wasn't very clear
15:54.27catphishi could just do that on a peer-by-peer basis as i migrate them to the proxy
15:54.45*** join/#asterisk sigmaorion (b5e41945@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:54.48catphishideally i wanted people to be able to move from "direct to asterisk" to "proxied" in their own time
15:55.20sigmaorionhi guys... any idea if RFC5109 was or is planned to be supported by Asterisk?
15:56.11shido6ok quick question - are you looking to deploy "Upper Registration" ? where all customers reg to the public facing SBC and the SBC forwards to registration to asterisk but the client has no clue about the SBC, just the domain?
15:56.48shido6ok - its too early, i can't type
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16:10.55catphishshido6: yes, that's what i want to do, the SBC will pass registrations through to asterisk, clients will only know about the domain
16:11.21shido6ah ha!
16:11.42shido6my psychic abilities and spidy senses are not as off as I once thought.
16:12.08catphishkamailio likes to do auth itself and pass unauthenticated requests to asterisk, though perhaps this is unnecessary, might be able to move things around to asterisk always still does the auth and the proxy doesn't care
16:12.21shido6unauth shouldn't touch asterisk
16:12.28shido6thats why kam is there
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16:12.49catphishoh right yeah i see what you're saying
16:13.02shido6i should say unauthorized clients shouldn't touch asterisk
16:13.05catphishso you think kam *should* do the auth before anything gets to asterisk
16:13.23shido6isn't it talking to asterisk's db?
16:13.39catphishin which case, asterisk itself doesn't need to check the auth, which is the recommended way to set it up, the problem is that i have clients right now that connect direct to asterisk and authenticate, i didnt want to have to move them all to the proxy at once
16:13.53catphishyes, it consults asterisk's database
16:13.56catphishand does the auth
16:14.05catphishbut what it doesn't do it send any auth to asterisk
16:14.23catphishit's designed to work with a totally insecure asterisk as far as i can tell
16:15.00shido6dam to Asterisk is insecure but kam should auth using asterisk's db - so no unauth traffic should ever hit asterisk.
16:15.08shido6kam not dam
16:15.38shido6do u have topology hiding enabled, too ?
16:16.48catphishshido6: topology won't really be a secret, since asterisk will be doing media
16:17.23catphishso i guess the answer is "no", i cant skip password auth on a per-IP basis
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16:20.42jruncan SIPShowpeer return all peers without specifying the peer's name?
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16:28.03[TK]D-FenderContact: <sip:0884640052@>
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17:10.15jgoahh it's a wonderful day
17:11.28fileit ain't bad
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19:37.20st2hello, i had issue with Dial command inside GoSub subroutine.
19:38.09st2when Dial command exit with non zera status, executing of subroutine interrupts too
19:39.21[TK]D-Fender| is NOT valid
19:39.31st2for example Dial command. But when callee hanguo before connect i've got interrupt of my extension scenario
19:39.46[TK]D-Fendershow us the actual dialplan and the cactual call attempt
19:40.21st2should i use comma instead of | ?
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19:43.58[TK]D-Fenderno extra chars at all
19:52.23st2sorry for your waiting
19:52.44st2i try to fix dial command but no success
19:52.53st2 here is my call log
19:53.39st2i try to migrate my extensions from realtime database to traditional config files throught GoSub using
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19:55.51st2so in pickup extension i want use just GoSub call
19:56.02st2mysql> select * from sip_extensions where context='new-pops_pickup' and exten='s';
19:56.02st2| id     | context         | exten | priority | app   | appdata                                                                           |
19:56.02st2| 441132 | new-pops_pickup | s     |        1 | GoSub | sub-call,incomming,1(new-pops,SIP/new-pops_102&SIP/new-pops_101&SIP/new-pops_103) |
19:59.10st2and i want to put all old login of call processing in subroutine
20:05.36st2here is my part of dialplan according to incomming call
20:10.25*** join/#asterisk st2 (~st2@
20:10.50st2sorry, bad connection
20:11.18st2so what's wrong with my dialplan?
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20:57.51jonahHi can anyone please help me out. My asterisk setup was working great but suddenly today I noticed asterisk wasn't anwsering the phone any more and in the asteris cli when I ring in it gives this error: [Jul  5 21:54:39] WARNING[8698][C-00000002]: chan_dahdi.c:1225 my_get_callerid: read returned error: Invalid argument
20:58.13jonahany fix for this would be really appreciated thanks
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23:05.53kippiI am trying to up the amount of pseudo channels, however /sys/module/dahdi/parameters/max_pseudo_channels is missing
23:06.38kippihow can I get dahdi to create these
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