IRC log for #asterisk on 20160615

00:00.01*** join/#asterisk raspberrypifan (
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00:06.02MRH2hi cdr database q - my database connection may be questionable in the future.... how reliable is spool=pgsql.spool
00:08.16*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
00:08.59MRH2a 'handy just in case' or a 'bet your life on it' type of thing
00:51.22MRH2ok bbl
01:09.37*** join/#asterisk ashysaini (~ashy.sain@
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05:13.49*** join/#asterisk apb1963 (
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05:20.15apb1963Hello.  I'm getting xmpp errors from asterisk it won't register to google as of today when my hardware crashed & rebooted.  When I try *43 from my softphone (jitsi) it tries to connect via my google connection and of course fails.
05:20.49apb1963Up until today, it's been working fine for months.
05:24.49drmessanoI think google voice xmpp is down
05:24.58drmessanoYou're like the 3rd person
05:25.35*** join/#asterisk Rasputin3711 (~Rasputin3@
05:26.57apb1963I was thinking and hoping that was the problem because honestly that's the simplest answer.
05:27.16apb1963thank you dr!
05:27.39apb1963I think google has a dashboard where one can check on the status of things....... sadly I dn't remember how to get there.
05:28.15apb1963I googled it.  lol
05:31.40apb1963nah that's a dead end.... I could have sworn there was some way to check on the status of various services
05:33.20apb1963I think this is what I was looking for  but I don't see anything related to xmpp :(
05:33.47apb1963well, I just pray it fixes itself
05:33.59apb1963drmessano: thanks again
05:34.31drmessanoYou're not gonna see a status for that component
05:34.38drmessanoIt's not really supported
05:34.49apb1963well I figured it would be under hangouts
05:34.49drmessanoAnd it may be gone this time
05:35.02apb1963but there's no status for hangouts
05:35.21drmessanoXmpp isn't hangouts, it's "Talk"
05:35.34drmessanoxmpp is google talk
05:35.39apb1963I thought talk got converted to hangouts
05:35.46apb1963oh but not the same protocol if I recall
05:36.44apb1963I pray they fix it...  everybody pray :)
05:36.58drmessanoIt may be gone for good
05:37.06apb1963stop saying that!   You'll jinx it!
05:37.10drmessanoThey've only been talking about it for 2 years
05:37.40drmessanoNow would be a good time to port out
05:37.53apb1963to where?    everybody wants money :(
05:38.07drmessanoWell yes.
05:38.27drmessanoNothing is free
05:38.41apb1963what irritates me is I'm already paying my cable company (RoadRunner) for phone service (VOIP), but I can't use asterisk with it.
05:38.52apb1963Or at least, I certainly don't know how.
05:38.59drmessanoSo stop using it
05:39.08apb1963stop using asterisk?
05:39.14drmessanoPort your GV to an ITSP
05:39.27drmessanoNO, stop using your cable companies phones
05:39.43apb1963Umm... how does not using their phone help?
05:40.06drmessanoYou're paying for it, right?
05:40.14apb1963Actually I mostly don't use it.  Until something breaks related to asterisk, in this case xmpp/google.
05:40.35apb1963Yes.  It's part of a bundle.  If I remove it from the bundle, the price of the Internet service goes up.
05:40.49apb1963It's included free in the bundle.
05:40.54drmessanoSo, 1. stop paying for it. 2. Get an account with an ITSP 3. Configure it in Asterisk
05:41.17apb1963How do I get an account with an ITSP if I have no Internet connection?
05:41.20drmessanoFree and bundle don't go together.  You're paying for it
05:41.32drmessanoYou have no internet?
05:42.00apb1963Of course I'm paying for it.  But isolating it out does not lower the cost, on the contrary they charge extra for removing the "free phone service"
05:42.30drmessanoHow are you using Asterisk with Google voice without Internet?
05:42.54apb1963YOU are telling me to stop paying for it.  Were I to follow your advice, then I would have no Internet connection.
05:43.06drmessanoStop paying for the PHONE
05:43.17drmessanooh my god
05:43.29apb1963If I stop paying for the phone, the cost of the Internet connection goes UP.
05:44.01apb1963It is counter intuitive, but it is how they lock you in.
05:44.19drmessanoOk, well, good luck
05:45.09apb1963Again... thank you for the help.  I'll check in tomorrow if I'm still down.
05:46.26*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
05:50.17SamotI hope Google does dump GV.
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07:28.19*** join/#asterisk Rico (~Rico@unaffiliated/rico29)
07:28.21Ricohi !
07:28.41RicoI'm looking for documentation about asterisk 13 / rtcp-xr
07:29.00*** join/#asterisk K0HAX (
07:29.47Ricois there some doc about that ?
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08:50.22*** join/#asterisk Greenlight (
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09:46.18*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (
09:48.30pagoogle xmpp still down here
09:49.18*** join/#asterisk MajesticFudgie (
09:50.55pathe funny part is..
09:51.05pait's the only google service i'm paying for..
09:51.39pabut maybe there exist equivalent services with equivalent fares
09:51.48pathey actually increased the prices recently
09:52.07pabut so long another gives me the same fares i have no problem to switch
09:52.49pathat is no connection charge, 1c/min for landlines, 3c/min for mobile phones
09:53.52Harishow can I build module for srtp when I'v already compiled asterisk 13 from source ? this is centos 7
09:54.00WIMPyYou want the same? Not lower? :-)
09:54.12pawell, lower are ok too :D
09:54.33pathe nice side effect of GV is also that there was no VAT to pay
09:54.44pakinda :-)
09:55.03WIMPyI think the most known google service will tell you where to get them.
09:55.26pawell i probably will get tons or results, but is there anything actually reliable?
09:55.54pai know a reliable italian provider, but fares aren't cheap
09:56.35Harisguys ? anyone ?
09:56.51WIMPyVoicetrading has worked quite well.
09:57.17pathanks! i'll check it out!
09:57.24WIMPyHaris: Make sure yu have the dependencies installed, select it and compile and instll again.
09:57.41Harisselect it where ? where in menuselect ?
09:58.21HarisI have libsrtp-1.4.4-10.20101004cvs.el7.x86_64 and libsrtp-devel-1.4.4-10.20101004cvs.el7.x86_64 installed from rpm pkgs on centos 7
09:58.52paWIMPy, funny i can't find that in any of the top 3 "list of voip providers" G returns :-)
09:58.57Hariswhere is the srtp option in make menuselect ?
10:00.34Harisits not there
10:01.19WIMPydoesn't have it enabled any more. But I think it's a resource module.
10:01.43paWIMPy, but thanks, it has nice fares :)
10:01.58Harisyep. its a resource mod. but I can't see it in the menu
10:02.38*** join/#asterisk Alblasco1702 (
10:02.41Harisah, I forgot there's an option to scroll on that screen
10:04.41Harisin makemenuselect I have srtp lib listed as ---->  XXX res_srtp
10:04.53Hariswhat does the XXX on that menu/screen mean ?
10:04.59Harisnot added ? already added ?
10:07.31Harisit means, its getting it from external source ?
10:08.01HarisDepends on: srtp(E) <--- what does this mean ?
10:08.11Harisexternal ?
10:13.47Hariswhat do you use for srtp replacement ? I need this for webrtc calls
10:13.58Harisweb socket based video calls
10:16.54Harisguys, where does asterisk 13 get srtp from on centos 7 when compiling from source ?
10:18.34WIMPyXXX means unavailable (due to unmet dependencies)
10:21.41paWIMPy, do you use voicetrading?
10:21.58WIMPyYes, but not for myself.
10:22.15pai see, nice :)
10:22.26Harishow do I get its deps installed ? I already have the binary pkg installed on this box ?
10:22.45Harissimilar is case for pjsip
10:23.10WIMPySomewheer in the contrib directory there's a scrip to install all dependencies.
10:24.04Hariscontrib/scripts/install_prereq install <-- ?
10:24.36WIMPyLooks correct
10:24.38Haristhis doesn't install srtp
10:26.02Harispkg names for deps need to be updated for centos 7 in asterisk's source pkg
10:26.06Harispkg = zip
10:27.04Haris[root@localhost asterisk-13.9.1]# rpm -qa|egrep -i srt
10:27.38*** join/#asterisk Zogot (~Adium@
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10:27.57Harisasterisk's source stuff is not picking these on centos 7. how do I make it catch srtp for a successfully enabled build ?
10:28.16ZogotHey, question regarding the queue, hold time can be a negative value? what does that represent?
10:28.48WIMPyThe configure log might contain so hint.
10:30.58Haris---> /usr/bin/ld: warning:, needed by /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.8.5/../../../../lib64/, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link)
10:31.07Haris---> /usr/bin/ld: warning:, needed by /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.8.5/../../../../lib64/, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link)
10:31.08Haris---> /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.8.5/../../../../lib64/ undefined reference to `pj_log'
10:31.29Harisits taking the wrong path to find
10:32.06Harisits present under /usr/lib64 on centos 7 64bit box
10:32.11Haris..on this+ ...
10:33.25Harispath is also ok
10:33.36Hariswould make clean clean the current configure output ?
10:33.46WIMPySee ./configure --help. You should find something like --with-srtp=/path.
10:34.11Harisone more thing.
10:34.29HarisI installed asterisk as per this ->
10:34.43Haristhere's no configure option there
10:34.54HarisI mean its not mentioned. I'm not sure what it is configured with
10:35.01Harisok, to move forward with this ?
10:35.37Harisactually it is mentioned
10:36.00Haris---> ./configure --libdir=/usr/lib64 <--- this should have been picked from here ?
10:36.05WIMPyYes. I see --libdir=
10:37.12Hariswhen I do ls -alF /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.8.5/../../../../lib64/ it lists the file just fine
10:40.32Harisis this a symlinking issue ?
10:40.41Harisperhaps the symlink is not pointing at the correct location ?
10:41.32Harismost all libs are symlinked in the same way
10:42.37Harisok /usr/lib64/ is also present and its saying its not ?
10:47.03HarisI installed pjproject 2.4 from source. don't know where it installed those libs
10:51.27Haristhis time seems to be fine
10:54.37Harisconfigure script found the mods
11:02.43*** join/#asterisk Zogot (~Adium@
11:08.15Hariswhat does /var/lib/asterisk/bin/generate_queue_hints.php do ?
11:20.53Harischan_sip or pjsip to use for webrtc video calls ?
11:21.00Harisor something else ?
11:26.10*** join/#asterisk slima (~slima@unaffiliated/slima)
11:41.53HarisI have this ---> NOTICE[28898] chan_sip.c: Peer '991060' is now UNREACHABLE!  Last qualify: 0 <--- problem
11:42.03Harishow does one fix this one ?
11:56.57HarisI'm getting tone, but the softphone (eyebeam) is not allowing me to dial numbers or where I want to make call
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15:36.17xpheresHello, I changed router and ISP and now I do not get audio on both ways, can anyone remind me which verbose level should I set in order to try to find this problem?
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15:37.01WIMPyNone. You want sip debug.
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15:39.39xpheresyes wimpy
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15:48.41mubxpheres: It's the firewall.
15:48.54xpheresmub I found the problem
15:49.00xpheresthank you anyway
15:49.03muboh good
15:49.08xpheresI forwarded the media ports to the wrong ip
15:49.16xpheresso stupid mistake that I could not see it
15:49.26mubHappens to the best of us
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19:47.52apb1963drmessano: You were correct, google (GV) was not working.  Now it is.  I did nothing but wait.  Thanks again!
20:06.46drmessanoapb1963: Cool.. I still think it's like finding out you have herpes instead of syphilis, but you know..
20:08.18[TK]D-FenderLittle known fact : Malaria cures syphilis.
20:43.50wdoekesTIL, "While about 15% of patients died from malaria, this was preferable to the almost-certain death from syphilis."
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21:49.08jameswfdo digium phones support tftp
21:49.20jameswfI think we do everything http
21:49.42jameswfI thought that was for a reason
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21:57.18jameswfmalcolmd ^^
22:12.04drmessanowdoekes: [TK]D-Fender: Which brought about the pickup line "Hey baby, I got Malaria.. wanna go cure somethin'?"
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22:17.32paapparently voicetrading, like voipcheap and a bunch of other providers are all belonging to the same company, so called DELLMONT Sarl
22:17.43paand all these pages have an embarassing english..
22:19.00paare they indian?
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22:22.56paWIMPy, ok found out :)
22:22.59panice reading
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22:28.15pabut isn't there a reliable and serious voip provider?
22:28.33panot some indian semi-scammer that god only knows what does with our calls?
22:32.45palike the namecheap of the voip :-)
22:35.23WIMPypa: INteresting. I knew there are brands belonging together. You find sites doing rate comparisons ony between their brands.
22:36.16WIMPyBut so far I thought they were from Luxembourg.
22:40.41pai think the english in their pages is too poor to be from Lux :) beside everything is based in Lux these days for the "european" division..
22:41.11WIMPySome used to call them chinese :-)
22:41.49pabut it's interesting there's no "established" international service
22:42.02WIMPyBut their prices can't have increased as that article suggests. The guy using them is still happy after over 2 years.
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22:46.45pawell to be honest in the pages comparing DELLMONT/BETAMAX prices, voicetrading is not even there
22:47.33WIMPyI just sent him that page and asked when he last visited their price chart.
22:47.47pabut i donno.. i sure don't have trade secrets to discuss over the phone, but still it doesn't make me feel super comf using a service from such a "holding"
22:48.38WIMPyYour call will be recorded by several agencies of serveral governments anyway.
22:50.19WIMPyAnd the way how hoogle finance their phone service should be pretty obvoious as well. That's even more scary.
22:50.43payes that's true..
22:51.16WIMPygoogle off course
22:58.19*** join/#asterisk robink_ (~quassel@unaffilated/robink)
23:01.55lvlinuxDoes a GoSub get a unique ID??
23:02.14WIMPyFor what?

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