IRC log for #asterisk on 20160605

00:55.26*** join/#asterisk wil_syd2 (
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02:56.21wyoungWOooo!! The correct answer was:     originateAction.setVariable("__SIPADDHEADER51", "Call-Info: sip:\\;answer-after=0");
03:13.33*** join/#asterisk klow (
03:16.41gruetzkopfthe toolchain says max clock is 70MHZ (for a 4-core quad-issue design), it still works at 100MHz
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06:10.13gavimobileI understand there are a few methods to setup faxing with asterisk. I currently have asterisks 11 up and running. I also have a spa2102 spa adapter with t.38 support. what would be the best method to use for sending faxes with asterisk?
06:15.02*** join/#asterisk raspberrypifan (~raspberry@2604:2000:6016:be00:6355:b61:14e7:dbba)
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10:06.29Quadrantis gerrit down ?
10:06.56Quadrant[root@axcent src]# git clone -b 11 asterisk-11
10:06.56QuadrantInitialized empty Git repository in /usr/src/asterisk-11/.git/
10:06.56Quadranterror: RPC failed; result=22, HTTP code = 405
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16:27.26*** join/#asterisk nickgaw (nickg@SDF.ORG)
16:27.58nickgawHi, With the asterisk packages in order to get the sample pbx working where it has the english voices working as if I dial using the cli an extention I get the message language not registerd what package should I install in order to make sure the sample stuff works?
16:28.24nickgawI am using on my laptop debian stretch
16:29.33lvlinuxnickgaw: you mean the apt-get packages?
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16:30.21nickgawYes as I was wanting to test out on my local system not the centos server if asterisk cli could connect to that test server and do basic things locally.
16:31.23lvlinuxah. k. I think the soundfiles are in the package "asterisk-core-sounds-en"
16:31.43lvlinuxso try that with "apt-get install asterisk-core-sounds-en"
16:32.34lvlinuxHow are you dialing with the cli? originate?
16:33.53nickgawThat package was already installed if I do console dial 6000 which I believe is the congrats message I get nothing.
16:35.45lvlinuxHmm, I'm not familiar with dialing on the console using methods other than originate. I think they deprecated that after v  1.8
16:36.03nickgawok that might be the issue.
16:36.40lvlinuxbut i think 1.8 is the version of that package you have with Debian testing.
16:37.09lvlinuxdoes it give any text output?
16:37.15lvlinuxor just goes back to prompt?
16:37.32nickgawlots of text output about dialing into channels. it is version 13.
16:37.42lvlinuxYou may need to "core set verbose 4" to get it to show details.
16:37.43lvlinuxah ok.
16:38.03*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
16:38.03lvlinuxreally? debian testing has v13? wow didn't realize it was that recent.
16:38.48lvlinuxwow yeah thats just a version or two behind current
16:39.27nickgawIs version 0.1.0 the earliest version or can I get earlier versions then that in source form?
16:40.04lvlinuxThe earliest I've seen available is version 1.0 so I don't know. Why?
16:40.45nickgawjust wanted to look at how it has evolved in source as version 0.1.0 won't compile on debian stretch.
16:41.29lvlinuxYes I suspect there would be trouble compiling anything below 1.8 or 1.6 on a modern distro.
16:42.22nickgawwhat is the latest svn branch other then 13 if I wanted to get the latest development code for testing on debian?
16:42.30lvlinuxDo you have a hardphone yet or are you going to start with a softphone?
16:43.23lvlinuxI think they are working on v14, which is probably what you get in svn
16:43.45nickgawStill looking for a good hardware phone probably a sip phone that connects to the router as we have two numbers so we would want two phones one per number should I look at getting the same brand or different to know what phone goes to what number?
16:44.31nickgawWhat is a good softphone that is command line and works under linux and windows?
16:45.09lvlinuxI don't know about windows, but PJSUA is a good one for Linux.
16:45.50lvlinuxYou don't have to have two phones if you don't want to, but you can. It's up to you. Asterisk can be made to operate however you like.
16:46.36lvlinuxCourse if you need to take two calls at once, two phones might be easier to keep up with instead of using hold on one phone.
16:46.59nickgawI would like to have two phones as we have two numbers and I would like to have each phone work with each number.
16:47.14lvlinuxThat'll work.
16:47.19nickgawone for one number the other for the other one.
16:48.16lvlinuxJust out of curiosity, what is your need for the setup you want, with the call recording on independent channels and the two separate voice menus, etc.?
16:50.49nickgawThe purpose for the menus is for each number I want it to ask the user if they want to talk to someone they can dial their extension and if not it would just transfer to the default extension for that number and for the two channel recordings mainly for interest and as I do a lot of recording of blindness conference calls in my area and like to have my own copy I would like my voice to be on another channel from their voice.
16:51.29lvlinuxAh ok. Yes that makes sense.
16:52.15lvlinuxHows your reading of the book coming along? Is it still working ok with your reader?
16:53.29nickgawyes I transfered the book to one of these external media players that can read text documents as I converted the pdf to html for easey reading and so I can read on one device and do the computer without having to jump between windows.
16:54.36lvlinuxI'm thinking mainly of the code segments, does it know how to distinguish stuff like that from regular text so that it doesn't try to pronounce things like Dial(PJSIP/kfs8,65,mk) as a sentence?
16:54.55nickgawIn the credits file for that music as the files are in sln format and I would like them in good quality mp3 or wav if possible would writing the authors on these musical beds about getting higher quality versions for my own listening pleasure be the best thing to do?
16:57.29lvlinuxyou could try it. But sln is the same quality as wav, just in a different container.
16:57.45lvlinuxSo I don't think you'd get anything of any better quality.
16:57.51nickgawHow can I play sln files?
16:58.01lvlinuxdo you have ffplay?
16:58.11lvlinux(part of ffmpeg)
16:58.28lvlinuxyou can do it with that. Maybe with VLC too.
16:58.40nickgawI was going to play them on windows do you know if winamp has a sln plugin?
16:58.45lvlinuxOr you can convert them to WAV with ffmpeg or SOX.
16:58.59lvlinuxHave no idea about Winamp. I don't use Windows at all anymore.
16:59.16lvlinuxConverting them would probably be your best bet.
17:00.27*** part/#asterisk monsterco (
17:00.47nickgawI have sox installed on my debian system how can I convert them to wav files at the same bit rate and quality?
17:03.07lvlinuxnot sure with sox
17:03.22nickgawWhat tool do you mainly use?
17:06.15nickgawDo you play sln files in ffmpeg or just convert?
17:07.10lvlinuxi personally never use them---for asterisk I always use g.722 or g.711u
17:07.28nickgawIs g.722 the higher quality?
17:07.29*** join/#asterisk kolko (~kolko@
17:07.38lvlinuxnot than sln.
17:07.53nickgawis it higher then g.711?
17:08.29lvlinuxg.711 is standard telephone quality
17:08.39lvlinuxg.722 is wideband HD Voice telephone quality
17:09.09lvlinuxsln is uncompressed PCM, similar to a CD (but it can be lower quality than CD)
17:09.44lvlinuxsln is like what you'd normallly find in a WAV file, only it doesn't have the WAV file header and format information in it.
17:10.36nickgawFor my server probably using g.722 would be best how can I convert files to this format?
17:11.20*** join/#asterisk areski (
17:11.35lvlinuxYou mean files other than the ones you already downloaded for Asterisk?
17:11.45lvlinux(which come in g.722 versions already)
17:12.03lvlinuxYou can convert them with ffmpeg (I don't think sox will convert to g.722)
17:12.19nickgawyes like my ivr message rather then mp3 format.
17:13.39lvlinuxWell if you already have it recorded, you can do this:
17:13.41lvlinuxffmpeg -i /tmp/sample.wav -ar 16000 -acodec g722 /tmp/sample.g722
17:14.01lvlinuxBut if you don't already, I'd just use the phone to record it straight into g722.
17:14.32lvlinux(with Asterisk I mean)
17:15.00lvlinuxgtg. might be back later.
17:15.21nickgawCurrently they are in mp3 recorded with a good quality recorder with not a lot of noise.  I did install the mp3 support with the asterisk server.
17:26.30*** join/#asterisk jusle (
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18:07.52*** join/#asterisk Alex_Bkash (7c06ebe6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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19:52.45*** join/#asterisk darkdev (~kvirc@
19:52.50darkdevHello! I'm newbie with Asterisk, please tell me, how can I decrease time between extension is going from one command to next? The main goal is to record voice right after played file, but it is little delay (about 2 seconds). And how can I run parallel commands? Thank you very much!
19:59.50lvlinuxdarkdev: I'm not sure about how to solve your 2 second delay, however, one way to sortof run parallel commands is using local channels (although that might not help with what you are needing specifically).
20:01.00darkdevlvlinux: Thank you! Can you give an url to article or example, which can describe, how to do it?
20:02.04lvlinuxwell, you use the Dial() application to call multiple extensions at once:
20:02.39lvlinuxexten => 1234,1,Dial(Local/456@context&Local/789@context)
20:03.10lvlinuxso when something enters the dialplan at exten 1234, it get's split and goes to both 456@context and 789@context simultaneously.
20:04.35darkdevOh.. It is very good, thank you very much! So, don't you know, how to decrease time between that, for example?
20:04.39darkdevexten => en,n,Playback(at-tone-time-exactly)
20:04.39darkdevexten => en,n,SayUnixTime(${FutureTime},,IM 'and' S 'seconds' p)
20:04.57lvlinuxMore info:
20:05.25lvlinuxNot sure about decreasing the time though.
20:07.08darkdevlvlinux: thank you for your help! :)
20:07.32lvlinuxno problem!
20:10.02*** join/#asterisk jwpierce3 (
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21:38.56*** join/#asterisk xochilpili (~xochilpil@unaffiliated/xochilpili)
21:38.58xochilpilihi all
21:39.18xochilpiliim trying to connect 2 asterisk servers using this how-to:
21:40.04xochilpilithen when i call from server_A to server_B, in CLi on server_a just said: Called SIP/server_b/1100
21:40.28xochilpilibut nothing else, is  not calling
21:40.36xochilpiliand server_b i have nothing
21:40.58xochilpilisip show registry shows me the registratio to that server_b
21:42.07xochilpilii have disabled firewall in both servers, and both servers in sip show registry output "regitered"
21:42.37xochilpiliany hand?
21:47.13*** join/#asterisk zapata (~zapata@2a02:b18:581:10:f541:9b8e:8707:8b11)
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22:06.21[TK]D-Fenderxochilpili, Prove the packets are making it
22:11.04xochilpili[TK]D-Fender, now i got another issue; chan_sip.c:16630 check_auth: username mismatch, have <100>, digest has <server_b>
22:11.43xochilpilias in the how-to guide, using register => user:pass@server_a/user_server_b
22:11.55*** join/#asterisk simplydrew (~simplydre@unaffiliated/simplydrew)
22:11.58xochilpilimust be solve this but it isnt
22:36.40*** join/#asterisk klow (
22:38.10[TK]D-FenderClearly a name mismatch with peers using that host
22:38.20[TK]D-Fenderhaving MULTIOPLE would be a clear screwup
22:38.28[TK]D-FenderAlso Never link to some guide you supposedly followed
22:38.45[TK]D-FenderBecause we have no reason to believe you did so properly, or that something else isn't happening
22:38.54[TK]D-FenderSho show something useful
22:57.39*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (
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23:29.31*** join/#asterisk Navion (~navion@rivendell/users/navion)
23:51.36*** join/#asterisk wil_syd2 (

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