IRC log for #asterisk on 20160601

00:07.11*** join/#asterisk clopez (
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00:29.17gtjosephlvlinux: Restart=always ... RestartSec=4
00:29.46lvlinuxgtjoseph: really? that easy? Thanks!
00:29.56gtjosephyep, that's it.
00:30.18lvlinuxRestartSec is wait 4 seconds before restarting I assume?
00:32.38*** join/#asterisk raspberrypifan (~raspberry@2604:2000:6016:be00:6355:b61:14e7:dbba)
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04:08.59snadgeis this incorrect syntax?
04:09.16snadgeexten => _X.,n,ExecIF($[${CUT(SIP_HEADER(P-Asserted-Identity),@,1):5}=613xxxxxxxx]?Hangup(54))
04:09.39snadgeso the idea is.. it pulls the caller id out of the asserted identity field.. then if it matches the 613xxxx number, it hangs up
04:30.34snadgenever mind.. i fixed it myself.. i love you guys :p
04:35.35*** join/#asterisk klow (
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08:12.31*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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08:42.57dan_jHi. Is there any way to have multiple email addresses for voicemail email notification?
08:43.04dan_jWithout using aliases. Use case, two people want to receive voicemail emails for one mailbox. One is using gmail, other is using yahoo, so no features for them to set up a distribution address.
08:50.29ChannelZnot that I'm aware of, you'd have to do it on the local side (IE a local alias on the mail server that could mail to multiple addresses)
08:55.17*** join/#asterisk areski (
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09:01.24dan_jOk. Time to look at the asterisk source code since the users arent able to set up aliases on their mail server. Unless I set up a mail server just to handle aliases.
09:01.40dan_jThanks for the confirmation.
09:04.25WIMPyWhat's wrong with a local mail server to handle it?
09:04.47WIMPyMight be a good idea anyway.
09:14.54dan_jLocal meaning local to asterisk?
09:16.57dan_jMost of my asterisk config can be altered by clients using an online portal Ive built up over the years. I don't really want to expose the local mail system if I can help it.
09:17.47WIMPyLooks like you have to.
09:17.50dan_jPlus, it's easier if I can get asterisk to send to multiple addresses because then it will simply be the case of putting multiple addresses in the voicemail realtime db. I wouldnt need to go editting the mail config files each time.
09:49.58*** join/#asterisk vader- (uid163236@gateway/web/
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11:01.38*** join/#asterisk Draecos (
11:04.27tparcinaI have installed Asterisk, on my CentOS 6 server, form asterisk-11 repo.
11:04.58tparcinaHow can I check is it installed with support for: res_http_websocket, res_crypto and chan_sip?
11:05.36tparcina(I'm trying to setup WebRTC following those instructions: )
11:07.15jwpierce3does pjsip work on a polycom 550?
11:12.21*** join/#asterisk nexii (
11:12.58dan_jjwpierce3: why wouldnt it? It's still sip at the end of the day.
11:13.57dan_jtparcina: Are the options selected when you run menuselect?
11:14.07wyoung<3 snom
11:14.54dan_j<3 Yealink
11:15.12jwpierce3first time working with it. I figured it should work like chan_sip as far as the transport mechanism is concerned. I'm using it only for my "endpoints" but I'm not seeing any traffic on asterisk console
11:16.52dan_jThe config is slightly different to chansip. Chansip only has one transport. PJSIP runs multiple transports so that you can bind it to different IPs etc.
11:16.55*** join/#asterisk acidfu_ (
11:17.16dan_jAre you familiar with chansip?
11:17.54wyoungdan_j: snom > Yealink
11:18.09wyoungsnom docs are readable
11:18.50DanQuinneyAre the snom docs as badly translated from Chinese as the Yealink ones are?
11:19.05dan_jYealink is about 5 minutes drive from me so I can't really complain
11:19.36dan_jjwpierce3: if you are familiar with chansip, this might help you move to pjsip.
11:21.41*** join/#asterisk mub (
11:22.22dan_jFyi, the conversation script didn't really work for me.
11:24.13WIMPyDanQuinney: Mixing up German and Chinese?
11:24.47DanQuinneyI'm fluent in neither so it's possible
11:27.01tparcinadan_j: I didn't install Asterisk from source, but from package. Do I still have menuselect or not?
11:29.29jwpierce3dan_j, it ain't workin for me neither
11:29.55jwpierce3this damn thing isn't even doing udp
11:29.58wyoungDanQuinney: snom is german, and yes they can speak / writeenglish better than the chinese
11:30.08wyoungwell, the chinese in Yealink any way
11:30.37wyoungYealink sent us the bomb, all your base
11:30.55wyoungalthough from memory that was korean
11:31.30WIMPyYealink is also german. It's the cheapo brand of Tiptel.
11:31.48wyoungreally?  The docs sounds like chinglish
11:33.16DanQuinneyalso didn't realise Yealink was German
11:33.37WIMPyEither they have been written in chinese to make sure they're cheap or someone used google translate.
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11:43.11wyoungWIMPy: someone as in the person responsible for translating from german to english?
11:43.15wyoungfrom yealink
11:43.56WIMPyI haven't had contact with their stuff so far.
11:44.33wyoungI have
11:44.46wyoungCould not get provisioning working with it by following the docs
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11:44.51wyoungsnom was easy
11:45.27WIMPyYes. Their wiki is quite good.
11:46.24wyoungDo you like their PBX software?  umm vodia something or other?  Or are there equiv asterisk based systems out there ?
11:46.34wyoungwell I know there is one from digiym
11:46.36wyoungdigium *
11:46.46wyoungand not sure if you can not freepbx in the same light
11:47.12wyoungI am just looking for a better GUI for end users to be able to do simple tasks like add extensions and transfer calls etc..
11:47.51WIMPyFreePBX was the only one I could get installed at all and I was not impressed at all.
11:48.06wyoungyeah I was not impressed by FreePBX
11:48.29wyoungI have written a few GUIs myself but I would rather not maintain it :)
11:51.48*** join/#asterisk obelixBE (~obelix@
11:57.58BarthezZwhat would be the moast easy way to non-blocking originate a call from the cli? using FILE() and writing to spool/outgoing?
11:58.34wyoungBarthezZ: or monitor api
11:58.38wyoungAGI or whatever
11:58.52wyoungasterisk-java is one, there is one for python too and others
11:59.02BarthezZsorry, cli -> dialplan
11:59.26BarthezZI just noticed function originate is blocking, and I just need to call multiple users and dump them in a conference box
11:59.37WIMPyCall some external application. Or do it via AMI.
12:00.57wyoungAMI <3
12:01.05wyoungWIMPy: where can I learn all about AMI with python?
12:01.34wyoungWIMPy: I would like to be able to show who is calling who as it happens.
12:01.35WIMPyThat Question doesn't make sense :-)
12:01.51WIMPyYou can learn about AMI and about Python.
12:02.12wyoungWIMPy: well, I would use java-asterisk which will sit in the system tray or background and show a notification when a call is coming in
12:02.37wyoungpython has lousy GUI, although it's web framework stuff is the best
12:02.42WIMPySo where does Pyhon come ion to that picture then?
12:02.43wyoung(Flask and Django <3)
12:02.59wyoungWIMPy: I will make a web based vers
12:03.03BarthezZWIMPy: it feels wrong... using the dialplan to call an external application to call asterisk... but I'm afraid there's not other decent option
12:03.29wyoungWIMPy: but to start off with I would like a java based app as I know java GUI more than python / wxwidget / gtk
12:03.44WIMPyBarthezZ: There's still the allmighty AMI. But that requires programming.
12:04.05wyoungWIMPy: how is your AMI?
12:04.23WIMPyAlive :-)
12:04.53wyoungCan you assist me in setting up a callback to act on incoming calls?
12:04.59wyoungI am guessing that is a channel creation?
12:05.07wyoungor would it be before that
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12:06.20WIMPyThere are a number of events. 'newstate' is probably the one you want/
12:06.55wyoungah ok, then what?
12:07.11WIMPyThat contains the caller ID.
12:07.18wyoungawesome.  that is all I need
12:07.23WIMPyOr how much do you want to display?
12:08.08wyoungnew question, I would like to dial a number and join it to a SIP phone, is it possible to set a SIP header so the phone auto picks up instead of having to answer it first before the outgoing number is called/
12:08.18wyoungWIMPy: CallerID is enough for now
12:08.47WIMPyThere are different headers available.
12:09.35WIMPyauto-answer and answer-after or something like that. Google or the phones manual should help there.
12:10.56wyoungWIMPy: I know what the header is, I just don't know how to set it via asterisk-java AMI library
12:11.28*** part/#asterisk nixnothing (~vizgix@
12:12.18WIMPyMight work with a setvar. Otherwise there's always the magic local channel.
12:16.01*** join/#asterisk nixnothing (~vizgix@
12:27.46*** join/#asterisk obelixBE (
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12:31.46Greenlightwyoung: I think you can add SIP headers using the Variable parameter of Originate
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12:32.50dan_jWIMPy: Yealink is not german? They are Bury, Manchester, UK
12:33.35dan_jtparcina: no idea if you've installed from a package. I've always used source but it's much harder to use source.
12:33.47WIMPyThat's definitely even less cinese.
12:34.02dan_jjwpierce3: if it won't do UDP, then it could be a config issue or even a firewall issue.
12:34.14dan_jjwpierce3: Also make sure you've disabled chansip
12:34.15jwpierce3I've got it working
12:34.20jwpierce3udp working
12:34.26tparcinadan_j: It can be checked from console: module show like ...
12:35.10jwpierce3I have both together. I've bound pjsip to 5061
12:35.46jwpierce3I'm having a problem with tls. It's crashing asterisk with no indication why in the log
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12:39.13dan_jjwpierce3: no idea. If you can catch gtjoseph, he's quite experienced with pjsip.
12:39.25jwpierce3thanks dan_j
12:40.11fileis it causing a segfault?
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12:41.36jwpierce3file, this is all that is in messages:
12:42.20filewhat about the full log or the console output when attached using asterisk -r?
12:42.35fileand did Asterisk crash, or is TLS just not working?
12:43.16jwpierce3If I add "bind =" to pjsip.conf and restart asterisk, it won't start
12:43.30jwpierce3with tls
12:43.32filewhat is the full configuration?
12:43.42fileand if you manually start it using "asterisk -vvvvvvvvvgc" what is the output?
12:44.11*** join/#asterisk rafaels (
12:44.14jwpierce3hold on let me try
12:44.30jwpierce3file, this is all that is in messages:
12:46.13jwpierce3asterisk: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: pjsip_tls_transport_start2
12:46.36filehow was PJSIP built/installed?
12:46.59fileand what version of it is present?
12:47.18jwpierce3from source, version 2.5
12:47.31fileis there another version installed?
12:47.47jwpierce3asterisk picked it up and built no problems
12:48.39jwpierce3gonna run pjproject configure again and look to see what it finds
12:49.36SamotAre you sure you're not having a listening port conflict?
12:49.55filethat wouldn't cause the undefined symbol
12:49.55jwpierce3yes, it works fine via udp
12:50.14filethe undefined symbol would come from Asterisk being built against one version of PJSIP but at load time the system resolving against a different version
12:51.27fileldconfig -p | grep pj
12:51.30filewill give you a list
12:52.29jwpierce3file, this is all that is in messages:
12:52.31wyoungGreenlight: OK, can you give me an example?
12:52.59filewhat about if you do ldconfig before?
12:53.20Greenlightwyoung: It's something like __SIPHEADER=HeaderName:HeaderValue
12:53.29jwpierce3file, what do you mean?
12:53.35GreenlightALthough I seem to remember there also being a number needed
12:53.38filerun ldconfig before running ldconfig -p | grep pj
12:53.43wyoungGreenlight: __SIPHEADER?  That is a thing in Java?
12:53.51fileand the output of ldd /usr/lib64/asterisk/modules/ would be useful
12:54.04jwpierce3same output
12:54.15Greenlightwyoung: You'd pass it as Varible in the Originate Action over the AMI
12:54.48jwpierce3file, this is all that is in messages:
12:55.03filevery very odd
12:55.52wyoungGreenlight: ok
12:56.01Greenlightwyoung: Although to be honest, it would be probably be cleaner to originate to a Local extension and then add the header in the dialplan
12:56.27wyoungGreenlight: I can dial a local extension with a random number to dial?
12:57.18filegtjoseph, thoughts?
12:58.42wyoungGreenlight: hmmm, it has meetme in the example, is that deprecated?
12:58.57wyoungI find it hard to find up to date examples
12:59.27GreenlightThat doesn't matter too much in regards what the example is showing, it could be a ConfBridge room
12:59.30Samotwyoung: What are you trying to do?
12:59.42*** join/#asterisk War_Bear (
13:00.04GreenlightYou'd for example originate to Channel: Local/<PhoneExten>@auto-answer
13:00.15GreenlightAnd create a context called auto-answer, which set the header, and called your phone
13:00.27GreenlightOf course, this assumes your phone supports the auto-answer headers
13:00.38GreenlightI find hardphones generally do, softphones not so much
13:00.40filejwpierce3, what arguments are you passing to pjproject configure?
13:00.47wyoungSamot: a few things 1) set SIP headers before I tell a SIP phone to call a number, 2) create a GUI app to display the caller id of an incoming call to any extension
13:01.01wyoungGreenlight: ah that makes sense
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13:01.26Samotwyoung: Are the SIP headers going to be dynamic with each call?
13:01.46wyoungGreenlight: can I create a context that adds a sip header then includes my outgoing dial plan?
13:01.52wyoungSamot: yup
13:02.04SamotWhat's going to drive the change?
13:02.08SamotA database call?
13:02.10Greenlightwyoung: Yea, so just add the header, and then GoTo whereever you'd otherwise go
13:02.30wyoungSamot: a AMI call.  Either from a GUI app or web based
13:02.48SamotWho's making the call?
13:03.09SamotYou're going to originate the call via AMI?
13:03.13wyoungSamot: for 1) it is an AMI app
13:03.28wyoungSamot: for 2) any one calling from my ISTP
13:04.02SamotAMI app doesn't tell me what it does.
13:04.13filejwpierce3, I don't know what that means, those aren't arguments passed to configure
13:04.15SamotWhy do you need to change the SIP headers?
13:04.26GreenlightI'm assuming some sort of web form with a click-to-dial type function
13:04.28SamotWhat information do you need to put in the SIP headers?
13:04.38GreenlightHe's wanting to add an auto-answer header
13:05.14SamotGreenlight: I'm looking for the overall scope.
13:05.17jwpierce3each flag represents each configure argument, red is enabled
13:05.27filethose aren't configure arguments for pjproject
13:05.31jwpierce3nm you cant see it in color
13:05.39filewell, some are
13:05.44fileis prefix passed?
13:06.11*** join/#asterisk subvhome (
13:07.12subvhomeGood morning all. Does asterisk require a SIP provider in order to communicate with the outside world? or is this something that can be done entirely by asterisk?
13:07.19filewhat's the output of ls /usr/lib/libpj*
13:07.30subvhomei presume that the answer is yes since someone needs to provide a number right?>
13:08.01wyoungSamot: to set auto answer for my snom phones
13:08.28Greenlightsubvhome: Depends what you mean by outside world. Assuming you mean the PSTN, then you'd usually use SIP or ISDN.
13:08.51fileyou have two PJSIP installs
13:08.56Samotwyoung: You keep giving pieces of a the puzzle with no connection.
13:09.00fileyou have one in /usr/lib64 and one in /usr/lib
13:09.21Samotwyoung: You want your ITSP customer to use an AMI app and your SNOMs to auto answer.
13:09.35SamotWho's SNOMs? Is this for some sort of support queue?
13:09.36jwpierce3lib is a symlink
13:09.53filethen I dunno - but it really is behaving as if you have two
13:09.59SamotWhat is the goal of this when it's together. What is it SUPPOSED to do?
13:10.23subvhomeGreenlight: yes PSTN.. ok.. I'm going to do my research and dive into this. I have a pretty strong linux backrground and can RTFM... asterisk shouldn't be such a hair pu‌lling task .. right
13:11.01Greenlightsubvhome: Yup, it's not a very steep learning curve, I imagine you'll have a phone ringing within the hour! :)
13:11.13subvhomegtfo :)
13:11.22subvhomeif thats the case, I'll buy you a beer :)
13:12.11wyoungSamot: ":
13:12.24wyoungSamot: no, they are seperate concerns, which is why I marked them with different numbers
13:12.57SamotSo let's cover the AMI app then.
13:13.06SamotWhat is it supposed to do? What's the goal of it? place a call from a Snom phone to a number
13:13.50Greenlightas I understood it anyway
13:14.33SamotThen why is AMI involved for a call originating from an IP Phone?
13:15.34wyoungSamot: Well both are AMI apps :)  but the first one should be able to call a number for a SIP phone without the SIP phone first having to accept the call from the AMI call
13:15.58SamotHow is the call ORIGINATED?
13:16.02SamotWhat triggers it?!
13:16.17SamotDo you want to connect that call back to the SNOM?
13:16.18GreenlightI'm assuming some sort of click-to-dial type webform
13:16.19wyoungSamot: the second app should display the caller id of an incoming call originating from my ITSP
13:16.35SamotDisplay it where?
13:16.52wyoungSamot: The app that has the AMI library in it triggers it, it will be a python based web app and a java based GUI app
13:17.11WIMPywyoung: You can off course do both things directely with the phone as well.
13:17.12wyoungSamot: display it on the screen where the app is running
13:17.26SamotFirst part..
13:17.38SamotMaking a call on behalf of a SIP phone...
13:17.39wyoungWIMPy: I know but my computer screen is bigger than my phone's screen
13:17.56SamotSo WHO initiates the call?
13:18.01WIMPywyoung: No, I mean talking to the phone instead of AMI.
13:18.19wyoungSamot: the app
13:18.25WIMPyOr you can even have the phone call an URL.
13:18.29SamotHOW DOES THE APP DO IT?
13:18.30wyoungSamot: the app is web based of java based GUI
13:18.35wyoungSamot: using AMI
13:18.50SamotIt just decides "Hey, I'm going to call this number"
13:18.58wyoungSamot: no, when the user types in the number or clicks on a number
13:19.04SamotSo this is for the USERS
13:19.10SamotTo call  YOU
13:19.19wyoungto call any number they want to
13:19.35SamotSo you need to initiate a call from a Local channel...
13:19.39SamotCall out your trunk...
13:20.02wyoungcall out my trunk or a local channel, any number in the internal context
13:20.07GreenlightIndeed, that's what I said 20 minutes ago
13:20.11WIMPyWhat are you actually talking about?
13:20.15SamotIt's a Local channel.
13:20.25SamotYou send the AMI command to Originate a call..
13:20.41SamotIt's going to pick up a LOCAL channel dial that call out your trunk.
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13:20.49SamotIf you have the dialplan correct.
13:20.53wyoungyes to a SIP phone, I want the SIP phone to auto pick up
13:21.11SamotHow do you know then party they are calling is a SIP phone?
13:21.12wyoungas soon as I click dial on the GUI app I want the number to be called and the SIP phone to connect to it
13:21.14GreenlightSo as I said, make a context that adds the auto-answer header, originate to that
13:21.22SamotOr do you want THEIR SIP phone to answer?
13:21.27WIMPyOr just dial from the phone. There's an URL to do it.
13:21.41wyoungWIMPy: yes there is, that is what I use atm
13:21.42GreenlightHe wants *his* phone to answer automatically...
13:21.53SamotStop Greenlight.
13:21.54wyoungWIMPy: I would like to do this via asterisk though
13:22.01SamotLet him answer.
13:22.08wyoungSamot: what Greenlight said
13:22.10GreenlightIt's really pretty straightforward what he's looking to do
13:22.11WIMPyI know. - I remember from some time ago...
13:22.14SamotSo far this is all over the place.
13:22.18GreenlightAnd I answered it 20 minutes ago
13:22.30WIMPyOk, just set auto answer and there you go.
13:22.33SamotIt's not HIS phone.
13:22.45wyoungSamot: that is scenario 2
13:22.45SamotHe wants anyone to make the call via the APP
13:22.57SamotScenario ONE
13:23.12GreenlightNo, the app will choose which phone the call should be originated from
13:23.23wyoungSamot: yes, I want any one to be able to tell the phone that is sitting next to them to call a number and the phone to auto answer
13:23.27GreenlightPresumably the user selecting the phone sitting next to them
13:23.39Samotwyoung: You can't.
13:23.48GreenlightYes you can
13:23.56GreenlightJust add the auto-answer header like I said
13:23.57wyoungSamot: I have a list of computers (IP and MAcs) and a list of phones (IPs and Macs)
13:24.14SamotSee now you are giving more details.
13:24.27WIMPythought that was done at least an hour ago or whenever it started.
13:24.30SamotThis is different than "I want anyone to be able to enter a number in the app and then get the call"
13:24.35wyoungSamot: yes, bit you need to solve the first part first :) then we can move onto the second
13:24.35Greenlightthought so too
13:24.51wyoungSamot: and rthe third
13:24.53Samotanyone != a list of users.
13:25.08wyoungSamot: anyone within my organisation
13:25.28GreenlightSecond part is going to be somewhat trickier
13:25.29wyoungSamot: any one within my organisation with a phone next to them
13:25.36SamotSo you have it where it calls out and bridges the calls together?
13:25.40wyoungGreenlight: yes, which is why I broke it up into parts
13:26.11wyoungSamot: I can do that but the user needs to first accept the call from the AMI app first before the number is dialled
13:26.28wyoungSamot: I need to setup autoanswer for my snom
13:26.40SamotSo every user is using an SNOM?
13:26.47WIMPyDo it!
13:27.32GreenlightFOr the second part, do you want a list of all current inbound calls with the callerid?
13:27.53GreenlightOr is it just for a screen-pop type thing for a user when their phone rings?
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13:29.04wyoungSamot: yes
13:29.11wyoungWIMPy: thanx for the support!
13:29.25wyoungGreenlight: screen pop up when the call comes in
13:29.46SamotThat part isn't AMI it's AGI
13:29.53GreenlightYou *could* do it using the AMI, but to be honest, might be easier to add a CURL to your dialplan or an AGI call
13:30.10wyoungGreenlight: thnx
13:30.14SamotYou need to call on an AGI that will send the call information to your app.
13:30.46GreenlightOr CURL
13:30.48wyoungSamot: ok
13:30.53SamotHonestly, this sounds like something for ARI.
13:31.08WIMPyMuch lower resource use when using AMI.
13:31.39GreenlightSure, but I don't get the feeling we're talking call volumes here where that's an issue
13:32.48wyoungas long as I don't have to oikk
13:33.06WIMPyIt also depends on where you process the data, off course.
13:33.10GreenlightNaa, just get your app to listen for the events being pushed to it
13:33.22GreenlightWhatever method you choose, CURL, AGI or ARI
13:36.15SamotSo how do I initiate a call from the app, have it ring my SNOM but have to accept the call before the AUTO ANSWER happens?
13:36.45GreenlightYou don't have to accept the call?
13:36.47SamotI get that the App will send the AMI command to originate the call but when does it bridge the call to my SNOM?
13:36.55SamotHe said he wants the call accepted.
13:37.04SamotWhich goes against the auto-answer part.
13:37.18GreenlightOriginate in the AMI originates *from* a channel *to* an extension
13:37.35SamotThen it makes the outbound call?
13:37.45SamotThis is the part I'm trying to understand.
13:37.49WIMPyThat's one possibility.
13:38.05GreenlightWell, whatever that extension does
13:38.08SamotWhy am I using an App to make an outbound call when I'm sitting next to the phone the outbound call is going to happen on anyways?
13:38.17GreenlightIt could be a conference, a external Dial, or whatever
13:38.23GreenlightMaybe some tt-monkeys...
13:38.33SamotWhy am I using an App to make an outbound call when I'm sitting next to the phone the outbound call is going to happen on anyways?
13:39.00GreenlightI assume for ease of use reasons, eg, easy to copy paste a number to dial, or whatever
13:39.29SamotSo why do I then need to accept it?
13:39.36SamotOr have auto answer?
13:40.09GreenlightIf you didn;'t have auto-answer your snom phone would ring and wait to be answered *before* the call to extension was made
13:40.16SamotPunching in 10-digits is no slower than loading the app, copy and pasting or even putting in the numbers in the app.
13:40.37GreenlightI can copy-paste quicker than I can type 10 digits in a phone
13:41.23GreenlightFocus on the *how* not the *why* :)
13:41.52SamotYeah, I focus on the why.
13:42.14SamotBecause I've seen it too many times where focusing on the "how" was a waste.
13:42.20GreenlightI hear ya
13:42.27SamotBecause in the end the "why" wasn't good enough.
13:42.44SamotJust because something can be done doesn't mean it should be done.
13:43.14SamotIt's a waste of my time to load an app, put in a number, wait for it to call me, accept the call and then call the party I want.
13:43.22SamotI could have entered 10 digits and been connected .
13:43.27WIMPyLike trying to send realtime data over a packet switched network?
13:43.47GreenlightWhat if your job consists of making 100's of calls a day from numbers on emails or a CRM system?
13:44.15GreenlightI could imagine in that case being able to right click a number and press "call" would make your life a lot easier
13:44.32SamotHe's an ITSP.
13:44.37GreenlightHe is?
13:44.41SamotThis is a solution for his workers.
13:45.09GreenlightWell, still, I can see possible benefits for it
13:46.15SamotI'm not saying it doesn't have benefits...
13:46.26SamotBut are they enough to make doing something like this worth it?
13:47.27GreenlightFrom a tinkering and learning perspective it's not a bad project
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13:48.25SoBlindWolfHey guys, is it possible to hook Google Voice into Asterisk and FreePBX?
13:48.37wyoungno idea
13:48.39wyoungask WIMPy
13:48.41wyounghe is all knoeing
13:48.51WIMPySoBlindWolf: #freepbx
13:49.03SoBlindWolfOkay thank you!
13:49.03WIMPyknows next to nothing.
13:49.09SamotYes, you can but it violates the ToS
13:49.15wyoungSoBlindWolf: for your freepbx question , the asterisk one we can answer in here
13:49.46wyoungSoBlindWolf: using g729 without a valid licence does too but everyone does it
13:50.07SoBlindWolfWait so GV can be used just not really allowed?
13:50.32SamotGoogle Voice is personal use.
13:50.40SamotPutting a PBX on it violates it ToS.
13:50.41SoBlindWolfAlso I am having issues understanding SIP stuff I am a noob at this and wanting to learn how to do this as a challenge but I am going up against a wall
13:51.12jwpierce3file, fixed problem
13:51.16filejwpierce3, what was it?
13:51.42jwpierce3ssl wan't building, even though I had told it to. had to do ./aconfigure
13:51.43wyoungSoBlindWolf: SIP is just telnet with headers and data
13:51.57SoBlindWolfI would be using it for Home/Personal it would not be for business
13:52.14jwpierce3./aconfigure --prefix=/usr --with-ssl=gnutls blah blah blah
13:52.53SoBlindWolfwyoung: Would I be able to pm you so that I don't spam the chat with my mindless questions?
13:53.41wyoungSoBlindWolf: I love mind less quiestions!
13:53.45wyoungI will answer in kind though :P
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14:29.32SoBlindWolfhey creslin would you be able to help me get Google Voice working on a test home server?
14:30.52cresl1nhaven't setup google voice with Asterisk before
14:31.02cresl1nI setup google talk a long time ago though
14:31.38SoBlindWolfWell I have installed the Google Voice motif
14:32.17SoBlindWolfIt says Connected + Inbound Route - Send Unanswered Calls to Google Voicemail
14:32.42filethat sounds FreePBX
14:32.49SoBlindWolfYeah it is...
14:32.58SoBlindWolfHow would I configure it all server side?
14:33.06SoBlindWolfAny good tuts?
14:33.07cresl1nI should try FreePBX sometime…
14:35.37SoBlindWolfSo I need to do this just from terminal?
14:36.09filethe tutorial is written without using a GUI, it requires basic knowledge of editing text files and using the Linux terminal - and if FreePBX is still present... then it's not a good idea to do it
14:36.20filebecause FreePBX can and will undo things
14:37.14SoBlindWolfAh okay
14:37.34SoBlindWolfSo just install asterisk headless and go from there?
14:37.49SoBlindWolfI love linux so it wouldn't be a problem
14:38.20SoBlindWolfIs there an ISO for straight Asterisk?
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14:39.43tompawSoBlindWolf: there is one for gay ;)
14:39.59SoBlindWolfLol wut?
14:40.37tompaw"straight Asterisk"
14:40.42fileno, there is no Asterisk distribution
14:41.16tompawSoBlindWolf: what's wrong with asterisknow?
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14:42.53SoBlindWolf"<file> the tutorial is written without using a GUI, it requires basic knowledge of editing text files and using the Linux terminal - and if FreePBX is still present... then it's not a good idea to do it"
14:43.43tompawah, I see.
14:43.54SoBlindWolfSee if this sounds right to anyone:
14:44.18tompawbuilding asterisk from scratch isn't that difficult really. follow the wiki and you'll be all set in 5 minutes
14:45.22jwpierce3ok, tcp works, udp works, but tls for pjsip is giving me this error: Error 171060 'Unsupported transport (PJSIP_EUNSUPTRANSPORT)'
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15:01.57Harishello all
15:08.42HarisI need to configure ws access for video calls through webrtc. I was going through this ( ) page. When I configure it as mentioned here, the web server from asterisk doesn't serve anything on port 8088. most responses comes out as not found or fobidden. what am I doing wrong ?
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15:24.14filejwpierce3, what is the SIP URI?
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15:29.42fileyou need to configure the certificate information or else the transport probably won't even start
15:29.56jwpierce3I got the same error
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15:51.19Harisguys ?
15:51.45Harishow can I check if asterisk has loaded the module ?
15:53.56hexanolasterisk -rx "module show like res_http_websocket" ?
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16:04.16Harisit says module is loaded
16:04.42Harisbut when I connect with http://lan-IP:8088 (or 8089) Chrome says site cannot be reached ?
16:05.46Harislan-ip:8088 brings 403 (not found) by asterisk web server
16:06.08Harisif it has loaded shouldn't it be giving something on this port ?
16:06.16Harisis there a way to test it ?
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16:19.21qakhani have 2 groups of agents Group A (1001 - 1004) and Group B (1005 - 1008) in a queue, i want to send all calls first to Group A agents if no one answer the call for 30 seconds then call go to Group B agents
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16:38.39lgaetzusing a straightforward dialplan originate on both Asterisk 11 and 13 and seeing weird results. In 11 I can set the Account in the originate command and the CDR(accountcode) is populated but I am unable to set CDR(accountcode) at any point after the Originate
16:39.00lgaetzIn 13 I can set CDR(accountcode) anywhere and the CDR populates fine
16:40.24lgaetzCorrection, not using dialplan originate, I am using AMI originate,
16:43.25lgaetzSo I guess I'm wondering if I have uncovered a bug, or if there are expected differences between Asterisk 13 and 11 for CDR(accountcode)
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17:04.06Samotlgaetz: You're setting the accountcode variable in the call file?
17:05.02lgaetzno call file, using AMI Originate with the Account parameter seems to be the only way I can get the CDR table to record the account code in 11
17:08.58*** part/#asterisk Haris (~haris@unaffiliated/haris)
17:09.32SamotSo yeah, accountcode=12334 or whatever.
17:09.39SamotThat should be passed as a global.
17:09.45SamotAnd hit all the channels.
17:09.56SamotWell it does in 13, so yeah it could be an 11 thing.
17:10.49SamotI know any custom vars I send over with AMI in 13 get passed through all the channels I use.
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17:13.07SamotSo maybe you did find a bug.
17:13.18SamotA brand new shiny one. What will you name it?
17:13.59SamotIf you send 5 bitcoins to @drmessano he'll make you a certificate of authentication and everything.
17:14.49GreenlightYou can prefix variables with double underscore to make them passed along to all channels
17:15.11GreenlightYou still reference then via the non-underscore name
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17:15.20SamotYes but in 13 if you pass them through AMI they are treated as global
17:15.37SamotSo you can call them on any channel you are using at any time.
17:15.47SamotIt appears in 11 that's not happening.
17:15.49lgaetzI don't have bitcoins, will he take magic beans as payment?
17:15.55SamotI think he will.
17:16.00GreenlightHmm... what if you needed channel specific variables
17:16.08Greenlight(Must admit I've not played with AMI in 13 yet)
17:16.11SamotYou can assign them when you call the channel.
17:16.30SamotAMI just sends the call and calls a context to handle the call.
17:16.49GreenlightOh, I thought you were meaning variables passed in the Originate command
17:17.01SamotYes, those should be treated as globals.
17:17.14GreenlightThat seems odd
17:17.16SamotI send custom vars through the AMI originate action all the time.
17:17.27lgaetzchannel variables seem to work fine, it sure looks like a bug, after the call originates, i can set CDR(accountcode) a value, i can output that value back in the log with a noop(${CDR(accountcode)} but it will not get written to the CDR table, i only see the problem when going back thru cdr records
17:17.29GreenlightMe too, in 11, and they're all channel specific
17:17.41GreenlightI *need* them to be channel specific
17:18.00SamotYou can call on them the channel you want.
17:18.20GreenlightIt might be too late by then
17:18.27GreenlightI need them to be created with the channel on originate
17:18.34SamotIt does.
17:18.43GreenlightSeems odd that they're global now in 13
17:18.51GreenlightBUt as I say, I've not looked at AMI much in 13
17:19.07GreenlightSounds like I'll have lots of fun migrating code
17:20.38SamotHrm..wait..I'm using AMI + callfiles so it could be because of the call file settings.
17:20.41GreenlightLike for example, I use Originate to "whisper" a audio file to a channel, and I use a variable to represent the audio file name
17:21.05GreenlightAhh, that makes more sense
17:21.12SamotSo I could have just been totally talking out my ass in regards to what lgaetz is doing.
17:22.14GreenlightYou can certainly use Account with Originate in 11, if that's what he was asking
17:22.29lgaetzAss talking, you need to be on America's Got Talent
17:23.27SamotI should be.
17:23.53lgaetzSo to clarify, in Ast 11, the ONLY way I can get an account code to be recorded in the MySQL cdr table is to set the Account parameter in the AMI Originate, if i try to set it in dialplan after the originate, it will NOT be recorded in the CDR
17:24.27lgaetzIn ast 13 I can set it in the Originate, or I can set it in the subsequent dialplan, both work
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17:25.04GreenlightSo you're doing like Set(CDR(accountcode)=blah) in the dialplan, and it works in 13 and not in 11?
17:25.13Greenlight*before* the hangup in both cases?
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17:36.52lgaetz@greenlight, that is exactly correct, it appears to work, I can set the variable in Dialplan, I can read it back and write it to the full log with a noop, but the cdr table doesn't get populated in 11
17:38.02Greenlightlgaetz: That's very strange, setting the accountcode that way has worked for like forever
17:38.49lgaetzyeah, tested on 2 systems running 11.21.2, don't have other 11 versions at hand to test with
17:40.03GreenlightCan you pastebin the output of your testing and the dialplan?
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17:44.18GreenlightDamn 30 degrees C in the office here today...It's tooo warm
17:48.13*** join/#asterisk rafaels (~rafaels@
17:49.10nixnothing<--- used to live in Texas where is gets upto 38 C regularly in the summer
17:49.40GreenlightBet you had air con though...
17:55.01tompawwhat's the ETA for 13.9.2?
17:56.37qakhani have 2 groups of agents Group A (1001 - 1004) and Group B (1005 - 1008) in a queue, i want to send all calls first to Group A agents if no one answer the call for 30 seconds then call go to Group B agents
17:57.35Greenlightqakhan: use the timeout
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18:08.18_abc_Hello. I am building *-1.8-current from source on a slackware machine, which has *1-6.11 running on it. The config seems okay except chan_sip is X-ed in the config. I can't find anything relevant in the ./configure output. Where would one look for the relevant package or library message, without reading config...
18:09.45WIMPyDid you enable websockets?
18:09.55WIMPy(or read the last lies on the screen?)
18:10.13GreenlightYes, don't beleive them!
18:12.13_abc_I don't see anything relevant there eh.
18:12.21_abc_config is okay, builds, but no chan_sip
18:13.15GreenlightDoesn't menuselect show the missing prerequisites for chan_sip down at the bottom?
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18:16.51_abc_They are not missing... rtp and local are both on and in
18:17.26_abc_I did a make distclean and now ./configure 2>&1 logging output
18:17.38_abc_grepping -i for chan_sip or just sip brought no clues
18:17.45_abc_Let's wait a few moments.
18:18.42nixnothingyeah I did have ac
18:18.45GreenlightDOesn't it depend on res_crypto
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18:19.20GreenlightIf it's marked as XXX in menuselect it's because a dependency is missing, but it should show you which ones are required
18:19.21nixnothingcentral ac everywhere south,  but would prob die if went outside
18:19.38nixnothingheatsroke was a thing they constantly warned kids about
18:20.38GreenlightNo AC here (it's Scotland after all), but it's 30c *inside*. It's a stupid design of a building with metal roof and windows that don't open
18:21.25Greenlight_abc_: Do you have the SSL libraries installed?
18:22.23_abc_I have I think.
18:22.44_abc_I don't need crypto sip anyway. Openssl should be installed
18:22.59GreenlightI'm pretty sure chan_sip requires it regardless is present, 2 versions
18:23.09GreenlightBut I'm confused why your menuselect isn't saying that
18:23.28_abc_menuselect simply shows chan_sip X-ed and deps chan_local and *rtp
18:23.31_abc_both of which are on
18:23.45_abc_Where IS the generated config, or what symbol is related to SIP?
18:24.07GreenlightIs res_crypto showing any dependencies missing?
18:26.19_abc_res_crypto is X-ed
18:26.31GreenlightYea, I'm fairly sure you need that for chan_sip
18:26.34_abc_Greenlight: where are the real config options placed?
18:26.50GreenlightSOrry, I'm not sure what you mean
18:26.53WIMPyShouldn't be neccessary.
18:26.57_abc_Well that depends on openssl which is installed. What does (E) mean in the depends?
18:27.18_abc_Greenlight: I mean, WHAT symbol is defined/undefined and in what file to control chan_sip compilation
18:27.46_abc_configure.log or the output of ./configure does not contain any reference to sip
18:28.12WIMPyNo, why should they?
18:32.57_abc_I think I asked a specific question: what symbol governs chan_sip building?
18:33.12_abc_I would like to see its deps in the configure script
18:33.29_abc_Do I have to reverse engineer the entire build script system to find out?
18:34.06_abc_Also does not * maintain a .config file like the linux kernel does, with all settings in one place?
18:34.24WIMPyYou should see them at the bottom of make menuconfig.
18:34.55WIMPyIt's in menuselect.makeopts but fiddling around there is unlikely to help.
18:34.58_abc_Okay so installing openssl (not just libs), then configure -> res_crypto is built, and chan_sip too. Thanks for the help. The questions remain?
18:35.14_abc_WIMPy: I don't want to fiddle I want to know where to look next time when I have trouble
18:35.26WIMPyAnd you never answered if you have websockets enabled.
18:35.54_abc_I don't even know what that is
18:36.07WIMPyYou need them for chan_sip.
18:36.30WIMPyIt's a resource module IIRC.
18:36.56_abc_I found out what the protocol is
18:37.46_abc_I do not see a res_websockets anywhere in the menu
18:38.24_abc_Only place 'websockets' appears, with any case, is in ChangeLog
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18:39.06_abc_And the record where it appears is from 2014. Are you asking whether the kernel has websockets enabled, or what, please?
18:39.40_abc_It is not in kernel config fyi
18:40.16_abc_Greenlight: okay, your info helped. Interesting, NOW the res_crypto appears as dep for chan_sip. Maybe I missed it before?!
18:40.16WIMPyNo, Asterisk.
18:40.36_abc_WIMPy: try to grep the sources yourself? grep -Rli websock *
18:42.16WIMPyTons of stuff.
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19:15.52_abc_Thanks for the help, will be back. Thanks.
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23:20.42*** join/#asterisk fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
23:20.58*** join/#asterisk klow (~textual@
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23:28.16*** join/#asterisk ksmutthu (~ksmutthu@
23:32.54*** join/#asterisk wil_syd (
23:49.40*** join/#asterisk aness (

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