IRC log for #asterisk on 20160527

00:02.53*** join/#asterisk unforgiven512 (
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00:39.58mojtabaHi, I am new to Asterisk. Do you know any resource to configure asterisk?
00:40.11mojtabaI just want to connect it to a PSTN.
00:40.23mojtabaI have installed it on a raspberry pi.
00:41.10*** join/#asterisk acidfoo_ (
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02:52.42tonsofpcslvlinux: I got it working finally with ffmpeg ... now to make it actually be the on-hold destination for this phone
02:54.21*** join/#asterisk jzaw (
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05:37.30*** join/#asterisk Lope (~Lope@
05:37.56Lopewhat are your thoughts on running a self-compiled, latest asterisk vs the latest release distributed by a distro?
05:42.48ChannelZI've never run a distro version
05:43.18ChannelZI've compiled myself since I started using asterisk on 1.4
05:44.04Rasputin3711ChannelZ: What version are you using now for production?
05:44.39ChannelZI'm on 13.7
05:45.00Rasputin3711How many users per server?
05:46.04*** join/#asterisk zz_mzb (
05:46.12ChannelZIt's my office system with a dozen phones.. plus another system at home
05:46.53ChannelZI'm not a call center or anything. But compiled or distro shouldn't make a damn bit of difference
05:47.22LopeChannelZ: how often do you recompile?
05:48.09LopeChannelZ: don't you have concerns that you might be sitting on 13.7 and then an exploit comes out for it that you're unaware of, 13.8 gets released but you're busy etc and your stuff gets hacked?
05:48.20ChannelZeh, maybe every few months.. just depends on what's going on, both with me and asterisk. I'm obviously a few versions behind on my work system.
05:48.47ChannelZI've generally not personally hit any bugs I've HAD to upgrade to fix
05:49.33ChannelZAnd I keep up on security stuff so I'd generally be aware if something was discovered and I needed to do something about it
05:49.43Lope2. Do you guys have any thoughts of a Realtime linux kernel for asterisk, like if there's any need/benefit?
05:49.58Lope3. Do you have any preferences for using a non-standard IO scheduler?
05:51.02ChannelZCan't help you there, my systems are nowhere near the size for it to matter.
05:51.49Lopeoh, okay. I'm experiencing frequent jitter on my digitalocean VPS. So I'm going to try run it on one of my servers and see if there's a diff.
05:52.23LopeThe only thing I could really do on my VPS was nice asterisk ro -21 but it didn't make any difference.
05:53.32*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
05:54.10ChannelZIs it a private virtual server or there's any number of other users/VMs on the same hardware?
05:55.23Lopeit's a VPS, they likely have many other users sharing the same hardware.
05:55.37LopeThey don't advertise their contention ratio.
05:56.04LopeSo if it works on my own server, I'll try another host.
05:56.17*** join/#asterisk tparcina (~tomo@
05:56.20ChannelZWell then unless you're running tons of other stuff within your own VM I'm not sure how nice or anything else would alleviate any load problems if there are other VMs outside yours which you have no control over
05:57.34LopeYes exactly. So it's pretty definite that alternative hosting is the only solution. If infact it's the cause of the jitter I experience regularly.
05:58.13ChannelZAnd an RT kernel is going to just increase the frequency of interrupts which actually increases load somewhat so within a VM I'm not sure that will be of help either. But I'm not a kernel nerd, just thinking about it logically. Someone else might have more insight
05:59.03ChannelZAlso do you know the jitter is CPU related and not network?
05:59.22Lopeyeah since my VM is idling aside from asterisk I don't think there's anything I can do to alleviate it. The problem is at the level above.
05:59.49LopeChannelZ: it could be network as well. But in that case I also have no control over it.
06:00.23LopeThey've obviously got a lot of servers in a small space, and they have to schedule the network packets somehow.
06:00.54*** join/#asterisk salz212 (ca8ea482@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:01.02ChannelZYeah. There's several variables in a hosted situation that could be difficult if not impossible to narrow down for sure. Whether it's the host hardware being overloaded and your VM being starved, or the network bandwidth to the host hardware at capacity, or a network connection from the hosting facility to the rest of the world issue..
06:01.17LopeDoes asterisk have any related benchmarking software that can test a host's eligibility?
06:02.04LopeI've tried setting the jitter buffer at a max of 2000 but the audio I hear from my server when I call it, is all jittered up.
06:02.18Lopesorry I meant to say a min of 2000ms and a max of 5000ms
06:02.38LopeAlso tried adaptive with a default of 2000ms. No diff there either.
06:02.53ChannelZwell there's 3rd party SIP load testers that can barrage your system with calls and try to figure out capacity but in your case you really need to know what the host hardware is doing, you already know the VM is limping
06:02.55drmessanoWhat size VPS?
06:03.00LopeSince I've tried the jitter buffer, it's probably more likely to be a network problem.
06:03.05Lope512mb RAM 15GB
06:03.12ChannelZJitter buffers only affect the receiving end
06:03.12drmessanoYeah no
06:03.20drmessanoThat VPS will never work
06:03.22ChannelZIE you
06:03.47LopeIt's only a tiny extensions.conf I'm running, with like 3 little extensions, and I'm only handling 1 call at a time in testing, and getting jitter?
06:03.58drmessanoI never recommend the $5 DO VPS for Asterisk, ever
06:04.02ChannelZYou buffer a certain amount of packets you receive to smooth out packet latency.. but what you send out is what you send out.
06:04.05drmessanoGet the next one up
06:04.25Rasputin3711drmessano: What version are you using now for production?
06:04.25Lopedrmessano: have you tested?
06:04.35drmessanoYes I have
06:04.46drmessanoWhy do you think I know so much about it?
06:05.02drmessanoThe $5 VPS is good for like a web host
06:05.13drmessanoNot for a realtime system
06:05.24drmessanoYou need to move up a tier
06:05.35Lope$5: 0.5GB 1core 20GB SSD. $10 1GB 1core 20GB SSD. Both have 1core?
06:05.54drmessanoThe $10 one with a GB of RAM is fine for a small system
06:08.11Lope`free -h` Tot:490M. used:467M, Free:22M, buffers:68M, cached:260M
06:08.26drmessanoOk, this isnt about Asterisk dimensioning
06:08.33drmessanoor memory usage
06:09.09LopeSo you're saying the bigger VM's run with less CPU contention?
06:09.11drmessanoIt's not about advertised specs
06:09.18drmessanoGet the $10 one
06:09.38Lopeokay, will try diff sizes and at diff hosts
06:09.56Lopefirst, I've got my own server, so I know it's not too busy, will try there.
06:10.08Lopebut it's far away from where I need the server to be situated.
06:10.24Lopelatency wise.
06:10.25drmessanoSo get the $10 DO option
06:10.29drmessanoAs I keep suggesting
06:10.35drmessanoor a $10 Linode
06:10.45drmessanoEither of those is fine for a small system
06:11.06Lopeok, thanks for the recommendation, I've noted :)
06:12.44drmessanoGenerally the cheap ass VPS'es are all shoved on the same overcrowded boxes with users trying to squeeze everythng they can out of $5 or $7
06:13.19drmessanoSo I find that while the specs look good, and Asterisk should be fine, the VMs are highly latent
06:14.30LopeMakes sense.
06:14.36drmessanoProbably every VM on that host is being pushed hard by cheap asses
06:15.05*** join/#asterisk celer (
06:27.15*** join/#asterisk ikkuranus (
06:34.27ikkuranuscould someone help me diagnose why asterisk wont autostart on my pogoplug?
06:36.34ikkuranusmanual start does work
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06:59.20ikkuranusthe following exists: /etc/init.d/asterisk and has the right permissions
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07:16.08ikkuranuseh nevermind seems to be starting just takes forever
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09:50.07*** join/#asterisk dokma (~vlatko@
09:50.46dokmaBloody hell, the amount of acronyms in the PBX area is killng me!
09:51.13dokmaAll I want is to plug my PSTN chord into my PC and be able to talk using my speakers and mic. What do I need for that?
09:51.38dokmaI'm using Debian GNU/Linux.
09:53.05SamotWhy wouldn't you use a softphone client to connect to your PBX?
09:54.12dokmaI don't have a PBX. All I have is a PC with Debian on it and a PSTN plug in the wall.
09:54.44dokmaObviously I need some peace of hardware in my PC to make it happen and probably some software on my Linux machine.
09:55.02dokmaSo I'm trying to navigate the confusing land of this whole thing.
09:55.03SamotYou need an FXO card and Asterisk.
09:55.09dokmaWhat do I need? IN SIMPLE TERMS!
09:55.16SamotYou need a server.
09:55.21dokmaAh, that's a good answer.
09:55.24SamotThat has an FXO PCI card.
09:55.34SamotLinux OS
09:55.42SamotAnd Asterisk.
09:55.42dokmaAwesome, that IS a helpful answer.
09:56.05dokmaSo now I have to find a list of Linux compatible FXO cards.
09:56.13SamotOr you can get an external FXO device that connects to Asterisk via SIP.
09:56.15Rasputin3711simple voip gateway
09:56.33SamotYou would need to find a list of FXO cards that Asterisk can use.
09:56.49dokmaAsterisk and Linux I guess.
09:56.51SamotLike the Sangoma.
09:57.06SamotBut there are external options as well.
09:57.12SamotThat require less configuration.
09:57.30SamotAnd pulling your hair out getting the drivers to work.
09:57.35dokmaCan't find a used or new Sangoma in my country.
09:57.55SamotWell they are one brand.
09:58.10Samotdokma: How much experience do you have with Linux?
09:58.15dokmaLet me search for used FXO cards on the leading small ads portal in my country.
09:58.29dokma15 years of Linux only administration.
09:58.54SamotThis just for home use?
09:59.13dokmaFor a business that is in a home ATM.
09:59.32dokmaI find lot's of external devices when I search FXO and no internal PCI cards.
09:59.57SamotI'd go with an external one if it's easier for you to get.
10:00.13SamotBecause it will use SIP to connect back to the PBX.
10:00.50dokmaPatton SN4114 4-FXS VoIP Gateway SN4114/JS/EUI
10:01.06SamotFXS is not the same.
10:01.18SamotYour walljack is FXS.
10:01.37SamotThe jack on the back of your analog phone/fax machine, that's FXO.
10:01.37dokmaIt does have FXO interface
10:01.42*** join/#asterisk Lope (~Lope@
10:02.00dokmaSo I have an FXS on the wall right?
10:02.11dokmaAnd I need to plug the device I'm about to buy into FXS.
10:02.11SamotMost simple way to think of it:
10:02.15SamotFXS = Out
10:02.20SamotFXO = In.
10:02.41dokmaSo the wall has FXS and the device will have FXO and those two will be connected?
10:02.50LopeI want to run asterisk behind nat. this should be pretty easy, just forwarding 5060 to my asterisk LAN IP and a range of RTP ports for SIP. However then do I need to tell asterisk what it's internet IP is?
10:02.57SamotJust think of the device as a regular phone.
10:03.09SamotYou take the phone cord and plug it into the phone and into the wall.
10:03.13dokmaThat's awesome analogy. Helps A LOT!
10:03.28dokmaSo my ordinary phone has an FXS plug in it as well...
10:03.38dokmaI'm learning finally...
10:03.47dokmaMEDIATRIX C710
10:04.09dokmaThat is my phone has an FXO in it...
10:04.21SamotAll analog phones are FXO.
10:04.25Lopeah externip=  and localnet=
10:04.32SamotAll analog fax machines are FXO.
10:05.26*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (~tzafrir@
10:05.55SamotLope: Those would both be wrong.
10:06.10SamotThat's it.
10:06.37Samotexternip=<WAN IP>
10:08.18*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
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10:17.45dokmaSeems I lost my conn...
10:18.32dokmaSo one more question from me. When I connect my PSTN to my PBX device will I be able to have an incoming call received on my Laptop via a VPN?
10:18.38*** join/#asterisk areski (
10:29.01Samotdokma: You would use a softphone client like X-Lite or Zopier.
10:29.15SamotIf you want to reach it remotely when you're not home you can setup NAT rules for that.
10:29.20dokmaSamot, so it is possible.
10:29.31dokmaSamot for remote I use VPN
10:29.58dokmaWhat is the correct name for these devices that bridge PSTN to my PC?
10:30.12Samotsoftphone client.
10:30.48SamotThere is nothing on your PC that lets you handle a phone jack connection.
10:31.10SamotFor a pc you would use a softphone.
10:31.13Rasputin3711Samot: What version are you using in production?
10:31.14dokmaSo a softphone client is the thing that I plug the cable from my wall FXS jack into?
10:31.29*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (~tzafrir@
10:32.48Samotdokma: No.
10:33.20SamotRasputin3711: I try to keep all my systems on the latest version.
10:33.26SamotSo 13.9.1
10:33.27dokmaSamot: what is the correct name for the thing I plug the cable from wall FXS into that converts analog into digital signal?
10:34.06SamotFXO gateway
10:34.17SamotI thought we covered this.
10:34.37dokmaWe did but the haze in my head from all these acronyms hasn't settled yet.
10:34.55dokmaI'm building the grand picture so stick with me...
10:35.52dokmaSo once an FXO gateway is all set and working I can plug a PC into it with a network card or a WIFI conn and use a softphone client on the PC?
10:36.07Rasputin3711Samot: How maximum users on one server have you had?
10:36.09dokmaOr I can plug a Skype phone directly into the FXO gateway?
10:36.57Samotdokma: What is the absolute end result you are looking for?
10:37.11SamotRasputin3711: That goes for you too.
10:37.22*** join/#asterisk acidfoo_ (
10:37.24dokmaSamot: basically to be able to use all my PCs and laptops as phones.
10:37.39SamotRasputin3711: You've been asking people a lot of questions about their deployments. What are YOU looking to do?
10:37.57Rasputin3711Samot: Best practices
10:38.13Samotdokma: Then you need to either get a VoIP service that you can connect softphone clients to.
10:38.42Samotdokma: Or you need to get a PBX like Asterisk to connect to the PSTN and then connect your softphone clients too.
10:38.52dokmaI'm opting for #2
10:38.59Samotdokma: Your PCs and laptops will run softphone clients.
10:39.19Samotdokma: #2 is a lot more work.
10:39.37dokmaHow much more?
10:39.42SamotRasputin3711: Best practices for what?
10:40.04Rasputin3711Samot: users,hardware,software version
10:40.21Samotdokma: Well you need to build the server, get the FXO device, install Asterisk, configure both Asterisk and the FXO device, then configure the softphones.
10:40.38SamotRasputin3711: For what?! Best practices for what?
10:41.02SamotBest practices for how I use Asterisk as gateways for my voice network?
10:41.13SamotHow I use it for individual PBX deployments?
10:41.20Rasputin3711For many cases
10:41.34Rasputin3711For small and medium
10:42.08dokmaSamot, I think I can handle that no problem once I build the whole general landscape of this whole nitche.
10:42.27SamotUsers, software and hardware is just a part of it all, Rasputin3711.
10:42.29dokmaSamot: btw, what is the name of this whole general nitche? Is it VOIP, PBX?
10:43.01dokmaJust Telephony? I would confuse that with PSTN...
10:43.14SamotPublic Switched Telephone Network.
10:43.25SamotIE. how all the carriers in the world talk to each other.
10:43.48dokmaThat's the plain old PSTN we all know of. But when you throw PCs and networks into the mix doesn't that have some distinguishing name?
10:43.56dokmaLike IP Telephony or something
10:44.04SamotBut the PSTN is the PSTN
10:44.41dokmaI get that. But what is all this we were talking about... gateways, VOIP providers, PBXes etc...
10:44.52dokmaStill just telephony?
10:44.56SamotPBX hasn't changed.
10:45.03SamotA PBX is a PBX.
10:45.23SamotYou're either using TDM aka copper or you're using IP.
10:45.31dokmaNo I get that. I was looking for a covering term that encompasses al that...
10:45.43dokmaSo it is IP Telephony right?
10:45.49TandyUKdokma: its to do with making telephone calls, that makes it al ltelephony, regardless of which specific technology (PSTN, ISDN, VOIP, Mobile) youre using
10:46.15SamotPSTN is involved in ALL of it.
10:46.23dokmaHmmm... ok. That's why it's all hazy to me. I don't have a basic coverage of the terms...
10:46.27SamotPublic Switched Telephone Network.
10:47.06dokmaYes, I get it now. I thought that PSTN is like "old stuff" and this new stuff with networks etc was "IP Telephony"
10:47.13SamotConceptually it's no different than how Internet backbones work.
10:47.19TandyUKdont forget PATS too (Publicly Available Telephone Service), thats what emcompasses the requirement for you to be able to phone '999' for example
10:47.22SamotThat's POTS
10:47.32SamotPlain Old Telephone Service.
10:47.45SamotIP and Copper are just delivery methods.
10:47.53SamotThat all connect to the PSTN.
10:48.12dokmaKewl. The picture is getting a bit clearer now...
10:49.01dokmaOne thing that is still rather hazy to me is when I look at used gateways I have no idea if a particular one is an FXO gateway.
10:49.06SamotYou know when you do a network diagram of how all your office networks will interconnect and you put a big cloud in the center and call it "PUBLIC INTERNET"
10:49.23SamotYou would do the same thing with your phone network and change "PUBLIC INTERNET" to "PSTN"
10:49.24dokmaWhat should a gateway have listed to be certain it can do the PBX thing?
10:49.48SamotIf it's an FXO gateway it will say it's an FXO gateway.
10:49.54dokmaSamot: yes, that is an AWESOME analogy. A workable one that helps.
10:50.25dokmaCan you take a peak at this one:
10:50.33TandyUKFXS: Connects to the phone line going out of the building, FXO: Connects to a device, such as phone or fax machine
10:50.42dokmaIt does not specifically say it's an FXO gateway...
10:51.11TandyUKTelefonija sučelja: 1. telefon (FXS), 1 red ( FXO)
10:51.22TandyUKnot sure what that means, but it has 1 fxs port and 1 fxo
10:51.28dokmaYes it has an FXS and FXO, I've seen that.
10:51.39SamotIt means...
10:51.41dokmaThe "Telefonija sučelja" means "The telephony of the interface"
10:51.50SamotThat if it has one FXS and one FXO...
10:52.09SamotYou can use it to connect to the POTS and the PBX as a failover.
10:52.21dokmaSo it does have those interfaces. BUT can it convert analog telephone signal to digital and enable me to use Asterisk with it?
10:52.40SamotThat's the whole POINT.
10:52.49SamotTo convert TDM/Copper to IP.
10:53.24dokmaHmmm.... if that is so then I potentially already have PBX ability with my current ISP providers router/gateway...
10:54.06SamotYou only need FXS/FXO if you are converting Analog to Digital.
10:54.10dokmaWell ain't that funny. My router's web interface has a VOIP tab...
10:54.19SamotThat doesn't mean anything.
10:54.32SamotThat's for networking settings related to VoIP usage.
10:55.05dokmaMy phone line comes via that same router/gateway.
10:55.08Samotdokma: Let's break it down like this..
10:55.12LopeSamot: okay, thanks, sorry I wrote that in a hurry, had food on the stove.
10:55.17dokmaMy plain old phone is plugged into that router.
10:55.28SamotRight because the modem is doing the conversion.
10:55.51dokmaThe modem is converting what to what?
10:55.59SamotSIP to Analog
10:56.10SamotSo it's an FXS device.
10:56.24dokmaTechnicolor TC7200
10:56.29dokmaThat's the modem.
10:56.35SamotNo bearing.
10:56.40SamotLook it's very simple.
10:56.49SamotYou have a PBX.
10:57.03dokmaThat's a useful answer.
10:57.07SamotNow, how do you want to connect that PBX so it can make and receive calls to the world...
10:57.18SamotYou have two options: Copper or IP.
10:58.10SamotWhich one are you going to use?
10:58.15dokmaWhen you say just connect it's a bit confusing. It's already connected to my ISP where it has an Internet and Phone connections. So you must mean connect it to something on my side?
10:58.41SamotLeave your ISP out of it right now.
10:58.43dokmaOn my side I've already plugged a plain old phone into it.
10:58.54SamotHow do you want your PBX to be able to make and receive calls?
10:58.57dokmaNow I'd like to make call from my PC via that same modem.
10:59.07dokmaFrom ALL of my machines.
10:59.12SamotI know
10:59.25SamotI gave you the two options in order to do that.
10:59.37SamotYou choose the "My own PBX" option.
11:00.05dokmaYes. What I had in my head when I said that is:
11:00.07SamotWe already know the computers will use a softphone client.
11:00.12SamotSo that's done.
11:00.23SamotNow, how does the PBX send those calls to the rest of the world?
11:00.31SamotOr receive calls from the rest of the world?
11:00.36dokmaInstall Asterisk on my Debian box and use a softphone client on it to make calls via that modem I already use. Is that correct?
11:00.38SamotWill it be over a copper line or IP?
11:01.12SamotYou don't install Asterisk on your PC.
11:01.19SamotYou need to have it on it's own server.
11:01.30SamotYour PBX should be just that, a PBX.
11:01.36SamotNot your workstation.
11:01.47dokmaAsterisk will probably be on my workstation.
11:01.53dokmaIf that's possible.
11:02.09SamotOK, I'm done.
11:02.12SamotYou are not listening.
11:02.19dokmaPardon me.
11:02.29dokmaWhere do I need to put Asterisk?
11:02.45SamotOn it's own server.
11:02.53SamotAs I said like an hour ago.
11:02.55dokmaWhat is the point of that?
11:02.57Rasputin3711Ask your isp about voip services.
11:03.08SamotBecause it's a PBX
11:03.31SamotIt's going to want to do things on the server...
11:03.48dokmaThat's not very understandable. How do the fact that Asterisk is a PBX necessitates an exclusive machine for it?
11:04.15SamotBecause Asterisk is going to write things all over the server.
11:04.34dokmaReally? That sounds strange.
11:04.35SamotIt's going to want to do things on the server and have the server configured a specific way.
11:05.07SamotWould you by a 3CX PBX and then want to run your web server on it?
11:05.19SamotYou wouldn't buy a PBX system and then install other stuff on it.
11:05.22SamotBecause it's the PBX system.
11:05.45dokmaHang on. When you say a PBX system does that mean a PC with a net connection and Asterisk on it?
11:05.46SamotYou're telling me in all the years of Linux administration you've need had a server be just one thing?!
11:06.02dokmaNaturally I did.
11:06.18SamotSo why is this such a hard concept to grasp in regards to this?
11:06.39dokmaIt's not that hard to grasp. It's just strange that it's a must.
11:06.53dokmaIn all my years of Linux admin I used exclusive servers for all sorts of things.
11:07.04dokmaBUT I also used all those services on one machine without problems.
11:07.17SamotBut did you use them all on your workstation?
11:07.19dokmaSo to say that Asterisk is somehow special is strange.
11:07.30dokmaI use the all on my workstation now for web dev.
11:07.30SamotRun it on your workstation.
11:07.51SamotHave your phone service depend on your workstation always being online..
11:07.57SamotNever down..
11:07.57dokmaI'm running Apache, MySQL, Postfix, Dovecot, PowerDNS and who knows what else on this machine.
11:08.08SamotAnd it's always running the needed services.
11:08.19dokmaMy Workstation is never off.
11:08.25Samotthen run it there.
11:08.39SamotWhen you see how your service is impacted..
11:08.47SamotAnd it doesn't work right...
11:08.54SamotYou'll be back at putting it on it's own system.
11:09.03SamotWhile interrupting your phone services.
11:09.09dokmaNo, I haven't decided to run it from my workstation.
11:09.26dokmaIt was just strange how you adamantly demanded that it MUST be ran exclusively.
11:09.40SamotIt's called experience.
11:09.46dokmaSo it CAN be ran on a normal workstation but you RECOMMEND to run it on an exclusive machine.
11:09.54dokmaYou presented it a bit off.
11:10.23dokmaYou have to keep in mind that this is very hazy to me and I'm learning everything from scratch...
11:11.17dokmaSo now I have this: a PC with Asterisk on it connected to this Technicolor modem which apparently has the needed functionality to make calls from my workstation. Is that correct?
11:11.35Rasputin3711yeastart soho + O2 module )
11:12.32Samotdokma: No.
11:14.38SamotWell sure, if you're going to use an FXO card/device and just use your current phone line.
11:15.55SamotBut you really, really should spend time on to read up and learn.
11:16.19dokmaYeah, I know. I exhausted you real well. You're tremendeously helpful.
11:16.52dokmaSo this modem that I have the Technicolor does not have the FXO gateway functionality so I need one extra piece of hardware...
11:18.30dokmaSO the picture is something like: PC with an FXO gateway and Asterisk <---> Technicolor modem with an FXS jack
11:19.12dokmaOr if the FXO gateway is external: PC with Asterisk <---> FXO gateway <---> Technicolor modem with FXS jack.
11:30.38dokmaSamot: OK. What confused me was seeing that VOIP tab in my modems web interface. I thought that perhaps the modem already had an FXO gateway functionality builtin.
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13:05.25EyelHi guys!!
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13:51.15iBoghello.  can anyone recommend an audio conferencing service?
13:51.54[TK]D-FenderWe would.... but we're all using our own PBX's to do this for free....
13:52.23lvlinux:hifive [TK]D-Fender
13:52.31iBog:)  just thought you may now of some other services
13:53.01[TK]D-FenderGoogle knows TONS
13:53.11lvlinuxiBog: ZipDX is good and highly regarded.
13:54.02iBoglvlinux thank you, I really appreciate it
13:54.14iBog[TK]D-Fender yes, I've been googling too
13:54.43lvlinuxiBog: do you need video as well or just audio? WebRTC?
13:54.48*** join/#asterisk simplydrew (~simplydre@unaffiliated/simplydrew)
13:55.10iBoglvlinux just audio.  let people dial into a number from their phone
13:57.33lvlinuxiBog: just out of curiosity, why would you be looking at another service vs doing it yourself with Asterisk?
14:00.20iBoglvlinux I want something setup rther quickly.  I dont want to get equipment to setup asterisk.
14:01.51lvlinuxah, I see. Well that's reasonable. I'm sure you can find a service that will meet your needs, or for that matter, probably a number of people here would be interested in setting up a server for you, or hosting the service for you. (myself included)
14:02.50lvlinuxOtherwise you can't go wrong w ZipDX IMHO.
14:02.59iBogvery kind of you.  am interested in asterisk though
14:02.59*** join/#asterisk Draecos (
14:04.06[TK]D-FenderZipDZX: Basic Service Package: $0.08 (USD) per minute per participant inclusive of Federal taxes and fees (even the Federal Universal Service Fund)
14:04.08iBogif I used asterisk, do I need to get phone lines and modems?
14:04.20[TK]D-FenderI guess if you don't hav you own and maybe have a very temporary need....
14:04.29lvlinuxiBog: all you need is a computer and internet connection
14:04.39lvlinux[stable] internet connection
14:04.44iBoglvlinux good to know.  then a plan with a SIP provider?
14:04.50[TK]D-FenderiBog, No, * does not support regular "modems".  there are cards for analog lines if tthat's what you actuall want to use, but there are many more choices
14:05.17[TK]D-FenderAnalog lines, Digital (CAS/BRI/PRI), VoIP, GSM, etc
14:05.32lvlinuxall those are options
14:05.34[TK]D-Fenderthat's the reason for the name....
14:05.35iBogare there any flat rate SIP plans?
14:05.50lvlinuxwell, yes and no
14:05.57TandyUKnot from us, but some do plans
14:05.59[TK]D-FenderMany, but most have ToS including soft/hard caps, etc
14:06.10TandyUKI tend to find plans just work out more expensive than just paying for calls
14:06.20lvlinuxfor incoming there are "nominal" flat rate programs. Most have a minute/month limite though.
14:06.30TandyUKunless youre doing like 4000 minutes/mo, in whcih case TOS usually applies
14:06.30lvlinuxTandyUK: I agree in many circumstances
14:06.41TandyUKso its still cheaper to just buy what you need
14:06.49lvlinuxAnveoDirect has a 30000 minute cap
14:06.59lvlinuxmost others are 4000 or so
14:06.59iBogok.  will expand to researching this option too
14:07.07TandyUKa lot have caps on simultaneous calls too
14:07.20lvlinuxvaries, some do some don't
14:07.21TandyUKeg, you can have 30k minutes, but only have 2 calls in progress at a time
14:07.23iBogwhat are a few SIP providers to consider?
14:07.38TandyUKiBog theres hundreds
14:07.40iBogfyi, I'm in canada
14:07.42TandyUKif not thousands
14:07.50iBogTandyUK I get that
14:07.51lvlinuxiBog: AnveoDirect, Flowroute, Vitelity, Callcentric, DIDLogic are my picks
14:08.00iBoglvlinux much appreciated
14:08.01TandyUKyou want a provider with servers in canada
14:08.08iBogTandyUK yes
14:08.17infobothmm... itsplist-ca is Here are some popular Canadian ITSPs: , ,,
14:08.21infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones:,,,, and
14:08.41[TK]D-FenderHrm... some of those should be removed...
14:09.13*** join/#asterisk _AxS_ (~axs@gentoo/developer/axs)
14:11.10_AxS_Hey all -- is there bychance a good diy-pbx-for-dummies guide you all recommend?  not for asterisk itself but for all the other bits one needs to have a usable home pbx setup?  I'm mainly having trouble with terminoligy for the various hardware bits i expect to need...
14:11.46infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
14:12.20[TK]D-Fender_AxS_, the words "home PBX" are typically an oxymoron.  Residential homes don't normally have PBX's.
14:12.39[TK]D-Fender_AxS_, As for equipmement it depends what you intend to physically interface to.
14:13.03lvlinuxmy home does :-)
14:13.04[TK]D-Fender_AxS_, If you intend to use telco lines you'll need an interface to those.  Then you'll need a PBX to use that with.
14:13.13[TK]D-Fender_AxS_, Then probably phones.
14:13.34[TK]D-Fender_AxS_, As for the phones, those may require something else to connect to that PBX as well.  All depending
14:13.51[TK]D-Fender_AxS_, So witth that in mind... tthere isn't much more "hardware" to think of.
14:15.45_AxS_yeah -- phones (incl. softphones), some box to interface with phone lines, likely some box to interface with analog phones too but i'm not decided on that..  i'm just having trouble knowing what box-1 and box-2 are called; everything i search for tends to just say "voip" and might mention sip but thats about it.  it's for home use so i'm not looking for professional-grade hardware here (mainly due to expected cost)
14:16.25_AxS_An ATA is something that interfaces to analog phones right, not analog lines?  or does it do both?
14:16.39[TK]D-Fender_AxS_, So you actually want to use analog phone lines?
14:16.47infobotrumour has it, ata is Analogue Terminal Adapter which provides an FXS and/or FXO and ethernet, see
14:17.06[TK]D-FenderATA is typically FXS port: meant fo you to plug a phone into, not a line
14:17.11_AxS_Eventually no, but i have them at the moment so for testing (and if hardware isn't too expensive) i figure yes.
14:17.42[TK]D-Fender_AxS_, if you're thinking "for testing" then I wouldn't bother.  You don't need to use actual lines to test
14:18.13[TK]D-FenderYou can use your phones to simulate the flow a caller would go through.  This is better than wasting money on temporary hardware you won't use in production
14:18.58[TK]D-FenderYou could do itt with 2 soft-phones straight up.  Have the first one call the extension you'd have your inbound call from the outside land on and that will be what the outside caller would experience.
14:19.26[TK]D-FenderLearning only takes you having something to run * on, and preferrably 2 devices to use as "phones" (soft-phone, etc)
14:19.44[TK]D-FenderAnd you can get a full feel for how your system will work.  menu call-flow, voicemail, etc
14:20.03_AxS_yeah i've got a two-softphone setup already.  ok i'll keep playing that way.
14:20.46[TK]D-FenderThat'll tell you if you've got the flow working the way you want.  Then you can consider what actual hardware you'd put money into
14:22.38_AxS_On a separate note...  i've noticed through googling that it seems gtalk / google-voice / whatever support is pretty much dead due to it dropping XMPP?  Has there been any work or progress in developing a module that works with Google Hangouts?
14:23.14_AxS_too bad..  oh well.
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14:29.37BrimstarWe've got an asterisk derived system and we're looking to add some cordless handsets, probably SIP-DECT since I've not had great luck with Wifi phones.  Any equipment suggestions?
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14:33.50[TK]D-FenderSnom's as "OK" from what I hear, and better reports from a Europeon MFG whose name I'm having trouble recalling..
14:33.59[TK]D-FenderThey were a bigger telcom hardware maker...
14:34.08[TK]D-Fenderbut here's a site witha few few models :
14:35.18BrimstarWe've got a polycom system currently, but the range extenders are crap, system has to be rebooted regularly, and the interface makes doing much other than answering and talking a nightmare
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14:36.24Brimstarand since we've added offices on the second floor of our current building they're not covered.  Nor is the executive office area.  Repeater drops to often for it to be stable
14:39.21TandyUKyealink w52's are good
14:39.27TandyUKand theyre range entenders work :)
14:53.07Brimstarwow.   The Yealink gear looks SOO much like the snom gear it isn't funny
14:57.45BrimstarHm.. Yealink setup doesn't seem to ahve a multi-base station setup and with multiple floors that may not be a great fit.  Talking to the people at the site linked.  Seem to be thinking that 1 N700 per floor, 1 repeater to cover the extra area on the 1st floor, and some handsets will round it out pretty well
14:59.13Brimstarsnom setup
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14:59.23jrunwhat are certified/* tags?
15:01.11jruni guess what i'm asking is what's the diff between certified/* tags and LTS [13.9.1] versions?
15:02.40[TK]D-FenderUnless you're getting paid support from Digium you're wasting your time with cert
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15:14.25jrun[TK]D-Fender: i see, thanks.
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15:20.11_AxS_Does digium's switchvox iOS app work with plain asterisk or do you need to have their commercial package?
15:21.35mjordanYou need Switchvox.
15:22.49_AxS_k thx
15:22.54_AxS_figured as much but wasn't certain
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15:25.39nickgawHi, Where is a good place to find good quality asterisk techitions?
15:27.40Penguinlooks around
15:28.04Penguinwaits for the rest of the story
15:29.14[TK]D-Fender#asterisk-consultants ?
15:29.19nickgawI have looked around on line but not found much as most of them will ony deal with businesses?
15:29.31[TK]D-FenderState your needs
15:29.39[TK]D-FenderCan't advise until we know.
15:30.59nickgawI am looking for a good person who knows how to properly setup asterisk either with or without a web interface and to get my extensions as well as callrecording working either where the calls are recorded one party in each channel of a stereo file or different files per caller.
15:31.21nickgawI already have a sip company I ported my numbers to.
15:31.50PenguinIs there more to it?  That sounds straight forward enough.
15:32.56nickgawI am also trying to find good hardware based sip phones that either are wifi based or where they plug into the router and the handsets are chordless and someone to set them up for me so when I get them I just plug them into the router and they work?
15:33.21[TK]D-FenderUsually I'd just use an ATA with a DECT cordless phone
15:33.48*** join/#asterisk mojtaba (~mojtaba@2620:101:f000:700:8d1c:bba2:4774:95a5)
15:34.03[TK]D-FenderI got some seriously cheap phones that work through my entire 60,000 sqft warehouse flawlessly for $40 plugged into an ata worth the same
15:34.09nickgawIf the phone has an answering machine in it can this work with asterisk for one of the lines being ported?
15:34.27[TK]D-FenderIf you're using the phone with * let * handle voicemail....
15:34.34PenguinYou can, but asterisk has voicemail.
15:35.05lvlinux_AxS_: Google did NOT drop support for XMPP or GVoice over XMPP. It still works w Asterisk and other software (such as Yate).
15:35.11PenguinBut I have found out that old people would rather use the answering machine than have to retrieve voicemail
15:35.12nickgawtrue some members of my family who will be using one of the lines don't know much about asterisk that is why I am asking about that.
15:36.25_AxS_lvlinux: for me it doesn't matter either way, as i'm not located in the US.
15:36.51PenguinBut the fact is, a person needs not know ANYTHING about asterisk to retrieve voicemail.  You pick up the handset, press the Messages key if there is one or dial the voicemail extension if no button, and follow the instructions on which key to press for which action.  Press 1 for new messages, etc.
15:37.44nickgawWhat about the person to configure my asterisk setup properly and I am ok with using asterisk for voicemail?
15:38.09nickgawI have written some people but none of them have responded.
15:38.25PenguinIs this a paid gig?
15:39.55nickgawHow much would someone want per hour to get this working?
15:40.10_AxS_nickgaw: could you elaborate on what exactly it is you want working?
15:40.14PenguinDid you already install the OS?
15:40.22_AxS_nickgaw: do you have asterisk installed already?
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15:40.41PenguinHaving asterisk installed already isn't very important.
15:40.54PenguinHaving a working OS with adequate remote access is.
15:41.08nickgawyes I was messing around with either using a debian asterisk setup or incrediblepbx with the FreePBX or another web interface.
15:41.22_AxS_nickgaw: you have extensions set up?
15:41.44_AxS_nickgaw: err, the phones i mean?
15:42.10nickgawnot yet. and no sip phones yet either as I was wanting to get asterisk working first with soft phones.
15:42.10_AxS_(i'm using softphones so i did this in sip.conf)
15:42.28_AxS_nickgaw: ok so you set something up in sip.conf and have the softphones working then.
15:42.45PenguinYou'll set up hard phone in sip.conf too.
15:43.18_AxS_nickgaw: what is the identifier you used in sip.conf for the phone(s) ?
15:43.27Penguinnickgaw: Are you wanting to learn anything about asterisk setup and administration or just have someone else roll out the system for you?
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15:44.54swimmercolHi guys
15:45.02swimmercolI am getting this message when try to make a call:
15:45.19swimmercol[2016-05-27 11:45:12] ERROR[4868][C-00000004]: rtp_engine.c:397 ast_rtp_instance_new: No RTP engine was found. Do you have one loaded?
15:45.33swimmercolwhen i try to load res_rtp_asterisk module
15:45.35swimmercoli got:
15:45.42lvlinuxswimmercol: do you have an rtp.conf file? cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
15:45.59Penguinswimmercol: Did it ever work before?
15:46.11swimmercolyes it work before
15:46.12PenguinAnd then you upgraded something?
15:46.14swimmercolit is Asterisk 13
15:46.27lvlinuxwhat did you do before it stopped working?
15:46.35swimmercoljust reboot the server
15:46.38swimmercoland stop working
15:46.39PenguinSeems like you may need to recompile asterisk and reinstall it.
15:46.54PenguinSome things must have upgraded and left asterisk in an incompatible state.
15:47.13swimmercolmaybe openssl?
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15:47.46PenguinI wouldn't think so.
15:47.50_AxS_swimmercol: lddtree /path/to/  ..and whatever it says is missing, is what the problem will likely be
15:48.08nickgawMy client disconnected having the extensions setup is something I would like help with and yes I would like to learn how to manage things on my own just someone to teach me.
15:48.36lvlinuxnickgaw: have you read the * book?
15:48.38_AxS_nickgaw: ok -- sip.conf , what sections are set up in there other than [general] ?
15:48.40Penguinnickgaw: Teaching/learning takes much time.
15:49.16lvlinuxnickgaw: the book gives you a full walkthrough of a basic setup and helps you understand everything.
15:49.19infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
15:49.50nickgawthe one at yes
15:50.06swimmercolis there a way to yum downgrade ?
15:50.46Penguinswimmercol: But it would be better to upgrade asterisk now rather than downgrade everything else that changed.
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15:51.07nickgawI have read the asteriskdocs book yes.
15:51.18infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
15:51.33PenguinHeh, someone just did that a minute ago.
15:52.11nickgawyes I have read that book.
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15:53.38nickgawWhy do you ask if I have read the book?
15:54.13PenguinReading the book is usually the first recommended step to learning about the operation and administration of asterisk.
15:54.52nickgawyes and there is a lot of information in that book.
15:55.03PenguinYou're right about that.
15:55.24PenguinDo you have time to learn and then set up asterisk, or do you need asterisk done ASAP and then learn about it later?
15:56.29_AxS_nickgaw: /msg me, i'll step you through getting your voicemail working so it doesn't pollute this channel so much.
15:56.38nickgawI would like to get things working sooner then later but I am ok with learning as I don't wanto miss calls to the ported numbers as currently they are just going to our cell phones threw the sip company I used.
15:58.32PenguinThe basic steps to getting phone calls are this: install asterisk, configure your ITSP settings and phones in sip.conf, configure dialplan (extensions) in extensions.conf, configure end-points to communicate with asterisk.
15:58.39nickgawDo most asterisk technitions not support the GUI's?
15:59.00PenguinI will not support a GUI for asterisk.
15:59.20PenguinI admin via ssh.
15:59.46_AxS_nickgaw: you specified GUIs or not.  most techs are going to edit the .conf files directly since that's where the power is -- GUIs are for people that don't want to learn, mostly
16:00.24nickgawok understandable?
16:00.25_AxS_my asterisk install didn't come with a gui; tbh it'd be more work to install it than it is to learn which .conf file to edit.
16:01.03[TK]D-Fender_AxS_, unless you use a pre-baked ISO
16:01.13PenguinThere's really only a handful of confs to edit.
16:01.25nickgawThen does it matter what hosting platform I use for hosting asterisk?
16:01.36_AxS_[TK]D-Fender: yes -- that form of install would come with one; i shoved it on my linux server so just plain old asterisk for me
16:01.40lvlinuxnickgaw: you want it to be reliable. Other than that you're good.
16:02.07lvlinux(I don't support any GUI as well, although I have made a couple very simple web interfaces.)
16:02.08Penguinnickgaw: I would recommend a distro with an LTS model.
16:02.24lvlinuxsecond that ^^^^^^^^^^
16:02.26_AxS_nickgaw: and reliable in this case means way more reliable than most servers you likely have set up.
16:02.51lvlinuxreliable for web hosting != reliable for VoIP
16:02.58_AxS_nods in agreement
16:03.01nickgawIs it ok to use a hosting company to host it for me?
16:03.31_AxS_nickgaw: i would expect you would probably want to use a Hosted-PBX package if you're going that way, rather than your own asterisk install, no?
16:03.34PenguinWhat company did you have in mind?  I ran a customer on Linode for a couple of years with no serious issues.
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16:04.12nickgawI was looking at digitalocean.
16:04.20lvlinuxehhh, idk
16:04.54lvlinuxI have one on Iniz that has been very good. And Serverpoint ColossusCloud is great too.
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16:06.53nickgawI was looking at incrediblepbx but that includes the GUI and I am not sure how uppdated that is. for a hosted system do I need dahdi and other tools or just asterisk?
16:07.06drmessanoDont use incrediblepbx
16:07.17PenguinI strongly discourage crap like that.
16:07.33*** join/#asterisk simplydrew (~simplydre@unaffiliated/simplydrew)
16:08.09PenguinCentOS+asterisk, or Debian+asterisk, or any other regular stable distro +asterisk
16:08.15nickgawmy sip company has a module to set my trunks up that they say only works in freePBX so not sure if it could be done manually or not?
16:08.16drmessanoObviously this whole convo has been steering you away from a GUI, but if you want a GUI, thats not the distro to use
16:08.39PenguinNothing only works in FreePBX.
16:09.03drmessanonickgaw: FreePBX just configures standard SIP peers for Asterisk... it all translates both ways
16:09.16nickgawShould I talk with them first before deciding?
16:09.26PenguinNot really.
16:09.50PenguinIt comes down to if YOU need to have a GUI or if YOU can handle it all from the CLI.
16:10.44drmessanoIf you NEED a GUI, use the FreePBX distro.. the official one.. not some hack job fork.   Thats all I will say before backing away from the G word, carefully and before anyone gets hurt
16:10.56nickgawAre there combinations where I can use the GUI for some tasks but not for others like my advanced recording settings?
16:11.10PenguinAll GUI or no GUI.
16:11.15drmessanoThats not true at all
16:11.25_AxS_GUIs, do they manage the .conf files or do they read the configuration from a mysql db or some such?
16:11.56[TK]D-FenderThey generate conf's based on their structures usually stored in DB's like mysql
16:12.00PenguinFor a person just breaking into asterisk, I would never suggest hybrid GUI/no-GUI.
16:12.15drmessanoYou can create lots of custom dialplan with FreePBX, and override things it does in the GUI.. It doesnt read the config files.. it writes its own.. there are ways to add config in though, and override it
16:12.18PenguinFor a well-experienced admin who understands exactly what the GUI does, maybe.
16:13.06_AxS_FreePBX's gui likely provides most if not all of the advanced options anyways though, wouldn't it?
16:13.07drmessanoThats a lot different than "no"
16:13.13nickgawfor new users what do you suggest I start out with?
16:13.41PenguinCentOS, asterisk, ssh, and vim
16:14.09Penguinand the asterisk book.
16:15.18_AxS_nickgaw: ... s/vim/any other text editor that'll work over ssh that you are comfortable with/
16:15.35drmessanonickgaw: Plenty of folks go either way at the start.. depends on your comfort level
16:15.56drmessanoBut feel free to choose your distro of choice and whichever editor you choose
16:16.19drmessanoor a GUI, for that matter.. it's about what you need and what you can do.. Asterisk is served up many different ways
16:16.19nickgawDoes it matter what hosting company I use then?
16:16.32drmessanoDO is OK, just dont use the $5 option
16:16.41drmessanoLinode is my preference
16:17.36SamotNot to trash the Asterisk Book but if it's in reference to the website...ugh.
16:17.55_AxS_1.8 isn't it?
16:18.00PenguinThe last book I looked at was geared toward 1.8.
16:18.05*** join/#asterisk nickgaw (nickg@SDF.ORG)
16:18.06PenguinBeen a while since I reviewed it.
16:18.12SamotEven still.
16:18.25PenguinYou can also run asterisk at home as opposed to in the cloud.
16:18.28nickgawIf I don't go with a GUI then does it matter what host I use?
16:18.40drmessanoJust dont use a piece of crap
16:18.55nickgawany companies to avoid?
16:19.00drmessanoAsterisk is realtime audio, not web sites
16:19.00PenguinI've even seen a FreePBX install on a Linode VPS.
16:19.08PenguinFreePBX the web app, not FreePBX the distro.
16:19.20_AxS_nickgaw: companies for what?  hosting?  the sip trunk?
16:19.26drmessanoIve seen plenty of them on Linode
16:19.34drmessanoLike I said
16:19.42drmessanoDO is fine, jst dont use the $5 option
16:19.51drmessanoI prefer Linode myself
16:19.54PenguinYou don't have to put it on a VPS, though.
16:19.57drmessanoOn and NO AWS micro crap
16:20.19SamotDefinitely not micro on AWS.
16:20.22drmessanoAnything that cheap is going to be on an overloaded host
16:20.31drmessanoand audio doesnt like that
16:20.33PenguinYou can put it on your spare computer and throw it in the closet.
16:20.34[TK]D-FenderBook's 4th ed = * 11
16:20.45_AxS_nickgaw: most, probably.  you want something that can guarantee 99.99999999995% uptime and in a way that isn't going to lose any context if they have to switch the hosting server (i've not even looked into asterisk vs clustering but i cna't guess its simple)
16:20.51SamotI was talking bout the website.
16:21.53nickgawShould I use the centos rpm packages for asterisk?
16:22.25_AxS_instead of building from scratch?  probably yes.
16:22.43PenguinYou could.  I always recommend packages first, even if you have to roll your own.
16:23.02_AxS_on linux you pretty much always want the package manager to handle your stuff.
16:23.21PenguinWhen the package doesn't exist, that's when you learn how to make RPMs.
16:23.26_AxS_otherwise upgrading becomes hell later on.
16:23.42PenguinSource install = not recommended for anything (in my opinion)
16:24.22_AxS_Yep.  if you want to build stuff from source, use gentoo as your distro.
16:24.27PenguinThe package manager does a better job managing packages than most people.
16:24.42SamotI install Asterisk from source all the time.
16:24.52drmessanoSlackware is so much better
16:25.13PenguinYou can build anything from source that you want, but _I_ always recommend rolling into a package instead of installing from the source.
16:25.43PenguinIt's a few more steps, but it keeps package management sane.
16:25.47nickgawslackware has good packaging building you just build into a tree and then install it.
16:26.02_AxS_if the package manager doesn't handle the package, you run into issues like what swimmercol had earlier.
16:26.34PenguinIf you can't be bothered to figure out how to make your own packages, use checkinstall.
16:26.36nickgawWhat was that?
16:26.56_AxS_nickgaw: swimmercol's issue?  a module wouldn't work anymore because some other library got updated.
16:27.20drmessanoSorry, I was being facetious.  Use whichever distro you LIKE and PREFER.. and if you want to install from source, thats fine too.. You have much more control that way, especially with something like Asterisk that has MANY different modules, and usually the packages go with a standard set
16:28.15drmessanoThe whole 'Wait a few months and the maintainer may build it to include X" is tiring and occurs often with Asterisk
16:28.49drmessanoIf youre banging out boxes with a standard, basic feature set, packages are fine
16:29.12nickgawOther then the book where is a good place to find a good asterisk technitionto help me out?
16:29.22drmessanoThe wiki
16:29.28_AxS_nickgaw: googling for random howtos, generally
16:30.01nickgawSo none of you do that for a living?
16:30.50PenguinSome of us do, but a single family asterisk deployment usually doesn't have much of a budget for paying an experienced sysadmin.
16:31.08nickgawHow much would they charge per hour?
16:32.16PenguinIt varies by their location and skill level.  I've seen it range anywhere from $15 to $250 per hour.
16:32.25*** join/#asterisk F2Knight (
16:32.34PenguinI would be in the middle.
16:32.38_AxS_most likely would sit at the $80 -> $250 level.  pretty much the same as IT tech.
16:33.28drmessanoI'll charge you $300 an hour, if you like.. Didnt know this was an RFP
16:33.52_AxS_infobot: sweet, thanks for implementing regex's!
16:33.54lvlinuxlol I'm at $50 if I work slow, $100 if fast
16:34.14_AxS_lvlinux: you have clients that are OK with you working slow? :)
16:34.18nickgawSo if I was wanting to talk with one of you about helping me out how would I do that and would it help if I first got asterisk installed?
16:35.03nickgawwhat do you mean by here?
16:35.05drmessanoSo youre not willing to do any of this yourself?
16:35.12lvlinux_AxS_: I normally do thing by the job, rather than hourly, so it's mostly irrelevant.
16:35.19nickgawI am willing to do this on my own yes.
16:35.24_AxS_nickgaw: i already told ya, I'll help you get voicemail working right now if you /msg me and can pastebin some of your .conf's  -- this is just based on the stuff i played with last night; i'm not any sort of expert
16:35.27drmessanoI mean, thats the point of community support
16:35.36drmessanoIf you just have questions, ask them on IRC
16:36.02drmessanoIf you want someone to do it for you, then thats to the point of paying someone
16:36.23lvlinuxnickgaw: if you are willing to do it on your own then there are multiple people here that will help you with that. You'll have to do your due diligence and follow instructions, but there's lots of nice guys (and gals) here that are happy to help.
16:36.31tonsofpcsmaybe I should just put together an RFP...
16:37.06nickgawI am ok with paying someone to get me started with setting this up.
16:39.00*** join/#asterisk nickgaw (nickg@SDF.ORG)
16:39.31nickgawI am willing to pay someone to help me get started and to teach me how it is done so I can continue myself.
16:40.22lvlinuxnickgaw: you have to make the decision if you want to pay or not. You can get to your goal either way :-)
16:40.38_AxS_pays it forward -- helps others to learn after he's learned
16:40.44drmessanonickgaw: *Teaching* you is like 10 years work
16:40.59drmessanonickgaw: I suggest if you want to learn, follow whats being told in here
16:41.09nickgawI am totally ok with paying someone to help me with this if they could also teach me how to do the rest on my own.
16:41.15drmessanonickgaw: If you just want someone to do it for you, make plan, spend the money
16:41.34lvlinuxstep #1 is read the book. It's free and it teaches you everything you need to know to get started. It will SAVE you time and effort.
16:41.40drmessanoI doubt someone is going to take payment to teach you asterisk
16:41.46lvlinuxI would :-)
16:41.51lvlinuxbut it ain't cheap
16:42.04nickgawHow much would you charge?
16:42.05drmessanoNo, not in the context of a couple hours work
16:42.18drmessanoPeople pay thousands for Asterisk courses
16:42.37drmessanoand even then.. that touches on concepts
16:42.51drmessanoAll you need is right in front of you
16:43.13lvlinuxI do 1 on 1 mentoring but it's not worth it if someone has the patience to read and learn on their own with help from IRC, etc.
16:43.59nickgawlvlinux can I message you my email address so we can talk off of irc?
16:44.09lvlinuxnickgaw: sure if you like
16:44.20_AxS_nickgaw: know, if you asked some specific implementation questions we likely could've given you the info you needed to get working whatever it is you're working on, about 30 mins ago :)
16:45.06lvlinux_AxS_: yup :)
16:45.10PenguinIf someone would have jumped on it, that would have been a billable 30 mins.
16:45.14nickgawWould using nano rather then vim be ok for the default editor?
16:45.19_AxS_nickgaw: yes
16:45.25PenguinAny editor will suffice.
16:45.25_AxS_any text editor you want.
16:45.36_AxS_except emacs.
16:45.41lvlinuxas long as it's a real text editor it's fine (i.e. no MS WORD)
16:45.45lvlinuxemacs lol
16:45.48PenguinIf you can use emacs, go for it.
16:45.55drmessanoEDLIN is nice
16:45.57lvlinuxwho can use emacs though? lol
16:46.35lvlinuxyou have to have 10 inch hands and exercise them daily to be able to.
16:46.53lvlinuxall yo uhave to do with vim is remap CapsLock to ESC and you're good lol
16:46.54nickgawI like nano better as I myself am totally bind and find someo of those GUI's tricky to use with any screen readers so editing the configuration files by hand would probably be a much more accessible way to set asterisk up right?
16:47.14lvlinuxah, yes absolutely
16:47.42lvlinuxso the book may be a problem then
16:48.17lvlinuxnickgaw I think you're the first person EVER that has been in this room that has a valid excuse for not jumping on the book immediately. :-)
16:48.21nickgawI think that book has images in it with no alt texts
16:48.25PenguinNeed a GUI?  Use gvim instead of vim.  :D
16:49.27nickgawIs there an on line version of the 4th addition I can read on line or just the pdf of an earlier addition?
16:50.22_AxS_nickgaw: you can likely buy it as epub -- that should be readable via screen-reader
16:50.50nickgawyes epub has accessibility built into the format.
16:51.45_AxS_although the 4th edition is available as free PDF too and it seems mostly text based; don't know if that would work for you or not?
16:52.27nickgawyes it would work just fine is that on the asteriskdocs web site?
16:53.16_AxS_nickgaw: it was posted earlier:,%204th%20Edition.pdf
16:54.05nickgawWhat version of asterisk does it cover?
16:54.12lvlinuxversion 11
16:54.44lvlinuxalmost everything is applicable to version 13, except PJSIP in v13, which is optional to use.
16:55.00_AxS_...  how advanced has asterisk's webrtc support come along since version 11 ?
16:55.09lvlinuxv11 = nonexistant
16:55.12lvlinuxv13 = working
16:55.31lvlinuxwebrtc support was introduced in 12
16:58.06nickgawso to download that pdf ebook using wget would I just put the entire URL in quotes?
16:58.32*** join/#asterisk swimmercol (
16:58.38_AxS_shouldn't even need quotes, i think.
16:58.51lvlinuxprobably not but it won't hurt
17:00.39*** join/#asterisk fish9370 (
17:01.20fish9370help me
17:01.33fish9370I have some problem with CDR
17:01.41swimmercolRackspace just updated  some kernel packages by ansible :S
17:01.46swimmercoljust fixed
17:05.18fish9370who knows Asterisk?
17:05.41[TK]D-FenderProbably EVERYONE here
17:05.50[TK]D-FenderYou know where you are... right?
17:05.53[TK]D-Fenderthis is #asterisk
17:06.20fish9370why I can't replace my own variable on channel?
17:06.47PenguinNot all variables are writable.
17:06.53fish9370before call I set CDR(trunk)='mytrunk'
17:07.00[TK]D-Fenderwhat variable?
17:07.06[TK]D-FenderYuo need to SHOW US the failure
17:07.15fish9370variable about trunk
17:07.20[TK]D-FenderWe have no idea what you're talking about, how you're doing anything, or what the real result is
17:07.33[TK]D-Fender<fish9370> variable about trunk <- these words do not mean anything
17:07.52[TK]D-FenderPlease give a PROPER description and SHOW US the failure
17:07.54infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
17:08.49fish9370please look at my log
17:10.59[TK]D-FenderWhere in there?
17:11.13[TK]D-FenderWhat line shows the thing you're having a problem with?
17:12.20fish9370I have this result in CDR
17:13.11fish9370I try raplace variable calltype _before_ call, but it finalized
17:13.26[TK]D-FenderWhere do we see this?
17:16.12fish93705 sec, I update my log for you
17:20.12*** join/#asterisk klow (
17:22.10fish9370there is now log
17:22.51fish9370look at line 27 and line 50
17:23.35fish9370first I set calltype = IN and after calltype = TRANSIT
17:24.35fish9370and how you can see in CDR (there is in bottom of log) calltype in all cdr records is IN
17:25.19_AxS_OT:  does debian/other distros have 'wgetpaste' available?
17:27.37fish9370it's because CDR created _after_ Dial and I create it on channel _before_. How I can cheat this?
17:27.41[TK]D-FenderI don't see full channel names anywhere so I can't match those up.
17:28.01[TK]D-FenderAlso you should have AGI debug enabled for this
17:28.09[TK]D-FenderSo we can prove exactly how things were called
17:29.10fish9370sorry for my English, you undestand me?
17:29.33[TK]D-FenderShow us the call with AGI debug enabled so we can prove what you're setting and how
17:29.59fish9370ok, I anable AGI debug, CDR debug
17:31.09fish9370there is
17:38.26fish9370look at line 101 (set variable to IN) and 183 (set variable to TRANSIT)
17:44.26[TK]D-Fender[May 27 20:30:29] WARNING[17765]: cdr.c:2957 ast_cdr_setvar: channel 1: SIP/0001034-00000003, calltype: IN
17:44.35[TK]D-Fenderbut no line like this following it like the others had
17:45.09fish9370what you mean?
17:46.11fish9370oh, it's my own comment in source code
17:47.15fish9370I need set variable after Dial and before Dial end
17:47.24fish9370how I can do this?
17:48.16[TK]D-Fenderon the CALLED channel?
17:50.54[TK]D-Fenderyou should do that using a pre-dial hook.
17:50.59[TK]D-FenderThis is supported in * 11+.
17:51.06[TK]D-Fenderplease refer to the WIKI for this
17:51.17fish9370where I can read about this?
17:51.34fish9370on 13+ it's possible?
17:54.06*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
18:04.13[TK]D-Fender[TK]D-Fender> This is supported in * 11+.
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19:12.41F2KnightHaving a core dump issue - not sure what is causing it any help would be wonderful - Backtrace located here >
19:16.17_AxS_signal 6..  havnen't seen that one before.
19:22.43F2Knight_AxS_ is that sarcasi
19:22.50F2Knightsarcasm ? *
19:23.23_AxS_F2Knight: nope -- i haven't had a core dump with signal 6 that i can remember.  tons of signal-11's , lots of other random signals too.
19:24.12F2Knightasterisk-dev suggests that its an issue with the mysql-connector and odbc and to upgrade them but sadly they are not available on FreePBX.
19:25.30_AxS_#6 is the Abort signal, so that's something at runtime that is expressly aborting the code run..  you could grep for any 'signal' calls that send SIGABRT to find which one it is...?
19:26.11*** join/#asterisk iBog (
19:27.21F2KnightI honestly do not know how to do that.
19:27.53_AxS_that said, looking at the backtrace, odbc is disconnecting and libodbc is trying to free stuff when the abort occurrs...  if i had to guess i would agree that the issue is likely in libmyodbc
19:28.05F2KnightI mean if you are talking just 'grep' the back trace sure... its the single line stating the terminated
19:28.16_AxS_no i'm talking grep of the code.
19:28.40_AxS_the original source, likely libmyodbc
19:28.50F2Knightoh .. yeah I wouldn't know what to do if I did see that. Asterisk-dev channel suggested updating ODBC and Mysql-connector.
19:29.30F2Knightjust no updates available.
19:29.48*** join/#asterisk vader- (uid163236@gateway/web/
19:29.56_AxS_...  was glibc recently upgraded?  the SIGABRT seems to follow a 'malloc_printerr' but I see no such error ..  or is there some other stderr or debug output available in a log?
19:31.53F2KnightNo this is a clean install of FreePBX distro
19:31.56_AxS_is asterisk multithreaded or multiprocess?
19:32.04*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
19:32.08F2Knighthow can i tell?
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19:37.04_AxS_F2Knight: that was more a question for the channel...  multi-threaded generally means memory's shared, while multi-process means each concurrent piece has its own memory segment.  if libmyodbc is freeing memory allocated in a different segment, then i could see why it's causing this.
19:37.16_AxS_..that said i don't think code like that would work nearly as well as it has so far
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20:52.05lvlinuxwhats the difference in BUSY and INUSE device states?
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21:14.14rubioHi! can anyone recommend a good SIP world wide provider with API for account management?
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21:35.42swimmercoltry twilio
21:39.05rubioi see on previous logs that someone also recommend flowroute...
21:39.52rubio@swimmercol do you have any opinion choosing between them?
21:40.14swimmercolnot really
21:44.59lvlinuxrubio: do be aware that Twilio bills by the minute, while Flowroute and some others are 6 seconds.
21:48.09rubiolvlinux: interesting data! flowroute price looks more expensive (for longs calls)... also, i'm not sure but twilio looks to have less coverture?
21:48.28lvlinuxrubio: AnveoDirect is another for you.
21:48.57rubiocoverage, sorry...
21:49.23lvlinuxTwilio SIP is .0045 I think. Anveo Direct is .004. Flowroute is .01.
21:50.43rubioi can't find the prices for channels and DIDs... :(
21:52.29lvlinuxTwilio is I think $1/mo, Flowroute is somewhere around $1.50, AnveoDirect is $0.19/mo
21:52.33lvlinuxfor US DIDs that is.
21:53.49lvlinuxTwilio doesn't do incoming channels I don't think. It's unlimited number, all per minute. Flowroute is also unlimited channels, but they have a virtual PRI with one or two for I think $25.
21:54.09rubiolooks like flowroute is the most expensive and anveoDirect the cheapest...
21:54.34lvlinuxyes among those three, but Flowroute isn't expensive. 1c/min is pretty standard.
21:54.45rubiohave you try them? do you have any opinion on voice quality?
21:55.12lvlinuxI haven't used Twilio, but voice quality on AnveoDirect and Flowroute for me has been excellent. No issues at all.
21:55.42lvlinuxDIDlogic is another, but I'm not sure they have an API for account management. They're $.007/min
21:56.30lvlinuxThey're also a good provider, excellent voice quality, worldwide POPs, etc.
22:02.33rubioas you said, DIDlogic does not looks to provide api.. :(
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22:48.14rubioit looks like flowroute does not provide international dids... :(
23:21.29lvlinuxrubio: ah, I didn't know that. Well AnveoDirect and Twilio do.
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