IRC log for #asterisk on 20160513

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00:40.03gregsfile: Do you have an ETA for 13.9.1?
00:46.22SamotIs 13.9.1 urgently needed?
00:46.31SamotI just got 13.9.0 today.
01:03.53gregsSamot: a
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01:28.37gregsSamot: A nasty PJSIP bug was introduced in 13.9.0. It was fixed today.
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04:04.12*** join/#asterisk Lope (~Lope@
04:05.08Lopewhat is a typical dial format for SIP? I know how to call softphones. Dial(SIP/foo) can you please give some other examples?
04:06.37drmessanocore show application dial
04:07.34LopeI did, it says Technology/Resource
04:07.49Lopewhere <Technology> represents a particular
04:08.04LopeBut I want more info about the SIP channel driver's resource format?
04:08.22drmessanoIts whatever you need to dial
04:08.52Lopeso ?
04:09.02drmessanoCould be
04:09.18LopeWhere can I see what the possible formats are?
04:10.10LopeThere is no @ sign in this doc:
04:13.09Lopefor example SIP/extension[@host]
04:23.14ChannelZGenerally in the sample config for the particular channel driver
04:23.28ChannelZchan_sip.conf in the SIP/... case
04:24.12ChannelZerr sorry.. sip.conf
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05:23.07UbuntuDudewhere can I read simple classification of the hardware cards to be installed within asterisk pbx with abbreviation of their functionality differences?
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08:13.22LopeChannelZ: okay, thanks, will check it out.
08:15.32LopeWhat is supposed to be inbetween square brackets in sip.conf? From what I gather it looks like the username? One curious config is callcentric, who put the string "callcentric" inbetween the square brackets, which doesn't match anything. Surely it should rather be [1777MYCCID] ?
08:19.17LopeChannelZ thanks, busy reading thru the sample sip.conf. very enlightening :)
08:20.15ChannelZWell [zzz] is a peer named [zzz]
08:20.23Lopeso ot
08:20.23ChannelZerr named zzz
08:20.32LopeSo it's just the device name inside the square brackets?
08:20.46Lopebecause I'm wondering how asterisk matches the register line with the context?
08:20.47ChannelZYes. Which is sort of be a username
08:20.53LopeOr if it needs to be matched at all?
08:20.58ChannelZIt doesn't
08:21.05LopeDoesn't need to be matched?
08:21.22ChannelZNo they are totally unrelated. Registration just informs a remote end what your IP is
08:21.31LopeI see.
08:21.39ChannelZYou still have to have a properly configured peer for an incoming call to match
08:23.10LopeThe chan_sip driver offers a few different ways to dial, some specifically using a devicename. SIP/devicename SIP/devicename/extension SIP/devicename/extension/IPorHost
08:23.20LopeAre devicenames devices described in sip.conf?
08:24.01*** join/#asterisk JamesO (~JamesO@
08:24.17utrackHi! There's F option for the Dial() - however as the execution is started @ next priority - all the variables are lost. Is there any way to continue the flow without losing the vars?
08:24.22LopeSo for example I can Dial() anything described in sip.conf by Dial()ing a devicename. But if I want to dial something NOT described in sip.conf, I'd use one of the other syntaxes that involve domains/hosts/IPs?
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08:48.50utrackOr is there a way to execute the h extension only for one channel of two? (exp. during Originate()d calls)
08:51.02ChannelZlope, yes
08:51.35ChannelZutrack, I think you'd need to use a hangup handler for that..
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11:02.30utrackChannelZ: yep, thanks! Works :)
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14:58.53dan_jHi. I've got some stuck channels where the actual call ended over 24 hours ago. I've tried ending the calls using channel request hangup but they are not ending.
14:59.11dan_jIn the meantime, the CLI keeps repeating this
14:59.36dan_jchan_sip.c:4405 __sip_autodestruct: Autodestruct on dialog '2b7bf88f79c80acd3d5f43e66435da73@' with owner SIP/endpoint-0005010f in place (Method: BYE). Rescheduling destruction for 10000 ms
14:59.51dan_jAny ideas what might be causing this?
15:03.47dan_jWhen I do 'channel request hangup', the CLI says Requested Hangup on channel 'CHANNEL NAME', but nothing else happens.
15:03.54dan_jNormally that does the job.
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15:44.54darkdrgn2khi all,
15:45.18darkdrgn2kis tehre a way to have ASTERISK not touch DTFM tones on a call (dont try to read them ,re produce them etc just leave them inband as they come in?)
15:46.00[TK]D-FenderSet it to a mode that is not used by the call
15:48.59darkdrgn2kim not quite clear what you mean by mode
15:49.29[TK]D-FenderDTMT mode.
15:49.40[TK]D-Fenderlike the name of the very clear setting for this
15:50.32darkdrgn2kso set one side to INBAND and the other side to INFO?
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15:51.08[TK]D-FenderIf you don't want * to touch it then make sure that each side does NOT match
15:52.22darkdrgn2khmm didnt think of that one.. i should try it :)
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16:32.51darkdrgn2kok really stupid question, when they say "domain" on the SPA its just @blablabla right?
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18:17.38jenniehi gusy, any idea whats going on?
18:20.26[TK]D-FenderTold you already ... manager.conf
18:20.28[TK]D-FenderLOOK at it
18:20.33[TK]D-Fenderand keep this in #freepbx.
18:20.36[TK]D-Fenderthat GUI owns you now
18:20.45[TK]D-Fenderand you have to do things its way
18:24.34jennieokay, I thought I got it and its asterisk problem now. I will looki
18:26.09[TK]D-FenderFreePBX owns your configs.  You have given up the steering wheel to it and ahve to play by its rules.
18:40.10*** join/#asterisk saint_ (~saint_@unaffiliated/saint-/x-0540772)
18:41.07saint_hi all - Does anyone know by anychance what is the RFC defining what are the authorized characters for a User-Agent header in a sip registration ?
18:48.48syadnomanyone know of a build of Siren7/14 for Asterisk13?
19:28.16newtonrsyadnom, I'm going to create a JIRA issue for it so we can make a build when possible. I don't think Digium has one at the moment.
19:28.34syadnomnewtonr, nice
19:28.48syadnomnewtonr, I'm probably going to drop to asterisk11 to run the existing codec builds for now.
19:28.56syadnomjust don't like going backwards :?
19:31.23*** part/#asterisk jennie (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jennie)
19:32.32newtonrSorry! This is the first time I've seen anyone ask about Siren codecs in the past few years so I imagine due to low demand it probably slipped the mind of whoever normally does it.
19:33.01syadnomnewtonr, no surprise there.  polycom specific...
19:36.19newtonrsyadnom, do you have a JIRA account? I can change the reporter to you once I create the issue. You can PM me
19:38.45syadnomnewtonr, I don't have a paid account.
19:39.35syadnomnow sure if I need a 'proper' account or not.
19:39.39newtonrAtlassian JIRA is what we use for bug tracking Asterisk issues. There is no paid account
19:40.01newtonrthen login at
19:40.44syadnomim in
19:42.28newtonrCool, got you on there.
19:47.31syadnomnewtonr, awesome, thanks
19:47.55syadnomis there an opus build for asterisk13?  or does it still need a patch to asterisk?
19:50.39newtonrOpus is currently only supported for passthrough only
19:51.00syadnomok, that's what google tells me.  or patch asterisk...
19:51.34syadnomdo you know if it is a planned feature for a future release?
19:53.28newtonrI don't know of anyone working on it
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19:59.01WIMPysyadnom: Not happening due to legal issues.
19:59.46WIMPySiren would probably need a licensed module like G.729 as well.
20:00.45syadnomWIMPy, Siren is royalty free
20:01.21syadnomWIMPy, and you can get a license easily via form on polycom's website
20:01.22WIMPyNews to me.
20:01.59syadnomsee Licensing
20:02.26syadnombasically, if you run polycom endpoints you automatically meet all the requirements for the royalty free license.
20:03.11syadnomWIMPy, I think I have read that post, or one like it before, and just forgot.
20:03.25WIMPySounds like it at least couldn't be shipped with Asterisk.
20:04.21syadnomyeah, understandable
20:04.49WIMPyAnd all links to poycom are broken :-(
20:05.09syadnomyeah, polycom just redid a bunch on their website.
20:06.06WIMPyNothing on their site map, either.
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20:12.05syadnomPolycom is actually supporting opus in current firmwares on their VVX500+ phones.
20:12.25syadnomwonder how they are confident that patents wont bite them...
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21:04.52*** topic/#asterisk by file -> #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.9.1 (2016/05/13), 11.22.0 (2016/03/29); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.11.1 (2016/03/01), DAHDI-tools 2.11.1 (2016/03/01); libpri 1.5.0 (2016/03/28) -=- Asterisk wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
21:22.05*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
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