IRC log for #asterisk on 20160506

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07:48.21*** join/#asterisk Lope (~Lope@
07:49.52Lopeif I want to set the context for my outgoing registrations in sip.conf is this correct: [general] \n context=reg1_context \n register=>... \n context=reg2_context \n register=>... ?
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09:04.31ntzservus ....
09:05.24ntzcan I request a little consultation regarding ael syntax and coding using PM please ? it would be perhaps a bit complex so that's why PM to not bother the rest of the channel
09:11.27*** join/#asterisk seik0 (
09:13.12seik0hi! Sometimes I need to redirect a bit of cli output to file to anylize difficult issues. I can use logger.conf, but it takes too much time for sporadical use, so I do "asterisk -r >> my_cli.log"
09:13.41seik0But in that file I have a lot of trash that is invisible in cli console, like  [1;36;40m
09:14.27seik0Like so:
09:14.42seik0Does anybody know how to fix issue?
09:16.06ntzseik0: ``help log''
09:16.36ntzusing that cli redirection is atrocity
09:17.38seik0it is not when I need only a few minutes of logs
09:18.24seik0as I said, with logger I should change settings, then reload logger configuration, collect few minutes of logs, change configuration back and reload config again
09:19.01seik0lot of fuss for a minutely task
09:19.42seik0minutely is wrong word
09:20.00ntzI can't tell .... just in short, doing it within shell with >> is something what I'd not even attempt to test
09:20.57ntzyou're in interactive shell and redirecting at once ? silly
09:21.37ntzthese things are [0;37;40m" parts of shell formatting like highlights, colours and so on
09:22.05seik0thats it
09:22.11ntzthis is simple trash caused by >> redirection
09:22.28ntzno prob ;)
09:24.32seik0-n key does not help though
09:32.11seik0it's a startup option, I think
09:32.23seik0not for console "-r" connection
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09:43.14ntzseik0: attempting to workaround by using -n is x_y problem !!!! you do it terribly wrong
09:44.36seik0can't understand what is so terrible about it
09:45.08seik0I understand that this is absolutely impropery for production use
09:45.28seik0but it does not mean that I must not use it when it really helps
09:47.04ntzseik0: read man tput
09:49.20seik0another option, ok
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09:52.23seik0so if any options forces me to write a wrapper script I may just hardscript changing logger settings
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10:15.20jkroondoes anybody know if rtp encryption is end-to-end or agent-to-agent?
10:18.26Lopejkroon: no idea
10:18.29Lopeif I want to set the context for my outgoing registrations in sip.conf is this correct: [general] \n context=reg1_context \n register=>... \n context=reg2_context \n register=>... ?
10:19.24jkroonLope, as i understand it a registration doesn't carry a context, it merely lets another server know how to get to "us", we then still need to setup a peer for that server.
10:19.36jkroonand that peer carries a context for incoming calls.
10:20.58Lopejkroon: oh, that's interesting. because CallCentric's sample sip.conf sets a context above the register line in [general]
10:21.13jkroondefault context for peers.
10:21.28jkroonie, if the peer doesn't have an explicit context, use that.
10:22.07Lopejkroon: oh, but they also set the context inside their [callcentric] section?
10:23.27jkroonabsolutely pointless to the best of my knowledge.
10:23.43Lopejkroon: okay, maybe they're just OCD :)
10:24.04jkrooni've found a lot of folks just overkill "just in case"
10:25.00jkroonor they don't quite understand asterisk but need to provide support to their customers so someone figured it out and got it working once and since then that's the template they give to everyone and unless you use their tempalte they won't support you kind of thing (and I'm not pointing fingers as callcentric - this was another party I've dealt with)
10:25.52LopeSo how will asterisk know what context that peer should have? is it because the register command has and the peer type is 'peer' (meaning authenticate by hostname/IP) and the peer definition says (which matches the register statement)
10:26.48LopeOr is the register statement as simply as you say "just to let the provider know how to get to my server" and incoming calls will be routed purely according to the peer definition?
10:26.56jkroonthe register line typically looks something like (and I know there are other variations):  register => user:pass@server:port/number where user and pass is your auth credentials, the server:port is obvious and number represents the contact name it should pass to you.
10:27.36jkroonfor example:  register => ... will then try to contact jkroon@${myip} when it needs to pass a call to me.
10:28.18jkrooni'd then typically have [uls] defaultuser=me; fromuser=jkroon;; context=incoming
10:28.36jkroonand type=peer
10:29.59LopeSo if you specify your extension like that /jkroon. What effect does that have? Does that restrict you to only receiving calls on that one and only extension from that provider?
10:30.08LopeWhat if you have multiple extensions with that provider?
10:30.28LopeBecause I have used register statements with and without the extension.
10:33.14jkroonwell, it'll enter into the dialplan jkroon@inbound
10:33.38jkroonso you have one peer, with multiple registration lines.
10:33.51jkrooneach with a unique /???? which you can use to detect what is going on.
10:34.11jkroonand it's much more involved, that defaultuser and authuser and fromuser stuff confuses me.
10:34.30jkroon(read:  i got it working and never deviate unless I find something doesn't work)
10:34.31LopeOh really, is it better to use multiple registration lines (one for each extension) than just ONE registration line, with no extension specified, to cover ALL extensions?
10:34.56jkroonreally depends on your setup with your provider.
10:35.33LopeHmm, Yeah my callcentric registrations are always timing out. So I should try specify the extension and see if that helps.
10:35.35jkroonwe for example allow single registration with multiple numbers, in which case we just ignore the registerd contact number and override that when we pass calls on.
10:35.48jkroonno, that sounds wrong.
10:35.57jkroondoes tcpdump show them responding at all?
10:36.45LopeCallCentric are definitely not experts at configuring at asterisk, at least judging by their asterisk documentation and lack thereof. They also have a ton of other software guides, so they probably just slapped all of those guides together as quickly as possible.
10:37.27jkroonok, so if you can give us what they provided you perhaps we can assist?
10:38.55LopeI've not a TCPdump yet, but the strange things is I can receive calls from callcentric. I just get timeout errors for the registration. It's really weird. And when I type `sip show peers` and `sip show registry` it shows that I'm successfully registered. Even using qualify=60000 it tells me it recently confirmed everything is OK etc.
10:39.38LopeLiterally this is all callcentric provided, as far as asterisk goes:
10:40.01jkroonyou have multiple accounts or a single account with multiple numbers?
10:40.07LopeI've written the registration line exactly in the format they have there. (with no extension)
10:40.17LopeI've got a single account, and IIRC I have 2 extensions)
10:40.35jkroonsingle register line, single peer.
10:40.54Lope[May  6 10:31:51] NOTICE[4113]: chan_sip.c:15347 sip_reg_timeout:    -- Registration for '' timed out, trying again (Attempt #3)
10:41.11jkroondo you have usersv on of off?
10:42.22*** join/#asterisk acidfu_ (~acidfoo@
10:42.31LopeI must have misunderstood you. Earlier I understood what you said to mean that it's advantageous to have one register line per extension, so that I can track the status of each extension.
10:43.21Lope<jkroon> so you have one peer, with multiple registration lines. <jkroon> each with a unique /???? which you can use to detect what is going on.
10:43.37LopeBut now you said <jkroon> single register line, single peer.
10:45.27LopeI've tried specifying my extension in the register line now, I'll see if that does any better.
10:46.18LopeI'll give it a few mins and see if the reg timeouts occur.
10:48.43jkroondo you have multiple sets of auth credentials?
10:49.00jkroonok well, let me know.
10:49.11jkrooni've got stuff that needs to get done before the weekend which starts in four hours.
10:56.03LopeSo far it's been a few minutes and there are no registration timeout errors...
10:56.32Lopejust did a core reload to be extra sure.
10:56.51Lopeone set of auth credentials.
10:57.17LopePlease, attend to your business. This is not urgent at all.
11:03.56*** join/#asterisk Draecos (
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11:21.16filebusiness on a Friday should be banned I say, BANNED!
11:25.20Rasputin3711When next version will be released?
11:25.40fileprobably within a week or less
11:26.17Rasputin3711Is any serious bugs closed?
11:27.51filethe ChangeLog contains all the commits that went into the release, you can look at 13.9.0-rc2 to see the current ones
11:28.04filea road map also exists in JIRA which shows all the issues tagged against 13.9.0 as fixed
11:28.59*** join/#asterisk zapata (~zapata@2a02:b18:581:10:c97b:d7e2:1da4:cb95)
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12:01.25*** join/#asterisk Monpoke (1fcd2009@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
12:02.08MonpokeHi there! I have a little problem with Asterisk! :D It seems I can't use cURL! :(
12:05.32MonpokeI compiled Asterisk with curl support, modules are loaded into Asterisk,
12:06.07Monpokebut for example, I don't have any output for this commandi n CLI: "core show application CURL" or even "curl"
12:06.39MonpokeThese modules are loaded:                   Load external URL                        0             Realtime Curl configuration              0                    cURL Resource Module                     0
12:06.52MonpokeAnd when I try to unload func_curl
12:07.12Monpoke== Unregistered custom function CURL   == Unregistered custom function CURLOPT
12:07.24MonpokeSo I guess functions are registererd
12:08.26fileit's a dialplan function, not an application so it would be "core show function CURL"
12:09.10Monpoke" No application 'curl' for extension (dialplan_user_1, sta"
12:09.24MonpokeOkay, I saw that on some forums,
12:10.12MonpokeOh yes, the documentation works, okay that's nice! I probably typed "functions"
12:11.47MonpokeSo the documentation is fine, but how can I use it in my dialplan?
12:12.02MonpokeI tried with the doc, but it seems it considers curl as an application and not a function
12:12.04Monpokesame => n,CURL(http://localhost:8000/)
12:13.04MonpokeMaybe tha ${CURL
12:13.08fileto get data and NoOp it
12:13.16MonpokeHum, Okay, I will try so!
12:14.03MonpokeIt seems it works! :D
12:14.14MonpokeThank you very much! :D
12:14.51MonpokeSo, all functions have to be called with ${  } if I correctly understood
12:17.23*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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14:16.44wasanzyI want CDR reports written to mysql, anyone has a nice tutorial on how to do that in centos 6?
14:19.19newtonrwasanzy, this tutorial should be complete by the end of the day and will get you almost there
14:20.59wasanzyok thank you
14:21.30*** join/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-oztjsdttrmamfega)
14:21.32wasanzyI was also looking at this:
14:22.43newtonrwasanzy, this is a bit older too, but may addres more directly what you asked about
14:22.56newtonrand there may be a updated section in the 4th edition
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14:26.10seik0When we call to local channel, should variables from current channel be copied to that new Local channel?
14:26.38seik0just can't figure out whether it is my fault or not
14:29.26seik0specifically, when we call to local channel from dialplan (not from call-file)
14:29.47fileonly if you mark them as inheritable by prefixing as _
14:30.22[TK]D-FenderStandard inheritance happens...
14:32.16seik0thanx. so many years with asterisk, but never met with variable inheritance
14:33.29newtonrwasanzy, np
14:34.31filewould gladly inherit any money found in a variable
14:53.23*** join/#asterisk thiagoc_ (~thiagoc@unaffiliated/thiagoc)
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15:43.46wasanzynewtonr: Following the first doc, I get this error when I run isql -v asterisk-connector password
15:44.52[TK]D-FenderShowing the error is meaninglyess withough seeing your actual configs
15:46.44wasanzyhere is the config
15:47.46[TK]D-FenderWHAT file?
15:47.54[TK]D-FenderYou should have cat'd it and SHshown us.
15:47.59[TK]D-FenderI have no proof of what I'm looking at
15:48.35[TK]D-FenderDoes that driver line look sane to you?
15:48.38[TK]D-FenderLook at the 2 others.
15:48.41[TK]D-Fenderthose are actual files.
15:49.25[TK]D-FenderYou also didn't show the command you ran that gave the error
15:49.43[TK]D-FenderWe again can't prove that you didn't make a mistake on that line either
15:49.53[TK]D-FenderStop showing tiny selection of the output.
15:50.02[TK]D-FenderWe need the whole thing
15:50.05wasanzyI showed the command though
15:50.17wasanzy# isql -v asterisk-connector asterisk password
15:53.42[TK]D-Fender[TK]D-Fender> Does that driver line look sane to you?
15:53.42[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> Look at the 2 others.
15:53.42[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> those are actual files.
15:54.04[TK]D-Fenderif that's right I'd go prove everything else is in place
15:54.12[TK]D-Fenderthat MySQL is running, the auth works, etc
15:54.22[TK]D-Fenderand not shove a password right on the CLI
15:54.24wasanzyI am confused
15:54.32wasanzywhich other 2 do you mean?
15:58.10[TK]D-Fenderthe other 2 entries in that config
15:58.18[TK]D-FenderAnd there is ANOTHER config file we aren't looking at at all
15:58.39[TK]D-FenderAnd are missing proof that MySQL is there, running, and that the ODBC connector is actually installed either
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17:19.47Samotwasanzy: You need to go into /usr/lib64 and verify those modules are installed.
17:19.49Samot[IM002][unixODBC][Driver Manager]Data source name not found, and no default driver specified
17:20.57SamotDid you setup cdr_adaptive_odbc.conf in /etc/asterisk?
17:21.58SamotWith all the proper driver and details?
17:22.03[TK]D-Fenderwe aren't even in * yet
17:22.16SamotWell I'm putting money on that's the issue.
17:22.22[TK]D-Fenderand he isn't even still in-channel
17:22.23SamotThere's zero data in that .conf file.
17:22.32[TK]D-Fenderand he hasn't shown 1/2 of the files needed for that level.
17:22.33SamotOh, I didn't see  him leave.
17:22.41[TK]D-FenderSolike usual we're wasting our time
17:22.42SamotI noticed that too looking at the scroll back.
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18:42.45*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.8.2 (2016/04/20), 11.22.0 (2016/03/29); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.11.1 (2016/03/01), DAHDI-tools 2.11.1 (2016/03/01); libpri 1.5.0 (2016/03/28) -=- Asterisk wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
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20:49.28*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.8.2 (2016/04/20), 11.22.0 (2016/03/29); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.11.1 (2016/03/01), DAHDI-tools 2.11.1 (2016/03/01); libpri 1.5.0 (2016/03/28) -=- Asterisk wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
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