IRC log for #asterisk on 20160419

00:00.46*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
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01:05.57*** join/#asterisk Corndog95 (
01:06.05Corndog95Hello Everyone
01:06.17Corndog95anyone looking to do some freelancing on a vicidial server?
01:07.32*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (
01:22.30*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (~andresmmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
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07:08.32*** join/#asterisk AviiNL (~AviiNL@
07:15.52ruben23guys i have a working asterisk with minor configuration on it, can i recompile the asterisk without removing my intial configuration and nothing will be deleted somehow..Thanks
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07:21.46*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
07:32.05ChannelZjust don't do "make samples" and none of your config will be touched
07:35.16davlefouHi, some one have use A(sound) in Dial?
07:37.07*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
07:37.22ChannelZNot me, but what is the actual question?
07:38.52davlefouI would like change the ring heard during the call.
07:43.25*** join/#asterisk AviiNL (~AviiNL@
07:57.43*** join/#asterisk Zogot (~Adium@
07:58.53ChannelZyou'll probably need to use m() to do music on hold with a MOH context specifically for this
08:02.09*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
08:02.20davlefouYes but it start with an anwers.
08:11.19*** join/#asterisk pa (~pa@unaffiliated/pa)
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09:05.38snadgethis is going to sound super dumb.. because it is.. but can you sms a voip number? is this even remotely worth entertaining?
09:05.47snadgemy instinctual answer is just no
09:06.04snadgewe don't support it.. and likely never will.. but i just wondered if perhaps this was maybe a thing
09:08.07ChannelZWell the answer is yes, if your ITSP supports it. Mine does. They do it via XMPP
09:08.19ChannelZAlthough I think I just got a notice that it's changing to some sort of REST interface
09:09.12snadgein this case, we use asterisk 11.. but im not even sure of what the mechanism is
09:09.36ChannelZLike I said it would just depend on the ITSP
09:09.40snadgewe have a lot of random devices connecting to us via sip.. and presumably they would need to support this xmpp protocol, and asterisk would need to support it too
09:10.09snadgeright.. then there's upstream.. we've just been bought out.. so theres only one of those now, so i guess its kinda up to them
09:10.38ChannelZAsterisk can talk xmpp.  What you do with it after that is your problem; like I dunno if any particular sip phones support displaying texts. There is a SIP message for doing it but I've never used it
09:11.04ChannelZI remember trying to play with it on Zoiper (softphone) at one point.. or something. Memory foggy
09:20.05*** join/#asterisk tparcina (
09:23.41snadgeyeah.. its pretty safe to say the answer is no.. i mean.. if i could get it to work on zoiper, yealink, cisco, snom.. or even just a few of the above
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09:23.53snadgeit might be worth looking into.. but it sounds like an enormous support burden, for very little gain
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09:37.56*** join/#asterisk jaflong (5bec7504@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:39.19jaflongwith a variable like this
09:39.32jaflongHow would i get the value of three for example
09:39.53jaflongthe resukt should be 2
09:48.10*** join/#asterisk Zogot (~Adium@
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12:02.34Zogotquick question, modules.conf autoload=yes will load every module right?
12:04.08Zogotyeh, quick test seems to show so, would it be possible to get a change to the wiki bot, to list the module that applications/functions are in?
12:04.30Zogoti was gonna write it in a comment on the wiki page, for a few that i found to not be clear
12:04.52Zogotbut if thats relatively simple, to think about getting that added to the bot itself
12:12.48jkroonZogot, I normally grep in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules for the right modules.  Yes, it's binary files.  It normally works quite well.
12:14.29Zogotjkroon: ah good tip :)
12:21.18*** join/#asterisk tparcina (
12:26.09*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:26.42WIMPyYeah, that's definitely missing in the wiki.
12:38.09*** join/#asterisk Draecos (
12:39.11filethe source code for the bot is actually public,, if anyone wants to try to add that
12:44.06*** join/#asterisk vandyk (~vandyk@
12:53.40Zogotfile: ah great, i thought it was, but a quick search for asterisk wiki bot didn't find it
13:03.09*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
13:04.36Zogothmm, it appears the generation from the XML docs isn't perfect either right now, is wrong in reference to the core-en_US.xml  (atleast from 13.3.2 which is my current version)
13:04.48Zogotthe syntax is missing the @[context]
13:04.50*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (~andresmmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
13:05.04Zogotdisplay in console: Pickup([extension[@context][&extension2[@context2][&...]]])
13:08.35[TK]D-Fenderthat looks right...
13:09.02[TK]D-Fendershould get dropped in...
13:09.53Zogot[TK]D-Fender: should get dropped in?
13:10.45[TK]D-Fenderonto the wiki
13:11.12Zogotoh, manually?
13:12.01filethat's all automated, it's entirely possible it's not right as it's a shaky process at times
13:12.18fileConfluence also likes to flip flop on certain pages
13:12.25fileadding in extra tags every other day
13:13.55Zogotfile: ah shitty lol, well just something i noticed anyway, was working on my library going through the applications, hence the bit about the modules they are in, and noticing the difference between wiki and console
13:14.19fileif any changes do go up as a pull request and go in they'll automatically be used that night
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14:10.33*** join/#asterisk NetSecJedi (~NetSecJed@unaffiliated/netsecjedi)
14:10.56NetSecJedianyone have any recommendations for command line sip testing?
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15:17.38davlefouI have no ilbc translation.
15:18.27davlefoubut i have that:
15:20.12[TK]D-FenderI see no proof it's loaded
15:20.20[TK]D-FenderWe also don't see you reloading it.
15:21.03davlefoui how i load it?
15:21.12[TK]D-Fenderit's a module like every other
15:25.18*** join/#asterisk cemotyz09 (
15:33.32[TK]D-FenderSure looks like you don't have a proper module there...
15:33.42[TK] cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
15:33.52[TK] <-------------
15:34.02[TK]D-Fendermissing libraries
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15:35.58davlefouSo what i have to do?
15:39.41*** join/#asterisk infernix (nix@unaffiliated/infernix)
15:42.15[TK]D-FenderWhere's the library?
15:42.27[TK]D-FenderGo deal with your core OS libs
15:45.11[TK]D-Fenderperhap ldconfig, etc
15:45.35[TK]D-Fendercheck perms while you're at it
15:49.36davlefoui have no problem with 11.8.1 but with the new ones, 13, it is not good.
15:50.29davlefouIt seems ilbc are différent with pjproject seems new
15:54.53*** join/#asterisk jeffspeff (~Jeff@
16:02.23*** join/#asterisk linux4life (
16:03.09linux4lifenewtonr: registered for 2016 last night. receipt came back as last years conference receipt. registration confirmation was right, but receipt was old... just and fyi
16:21.14lvlinuxIs spandsp needed for fax detection on SIP lines?
16:22.07lvlinuxI don't mean actually receiving a fax, just detecting it so it can be sent to an ATA where the fax machine is hooked up.
16:22.34[TK]D-FenderHave you tried using the app without it?
16:23.23lvlinuxno I'm about to compile for a box and wondered if I need to get the sources for spandsp before going ahead.
16:24.57[TK]D-FenderYou should be doing this regardless
16:26.33lvlinuxoh? how come? I figured if it wasn't needed then shouldn't add it on.
16:27.26linux4lifethat's always been my theory.... don't bloat something with useless code.... you can always recompile to add it later if your needs change.
16:27.39[TK]D-FenderIf you're even thinking "fax" you shouldn't be making excuses to cut corners.
16:28.46linux4lifeyou may want just detection right now, but since fax is involved in your system, the chances they'll change their mind in the near feature is probably pretty good. and having it in place with they pull the trigger just makes you look that much better and better prepared.
16:29.48lvlinuxSo the detection does work without it? (I'm going to add it anyway now but I'd like to know :-)
16:29.50linux4lifeany of you 186 folks in here ever used Uber?
16:30.10linux4lifereally can't say if it does or not. I wouldn't expect it to.
16:30.24lvlinuxUber: I've opened the app. Does that count?
16:30.59linux4lifeI'm looking to find out how or if you get some kind of receipt. looking for transportation options in Phoenix for Astricon 2016
16:31.15linux4lifeI hear cab's are $60 one way from airport to hotel
16:31.18lvlinuxDo you know [TK]D-Fender? (if fax detect does work without spandsp)
16:31.47lvlinuxlinux4life: google says that uber lets you view and send yourself receipts
16:33.11*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
16:33.36linux4lifeawesome. thanks....
16:40.26davlefoui have that problem with the iblc:
16:43.52davlefouDid i need to get ilbc from pkmedia-codec?
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17:06.55lvlinuxnow that I'm into researching fax, I see in the * compiler flags one can set G711_NEW_ALGORITHM to use "slower, but cleaner" ULAW/ALAW. Any downside of going with that (other than a negligible slowdown from what I've read so far)?
17:08.15lvlinuxI read that with the old codecs, fax can break after something like 4 hops of transcodes. But 4 hops of transcodes would seem to me to point to bigger [design] problems...
17:25.25*** join/#asterisk pa (~pa@unaffiliated/pa)
17:27.55[TK]D-FenderTranscodes to WHAT?
17:28.13[TK]D-FenderYou need every ounch of quality from an original G.711 point of origin.
17:28.29[TK]D-FenderYou twist to any lower codec and your fax = DOA
17:39.21*** join/#asterisk Chubby (kmilasch@gateway/shell/
17:45.04lvlinux[TK]D-Fender: Transcodes to and from uncompressed (compandored I believe is more accurate). Even though G.711 is in a way uncompressed, the bits are still being changed a bit for the compandoring and such. From what I read, the old g711 codec code isn't perfect at going back and forth between g711 to uncompressed and back to g711.
17:45.49[TK]D-FenderNot clear
17:46.01[TK]D-Fendercircular and I'm not hearing an specific codec differences in there
17:46.03lvlinuxyeah I meant the parentheses to go somewhere else lol
17:46.41lvlinuxold g711 codec -> uncompressed -> g711 -> uncompressed a few times can kill fax from what I read.
17:47.28lvlinuxeven though each time you go back to g711 it should be identical to the time before, evidently it isn't.
17:48.05[TK]D-Fenderstill makes no sense
17:48.17[TK]D-Fenderthere is no "compressed" vs "not compressed" in just saying "G.711"
17:48.39[TK]D-FenderIf you're literally RECOMPANDING by swithcing between ULAW and ALWA then that would be another thign
17:48.50[TK]D-FenderWhat are these conversion points?
17:49.35lvlinuxI have no clue why you would have conversion points like that in practice.
17:49.55lvlinuxif you want to get rid of the "uncompressed/compressed" wording, then:
17:50.33lvlinuxg.711 -> slin -> g.711 doesn't give the exact same g.711 stream as the first one.
17:50.47lvlinuxeven though in theory it should.
17:51.08[TK]D-FenderWhy would it be converting at all?
17:51.54lvlinuxyou mean why would you have a scenario like that in the first place? If so, I have no clue.
17:52.40[TK]D-FenderWhat is ttelling you this is even happening?
17:55.19[TK]D-FenderI don't mean some crap post from almost a decade ago
17:55.30[TK]D-FenderWhere is prrof from YOUR SERVER as to what's happening?
17:56.49[TK]D-Fender"In the original code, he said, after 4 or so hops,
17:56.49[TK]D-Fenderfax transmissions would no longer work." <- so older than 1.6.(something)
17:57.03[TK]D-FenderYou shouldn't be digging through partial conversations about ancient versions.
17:57.03lvlinuxlol I don't need or want proof from my server. I don't even transcode any more than necessary, so it's really a non-issue as far as I'm concerned.
17:57.22[TK]D-FenderWell you've drudged up some serious FUD here so far, so let's stop now...
17:57.26lvlinuxAs to "ancient versions" this is 13.8 that has the option to use the NEW ALGORITHM
17:59.00[TK]D-Fenderthat posting referred to a patch being added that fixes any such problem from previous versions.
17:59.04[TK]D-Fenderand that was very long ago
17:59.16lvlinuxserious FUD? lol I think you are over-reacting.
17:59.36lvlinuxIf the patch has been applied, then why is it an option that isn't enabled by default in the current version???
18:12.48*** join/#asterisk atotclic (~Atotclic@unaffiliated/atotclic)
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18:49.46lvlinuxIs there a recommended RTP payload type to use for rfc2833 DTMF?? I have seen 96, 101, and 127 all used on diff equipment.
18:53.40lvlinuxand type 94 just now...
18:58.48*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
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19:51.21thiagocis there some tutorial on how run asterisk without disable selinux?
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19:53.03lvlinuxthiagoc: I don't think so, but if you get it working it'd be nice if you wrote one :-D
19:53.04*** join/#asterisk vader- (~Adium@
19:54.09lvlinuxWhat's the pjsip equivalent of "sip reload" ??
19:55.09lvlinux(without killing calls preferably)
19:55.19filemodule reload
19:56.01lvlinuxfile: thanks. And will that kill current calls or no?
19:56.06fileit won't kill calls
19:56.14lvlinuxgreat. Thanks!
19:58.45*** join/#asterisk vader- (~Adium@
19:59.46*** part/#asterisk monsterco (
20:05.02vader-So working with samot last night we figured out that one of the reasons T.38 isn't quite working right, is asterisk was never compiled with … I am trying to resolve this as much as possible remotely, do you guys have any instructions on how to recompile asterisk 11 on  an already built system?
20:05.15vader-it's currently running 11.3, so i guess it would also make sense to goto 11.22 (the latest)
20:07.01[TK]D-FenderYou compile right over.
20:07.23[TK]D-FenderNow if you were running a PACKAGED system your packaging might blow things up later...
20:07.35[TK]D-Fenderdid you do it from hand yourself the first time?
20:07.43vader-ya i believe so
20:07.50vader-i can't remember if it was from a package or source
20:07.56vader-it was done years ago
20:08.15lvlinuxu better check your installed packages first then
20:08.27[TK]D-FenderThen go and find a better answer than "I believe"
20:08.33[TK]D-FenderUpgrade that to a certainty
20:10.05*** join/#asterisk hecatae (
20:13.06vader-it was installed via source
20:16.56[TK]D-FenderSo compile right over
20:17.48mubI don't get why so many telephony guys don't update their servers
20:18.08mubWell, I'm worse, because I use beta whenever possible..
20:18.23vader-i manage a ton of different systems
20:18.25WIMPyMaybe they don't want to break things?
20:18.34mubWIMPy: That's the fun part!
20:18.35vader-and if something is working just fine and isn't public facing
20:18.49vader-then no real need to stir the pot
20:19.04WIMPyIf you don't hav other hobbies it might. for some time.
20:19.08vader-i have an asterisk box from 2005 thats never been updated
20:19.13mubI've got egg-beaters on 24/7 in my pot
20:19.29vader-runs just fine
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20:19.38vader-handles about 120 phones
20:19.45vader-goes and knocks on wood
20:19.47WIMPyalso knows someone who is still running 1.2 in his office.
20:20.05vader-ya i believe it's 1.2
20:23.52mubAsterisk 13 mostly, but I use 1.8 on our dialers. Never had a problem with yum-cron enabled
20:23.58mubknocks on wood
20:30.49*** join/#asterisk TandyUK (~admin@2a02:13a0:a006:1:0:dead:beef:cafe)
20:36.22lvlinuxanybody else have the console freeze when doing a "module reload" after enabling the pjsip logger??
20:36.44lvlinuxI can start up another console but it's still trying to reload the module.
20:36.47mublvlinux: one moment
20:36.51mubI'll see if I can replicate
20:37.12lvlinuxUsing 13.8.1, just compiled today.
20:39.31mubsame here! But mine worked fine when I reloaded pjsip :\
20:39.59mubwell, I ran that on our freepbx box, so it's probably a vastly different setup than yours
20:40.25lvlinuxhehe lol yup. I've got a super duper simple config for this guy right now. Don't even have extensions.conf yet.
20:41.49mubSomething about fresh systems always excites me
20:42.05lvlinuxhehe saying that made me think of something---I referenced a context in pjsip.conf which didn't exist in extensions.conf (which didn't exist) and that was evidently the problem.
20:42.45lvlinuxcreated an extensions.conf with nothing but that context in it and it didn't do it.
20:43.18lvlinuxthanks mub for helping him think :-)
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23:37.56cemotyz09I'm trying to build 13.8.1 on fedora 23 and cannot get past this error when running "make". copied last few lines to maybe help with whatever i may need.
23:38.41cemotyz09also the prereqs script only shows what I believe are ubuntu or debian specific dependencies
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