IRC log for #asterisk on 20160418

00:24.04*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
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05:10.01ruben23hi guys wanted to activate cdr mysql for asterisk somehow, but during my compile on asterisk addons 1.6 the does not appear on the module  in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules....any help how to compile it correctly..?
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09:22.31*** join/#asterisk woopstar (d5963da2@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
09:23.48woopstarHi people :) Hope all is good. I'm wondering how i get asterisk not to send registrations attemps with pjsip on a trunk that does not need a register, as it's a trusted trunk. I tried almost everything. But the server keeps sending register attempts.
09:24.22woopstarThere is no outbound_auth on either the register nor the endpoint for the trunk. And no auth either.
09:36.13*** join/#asterisk Draecos (~Draecos@
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10:25.20filewoopstar, you'll have to be specific with how it is configured - using pjsip.conf or the wizard
10:33.45woopstar@file its configured using pjsip registrations and wizard, where registrations is mapped through ODBC. I can grab an output. Give me a sec and i'll make a pastebin
10:34.08fileI don't know the wizard stuff, so I do not know how to disable it
10:36.43woopstarThis config seems to send outbound register commands :(
10:41.08*** join/#asterisk Draecos (
10:45.45snadgeanyone used awk to search for a destination number that starts with a few digits in Master.csv before?
10:46.52filewoopstar, I don't understand... why do you have a database entry if there's no outbound registration?
10:48.24snadgei could do it with php easily.. but awk should be able to do it
10:49.24woopstarWe need to add the sip trunk ?
10:49.35snadgeso far i've got as far as.. awk -F, 'match($3, '/^04.') { print $0 }' Master.csv
10:49.45woopstari only need to add it in endpoints then?
10:50.30fileps_registrations configures outbound registrations... if you don't want it to register... then you don't put it there
10:51.23woopstarokay.. so when adding a trunk without registrations, you only need to add an entry to the endpoints table?
10:51.59fileso first off you need to pick a configuration method - either a wizard or database
10:53.21filesecond if you don't need an outbound registration for it then you need an endpoint and if you want to do inbound matching based on IP then an identify, and if you don't want to have to specify the address in extensions.conf then an AOR
10:53.27file(if using database)
10:54.21woopstari rather using database. wizard was just a test. So when adding a sip trunk without registrations, i simply just add an entry to endpoints, identify and aors. Then it should work? :)
10:54.38fileif you configure it properly, yes
10:54.57woopstarah okay... thanks! i'll try that!
10:55.57snadge.. writing a php script.. because :|
11:01.32*** join/#asterisk TandyUK2 (~admin@2a02:13a0:a006:1:0:dead:beef:cafe)
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11:05.38davlefouHi, we have asterisk server to launch call. The sound of the ring is too much high, is it possible to change the level?
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11:12.04snadgeawk -F, '$3 ~ /^"04/' Master.csv
11:12.09snadgethat did the job.. in case anyone was wondering :P
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11:35.40davlefouHi, we have asterisk server to launch call. The sound of the ring is too much high, is it possible to change the level?
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14:23.55*** join/#asterisk Kalavera (
14:24.32Kalaverahey guys , is it possible to create a restricted cli user that can perform some specific commands?
14:25.32[TK]D-FenderWhat do you mean 'CLI user"?
14:27.02Kalaverawhen I execute asterisk -rvvvvv I have complete control of the command line , I would like to create a limited user that can connect to the command line to perform some commands not all
14:27.03acidfu_a user that can only perform some CLI command I would presume
14:27.24fileno, there is no functionality for that
14:27.43*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (putnopvut@asterisk/master-of-queues/mmichelson)
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14:30.15*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
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14:30.45Kalaveraso basicly just allow specific commands to a user using sudo ?
14:32.14ruben23hi there guy i have install asterisk 1.6 addons on my asterisk 11- to setup mysql cdr somehow, but problem and issue arise when done compiling, cannot be found on the /usr/lib/asterisk/modules, so the modules itself cant be loaded, any help somehow guys..thanks a lot
14:34.54acidfu_Kalavera with a client/server that would act as a proxy on which you can add some privilege granularity
14:35.12acidfu_if you write something like that (don't know if any exist) you could achieve what you need
14:35.38Kalaveraok thank you
14:36.25*** part/#asterisk Kalavera (
14:38.32[TK]D-Fenderruben23, You can't use 1.6 modules on 11.
14:39.14[TK]D-Fenderruben23, Not going to work.  Stop doing things like this.  You are wasting everyone's time.  You can't go using 1954 Mustang parts on your 2015 Mustang.
14:39.43[TK]D-Fenderruben23, do the job properly with the tools * gives you
14:41.06*** join/#asterisk tparcina (
14:49.02*** join/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-jrixzkvaqtmuidjf)
15:01.42infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
15:09.55*** join/#asterisk puzzola (~puzzola@unaffiliated/puzzola)
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20:27.11cemotyz09what causes a module to not load I have a lot of "WARNING[12879] loader.c: Error loading module '': /usr/lib64/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol" in the logs and it seems chan_pjsip isn't being loaded
20:51.39cresl1nwhich symbol is undefined?
20:54.34cemotyz09thats just an example I have a bunch all seeming to relate to "res_pjsip..." and when I try to load manually it fails specifically for "chan_pjsip" is  ast_sip_create_request
20:55.15cemotyz09the only thing I can think is an upgrade broke it but i've tried removing all modules and uninstalling and reinstalling and it's still not working
20:56.00cresl1nsymbols missing means that some prerequisite module usually didn't load
20:56.23cemotyz09I've read maybe modules didn't load in correct order but theres so many I don't know where to start
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23:38.44*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-jrixzkvaqtmuidjf)

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