IRC log for #asterisk on 20160415

00:12.18*** join/#asterisk shido6 (~shido6@
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02:52.41*** join/#asterisk SaxonManangan (~sapsun@
02:54.03SaxonManangani hav a 2 gateways and need to be load balanced
02:54.28SaxonMananganis this right?
02:54.29SaxonMananganexten => _X.,1,Set(CALLERID(all)="321" <321>)
02:54.29SaxonMananganexten => _X.,n,GotoIf($[${RoundCount}>=3]?skip2)
02:54.29SaxonMananganexten => _X.,n,GotoIf($[${RoundCount}<=2]?skip1)
02:54.29SaxonMananganexten => _X.,n,SetGlobalVar(RoundCount=0)
02:54.29SaxonMananganexten => _X.,n,Wait(1)
02:54.30SaxonMananganexten => _X.,n(skip2),SetGlobalVar(RoundCount=0)
02:54.30SaxonMananganexten => _X.,n(skip1),SetGlobalVar(RoundCount=$[{${RoundCount}+1}])
02:54.31SaxonMananganexten => _X.,n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@GW${RoundCount},45,r)
02:54.31SaxonMananganexten => _X.,n,Hangup
03:14.55*** join/#asterisk ttaylor (
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05:16.57SaxonMananganneed help
05:17.20SaxonManangan2 gateways to be load balanced
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06:59.45avbSaxonManangan: it could work. why not try it? :)
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11:46.33filefalls over
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11:56.56davlefouhi, is it possible to have statistic about quality of call?
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12:59.49Kobazpolycom is getting bought by mitel
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13:08.12Kobaznut diddely uddlered
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13:31.44avbKobaz: wow :) fresh news
13:32.05avbKobaz: are they going to continue 'polycom way' or 'mitel way'?
13:32.25avbif its a mitel way, thats the worst day in voip industry
13:34.53utrackHey! I'm using Originate() to create calls in the app now - is there any way to notify the first called extension when the second one had picked up the phone?
13:38.23*** join/#asterisk IPalmer (~IceChat9@
13:41.42IPalmerhi all, I'm having a bit of trouble with curl realtime.  Not sure if this is the right place but here goes.  I've written an app in c# which services curl realtime, the trouble is it seems to block Asterisk, when I watch the console it can take up to a minute for a response to a pjsip show endpoints.  The c# code returns almost instantly so it doesn;t seem to be here.  When i stop my app the asterisk cli then sends through loads of requests at once, so i
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13:44.20wdoekesIPalmer: your msg was truncated at "requests at once, so i ..."
13:46.17IPalmerwdoekes: Apologies I'd nearly finished. Was just saying that when I stop my app, the automated requests Asterisk has made all seem to run at once, almost like the initial request had blocked them
13:52.58wdoekessounds like a clue
13:53.48wdoekesmy first guess would be that your app doesn't properly indicate the end of the response
13:54.07wdoekes(through content-length or chunked-len stuff)
13:54.40wdoekesor that it gets a Connection: close from Asterisk, but doesn't honor it
13:55.14IPalmerwdoekes: yep I think you are correct, I killed the httplistener after every request and it returns instantaneously.  Looks like it's my bad code :(
13:56.00wdoekescreating a real world http server is not trivial
13:56.28wdoekesI suggest you use a well tested lib, or -- even better -- a real http daemon (nginx) in front of your app
13:56.39Kobazavb: that's a good question
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14:35.15ice9I defined peer in iax.conf and created the required extension, now when I try to dial a number from jitsi, I just get "service unavailable", I'm not seeing anything related in the log file
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14:48.10[TK]D-FenderConfirm where you're connecting from, your networking betweem the two, and show us you have iax2 debug enabled at CLI
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14:51.56ice9how can I monitor/debug the dialed numbers in real time?
14:52.05[TK]D-Fenderiax2 set debug on
14:52.18[TK]D-Fenderand my Jitsi doesnt' show IAX2 support at all...
14:53.11ice9which Linux clients supports TLS client cert?
14:59.49[TK]D-FenderSure seems to say you can with jitsi
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16:29.41ice9I enabled encryption in the sip.conf for the users but when I try to dial another user I get this " Matched device setup to use SRTP, but request was not"
16:31.59[TK]D-Fenderthen the other side does not agree
16:35.50ice9clients are jitsi and csipsimple, both supports SRTP  I think
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16:37.38[TK]D-FenderSaying they support doesn't mean they're configured right to use it
16:37.52ice9I see
16:37.55ice9I will check that
16:38.07[TK]D-FenderOne side says it expects it, the other says they aren't interested.  You need to fix the mismatch
16:39.24pznHi! I'm asterisk newbie. How can I make asterisk to log into another pbx as a sip client (so be used for incoming calls)? can someone point me to some documentation about that? what is the name of this feature that I need to configure, thanks in advance
16:40.00ice9so asterisk supports zrtp or srtp?
16:40.01[TK]D-FenderThere is no "feature".
16:40.10[TK]D-FenderSIP is SIP.
16:40.20[TK]D-FenderSet up a peer like you would any other, like for a phone or ITSP, etc
16:40.44[TK]D-Fenderice9, Yes.  Whether you configured it to allow it is another matter
16:41.24ice9[TK]D-Fender: I mean when I add "encryption=yes" which encryption it use?
16:41.40[TK]D-FenderShould use SRTP.
16:41.52[TK]D-FenderAnd tthere are more settings like the keys to use, etc
16:41.56[TK]D-FenderYou can't jsut say "yes"
16:44.02pzn[TK]D-Fender, sorry, I have problems with english terms, "feature" wrongly used. my common usage is to create an entry in sip.conf for sip-phones connect to asterisk. now I need asterisk to be as a sip-client / like a phone. which is the name of this, for me to search asterisk documentation?
16:47.39[TK]D-Fenderits the same thing
16:47.43[TK]D-Fenderthere is no difference
16:47.59[TK]D-Fendermake a peer.  Set the host.  set the user & secret
16:48.01[TK]D-Fenderset your codecws
16:48.23[TK]D-Fenderthe comm to a phone is no different
16:48.50ice9[TK]D-Fender: I'm following that tutorial  can you point me to a correct one
16:49.09[TK]D-Fenderice9,  Show us what you've actually done along with the actual failure.
16:52.55*** join/#asterisk jjrh (~jjrh@2607:f0b0:1:6e12:e067:4de:898a:7325)
16:56.11pzn[TK]D-Fender, ok, I think I got the point, tks!
17:07.25*** join/#asterisk eitan (
17:08.14eitanhey guys! I am trying to create an internal office video conferencing. We grew to a bigger office, and people are up stairs and stuff. I want them to easily with 1 button click on a device and be able to buzz and talk to someone elsewhere.... I was thinking asterisk? am I crazy?
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17:24.34MaliutaLapIn general? or because of that idea?
17:24.46MaliutaLapall * people are a bit crazy :)
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18:44.04ski7777can I use an old Smartphone via US on a Raspberry pi to use it as an Gateway to the public phone net?
18:48.42[TK]D-FenderIf your smartphone can talk to * clearly that end will do what it does
18:48.54[TK]D-FenderHow you conenct to "public phone net" is another matter"
18:49.05[TK]D-FenderThere are certainly ways & options
18:54.04MaliutaLapsome string and a couple of tin cans for example
18:56.54ski7777can you give me further information or a link
18:57.39[TK]D-FenderDep[ends HOW you want to connect to it
18:58.11[TK]D-FenderUsing an ITSP... that will depend on the ITSP (and they will likely have samples),if you intend to use a physical line, then that'll depend on the interface you choose for thatr
18:58.35SamotSo I have something strange happening. I have a couple PBX systems that use AMI to originate calls. Generally these calls are one to one but I'm testing using this to originate and then send people into a conference room. That's working great but for some reason about 3 minutes or so into the call, all the calls go out again.
18:59.52[TK]D-FenderEither you're resending them, or you hit a timeout and the call was never answered
19:00.20ski7777I will only connec a USB-Cable and finish
19:00.52SamotWell I know I'm not re-sending them because the testing is manual and my call is answered because I'm in the conference room but it recalls me.
19:01.00[TK]D-Fender"and finish"?
19:01.13SamotMoney shot?
19:01.30[TK]D-FenderSamot, We'll need to see debug.....
19:02.08MaliutaLapSamot: I wouldn't call that setup "money" anything :)
19:02.17SamotGive me a sec. I'll get the call file setup and move it into /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing...
19:02.39MaliutaLapSamot: it'll probably leave him as unsatisfied as his partner ;)
19:12.00SamotIt's always fun being in a conference room with yourself twice.
19:16.11MaliutaLapechoes and feedback ... my kind of "fun" ;)
19:17.59SamotDoh! I see the issue.
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19:19.46SamotMaxRetries will happen even if the call is connected?
19:21.18SamotI mean it's set to 0 so it shouldn't retry on a connected call.
19:21.31SamotBut after 300 seconds it retires the call.
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19:22.21SamotShouldn't a retry only be attempted if the call failed?
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19:25.26MaliutaLapthat was my impression ... I've never used that setting though
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19:25.42MaliutaLapand I generally use call files rather an AMI
19:25.58SamotIt's the same thing.
19:26.18SamotRight now I'm not using AMI to connect the calls for testing.
19:26.42SamotI have callfiles that I use for testing and I just move them to /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing
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19:28.05SamotMaxRetries=0 (default setting) and I didn't specify RetryTime because it shouldn't be needed but that has a default setting of 300 seconds.
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19:30.21MaliutaLapTried setting retrytime to 0 (or to something really big, like a week)
19:32.58SamotNot yet but I don't want that either.
19:33.11SamotI originated a call to two of my DIDs.
19:33.24SamotBoth were answered and after 300 seconds it retried them both.
19:33.34SamotWhile I was still on the calls.
19:33.50SamotI don't want a "ghost" call to happen 7 days later on a retry.
19:36.25MaliutaLapodd. According to documentation MaxRetries=0 means only one attempt
19:36.54SamotAnd retry only if it fails.
19:37.36MaliutaLapby that definition there should be no retry, but if maxretries > 0 then, yes it should only retry on a failure
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19:58.21twanny796what should I use for an ISDN card, mISDN or Dahdi?
19:59.07SamotMaliutaLap: I agree.
20:01.02rmudgetttwanny796: Use DAHDI with libpri.  The version of mISDN used with Asterisk does not compile on newer OS versions.
20:03.41lorsungcuSamot: show the call file and the CLI capture.
20:04.22SamotGive me a moment on that
20:05.03Samot- Executing [3213003577@from-trunk:1] [1;36mNoOp[0m("[1;35mSIP/MegaPath2-000001ad[0m", "[1;35mCatch-All DID Match - Found 3213003577 - You probably want a DID for this.[0m") in new stack
20:05.03twanny796rmudgett: ok
20:05.07SamotWrong channel
20:06.19*** join/#asterisk bipolar (
20:08.18SamotThere's the call file.
20:09.51SamotI'll need to redo the trace. The scroll buffer wasn't set big enough.
20:10.06SamotSo that's going to be about another 5 minutes or so.
20:11.47SamotLet's see if it will do it with just the one call.
20:18.07MaliutaLapSamot: that file looks fine to me
20:18.25MaliutaLapjust checked a couple of things ... it shouldn't be getting the retries you're seeing
20:23.40*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-dqgkfdytqeccydbb)
20:25.21MaliutaLapSamot: is that a loop?
20:25.38SamotWhat do you mean a loop?
20:25.52Samotthat was the original call followed by it recalling while I was still on the original call.
20:26.35MaliutaLapSamot: ok, so not the file being picked up again?
20:26.50SamotAs far as I can tell.
20:26.52SamotOne sec.
20:27.18MaliutaLapput the call file in place - let it get picked up by the spool, the delete it
20:27.38SamotIt deletes on it's own.
20:27.46SamotIt deletes on its own.
20:27.48MaliutaLapit is being deleted?
20:28.02*** join/#asterisk utrack (~u@unaffiliated/utrack)
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20:28.46MaliutaLapbecause the "[2016-04-15 20:15:55] WARNING[20915]: pbx_spool.c:318 safe_append: Unable to set utime on /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/test: Operation not permitted" message might indicate that * doesn't have the correct permission to remove the file
20:29.46*** join/#asterisk cousin_luigi (shellful@unaffiliated/cousinluigi/x-395723)
20:29.56Samotyup, I just caught that.
20:29.59SamotLet me try again
20:30.18MaliutaLapSamot: might have been a simple permissions issue :)
20:30.24cousin_luigiCan you recommend a commercial embedded device for residential use that runs asterisk?
20:30.30MaliutaLapSamot: wouldn't that suck? :)
20:30.32SamotYup. Stupid script.
20:30.36MaliutaLapcousin_luigi: RPI
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20:31.20lorsungcuwtf is an embedded device.
20:31.21MaliutaLapSamot: well, it's the same with anything daemony under *nix ... if the daemon can't remove the spool file it will keep picking it up :)
20:31.23cousin_luigiMaliutaLap: I forgot to mention I also need an analog port.
20:31.40MaliutaLapcousin_luigi: RPI+ATA
20:31.50SamotWell I'm testing that now
20:32.02SamotBut the callfile doesn't delete until the call is done I believe.
20:32.07cousin_luigiMaliutaLap: I'm aware of that option. I'd very much like to have a single device.
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20:33.02MaliutaLapcousin_luigi: good luck with that
20:36.03SamotWell sombitch
20:36.53MaliutaLapSamot: let me guess ... I was right?
20:37.09MaliutaLapis shocked! Shocked I tells you! ;)
20:37.20SamotBlah, yeah. The script wasn't executing the ownership changes.
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20:37.38SamotI wrote a script to move the call files because there was like 20 during the testing.
20:37.56MaliutaLapgotta love those hours of SIP debugging for a file permission error :)
20:38.37afallisonHey everyone I'm still banging my head on a Header issue and could use some help. I posted on stackoverflow hoping to hear from some Twilio devs, but please chime in on here or on the post if you can help thanks.
20:40.03MaliutaLapafallison: Freepbx?? go ask in #freepbx - they have their own channel
20:40.11MaliutaLapand they do nasty things to *
20:41.02MaliutaLapSamot: I have a script around here that does something similar ... used for prank calling work mates with tt-monkeys
20:41.39MaliutaLapSamot: I _think_  I used cp with a file that was 0666
20:41.56SamotIt was ownership issues not permissions issues.
20:42.02SamotIt was owned by root not asterisk.
20:42.12SamotIt needs to be owned by asterisk for what I'm doing.
20:42.34MaliutaLapnormally if * has write perms it's sufficient
20:42.37*** part/#asterisk cousin_luigi (shellful@unaffiliated/cousinluigi/x-395723)
20:47.09SamotWell this is a FreePBX system, so it all needs to be owned by Asterisk.
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