IRC log for #asterisk on 20160405

00:07.04*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
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03:02.15flingIs there a switchvox alternative with 50+ users allowed on the videoconference bridge?
03:11.25*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (
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06:29.42ruben23hi guys i have installed the current asterisk addon for my asterisk 11, problem with it is when i check if cdr_mysql modules is loaded its empty --->     and when i try to load it manually i get this -->
06:29.56ruben23anyone can help somehow, why cdr_mysql module not loading
06:32.00ruben23and when i check /usr/lib/asterisk/modules - i dont see this file module -->     BUT during the install and compile for asterisk addon there are no issue or error at all completely install. asterisk-addons-
06:34.38*** join/#asterisk post-factum (
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08:08.05*** join/#asterisk jamesc (
08:08.37jamescis it possible to add aditional button to exit meetme?
08:16.16*** join/#asterisk Zogot (~Adium@
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09:08.03Zogothey can you set variables with the AMI Redirect action? to be used in the dialplan being redirected? the voip-info page says no, and my tests dont show that you can
09:08.08Zogotbut maybe theres something im missing
09:30.24*** join/#asterisk AviiNL (~AviiNL@
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10:12.12WIMPyNo. You have to do that in independent SetVars.
10:38.19*** join/#asterisk acidfoo_ (
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12:26.23marceloamorimguys, yesterday I told you about I don't have enough knowledge about how to identify why I get one way audio on transfer a call coming from a gsm gateway
12:27.37marceloamorimI make some progress and I save file.pcap, and use tshark -r file.pcap now how should I identify the right time from the pcap?
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13:46.59*** join/#asterisk catphish (~catphish@unaffiliated/catphish)
13:48.44catphishi'm seeing some slightly unusual behaviour, hoping someone can shed some light on it, i have some sip phones registered with asterisk via a proxy, qualify=yes, asterisk is sending OPTIONS requests both to the correct contact for the phones, but also to sip:sip-username@proxy-ip
13:51.05catphishoh, actually, that is the agent's URL from its "From" header
13:51.39catphishsip does confuse me sometimes :(
13:53.16catphish"sip:sip-username@proxy-ip" is what the phone thinks its URL is
13:55.16catphishalthough this is not the registered "contact" URI
13:55.54*** join/#asterisk theron (~theron@2620:10d:c091:200::4:ba0d)
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14:04.16[TK]D-FenderThen it's because you ttold * not to trust what they offered as a contact
14:04.28[TK]D-Fender(NAT=yes would do this)
14:05.47*** join/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-imlhrqcsvclhtxop)
14:07.22catphish[TK]D-Fender: that makes a lot of sense, doesn't asterisk use that contact for everything else though?
14:07.46[TK]D-Fenderno, it uses it if you don't tell it not to trust what's offered
14:08.49catphishinteresting, i do have "nat=yes" set (this obviously needs tuning, but its what works right now), calls actually work through the proxy, asterisk uses the correct contact (set by the registration proxy) for the INVITE, its only OPTIONS that seems to be wrong
14:17.23*** join/#asterisk saint_ (~saint_@unaffiliated/saint-/x-0540772)
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14:18.19Kevin`what does this mean?
14:18.20Kevin`[Apr  5 09:17:08] WARNING[25738]: chan_alsa.c:569 alsa_indicate: Don't know how to display condition 26 on ALSA/default
14:18.35Kevin`i'm not getting reliable sound output, but this seems to happen even when I do get sound
14:19.45catphishi'm being stupid, it's not asterisk sending those packets at all, never mind :(
14:20.27catphishsorry anyone who read my message, asterisk always uses the correct contact provided by the phone (even with nat=yes)
14:22.11*** join/#asterisk linux4life (
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14:23.32linux4lifeI ended up having to write a script to reliably manage mwi with my yealink phones.
14:23.40linux4lifehowever I found an issue where I was using the wrong command line argument as the mailbox number.
14:24.00linux4lifeSo looking at all the arguments passed, I can see that the first is mailbox context,
14:24.05linux4lifesecond is mailbox,
14:24.17linux4lifethird seems to be number of messages.
14:24.37linux4lifebut 4 and 5 are just zeros. I checked the wiki and can't seem to find
14:24.49linux4lifea definition of what they are.... anyone here know?
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14:31.46*** join/#asterisk happy-dude (uid62780@gateway/web/
14:38.31Echo6Hey, does anyone know where to find a list of what each verbosity level does?
14:39.00Zogotlinux4life: command line arguments?
14:39.37linux4lifeyea, when externnotify = is defined what are the arguments passed to the script?
14:41.41Echo6ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Some text!n");
14:41.49*** join/#asterisk F2Knight (
14:41.53Echo6That n is supposed to be \n isn't it?
14:43.11Zogotlinux4life: i dont think arguments 4/5 are anything
14:43.37Zogotlinux4life: i found em
14:43.50Zogotnumber of old voicemail messages is 4
14:43.55Zogotand number of argument messages if 5
14:44.00*** join/#asterisk KerioMorgan (
14:45.18Zogotlinux4life: "externotify is run with the arguments (in this order): context, extension, new voicemails, old voicemails and urgent voicemails." from
14:46.27linux4lifeThanks Zogot!!!
14:46.46*** join/#asterisk KerioMorgan (
14:57.51*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-cjvjoiqepaktjxvm)
15:05.21wyounghi gang
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15:21.10linux4lifeFunny as hell!!!
15:32.28*** join/#asterisk malcolmd (malcolmd@pdpc/sponsor/digium/malcolmd)
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15:39.36*** join/#asterisk lbazan (~LoKoMurdo@fedora/LoKoMurdoK)
15:48.10wyounglinux4life: or go fuck yourself
15:53.11linux4lifewyoung ????
15:53.49wyounglinux4life: Die in a fire?
15:54.15wyoungsorry, I am just spouting useless shit, trying to keep up
15:54.33linux4lifewyoung, still not with you on that....
15:54.52linux4lifeok, no problem. someone's having a fun tuesday! lol
15:54.54wyoungI am an acquired taste :)  ask [TK]D-Fender :)
15:55.02wyounglinux4life: the best
15:55.16wyounglinux4life: btw, it is Wednesday already, btw
15:55.19[TK]D-FenderAcquired: a word usually reservered for auto-immune disorders.
15:55.20wyoungEcho6: werd
15:55.37Echo6what's weird?
15:55.37wyoungEcho6: giggity
15:55.51wyoungEcho6: no i
15:55.55[TK]D-Fender"Here eat this and eventually you'll learn to like it." - That isn't an "acquired taste" ... that's STOCKHOLM SYNDROME.
15:55.56linux4life[TK]D-Fender ~ LMAO!!!!!
15:56.02Echo6Why are you going all Quagmier on me?
15:56.20wyoung[TK]D-Fender: lol
15:56.36wyoung[TK]D-Fender: I still like you though regardless of the stockholms
15:56.47wyoungthat is swedish right>?
15:57.17wyoungEcho6: cause it is 2AM
15:57.34Echo6So, I'm writing a custom asterisk module and its my first one. I would like it to perform an event when a call is coming in
15:57.47wyoungEcho6: cool
15:58.03Echo6Not sure where to start. Is there a manual somewhere, like an API reference?
15:58.27linux4lifeI start at the fridge.... a cool beer gets the juices flowing! ;-)
15:58.38Echo6I have a basic module compiling and loading into asterisk. Its the next step that I am unsure of.
16:00.12Echo6I think wyoung thinks I'm some sort of chat bot.
16:01.59wyounglinux4life: I am starting to like you again
16:02.09wyoungyou are wise beyond your years
16:02.39*** join/#asterisk saint_ (~saint_@unaffiliated/saint-/x-0540772)
16:02.58wyoungEcho6: like baxter
16:03.05wyoung(the dog))
16:03.40Echo6Dude, Baxter robots are awesome.
16:03.58Echo6A friend of mine's PCB fabrication facility uses them.
16:05.24linux4lifewhen I get stuck, I go sit on the crapper.... if flushes out all the bad toxins clogging up the free flow of ideas through the pipes! ;-)
16:06.04*** join/#asterisk theron (~theron@
16:11.42wyounghi gang
16:11.58wyoungEcho6: Baxter is awesome
16:12.10*** join/#asterisk jonah (
16:12.24wyoungEcho6: although jack black kicks him over the side of a bridge
16:13.03jonahhi can anyone please help me install an x100p card on ubuntu? I've tried all sorts of things from Google but it won't work. lspci shows the card up but dahdi_scan just gives the dummy. dahdi_hardware does also show the card though... please help
16:13.21wyoungubuntu <3
16:13.44wyoungI use tdm's
16:13.58wyoungI wish I could help :(|
16:14.38jonahwyoung: hi thanks - I wish someone could help! You're not the first to not be able to haha
16:14.53*** join/#asterisk eofster (~eofster@
16:14.56Echo6I had this one on my test. I'm trying to remember, there is something you do in a config.
16:15.39jonaheveryone tells me that Zaptel is obsolete and that x100p clone cards are no good. But I've got the card and lspci shows it as a Motorola Wildcard X100P
16:15.56wyoungjonah: and I won't be the last :(
16:16.08wyoungjonah: I am into SIP these days
16:16.10linux4lifeEcho6 well, there's modules.conf where you stipulate to load the module.
16:16.13[TK]D-FenderZaptel was RENAMED as DAHDI years ago
16:16.18jonahwyoung: killer! haha
16:16.29wyoungEcho6: <#
16:16.36jonahI've got Dahdi installed and wcfxo modprobed in there...
16:16.47Echo6I didn't think to even ask him that.
16:16.50wyoung[TK]D-Fender: back in the day
16:17.02Echo6Jonah do you have access to the asterisk CLI?
16:17.19jonahI think this could be my problem but haven't got a clue on how to actually add the fix:
16:17.21wyoung[TK]D-Fender: Black people were also called something else in the day too
16:17.29wyoungI didnt mean to paste that
16:17.32jonahEcho6: yes I can get that
16:17.44Echo6type this
16:17.46wyoungI was agreeing with you tjough :)
16:18.07Echo6module show like dahdi
16:18.10jonahEcho6: ok thanks will try it
16:18.18Echo6Let me know the reesult.
16:18.30jonahEcho6: it just says 0 modules loaded...
16:18.37jonahEcho6: which sounds pretty bad to me!
16:18.41Echo6Yeah. that's the issue.
16:19.14Echo6Did it give you the list though?
16:19.22wyoungany way, I have hoi sin pancakes, brb
16:19.27jonahEcho6: yeah the empty list haha
16:19.41linux4lifejonah: what's in chan_dahdi.conf?
16:19.43jonahEcho6: hmm, so do you think it is that problem from my link above
16:20.21Echo6Jonah, back your stuff up first.
16:20.47linux4lifeI'm assuming you did the dadhi stuff before you did the asterisk build and install, correct?
16:21.15jonahyeah but to be honest I've tried all sorts so I'm at a point where I can't remember what I've done and haven't done any more!
16:21.39jonahlinux4life: the chan_dahdi.conf has a ton of stuff in there, shall I pastebin it?
16:21.42Echo6perform the sets in the link and then restart asterisk and rerun the command.
16:21.45linux4lifewhat if you run module load chan_dahdi what do you get?
16:21.47Echo6module show like dahdi
16:21.51linux4lifeyes, please pastebin
16:22.08Echo6He said the results where empty
16:22.12Echo6No modules.
16:22.25Echo6Unless I misinterperted.
16:22.27jonahEcho6: that gives me module command not found
16:22.33*** join/#asterisk overyander (~Jeff@
16:22.44linux4lifeEcho6 - he's going to pastebin his chan_dahdi.conf file
16:22.53Echo6that would be good.
16:23.11Echo6but we need to very that he has the modules available and loaded in asterisk as well.
16:23.17Echo6and I have to run to a meeting.
16:23.37linux4lifeyea, dahdi sees the card, asterisk doesn't see dahdi... .makes me think the dahdi channels not configured in asterisk.
16:23.51*** join/#asterisk SuperBawlz (~SuperBawl@
16:24.01SuperBawlzI will take over.
16:24.12linux4lifeno prob Echo6. I've done tons with dahdi. joana's in good hands. ;-)
16:24.22Echo6Awesome, thanks.
16:24.24*** part/#asterisk catphish (~catphish@unaffiliated/catphish)
16:24.27Echo6No need SuperBawlz
16:25.43jonahsorry to stop my nan is on the phone
16:26.05linux4lifeno prob, not going anywhere for a while.
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16:28.02[TK]D-FenderShow us that the pre-* parts of DAHDI are running and configured.
16:30.39linux4lifesounds like he has dahdi configured and running as dahdi_hardware reports the card.
16:36.32jonahlinux4life: sorry about that, just my Nan rang haha - right what am I best trying then?
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16:41.51jonahlinux4life: hi this is my conf file:
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16:42.45jonahyes dahdi_hardware does show the card: pci:0000:04:00.0 wcfxo- 1057:5608 Wildcard X100P
16:43.35[TK]D-Fenderthat is a ton of garbage.
16:43.42[TK]D-FenderFix your config tto keep just what you need
16:43.51[TK]D-Fenderand this doesn't prove that the main config is OK.
16:44.46jonah[TK]D-Fender: thanks - how do I fix the config, just delete it?
16:45.15linux4lifejonah: yes, delete anything that is remarked out. i.e. starts with a ;
16:45.40[TK]D-Fenderjonah, It's a sample dconfig.  back it up and trash everything except what you acttually need in it
16:45.47[TK]D-Fenderlinux4life, More than
16:45.55[TK]D-Fenderlinux4life, that likely has uncommented other bits which clash
16:46.02[TK]D-Fenderlinux4life, Though it could be a start
16:46.46linux4life[TK]D-Fender, yea, at least it'd be easier to read and pick out conflicts.... ;-)
16:49.34linux4lifejust looked through it. doesn't look like he has any channels configured.
16:50.56jonahlinux4life: hi sorry, that took a while deleting most of the config file, it just left me with this:
16:51.13jonahlinux4life: yes doesn't look like much is actually going on in that file at all...
16:52.01linux4lifeyou need to define your channels. take a look at /etc/dahdi. there should be a file in there called system.conf (if I'm remembering correctly). paste that one as well....
16:52.11jonahlinux4life: but because my driver doesn't work I don't think I can actually setup a channel?
16:52.37linux4lifeif your driver wasn't working, then dahdi_hardware wouldn't see the card.
16:52.53linux4liferun /./etc/init.d/dahdi stop then open dahdi_hardware. you'll see the difference.
16:52.53jonahlinux4life: dahdi_hardware shows the card, but dahdi_scan just gives me the dummy
16:53.25jonahlinux4life: ah ok, so there isn't an issue with my card after all?!
16:53.46linux4lifeI doubt it.
16:54.10linux4lifelike I said though, send that other file in the /etc/dahdi directory.
16:54.54jonahlinux4life: ok got that one:
16:55.46linux4liferun /usr/sbin/dahdi_genconf, then /./etc/init.d/dahdi restart. then re-send that file.
16:56.03[TK]D-FenderYou have no CHANNEL => line
16:56.44linux4lifehe also doesn't have the card defined for the dahdi driver.... :-(
16:57.21jonahMaybe I should of told you guys I was quite new to asterisk!!
16:58.00jonahlinux4life: how do I get my driver/channel setup right?
16:58.21linux4liferun /usr/sbin/dahdi_genconf, then /./etc/init.d/dahdi restart.
16:58.40linux4lifethen re-pastebin /etc/dahdi/system.conf
16:59.21jonahlinux4life: ok that second command gave an error:
17:00.11jonahlinux4life: the new system.conf files has just changed uk back to us for loadzone and default zone but doesn't contain anything else again
17:00.11linux4lifeyou're not using an astribank, so you can ignore that....
17:01.05linux4lifeok. give me a sec
17:01.12jonahlinux4life: thanks for the help!
17:02.19*** join/#asterisk thiagoc (~thiagoc@unaffiliated/thiagoc)
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17:12.39marcozinkhey, anyone with experience working with a HA cluster using Heartbeat?
17:21.33linux4lifejonah: that's a 4 port card right? or single port?
17:25.04jonahlinux4life: single i think...
17:25.26jonahlinux4life: it's the x100p se from, shows up as Motorola on lspci
17:25.34linux4lifeyea, x100p ;-)
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17:29.27linux4lifejonah: should do it.
17:29.46linux4lifeuse that as your /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf then restart asterisk
17:31.01jonahlinux4life: ok restarted but dahdi_scan is still only giving the dummy
17:31.49linux4lifein the asterisk cli. what do you get when you type dahdi show channels?
17:32.31jonahlinux4life: no such command
17:33.29linux4lifewhat do you get when you type module load chan_dahdi in the cli?
17:34.10jonahlinux4life: some nasty looking errors:
17:34.53linux4lifedoes the file exist?
17:36.03[TK]D-FenderShow us the full attempt
17:36.16jonahlinux4life: no it doesn't look like it does exist!
17:36.24[TK]D-FenderHow did you install it?
17:36.32linux4lifehow about /usr/lib64/asterisk/modules/
17:36.35[TK]D-FenderWas DAHDI installed BEFORE Asterisk?
17:36.48linux4lifehe doesn't remember....
17:36.53linux4lifetoo much head to wall....
17:36.54jonah[TK]D-Fender: I believe so, but I just followed a guide so not sure
17:37.12[TK]D-FenderThen look at the guide... and check the order
17:37.46[TK]D-FenderAnd then show us the FULL attempt for tthatt load attempt
17:37.49jonah[TK]D-Fender: since then I've tried loads of oddball stuff on google and different guides too! Is there a way to install
17:38.01[TK]D-FenderYou install it.. by INSTALLING IT
17:38.07linux4lifehow about /usr/lib64/asterisk/modules/
17:38.08[TK]D-FenderInstall DAHDI.
17:38.11[TK]D-FenderInstall Asterisk.
17:38.19[TK]D-Fender* needs to SEE it for chan_dahdi to get builtt
17:38.59linux4lifeI've had problems where ast is looking in /usr/lib but centos64 bit places it at /usr/lib64 so ast can't find it.... :-(
17:39.34linux4lifejonah: look for /usr/lib64/asterisk/modules/ does that exist?
17:39.34jonahlinux4life: I don't have a lib64 in usr
17:39.44jonahlinux4life: hand on I'll try do a search/locate
17:39.58linux4lifeok, then yea, you need to re-install dahdi, and pay close attention for errors.
17:40.32linux4lifeI would think something is going wrong during the dahdi install causing dahdi to NOT ACCTUALLY install. ;-)
17:41.08jonahlinux4life: I've just tried a quick apt remove and then install and I get this error: Missing '/sys/bus/astribanks/drivers/xppdrv/sync'
17:41.23jonahlinux4life: but other than that the package installs ok
17:41.40linux4lifethat's fine. there is no astribank connected that's why you're getting that error.
17:42.23linux4lifeso now go back into your asterisk source, re-compile. Then before make, run make menuselect and check to make sure that it will include the chan_dahdi channel driver.
17:42.30linux4lifethen re-run make and make install
17:42.45jonahlinux4life: ok will try again thank you!
17:43.34linux4lifeno prob. most important part is to make sure that the channel driver for chan_dahdi is selected in make menuselect
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17:45.57Echo6How's he doing? doesn't exist....
17:46.20linux4lifehe's recompiling his * install
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18:04.23jonahlinux4life: I've gotta go now but will be back when I've reinstalled etc and let you know how it goes. Thanks very much again!
18:04.48Echo6linux4life: That's what I was thinking.
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18:37.10linux4lifeno problem! glad to be of some help to someone.
18:39.21Echo6Anyone ever written a module?
18:40.57Echo6I'm trying to right a type of blacklist. I have the basic frame for a module and it compiles and loads into Asterisk. I don't know where to start to get it to accept / answer a call.
18:41.23Echo6I keep searching for an API manual or something but I can't find anything.
18:41.42Echo6I'm guessing its related to signal.h
18:42.04acidfoo_to accept a call ?
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18:42.38Echo6Yeah. Unless there is a better way to evaluate the CLID and bounce the call if matched.
18:42.41acidfoo_well if you are using SIP, the chan_sip() will "accept" the call
18:43.07linux4lifeEcho6, you want it to do something when a call comes in right? I would think you'd have to mod chan_sip or something like that to trigger action on your module.
18:43.19acidfoo_and I'm not sure there is hooks in the chan_sip() where you can tap from another module to help it decide if a call is to be ""accepted"" or not
18:44.19Echo6what if it was done in the same way time conditions are done, you route the call there and then to its next stop based on the conditional.
18:45.17linux4lifewell, that's a thought. utilize the module in the dialplan....
18:45.55acidfoo_yeah, better use the AGI for that kind of thing I guess ?
18:45.58Echo6hmmmm... Still not sure where to start.
18:46.16Echo6can I hook into the AGI via a module?
18:46.35linux4lifeno, agi runs external scripts.
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18:46.58linux4lifebut will send data to the script and read data from the script via stdin stdout
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18:47.37linux4lifethough wasn't there a rumor once that AGI might be going away?
18:47.50Echo6Yeah. I made a piece of hardware that used the AGI.
18:48.14Echo6Actually it started listening to the AMI
18:48.28Echo6and then I moved to checking an AGI script.
18:48.58linux4lifeyea, I've written a few background scripts that connected to AMI.... never really cared for that though since things changed so much from version to version. :-(
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19:09.29Kevin`how can I redirect a call to an application? eg channel redirect sip/SIP/kevin-00000016 application page $list
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19:23.45[TK]D-FenderYou don't  You can redirect to an extension
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19:30.01jonahlinux4life: hi I'm back after recompiling asterisk, but dahdi_scan still only shows the dummy card at the moment
19:30.54jonahlinux4life: i enabled that extra chan module this time
19:31.57jonahlinux4life: I've also pasted in the asterisk.conf file you gave me too
19:32.40linux4lifeyou mean chan_dahdi.conf right?
19:33.28jonahchan_dahdi file now exists yes
19:34.02linux4lifeno, the pastebin I sent you is /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf
19:34.13linux4lifenot asterisk.conf
19:34.24jonahah ok sorry I'm on a laptop this time, I'll go change that now
19:35.23linux4lifeand you should restore your original asterisk.conf while you're at it.
19:36.31jonahlinux4life: ok done that thanks
19:36.34Kevin`[TK]D-Fender: can I redirect to an extension that will run a defined command, or at least connect to a list of destinations specified?
19:37.04[TK]D-FenderThere is no "connect to destination".  "Destination" is not an abstract thing
19:37.05jonahlinux4life: ok dahdi_scan is still just giving dummy is that right?
19:37.19[TK]D-FenderYou can BRIDGE to another channel that already exists, or REDIRECT toa dialplan extension.
19:37.35linux4lifeok, now restart asterisk service, then in asterisk type dahdi show channels
19:37.42Kevin`I don't think my end goal is impossible here, but that's what you are telling me
19:38.34jonahlinux4life: that gives me no such command
19:39.13linux4lifeok, then module load chan_dahdi what does that say?
19:40.15[TK]D-Fender"can I redirect to an extension that will run a defined command"
19:40.22[TK]D-Fender"or REDIRECT toa dialplan extension."
19:40.27jonahlinux4life: oh no, more errors:
19:43.09linux4lifejonah: module reload chan_dahdi -> reload this time, not load.... let's see what's different then.
19:46.25[TK]D-Fenderjonah, show the COMMAND you issue, not just the RESULTT
19:46.50[TK]D-FenderWhere is tthe result from dahdi_cfg showing everything was fine?
19:46.55[TK]D-FenderWhere are the updated configs?
19:47.39jonah[TK]D-Fender: sorry!
19:48.56Kevin`[TK]D-Fender: I want to redirect a call to a list of tech/resources, not to an extension, as the end goal
19:49.17[TK]D-FenderThat doesn't even make sense
19:49.27Kevin`yes it does, what part is confusing?
19:49.28[TK]D-FenderHow do you redirect a call to a LIST of places?
19:49.33Kevin`with page
19:49.38[TK]D-Fenderthat isn't a list
19:49.41[TK]D-Fenderthat is a SINGLE APP
19:49.54[TK]D-Fenderand I already told you you can redirectt to an EXTENSION
19:49.57Kevin`do you know what page does?
19:49.59[TK]D-FenderIt does whatever you TELL it to do
19:50.11[TK]D-FenderI do, by you are not redirecting to multiple places
19:50.42Kevin`how can I redirect to a single place that will itself redirect to multiple places where said multiple places have been previously specified in or before the redirect command
19:51.02[TK]D-FenderAMI Redirect -> Somewhere in the dialplan
19:51.20Kevin`how can I redirect to a single place that will itself BRIDGE to multiple places where said multiple places have been previously specified in or before the redirect command
19:51.25Kevin`does that make you happy?
19:51.40Kevin`you are just tying me up here with information I already know
19:52.16[TK]D-FenderI've told you multiple times already.  You have 2 ways to shove a call somewhere else
19:52.30WIMPyMake use of it then.
19:52.55[TK]D-FenderRedirect to the DIALPLAN Where you call whatever stupid dialplan app you want (Page or otherwise).  Or use BRIDGE to bridge to a SINGLE EXISTING CHANNEL.
19:53.13Kevin`i'm asking for a clean way to do this instead of stumbling through with my old knowledge of asterisk
19:53.28[TK]D-Fendermultiple places have been previously specified <- this is vague garbage.  Stop talking about "multiple places" in such a vague manner.  It says NOTHING
19:53.36[TK]D-FenderYou want to call Page(0?  that is ONE APP
19:53.44[TK]D-Fenderredirect to n extension that CALLS IT
19:54.01Kevin`if I was to ignore you right now, I would set channel variable with a list of aye/bees then call a one-line extension that references that variable
19:55.16Kevin`14:48 < Kevin`> [TK]D-Fender: I want to redirect a call to a list of tech/resources, not to an extension, as the end goal
19:55.34Kevin`I give up, every time I come here people tie up my time with nonsense
19:55.35[TK]D-FenderAnd I told you the only 2 metthods you can do
19:55.43[TK]D-Fenderand you don't just go to "a tech:"
19:56.36[TK]D-FenderApps do the work, and that means dialplan
19:56.39[TK]D-Fenderthat is what you have
19:56.44Kevin`I don't know what you mean because I didn't say tech:
19:56.55[TK]D-Fender"a call to a list of tech/resources"
19:57.03[TK]D-Fenderthe : was a typo
19:57.15WIMPyIf redirecting to an extension doesn't cut it for you, look in to ARI, maybe that's for you.
20:01.02Kevin`it might be, ARI is new to me
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20:23.18oDeskhello everyone
20:24.26oDeskI've bug in Asterisk 13.8.0, the asterisk crash repeatedly, and i tried to look into the log for the cause but with no luck
20:26.06oDeskI compiled it from source and mainly using it with webrtc clients, two trunks and a queue
20:29.20oDeskI want to report the bug but i don't know how to, since the log doesn't show me any hint about the cause
20:29.57infobotit has been said that collectdebug is a method of collecting logs allowing others help troubleshoot an issue.  Refer to
20:35.55oDeskthanks WIMPy
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22:18.41oDeskI managed to get it reproduced
22:19.18oDeskit happens when caller enter the queue and more then one agent picks the call at the same time
22:28.26WIMPyAt the same tme souds rather impossible.
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23:35.41wyounghi gang
23:35.56wyoungWIMPy! WIMPy! WIMPy! Hefty! Hefty! HEfty!!
23:49.19wyoungMornin' :)
23:49.29wyoung(too much coffee)
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