IRC log for #asterisk on 20160404

00:02.48*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
00:16.40*** join/#asterisk utrack (~u@unaffiliated/utrack)
00:35.28*** join/#asterisk pa (~pa@unaffiliated/pa)
00:59.57*** join/#asterisk sweettea (
01:00.21sweetteafor some reason the polycom phone's message waiting light wont go away, what should i check?
02:08.23*** join/#asterisk xnaron (~xnaron@
03:44.23*** join/#asterisk babak (uid19622@gateway/web/
05:16.11*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
05:24.42*** join/#asterisk elitas (~elitas@
05:53.13*** join/#asterisk kunwon1 (~kunwon1@unaffiliated/kunwon1)
05:55.39*** join/#asterisk tparcina (~tomo@
06:44.01*** join/#asterisk lumasepa (
06:45.03*** join/#asterisk juned (~juned@
07:04.27*** join/#asterisk Zogot (~Adium@
07:05.29*** join/#asterisk AviiNL (~AviiNL@
07:15.05*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (~pchero@
07:19.55*** join/#asterisk areski (
07:27.16*** join/#asterisk hehol (
07:33.20*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
07:36.30*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
07:38.17*** join/#asterisk unforgiven512 (
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07:41.01*** join/#asterisk shootbird (
07:42.12*** join/#asterisk Sprocks (
07:42.27*** join/#asterisk membiblio (
07:43.49*** join/#asterisk areski (
07:44.55*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
08:17.19*** join/#asterisk the-duke (
08:25.39*** join/#asterisk Zogot (~Adium@
08:30.58*** join/#asterisk fornax (~fornax@
08:35.21*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (
08:37.08davlefouhi, this don't work : frame.c:821 ast_parse_allow_disallow: Cannot allow unknown format 'alaw&ulaw&ilbc'
08:37.21davlefouis it ; i need to use?
08:42.07wdoekes; starts a comment
08:42.10wdoekestry , instead
08:45.17*** join/#asterisk post-factum (
08:45.41*** part/#asterisk post-factum (
08:51.46the-dukehi, what is a reason that asterisk is not trying to register with a peer again? I have the case that provider responded with handle_response_register: Forbidden - wrong password on authentication for REGISTER and it seems no additional attempts have been made
09:01.47davlefouwdoekes, thanks.
09:15.47*** join/#asterisk areski (
09:25.14*** join/#asterisk fornax (~fornax@
09:29.50*** join/#asterisk catphish_ (~catphish@unaffiliated/catphish)
09:30.43catphish_is there any way to see what codec(s) each active channel us using?
09:32.07catphish_i need a way to monitor how many concurrent channels are using a licenced codec to make sure i maintain enough licences to cover the peak usage
09:54.13*** join/#asterisk markusl (
09:55.29*** join/#asterisk Draecos (~Draecos@
09:56.37*** join/#asterisk Draecos (~Draecos@
10:05.51*** join/#asterisk fornax (~fornax@
10:21.31the-dukehi, what is a reason that asterisk is not trying to register with a peer again? I have the case that provider responded with handle_response_register: Forbidden - wrong password on authentication for REGISTER and it seems no additional attempts have been made
10:26.49*** join/#asterisk todwetsprock (
10:28.32catphish_the-duke: this channel tends to be dead until about 4 hours from now
10:28.53catphish_quite america-timezone
10:32.19dan_jHi. In a queue, calling a macro on answer and setting a variable, sets the variable on the agent channel. Is there any way to set a variable on the caller's channel from within the dialplan?
10:38.27the-dukeThank you catphish_
10:50.46dan_jWhat's the purpose of the 'channel' argument in the SHARED() function ?
10:50.59*** join/#asterisk fornax (~fornax@
11:04.19dan_jNever mind. Got that answer.
11:04.56dan_jNext question, when using queues, how can I pass a variable to the macro being executed on answer?
11:15.42*** join/#asterisk Zogot (~Adium@
11:18.20*** join/#asterisk AviiNL (~AviiNL@
11:18.41*** join/#asterisk Zogot (~Adium@
11:26.21*** join/#asterisk Zogot (~Adium@
11:36.06*** join/#asterisk Zogot (~Adium@
11:40.55*** join/#asterisk Zogot (~Adium@
11:46.02*** join/#asterisk Zogot (~Adium@
11:54.33*** join/#asterisk mub (
11:54.50*** join/#asterisk fornax (~fornax@
11:59.56*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
12:13.34*** join/#asterisk marceloamorim (
12:20.48*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:21.56*** join/#asterisk Zogot (~Adium@
12:26.28*** join/#asterisk Zogot (~Adium@
12:30.52marceloamorimguys, using a goip, it's necessary enable 100rel to transfer a call properly, without losing one side audio?
12:31.12*** join/#asterisk BlackMaria (
12:37.43*** join/#asterisk AviiNL (~AviiNL@
12:46.06*** join/#asterisk overyander (~Jeff@
12:50.04*** join/#asterisk theron (~theron@2620:10d:c091:200::a:c59c)
12:50.37*** join/#asterisk acidfu_ (~acidfoo@
12:59.26*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (
12:59.35*** join/#asterisk theron (~theron@2620:10d:c091:200::a:c59c)
13:13.37*** join/#asterisk theron (~theron@2620:10d:c091:200::a:b929)
13:17.55*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
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13:23.48*** join/#asterisk Draecos (
13:28.00*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
13:28.41*** join/#asterisk tompaw (
13:31.50*** join/#asterisk kolko (~kolko@
13:50.21*** join/#asterisk WIMPy (~wimpy@
13:59.21*** join/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-duywcdsjhvfuoffs)
14:02.29*** join/#asterisk Zogot (~Adium@
14:03.25*** join/#asterisk gruetzkopf (
14:14.50*** join/#asterisk infernix (nix@unaffiliated/infernix)
14:21.15*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
14:32.50*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (putnopvut@asterisk/master-of-queues/mmichelson)
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14:36.41*** join/#asterisk newtonr (RustyNewto@nat/digium/x-mdulyvlrpsrnzhns)
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14:38.50marceloamorimusing a goip ( as gateway gsm)**
14:39.06marceloamorimast13.cert4 cannot compile without pjsip?
14:40.07[TK]D-FenderYou shouldn't be touching cert unless you have a Digium support contract
14:41.10marceloamorimso should I install 13.8.0 as my main ast server?
14:42.19[TK]D-FenderGenerally yes
14:42.30marceloamorimok, ty sir
14:43.29*** join/#asterisk AviiNL (~AviiNL@
14:43.47marceloamorimI'm having a problem using vpn over tcp when I transfer a call using gsm gateway from dinstar. and I don't have enough knowledge to sip trace and find the problem
14:44.49marceloamorimso I will try to update even I didn't find related problem on changelog
14:46.25[TK]D-FenderHow much is "not enough"?
14:47.19[TK]D-FenderAnd "having a problem" doesn't say a single thing about what the sympttoms are, what messages you get from the system, what you hear or anything at all.
14:48.35marceloamorimone way audio after I transfer
14:49.05[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> How much is "not enough"? <-
14:50.19marceloamorimI should know all steps from sip, so I could know the head of packets and see to where the audio was sent.
14:52.12*** join/#asterisk Synthase_ (uid63346@gateway/web/
14:53.00marceloamorimand the other problem is, this is intermittent problem, so is even harder to find (for me of course)
14:56.42*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-vepnhallyynhbmcs)
14:58.59catphish_i'm seeing what appears to be a limit of about 500 characters on my dialplan app parameters? is there a specific limitation there?
14:59.29catphish_for example, a long string passed to Dial() seems to be truncated, initially i thought this applied only to some apps, but it appears to be more global
15:18.29[TK]D-Fenderit is
15:18.40[TK]D-Fenderand it's just a hard-coding issue
15:19.41catphish_[TK]D-Fender: can i change it easily with a constant?
15:22.05catphish_although i have absolutely no idea where to look :(
15:39.04catphish_i suspect this is the blameful data structure:
15:46.04dan_jcatphish_: There doesn't seem to be a limit on static files. Only with realtime.
15:46.16dan_jI had that issue with realtime before I switched back to static files.
15:46.34catphish_dan_j: i think static files have a limit on the parser of about 4k
15:54.41*** join/#asterisk robink_ (~quassel@unaffilated/robink)
15:56.56dan_jcatphish_: per extension or total?
15:57.02catphish_per line
15:57.06catphish_i believe
15:57.30dan_jcatphish_: 4k is quite large amount
15:57.51dan_jfor one line
15:58.05dan_jcatphish_: what are you trying to achieve?
15:58.37catphish_passing large numbers of destinations to dial()
16:00.14dan_jWhat are the destinations? Do they change regularly or are they fairly constant?
16:00.23dan_jYou have a couple of options.
16:00.51dan_j1. Make small groups of destinations and then call them all using Dial(Local/ channels
16:01.21dan_j2. Create a queue. Put all the destination as queue members. Then you've just got one queue to call.
16:02.55dan_jIf you are a programmer, you could look at resolving the issue with realtime if there is one and submitting it to be included in future releases.
16:07.09catphish_i already posted a link to where i believe the limitation lies
16:07.38catphish_i will test changing it
16:08.01*** join/#asterisk themayor (~themayor@unaffiliated/themayor)
16:13.48*** join/#asterisk bof22 (
16:18.03*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
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16:47.25*** join/#asterisk saint_ (~saint_@unaffiliated/saint-/x-0540772)
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16:52.49*** join/#asterisk KerioMorgan (
17:03.22*** join/#asterisk F2Knight (
17:12.10*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101 (~cmendes01@
17:16.18syadnomanyone here running elastixMT?
17:17.31*** join/#asterisk tparcina (~tomo@
17:20.25*** join/#asterisk malcolmd (malcolmd@pdpc/sponsor/digium/malcolmd)
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17:58.17*** join/#asterisk areski (
18:08.03*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
18:20.37*** join/#asterisk KerioMorgan (
18:24.40*** join/#asterisk ellenor (~3113102@unaffiliated/ellenor)
18:28.07ellenorsweettea, voicemail
18:43.46*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
18:44.31*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
19:16.00*** join/#asterisk thiagoc_ (~thiagoc@unaffiliated/thiagoc)
19:16.05*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (
19:31.50*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
19:36.17*** join/#asterisk hexanol (
19:37.45hexanolsomeone has already seen this kind of segfault on Asterisk 13.6.0: ?
19:38.22hexanolthe line offset are wrong btw, i.e. this is a patched app_queue unfortunately
19:38.37*** join/#asterisk saint_ (~saint_@unaffiliated/saint-/x-0540772)
19:38.45hexanolI've taken a look on the tracker, but did not found anything that helped me
19:39.44*** join/#asterisk lnxslck (
19:52.36newtonrI don't recall one like that
19:53.03newtonrIf you can reproduce it in a default app_queue with the latest 13 then I'd file an issue
19:53.10*** join/#asterisk file (~file@asterisk/developer-and-muffin-lover/file)
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19:57.38hexanolnewtonr: I agree but I don't know how to reproduce it yet
20:00.13*** join/#asterisk TandyUK (~admin@2a02:13a0:a006:1:0:dead:beef:cafe)
20:02.09*** join/#asterisk lbazan (~LoKoMurdo@fedora/LoKoMurdoK)
20:05.06*** join/#asterisk Nivex (~kjotte@2606:a000:a449:5900::4)
20:06.57*** join/#asterisk post-factum (
20:07.05*** part/#asterisk post-factum (
20:07.40*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
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20:16.00*** join/#asterisk KNERD (~KNERD@2604:a880:1:20::9b:4001)
20:18.06*** join/#asterisk EllenorL_ (~3113102@unaffiliated/ellenor)
20:24.35*** part/#asterisk CeBe (
20:57.51*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (nikolai@unaffiliated/maliuta)
21:00.44*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (nikolai@unaffiliated/maliuta)
21:31.33*** join/#asterisk klow (
21:43.38*** join/#asterisk LronellE (~3113102@unaffiliated/ellenor)
21:52.46*** join/#asterisk [NC] (
21:53.34*** join/#asterisk chandoo (
22:10.10*** part/#asterisk KerioMorgan (
22:15.32*** join/#asterisk babak (uid19622@gateway/web/
22:24.57*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit (~u388mw@
22:49.48*** join/#asterisk acidfu_ (~acidfoo@
23:02.07*** join/#asterisk klow (
23:06.30*** join/#asterisk Echo6 (~Echo6@
23:18.23*** join/#asterisk saint_ (~saint_@unaffiliated/saint-/x-0540772)
23:18.31*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-duywcdsjhvfuoffs)
23:59.26*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)

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