IRC log for #asterisk on 20160325

00:26.51RadicalDevIs there a way I can get a list of all the active channels in asterisk besides core show channels?
00:30.05RadicalDevI don't see anything about that in the AMI docs.
00:32.57RadicalDevI've been doing ami.command("core show channels verbose"), but I've run into an issue where the channel name is longer than what is reported with that command.
00:33.36RadicalDeve.g., core show channels verbose lists SIP/outbound-0000032, but the actual channel ID is SIP/outbound-00000327
00:35.35WIMPyconcise might work better than verbose, but you should take a looka the Status command.
00:36.21WIMPyApart from that you can just keep listening and will always know what's going on.
00:36.29[TK]D-Fenderconcise lists the full with a delimiter
00:36.38[TK]D-Fenderand AMI has direct functions.
00:36.47[TK]D-FenderYou were just using AMI ... to call a CLI command
00:36.56[TK]D-FenderWhich is not why I suggested AMI
00:37.02RadicalDevI was in a hurry some years ago when I wrote that =)
00:37.24[TK]D-Fenderusing AMI to call the CLI command is not an "alternative" or "better" .... than just calling the CLI command you asked for an alternative to...
00:37.50RadicalDevHence my first response: RadicalDev> I don't see anything about that in the AMI docs.
00:37.54WIMPyWell, it does allow for better permission management.
00:38.02WIMPyBut yeah, it's a pretty bad idea.
00:45.53*** join/#asterisk aness (~aness@2a02:fe0:c310:4830:35fb:2a57:d719:f373)
00:47.42rmudgettRadicalDev: Look at "manager show command CoreShowChannels"
00:48.01[TK]D-FenderWhich gives you :
00:49.54RadicalDevthis box is asterisk 1.8 =/ concise works though.
00:52.37rmudgettRadicalDev: That AMI action exists in v1.8
00:52.46[TK]D-Fender1.8 is no longer even supported
00:53.14[TK]D-Fenderrmudgett, Indeed
00:53.44RadicalDevrmudgett: I'm trying to figure out how to use it. pyst2 has that command, but it is just returning Success, which is unhelpful.
00:54.05[TK]D-FenderDid you read the second link?
00:54.47[TK]D-FenderFirst triggers the transmission of those following events
00:55.08RadicalDevYep. I figured that out right before you said it =)
00:59.26*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
01:07.50EllenorLhugs [TK]D-Fender for no apparent reason
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02:17.01socommI've compile pjsip into asterisk but when I try to connect an sip client to asterisk it doesn't take.
02:17.14socommnmap shows 5060 as closed, but netstat shows it as listening
02:17.27socommwhen I telnet to 5060 i get connection refused - locally
02:18.11WIMPySIP usually uses UDP.
02:18.22socommsorry, mispoke with listening state
02:18.47socommbut netstat does see it as bound to the LAN address
02:19.04socommI've already flushed firewall rules for testing purposes
02:19.39socommI've even have debugging on, but the connection doesn't seem to hit asterisk
02:21.01*** join/#asterisk F2Knight (
02:24.32[TK]D-FenderTelnet is not going to work unless you specifically configured * to use TCP and not the default of UDP
02:26.24socomm[TK]D-Fender: right you are
02:59.03wyoungEllenorL: You don't need a reason
02:59.22EllenorLwyoung, i do if he thinks i do
02:59.36wyoung[TK]D-Fender: tcpdump would help
02:59.42wyoungor netcat
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03:36.45jfindleyor ssh, tcpdump, and wireshark... ssh user@host "tcpdump -U -s0 -w - not port 22" | wireshark -k -i -
03:39.45LiuYanasterisk-ldap is used for realtime configuration only, not for providing LDAP function to fetch information from LDAP server,  right?
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04:39.16SamotSo I have this in my dialplan: exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,n,Dial(SIP/1${EXTEN}@${provider},43,L(20000)) limits the call to 2 minutes but I want to set the variable LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLER to no. I'm not sure how to set that option in the Dial() string. Is it in the L(20000) option? Anyone know?
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05:39.39[TK]D-FenderSamot, You don't set it in Dial.  You set it BEFORE Dial.
05:40.42SamotOK.  Thanks.
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05:58.42EllenorLSet it in hell.
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06:25.33jfindleyIs there a way to exit from an AGI script and go to a different context,exten,priority?
06:27.02[TK]D-FenderYes, there is an AGI command expressly for that
06:39.12[TK]D-FenderNo, that implies going back
06:39.22[TK]D-Fenderyou simply set the context, exten & priority
06:39.28[TK]D-Fenderand end it
06:39.34[TK]D-Fenderheads off to bed
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07:16.29utrackHey, could anyone help me with AMI?
07:16.36utrackSimple question
07:16.41utrackI'm using these settings:
07:17.03utrackHowever when I telnet to AMI and login I can't see any userevents fired after the call
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07:29.49utrackEven after adding the g option to the Dial() :(
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07:36.18wdoekesutrack: that's not a valid dialplan
07:37.10wdoekes$ asterisklint dialplan-check utrack.conf
07:37.11wdoekesutrack.conf:3 W_DP_PRIO_BADORDER: bad priority order for pattern 's' and prio <unset>
07:37.35wdoekesyou should replace "exten=>s," with "same=>"
07:37.56wdoekesor "exten=>_XXXXXXXXXXX,"
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07:52.41utrackwdoekes: thanks! I'll try
07:53.58utrackwdoekes: works, thank you :)
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08:32.06utrackIs there any way to extract the answer's status and who hung up the call first? ${HANGUPCAUSE} is 0 (undefined) if the peer didn't answer
08:36.06utracknvm, found it
08:43.42*** join/#asterisk AviiNL (~AviiNL@
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08:53.07jfindleyutrack: What did you find?
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09:48.21utrackjfindley: ${DIALSTATUS} returns the answer's status more reliably than ${HANGUPCAUSE} :)
09:48.48jfindleyYeah, but no indication of who hung up
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12:08.40utrackjfindley: oh, right :( that I still don't know
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15:06.08dan_jHi. If a caller joins the queue but then hangs up before answering, in the 'h' extension, what variable can I use to determine that the call was never answered by an agent?
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16:19.53exuberocityMorning -- quick question about a PRI. Anyone able to answer a quick question? I have a program called GFI faxmaker that has virtual "trunks" that go over a PRI. At a certain point the trunk is "requesting the PRI go into maintenance mode" per our carrier. Is this something that can happen? Anyone have any idea?
16:20.20exuberocityJust dead air when you call the number when it happens and when you try to fax out from the program it's like it's looping back.
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16:26.19WIMPyWhat does maintenance mode mean? Is that just a phrase for "down"?
16:27.31WIMPyBut no, surely not normal.
16:29.30exuberocityYeah, "down" is what they are and the carrier calls it maintenance.
16:29.52exuberocityI would think the carrier's equipemnt would be able to ignore maintenance signals or specified requests as needed.
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18:43.38*** join/#asterisk Bhakimi (~textual@
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18:46.39Bhakimihi guys, i have two servers on a local network both running asterisk 11.22 and i've ben having issues with iax trunks giving me all kinds of issues randomly. i jsut discovered that there is loss and jiter between the boxes when there is a iax2 trunk. i ran iax2 show netstats to get this information, any idea how i can trace this issue? there is absolutely no packet loss or latency between the two servers
18:47.24Bhakimithe message that floods asterisk and causes it to stall for a few minutes is "Exceptionally long voice queue length queuing to"
18:48.55Bhakimi is a link to the netstats output
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19:14.14*** join/#asterisk acro458 (0cab5efe@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:17.09acro458Hello, I haven't used asterisk yet. I want to know if I can use it to develop an application. I want someone to be able to call a phone number, the application will pick up, and get "Thank you for calling xxxx press 1 for xxxxx, press 2 for yyyy, etc" and respond based on key pressed.
19:17.21acro458Is this something I can use asterisk for?
19:17.32acro458(or is there a better/easier solution)
19:19.09acro458I would like to run this application from a computer with only an ethernet cable connected (no POTS line)
19:21.16acro458I have seen this page:
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19:23.17acro458my main question is how do I set it so when someone calls my AT&T phone number, the asterisk application picks up (and plays the voice message)
19:26.49[TK]D-Fender* is a good platform for this
19:27.14[TK]D-FenderCall comes in from "wherever" and you can have it go through whatever hoops you want it to
19:29.09Bhakimiacro458 you need a fxo card and place that in your server
19:29.19Bhakimiyou can use sangoma for that, they make usb boxes for that
19:29.42Bhakimiand you wanpipe with asterisk to send that call into asterisk, then direct that call to a ivr
19:30.08Bhakimisetup a freepbx box, they have nice UIs that allow you to configure all of that
19:31.06acro458Ok, so I can't just use a single ethernet port? (when I use google voice from computer to computer, I do not need any special hardware)
19:31.21acro458I assume Google uses the special hardware internally?
19:31.31Bhakimiif its a google voice number you can probably use gtalk module in asterisk
19:31.37Bhakimii thinkt hey have it in asterisk 11 or 13
19:32.00Bhakimiand then forwoard ur at&t number to the google number
19:32.43acro458It is not, it is an AT&T pots line.
19:33.02acro458I am just hoping for a solution without any special hardware
19:33.51acro458It needs to be able to support at least 50 concurrent incoming calls (no outgoing)
19:34.27Bhakimiyou can send that number to a google voice number and have asterisk register to the google voice number
19:34.36Bhakimior get a cheap inbound sip did
19:34.46Bhakimipurchase a voip number
19:34.51Bhakimiregister that number on ur pbx
19:34.58Bhakimiand forwoard ur land line to that number
19:36.27acro458hehe, you lost me. :)
19:36.42Bhakimiok so purchase a voip number
19:36.43acro458but I copied what you said because after research it may make sense
19:36.46Bhakimifrom a voip carrier
19:36.57Bhakimisay twillio for example
19:37.08acro458I used them once years ago
19:37.12Bhakimiand you register that number on your asterisk box
19:37.40Bhakimionce you register to twillio, anytime you call that number twillio will send that call to your server
19:37.52Bhakimithis way u have the ability to send calls to your server
19:38.00Bhakimithen point that twillio number to the ivr
19:38.17Bhakimionce thats done point your at&t number to the twillio number
19:38.27acro458ok that makes sense
19:38.29Bhakimiim sure at&t can forward calls
19:38.36acro458yah, we can change forwards
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19:39.31acro458But I have to use a service such as twillio, correct?
19:40.06acro458(in order to not need special hardware)
19:40.28Bhakimi<--- needs help figuring out why i have jitter and packet loss between 2 IAX trunks, both servers are on a local network and there is no latency OR packet loss in between them. here is a link tot he iax2 show netstats results :
19:40.55Bhakimiacro458 you may be able to use google voice, i think asterisk has a plugin that allowes you to register a google voice numnber to it
19:40.59Bhakimiits asterisk 11 or 13
19:41.54acro458ok, Google voice is at least good for testing.
19:42.02acro458I will give it a try
19:42.06fileGoogle Voice may or may not work, and they don't like you using it for multiple calls... it's really for average user usage
19:42.06Bhakiminp =)
19:42.44Bhakimi@file you have any experience dealing with iax trunks ?
19:43.07filelong ago, I don't touch it these days
19:43.48Bhakimii upgraded our farm of servers to asterisk 11 and im getting random iax2 issues and i jsut found out every iax trunk has exacly a lost of 40 packets which is strnage
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20:40.20lorsungcuI've got a SIP provider that requires I have the private IP of the PBX in the contact header of invites sent to a publicly routed address. Is there any way to do that, outside of adding their proxy address to localnets?
20:41.17lorsungcuusing chan_sip
20:41.34lorsungcuasterisk 13.5
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22:22.52lanningwhen did vm-*.ulaw disapper from asterisk-sounds-core-en?
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22:27.40lanningok, so it is in the tar.gz but not in asterisk-sounds-core-en-1.4.25-1.el6.noarch.rpm
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