IRC log for #asterisk on 20160322

00:03.03*** join/#asterisk crocodilehunter (
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01:16.12snadgeorder of precedence in dialplan .. is it whatever matches first? or most specific match
01:17.06snadgejust trying to debug what seems to be a dialplan issue.. eg.. blocked-numbers is included first.. and blocks _0011381. .. but then later in special-numbers it matches 0011381etc
01:17.17WIMPyMost specific.
01:17.33snadgethats what i would have thought.. except its hanging up the call
01:17.38WIMPyIncludes in the order listed.
01:20.52snadgeok if i comment out the block for _0011381. .. then it works
01:20.58snadgeso the more specific match thing isn't working for some reason
01:21.24WIMPyAre you using includes?
01:23.12WIMPyMost specific is only within a context.
01:23.46WIMPyIncludes are searched in the order listed and only if there was no previous match, no matter how specific.
01:24.18snadgeso that means the logic thats in this dialplan.. would never have worked
01:25.17*** join/#asterisk K0HAX (
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03:22.55jpastoreHi, I'm looking to tinker with asterisk. I'm running linux mint 17.2 on my laptop. Is there a recommended guide? should I go with the repo version or a compile from source?
03:23.36infobotNew to asterisk configuration? Check out this primer to get started.
03:23.41infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
03:24.29jpastorethank you!
03:27.04jpastoreWIMPy: This is for 11.5, the repo ver I have available is 11.7. I guess i'll give that a try first. thanks again!
03:46.20*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (nikolai@unaffiliated/maliuta)
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05:57.16EllenorLNight people!
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07:25.38utrackHey! COuld anyone point me out what's wrong with the register string?
07:25.58utrackI'm trying to register as user at host on port 5678, no password. The string is:
07:26.07utrackregister => user@
07:26.16utrackBut * still knocks on default port
07:31.19*** join/#asterisk monkwitdafunk (~monkwitda@unaffiliated/monkwitdafunk)
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07:55.02utrackfixed, nvm - works without register :)
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11:40.16utrackHow do I set the channel's context when doing Originate()?
11:41.14utrackI've got exten 200 in the internal context, but when I do Originate() with Channel SIP/200@host and Context: internal Aster complains that exten 200 was not found in context default
11:42.26*** join/#asterisk yokel (~yokel@unaffiliated/contempt)
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12:44.06*** part/#asterisk hagbard (~hagbard@2001:470:1f10:10e8::2)
12:44.12*** part/#asterisk utrack (~u@unaffiliated/utrack)
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12:44.31utrackIs there any guide on setting up a STUN/ICE server?
12:45.19*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
12:45.24utrackScenario is both clients and only server are sitting behind the firewall (inside intranet)
12:45.25*** join/#asterisk SWAT (~swat@ubuntu/member/swat)
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13:16.50newtonrutrack, a quick google search shows dozens of guides on setting up STUN servers
13:18.08newtonrSo yes, there are plenty!
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13:32.00utracknewtonr: that's kinda too much for a newb on everything. Okay, thanks
13:35.26newtonrutrack, Have you read through any of the results? Doesn't seem too complicated
13:36.07newtonrutrack, try reading through this discussion
13:36.25utracknewtonr: too much for a day if you'll include all my previous questions, that is. Gonna check the link later, thanks
13:37.10*** join/#asterisk zamba (
13:37.18newtonrYour previous questions are not in my log history. I can't speak to those.  Good luck!
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15:20.10c0ldg0ldis there a log file for DPMA somewhere that can be consulted for issues where one is seeing the service on phone but getting timeouts for contacting proxy?  I've been looking around and triple checking my configs against some working boxes and getting nowhere
15:20.39c0ldg0ldeven disabled iptables (only for testing) and still no joy
15:21.10c0ldg0ldor maybe it's avahi-daemon log files I need?
15:35.09*** join/#asterisk juned (~juned@
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15:51.36*** join/#asterisk gxv3275 (01171982@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:53.33gxv3275I am having issue with asterisk randomly it's stopped working and not processing any calls including internal calls
15:53.45gxv3275I am using asterisk 11.15.0
15:54.34gxv3275Command core show channels returns only headers (no data). I have to restart asterisk everytime to make it work
16:05.21*** join/#asterisk bof22 (~Thunderbi@
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16:17.07*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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17:14.01newtonrgxv3275, There might be a deadlock, you can check to see if there is a locking situation
17:24.02*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (
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17:40.15*** join/#asterisk qakhan (
17:40.58qakhanhi, is there anyway we can identify coming call is from cell phone or landline?
17:41.24[TK]D-FenderLook at your call.  See the number?  Got a network map?
17:41.25[TK]D-Fenderthat's it
17:41.30WIMPyThe caller ID?
17:43.40qakhani know caller ID, but can we identify from caller id, is this caller id cell phone or land line, actual requirment is that, if caller ID is cell phone then save the number in db
17:44.33WIMPyUnles you want that worldwide, they should be pretty easy to identify.
17:44.48[TK]D-FenderUnless the number is in a range you can identify as being reserved for mobile there is no magic signalling.
17:44.58qakhanno i only what in usa
17:45.46qakhan[TK]D-Fender that is good point.
17:46.32qakhanis there any website which can provide cell phone numbers ranges,
17:47.16WIMPyThe FCC?
17:48.34[TK]D-FenderUSA doesn't have such a thing
17:48.39[TK]D-FenderThere is no "cell number range"
17:48.42[TK]D-FenderNot going to happen
17:48.43[TK]D-FenderGHame over
17:48.45membiblioqakhan - numbers are portable now with SS7
17:49.01membiblioqakhan - you can take a mobile and make it land and vice versa
17:49.44membiblioqakhan - we do not have 'mobile' exchanges that are tariffed differently than landline - in usa all is same
17:49.45*** join/#asterisk busymind (
17:50.18WIMPyIt's a strange place :-)
17:50.34membiblioqakhan - we do however have disproportionate reimbursement to rural exchanges - but that is a different story altogether :)
17:51.25membiblioqakhan - you set up a call center in a rural exchange - and you make a deal with the exchange operator - and you get paid big bucks for incomming calls and you split that with the operator :)
17:51.45membiblioqakhan - and all this so that rural exchanges can stay in business
17:52.09membiblioAnd that kido's is todays story time :)
17:52.31qakhanmembiblio hahahaa
17:52.34membiblioAny questions or comments from our audience ?
17:52.50membiblioWhere are you qakhan? Pittsburgh PA USA here :)
17:53.17qakhanmembiblio yes near PA
17:53.39membiblioqakhan - what?  Are YOU near Pittsburgh PA ?
17:53.44qakhanbut not in rural area ;)
17:54.01c0ldg0ldwhat's rural around there?  Up on top of the incline?
17:54.30membiblioWe don't really have any rural exchanges in east coast - I don't think - you have to go to kansas and texas and the like for rural anymore.
17:54.32*** join/#asterisk gtjoseph (~gtjoseph@unaffiliated/gtj)
17:54.45membiblioWait - how many people do we have from Pittsburgh here please?
17:54.47c0ldg0ldyeah plenty here in TX
17:55.09c0ldg0ldnot from PA, just had a buddy who pitched for the Pirates for a while so I visited
17:55.10qakhani was thinking, if we can get cell phone number so we can send marketing messages to every cell phone whoevery call in call center
17:55.37membiblioqakhan - NO please. :)
17:55.49qakhanwhy not
17:56.16membiblioqakhan - explain slowly and step by step please?
17:57.32qakhanso if a customer call in call center, we get his caller id and send 1 marketing sms per week or per month, about new services or product
18:00.53membiblioqakhan - Maybe. If you ask for their permission first.
18:01.13membiblioqakhan - and if you let them opt out by texting back STOP
18:01.33qakhanyes of course
18:02.11membiblioqakhan - but I can tell you consumers are getting tired of the 'in your face bullshit' of rewards programs and loyalty tags and sign up for our coupons with your email 'stuff'
18:02.12qakhanor we can ask a caller to press * to receive marketing sms
18:02.28c0ldg0ldyou know anyone who'd actually hit *??
18:03.01qakhan* was an example
18:03.14membiblioqakhan - are you in usa?
18:03.18lvlinuxtons of people will if they are asked.
18:03.24c0ldg0ldso I mean do you know people who actually opt in voluntarily
18:03.49lvlinuxif they will get coupons or specials or whatever, many people will
18:04.09lvlinuxI personally know people who are signed up for all kinds of offers like that AND THEY LIKE IT
18:04.15qakhanyes we can put some coupons etc....
18:04.23c0ldg0ldI guess I must just value clean inboxes more than coupons
18:04.29lvlinuxand I do it myself sometimes with selected things that I am interested in.
18:04.32membiblioBut people are tired of the 'sxxt' in the us. Coupons you can't use, ads for ladies when your a man, rewards that can /NEVER/ be used...
18:05.09lvlinuxI don't stand for spamming, but when a company that I'm interested in has genuine offers that give me good deals, I'll sign up here and there.
18:05.45lvlinuxPeople just hate getting offers that are unrelated to what they thought they would get, or totally unsolicited.
18:05.59membiblioHave ANY of you gotten ads for voip phones, voip trunks or cool telecom gadgets? NO... you get ads for tampons right after you freaking purchased them already with a coupon that expires in a freaking week... not that I am jaded or anything, or even out of tampons....
18:05.59c0ldg0ldYeah I guess I see your point, I do allow a few companies that make tech stuff I'm interested in send me stuff... I haven't killfiled twelvesouth's emails yet :P
18:06.32lvlinuxmembiblio: you have your browser setup wrong---I get ads ALL THE TIME for stuff that I like.
18:06.46c0ldg0ldactually I think voipsupply used to send me a newsletter with stuff like that, and voicepulse tries to make me upgrade all the time
18:06.52membibliohave your browser setup wrong - are you baptist?
18:07.18lvlinuxhuh? I'm non-denominational BTW, but I have no clue how that concerns ads or broswers lol
18:07.50membibliocuz that sounds like something my uncle would say and he is not the smartest cracker in the sleeve.
18:08.04*** join/#asterisk gxv3275 (~User@
18:08.25membibliowhat possibly could you do to adjust any browser settings that would effect ad delivery?
18:08.41gxv3275Hello newtonr thanks for your information
18:09.42c0ldg0ldadd the addblock plugin :P
18:10.09membiblioadblock /REMOVES/ ads - right?  I should use that but I don't.
18:10.17lvlinuxmembiblio: yes that, do-not-track settings, disabling JS, etc.
18:10.18c0ldg0ldI love it
18:10.40lvlinuxmembiblio: it removes ads, but also can keep companies from tracking what you like :-)
18:10.51c0ldg0ldI mean that's about all an end user could do right?  remove.
18:11.03membibliolvlinux - No. I'm not disabling javascript. JS is fundamental to web 2.0 functionality and ajax.
18:11.48membiblioI don't care who tracks me but I would like pertinent ads. Cat litter instead of car ads.
18:12.05membibliook nice chatting with you, laterz gatorz :)
18:12.20lvlinuxmembiblio: but don't you think that comparing someone to your uncle, who happens to be baptist, which has nothing to do with computers, who hasn't mentioned a word about religion, make you kindof the one appearing to be not the smartest cracker? LOL
18:12.33c0ldg0ldin a slightly more on-topic question, does anyone know what would cause a d40 to see the advertised mdns service but not be able to pull any info from it?  Just times out saying contacting sip proxy
18:13.12c0ldg0ldI've been trying to troubleshoot this new system all morning :/
18:13.13membibliolvlinux - I appologise - you are absolutely correct - I am tired and jumped to the conclusion that you were a goober - which I should not have :)
18:14.05lvlinuxmembiblio: lol all in fun. But don't equate religious beliefs with measures of intelligence. :-D
18:14.14gxv3275@newtonr [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
18:14.15gxv32750x0000003022e0e334 in __lll_lock_wait () from /lib64/
18:14.15gxv3275Thread 1 (process 12275):
18:14.15gxv3275#0  0x0000003022e0e334 in __lll_lock_wait () from /lib64/
18:14.15gxv3275#1  0x0000003022e095f3 in _L_lock_892 () from /lib64/
18:14.15gxv3275#2  0x0000003022e094d7 in pthread_mutex_lock () from /lib64/
18:14.19gxv3275#3  0x00000000004eed48 in ast_module_unregister (info=0x7fcbee50c680) at loader.c:197
18:14.21gxv3275#4  0x00007fcbee30488f in __do_global_dtors_aux () from /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
18:14.23gxv3275#5  0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
18:14.37lvlinuxc0ldg0ld: incorrect config on the phone (wild guess---I've never had a digium phone)
18:14.38membibliolvlinux - yes you are absolutely correct - my mind is in a fungible state right now :)
18:14.52lvlinuxmembiblio: take a nap and have a go again :-D
18:15.20lvlinuxgxv3275: seems like you might need to use a pastebin.
18:15.51lvlinuxgxv3275: and you might find proper help in #asterisk-dev
18:16.07gxv3275sorry about it i will use pastebin hereafter
18:16.18c0ldg0ldlvlinux: this is to provision the phone.  Certainly still possible but it at least sees the server because the config servers mdns service name shows up on the phone, next should give me a list of phones to pull the config for but I never get that far.  I thought maybe something was blocking a port so I disabled iptables temporarily but still doesn't ever pull up
18:16.46qakhanmembiblio by the way which phone providers do you work with
18:17.15c0ldg0ldah, just noticed that if I reload the it will say everythings cool but loading and unloading fail.  must be software lying to me saying it's successfully reloading when it isn't loaded at all
18:17.47lvlinuxc0ldg0ld: interesting. I hate it when software lies. It's not helpful at all...
18:18.17gxv3275thank you C0ldg0ld let me check asterisk-dev
18:18.18c0ldg0ldindeed, Nortel is terrible about that too (at least my release is)
18:18.50c0ldg0ldgxv3275, were you telling me I'm asking in the wrong place?
18:18.53membiblioqakhan - Verizon Business
18:19.25membiblioqakhan - I don't work for Verizon Business - I use Verizon Business sip trunking... :)
18:19.41c0ldg0ldgxv3275: sorry, nevermind, I see you were responding to lvlinux and just put wrong name in
18:20.07qakhanmembiblio so do you ask them to give you cell phone numbers etc....
18:21.02membiblioqakhan - provisioning is online and you can choose from a pool of available or Port In a number from another carrier who currently owns it.
18:21.10lvlinuxqakhan: it's like you were told earlier, there is no such thing. You'd have to have the number databases from every carrier to determine who is cell and who is mobile. And the carriers won't give you that info.
18:21.28[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> USA doesn't have such a thing
18:21.28[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> There is no "cell number range"
18:21.28[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> Not going to happen
18:21.50[TK]D-FenderNot. Going. To. Happen.
18:22.20membiblioqakhan - you can determine which numbers are cell numbers in usa by signing up for a true SMS gateway - it reports back Success or Failure - Failure is landline or does not exist - success is mobile but....
18:22.50membiblioqakhan - you are going to be 'dinged' (charged) for EVERY transaction
18:23.11[TK]D-Fendermembiblio, that's "failure-based" verification.
18:23.30[TK]D-FenderThen again... SMS can be carried over PRI
18:23.34lvlinuxqakhan: the closest you could do would be what membiblio says, or to guess. So around here I know a lot of people are on Verizon with (865)-207-XXXX numbers. So I can assume that Verizon has that exchange, but there could be 60% of them (or more) that are landlines, who knows...
18:23.52lvlinuxand neither one of those are really suitable business strategies :-D
18:23.56membiblioqakhan - better for you to have your customers TEXT to a email address and then you go back to them via each carriers email to sms gateway
18:24.38membiblioqakhan - in this way you bypass all of the sms based 'stuff' - which is expensive and fairly locked down - if you spam - they will cut you off fast.
18:24.46c0ldg0ldjust like the do it on the commercials "Text ENTER to xxxxx" to join
18:25.30membiblioc0ldg0ld - that is true SMS - what I am speaking of is TEXT 'subscribe' to
18:25.41c0ldg0ldah, gotcha
18:25.47membibliowhich will arrive via email at
18:26.15c0ldg0ldthen automate scraping of the email for keywords 'subscribe' or 'STOP' and act accordingly
18:26.27lvlinuxmembiblio: does Verizon offer their SIP over any network or only their own?
18:26.27membiblioto go BACK -> you have to send the same message to EVERY gateway the FIRST time and then see who said "Fail" and unmark them and don't send again.
18:26.31qakhani think we should ask caller in IVR to press 1 to receive sms to get $5 off on your next servics
18:26.48lvlinuxqakhan: there you go :-D
18:27.06membibliolvlinux - they sell to anyone and over any network that carries ipv4 traffic with 6 available
18:27.21lvlinuxmembiblio: reliable, good service?
18:27.35qakhanso we will send only sms to those who agreed to receice
18:27.47membiblioqakhan - yes that would be great - let up spam you and we will give you $5 off your next purchase - symbiotic
18:28.17lvlinuxqakhan: simple and customers will like it better than an automatic sms.
18:28.24membibliolvlinux - all of the resellers are backboning with verizon (backhauling) they are mci worldcom
18:28.38membibliolvlinux - they purchased mciW
18:29.01lvlinuxhows the price?
18:29.14c0ldg0ldgood lord there has to be a friggin log that tells me more than "module (un)load ' failed...
18:29.22membiblioIt is too much trouble to interface to t1 and DS3 - you need equipment and that stuff changes daily
18:30.42membibliolvlinux - you have to have lots of minutes purchased to get volume pricing - very difficult to negotiate and manage
18:31.16lvlinuxmembiblio: ah, ok not my cup o tea then...
18:31.33lvlinuxI'm just always on the lookout for good SMB providers
18:32.42gxv3275@C0ldg0ld i checked with asterisk-dev they are asking me to check with asterisk
18:34.00c0ldg0ldgxv3275, that was lvlinux, also wish I could help but not really sure what you're trying to troubleshoot
18:34.58RadicalDevSo I'm receiving a 183 with SDP from downstream following by an RTP stream with rings, but Asterisk is not forwarding those rings on to the caller. I've tried progressinband=yes and prematureaudio=no, any idea why it's not sending the ring stream to the caller?
18:35.02gxv3275sorry about it, suddenly all the calls are stopped processing including internal calls
18:35.23gxv3275I have to restart asterisk to restore the service
18:35.33lvlinuxgxv3275: hmm that's odd that they would say check here. I really don't know either. I'm not that up on debugging :-)
18:35.39gxv3275command core show channels shows only headers during that time
18:36.00RadicalDevgxv3275: core show channels verbose provides more information
18:36.11c0ldg0ldwhat does your system look like when it happens?  low on mem or something maybe?
18:37.22gxv3275i tried that too it shows only 3 channels up some time 1 channel up but none of the calls processing
18:38.04gxv3275i checked memory and cpu usage everything appears to be good
18:38.26gxv3275I am able to run sip show peers it shows all the peers are registered
18:38.46c0ldg0ldwell I'm afraid beyond those obvious first steps I'm not going to be very helpful!  Don't know the code to be able to bug hunt
18:39.08gxv3275Only calls are not processing. After the restart it's working for 4 to 5 hours with out any problem
18:39.46c0ldg0ldany scheduled jobs happen every 4-5 hours?
18:40.05c0ldg0ldgrasps at straws
18:40.36gxv3275some times it's running without any problem for 2 days as well
18:41.12lvlinuxgxv3275: maybe you have some bad RAM. It's possible, and will cause randomly timed junk like that.
18:42.05gxv3275It's running on vmware i deleted the entire machine and created it again but issue persists
18:43.53lvlinuxgxv3275: tried different distro just to test (library differences or something)?? I'm grabbing straws...
18:44.31c0ldg0ldwhat else is the host machine doing?
18:44.52c0ldg0ldor have you tried a diff version of asterisk code?
18:45.31c0ldg0ldif you've already been rebuilding that might be a new thing to try
18:45.38gxv3275upgrading asterisk version will help?
18:45.44c0ldg0ldcan't say for sure
18:46.07c0ldg0ldwhat version are you using?
18:46.15gxv3275asterisk 11.15.0
18:47.36c0ldg0ldhmmm I've got one of my larger systems on 11.2.2 and no issues with that sort of thing but it's also running on a physical box (r710)
18:48.27lvlinuxgxv3275: 11.21 is current. Would be a good idea to try it.
18:48.48lvlinuxor while you're at it go on up to 13.7.2
18:48.51c0ldg0ldbox I'm building right now is 13.1-cert2...
18:50.23gxv3275Ok let me try upgrading asterisk and see
18:52.30gxv3275thank you for your inputs lvlinux and c0ldg0ld
18:52.48lvlinuxgxv3275: no problem, let us know how it turns out.
18:53.05c0ldg0ld^^ ditto
18:53.22c0ldg0ldalso how do you liek your massive android desk phone?
18:54.01gxv3275i like very much nice phone
18:54.09*** join/#asterisk F2Knight (
18:54.39gxv3275even ubiquity phones also good recently got one phone for testing
18:55.11c0ldg0ldI have a GXP2170 on my desk from teh betaclub.  Pretty slick, and a GAC2500 that I bought to test.
18:55.37c0ldg0ldgrandstream has really stepped up their game since I started with Asterisk however many years ago
18:56.22gxv3275even their gateways are working well with asterisk
18:56.26lvlinuxThat's what I've heard. Haven't ever had one since they were bottom of the barrel when I got started.
18:56.49c0ldg0ldlvlinux: yeah I almost didn't give them another shot after the crap I got back when
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19:16.19REdOGanyone know how to get around error 256 trying to update switchvox?
19:18.24c0ldg0ldlvlinux: ughhh it wasn't loading for some reason, explicitly load that one and it worked!
19:18.47lvlinuxc0ldg0ld: great!
19:19.23lvlinuxREdOG: you might want to call Digium on that one?
19:19.51REdOGyea, just trying to do it myself first
19:20.19REdOGfigured someone else here might have gone through it
19:20.52c0ldg0ldsorry man, vanilla asterisk here
19:21.24REdOGyum complains about missing deps mostly
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20:09.19RadicalDevI'm receiving a 183 with SDP from downstream following by an RTP stream with rings, but Asterisk is not forwarding those rings on to the caller. I've tried progressinband=yes and prematureaudio=no, any idea why it's not sending the ring stream to the caller?
20:22.25newtonrDid you already answer on the other call leg?
20:22.40newtonron the inbound/originating leg
20:23.45RadicalDevI did not
20:27.41RadicalDevThe ringing goes through as intended when I answer. Thanks newton.
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20:30.19ulstrahh it's a wonderful day
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21:36.37newtonrRadicalDev, no problemo!
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