IRC log for #asterisk on 20160302

00:06.43*** join/#asterisk babak (uid19622@gateway/web/
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00:17.20MaliutaLapI have some polycom ip 550's I'd like to upgrade firmware on. Is the UC 4.1.1 AA firware the right stuff?
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00:45.35wyoungMaliutaLap: no idea, this is an asterisk support channel
00:45.41wyoungand I use snom :)
00:46.28MaliutaLapwyoung: I think I know what gets discussed in here, I've only been a regular for about 8 years :P
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00:46.49MaliutaLapwyoung: and my personal preference is Cisco :P
00:46.55MaliutaLapthis is for work
00:47.18wyoungMaliutaLap: :P
00:47.30wyoungyour personal preference needs some work :)
00:48.01wyoungyeah I use snom for work too, never touched a polycom device in my life
00:48.04wyoungwish I could help
00:48.07MaliutaLapCisco's with SIP firmware work well for me
00:48.39MaliutaLapOh, I haven't touched the devices ... I just need to configure/upgrade the ones in other peoples places
00:48.46MaliutaLapwe are a work from home outfit
00:49.03MaliutaLapI refused a phone for my place ... given that I don't need to talk to customers
00:49.31MaliutaLapso I have to manage their configs via a webserver
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01:29.34snadgesip default context blocking.. on ancient versions of asterisk
01:29.57snadgei'll google it.. but just wondering if anyone has any useful insight for that
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01:56.52snadgeapparently we used to just write default context attempts to a file, which fail2ban scrapes
02:00.19[TK]D-Fender... what is a "context attempt"?
02:05.00snadgea host attempting to place a call, from the default sip context
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02:21.12snadgeits not a big deal, because asterisk is configured to reject them.. but when a host spams you with 50 of those a second, it unnecessarily loads up the server and can cause problems
02:21.49snadgeso the idea is.. you log > n blocked attempts.. then block the ip with iptables
02:23.32[TK]D-Fenderthat is not a "think"
02:23.51[TK]D-FenderSIP knows nothing of "context"
02:24.04[TK]D-Fenderthe peer you match is he peer you match
02:24.17[TK]D-FenderIf you're trying to secure your system then you shouldn't be allowing unauthed calls at all
02:24.22[TK]D-FenderAnd they should never hit the dialplan
02:26.20snadgeyou have to have a default context though
02:26.58snadgeso under [general] we have.. context=no-unauth-sip
02:28.25snadgein extensions.conf under [no-unuath-sip] we write a line to a text file and hangup
02:29.43snadgeallowguest=no  is that what you're talking about?
02:34.46[TK]D-FenderYou should not be allowing them in the FIRST PLACE
02:34.56snadgenow i just have to figure out why we're not already using that option.. there must be a reason
02:35.05[TK]D-FenderNot authed as a known peer?  GTFO + Security logging
02:36.06snadgeyeah its possible we're not using allowguest=no .. specifically so we can log those attempts and ban them from the entire network
02:36.38snadgesomeone smart turned off the banning though.. so now the logging obviously just creates extra load
02:36.50snadgeie.. we have removed the router/firewall which did that
02:42.12*** join/#asterisk jeffspeff (~Jeff@
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04:21.09socommI'm having problem with auto attendant, whenever I press a digit asterisk detects it as two.
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04:21.17socommFor instance I press 1, asterisk picks up as 11.
04:22.24socommI tried changing DTMF to rfc2833 to no avail.
04:26.05[TK]D-Fenderclairfy exactly what the call is coming in on, show us config, and show us the call
04:26.10infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
04:27.04socommSIP trunk.
04:27.12socomm[TK]D-Fender: ^
04:27.44socomm[TK]D-Fender: You need config for autoatendant?
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04:36.09[TK]D-FenderAutoattended does do DTMF decode.
04:36.17[TK]D-Fenderthe CHANNEL driver does
04:36.22[TK]D-FenderSo that's SIP config for the peer
04:36.29[TK]D-Fenderand the call from CLI with SIP DEBUG enabled.
04:36.40[TK]D-Fenderdoes NOT do*
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06:17.30*** join/#asterisk ram_ (cbb09c01@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:21.56ram_hi i want to know from which file the dialpan currently in use by asterisk is getting loaded, i noticed the default context in extensions.conf is not the dialplan currently in use, when i make any new changes to it & then do a dialplan reload is not taking effect, i checked in cli with dialplan show command, the context name which it is showing pbx_config could not find anywhere within /etc/extensions folder
06:22.51junedis it plain asterisk or you're using freepbx or something ?
06:23.14ram_i m using goautodial
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06:24.29ram_infact the dialplan which i had set in goautodial admin panel for the carrier settings is also not the one which is currently in use
06:25.17ram_the context pbx_config which is pointing to i could not find anwhere under /etc/extensions folder
06:25.37junedram_: sorry I've never used goautodial so not sure how they're handling stuff
06:26.07juneddon't search for pbx_config search for the exact dialplan
06:26.09[TK]D-FenderNo such thing in * as "/etc/extensions"
06:26.23[TK]D-Fenderpbx_config is the asterisk MODULE responsible for loading the dialplan.
06:26.45junedCorrect pbx_config is not a dialplan
06:26.46[TK]D-FenderAnd that is extensions.conf
06:26.59[TK]D-Fenderpbx_ael loads extensions.ael
06:27.02[TK]D-Fenderwhich is another things
06:28.09[TK]D-FenderOr maybe your changes are bad so they aren't getting acknowledged when it tries loading
06:28.51ram_D-Fender: when i typed dialplan show command in cli i have noticed pbx_config next to all exten => which is currently in use
06:29.26[TK]D-FenderTher is no "currently in use" that isn't a thing
06:29.31ram_then i searched for pbx_config under all files in /etc/extensions folder
06:29.38[TK]D-Fenderthose are lines it parsed and loaded
06:30.01[TK]D-Fenderand I did NOT say you should look for pbx_config
06:30.01ram_D-Fender let me copy paste the dialplan show command now
06:30.05[TK]D-Fenderthat is an asterisk MODULE
06:30.09[TK]D-Fenderit is in the MODULES folder
06:30.17[TK]D-Fenderand it is not something you have any reason to even look for
06:30.43[TK]D-Fenderpbx_config is not a CONFIG FILE
06:30.57[TK]D-Fenderit is EXECUTABLE CODE that loads extensions.conf
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06:35.41ram_D-Fender: please check
06:36.13[TK]D-FenderI don't see a context there.
06:36.15[TK]D-Fenderor anything else
06:36.19ram_which is the dialplan i need to modify
06:36.20[TK]D-Fenderincluding the command itself
06:36.33[TK]D-FenderI'm not going to comment on some hacked up tiny piece like that
06:36.45junedram_: there is no context in that pastebin link
06:38.20[TK]D-Fendergo find the extensions.conf it's loading and go do whatever you want with it
06:39.17ram_here is the whole
06:39.31ram_it is default context
06:40.13ram_however the changes to default context in extensions.conf is not taking effect even after dialplan reload
06:40.40[TK]D-FenderAnd we don't see these "changes"
06:40.45[TK]D-Fendermaybe you did them wrong.
06:40.53[TK]D-FenderYou aren't showing us anything useful
06:41.02junedDo you see the same dialplan in your extensions.conf  file ?
06:45.45ram_juned: no it is different let me copy paste that part in extensions.conf
06:46.24junedis there any other file do you see included in extensions.conf ?
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06:52.14junedI'm originating a call using call files but even if I'm rejecting the call as soon as it rings to my cell phone I'm getting status as NO ANSWER instead of BUSY
06:52.59[TK]D-FenderBecause that is the status reported back
06:53.06[TK]D-Fenderreject != busy
06:54.24juned[TK]D-Fender: so in which case I will get busy status, cause if I'm making extension to extension call and if i'm rejecting the call it's giving me BUSY status, so the same status I'm expecting when I'm making call using trunk
06:54.58[TK]D-FenderYour expectation is clearly wrong
06:55.05[TK]D-FenderAnd you should actually look at the call
06:55.58[TK]D-FenderSIP/2.0 180 Ringing
06:56.15ram_please refer to
06:56.27ram_will paste what is happening in cli as well
06:56.27[TK]D-Fenderit rang and there was no answer in the timeout period
06:56.35[TK]D-FenderWhich means exactly what it says
06:57.36junedIt was ringing that's true but I just rejected the call at the same time
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06:59.14[TK]D-FenderTelco doesn't just take that and pass back busy
06:59.24[TK]D-FenderIf it were busy it wouldn't have been RINGING
06:59.40junedAnother case someone was calling me so I didn't receive the call even in that case its giving status as NO ANSWER
06:59.48junedOkay I'm testing one more scenario
07:02.47[TK]D-Fenderram_, Indeed you have made a screwed up dialplan and that's why it failed to load
07:02.54juned[TK]D-Fender: so we can say that Trunk is not sending busy
07:03.08[TK]D-Fenderram_, Pay attention to what you actually add.
07:03.23[TK]D-Fenderjuned, We don't have to say.  We can see.  It's right there
07:03.31[TK]D-Fenderand it shouldn't send a busy
07:03.34[TK]D-Fenderbecause it isn't
07:03.47[TK]D-Fenderif it can ring it isn't busty.
07:04.17[TK]D-Fenderjust because you told them "stop ringing me" doesn't mean it gets to say "Oh forget the fact I told you he was ringing, he's actually *BUSY*".
07:04.21[TK]D-FenderDoesn't work like that
07:04.27[TK]D-FenderNo take-backs
07:04.54junedI got it
07:05.09junedMay be i should test it with another provider and see
07:05.18[TK]D-FenderNo provider should do otherwise
07:05.34[TK]D-Fenderwhen you reject on the caller side, if there is progress then the telco will just ring through
07:05.41[TK]D-Fenderit also isn't the PROVIDER doing it...
07:05.47[TK]D-Fenderyou are using them to hit the PSTN.
07:05.58[TK]D-Fenderthe "reject is at the FAR SIDE telco
07:06.18[TK]D-Fenderthat decision and awareness isn't at yYOUR provider, its at the telco of the CALLEE
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07:07.00junedThen how one can get the actual status , is there any other way ?
07:07.42[TK]D-Fenderand it isn't a "status"
07:07.50[TK]D-Fenderit's a reaction.
07:08.23[TK]D-Fenderther is no "I decided I don't want to talk to you" response normally after accpeting ringing
07:10.24ram_D-Fender: if there are issues with new dialplan changes is that system is using .old version?
07:11.07[TK]D-Fender* doesn't jsut pick alternative files to load
07:11.09ram_why is it not listing errors when dialplan reload is invoked
07:11.15[TK]D-FenderIt's bad and the bad bits get ignored
07:11.31ram_oh ok!
07:11.52[TK]D-FenderAnd it ashould tell you if you have your verbose up properly
07:11.57ram_while dialplan reload it is not pointing lines of bad bits
07:12.16ram_yes i m loading asterisk -vvvvr
07:12.36[TK]D-Fenderasterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvvvv
07:12.41[TK]D-FenderThen show me
07:12.48ram_ok sure thanks
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07:16.49ram_please find
07:17.10ram_i just pasted only warnings
07:18.13[TK]D-Fenderand there they are
07:18.40[TK]D-Fender"t is not pointing lines of bad bits" <- Oh hell yes it is.  Right there
07:22.14ram_D-Fender: Thanks a lot, i fixed the issue, i just learnt about priority bit
07:22.23ram_which is duplicated
07:22.41[TK]D-FenderAnd killed 3 lines
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07:23.01[TK]D-Fenderbecause the first dupicate start the failure and the next 2 n's become duplicates as well.
07:23.29[TK]D-FenderLesson : LOOK at the stuff you make.
07:23.58ram_infact the new one which i added is Set(CALLERID which is having 1 as priority instead should be n
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07:24.42ram_D-Fender technology is ocean & hard to swim whole :)
07:24.58[TK]D-FenderThese are dialplan basics
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07:25.10[TK]D-FenderYou need to understand contest, exten & priority
07:25.24[TK]D-FenderDialplan is 95% of learning *.
07:26.27[TK]D-FenderAnd on that note ..... bed time
07:27.01ram_i agree, i dived into asterisk recently as no one there for support out small callcenter
07:27.49ram_thanks again
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07:44.02wyoungAsterisk <3
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08:38.13napnapHi all. I have a vlan voip( with asterisk as ipbx. All works fine, but now I have soft phone under other subnetwork ( And When I call phone with this softphone the call hangup after few seconds. However when I call the softphone the call don't hangup.
08:39.04napnapAs I read on net it is a nat/route problem . But I don't know how to fix this.
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08:42.24TandyUKsounds like you need to add rules in your firewall to let the networks talk
08:42.53TandyUKNOTE: the firewall between the networks i suspect, not the firewall o nyour asterisk box
08:45.33napnapTandyUK, but the call begin. So I don't think it is the fault of this firewall
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09:03.15napnapX-Asterisk-HangupCause: No user responding
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10:45.04babakHi , I installed 2 instance of Asterisk 13.7 on vmware ing timing better ? and wants to connect them with TDMoE,  Dahdi channels ar up but dahdi_test results are around 2.5% , is there any configuration for mak
10:45.15babakmaking timing better
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11:01.32guest9019Hi, I've built a dialplan to format callerids to E.164. It works 99% of the time but it looks like crap. Are there any modules for this or is it all about dialplan scripting?
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11:02.00guest9019The formats coming in can range from 00COUNTRYCODE, COUNTRYCODE, +COUNTRYCODE, LOCAL, anonymous etc
11:02.39guest9019Now it's a butload of gotoifs
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11:07.48krylis it possible to use an android phone to connect to asterisk to use as an sms gateway ?
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12:50.51SirLagzanyone had any experience getting a Cisco 7945G registered on Asterisk ? I can't seem to get mine registered. Asterisk seems to think it's registered, but the phone just keeps displaying 'Registering'
12:51.22SirLagzI've flashed all the firmware and all that, and the tcpdump seems to show some activity between my asterisk box and my cisco phone
12:57.46filewhat channel driver, and do you have any NAT settings enabled on the Asterisk side?
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12:59.20SirLagzfile: no NAT settings enabled, not sure what you mean by channel driver, sorry
12:59.28filechan_sip or chan_pjsip?
12:59.42SirLagzfile: oh, chan_sip I believe...let me double check though
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12:59.57fileand ensure nat=no really is set for it... if using chan_sip
13:00.28SirLagzfile: ok, will do that now
13:02.22SirLagzfile: yep, nat=no is definitely set
13:02.40filethen I'd suggest putting a full SIP trace on a pastebin so people can see if the traffic is flowing as expected
13:03.00SirLagzfile: ok sounds good. I'll do another dump now and chuck it up.
13:03.39SirLagzfile: when you say SIP trace, you mean tcpdump right? any special parameters i should use?
13:03.51filesip set debug on
13:03.58file(in Asterisk)
13:03.59SirLagzfile: oh right, whoops
13:07.27SirLagzfile: would 'sip set debug ip x.x.x.x' also present the needed information? I have asterisk registering with my VSP as well as a couple of other extensions which clutter the log up
13:08.07SirLagzfile: thanks, doing a dump now
13:13.32SirLagzWhile looking through that dump, I noticed some 401 errors =/
13:15.09filefrom the Asterisk side it looks fine
13:15.23filewe challenge, they retry with auth, we accept
13:15.32SirLagzfile: ah right.
13:15.35SirLagzfile: makes sense
13:15.50SirLagzfile: I guess I've mucked up the phone config somehow then =/
13:16.30filehas not dealt with Cisco phone configs in years, he simply ensures that a few fundamentals aren't broken in Asterisk to make sure they can still talk to them
13:16.40SirLagzfile: probably a good thing lol
13:19.06SirLagzfile: thanks for the help anyway
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13:20.30filesuggests a hammer
13:21.04SirLagzfile: lol. maybe once I get a replacement phone, I can hammer it into oblivion
13:21.32fileDigium sells phones! but I'm biased.
13:21.47SirLagzfile: the phone + shipping would probably bankrupt me :P
13:23.30filegives options
13:23.52SirLagzfile: they do look like nice phones though!
13:24.26filethey even make phone calls
13:24.36SirLagzunlike mine!
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13:26.29SirLagztries another config
13:30.55SirLagzWOOOT. I buggered the config, got another one AND NOW IT WORKS !@#!@@!@!!!!
13:31.28filecan't act surprised at that
13:32.44fileCisco phone configs are like a black art finding the write mixture
13:32.46fileer right
13:33.39SirLagzfile: yep. I swear I did everything the same
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14:40.30juliusin this picture:   do i have to connect the fritzbox with the dsl connection from my wall plug? because im already using a router thats working fine. i just want asterisk to manage some calls
14:40.36juliusthe left part of the picture
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14:45.02WIMPyI would. What's the point of havong two routers?
14:46.15juliuscurrent router is more current, got openwrt on it for traffic shaping. better wlan
14:46.39juliusi ordered a very old fritzbox
14:46.58WIMPyThe old boxes didn't have the option to use an existing connection.
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14:47.58WIMPyAnd even worse they might not even try to register a SIP account when they don't have an internet connection set up themselves.
14:48.31WIMPySo generelly no, you don't have to technically, but it depends on the firmware.
14:49.23juliusi thought sip was just for making the phone know to the box, why would it want to use the internet connection for that?
14:49.58WIMPyBecause it expects the other end to be in the internet.
14:50.36WIMPyAnd as we told you yesterday, old firmwares don't support local SIP devices.
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14:51.56alsaiduqhello everyone
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14:52.49alsaiduqdoes anyone has ever had this error?
14:52.52alsaiduq->  [2016-03-02 11:48:10.790] ERROR[2574][C-00000006]: netsock2.c:269 ast_sockaddr_resolve: getaddrinfo("brasil", "(null)", ...): Name or service not known
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14:54.58WIMPyLooks like  you tried to dial "brasil", which is neither a valid peer name nor a valid host name.
15:01.41alsaiduqbut i hae already connected asterisk to other asterisk know as 'brasil' and they can see each other
15:01.55alsaiduqi connected them via IAX
15:02.22WIMPyComputer says no.
15:03.04alsaiduqyes, and i dunno why...
15:04.00WIMPyCheck your config again.
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15:04.15WIMPy'iax2 show peer brasil'
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15:07.09alsaiduqlet me see
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15:18.36alsaiduqim stupid
15:18.48alsaiduqi was writing the server name wrong
15:18.56alsaiduqnow everyting is fine
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15:26.00alsaiduqcan i connect 3 asterisks?
15:26.13alsaiduqis it possible?
15:27.18[TK]D-Fender"Connect" is vague
15:27.35[TK]D-FenderIf you're referring to call from one tto the otther then yes
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16:00.07juliusWIMPy, true...but; SIP-konform nach RFC 3261
16:00.22juliusit says: sip compliant with rfc 3261
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16:09.29WIMPyWhat does that mean?
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16:24.01juliusthats a good question
16:24.10juliushopefully that it will support sip
16:25.29WIMPyIt will.
16:25.46WIMPyAtlthough that is a very vague statement.
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16:29.09juliusdoesnt matter, if its not working. i can send it back
16:29.35juliusthat thing originally was like 169€, now its 15€ including postage
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17:21.33fileWednesday is.
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17:33.43Kevin`is there a headless client for asterisk that has better sound support than asterisk's chan_alsa/oss?
17:35.13[TK]D-Fenderpick a CLI-based softtphone
17:35.22[TK]D-FenderThere are a few when I checked ages ago
17:35.26[TK]D-FenderProbably still around
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18:20.28shudonhi all :) we use isymphony at work. asterisk isn't really my responsibility, but i'm learning more about it for fun, mostly. how does isymphony "barge" a call?
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18:26.36[TK]D-FenderTThey should have a support forum, etc to explain that...
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18:27.59[TK]D-FenderIt's not a product we support here directly, but should basically be using AMI to do some combination of Bridge or ChanSpy most likely with Originate to bring the barger in
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18:58.31shudon[TK]D-Fender: oh i understand, i don't need isymphony support. i just wanted to know how it might facilitate this within asterisk.
18:58.49shudonideally i can replace isymphony altogether since we really only use it for a couple of features
18:58.54shudonbut mostly this is just for my curiosity
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19:02.50jhestershudon: A healthy curiosity is a great ally when getting started with Asterisk.
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19:04.34jhesterWithout actually cracking it open and looking we can't really know how isymphony does the deed. But [TK]D-Fender makes an excellent estimation in my … estimation.
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19:33.52shudonthanks guys
19:34.03shudoni was able to do it from asterisk console with chanspy :)
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19:39.44klowDoes anyone know of a SIP trunk provider in Poland , I just need a single DID there to tie into my FreePBX system ..
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19:41.11shudonso the only thing i couldn't do
19:41.18shudonis pass the 'q' option to ChanSpy from asterisk console
19:41.57shudoni'm extreme asterisk newb. i did it like this: channel originate SIP/myext application ChanSpy SIP/otherext q
19:42.07shudonis that the correct way to pass the option 'q'?
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19:42.46shudonthe command worked, but the 'q' option seemed to be ignored. i still got a beep and a voice telling me the "otherext"
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19:52.21rmudgettshudon: What does "core show application chanspy" say it wants for the parameter string?
19:52.38rmudgettWhat didn't you provide with the parameter string?
19:53.03rmudgettYou were missing the comma between SIP/otherext and q
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20:02.18shudonrmudgett: oh my gosh i dont' have a 'q'
20:02.21shudonthanks rmudgett  :)
20:03.58shudonoh wait
20:04.05shudonrmudgett: it does mention 'q'
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22:16.42lunaphytehi.  i'm looking for some guidance on equipment for voip.  is that too off topic for here, since it's not an asterisk question?
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22:26.35WIMPylunaphyte: Only a little. Give it a try.
22:26.44lunaphytegreat, thanks.
22:29.44lunaphytei have a device which is in essence an ip phone.  it's a module in a piece of teleconference equipment, and it uses sip.  so it wants to connect to a sip registrar/gateway/whatever [apologies if my terms are horrible]
22:30.13lunaphytei also have a crappy proprietary phone system, which doesn't support sip.
22:30.46lunaphyteso what i'd like to do is provision a traditional analog line on the phone system, and put a device in between the two
22:31.54WIMPyThere's a Linksys ATA that can do the reverse thing. IIRC SPA1001. I'm sure someone will correct that name.
22:32.35lunaphytei found the linksys/cisco pap2t - is that it?
22:32.49lunaphytegoogles SPA1001
22:33.01WIMPyNo, that's just a plain ATA I think.
22:33.04lunaphyteoh, ok
22:33.06WIMPyI'm totally not in to the analog stuff, sorry.
22:33.40lunaphytei wouldn't be either - only out of necessity :)
22:35.27lunaphyteif i've got the terminology right, i believe i need a device with an fxo port?
22:35.59WIMPySounds correct.
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22:51.21lunaphytethe cisco spa3102 seems to indicate it has an fxo port
22:52.01hagbardThere appear to be numerous customized linux distros + web front ends available for asterisk. Any suggestions which to try to replace an aging fonality pbxtra machine?
22:52.06[TK]D-Fender1 fxs + 1 fxo
22:52.15lunaphyte[TK]D-Fender: yeah
22:52.30lunaphytethe fxs port would be unused, which i guess would be ok, right?
22:52.38[TK]D-Fenderhagbard, the FreePBX official distro
22:52.48[TK]D-Fenderlunaphyte, Depends on your need.
22:53.02[TK]D-Fenderlunaphyte, It can also be bridged in the case of a power failure
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