IRC log for #asterisk on 20160225

00:16.55*** join/#asterisk jr219 (
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01:04.38*** join/#asterisk mrcina8989 (~mrcina@
01:05.06mrcina8989Hi everyone!
01:05.33mrcina8989Anyone who wont to discuss about AMI ?
01:09.00infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
01:16.15MaliutaLapfree will is an option with *?
01:17.37*** join/#asterisk KerioMorgan (
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02:11.04*** join/#asterisk onculayin (~onculayin@
02:12.46onculayinhey guys, I am trying to figure out is this case is possible. Lets say that calls are automatically directed to 5010, however sometimes someone might want to access 5001. Is it possible to dial 5001 directly while the calls are normally directed to 5010?
02:21.52*** join/#asterisk n3ob (~ed@2a00:d880:6:320:82fa:b33e:3d20:4763)
02:32.12eschmidbauerif you send SIP 183 with SDP, does RTP get transmitted with that ?
02:32.20eschmidbauerRTP for the ringback
02:48.35*** join/#asterisk mjordan (mjordan@nat/digium/x-yerdhhourlkjwrds)
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02:55.39*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (
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03:03.16*** join/#asterisk bkruse (~Adium@
03:08.32snadgehmm.. asterisk 11.6 cert11 or whatever it is.. sip registration database appears corrupted
03:08.45snadgeanyone seen this before? like multiple entries for the same thing.. and peers with username/default username mixed up
03:22.53*** join/#asterisk azerus (~badass@unaffiliated/badass)
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09:08.43*** join/#asterisk Kunsi (kunsmannf@unaffiliated/kunsi)
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09:39.11jwwis the sip kernel module required to run asterisk ?
09:40.13AviiNLyou mean chansip? if so, then no, you could use pjsip as an alternative
09:40.22WIMPyThe question is wrong. There is not _a_ sip module.
09:40.51WIMPyAnd no, you don't need it. One can help with FW rules, the other is likely to cause harm.
09:45.50jwwI'm not very good with asterisk, but I'll try to ask better questions.
09:46.16AviiNLit might become more easy to answer if you explain what you want to achieve
09:46.40*** join/#asterisk sarthor (~sarthor@unaffiliated/sarthor)
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09:47.49jwwI have to fix an old asterisk server, there were an upgrade of the virtualisation server from the isp, the vps was rebooted and since when I call the pbx I get a voice telling me all lines are busy.
09:48.19jwwso I'm looking on what could be the problem.
10:03.07carrarhaha upgrade only when broken
10:03.15carrarthats awesome
10:03.37carrarasterisk 1.0 is no longer supported ;)
10:05.43carrarjww: What is the error your getting?
10:08.51carrarwanders off to dinner
10:13.32jwwI think it's [Feb 24 12:17:19] NOTICE[1561] chan_sip.c: Call from '0488369978' to extension '33488369978' rejected because extension not found.
10:13.40jwwthe context is default.
10:17.27*** join/#asterisk whizzi (~whizzi@
10:19.12jwwI also see an error 'SIP/2.0 404 Not Found' when enabling sip debug
10:49.55*** join/#asterisk snmp (
11:01.55jwwit's strange because if I do  dialplan show 33488369978@default , it show the extension. but still I get a 404 when calling it.
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13:38.42jwwif anybody got an idea on why I have calls rejected because of extension not found( I guess ).I've put my logs and the errors message on .
13:40.01*** join/#asterisk jhester (jhester@nat/digium/x-eaujeubbxleydzto)
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13:49.17*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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14:02.19Kunsijww: no idea, but maybe try to use another context for testing?
14:08.11whizzijww: What’s the context defined under the peer [budget-out] ?
14:10.12jwwKunsi: I tried , but I get the same issue.
14:10.24jwwwhizzi: I go check it out.
14:10.28Kunsiextension not found, or extension not found in context?
14:10.56Kunsialso, check for any non-printable characters in your extension
14:12.26jwwwhizzi: it's 'default'
14:12.35whizziMy guess is that under his [budget-out] peer, there’s a context defined which doesn’t include his 'default'
14:12.50jwwKunsi: I just have extension not found in the logs.
14:14.09jwwwhizzi: I'm not sure to understand, in sip.conf I have context=default in [budget-out] section .
14:15.45whizzijww: Can we see the register part and peer definition from your sip.conf (without password obviously)
14:16.03jwwwhizzi: yes, I update the pastebin.
14:16.18[TK]D-FenderThatt is an old version of a dea branch
14:16.27[TK]D-FenderThe automatic response is "upgrade"
14:16.57jwwHello D-Fender.
14:18.44jwwI gotta fix this problem before upgrading, I'm not very good with asterisk it could take time.
14:19.29jwwwhizzi: I updated the pastebin with peer info, but I can't find the 'register part' do you know in which file it is ?
14:19.45whizzishould be in sip.conf
14:19.54whizziperhaps that’s the issue ;)
14:20.27jwwnote i don't see any password either in sip.conf
14:21.06*** join/#asterisk cresl1n (Adium@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
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14:21.11jwwI checked twice, there is nothing that looks like registration in sip.conf
14:23.10*** join/#asterisk theron (~theron@2620:10d:c091:200::e9cd)
14:24.11whizzino line that starts with register =>
14:24.32jwwno, this word isn't in the file.
14:24.50jwwmaybe it's because it's an old version.
14:25.00whizziany line matching allowguest in there ?
14:25.46whizzi(should be in [general] of sip.conf )
14:26.09jwwno it's not there.
14:27.13whizziI’m not sure if 1.8-11 has allowguest default to off or on
14:27.34jwwI got : allow=alaw if it can help.
14:27.34whizzibut either way, you want to be registered
14:28.26*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
14:30.32whizziyou basically have a number coming in from a source and you haven’t told Asterisk what to do with it
14:30.42whizzimind the 'a source'
14:31.32*** join/#asterisk acidfoo_ (~acidfoo@
14:31.36whizziI’m agreeing with [TK]D-Fender here that it’s best to upgrade
14:32.02whizziyou probably can get this to work if you place a context=default under the [general] section of sip.conf
14:32.34jwwI try it
14:32.46whizziand set allowguest = yes (which is not recommended)
14:33.04whizziyou better register the trunk by placing a register => line in your sip.conf
14:35.40whizziand if you upgrade, make sure to fix your extensions.conf and replace the pipe symbols by comma’s ;)
14:35.45whizzielse it will fail
14:36.20jwwokay so allowgest = yest ( context=default was already there ) didn't fixed the issue :\
14:36.29jwwerm s/yest/yes
14:36.56whizziallowgest or allowguest ?
14:37.23*** join/#asterisk theron (~theron@
14:37.24jwwallowguest = yes , sorry.
14:37.35whizziand you did a sip reload ?
14:37.48jwwI restarted asterisk using init script
14:38.37whizziyou are also aware that Debian Squeeze support is ending in about 3 days
14:40.46jwwit's not my server yet, I've just been called to fix that emergency.
14:40.59jwwbut if I do, maybe I could take care of the baby !
14:41.01*** part/#asterisk whizzi (~whizzi@
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14:41.21whizziwrong window closed :/
14:41.46jwwgot my answers still ?
14:41.56whizziwhat does surprise me is this line in the pastebin : Context 'default' created by 'pbx_ael'
14:42.15whizziif your last answer was to fix this emergency, then yes
14:42.54jwwthat pbx_ael is from extensions.ael file.
14:43.34jwwwhat about that 404 error in the logs ?
14:44.11whizzithat’s the reply of Asterisk back to the incoming call, number can’t be found
14:46.06jwwbut when it's write Looking for 33488369978 in default (domain , it doesn't write if it's context default from pbx_config or pbx_ael
14:46.31jwwbut in dialplan show there is an empty '[ Context 'default' created by 'pbx_config' ]
14:46.44whizziI’ve never done anything with AEL
14:47.13whizzimy guess it’s going by default to the default of extensions.conf (the normale dialplan)
14:47.37*** join/#asterisk d00gster (~d00gster@unaffiliated/d00gster)
14:48.02jwwdamnit !!
14:48.21jwwI fixed it by renaming [default] context in sip.conf
14:48.57jwwdo the deer's dance
14:49.12whizziin sip.conf ?
14:49.17whizzinot in extensions.conf ?
14:49.33jwwyes it was in extensions.conf , sorry.
14:49.51whizziI’d be surprised if you renamed it in sip.conf and it still worked :P
14:50.34whizzistill, remove the allowguest=yes please, else you’ll be getting a lot of incoming phone calls who will try to redirect to expensive numbers
14:50.42whizziset it to no
14:50.42jww[TK]D-Fender: I guess it's time for upgrade ;
14:50.53jwwwhizzi: I commented it already
14:51.03whizziand make a register => line
14:51.10whizzino, you have to set it to 'no'
14:51.18whizziby default it’s yes
14:51.35jwwoh I'll do so.
14:51.37whizziso Asterisk will accept INVITE’s from anybody
14:51.53whizziif you leave it to 'yes'
14:52.07jwwit won't break stuff if I set it to no ?
14:52.23whizziit will if you don’t have a register => line
14:53.03whizziallowguest = no makes sure Asterisk only accepts INVITE’s from Registered trunks
14:53.21jwwI have to read a bit the doc.
14:53.37jwwthanks for your help guys !
14:57.18*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
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15:33.59*** join/#asterisk zaf (~zaf@
15:38.51zafhi.. i'm working with a fresh install of asterisk compiled with pjsip, and it looks like both chan_sip and chan_pjsip are enabled. is this right? Do i need to disable chan_sip manually?
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15:43.09whizzizaf: probably yes. As far as I know Asterisk autoloads all modules
15:43.24*** join/#asterisk [NC] (~nc@
15:43.32zafseems weird that it would load both at once
15:43.34whizzijust put noload => in modules.conf
15:43.55zafk, thanks
15:46.21*** join/#asterisk bkruse (~Adium@
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15:49.40[TK]D-FenderNEED to?  No.  WANT to?  up to you
15:50.02[TK]D-FenderThere are several cases where running both is beneficial.
15:50.34zafbut wouldn't they both be listening on the same ip/port bindings unless i change the configs for at least one of them?
15:50.49[TK]D-FenderThey'll listen on what you configured them to listen to
15:51.02[TK]D-FenderAnd if you set them the same ... they will show their lack of appreciation :)
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16:14.13zafah, looks like in the sample configs, pjsip is not listening at all
16:14.22zafthx for help
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17:08.31_0x5eb_hi, is it possible to let Asterisk establish a direct RTP connection from a phone A to a peer B without serving as an RTP proxy?
17:09.46_0x5eb_I tried directmedia=yes and directrtpsetup=yes both in the peer and in the phone sections of my sip.conf without any luck, RTP is still passing through Asterisk
17:11.27[TK]D-Fenderit will go through * if it has a reason to
17:12.56_0x5eb_yes, e.g. on hold, conference, voice mail etc., but here for a simple call, I don't see the need
17:14.19[TK]D-FenderDTMF OPTION
17:18.25_0x5eb_is there a way to find out which option might make Asterisk take this decision?
17:19.29[TK]D-Fenderlook at the call
17:19.51_0x5eb_you mean with sip debug?
17:20.12[TK]D-FenderLooking at less is not a smart idea
17:27.24*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
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18:19.39MaliutaLap[TK]D-Fender: it is if you don't actually want to solve anything
18:20.09[TK]D-FenderI consider "not wanting to solve" as "not smart" :)
18:26.19*** join/#asterisk spicyramen (~Adium@
18:40.56zaftrying to set up upstream trunk provider using the examples at, the aor section has a single contact=sip:$ip line. is it possible to have two contact lines there, or do i need to set up an AOR for each?
18:42.05jhesterzaf: Yep, just enter a new line for the next contact entry below the first one.
18:42.32*** join/#asterisk vader- (~Adium@
18:42.36zafnice, thx
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20:30.21lambda79hi everyone i am using Asterisk certified/13.1-cert3 x86_64 and i've got severe issues regarding cpu monopolyzation
20:30.57lambda79top tells me 112,2 %CPU is used
20:31.38lambda79running an asterisk -r i am flooded with ERROR[30334]: stasis_cache.c:845 caching_topic_exec
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20:33.35lambda79it that a known bug ? the closest i found was
20:39.42lambda79I notice cert4 has been released should i uppgrade ?
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20:43.43lambda79I guess it is the 'realtime destroy' that is doing something nasty
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20:51.27[TK]D-Fenderyes you should clearly upgrade
20:51.38[TK]D-Fenderand Cert is worthless unless you have a service contract with Digium
20:51.54[TK]D-Fenderso that puts it many releases behind
20:52.12[TK]D-FenderAnd they do REAL changes between even decimal versions in the 13 branch
20:55.28lambda79ok thx i am downloading asterisk 13.7.2 hope it fixes realtime issues (i am using a proxy sip in front of *)
21:00.05lambda79do you know how to get default values of asterisk sip driver ? i was thinking like something like in postfix postconf -d
21:01.34lambda79i often spend many times looking for the meaning of specific options
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21:06.01[TK]D-Fenderread the sample config
21:06.10[TK]D-Fenderthat's the place to go
21:09.23lambda79you mean all the lines commented out is sip.conf ? that is the way to go
21:14.00[TK]D-FenderThere are comments describing the various parameters including what is considered default
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21:15.29lambda79ok they are pretty verbose that's true, specially since the 13.X releases i guess
21:17.29[TK]D-Fenderthe samples have been that way for a very long time
21:17.46[TK]D-FenderOf course there are simply MORE parameters with each branch
21:19.01lambda79truth be told, it is pretty well explained, and it is a good linux philosophy
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21:22.25[TK]D-Fender"not bad".
21:22.38[TK]D-FenderThere's room, but its a pretty decent start
21:24.58lambda79yep regarding sip.conf only and having in mind rfc3261 explanations can come plentiful
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21:35.00[TK]D-Fenderheads home
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21:39.06dan_jHi. I'm trying to work out an issue with unattended transfers. With attended transfers, I'm able to see what the transferring peer is because it's doing the dialling before the call is transferred. But with unattended transfers, the call is simply passed on so I dont know who is doing the dialling. It's causing an issue because I'm unable to set the CallerID
21:39.07dan_jand instead the receiving peer sees 'asterisk' as the callerID.
21:39.51dan_jTwo questions, is there any way to get the transferring peer during an unattended transfer?
21:40.07dan_jand if not, why is it displaying 'asterisk' instead of the original callerID?
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22:29.04[TK]D-Fenderdan_j, Show us...
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22:54.44dan_j[TK]D-Fender: Sorry. All sorted. Thanks anyway.
22:56.25dan_jBtw, how do you stop asterisk changing the callerid to "via xxxxx". Its not in my dialplan. As soon as the channel is bridged, a new sip packet is sent and changes the callerid to 'via something' when a call is transferred.
22:58.20[TK]D-FenderShow us
23:00.51*** join/#asterisk crocodilehunter (
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23:15.51dan_jShow you how? Theres nothing in the dialplan apart from the dial, but that command has finished executing when the call is finally transferred. And there is nothing in the CLI apart from the normal call transferred messages. Im not by my PC at the moment so will pastebin what i do have once i get back.
23:16.41[TK]D-FenderLike always, actual calls with actual dumps showing actual full proof of everything.
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23:32.27*** join/#asterisk tunage (~kvirc@
23:37.59*** join/#asterisk theron (~theron@2620:10d:c091:200::1:e5e5)
23:38.17F2KnightQ: Having an issue with Queues not ringing agents. All agents are static members, and show up in queue. But show up as Ben (Local/720@from-queue/n from hint:720@ext-local) (ringinuse enabled) (Invalid) has taken no calls yet
23:38.53F2KnightAsterisk 13.7.2
23:39.13F2KnightAny help would be greatly appreciated
23:52.44*** join/#asterisk acidfoo_ (~acidfoo@
23:55.07*** join/#asterisk AviiNL (

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