IRC log for #asterisk on 20160219

00:01.26*** join/#asterisk acidfoo_ (~acidfoo@
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00:17.05*** join/#asterisk Yinzara (4225299e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:22.05YinzaraI'm attempting to compile Asterisk with WebRTC support. I'm specifically trying to use it with OSDial which was designed to work with asterisk 11.13 however I'm willing to upgrade if necessary.  I followed all the compilation instructions on the Wiki and the server starts up fine, however when you attempt to connect a call, channel information isn't available in the real time database so OSDial isn't functioning.  I turned on debug
00:22.35YinzaraI can see there are no insert statements into the real time database which do occur in the prepacked version of asterisk with OSDial
00:22.49YinzaraDoes anyone have any ideas what could cause that?
00:37.01*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-rhrighirtkozqtwo)
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01:16.26pools0ndudes !
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01:26.56tompawAnyone Are there any reasons not to deploy Asterisk @ EC2?
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01:40.23MaliutaLapchemtrails? that sounds like a good reason
01:40.59tompawwell, old (2012-2013) posts complain about bandwidth issues / not enough cpu power / funky kernels
01:41.23MaliutaLapmaybe deploying asterisk in ec2 can give you autism ... there's no evidence to show it doesn't, I think it's been covered up by "big data"
01:42.15MaliutaLaptompaw: "funky kernels" did they have james brown do their kernel compilation?
01:42.39tompawmostly, and then some asian guys kept releasing a "1000 Hz" kernels designed to work with asterisks
01:42.47tompawbut that's all up to 2013, no recent complaints.
01:43.48MaliutaLapnot even about the chemtrails?
01:44.04tompawsuprisingly, not.
01:44.16MaliutaLapthe autism?
01:44.35*** join/#asterisk crocodilehunter (
01:44.41MaliutaLapwas ec2 taking their guns away?
01:45.05tompawI feel like this conversation can give me autism, so I'll take it as a "no" :>
01:45.32*** join/#asterisk chazzam (
01:52.02tompawRight, so I'd have to turn my neat transport configuration based on 2 separate (lan/wan) network interfaces:
01:52.16tompawInto a EC2-NAT one...
02:01.05tompawI guess in this case I need to use one transport for both lan and wan endpoints, like this: ?
02:01.27tompaw(not sure if local_net accepts comma separated networks)
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02:18.43MaliutaLaptompaw: it doesn't
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03:51.33tompawMaliutaLap: it seems that it does.
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05:11.29BitSlayercan anyone help me with new setup, I've read docs, googled my brains out and still can't get incoming or outgoing calls working. i'm using a sipgateway as a trunk. the docs examples use a "context" which I changed to match my extension but it still doesnt work, error logs say the incoming call can't go to the extention because it's not in the context… augh
05:20.16*** part/#asterisk BitSlayer (
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05:31.25pools0nmake some routes
05:33.18[TK]D-FenderHe's gone
05:33.27[TK]D-Fenderand the concept of "routes" should not be a thing
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06:25.09pools0nits a thing !
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08:26.40guest8831when changing from mysql to odbc, do I need to restart asterisk?
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08:30.38Chainsawguest8831: I would, just to ensure all database connections are freshly remade with the new parameters.
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10:02.39enochhi all, is it possible to pass a variable to "channel originate" and then pass that variable to an agi script?
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11:15.03enochchannel originate sip/Test/<number> application EAGI test ?params
11:15.11enochhow to pass params to my test application?
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12:17.16enochthe best text to speech module to use?
12:23.34Tim_Toadyasterisk comes with festival support, and also there are other 3rd party options
12:23.45Tim_Toadyhow would you define best?
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12:34.30enochTim_Toady: something like the google quality?
12:34.40enochhow can i improve festival quality
12:35.22Tim_Toadywell, there is this:
12:35.31Tim_Toadybut you have to be aware of the limitations
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12:35.49Tim_Toadyat the end of the page it has some more links
12:42.45enochi tried it but i want something "official"
12:54.09*** join/#asterisk jr219 (~jamesruss@
12:55.49jr219Good morning! I am working on an application which uses WaitForNoise, and I cannot figure out why it is not working as expected..
12:57.21jr219Even with constant talking on the stream, it seems to never keep counting the ms of noise. There is always periods of silence detected even when there are none.. I’ve looked at changing the dsp time up to 250ms, but that makes no difference. I’ve looked at the code and it seems that sometimes no audio frames are delivered and it counts that as silence and thinking that perhaps it shouldn’t?
12:59.25*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
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13:19.06*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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15:30.50*** join/#asterisk huxley (~hux@unaffiliated/huxley)
15:31.35huxleySo a collegue of mine, has encountered random clock-drifting, when trying to run an Asterisk server (5000 connected calls at peak times), inside LinuxKVM/qemu and Vmware
15:31.53huxleyAnd I've been trying to help him come up with work-arounds or solutions
15:32.59huxleyEverything works flawlessly on bare-metal OS installs
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15:33.36huxleybut it would be better from a business perspective, if he could virtualize his configuration
15:33.58huxleyLove to hear people's thoughts on this :)
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16:01.12stefan27regarding joinempty option on queues, what am I supposed to set joinempty to if I want callers to enter the queue no matter what. I tried setting joinempty to the empty string and I seem to get the desired effect but app_queue warns me WARNING[6624]: app_queue.c:2950 parse_empty_options: Unknown option  for 'joinempty'
16:02.59[TK]D-FenderShow us the config
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16:08.04anthonymHey guys, I can't find much documentation on this..  core show file formats clearly shows mp3 is supported, MixMonitor() records flawlessly with .wav extension, change it to .mp3 however and the filesize is always zero.   I can't find any documentation on why this would be happening
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16:08.33fileformat_mp3 only allows reading
16:08.46anthonymahh, that'd explain that then
16:08.58anthonymso i'd just need to push the file off to a converter after the recording is complete
16:09.14[TK]D-Fenderformat_ = reads
16:09.18[TK]D-Fendercodec_ = transcodes to
16:10.06anthonymexcellent ..  Another question, my old call recorder the .wav files are much smaller in ratio to call length, on my new recorder that I've just configured, the same length call .wav file is much much larger.  Is there any direction you could point me to for changing settings to reduce the file size?
16:10.40[TK]D-FenderFile size is directly from the format you choose
16:10.48anthonymbasically got a 4 port digium card,  30chan pri, 10chan pri, DAHDI\ -> MixMonitor -> PBX and reversed, exact same hardware setup as the old recorder
16:10.48[TK]D-FenderAsterisk has not changed specs on this
16:10.53anthonymah okay cool
16:11.00[TK]D-Fenderwav != WAV
16:12.43anthonymPerfect, I changed the file extension from wav to WAV, and it's much much smaller.
16:13.37anthonymthank you for your assistance, it is greatly appreciated.  KR.
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16:51.09*** join/#asterisk Get_The_Fish (~get_the_f@2601:281:8301:94c2:a9d7:b759:fcb7:847d)
16:51.46Get_The_FishFor music to sound decent when played through the PSTN, it needs to be "encoded" at 44.1 khz 8 bit mono, correct?
16:52.12Get_The_Fish"encoded" for lack of proper terminology
16:52.18[TK]D-FenderClearly not
16:53.08Get_The_FishUh, ok??
16:53.26[TK]D-FenderWhat is the sampling rate of what you use to communicate with the PSTN?
16:53.48[TK]D-FenderThere is a CODEC used in that call....
16:54.00[TK]D-FenderGo look at that spec
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16:56.45Get_The_FishHowever once its on the PSTN it's G711.
16:57.06[TK]D-FenderThen you have your answer
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17:54.34DivideBy0tompaw: did ec2 work out ok?
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18:50.33tompawDivideBy0: still testing it.
18:51.10tompawDivideBy0: My pjsip config seemed to worked fine, I am now looking at psql latency for real time pjsip configuration (I store Contacts, Endpoints, AORs, etc. in a remote database)
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18:53.18tompawDivideBy0: it will take a few days of live testing with production agents before I can draw any conclusions, though. I am considering a "cluster" setup if psql latency turns out to be an issue (i.e. each geographical location will have its own local db). Also, I am looking into Postgresql BDR at the same time.
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19:27.53huxleyHas anyone here had experience configuring a multi-tenant Asterisk solution? Either through containerization or virtualization of separate Asterisk instances/servers on the same hardware?
19:41.09[TK]D-FenderVM = VM
19:41.22[TK]D-FenderIt works if you do thing right and the loads are reasonable
19:41.41[TK]D-FenderForget the idea of multiple instances on the same
19:48.38tompawIn most cases you don't really know how many instances are running on a given piece of hardware.
19:49.05tompawSay you get an EC2 instance, unless it's a dedicated host, you can't control what other people are doing next to you.
19:49.56huxleyits all physical bare-metal boxes in a colo
19:50.17huxleythere's an average of 5000 connected calls, and about 10000 active dials going on
19:50.21tompaw[TK]D-Fender: when you say multiple instances on the same, do you mean multiple VMs on the same server, or multiple asterisks on the same VM?
19:52.02huxleyI'm new to Asterisk, but the gentleman who configured and setup everything - and has been running it for a few years - seems to feel it is an above-average workload for asterisk
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19:52.17huxleyand he claims to have tried to virtualize in the past
19:52.24huxleywithout success
19:52.53huxleyclock drifting and a synchonrization of the audio becoming the biggest challenge, both of which are not an issue with a single OS installed onto the bare metal
19:53.10huxleybut even that same server with a single VM instance running with all available memory and resource, is an issue
19:54.05huxleyI was just hoping to get some ideas from everyone if he could migrate into a multi-tenant solution - because of the several Asterisk servers he has, they are call-centers from different parts of the world, and lots of CPU and memory resources are being wasted sitting idle
19:58.35tompawI'm in a slightly different situation: I have a cluster of Asterisk servers as a part of our ARI-based call center solution. I'm looking for help in profiling my 13.5 configuration, as the performance I am getting from them is quite poor.
20:00.27huxleyCool - I'm not familiar with ARI, but I hope you get the profiling figured out
20:03.14tompawI am trying to pin point which part of my process might be the bottleneck. It's all based on ARI-controlled bridges with audio recording. There's no transcoding (apart from the bridge itself) (the load hasn't changed between me using different codecs in the bridge vs using the same one, though).
20:03.55tompawAt the moment I am hitting 50% load with 10 calls on a 6c E5, which is really really bad.
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20:52.10huxleytompaw: hmm, that does indeed sound like low performance
20:52.49huxleyHave you investigated the general memory and cpu usage statistics during this time?  and looked at 'vmstat' and 'iostat' to determine where some of the bottlenecks might be indicating a problem?
20:53.58tompawhuxley: yes, it doesn't seem to be related to any particular resources like ram or io
20:55.01huxleywhat does vmstat show? how many processes are in wait and how many in sleep?
20:55.22huxleywhere are you measuring the '50%' load ?
20:55.48tompawAll i see is a nice asterisk process eating up CPU. It works fine, segfaulting ~ once / 48hours (looking at the dump, it seems like jasson might be the cause, we'll be testing with stock packages vs source builds next week).
20:55.54tompawhuxley: let me grab that for you
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21:00.01tompawhuxley: this is what one of these systems looks like:
21:00.37tompawas you can see, there's hardly any ram/io activity, it's all CPU
21:03.18huxleyI would strace the process then, and see what system calls are occuring to get a better idea what is happening
21:03.44huxleyit seems very odd
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21:04.36huxley is a clever way to get some details about what is happening
21:04.48tompawThis is what all my calls look like:
21:05.08tompawI wonder if this WriteTranscode/ReadTranscode has something to do with it.
21:05.51tompaw(I assume transoding is there because all my calls are in multi-party bridges, even if there's only 2 people talking - it's set up this way so that supervisors can easily jump on a call or pull another agent in)
21:06.22huxleyYeah you should get the list of the process's threads using that technique or something similar, in the aforementioned wordpress blog post
21:06.40tompawhuxley: thanks, I will try - do you know if strace can distrupt the operation of a process? My admin guru is on a plane crossing the atlantic now and we'll be experimenting next week :-)
21:09.07huxleyIt certainly can and does affect the process - -- I would be careful using it in production of course, but it should help to tell you precisely where the problem lies.
21:11.14huxleyI have to idle for a while, but I wish you the best of luck in figuring out your situation!
21:11.25tompaw - this is what is showed me, 99% "poll"
21:11.29tompawhuxley: thank you, happy idling!
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21:37.13DivideBy0thanks tompaw
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22:02.55BitSlayercan anyone help out a newbie? yes I've read the docs til my eyes bleed…
22:04.55BitSlayerneed help with the whole trunk to extension thing, it says context is bad on incoming calls..
22:05.54[TK]D-FenderAlmost certainly doesn't say that
22:06.16[TK]D-FenderIt may say that it can't find a matching EXTENSION in the context the call is falling under
22:06.31[TK]D-FenderSo look at where the call is falling
22:06.44[TK]D-FenderAnd show us what you think it should have succeeding in matching
22:06.47infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
22:07.56BitSlayerD-Fender yes, the extention doesnt match the context. i dont understand how the trunk should be setup to be related to the extension. I want incoming calls to go to IVR not directly to extension. when i setup the extension it says it should use the default "dont change this unless you know what you're doing" and i certainly dont
22:08.12BitSlayeryes i know about pastebin
22:08.18[TK]D-FenderIt's your dialplan...
22:08.23[TK]D-Fenderit has whatever you made in there
22:09.16[TK]D-FenderShow us what it is looking for... and what you made to match it
22:12.45BitSlayerok i think that's where it's failing. i setup a trunk in isolation, and ivr and an extension, but I havent done any "glue" to connection them. and i don't understand how that works. i'm looking at sample dialplans that dont make any sense to me
22:13.12[TK]D-FenderDialplan is 90% of Asterisk
22:13.31[TK]D-FenderIf you don't understand that... then you're close to nowhere at all
22:13.43BitSlayeryep i dont understand that all :(
22:14.07[TK]D-FenderSetting up a SIP section entry = peanuts.  How do you handle all of the calls you'll be getting?  That's dialplan and that's where all your work really ends up going
22:14.27[TK]D-FenderWell... you don't even have a specific question about it... so it sounds like you need your basics
22:14.28infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
22:16.26BitSlayerok, well that's going to take me forever :(
22:17.01[TK]D-FenderYou don't have even a specific question.  How can we help with that?
22:18.05[TK]D-FenderFrom what you've said I would be assuming you have no dialplan whatsoever and a completely non-functioning system
22:22.02BitSlayerok, how do I create the dialplans for what I need then?
22:22.49BitSlayeri thought this would be easier. i just wanted calls to come into ivr then dial an extension. and dialing out, extension to dial like normal
22:22.57BitSlayerbut there seems to be a lot of "glue" that goes into that
22:23.25BitSlayeranyone willing to take a look?
22:23.47[TK]D-FenderWhat are you even calling an "extension"
22:23.59[TK]D-FenderI've already asked you to SHOW us what you make
22:24.12[TK]D-FenderWhy are you asking us to take a look .. and not SHOWING us what you made like I asked?
22:28.51BitSlayerextensions = Applications >> extensions. which files do you want me to post to pastebin? sip.conf, extensions.conf, and asterisk.conf?
22:29.24[TK]D-FenderThat is NOT Asterisk
22:29.26[TK]D-FenderThat is a GUI
22:29.30[TK]D-Fenderwhich is not supported here
22:29.40[TK]D-FenderThis is something you should have specified walking in the door
22:29.53infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
22:30.03[TK]D-FenderBring your questions over there
22:30.24BitSlayerok thanks for your help though, sorry i'm very new, been trying to read
22:30.24[TK]D-Fenderwe can pick this up in there
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22:43.43anahataIs it possible to set default parameters for all pjsp AORs? Otherwise, is it possible to add to an AOR configuration file with a syntax similar to [0101](+) in a file that gets loaded later (using freepbx)
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23:10.14[TK]D-Fenderthat isn't "default"
23:10.25[TK]D-FenderYou should be able to use templates AFAIK
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23:49.30anahataYou talking to me D-fender?
23:50.28anahataDoes anyone know how to set a JITTERBUFFER in all communications
23:50.31anahataDoes anyone know how to set a JITTERBUFFER in all communications?
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23:55.46anahataOr how to set JITTERBUFFER on a cofenrence room?
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