IRC log for #asterisk on 20160208

00:03.23*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (
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00:46.24dasjoeHi, I'm having an issue with my dialplan. My phone dials its contacts with an international prefix (+49) at all times, but I can't match that pattern:
00:49.26ChannelZYour NoOp seems to be priority 2
00:50.13ChannelZUnless there is a priority 1 of that extension we're not seeing, there is effectively no entry point to that extension by the test call
00:53.10dasjoeChannelZ: oh wow, that was it. Thanks!
00:55.05dasjoeSo much for copy-pasting from other people's dialplans
01:00.38*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
01:08.18ChannelZThat never ends well
01:45.38*** join/#asterisk O47m341 (
02:33.13*** join/#asterisk crocodilehunter (
02:43.31ChannelZGrrph.  I have a sip peer with dtmfmode=inband but when I Monitor() a call it makes, the resulting file has the DTMF muted (I hear tiny little fragments of them where it misses.)  How can I get the raw channel audio?
02:47.56*** join/#asterisk jwpierce3 (~jwpierce3@
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08:11.24*** join/#asterisk andycol_500 (~Andrew@
08:11.27andycol_500Hi All
08:11.39andycol_500is there anyway to display the internal callerid during a blind transfer
08:12.13andycol_500currently if a call comes from outside and the switchboard answers then does a blind transfer it shows the external callerid not the internal
08:12.26andycol_500is there anyway to declare the internal with some variable
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08:51.53snadgewith res_config_mysql .. how do you force it to reconnect to the database?
08:52.01snadgewith cdr_mysql .. you can just reload the module
08:52.34snadgeif you kill the database connection from the db itself.. it will reconnect to the newly configured database.. but that seems a bit rude
08:55.20andycol_500module reload
08:55.54snadgeyeah i just tried that
08:56.11snadgebut if you module reload res_config_mysql .. it doesn't actually reconnect to the database
08:56.39snadgemight be dns lookup related
08:57.01snadgeeg.. it already goes "hey, i've already got an open connection to x.y.z .. i dont need to reconnect"
08:57.13snadgebut if you close the connection from the server.. then it reconnects to the new ip
08:57.54snadgeyet it works for the cdr backend
08:58.55snadgeunload/load might do it.. but im not game enough to try that
09:03.18*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
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09:07.41andycol_500is there anyway to display the internal callerid during a blind transfer
09:07.50andycol_500currently if a call comes from outside and the switchboard answers then does a blind transfer it shows the external callerid not the internal
09:07.56andycol_500is there anyway to declare the internal with some variable
09:08.49*** join/#asterisk tparcina (
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10:05.07*** part/#asterisk waj (
10:13.53ChannelZWhy would you not want the called party to know who is calling them?
10:15.18resist0rhe wants to uniquely identify the ext responsible for the blind ransfer
10:15.26resist0rI think?
10:16.16ChannelZCould just do an attended transfer but complete the transfer immediately without waiting for an answer
10:18.39resist0rI am guessing he wants to declare the internal  as a variable or something so it can be used dynamically elsewhere
10:19.02snadgewhen you execute core stop gracefully .. you cant execute core show calls, or sip show channels etc.. thats a bit sucky
10:19.26snadgeim supposed to just trust that asterisk will exit when its finished all of the calls, like the documentation states
10:19.41resist0rwhile you are waiting for the conditions to be met which makes it gracefully
10:20.22snadgeyeah but i wouldn't mind knowing the channel count
10:20.43resist0rcan you  log into the console twice maybe?
10:20.55snadgei like your thinking
10:20.56resist0rwould that allow you to run them while waiting?
10:21.06resist0rthe way you want
10:21.24resist0rI believe if I understand what you are saying corectly that might be a solution
10:21.25snadgeyeah.. 5 calls remaning
10:23.43andycol_500yes the reason i need the variable is so i can create a macro so that if the call is not answered it will return to the person who dialed
10:24.21andycol_500so switchboard transfers to ext 201 and if he doesnt answer it comes back to her
10:26.05*** join/#asterisk bounceman (~bounceman@
10:26.14bouncemanHowdy, I have the following in my Context: dialer
10:26.37bouncemanhowever, it does not seem to hit that context at all. It does not output anything in the CLI it just dials
10:28.00bouncemanhmm, wierd. When I run dialplan show I see a bunch of demo contextes
10:28.22resist0rhave you core reload
10:30.57bouncemanyeah, it looks like it loads extensions.lua
10:31.01bouncemanand not extensions.conf
10:32.20resist0randycol_500: why do you need the call to be returned to the same switchboard operator whom initiated the transfer?  I am  asking because it seems that the call should get put back into the que of inbound calls tobe sent to an avilable operator because what if the original transfering operator recieves a new inbound call while the call they just released is on the way back?
10:35.10bouncemanWhy would it load extensions.ael instead of extensions.conf, I have not told it to do so
10:46.04bouncemanOk, I've never have do to do that before though :p
10:46.50ChannelZIf module autoloading is on, a lot of times they will load if a module's config file exists.
10:47.03ChannelZIf you're not using the lua or ael extensions, don't have config files sitting there for them.
10:48.25bouncemanmmkay, make sense. I now remember I removed some of them on previous setups
10:48.42bouncemanAnyhow, please see this. when using .call files it does not go through the dialer context
10:51.48andycol_500unfortunately a lot of customers ask for the call to go back to the person who did the original transfer
10:51.54ChannelZNothing is going through the dialplan
10:53.12bouncemanChannelZ: I cannot push the call through the dialplan?
10:53.20ChannelZIt's making a SIP channel and if it answers, running Playback(hello-world)
10:53.30ChannelZYou can
10:54.06ChannelZYou need to use Extension: and Priority: instead of Application:
10:54.17bouncemanokay, I'll try
10:59.16*** join/#asterisk tparcina (
10:59.25ChannelZgoes to bed
11:00.02bouncemanlooks at clock
11:00.25ChannelZ4am here
11:02.24andycol_500anyone have any ideas i have managed to get it to sort of work with Set(DN=${SIP_HEADER(TO):5}) Set(DN=${CUT(DN,\,,3)})
11:02.26andycol_500but then still shows
11:02.46andycol_500need just the 300
11:05.06andycol_500got it working :)
11:06.27andycol_500actuallu nope doesnt work for external calls :(
11:11.44bouncemanChannelZ: I tried this in my .call file but still it does not hit exten => 5000....
11:12.44resist0rbounceman: are you watching the console with -vvvvvvvvvvv to see what is happening?
11:14.06bouncemanno, tripple v
11:14.38resist0rI forget how many it can accept but I  know it wont complain if too many are there so to get the most verbose output I over do it
11:15.04Kunsimaximum core verbose level is 21
11:15.20Kunsiatleast it doesn't go any higher than that
11:17.26resist0rbounceman: is your asterisk.conf pointing to the sane spool path you are saving the .call file?
11:18.06bouncemanThis is all I receieve
11:18.10bouncemanwith five thousands v
11:18.51ChannelZAnd you don't spot the problem?
11:19.38bouncemanWhy wouldnt it hit the 5000 extension before dialing? It should hit it before forbidden is recieved
11:19.49ChannelZWhy would it?
11:20.15ChannelZIt tries to create the channel you specified, SIP/ - once that channel answers, it sends it into the dialplan.
11:20.26ChannelZThat channel is never successfully made.
11:20.35bouncemanIt sends out an invite, what if I want to do changes in the context regarding callerid?
11:20.37bouncemanfor an example
11:21.05Kunsibounceman: i use Local/ channel for that
11:21.14ChannelZWell there's a CallerID: for thatspecific case..  But that's not how call files work in general
11:21.17bouncemanand then you dial from the context?
11:22.10Kunsibounceman: - callfile then uses channel Local/phoes@callfiles
11:33.08bouncemanOk I got it running now, however it seems that the dialer sends an BYE instantaneously when the call is anwered
11:37.10bouncemanIt seems it starts the playback not when the call is answered.
11:37.16bouncemanbut when it first dials
11:37.43bouncemanah nvm, my issue
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13:14.47mubY'all da real MVP
13:14.55mubJust wanted to let y'all know
13:19.07*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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14:56.46danielykMy problem occured after upgrade to 13.7.2. After an re-Register, the peer ip address changed (thats normal). But OPTIONS and INVITEs are now still sent to the old address, so I become for INVITEs an Forbidden from my provider.
14:59.12danielykThe OPTIONS should be sent to the new peer address. But that does not.
15:03.33SamotDoes the Asterisk box still think the External IP is the old IP?
15:07.26*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
15:07.32danielykThe external IP is updated without problems (all SDP has the correct public ip).
15:09.20danielykI have dnsmgr turned on, so the peer ip address is updated. But Asterisk still sends all to the old ip address
15:11.29danielykOnly REGISTER are sent to the new ip address...
15:12.24*** join/#asterisk dariornelas (
15:16.59danielykAfter a manually "core reload" all is fine.
15:17.14*** join/#asterisk seik0 (~seik0@
15:17.41seik0Hi! Can't find whether asterisk 1.4 supports U(x) option for Dial. Does anybody know?
15:18.50seik0Ok, 've found
15:18.58seik0looks like it not
15:20.46[TK]D-FenderHoply crap ancient garbage...
15:21.08*** join/#asterisk Sonic5093 (d1bf0df7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:22.39Sonic5093Hey guys, I have a quick question. Did PJSIP on asterisk 13 (with realtime enabled) change how the contact header is set. On chan_sip it sets the header to sip:Extension@[ip-adddress] while PJSIP seems to be setting it to just sip:[ip-address].
15:22.43*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-laqrbyskumsbulor)
15:22.43[TK]D-Fender6 entire branches behind something that is even supported anymore, and 8 before what is now current LTS
15:23.09Sonic5093This seems like it is having some effect on a cisco SPA504G that I am using to test directed pick up.
15:23.33*** join/#asterisk ganbold (~ganbold@
15:26.37seik0[TK]D-Fender:  just can't find time to migrate. And it work,s so you know
15:27.13Sonic5093 is an example of the sip messages I captured on Asterisk 13 and 1.8 to make sure it was not some issue with PJSIP or asterisk 13. If necessary I can get more debug info.
15:28.03[TK]D-FenderSonic5093: Always provide actual debug, and use the same version for both.  Forget 1.8
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15:29.28Sonic5093Okay, will go grab that then will ask again. The only reason I brought up the 1.8 server as that is what some of the production servers are still running. I had been tasked with testing everything my company uses in Asterisk 13 before migrating /updating to it.
15:31.09seik0[TK]D-Fender:  it's not just old asterisk, it's old os, old hardware, old handwritten drivers patches.  Lots of fun!
15:32.17seik0reality is pain, it is
15:33.46seik0btw, res_odbc in asterisk 1.4 works the best with oracle odbc in comparison to all later releases
15:34.16seik0it somehow does not eat memory
15:35.09seik0cause in oracle odbc drivers, but they are completely proprietary and closed and so on, so we cannot do anything
15:35.16seik0memory just leaks
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17:24.33Sonic5093Okay, so I gathered the debug for the question earlier: Sip messages:; Relevant Config files: PJSIP Debug:; Chan_sip debug:
17:24.54Sonic5093Question from earlier: Hey guys, I have a quick question. Did PJSIP on asterisk 13 (with realtime enabled) change how the contact header is set. On chan_sip it sets the header to sip:Extension@[ip-adddress] while PJSIP seems to be setting it to just sip:[ip-address].
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17:46.30cmendes0101If I'm using originate and settings variables, do these get passed into the failed extension? Doesn't appear to be coming through
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18:35.28eschmidbauerdo you have to restart asterisk to reload rtp.conf ?
18:37.23Sonic5093Did PJSIP on asterisk 13 (with realtime enabled) change how the contact header is set. On chan_sip it sets the header to sip:Extension@[ip-adddress] while PJSIP seems to be setting it to just sip:[ip-address]. Sip messages:; Relevant Config files: PJSIP Debug:; Chan_sip debug: http://pa
18:38.02Sonic5093I can get more debug logs if necessary. In those pastebin links I included debug 5 and verbose 5 as listed on the gathering debug page of the asterisk docs.
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21:47.04*** join/#asterisk xochilpili (~xochilpil@unaffiliated/xochilpili)
21:47.09xochilpilihello all
21:47.47xochilpilii have no audio in one channel, i can hear them, but they cant hear me
21:48.20xochilpilii have check reinvite=no, and directmedia=yes and "no"
21:48.31xochilpilialso i disable iptables for the moment
21:49.04xochilpilithis happend only over incomming calls, if i make an outgoing call, everything works fine
21:50.40xochilpiliany hand?
21:51.01xochilpilialso rtp set debu on << doesnt display anything
22:10.08*** join/#asterisk azerus (~badass@unaffiliated/badass)
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22:18.23*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
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23:05.09resist0rxochilpili: are you using NAT and if so what traversal are you attempting to implimet?
23:05.23xochilpiliresist0r, yes, im using nat
23:05.39xochilpilii can hear them, but they can not
23:05.58xochilpiliand this is only with incoming calls, outgoing calls works fine
23:06.06xochilpilialso, extension to extension
23:06.06resist0rright, I think you should check your port forwarding entries
23:06.19xochilpilii have disable iptables
23:06.23xochilpilino firewall
23:06.55resist0rat the switch/router how are you managing SIP and RTP ?
23:07.31xochilpiliresist0r, i have nothing in the middle between my isp and this asterisk
23:07.46resist0rI thought you were behind NAT?
23:08.04xochilpilii only have this server which is connected to my isp trunk
23:08.58resist0rso where does the asterisk machine get its IP address?
23:09.37xochilpilii have 2 eth's eth0 direct to my isp provider via an ont, then eth1 to my local lan
23:09.57drabI'm testing a super simple AR menu going from the asterisk wiki and it works except that when I punch in an extension I don't hear the phone ringing even tho I can see in the logs that it is ringing (it eventually goes to voicemail). any thoughts what might be ahppening?
23:10.08drabif I dial that extension directly it works just fine (ie it rings as expected)
23:10.17resist0rokay you are probably piping data to the wrong adapter
23:10.21drabthis is my AR menu:
23:10.36xochilpiliresist0r, how it's that?
23:11.31drabcould it be something with Background? by the time I started keying in numbers it was still playing
23:12.43xochilpiliresist0r, the rare thing is that i have not rtp debug
23:12.53xochilpilirtp set debu on << tells nothing
23:12.58resist0rokay... so the issue here is you need to be sure the rtp path and SIP ports are available with iptables down that removes one place but what about the adapter that is connected to your ISP, where does it get an IP address?  from your cable modem?
23:15.04resist0rwhen you connect to the asterisk console use -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv  to make is give lots out output
23:15.07xochilpiliresist0r, sip ports are: 10000 and 20000 declared into my sip.conf file, then, my eth0 is directly connected to an ont provided by my isp, they give me an static ip address, and there's no internet, just voice
23:15.28xochilpiliasterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv is what i use
23:16.00[TK]D-FenderAnd after all this time you've spent here ... we STILL aren't looking at the actual call
23:16.11[TK]D-FenderAnd you are talking about issues with auiod for a SIP call
23:16.15[TK]D-Fenderand NOT SHOWING SIP DEBUG
23:16.23xochilpili[TK]D-Fender, wait please
23:16.53[TK]D-FenderYou came in asking about his issue an hour & half ago.. and DON'T have the actuall call to show us still?
23:17.33xochilpili << sip debug on
23:18.01resist0rI wonder if a module in not loaded that should be?
23:19.01xochilpiliresist0r, << rtp modules
23:20.53snadgeargh.. i just did some maintenance last night to an asterisk realtimedb.. mysql.. and now im getting a bunch of calls being rejected from inbound
23:20.57snadgeU 2016/02/09 09:19:56.180901 ->
23:20.57snadgeSIP/2.0 480 Temporarily unavailable
23:21.09snadgetemp unavailable? whut?
23:21.41resist0ris the database up running and logged into?
23:23.18resist0rsnadge: it seems that is not available
23:23.27snadgeexcept it is.. and passing calls
23:23.32snadgeonly some inbound calls are doing this
23:23.48snadgei cant find a pattern to it yet
23:23.57snadgeif the customer re-regs.. or changes server.. then its fine
23:24.46[TK]D-Fenderxochilpili, Why is everyting on local subnets?
23:24.46resist0rare some extensions configured with differing codec preference orders than the expected order on the asterisk machine?
23:25.07[TK]D-Fendershow us your actual network interface
23:26.06resist0rsnadge: have you tried resetting your switch/router?
23:28.11resist0ror maybe fail2ban or similiar is installed on one or both machines and is sensitive and added the other machine to black list?
23:29.57snadgewill check fail2ban
23:29.58xochilpili[TK]D-Fender, << ifconfig
23:31.32xochilpili[TK]D-Fender, i created an extension in Asterisk_A, then when i make an call to my inbound route; i have audio in both directions
23:31.58xochilpilithe issue is when i redirect the call to Asterisk_B
23:35.02[TK]D-FenderYou are talking about 2 * systems
23:35.09[TK]D-Fenderand I don't see 2 sets of debug there
23:35.25[TK]D-FenderAnd you're not telling us what is on the far end of the call
23:35.41[TK]D-FenderYou are loking at HALF the call
23:40.04xochilpili[TK]D-Fender, im trying to connect to server 2
23:40.24xochilpilibut i need to move myself to the office
23:40.41[TK]D-FenderAnd we're not seeing half of the picture
23:41.31[TK]D-Fenderpunches his card on this issue and retires for the evening...
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