IRC log for #asterisk on 20160202

00:26.05*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-adhfwctqzjicnesz)
00:39.59Get_The_Fishdid we just remove pjsip reload from 13.7???
00:47.28WIMPywonders if it's possible to find out if a variable is unset or empty.
00:48.23MaliutaLapWIMPy: in what language?
00:51.33*** join/#asterisk theron (
00:53.08*** join/#asterisk djiboutiii (
00:53.49djiboutiiiAnyone pretty familiar with rtp packets?
00:54.13djiboutiiiWhen I reach my asterisk server by phone, I can see these RTP packets Sent RTP packet to (type 00, seq 063708, ts 092320, len 000160)
00:54.32djiboutiiiHowever, once I forward it to a cell and answer it. I see RTP packets missing the SEQ and TS information
00:54.59djiboutiiiSent RTP P2P packet to (type 00, len 000160)
00:55.02djiboutiiilike that ^^
00:55.16djiboutiiiAny idea why? Hoping there's a clue there as to why I can't get audio on forwarded calls
00:55.28WIMPyThat description is VERY vague. But probably it does somethin else than ISNULL. Let's make a test
00:57.55WIMPyNope. Returns 0 in both cases.
00:58.01MaliutaLapWIMPy: can't say I have seen an ISNULL or ISSET
00:59.15WIMPythinks the "(data)" means it won't make a difference.
00:59.33WIMPyI don't have an ISSET. Where's that hidden?
01:00.07WIMPyNot on the wiki, either.
01:01.58*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
01:12.17MaliutaLapI haven't seen one, not for dialplan
01:36.01*** join/#asterisk TazzNZ (
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10:54.43*** join/#asterisk Draecos (
11:05.57feezyHi all! I have a little problem on a fresh install of asterisk, with very basic configuration, my "extensions.conf" file doesn't seems to be loaded... I have 2 ppers connected, but when i want to call from one to an other, i have thhis error in the console: " Call from 'luffy' ( to extension '11' rejected because extension not found in context 'my_context'". If someone has an idea ? :) Thanks in advance!
11:05.57feezy* I'm on a 13.7.0 version
11:10.38*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
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12:56.59filela la la
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13:07.17*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
13:08.49[TK]D-Fenderfeezy: You'll have to actually show us
13:08.57[TK]D-Fenderfeezy: "dialplan reload" from CLI
13:09.17[TK]D-Fenderfeezy: "ls -la /etc/asterisk"
13:09.37*** join/#asterisk clopez (
13:09.39[TK]D-Fenderfeezy: "cat /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf"
13:09.41infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
13:14.16*** join/#asterisk acidfoo (
13:24.47*** join/#asterisk feezy (~fezzy@
13:25.45*** part/#asterisk feezy (~fezzy@
13:27.13*** join/#asterisk feezy (~fezzy@
13:28.49[TK]D-Fender[08:08][TK]D-Fenderfeezy: You'll have to actually show us
13:28.50[TK]D-Fender[08:08][TK]D-Fenderfeezy: "dialplan reload" from CLI
13:28.52[TK]D-Fender[08:09][TK]D-Fenderfeezy: "ls -la /etc/asterisk"
13:28.53[TK]D-Fender[08:09][TK]D-Fenderfeezy: "cat /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf"
13:28.55infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
13:35.23*** join/#asterisk jhester (jhester@nat/digium/x-vrdhsfezemzblmwt)
13:38.59*** part/#asterisk feezy (~fezzy@
13:46.45*** join/#asterisk feezy (~fezzy@
13:47.50feezyNobody to help me ? :/
13:53.07[TK]D-FenderI answered twice
13:53.17[TK]D-FenderAnd you keep quitting
13:55.00feezySorry... I had connexion problem :/
13:55.56[TK]D-Fender[08:28][TK]D-Fender[08:08][TK]D-Fenderfeezy: You'll have to actually show us
13:55.57[TK]D-Fender[08:28][TK]D-Fender[08:08][TK]D-Fenderfeezy: "dialplan reload" from CLI
13:55.59[TK]D-Fender[08:28][TK]D-Fender[08:09][TK]D-Fenderfeezy: "ls -la /etc/asterisk"
13:56.01[TK]D-Fender[08:28][TK]D-Fender[08:09][TK]D-Fenderfeezy: "cat /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf"
13:56.02infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
13:56.59*** join/#asterisk ertyuio (
14:03.30*** join/#asterisk pawiecki (
14:09.01feezyThanks a lot!! I find out wat was my problem: Since i'm starting from scrash to learn how it works, i didn't loaded the '' module. But now, i have an other problem: All is in the Pastbin:
14:10.45Guggeseems like it cant find kali as a peer, and uses it as a hostname
14:13.40*** join/#asterisk ruied (
14:17.13*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
14:17.40[TK]D-Fenderfeezy: you have [11] , [12] , etc
14:17.55[TK]D-Fenderfeezy: you are dialing a SECTION ENTRY, not a "username"
14:21.17*** join/#asterisk puzzled (~puzzled@2001:982:1097:1:99c7:8398:d70e:a3ea)
14:22.04feezyok, i just modify my sip.conf and change [11] whith [kali] and same for the other, and now: RINGING!!
14:22.19feezyBug error when answer lol, i get closer!
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14:59.09*** join/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-aovezihwajvxeumh)
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15:13.30*** join/#asterisk onebree (d1bf0df7@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
15:14.24onebreeGood day, everyone.
15:15.23onebreeWhat is the PJSIP equivalent of: "sip set debug peer <name>"
15:17.35*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (
15:18.07[TK]D-Fenderpjsip <tab>
15:18.48onebree[TK]D-Fender: thank you.
15:22.02*** join/#asterisk happy-dude (uid62780@gateway/web/
15:22.41onebreeMe and another dev are working on a remote asterisk server. Once we enter "asterisk -r", the colors of the console change. Is there a way to set them to a different scheme?
15:38.02onebreeWhat is +c?
15:38.02*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
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15:40.04[TK]D-Fenderasterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvvvvc
15:41.17onebreeOh, okay, thank you [TK]D-Fender
15:43.09*** join/#asterisk C1ph3r5 (
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15:51.27*** part/#asterisk marceloamorim (
15:51.56ertyuioi was a time working with asterisk
15:52.07ertyuionow video fetaure is that possible on asterisk ?
15:52.55[TK]D-Fenderyrou wording is very broken.
15:53.03[TK]D-FenderPeople have been using video with * for years
15:57.33*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-qcgjctnxkxnqngwo)
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17:03.47ertyuiosince when ?
17:05.10*** join/#asterisk jameswf (~jameswf@unaffiliated/jameswf-home)
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17:07.24[TK]D-FenderPossibly a decade
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17:07.34[TK]D-Fendermaybe more.
17:13.56*** join/#asterisk shido6 (~shido6@
17:14.52shido6am I?
17:14.54[TK]D-Fenderpwns these games....
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18:26.07onebreetest message
18:26.16onebreeGreat, Kiwi has not bugged on me
18:26.24[TK]D-Fendergrades it an "F"
18:40.21Get_The_FishAnyone here have polycom MWI working with PJSIP?
18:44.16Get_The_FishIs everyone still using chan_sip?
18:45.00onebreeGet_The_Fish: We are using chan_sip in production, but testing out pjsip.
18:46.01*** join/#asterisk thiagoc_ (~thiagoc@unaffiliated/thiagoc)
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19:06.49qakhanhi all,
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19:07.38qakhanwhich .ext is good quality and low space of Monitor()
19:07.46qakhangsm or wav?
19:07.57[TK]D-FenderHow big are each of them?
19:07.58*** join/#asterisk seanbrig1t (~sean@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/seanbright)
19:08.12[TK]D-FenderHow do they sound to you?
19:08.24qakhani did not try wav
19:08.36qakhangsm is ok but not good
19:10.11[TK]D-FenderWell go try
19:10.25[TK]D-FenderIt would have taken less time than asking.
19:11.17qakhanbut it is also better to take some suggestion from guru like you ;)
19:11.25[TK]D-FenderUse your own ears
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19:55.49wyoungs/onebree/what are you on about?/
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21:46.49grim_anyone have cisco 7965 connecting to asterisk via tftp? I have a bunch of sccp that I'm converting to sip, but they are failing the validation of the config SEPXXXXXXXXXXXX.cnf.xml
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22:16.13*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
22:23.56*** join/#asterisk Phlunk3 (
22:25.33Phlunk3I have a small issue, hope someone can steer me in the right direction to find a solution... basically when my asterisk server receives a call, it passes it on to my sip client however the calleridnumber is incorrect (it is the number being called) although calleridname has the correct number. Any suggestions as to where I should start looking?
22:26.18*** join/#asterisk theron (~theron@2620:10d:c091:200::9:bfda)
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22:30.39[TK]D-FenderPhlunk3, Show us the complete call with SIP DEBUG enabled
22:30.42infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
22:33.48*** join/#asterisk REdOG (~REdOG@gentoo/user/redog)
22:33.55Phlunk3bit new, this would be done by enabling some debug level in the cli tool and then just watching the output in cli while the call is made?
22:34.16[TK]D-FenderSIP DEBUG and verbose 10
22:37.36Phlunk3hope no passwords in there lol.
22:39.04[TK]D-FenderFrom: "6475711060" <sip:075711060@>;tag=as0f30ef2d
22:39.05[TK]D-FenderTo: <sip:072811176@>
22:39.14[TK]D-Fenderwell we see the call come in from that CID, to that #
22:39.38[TK]D-FenderAnd your OUTGOING call has the SAME #'sFrom: "6475711060" <sip:072811176@>;tag=as6f0a189e
22:39.55[TK]D-FenderSo * is not doing anything to this at all
22:40.26Phlunk3thanks, must be the clients then I guess.
22:40.26*** join/#asterisk mcargile (
22:41.41Phlunk3basically all clients see calleridnumber as the 072811176 and the calleridname as 647571060. I am just very new to this system so not even sure if asterisk was responsible for assigning those vars or if they're being generated in clients :/
22:43.06*** join/#asterisk slav3_sergal (~frankthet@unaffiliated/slav3-kitten/x-0866809)
22:43.24[TK]D-FenderCame in looking like that, went out loking the same
22:44.20*** join/#asterisk cresl1n (~Adium@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
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22:44.22[TK]D-FenderEasy call at least
22:48.30*** join/#asterisk togtog (
22:51.23mcargileTrying to do a WebRTC phone using Asterisk 11 and Chrome keeps complaining about the security on my wss websocket. I have tlsenable=yes in http.conf and valid keys.
22:52.51mcargileFirefox has no issue
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Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.