IRC log for #asterisk on 20160201

00:02.39*** join/#asterisk pjm (
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03:38.21WIMPyThat sounds serious.
04:34.04*** join/#asterisk juned (~juned@
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06:00.07picard276hey guys i was wondering how do i set a custom context for sip SIMPLE messages in chan_pjsip
06:00.43picard276in the normal chan_sip you can do accept_outofcall_message=yes outofcall_message_context=astsms
06:00.56*** join/#asterisk AviiNL (
06:01.19picard276that send all sip SIMPLE messages to that custom context... i just don't know how to do that for chan_pjsip .. any ideas?
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06:09.09picard276any ideas ?
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10:37.10sepikas_antanasHi, I am looking for someone who could give me basic information about using asterisk, anyone that could help me?
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10:43.18sepikas_antanasHi, anyone that could give me some information about asterisk?
10:43.59infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
10:44.47sepikas_antanasI was hoping at first somebody could just tell where to look directly
10:45.26sepikas_antanasI have external software that I need in someay to change data between asterisk
10:45.46wyoungsepikas_antanas: yes, I like it when I get people to do things for me for nothing
10:46.17wyoungsepikas_antanas: or, you can do some reading like the rest of us
10:46.20sepikas_antanaswell im not expecting anybody to do anything for me, just to point me in the right direction
10:46.27wyoungsepikas_antanas: or transfer me some money
10:46.44wyoungsepikas_antanas: read and ask questions
10:46.49wyoungif you dont understand something,, //, etc..
10:47.45wyoungsorry for being blunt / to the point but you are not the first person to ask that
10:48.01wyoungI asked that once and I receved teh same treatment so you will be no exception :)
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12:03.50marceloamorimguys, how could I send a variable when I use app Dial?
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12:04.48marceloamorimmaybe send isn't the correct word, I'm dialing asterisk to another asterisk but I didn't get the callerid from original channel
12:08.14marceloamorimso I will send the callerid as "${ARG1} if I could =)
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13:06.54mubWhat is the highest level of verbosity in the Asterisk CLI? Every time I end up doing asterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
13:07.27mubI grow tired of holding 'v' down
13:19.25wdoekesdepends on the asterisk version. they tried to limit it to 5
13:19.26*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
13:19.57mubRight now mine is set to 1410065408
13:20.01mubBig difference from 1410065407
13:22.40wdoekesin ast13 there are 27 ast_verb messages with 5 or higher, total 1324
13:23.50wdoekesdebug goes up to level 5 and only 16 messages with higher level
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16:27.10c0ldg0ldseem to be having an issue with latest versions of dahdi compiling completely.  I'll go through the same steps I have for years but at the end of it all "service dahdi start" yields a dahdi: unrecognized service
16:28.22[TK]D-FenderThat's just an init script issue at worst
16:28.33c0ldg0ldanyone else seen this?  I've tried running make config again and I've found an older tarball, compiled that, then compiled the new one and I'm good to go on the new version but while I've been experimenting with kickstart installs I've had a lot of experience lately with fresh installs
16:28.48[TK]D-Fendercheck to make sure you've executed the command that actually copies it into place
16:28.51c0ldg0ldthat's what I thought as I cna't see any errors in the actual compile
16:28.55[TK]D-Fenderand do it manually if you have to
16:29.05[TK]D-Fenderthis has nothing to do with compiling it
16:29.16[TK]D-Fenderits a raw copy
16:30.28[TK]D-Fendersh"make config" should do it IIRC
16:30.49[TK]D-FenderBack up any configs you have just in case
16:30.58c0ldg0ldfresh system so no worries there
16:31.04c0ldg0ldwill do some testing.  thanks
16:40.06c0ldg0ldmake -C tools config
16:40.08c0ldg0ldmake[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/dahdi-linux-complete-2.11.0+2.11.0/tools'
16:40.10c0ldg0ldmake[1]: Nothing to be done for `config'.
16:40.20c0ldg0ldthat looks like it's just for the "tools" portion of the complete install
16:40.39[TK]D-FenderI said just "make config"
16:40.42[TK]D-Fendernothing extra
16:41.03c0ldg0ldthe command I typed was "make config" nothing extra.  This is output from the command
16:41.36c0ldg0ldthat's all I've ever done to setup init scripts for both dahdi and Asterisk was a make config after compiling
16:42.29[TK]D-Fenderc0ldg0ldmake -C tools config <- this looked like you did otherwisse
16:42.43[TK]D-FenderCheck the docs again for what's required at that step
16:42.44c0ldg0ldyes I know but that was part of the script.  not something I typed in
16:42.55c0ldg0ldI have. it says the same thing you said
16:43.57c0ldg0ldyou can see the only input I did at the top and then what I pasted in here at the bottom
16:45.53c0ldg0ldthat part may not actually mean anything at all... it might just mean that there's no "config" script for the dahdi tools portion of the "complete" package which would be understandable.  I wouldn't think any of those tools would need to start at boot
16:47.58[TK]D-Fendermake[1]: Nothing to be done for `config'.
16:48.21[TK]D-Fenderfile: / mjordan : any idea on this for him?
16:48.32c0ldg0ldIf you are installing a Digium Digital Card, download and install the latest version of libpri after installing DAHDI. libpri is available for download from:
16:48.54c0ldg0ldfrom the kb, I'd always been told to install libpri first, would this make a diff?  I wouldn't think so...
16:48.57fileI... know nothing of that world...
16:49.21rmudgettInstall DAHDI then libpri then asterisk
16:49.47WIMPyThe order used not to matter. At some point it started to do.
16:50.03c0ldg0ldthis dahdi issue, I've not ever seen and I've been compiling this stuff since 1.4
16:50.34c0ldg0ldI originally assumed (Since I was trying to use CentOS 7) that is was a "not ready for systemd" type thing
16:50.42[TK]D-Fenderc0ldg0ld ... has dahdi issues....
16:50.57c0ldg0ldI've since gone back to 6.x and issue remains with the most recent dahdi
16:51.04[TK]D-FenderCheck the WIIKI for install instructions and commentary
16:53.32mubWe should all have a dahdi_test contest
16:53.49*** join/#asterisk hehol (
16:54.11c0ldg0ldYep, have read all 14 lines in the WIKI about building and installing dahdi.  Had skimmed it at first but just noticed the order thing that  I hadn't before
16:54.30*** join/#asterisk hehol (
16:56.36mubc0ldg0ld: oh, are you trying to 'make config' in the dahdi source folder and it's complaining that there are no init scripts?
16:56.52c0ldg0ldthat's what appears to be happening
16:57.03c0ldg0ldyes I am trying to make config from the src dir
16:57.04mubI've gotten a full vicidial cluster running on centos 7 and I also ran into that
16:57.14mubLet me figure out what I did
16:57.58c0ldg0ldI've gotten it working several times on 7 before but it seems like every new install on 7 I run into new errors either with Ast or one of the support programs I used so I decided to stick with 6.x for now.
17:00.13c0ldg0ldgetting dahdi working has been so trivial in the past that the last few systems I rebuilt I didn't even realize I had an issue until I had everything configured and I tried to start making calls
17:01.48*** join/#asterisk jhester (jhester@nat/digium/x-oigbhrmaxarifqfh)
17:02.52mubc0ldg0ld: see if this works: cp /etc/dahdi/system.conf.sample /etc/dahdi/system.conf && cp /path/to/dahdi-linux-complete/tools/dahdi.init /etc/rc.d/init.d/dahdi
17:03.05mubthen systemctl enable dahdi && systemctl start dahdi
17:03.10mubthen dahdi_test
17:03.46mubI have no idea what I did and I didn't write documentation and I'm terrible at my job
17:04.42mubI'm assuming the make install succeeded in your dahdi src folder, just not the make config
17:05.57c0ldg0ldah, yep that at least attempts to start it up.  Now it's whining about not finding the lib so lemme look back at the install and see why that failed to copy
17:06.22c0ldg0ldI already had a system.conf so I just copied the init script
17:06.38c0ldg0ldand obviously service dahdi start instead of systemctl since I'm back on 6 for this one
17:07.50c0ldg0ldactually running ldconfig fixed the library issue
17:09.00WIMPyWhat installs libraries without running ldconfig?
17:09.15c0ldg0ldyeah that was it... I just didn't know where the stupid init script was in the source to copy it manually.  Thanks for the help.  Would like to figure out why it didn't do it in the make config script still
17:09.45c0ldg0ldWIMPy, some issue with the dahdi tarball I've been pulling down over the last week or so
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17:29.34WIMPySpeaking of dahdi... What are dahdi-tools looking for to find out if dahdi-linux has been installed? Looks like I'm missing something.
17:33.23c0ldg0ldI don't know.  Is there a way to download the packages by themselves anymore?  I haven't seen anything but a complete package for a long time but it would be a lot easier to troublshoot if they were apart
17:33.55WIMPyLast time they were available seperately.
17:34.27WIMPyPoint is that I'm cross comiling dahdi-linux together with linux. I'm trying on a Raspberry Pi...
17:35.16c0ldg0ldit's been quite a while since I did that.  I remember running into a lot of issues and eventually got it workin but this is back around the time of the original pi's
17:35.41c0ldg0ldand come to think of it, I didn't bother with dahdi because I couldn't get an interface card hooked up to rpi!
17:35.51WIMPySo at leas I know it must be possible somehow.
17:36.24WIMPyWell, I give it a try.
17:36.51WIMPyWould be a goo use for that Astribank.
17:37.01c0ldg0ldThat's a good point
17:37.41c0ldg0ldand I have one of those sitting around because I could never seem to get it stable enough (and ran out of time bringing up that system)
17:38.06c0ldg0ldAre they the only ones still doing dahdi over uSB?
17:38.17WIMPySo you have a reason to try as well :-)
17:38.31c0ldg0ldreason, yep.  Time... nope
17:38.36WIMPySangoma seem to have some USB stuff as well.
17:39.40WIMPyAnd tehre are off couse those bog standard USB ISDN dongles. But they just work. No time required for them.
17:40.01c0ldg0ldI have 16 systems ranging from centOS 5.4 and asterisk 1.6.x to centos6.5 and asterisk 11 that I wanna get all standardized on one set of hardware and all up to the same code versions.  This stuff has been built from 2009 till now so you can imagine I learned a few things along the way that didn't always get pushed out to the old boxes
17:40.37*** join/#asterisk DivideBy0 (~DivideBy0@unaffiliated/divideby0x0)
17:40.47c0ldg0ldhavent had any exp with those dongles yet
17:42.34WIMPy"unknown type name 'u32'" samells like a bigger one.
17:42.54*** join/#asterisk theron (~theron@2620:10d:c091:200::f:ac2c)
18:16.22WIMPyAll of a sudden I'm getting "WARNING[6048]: db.c:332 ast_db_put: Couldn't execute statment: SQL logic error or missing database". Does anyone have an idea what's going on there? 'database show' looks normal.
18:25.29*** join/#asterisk nerdcore (
18:26.18nerdcoreI'm having some reliability issues contacting out IAX2 server from our office network. I'm curious if I should use iptables "--set-tos" value of Minimize-Delay or Maximize-Reliability or if this option is even expected to have some benefit?
18:26.38nerdcoreI just set up wondershaper today so am hopeful it has a positive impact on the situation
18:27.17WIMPyDon't know what that is, but tc on outgoing traffic surely helps.
18:27.25nerdcoreit seems our staff fail to receive a lot of calls (answer and no one is there) while the caller is sent directly to voicemail; This problem is very sporradic it seems :(
18:27.27WIMPyUnless it's happening somewhere else.
18:27.42nerdcoreWIMPy: what's tc?
18:28.01WIMPyTraffic Control.
18:29.51nerdcoreI just setup wondershaper today which has already improved my overall ping times, so hoping that alleviates the issues.
18:30.26nerdcoreany general advice on troubleshooting this kind of issue, where empty calls are being received and callers are sent directly to voicemail?
18:30.50nerdcorelike, the phone rings, but the caller is sent to voicemail instead. seems very odd to me and not sure how to fix this
18:31.06WIMPySmells like packet loss.
18:31.25WIMPyVoIP requires a perfect network connection.
18:33.49nerdcorestupid UDP hehe ;)
18:33.51WIMPyDoes anyone have an idea how to fix that database issue?
18:33.55nerdcoreI get it, though.
18:40.08[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: check your astdb file
18:40.28[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: backup any keys you need and if you delete it * will regenerate one.
18:40.36[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: Check perms on it, etc first
18:42.06WIMPyNothing has changed. It happened out of thin air.
18:42.32WIMPyThe database is readable and the disk is not full :-)
18:43.13WIMPyis currently trying to figure how to restore the contents to a fresh db.
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18:46.05*** join/#asterisk waj (
18:49.44wajQuick question: does Asterisk have support for SRV records in pjsip?
18:58.40file13 has support for SRV records, master (what will become 14) has superior support which includes NAPTR and failover
18:58.44WIMPystill wonders what happened there...
19:00.06wajfile: I'm using 13, but I can see it's not requesting SRV records. Just looking for A and AAAA instead.
19:00.35filewhat is the URI you are dialing?
19:02.28wajNo... I'm just setting up a sip trunk. Here is my config:
19:03.17wajAnd when I run `pjsip show identify callcentric` I can see it has the A records, but not the SRV ones
19:04.00wajAnd that seems to lead to random incoming call rejections when the call comes from some of the servers listed as SRV but not A
19:04.46filethe type=identify section does not use SRV at this time
19:05.44fileyou can potentially use the line functionality though, there's a blog post at about it
19:05.55file for the direct link
19:07.10wajfile: Ok, I'll take a look. Thanks for your time! :)
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19:41.40klowHey guys - anyone around? Need some help.  Still working on just getting 2 soft phones working on asterisk 13.7 with pjsip
19:42.00klowI have I think both configurations identical - but calling each other both fails, for different reasons
19:42.19klowI'm getting 488 not acceptable here and call immediately fails calling one direction:
19:42.19klow[Feb  1 11:32:54] DEBUG[9956] pjsip: sip_endpoint.c Processing incoming message: Request msg INVITE/cseq=1 (rdata0x7fcd000045b8)
19:42.19klow[Feb  1 11:32:54] VERBOSE[9956] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Received SIP request (991 bytes) from TCP: --->
19:42.19klowINVITE SIP/2.0
19:42.20klowVia: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bK-524287-1---a814fe4b616c2060;rport
19:42.24klowMax-Forwards: 70
19:42.26klowContact: <sip:6001@;transport=tcp;rinstance=63fac2d5fea4e955>
19:42.28klowTo: <>
19:42.30klowFrom: "Kevin"<>;tag=696c2a5f
19:42.32klowCall-ID: 78939MjlmZGUxOGI0MDBlNzA5NjUyYWY3MjdmNDY3OWEwZTU
19:42.34klowCSeq: 1 INVITE
19:42.35infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
19:42.38klowContent-Type: application/sdp
19:42.40klowSupported: replaces
19:42.42klowUser-Agent: Bria 4 release 4.3.1 stamp 78939
19:42.44klowContent-Length: 384
19:42.48klowo=- 1454355128190927 1 IN IP4
19:42.50klows=Bria 4 release 4.3.1 stamp 78939
19:42.54klowc=IN IP4
19:42.56klowt=0 0
19:42.58klowm=audio 63988 RTP/AVP 9 8 18 120 0 122 101
19:42.59[TK]D-Fenderfile: HAELP
19:43.00klowa=rtpmap:18 G729/8000
19:43.02klowa=fmtp:18 annexb=yes
19:43.04klowa=rtpmap:120 opus/48000/2
19:43.06klowa=fmtp:120 useinbandfec=1; usedtx=1; maxaveragebitrate=64000
19:43.08klowa=rtpmap:122 SILK/16000
19:43.10klowa=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
19:43.12klowa=fmtp:101 0-15
19:43.16klow[Feb  1 11:32:54] DEBUG[9956] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
19:43.18klow[Feb  1 11:32:54] DEBUG[9956] netsock2.c: '' and port '51614'.
19:43.20*** kick/#asterisk [klow!~file@asterisk/developer-and-muffin-lover/file] by file (klow)
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19:43.37klow[Feb  1 11:32:54] DEBUG[19366] pjsip:       endpoint .Response msg 401/INVITE/cseq=1 (tdta0x7fcce0006db0) created
19:43.40klow[Feb  1 11:32:54] DEBUG[19366] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
19:43.42klow[Feb  1 11:32:54] DEBUG[19366] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
19:43.44klow[Feb  1 11:32:54] DEBUG[19366] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
19:43.46fileklow, please stop flooding
19:43.46klow[Feb  1 11:32:54] DEBUG[19366] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
19:43.48klow[Feb  1 11:32:54] DEBUG[19366] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
19:43.50*** kick/#asterisk [klow!~file@asterisk/developer-and-muffin-lover/file] by file (klow)
19:43.54[TK]D-Fenderoccasionally misses being able to take care of those things himself...
19:44.01*** join/#asterisk klow (
19:44.03klowSIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized
19:44.05klowVia: SIP/2.0/TCP;rport=51614;received=;branch=z9hG4bK-524287-1---a814fe4b616c2060
19:44.10klowCall-ID: 78939MjlmZGUxOGI0MDBlNzA5NjUyYWY3MjdmNDY3OWEwZTU
19:44.12klowFrom: "Kevin" <>;tag=696c2a5f
19:44.14klowTo: <>;tag=z9hG4bK-524287-1---a814fe4b616c2060
19:44.16klowCSeq: 1 INVITE
19:44.17*** mode/#asterisk [+b *!*klong@*] by file
19:44.35fileklow, I will unban you in a moment
19:45.10fileklow, in the mean time place your logging in a pastebin such as
19:45.18*** mode/#asterisk [-b *!*klong@*] by file
19:45.19klowMax-Forwards: 70
19:45.23klowContact: <sip:6001@;transport=tcp;rinstance=63fac2d5fea4e955>
19:45.25klowTo: <>
19:45.26*** mode/#asterisk [+b *!*klong@*] by file
19:45.34filewell this is a bit crazy
19:46.55filedo we think it has stopped yet?
19:47.07[TK]D-Fenderin the past minute?  doube it
19:47.44*** mode/#asterisk [-b *!*klong@*] by file
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19:52.08klowdoh. sorry.
19:54.17*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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20:16.51klowbad luck w/ IRC today gah
20:19.11klowOK ..
20:19.28klowanyone mind having a look at this call fail?  I only have 2 soft phones, pjsip ..
20:20.37klowI put my extensions.con and pjsip.conf here
20:42.31*** join/#asterisk newtonr (RustyNewto@nat/digium/x-dwtosfxbpxpbkkgd)
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21:07.05*** join/#asterisk Bordr (
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21:20.36klowCan anyone recommend someone for paid hourly asterisk configuration support , someone who is online and can work with me at a reasonable hourly rate?
21:21.23klowI contacted Digium and was confused about their support offerings, sounds like they offer paid "support" for core modules, but not for configuration help of any kind, which I don't understand exactly
21:21.35klowthey referred me to a local integrator in seattle area, who didn't respond to my emails
21:21.45*** join/#asterisk cresl1n (Adium@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
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21:22.27klowI am a fairly competent linux sysadmin engineer but I need to speed up some of this asterisk related research .. taking days to get simple configurations working i need some help ..
21:22.31*** join/#asterisk newtonr (RustyNewto@nat/digium/x-xdgegigvqwznfdit)
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21:25.14mubklow: Well, no, but I can look at your call logs.
21:25.41klowI'm just trying to get 2 soft phones able to call each other , have been stuck here for about a week.
21:25.50klowdifferent issues when i use TLS vs TCP it seems
21:26.02klowI can't tell if its a nat issue, codec issue, dial plan, pjsip.conf issue ..
21:27.12mubklow: hmm.. lines 152, 171, 181, I've never seen those messages before
21:28.34klowi can't tell if that coming from the endpoint which is being called or from asterisk saying "no"
21:28.58mubklow: Does your carrier conf have 'insecure=port,invite' in there somewhere?
21:29.13mubLet me see your carrier conf (with sensitive data *****'d out)
21:29.21klowi don't have a carrier conf
21:29.26mubOh it's internal
21:29.34*** join/#asterisk Fanch (~fanch@linuxquimper/fanch)
21:29.53WIMPyklow: For debugging SIP traffic, try sngrep. Makes tings easier to read.
21:30.31klowyes, I've only just begun a ground-up SIP configuration pjsip, asterisk 13.7
21:30.54klowinternal calling is my only concern at the moment. just 2 soft phones , Bria for mac and bria for iPhone
21:31.08klowsngrep ok
21:31.21mubklow: And they're both extension 6000?
21:31.31mubOh my bad, I can't read
21:34.40*** join/#asterisk Guest41 (
21:35.04*** join/#asterisk klow (
21:35.18klowdid I miss anything ? can't maintain a connection to freenode every
21:35.40mubklow: nope
21:35.51mubI'm stumped
21:37.40mub[Feb  1 11:32:54] VERBOSE[19366] res_pjsip_logger.c: <--- Transmitting SIP response (551 bytes) to TCP: --->
21:37.42mubSIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized
21:38.31Get_The_FishHello all, I am struggling with Polycom subscriptions and message waiting with PJSIP. I am getting an error message saying that it cant find the AOR of the server.
21:40.14klowmub : ya so INVITE,  unauthorized -  another INVITE - 488 not acceptable
21:40.19klowbut no obvious reason why
21:40.29klowI see this: [Feb  1 11:32:54] DEBUG[19366] res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip.c: No identify sections to match against
21:40.41klowbut but then this : res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c: Retrieved endpoint 6001  , so maybe that isn't the problem
21:41.17Get_The_Fishklow: pastebin the whole thing for me please
21:42.10klowheres my relevant, very very simple conf files
21:44.01Get_The_Fishklow: OK, so I am missing where this INVITE is coming from, this Is this an inbound call from an ITSP?
21:44.39klownope I just have 2 soft phones and I'm sitting here at home
21:44.44klowon on my iPhone and one on my macbook
21:44.50klowand my server is at my data center
21:45.08klowI've only "configured" two extensions, context=internal
21:45.12klownothing outside yet
21:45.41Get_The_Fishklow: Also, NAT. It makes babies cry. So that is the issue. Disable STUN, TURN, ICE or whatever NAT traversal methods that may be enabled in Bria.
21:46.27klowIndeed NAT sucks.  Unfortunately my task here is to set up a PBX for people roaming around god knows where with Bria on their iPhones
21:46.36klowand I have to sort it eventually to deal with NAT as best as humanly possible
21:46.57WIMPylikes NAT
21:47.08Get_The_Fishklow: So since you are on the same LAN, we shouldnt be seeing IP addresses like we see on line 3
21:48.40klowsorry I should clarify - my 2 phones are here on my LAN at home,  my server is collocated .
21:49.03klowmaking it more confusing - my home router is VPN split tunnel, so I can also connect to the LAN ip of the PBX if needed
21:49.04Get_The_Fishklow: yeah ok that changes things quite a bit!
21:49.16klowand I have been switching back and forth in my testing so even I don't know what I did in that call heh
21:50.11Get_The_Fishklow: well that is going to be important. This is most likely going to come down to a NAT/configuration issue.
21:50.59klowOK I'm going to get back on connection from outside with no VPN 1 sec
21:51.18Get_The_Fishklow: and do me a favor and turn the debugger off
21:52.57*** join/#asterisk Fanch (~fanch@linuxquimper/fanch)
21:53.18klowcore set debug off?
21:53.25klowcore set verbose .. ?
21:53.37Get_The_Fishcore set debug off
21:53.49Get_The_Fishcore set verbose 4
21:56.39Get_The_FishHello all, I am struggling with Polycom subscriptions and message waiting with PJSIP. I am getting an error message saying that it cant find the AOR of the server.
21:59.49*** join/#asterisk captain118 (
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22:44.55*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
22:51.02*** join/#asterisk djiboutiii (~chrisp@
22:51.19djiboutiiiHello - I had a question about RTP packets.
22:52.05djiboutiiiI have an asterisk server. When I call it, listen to the menu options (RTP working at this point), and then I dial an extension. The extension is simply forwarding the call to a cell phone.
22:52.15djiboutiiiHowever, there is no audio when the call is done.
22:52.22djiboutiiicall is answered*
22:52.34djiboutiiiThere is no NAT here, it's a public facing machine.
22:52.46djiboutiiiNothing else has changed, this worked for 3 years.
22:52.57djiboutiiiOnly package updates have taken place
22:53.23djiboutiiiWith rtp debug on, I can see packets being sent from asterisk to two IP's
22:53.29djiboutiiiThere are no packets received.
22:53.47djiboutiiiDoes that seem odd to have rtp packets sending to two ip's?
22:54.04newtonrCheck the SDP we sent to the far end to see where we ask them to send audio back
22:54.12newtonrMaybe you are looking at RTP for two different calls
22:54.18djiboutiiiHey, sorry. Lacking in my terminology. What's SDP?
22:55.01djiboutiiiAnd that's a good point about 2 calls, though this is a closed test so it would only be a symptom of my issue
22:56.32djiboutiiinewtonr: If you don't mind, could you tell me how to check SDP?
22:57.26newtonrNope, that sorta goes beyond the discussion here - I'll find an article or guide that explains it though. One minute
22:58.35*** join/#asterisk crocodilehunter (
22:58.47djiboutiiiThat's appropriate. ty
22:59.59newtonrdjiboutiii, Mostly I don't have the time. If I did I'd be glad to dive into SIP and SDP. :)  Pay particular attention to reading about the "c=" parameter within the SDP and how that relates to where the audio streams end up getting sent
23:01.35djiboutiiinewtonr: Oh i wouldn't expect you to dedicate much time. This is perfect, I can hopefully narrow down my issue or at least ask a more targeted question.
23:01.44newtonrdjiboutiii, in addition this article goes into RTP stream analysis with wireshark as well
23:01.59djiboutiiiNice - that's what I've been staring at
23:02.17newtonrYeah if you go that route you'll make a lot of progress
23:03.42newtonrIn the meantime if you pastebin logs of the call  ( then someone may be able to look through that and help
23:04.51djiboutiiiSounds good. I'll take a crack at it first, I have some good logs (using that link) already so this first link you sent is really informative.
23:04.56djiboutiiiAnd ty again.
23:09.31*** join/#asterisk fling (~fling@fsf/member/fling)
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23:17.07djiboutiiinewtonr: Still researching/reading but I did want to answer your original question. Seems like this might be a smoking gun:
23:17.28djiboutiiiProcessing session-level SDP o=Sonus_UAC 11028 31584 IN IP4 OK.
23:17.28djiboutiii[Feb  1 14:29:45] DEBUG[5050][C-00000002] chan_sip.c: Processing session-level SDP s=SIP Media Capabilities... UNSUPPORTED OR FAILED.
23:29.51djiboutiiiWell, I'm stuck again aside from those SDP Unsupported/Failed logs.
23:30.13djiboutiiiHere's a full debug log from a test call I made a moment ago.
23:32.04newtonrPretty normal to see some UNSUPPORTED or FAILED lines in there in the DEBUG
23:32.21newtonrUnsure about in this particular case
23:32.33newtonrYou'll see a lot of stuff in the "DEBUG" lines that looks scary
23:33.36djiboutiiiTrue, a lot of that in there.
23:35.10newtonrLooks like Asterisk is sending RTP to and receiving RTP from that address
23:36.17djiboutiiiInteresting... and odd.
23:38.20djiboutiiiSeems like it communicates with that IP until the forwarded call is dialed and answered. Then talks with that IP again after the call ends
23:57.40*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~Adium@
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