IRC log for #asterisk on 20160126

00:03.28*** join/#asterisk crocodilehunter (
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01:26.53*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-leefzhmwpvbslgif)
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03:24.05*** join/#asterisk denbeiren (
03:24.15denbeirenHi all
03:26.46denbeireni have a mobotix cam (doorstation) and a grandstream phone,.. both are configured so i can look at the cam images trough the phone. I was thinking of setting up a asterisk server, but as i don't know anything about asterisk, i was wondering how it could help me in doing some new and exciting stuff
03:34.10*** join/#asterisk saint_ (~saint_@unaffiliated/saint-/x-0540772)
03:34.25[TK]D-FenderDepends what you find "exciting"
03:36.29[TK]D-FenderSo far I see no standard telephony protocol support on the Mobotix
03:36.58[TK]D-FenderSo unless you can bridge that gap I'm wondering how * will play a role in rbing them together into the mix
03:37.28denbeirenit would come in handy when someone rings the doorbell and i'm not home it would call me on the cell
03:38.00[TK]D-FenderDo you see VoIP support in that unit's manuals somewhere?
03:38.07[TK]D-FenderI haven't found reference to it yet....
03:38.18denbeireni believe there is,.. just a sec
03:38.53*** join/#asterisk ipn (4a6c86f1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:40.38ipncan anyone help me out with a dialplan issue - I am trying to execute "exten => s,n(erase), MYSQL(Query resultid ${connid} DELETE FROM myTable WHERE extension = 101 ) but I am getting the following error in the CLI " app_mysql.c:496 aMYSQL_fetch: aMYSQL_fetch: missing some arguments" and I cannot figure out what arguments it needs. I cannot find any documentation via gogle
03:41.39denbeirenthe dutch version of the site does speak of "ip telephony"
03:42.46*** part/#asterisk ipn (4a6c86f1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:43.20[TK]D-FenderNothing I see on that page...
03:43.47denbeiren  i have this in the settings
03:44.16*** join/#asterisk ipn (4a6c86f1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:44.32ipncan anyone help me out with a dialplan issue - I am trying to execute "exten => s,n(erase), MYSQL(Query resultid ${connid} DELETE FROM myTable WHERE extension = 101 ) but I am getting the following error in the CLI " app_mysql.c:496 aMYSQL_fetch: aMYSQL_fetch: missing some arguments" and I cannot figure out what arguments it needs. I cannot find any documentation via gogle
03:46.13[TK]D-FenderYou mean in a config screen on the unit?
03:46.25[TK]D-FenderBecause I don't see those items on the product page you linked
03:46.43denbeirenit's not that clear on the product page, you're right
03:46.45[TK]D-FenderIf that's on the admin page, then SIP does give you some options probably
03:46.52[TK]D-FenderGo find out what codecs it supports
03:49.13[TK]D-FenderLooks pretty standard so far.  So ... it's a phone... and can do video.
03:49.46denbeirenand motion detection, and it has a "bellbutton"
03:50.36denbeirenso i can probably get it configured to call a cellphonenr when the doorbell is pushed
03:51.24denbeirenthen the question remains,.. what will a asterisk install give me "more" than what this mobotix does already?
03:59.34*** join/#asterisk captain118 (
04:20.17[TK]D-FenderDon't know what it offers.
04:20.24[TK]D-Fenderbasically you need to realize what * is
04:20.32[TK]D-FenderWhich is a telephony engine.
04:20.38*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (~quassel@
04:21.00[TK]D-FenderTis means video greetings, IVR's, voicemail, call hunting, anything you can put your mind to, including bridging to your phones
04:22.50denbeireni have a * running as a vm,.. and pbx as its gui,..
04:23.16denbeirendo you have advice on where to start reading or for a n00b tutorial?
04:23.18*** join/#asterisk nanoha-sama (
04:39.13*** join/#asterisk jimi_ (~jimi@unaffiliated/tuxguy)
04:40.09jimi_I have a dumb idea I think. I want to install asterisk on a pc in a closet and use it as an internal only sip server. I have two small kids 6 and 10, and a finance living in the house. I have wall mounted iPads in each room that we use for home automation, recipes, etc.... I would like to install an IOS sip client on them as well and use them for paging/intercomming. Thoughts?
04:43.48*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (~nobusines@unaffiliated/maliuta)
04:47.30infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
04:47.34[TK]D-Fenderdenbeiren, ^
04:47.45[TK]D-FenderAnd the official WIKI
04:48.06denbeirenok,.. i'll have a look at that one
04:48.15[TK]D-Fenderjimi_, sounds liek it'll all work so far...
04:49.07jimi_[TK]D-Fender, Thanks. just wanted to make sure I wasn't heading down the wrong path.
04:55.44*** join/#asterisk Lope (~Lope@
04:56.35LopeI'm going to finish my asterisk setup today. All the basics are done. The last thing I need to do is setup some variables and gotos
04:59.56*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (nikolai@unaffiliated/maliuta)
05:00.17LopeBasically I want to check if the extension is in use. If it's busy and did-you-know-1 has not been played, then play did-you-know-1. then go back to checking if the extension is busy. Then after that fall through to did-you-know-2 and so on.
05:09.02[TK]D-FenderSo far sounds like you want a queue....
05:09.25[TK]D-FenderWhich eliminates all of that work
05:13.22Lopeoh cool
05:13.30jimi_kicks himself for trying to use prebuilt packages and just installs from source
05:13.33LopeThanks, will look that up.
05:14.02LopeIs there an if statement I can use, instead of GotoIf?
05:14.39Lopelike normal C/Basic style. If (condition) {do stuff};
05:15.12Lope(eh, that's not valid C or basic, but you get the idea :))
05:15.46Kunsijimi_: keep in mind iOS terminates non-foreground apps after some time (i think 10 minutes)
05:16.31jimi_Kunsi, Ah, you are correct. Didn't think about that. I might have to whip up something in Xcode and use diawi to distribute it ... unless maybe there is an existing Sip client that can handle that
05:17.55jimi_Kunsi, or if that fails, just grab some cheap GrandSucks and set them to auto answer in the kids rooms :P
05:18.40[TK]D-FenderGotoIf is it for the straight conditionals.  There is als While()
05:19.12LopeOh great, while sounds perfect.
05:19.21LopeThere's also ExecIf
05:20.33LopeHas anyone got a sublime syntax highlighting file for extensions.conf?
05:20.43[TK]D-FenderGood if you are making a single thing conditional
05:20.58[TK]D-FenderI'm sure Google would ahve that answer faster than us
05:21.19LopeJust thought you guys would have some good solution since you do this all the time.
05:21.22Kunsivim does a good job, Lope
05:23.21LopeNice. Found something :)
05:23.30LopeKunsi: thanks, but I've not learned VIM yet.
05:23.52LopeAh, it's so much easier to read with highlighting.
05:25.35jimi_ha, it took me longer to install asterisk via apt-get than to build from source right now \o/
05:26.30Lopejimi lucky you. It took me half an afternoon to build. But that's cos it was quite a hassle figuring out all the components I needed to have installed and which build scripts to run etc before building to get the features I wanted.
05:26.54LopeThe actual build was fairly quick though. Even on a single core cheapest digitalocean instance.
05:28.17jimi_all i did was literally wget <url>, tar zxfv asterisk-something.tar.gz, cd asterisk*, ./configure    apt-get install libxml-dev (curses-dev...etc)  make, make install
05:28.38Lopeyeah I also installed pjsip and loads of other stuff.
05:29.00LopeMy asterisk is pimped to the max. It's got the 20" rims, hydraulics and a mp3 sound system.
05:30.15jimi_oh god
05:30.32jimi_[TK]D-Fender, Kunsi thanks for the help/feedback
05:30.59jimi_Im gonna head to bed (just got out of hospital w/ pneumonia yesterday) and no patience to read this other bullshit
05:31.04*** part/#asterisk jimi_ (~jimi@unaffiliated/tuxguy)
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08:03.18snadgehappy australia day :D
08:13.19LopeHappy day bro
08:13.44LopeDoes anyone have an example of an Asterisk queue? I found this but parts are outdated. (example 1)
08:16.26*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (~pchero@
08:16.34LopeIt sounds like Application_BackGround will play my choice of sound files instead of just making the ringing sound, while the extension is ringing
08:20.00LopeHow is Example 3? decent or outdated?
08:21.00*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
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08:28.39LopeWhat do I do with my priorities with relation to While loops?
08:31.58LopeHere's my use case. I'm using ; instead of newline so I don't flood the channel. exten => 12345,1,NoOp(); same => n,Answer(); same => n,While(); same => n,Blah(); same => n,Blah2(); same => n,EndWhile; same => n,SomethingAfterTheLoop()
08:32.42LopeAs you can see I've got n outside the loop flowing to n inside the loop, flowing to n outside the loop again. It seems to me like it should be fine.
08:32.58LopeBecause n is just next, regardless of what has executed before.
08:44.29*** join/#asterisk AviiNL (~AviiNL@
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08:46.48wdoekesLope: those 'n's are translated to numbers when parsing the dialplan, so the above is as if you had written 2,Answer....6,EndWhile...
08:47.11LopeOh I see, then that means there will be missing numbers?
08:47.48LopeWhat should I use instead of n?
08:57.21*** join/#asterisk slav3_sergal (~frankthet@unaffiliated/slav3-kitten/x-0866809)
09:00.52wdoekeshuh? no.. afaict, what you're doing is fine. I don't know how the while/endwhile works, but your priorities should be (and are): 1 n n n n ...
09:01.06wdoekes(which is translated to: 1 2 3 4 5 ...)
09:01.16wdoekessee 'dialplan show YOUR_CONTEXT_NAME'
09:02.25Lopeokay thanks
09:02.37LopeI'm trying to setup a queue with agents.
09:02.47LopeHow do agents translate to my chan_sip members?
09:03.40*** join/#asterisk karelk (
09:05.33Lopebefore, when I didn't have a queue. I just used Dial(SIP/bob)
09:06.34LopeNow the examples I've seen. In queues.conf you have [myqueuename]; member => Agent/1234
09:07.13LopeI'm unfamiliar with this Agent/#### syntax. Could I use Agent/bob ?
09:07.37Lopeor Agent/SIP/bob? Doesn't look right.
09:18.52*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
09:24.36LopeThen in agents.conf I've got [agents]; ackcall=no; agent => 1234,0000,Agent1_Name;
09:33.42*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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09:42.39snadgeim trying to convert from using exten => h to a hangup handler.. and im having a bad time with it
09:42.46wdoekesLope: do you need agents? you can just add member=>SIP/bob
09:43.20snadgemy extensions.conf has heaps of sections in it.. and i just want to make a global hangup handler.. but im seeing an error:
09:43.23snadge[Jan 26 19:23:20] ERROR[28962][C-00000004]: app_stack.c:594 gosub_exec: Attempt to reach a non-existent destination for Gosub: (Context:handler, Extension:s, Priority:1)
09:44.19wdoekessnadge: how is that message not self-explanatory?
09:44.33snadgebut the destination exists
09:44.39snadgeim just trying to follow the example in the documentation
09:44.56wdoekes'dialplan show handler'
09:45.39snadge[ Context 'handler' created by 'pbx_config' ]
09:45.44snadgein 1 context
09:46.20wdoekesdo you see an s => 1 ?
09:47.28snadgewell.. i have a same => s,1,NoOp() as the first line in that handler
09:47.35snadgewhich is probably wrong.. but im just following what im seeing here:
09:49.12wdoekessame => s,1,... is wrong
09:49.17wdoekesexten => s,1,Bla()
09:49.38wdoekesyou should see an error/warning if you 'dialplan reload'
09:49.49wdoekesif you don't, you should fix your logger.conf
09:50.04Lopewdoekes: thanks!
09:50.47snadgeyeah i've implied the meaning of same .. our current dialplan doesn't use it.. i see the error now.. its just scrolled off the screen
09:52.05*** join/#asterisk sekil (
09:54.08wdoekesin the future: try to read all errors/notice/warnings. only ignore any if you're 100% sure you can
09:54.11wdoekeswiki is fixed
09:57.38snadgenow im just trying to figure out the best place to put this hangup handler
09:57.51snadgewe have lots of contexts.. default throws an error.. global makes it think its a global variable
10:15.05*** join/#asterisk sparetire (~sparetire@unaffiliated/sparetire)
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10:23.36snadgetempted to just pay someone to do it
10:25.21snadgeim seeing the same behaviour from the hangup handler as i am from exten => h anyway.. incorrect disposition, incorrect destination number etc
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10:36.37snadgeits like beating my head against a brick wall.. except more painful, and less satisfying
10:39.16snadgethats my opinion of asterisk 13.. if i paid for this software, i'd be pissed off ;)
10:51.44*** join/#asterisk sekil (
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10:53.51wdoekessnadge: cdrs are unfortunately very unsatisfying
10:54.08wdoekesdid you try the endbeforehexten option?
11:09.15snadgei did.. and fortunately im starting to find some success.. i think i still have my hangup context in the wrong place, but im seeing much more encouraging results now
11:09.52snadgei've just billed a test call correctly..
11:20.59snadgeoh wow.. setting endbeforehexten to no explicitly (the old default) .. creates 2 cdrs.. both with different missing information
11:21.53snadgei basically just wanted to a) switch to a more modern maintained base to extend its shelf life.. b) get a threaded chan_sip driver that was introduced in v12
11:22.21snadgebut the cdr stuff has been completely fucked over.. with no option to change it back the way it was.. (ie.. not fundamentally broken)
11:22.59snadgeawesome ;)
11:23.59wdoekessarcasm is generally served best in small portions
11:25.04snadgetheres always a bright side to everything i guess.. if i leave things alone.. (ie, what we use in production).. then nothing is broken and life goes on
11:25.27snadgeim just having a sook, because something i thought that should be relatively easy.. isn't
11:26.07snadgei can only suggest perhaps delaying the EOL of asterisk 11.. until some of these CDR "issues" have been sorted out
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11:58.05snadgehmm.. i have some more data.. it looks like it is writing the wrong cdr
11:59.28snadge0x7f0190000b28 - Dispatching CDR for Party A SIP/someprovider_nn2-00000003, Party B <none>
12:00.24snadgein the database i can see a cdr with dstchannel set to SIP/someprovider_nn2-00000003
12:00.43snadgeexcept my hangup code does some additional processing.. then i see in the logs
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12:01.50snadge0x7f0190007f98 - Dispatching CDR for Party A SIP/myuserid-00000002, Party B SIP/someprovider_nn2-00000003
12:04.51snadgeso i guess i need to find a way to set the hangup handler for the call that ends up creating a cdr.. ie.. the last leg, and not the one prior to that
12:08.05Guggesnadge: are you looking for the endbeforehexten option in cdr.conf ?
12:12.21snadgewell.. it doesn't seem to help me.. if i change it from the default in v13 of yes.. to no.. then i get 2 cdrs for one call
12:13.48snadgethe docs for hangup handlers say "Hangup handlers can also be attached to any call leg because of pre-dial routines." .. but no example of that
12:20.24snadge .. google pulls up this though.. so i'll try setting the hangup handler from a pre dial routine
12:21.09snadgeseems like an awful lot of faffing about though, just to do some work after a call has finished
12:35.39*** join/#asterisk ipn (d8bb0020@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
12:35.50filefor your comment about CDRs there's an entire specification now for them detailing how they work - if you are seeing behavior that doesn't match that, then it's a bug and you should check the issue tracker for an existing one and if it does not exist then create one with the exact details to reproduce
12:35.54filethe wiki page is at
12:35.56ipncan anyone help me out with a dialplan issue - I am trying to execute "exten => s,n(erase), MYSQL(Query resultid ${connid} DELETE FROM myTable WHERE extension = 101 ) but I am getting the following error in the CLI " app_mysql.c:496 aMYSQL_fetch: aMYSQL_fetch: missing some arguments" and I cannot figure out what arguments it needs. I cannot find any documentation via google
12:36.54*** join/#asterisk defsdoor_ (
12:42.13snadgethanks file.. im reviewing that document now.. i added the hangup handler to a pre-dial routine and got lulworthy results.. my script was trying to add upstream peer details to the cdr (and failing of course because its already finalised at that point apparently)
12:43.02filemjordan recently added the ability to modify CDRs some as part of a blog post series for fixing an issue, it has not yet hit a release
12:43.36fileah sorry, that was for getting billsec data
12:45.58snadgewe're just adding some custom fields to them.. and writing to writeable fields.. eg userfield
12:46.14snadgethen it goes into a cdrdb.. mysql
12:46.35snadgepreviously you could just do that in the hangup context .. or hangup handler.. they appear to be roughly equivalent
12:47.45snadgebut obviously in asterisk 12.. the cdrs have been split because of the new bridging, in a nutshell.. the cdrs are now missing the custom fields.. and sometimes userfield is not being updated, presumably because it happens after the cdr is inserted.. or to the "wrong" cdr
12:49.47*** join/#asterisk bof22 (~Thunderbi@
12:53.06wdoekessnadge: did you try to add the upstream peer details into the userfield from a post-answer Dial handler?
12:53.38wdoekesDial option U() iirc
12:54.27snadgethe userfield just has the cost of the call in it.. or is supposed to anyway, if its a billable call.. or NOANSWER or a few other things
12:54.39snadgebut its just ending up with the default value
12:59.16snadgestrange.. its dispatching the cdr after setting the custom variables.. but they're missing from the cdr
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13:16.39ipnso I am assuming my error was simply because I was doing a fetch on a DELETE command. I was hoping for a validation method but the documentation sucks
13:19.17snadgethis cdr spec is making my head explode.. and i dont understand why i need to know about it.. if theres just one a party and one b party
13:19.38snadgeif thats the case.. then it should behave the way it always has.. create one cdr, with all the relevant information in it :|
13:19.54snadgeits not fucking rocket science
13:21.55snadgeapparently it cant even get the simplest case right.. how am i supposed to have any faith in anything even remotely complicated ;)
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14:19.44LopeI want to say something like If you want to leave a message, press 9
14:19.55LopeWhat's the function to check if they press 9?
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14:25.03ipnexten => s,n,Read(password,enter-your-pin,5) -> this is what I am using for a pin check. not sure if it is exactly what you are looking for but you can extrapolate. There is also the Background() function
14:26.36[TK]D-FenderYou normally never run a Background without a WaitExten() following it
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14:35.03snadgehas the threaded chan_sip driver been backported to asterisk 11?
14:35.30[TK]D-FenderGenerally things don't get backported
14:35.43[TK]D-Fenderand chan_sip is in "slow death mode" I wouldn't hold my breath
14:37.07wdoekesthreaded chan_sip driver? I don't think much has changed between 11 and 13 in chan_sip
14:37.13wdoekesdo you mean chan_pjsip?
14:37.19snadgei haven't looked into it that far but i've been told threaded chan_sip was introduced in v12
14:37.25[TK]D-Fenderwdoekes: Clearly not
14:37.48snadgeim presuming that the realtime db doesn't work with pjsip
14:38.07[TK]D-Fendersnadge: because?
14:38.36snadgebecause that would make things too easy.. and that's just not possible ;)
14:38.48*** join/#asterisk goddva (~goddva@2a02:fe0:c510:e300:ae9e:17ff:fe91:a8c9)
14:38.59[TK]D-FenderYou mean like this link I got as the FIRST RESULT of a simple google search?
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14:39.37onebreeHello, all
14:43.09snadgethe idea of switching to pjsip is entertaining and all.. but when you have a billing system, and web interface which manages an existing realtime db with chan_sip
14:45.42onebreeSpeaking of pjsip, we are moving to it with our transition to Asterisk 13.
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14:46.36onebreeI was tasked to work on video webrtc with *13, however, that was with the chan_sip driver. Looking at the settings in pjsip.conf, I do not see things for videosupport, say.
14:48.03[TK]D-Fenderhave you tried just allowing the codecs?
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14:50.08onebreeI have not tried yet, as we are still in the process of converting. (We are doing realtime lookups with mysql)
14:50.27onebreeI was just wondering if there was a direct config in pjsip for sip/videosupport
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14:51.30[TK]D-Fendermaybe you're reading too much into it
14:51.38LopeWhen you do something like this: Read(choice|1) does the pipe mean that the 2nd option is omitted?
14:51.54[TK]D-FenderYou should not be using a pipe in your dialplan at all
14:52.07Lopeokay, so how can I omit option 2?
14:52.29LopeI mean parameter 2. Hows that ^
14:52.35onebreeLope: correct.
14:52.42Lopeok, thanks.
14:52.57onebreeit will take the default value for param 2 (which may be null, depending on the app)
14:53.34onebree[TK]D-Fender: Okay, I will try enabling the codecs I need, once I insert the users into the db
14:55.31onebreeLope: I read somewhere that pipes COULD be used to delineate params, but it is more common, and preferred, to use commas.
14:58.17[TK]D-FenderThat died in 1.4 almost a DECADE ago.
14:58.22wdoekesin the olden days, it read: Read|choice||1, now you should write Read(choice,,1)
15:01.05onebreeThat's where I read it from then -- the first asterisk guide book (only one we have in the office), v1.2
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15:01.18LopeLooks like read has changed, or the site is outdated.
15:01.41LopeOh yeah, they use the pipes,
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15:02.42LopeAnyway I'm using Read(choice,,1,,1,7) meaning: variable choice, no files, limit 1 digit, no options, limit 1 attempt, 7 sec timeout.
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15:03.54onebreeLope: I have learned the hard way -- just stop using the site. It became popular because Asterisk did not have as well of a wiki as they do now.
15:04.01[TK]D-Fendervoi-info is decreptic crap ...
15:04.13[TK]D-FenderAlways read the isntructions from CLI <-
15:04.30[TK]D-Fender"core show application read"
15:04.38LopeTKD ok
15:05.52keithfhave you guys ever dealt with sieze failed when trying to make a 10 or 4 digit outbound call
15:07.13LopeWhere can I get descriptions of QUEUESTATUS Basically I want to detect that something went wrong and they were unable to speak to a consultant?
15:08.19[TK]D-Fenderkeithf: No.  Just show us your failed call
15:08.47[TK]D-FenderLope: What could go "wrong"?
15:10.10Lopewell I don't know what JOINEMPTY but it doesn't sound good. Leave empty might be good or bad, I don't know what it means. They left the queue because it was empty of consultants, and nobody could help them. Or someone helped them and the queue is empty because there are no more customers waiting?
15:10.30LopeJOINUNAVAIL: no idea, but sounds bad.
15:10.40LopeLEAVEUNAVAIL: ^
15:10.43keithf[TK]D-Fender: When greping for the extension he says hes getting seize failed but im not seeing his attempt hit the pbx at all
15:10.59keithfi see inbound calls to his extension
15:11.07[TK]D-Fender"core show application queue" <- read what it spits out
15:11.17LopeCONTINUE: Sounds good.
15:11.47[TK]D-Fenderkeithf: Show us the call
15:11.57keithfoutbound ?.
15:12.11keithfwish i could i dont see it when he tries i think its some kind of network issue
15:12.24keithfi can see when i call him but when he dials my extension there is nothing generated
15:12.25keithfat all
15:12.47ipnwhen you call does his phone ring?
15:13.00keithfhis phone rings he can receive inbound calls
15:13.07keithfbut soon as he tries to dial either 4 or 10 digit
15:13.12keithfjust gets seize failed
15:13.25keithfand i dont see any attempt generated on the pbx
15:13.26[TK]D-FenderAre we going to get some confirmation about what is being used?
15:13.40keithfcan you clarify ?
15:13.47[TK]D-FenderYou also are telling us what you're looking at.
15:13.52keithfim still new trying to figure this all out so i apologize in advance
15:13.59keithfim in the asterisk cli
15:14.09keithfi did the following asterisk -vvvvvr |grep 4027
15:14.21[TK]D-FenderYes, and there are a base of 5 completely different kinds fo debug.
15:14.26keithfand i can see when he gets a queue call and i can see his direct ext calls
15:14.34[TK]D-Fenderverbose assumes that call is getting ACCEPTED in the first place
15:14.36keithfahh ok
15:14.39[TK]D-FenderDoesn't mean the attempt doesn't arrive
15:14.52[TK]D-FenderWhat kind of PHONE are you even talking about?
15:14.53keithfmaybe thats why im not seeing the attempt im looking at the wrong place
15:15.00keithfaastra 6757i
15:15.10[TK]D-FenderAsterisk speaks a TON of completely different techs & protocols
15:15.20[TK]D-FenderWhat ver of *?
15:15.35[TK]D-Fender"sip set debug on" <-
15:15.47[TK]D-FenderIf you aren't loking at sip debug ... you aren't really looking
15:15.57[TK]D-FenderGo enable it an look for actual packets coming in
15:16.06keithfthat changes the cli
15:16.09Lopeonebree: thanks!
15:16.17keithfa lot of extra stuff and this is a VERY busy PBX
15:16.53LopeTKD: core show application queue did not describe the QUEUESTATUS values.
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15:17.20LopeBut onebree's link answered my questions.
15:18.29[TK]D-FenderLopeTKD: core show application queue did not describe the QUEUESTATUS values. <- Oh yes it does...
15:18.47LopeTKD: it lists them but does not describe them.
15:19.25[TK]D-FenderLope: The words are pretty obvious for just about all of them
15:20.16LopeJust about != all :p
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15:21.10[TK]D-FenderTIMEOUT <- no answer and your limit came up. FULL <- Too many people already in the queue.  JOINEMPTY <- No callable members.    LEAVEEMPTY <- Last member left.    JOINUNAVAIL <- no FREE agents.    LEAVEUNAVAIL <- last Zfree one just left     CONTINUE <- only one that isn't just about 100% obvious
15:21.17[TK]D-FenderBut if you want to nit-pick...
15:21.31infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
15:21.32[TK]D-Fenderkeithf: ^^^
15:22.37LopeTKD thanks, will save those. I'm new to queues etc.
15:26.02LopePreviously, before I used a queue. I was using MixMonitor to setup the call recording, and I was using StopMixMonitor() after Dial() finished. Now that I'll be using a queue with MixMonitor enabled for the queue I guess the queue will call StopMixMonitor on it's own when the queue exits?
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15:26.27Lopewhen the caller exits the queue I mean.
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15:30.11[TK]D-FenderYou should really go read the queue config sample.
15:30.22[TK]D-FenderAnd you shouldn't have to call for monitor to stop
15:30.27keithfhope that was enough info to get some kind of idea whats going on
15:30.38[TK]D-FenderTypcailly you only want to record a n actual conversation... which means a BRIDGED call.
15:30.41[TK]D-FenderAnd there are options for that
15:30.45Lopedo you mean the default queue.conf?
15:31.09[TK]D-FenderAnd Iunless you are providing special options Dial = the end of a call because if you talk, ending that call normally kills the channel
15:31.15[TK]D-FenderLope: the SAMPLE.
15:31.22[TK]D-FenderThere is no such thing as "default"
15:32.26Lopeokay. Well as far as I can tell there's no connectivity difference between me using Dial(SIP/bob) and having a queue with a member => SIP/bob
15:32.59LopeBoth would be bridged MixMonitor?
15:33.47[TK]D-Fender"core show application mixmonitor" <-
15:33.58[TK]D-Fender[10:30][TK]D-FenderAnd there are options for that
15:34.48stefan27After setting outofcall_message_context = messages in sip.conf, then when an (unregistered) sip friend sends a SIP Message (out of dialog) asterisk creates something called "Message/ast_msg_queue" which executes dialplan in the context 'messages'. Can I from that context extract the SOURCE IP of the received sip message?
15:36.14LopeTKD: thanks
15:37.06LopePreviously I was using DEVICE_STATE to see if my extension was busy. Now I need to replace that with a check to see if my queue is busy. I googled "asterisk queue state" but didn't find anything.
15:38.18LopeQUEUE_MEMBER_COUNT should do it?
15:39.14LopeSorry I shouldn't have said busy.
15:39.40LopeBasically not BUSY and not NOT_INUSE..
15:40.53LopeI've not made my last question clear. NVM it should be ok.
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15:51.30mjordanLope: there are specific device states for queues that you can query using the same dialplan function
15:52.00mjordanFor queues, it should be "Queue:(name)_avail" if at least one member is available in the queue
15:52.59mjordanFor the paused status of a queue member in a particular queue, it is "Queue:(queue_name)_pause_(member_name)"
15:53.10Lopemjordan: thanks. Basically I want to use QUEUE_MEMBER_COUNT to determine whether to tell the caller that nobody is online and tell them how to send an email or offer them to leave a voice mail.
15:53.33mjordanLope: if the Queue is unavailable, that would be the same thing
15:53.54mjordanusing the Queue:(name)_avail device state, that is
15:54.08mjordanthe Queue:(name) device state just tells you if someone is waiting in the queue or not
15:54.13Lopesame => n,GotoIf($["${QUEUE_MEMBER_COUNT(myqueue)} != 0]?enterqueue)
15:54.20mjordanor that :-)
15:55.40LopeDoes Avail mean BUSY || NOT_INUSE ?
15:55.43[TK]D-FenderReconsider your use of a queue
15:55.58[TK]D-Fenderbeacuse only allowing one... sounds pointless. might as well be a straight dial
15:56.17LopeI intend to add more members though.
15:56.21LopeIt's a startup :p
15:56.23[TK]D-Fenderyou said you would redial if they were busy
15:56.38[TK]D-Fenderbut leaving the queue ... or deciding not to even go in is completely contradictory
15:58.05mjordanLope: It's a lot trickier than that. It means that the configuration of the channel driver has told us that the device that maps to that device state (which in turn maps to a Queue member) has told us that they can have another channel.
15:58.21LopeI think there's been a misunderstanding. GotoIf($["${QUEUE_MEMBER_COUNT(myqueue)} != 0]?enterqueue) this allows the caller into the queue if there are any members online. BUSY or NOT_INUSE. If there are no members online, I provide the email address and offer them to leave a voicemail.
15:58.22mjordanLope: Generally, that means they don't have a channel going to their device.
15:58.32mjordanBut you can have configurations where a SIP device can have multiple channels.
15:59.20Lopemjordan: oh, well my SIP devices are all softphones, and can only take 1 channel.
16:03.56[TK]D-FenderGotoIf($["${QUEUE_MEMBER_COUNT(myqueue)} != 0]?enterqueue) <- joinempty=no
16:04.06[TK]D-Fenderthis was a single SETTING, not something you have to select in dialplan
16:05.15LopeTKD: Even though I'll only need to add more than 1 member to the queue later, I opted for a queue right now for a number of benefits. 1: if I'm busy, the caller can listen to music briefly and I can still take the call if they wait. 2. I can have my PC and smartphone ring at the same time. 3. I can get someone else to answer the phone I don't have to change the config when they start and stop working. If they're offline or don't answer for some reason I can s
16:05.15Lopetill answer the call.
16:06.04LopeTKD Oh I see what you're saying. It would be better to rather let the queue give me an error message.
16:06.24LopeBecause there might be members in the queue when I send the caller in, but of all the members leave I need to handle the caller the same way.
16:07.44LopeOh... there was a good reason for checking before sending them into the queue.
16:08.22LopeI play a msg saying "Please wait while we transfer you to sales. All our calls are recorded"
16:08.38LopeI don't want to play that msg if the queue has no members and is going to fail immediately.
16:10.45[TK]D-FenderNot  bad idea then
16:13.43Lopeok. Is this a good way to terminate my dialplan after the queue? same => n,ExecIf($[${CHANNEL(QUEUESTATUS)} = "CONTINUE"]?Hangup())
16:14.16Lopeoh NVM I want to play the bye sound.
16:15.00LopeGotoIf($[${CHANNEL(QUEUESTATUS)} = "CONTINUE"]?bye)
16:15.43LopeThanks for all the help!!! I'm gonna test the queue tomorrow :)
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16:16.50[TK]D-FenderLope: IIRC Continue is when the caller got ANSWERD and you told it to continue even after they hang up.
16:17.30LopeOkay, yeah I need to tweak the queue options tomorrow.
16:17.38LopeNight night
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18:29.50dan_jHi. Any idea how I can end up with two CDR entries for one channel? I'm not using forkcdr or anything
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18:41.26onebreeI am looking between pjsip.conf and sip.conf, looking to see which sip vars can be reused. But I cannot find the PJSIP versions of the following vars:
18:43.05onebree(creating list)
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18:58.23[TK]D-Fenderlimitonpeer=yes <- clearly not required and is in the aor
18:58.24[TK]D-Fendervideosupport=yes <- didn't I already tell you this probably is meaningless and to just check the codecs?
18:58.26[TK]D-Fendernotifyringing=yes <- checked what the normal notify's go out like?
18:58.37[TK]D-Fenderallowguest=no <- there is already a sample for unauthed calls
18:59.05[TK]D-Fenderhost=dynamic <- of course this is in there
18:59.24[TK]D-Fenderread the guide and sample configs again
19:00.57onebree[TK]D-Fender: thank you. All I did was copy/paste the config options to a gist.
19:01.18onebreeDid not mean to ask about videosupport again.
19:01.35onebreeI am reading the sample configs again, seeing where I missed things
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20:14.48saint_hey all - can someone explain to me why would a 180 RINGING would have a MESSAGE HEADER in it, and another one won't ? Is there something that trigger this part of the SIP message  ?
20:35.54jameswfdoes dahdi support the clone cards?
20:38.05[TK]D-FenderIf they are proper clones
20:42.44saint_never mind, i found my issue. now... i have 2 sip devices calling in. one gets ring back tone, and the other does not. the SIP server generates the ring back tone, right ? The messages look identical in wiresharkk.
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22:36.13snadgei believe i have enough information now to submit a bug for asterisk 12/13 CDR handling
22:36.35snadgei expect it to be closed as "wontfix" or "by design" .. which is why im going to have to put some effort into it, and have it reviewed etc, before submission
22:37.10snadgethe wording of the new specification contains an admission that its broken by design
22:37.59snadgebut my interpretation of the spec suggests that the behaviour i'm seeing, is incorrect
22:38.04snadgehence bug report
22:39.18snadgeeven if the problem is discovered and fixed though.. it would mean the fix goes into bleeding edge current version.. oh well
22:40.41snadgei will provide configuration examples, brief but accurate description of the problem.. and refer to the spec for what i believe to be the correct behaviour, and what actually happens instead
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23:02.14klowHello, looking for help.  I have just 2 soft phones register to asterisk 13.7 (pjsip) . They show registered and pjsip show endpoints lists them.  When I try to call one to the other the call does not ring and says no answer in the log.  Would someone mind taking a look at my pjsip debug log?
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23:47.14varesaHi. I'm having issues with setting up chan_dongle
23:47.47varesachan_dongle.c:223 opentty: unable to open /dev/ttyUSB2: Permission denied
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23:48.30varesattyUSB2 is owned by root:dialout, asterisk is member of dialout. I can even su -c asterisk
23:48.46varesasu -c "screen /dev/ttyUSB2" asterisk
23:48.56varesaDoes chan_dongle run as some other user?
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