IRC log for #asterisk on 20160114

00:03.17*** join/#asterisk O47m341 (
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00:24.47*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-bawggorgvdcapmti)
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00:48.16*** join/#asterisk Docfxit (~Docfxit@
00:52.49DocfxitCan I get any help here for FreePBX?
00:59.20*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
01:21.07*** join/#asterisk coppice (
01:31.50snadgewould it greatly upset anyone if i asked a question relating to asterisk 1.6?
01:32.05snadgei know [TK]D-Fender has been around for a while.. i might need to consult the wise elders on this ;)
01:32.57snadgewe actually have plans to move to asterisk 11.. but some changes are required in our billing system (web management interface) relating to the realtimedb and , and | etc
01:33.35snadgewhy not 13 you ask? .. well.. there's apparently some other issue relating to CDRs.. they're not coming out in an expected format, and some compatibility options have been removed :|
01:35.39snadgeso im looking at our 5 core 1.6 servers.. the first four were using phtread timing, the fifth.. dahdi.. and we were having issues with the fourth one that were load related
01:36.11snadgebeing the knob that i am.. i decided to uncomment the noload for timerfd.. and switched 4 and 5 to timerfd
01:37.18snadgeso for about 10 minutes.. we were seeing peers flapping etc on both 4 and 5.. and im just wondering if theres a known issue with and timerfd
01:41.05*** join/#asterisk O47m341 (
01:44.41snadgemy inclination tells me to just use dahdi.. thats what shitty old versions of asterisk seem happy with ;)
01:44.57snadgeespecially running in kvm
01:49.57*** join/#asterisk steelbrain (~steelbrai@
01:50.03*** part/#asterisk steelbrain (~steelbrai@
01:50.11*** join/#asterisk aneesiqbal (~steelbrai@
01:54.25aneesiqbalAnybody know if asterisk emits any security events on AMI? Events like failed login
01:56.36drmessanosnadge: What kernel is it running?
02:05.08[TK]D-Fenderaneesiqbal, You know Google would have answered that requiring fewer words ....
02:07.22aneesiqbal[TK]D-Fender: I did some google searches but my term only found me some SIP security events (not emitted over AMI) and some log file stuff that is not my target, but Thanks :)
02:07.57[TK]D-FenderWhat specifically is your target?
02:09.04aneesiqbalI have a node js daemon that monitors everything AMI throws at it, I want to get PJSIP authentication failure events and if some IP tries to login too many times, to execute `ufw reject from $IP` on it
02:11.37[TK]D-FenderThere is a new security event system as of * 12
02:12.40aneesiqbalYep, that's what I read there, but still searching for them here
02:13.36aneesiqbalWow, how did I look over them? Thanks man! You da MVP
02:16.34*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~Adium@
02:16.41[TK]D-FenderGoogle hits the page.  Just read the list.
02:16.51[TK]D-FenderYou ask specific to AMI.. and the list is right there
02:16.58[TK]D-Fenderjust have to be throrough about it
02:53.04*** join/#asterisk markusl (
02:53.44Lopei've got playback as my first item for one of my extensions. Sometimes it starts playing before the audio is connected on the call and I miss about 2 seconds of audio. I tried adding Wait(5) as my first instruction and then Playback with n priority as the 2nd instruction, but it still plays the sound at 0 seconds or -2 seconds etc.
02:54.13*** join/#asterisk tristero (
02:54.34*** join/#asterisk pa (~pa@unaffiliated/pa)
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02:57.21LopeWaitForSilence(1000) seems to do the trick
02:58.10LopeBut might be a problem if the caller is calling from a noisy environment. I'll try it again, screaming into the phone. "nanananana can't hear anything nanannanana"
02:59.25LopeLol it doesn't seem to wait for silence, even if I start the call making a noise. But it does wait until the call is connected before playing the sound, which I wanted.
03:00.17LopeThe one time I tried WaitForSilence(5000) then it did make me wait... Perhaps it detects 1 second of "silence" while the call is still connecting.
03:05.33[TK]D-Fenderforcible make it wait 1-2 seconds
03:05.58LopeI see some people use a fancier syntax, same => n,Blah()
03:06.03[TK]D-Fenderand do so by playing silence (as it forces audio to be established)
03:06.05Lopeis that recommended?
03:06.14[TK]D-Fenderin those cases, yes
03:07.01LopeOkay I'll check if I have a silence sound file? or is it built into asterisk?
03:07.56Lopecool, found the page, thanks for the tip :)
03:12.35LopePlayback(silence/2&/path/to/sound) works
03:22.32LopeIs there any point in including the Answer() command?
03:25.05[TK]D-FenderGives an answer state aside from audio
03:25.13[TK]D-FenderWhen in doubt always do both
03:27.49LopeOk. can you explain what the logic of this is?
03:28.15[TK]D-FenderJust read it
03:28.37Lopebasically I'm transferring calls from a DID with unlimited channels to my softphone using Dial. If there's already a call in progress I want to divert them to voicemail
03:28.44[TK]D-Fenderit's just 1 step after another... and an occasional jump
03:29.15[TK]D-Fender"core show function DEVICE_STATE" <-
03:29.24LopeIt says if the dialstatus is busy, goto busy, otherwise go to unavailable. What's the difference?
03:29.41[TK]D-Fenderthat means exactly what it says
03:29.53Lopewhat does unavailable mean?
03:29.58[TK]D-Fenderif the phone SAYS it's busy... it'll go to one place... if not ... it'll go to another
03:30.07[TK]D-Fenderthat's a LABEL
03:30.10[TK]D-FenderGOTO FRED
03:30.12[TK]D-FenderGOTO HOME
03:30.17Lopeoh right
03:30.24[TK]D-FenderRead up on your dialplan basics
03:30.34[TK]D-FenderAnd read the app's instructions
03:30.40LopeWhat confuses me is what happens if it dials successfully?
03:30.50Lopethen it goes to unavailable?
03:31.02[TK]D-Fenderread Dial()'s instructions
03:31.45[TK]D-FenderDon't shortcut the actual understanding of the individual dialplan apps.  This is what is your job to read in the first place to know what you'll need to do what you want.
03:31.52[TK]D-FenderAnd this isn't it
03:32.14[TK]D-Fenderbecause that sample looks at the result of TRYING to call it.
03:32.32[TK]D-FenderYou are trying to determine whether you SHOULD call it it in the first place
03:32.38[TK]D-FenderAnd I already gave you the tool for that
03:33.09Lopeyes. So that dialplan would not be suitable for me.
03:33.25Lopei thought it was a bit strange that it was dialling without checking if it's busy first.
03:33.41Lopekind of like it's doing things backwards.
03:34.06LopeReading up on the 2 things you recommended.
03:36.25LopeIs a softphone only cabable of answering one call simultaneously?
03:36.37Lope(having 1 conversation at a time)
03:44.02LopeSIP/testsip0 state NOT_INUSE
03:44.56Lopecan I query variables right from the terminal?
03:45.45LopeI tried running this in the terminal, but it didn't like it. (works in my dialplan) NoOp(SIP/testsip0 state ${DEVICE_STATE(SIP/testsip0)})
03:50.00LopeI've tried a few things like `echo NoOp(hello)` `show NoOp(hello)` `core show NoOp(hello)` etc
03:51.22LopeI've tried many googles like "asterisk variables console" 'asterisk variable state terminal" etc.
03:52.35Lopecore show ${DEVICE_STATE(SIP/testsip0)} etc
03:54.04Lope`dialplan show chanvar ${DEVICE_STATE(SIP/testsip0)}` Channel '${DEVICE_STATE(SIP/testsip0)}' not found
03:55.10Lope`dialplan global show chanvar ${DEVICE_STATE(SIP/testsip0)}`
03:58.03LopeOkay I'll just debug by calling for now. So it looks like basically my softphone device state must be NOT_INUSE for me to attempt dialing it.
03:58.11LopeAnything else is a job for voicemail.
04:29.14*** join/#asterisk aneesiqbal (~steelbrai@
04:31.35LopeI've finished my dialplan, now to test it.
04:33.02LopeIt seems I need to make an entry for my extension in the voicemail config.
04:38.24[TK]D-FenderLooks like progress...
04:39.00LopeI'd be interested to know how to check variable's state in the terminal?
04:40.08Lopethere are a mountain of settings in voicemail.conf
04:52.50*** join/#asterisk O47m341 (
04:54.17LopeCool I was able to leave voicemail successfully and play it by digging in the /var/spool/... dir and playing the resulting wav file.
04:55.56LopeSo the dialplan works perfectly :) thanks for your help.
04:56.34LopeWhat convenient open source options are available for checking voicemail? I think checking voicemail in a web-browser would be most preferable.
05:02.08snadgedrmessano, to answer your question earlier (sigh).. 3.4.4-3.fc17.x86_64
05:02.12snadgeits been one of those days..
05:02.47snadgeyes.. its a fedora 17 system.. yes.. its running a random kernel update from within that release
05:02.57snadgeno.. that wasn't my idea
05:03.19drmessanoSeems like I recall timerfd not being so great in 1.6.2.. but did you verify it was loaded?
05:03.26snadgeyeah its definitely loaded
05:03.39snadgethe systems that are "stable" *cough* are using pthread
05:03.54snadgeand the fifth one was randomly using dahdi.. gotta love that consistency
05:04.32snadgeso at a whim i changed the 4th and 5th one to timerfd.. and they both exhibited a load condition with peers flapping for about 10 minutes today.. none of the other systems did
05:05.05snadgeso my thoughts are, mixed with a tiny amount of experience, is that dahdi is probably a better option
05:05.30snadgesince its higher precedence than pthread.. and timerfd apparently may have an issue, despite being the highest priority (normally)
05:06.23snadgeits quite possible that they were all once on dahdi.. and they have been rebooted since a kernel has been updated or something like that.. and fallen back on pthread.. and we've just not noticed
05:06.40drmessanoI efforted it get it working back then, and #1 issue was I believe I was on CentOS 5 at the time which didn't support it.. and when I moved to Ubuntu (and a newer kernel) it just didn't work well with 1.6.2.. but 1.8 onwards
05:06.41snadgeespecially since i can see dahdi in /usr/src
05:06.58drmessanoThat would make a lot of sense
05:07.33drmessanoKernel update, nothing to notice because everything is "operating" except timing
05:08.24drmessanoThat might be the route to pursue.. Try and build it for the new kernel
05:09.05snadgeyeah we dont actually need dahdi as such.. its all just sip traffic with no hardware as such
05:09.23snadgebut.. my understanding is that dahdi provides a timing source, even with the absense of hardware it supports
05:09.45snadgeespecially on older versions of asterisk and older kernels
05:09.45drmessanoand pthread just sucks..
05:09.53[TK]D-FenderLope, "core show application voicemailmain" <-
05:09.57snadgeamazing that we haven't noticed it
05:10.10drmessanoYou have now
05:11.02drmessanoIm so glad the need for DAHDI is gone in later branches
05:19.58LopeTK-D Fender. Yeah I don't want to call-in to check for messages. I want to be able to browse existing voice messages in a browser, is that possible?
05:20.25[TK]D-FenderLope, It's your server.  You should see where * put those files... go work something up to host them
05:20.30[TK]D-FenderOr whatever
05:23.26LopeTK-DFender. Okay. If I delete msg0000.* on the filesystem, will asterisk realize it's been deleted or do I need to do something special?
05:25.53LopeAnyone tried this?
05:28.03[TK]D-FenderVirtually no-one probably
05:32.38Lopeokay I see I can just delete 0000 and it starts from 0000 again.
05:37.12LopeIs there an easy to amplify voicemail messages to the maximum level before clipping?
05:37.27Lope(or do I need to script that myself) ?
05:41.25LopeLooks like I'll use sox
05:48.53LopeThanks for all the help guys, much appreciated. I'm on the home stretch of getting my asterisk setup done.
05:51.35Lopehow can I specify a custom greeting for my different voicemail-boxes? I've searched for the word greeting in voicemail.conf and it only has greetingsfolder=INBOX in hte section that says "IMAP configuration settings only" I'm not using imap, the stuff is just dumping in /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/extNUMBER/INBOX
05:54.01Lopeokay apparently it's /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/extNUMBER/INBOX/unavail.wav ?
05:58.19Lopecurrently I've got softphones defined in my sip.conf. How can I get Asterisk to connect to a SIP account that my VoIP provider has given me, so I can route the incoming calls to my softphones?
05:59.18LopeSeems like the type would be peer.
05:59.52Lopehost would be the hostname of my SIP provider...
06:00.01*** join/#asterisk giesen (~ggiesen@2001:4900:2:650::180)
06:01.02LopeHow do you tell sip.conf how to distinguish for a listening connection (where a softphone can initiate a connection and REGISTER) vs a SIP account where my asterisk config must go and REGISTER at the VoIP provider?
06:01.54*** join/#asterisk jjrh (~jjrh@2607:f0b0:1:6e12:94da:efb1:c314:a84b)
06:03.44[TK]D-FenderYou create a peer to match calls your provider will send you, and to define how to auth to your provider to send them calls.
06:03.52[TK]D-FenderAs for them knowing where to call you ...
06:03.54infobot[~sipregister] SIP registration is to tell your provider what IP address & EXTEN to send INCOMING calls to.  Some ITSPs let you use a fixed address or host rather than registering.  Registration is NOT normally needed to PLACE calls, as those are typically auth'ed independently.  Others accept unauth'ed calls once you are registered (saves on negotiation BW).
06:22.34*** join/#asterisk robmal (
06:25.14LopeOkay. Thus far for accepting incoming numbers I've gotten the DID providers to send incoming calls to my server's IP.
06:26.02LopeBut I thought it might be cool to maintain the flexibility of keeping my SIP account at my VoIP provider where I can either connect a softphone to it, or connect my asterisk server to it...
06:26.14LopeBut I suppose I'm just complicating things unnecessarily.
06:27.19LopeOkay far I've not learned how to make outgoing calls with my asterisk server...
06:28.23LopeHow can I setup my asterisk server such that if I dial 0 it will use provider 0 to place the call, if I dial 1 it will use provider 1 to place the call etc. So then it will take the digits after the first digit, and dial those at the provider?
06:45.07*** join/#asterisk pppingme (~pppingme@unaffiliated/pppingme)
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06:56.50[TK]D-FenderLope, There is no need for a prefix
06:57.00[TK]D-FenderYour dialplan processes whatever you tell it to.
06:57.30[TK]D-Fenderas for the provider.. you make your peer ... maybe you register.  You make dialplan to Dial() out that peer.  The end
06:57.38LopeOkay, can you please show me an example of a dialplan which will make use of different providers?
06:58.42LopeSo my new VoIP provider who have given me a SIP account... if they forward incoming numbers to my IP, how can I make outgoing calls with their service?
07:03.16*** join/#asterisk bof22 (~Thunderbi@
07:05.51LopeTo register my asterisk at my provider, This page says you use a line in sip.conf like
07:05.55Loperegister => user[:secret[:authuser]]@host[:port][/extension]
07:06.26Lopebut this page mentions pjsip.conf, which doesn't exist on my asterisk installation:
07:18.20LopeI'm getting forbidden, wrong password.
07:19.44LopeI've added register => user[:secret[:authuser]]@host[:port][/extension] to sip.conf under [general] as follows register =>
07:19.57Lopeas described here:
07:43.03*** join/#asterisk hehol (
07:44.06LopeThis doesn't share any light on it either
07:56.36*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~btietz@
07:58.24LopeMaybe that outbound registration method is obsolete. I've setup pjsip.conf according to the example but it's not connecting, no errors etc.
08:08.37Lopehow can i install res_pjsip on ubuntu?
08:14.41*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
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09:02.19*** join/#asterisk skrusty (~skrusty@
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09:30.17*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.6.0 (2015/10/09), 11.20.0 (2015/10/09); Standard: 12.8.2 (2015/04/08); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.10.0 (2014/08/13), DAHDI-tools 2.10.0 (2014/08/13); libpri 1.4.15 (2014/06/16) -=- Asterisk wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
09:39.22tparcinaRight now, my outgoing calls have SIP HEADER TO format: number@IP_ADD_OF_PROVIDER    example: 0981234567@
09:40.03tparcinaHow to change it to this format: ?
09:47.42wdoekestparcina: chan_sip?
09:48.00wdoekesoh wait, the TO domain
09:48.14wdoekesthat's.. probably also possible.. with the right Dial syntax
09:49.02tparcinawdoekes: Yes, I'm looking for that syntax. :D
09:49.38wdoekesclearly documented on line 29985 in chan_sip.c
09:49.51wdoekesI'm amazed you didn't spot that
09:50.12tparcinawdoekes: Thank you, I'll try that.
09:50.13*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
10:05.33*** join/#asterisk sparetire (~sparetire@unaffiliated/sparetire)
10:06.22*** join/#asterisk Draecos (~Draecos@
10:08.08*** join/#asterisk C1ph3r5 (~C1ph3r@
10:54.29LopeI'm trying to compile pjproject `--with-external-speex`. I have installed libspeex-dev with apt-get. Any tips on how to specify the path? checking if external Speex devkit is installed... aconfigure: error: Unable to use external Speex library. If Speex development files are not available in the default locations, use CFLAGS and LDFLAGS env var to set the include/lib paths
10:58.16wdoekesLope: did you reconfigure after installing speex-dev?
11:00.52Lopehmm, I didn't reconfigure pjproject. I only reconfigured asterisk. And the func_ speexsomething wasn't available. So I figured I need to recompile pjproject. This page seems to suggest that I should use --with-external-speex ... or is that unnecessary, can I just let it detect it?
11:04.45Lopeis it possible to use a mobile phone as a FXO with bluetooth with asterisk 13?
11:05.27Lopefunc_speex is still unavailable.
11:05.54LopeI recompiled pjproject using the standard configure "./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-shared --disable-sound --disable-resample --disable-video --disable-opencore-amr CFLAGS='-O2 -DNDEBUG'"
11:10.08LopeDepends on: speex(E), speex_preprocess(E)
11:10.09LopeCan use: speexdsp(E)
11:10.13LopeWhat is the (E) ?
11:12.37*** join/#asterisk Panther_Modern (~Panther_M@unaffiliated/panther-modern/x-6168176)
11:15.05Lopeawesome! I needed to install libspeexdsp-dev and then run ./configure again.
11:30.42*** join/#asterisk marceloamorim (
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11:50.34tparcinaI'm trying to modify SIP TO HEADER on outgoing phone calls.
11:51.35tparcinaI have put the line: exten => 8380,n,Set(SIP_HEADER(To)   just before the dial command.
11:52.24tparcinaBut outgoing phone call still has the same old TO header. :(
11:55.23*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~Adium@
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12:02.56tparcinaI have tried with 8380,n,Set(SIPAddHeader(To: <>)  but this doesn't work neither. :(
12:04.49*** join/#asterisk C1ph3r5 (~C1ph3r@2804:7f3:280:750b:884f:762d:ccf4:5871)
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12:09.42tparcinaOK, so the right syntax is: exten => 8380,n,SIPAddHeader(To: <>)
12:10.09tparcinaBut, when I do that, outgoing call has 2 "To" headers. :(
12:10.46*** join/#asterisk Draecos (
12:10.53tparcinaFirst "To", that was there before, and second "To" that I have added.
12:11.04*** join/#asterisk marceloamorim (
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12:21.12snadgehad some pretty serious outages lately.. isn't it interesting how a little bit of latency on the network, causes everything to fail
12:21.22snadgeinstead of just perform more slowly
12:21.52snadgewe've got layer 2 spanning multiple locations now.. and on an ordinary day.. you'll see sub 1ms pings between the 3 sites
12:22.14snadgebut today.. we were seeing spikes and jitter.. anywhere from 8ms.. to 40ms
12:22.19*** join/#asterisk coppice (
12:23.03snadgewhen you've got around 500 to 800 registered peers on an asterisk instance.. this makes it spew pages of unreachable, lagged.. reachable messages.. like a mexican wave
12:23.15snadgeflapping in and out like the door on a brothel
12:24.21snadgeim a sysadmin.. so im looking at system load, cpu utilisation, everything looks good there.. wtf is going on.. yep everything pings etc.. no loss of connectivity
12:25.03snadgeof course we're using a realtime db and cdrs stored in an ndb cluster etc.. so im looking at that.. custom agi scripts etc
12:26.04snadgethen im like.. hey network guys.. those pings dont look right to me.. "are you sure? 8ms is bad?" .. "um yes.. apparently its very bad"
12:27.06snadgeturns out some random link in the chain, which had some other customers and apparently no qos.. was topping out and causing the latency spikes.. which blew the whole network up.. good times :D
12:46.10*** join/#asterisk ModFather (~ModFather@unaffiliated/modfather)
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12:53.25tparcinaSo, the question still stands, how to modify SIP header for outgoing call? (not how to add new field in header, but how to modify existing "to" field)
12:54.26wdoekeswhat about the [!dnid] in the dial string then?
12:55.12wdoekesyou decided to go ahead and ignore that, and instead make up something about SIP_HEADER(To) ?
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13:20.31[TK]D-FenderYou don't get to modify headers like that
13:20.48[TK]D-FenderTo: is formed from the HOST & EXTENSION dialed
13:22.04wdoekesyea, I pointed him to the Dial syntax this morning, for which he said thanks, and then ignored
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13:41.10tparcinawdoekes: I haven't ignored, just I haven't found the way how to use it.
13:42.11tparcinawdoekes: Then, searching for way how to use it, I found SIP_HEADER and SIPAddHeader, which seamed the right way to do things.
13:43.01tparcina[TK]D-Fender: wdoekes: Can you share a example code?
13:43.18[TK]D-FenderThere is no code
13:43.25[TK]D-FenderI just told you what it is generatted from
13:43.38[TK]D-Fenderyou can't ADD this header, you're getting it whether you like it or not
13:49.07tparcina[TK]D-Fender: OK, I can't ADD the header, but can I modify it?
13:50.55[TK]D-FenderI told you how it is MADE
13:50.59[TK]D-Fenderchange those
13:58.32tparcinais searching how to change HOST from dialplan.
14:00.16[TK]D-FenderYou don'tt.
14:00.21[TK]D-FenderIt's what you dial when you dial it
14:01.42tparcina[TK]D-Fender: Yes, but Sonetel (SIP provider) is asking that I in TO and FROM field have mydomain (instead of their IP address).
14:02.00tparcina[TK]D-Fender: It didn't make much sense to me.
14:02.15[TK]D-Fender[08:20][TK]D-FenderTo: is formed from the HOST & EXTENSION dialed
14:02.25[TK]D-Fenderwants his last 40 minutes back ....
14:02.49tparcina[TK]D-Fender: And thank you for saving me time. :)
14:06.55Guggetparcina: how about Dial(SIP/1234@mydomain/remoteip) then?
14:07.25tparcinaGugge: I haven't tried that one yet.
14:07.37Guggeor ask the provider how your asterisk dial command should be :P
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14:29.02*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
14:34.46wdoekestparcina: Dial(SIP/mydevice/number! ?
14:36.30tparcinawdoekes: What would be number!number in this case?
14:38.43*** join/#asterisk pathcl (~pathcl@
14:38.46pathclhi there!
14:38.50Guggemydevice/number would be the part you want to dial would be what you want in To:
14:38.54pathclIm playing around phpagi
14:39.28pathclthough for some reason after dtfm the call is hanged up
14:40.20pathclif I remove sendDTMF call is ok
14:40.49pathclI need to have stream_file and sendDTMF at the same time
14:40.59pathclis that possible?
14:44.05[TK]D-FenderYou should actually look at the call to see why it hung up
14:44.26[TK]D-FenderAnd SendDTMF is not done "in the background"
14:45.05pathclhow can I do it in the background ?
14:45.15pathclI'll try sip debug to catch why
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14:47.19[TK]D-FenderYou can't in any normal way
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14:48.21tparcinawdoekes: Gugge: I have tried that. But, just as [TK]D-Fender has said, TO field is composed from HOST and EXTENSION dialed.
14:48.23pathclfor some unknown reason the stream_file is not played completely
14:48.35pathclthats my theory
14:49.18pathclI could try exec playback
14:50.19wdoekestparcina: what *did* it do when you added "!<to-header>" ?
14:50.28wdoekesdid it not dial? did it ignore the value?
14:50.37wdoekesdid it put in only the number? only the domain?
14:50.40wdoekesdetails please
14:51.46tparcinawdoekes: It has dialed and the SIP message head, in header, 2 TO fields.
14:52.01wdoekesworks fine over here
14:52.01wdoekes*CLI> channel originate SIP/12345@! application Wait
14:52.09wdoekesINVITE sip:12345@ SIP/2.0
14:52.10tparcinawdoekes: First one, the old (problematic one), and second.
14:52.13wdoekesTo: <>
14:54.55tparcinawdoekes: Thank you! :D
14:56.25tparcinawdoekes: In your favorite cafe bar, can you pay for drink over the Internet? :)
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16:08.54wdoekestnx WIMPy
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16:11.02WIMPySomeone who seems to know more said that on a thread scale from 0-10 that's an 11.
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16:27.12dan_jIs there a way in the CLI to check that voicemail IMAP is functioning?
16:27.24dan_jor even included in the current build?
16:31.07[TK]D-FenderUse it?
16:36.27dan_jDoesnt seem to work. And i dont see any reference to it when starting asterisk. Just double checked by menuselect and it is on imap storage.
16:37.42dan_jHad it working previously but been working on some source code and then had problems compiling with the imap library.
16:37.47keithfguys im new to asterisk and pbx's i have been dealing with freepbx and i have learned the gui fairly well but i want to get deeper into asterisk.. is there anything you guys recommend for learning understand and getting an overall better understanding ?
16:38.03dan_jManaged to get it to work with the help of wdoekes but now having this problem
16:38.26infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
16:38.33WIMPykeithf: That ^
16:39.58keithfother than the asterisk fast track training class this you say is good?
16:40.17keithfim trying to get to the training in dubai in april but im trying to do everything i can to get btter versed
16:40.21dan_jIt's the official book. You can view it online.
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16:42.33dan_jkeithf: There is also information at
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16:49.04keithfim really trying to improve my skills as a pbx admin and asterisk is big part of it so i have to get better
16:49.13keithfwill be doing a lot of sitting and watching and reading
16:49.23dan_jIf you are using freepbx, i would not mess with any asterisk config files.
16:50.21keithfyeah i know that
16:50.26keithfbut i still want a better understanding
16:50.35keithfof what all the modules are doing and not doing
16:51.53[TK]D-FenderFreePBX has a fair number of custom files included that you can do a lot with.  First understand how * works, then understand how FreePBX works. Live in the middle-ground
16:58.20keithfive gone thru the training from sangoma at least on the freepbx software
16:58.34keithfits still a lot and they have a ton of custom modules
17:08.52*** join/#asterisk psiforce (7a6bd2ec@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:10.01psiforcewhat is the best way of adding a new context to the dialplan WITHOUT reloading the dialplan? Can it be done using asterisk realtime?
17:11.34[TK]D-FenderNo, realtime still uses "switch" in the static config
17:13.53[TK]D-FenderDoesn't mean you can't automate it
17:14.01[TK]D-Fenderbut it's still gotta be there
17:14.19*** join/#asterisk mahlon (
17:15.20psiforceok so the only way to create a context is to run "asterisk -rx 'dialplan reload'"
17:16.57psiforceI was really surprised that these wasn't an action in the ami for this
17:17.24[TK]D-Fenderthere is...
17:17.40[TK]D-Fenderread the AMI command list
17:23.43psiforce[TK]D-Fender: Do you mean there is a way of reloading via the ami or a way of adding a context via the ami?
17:24.17psiforceI don't see a way of adding a new context from the ami (using asterisk 1.8)
17:25.46[TK]D-Fenderyou can do botth actually
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17:29.14psiforce[TK]D-Fender: I can see how to reload easy enough but from the list of commands ( I don't see how to add a context via the ami
17:29.47[TK]D-FenderStarte at it a bit longer....
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17:35.51psiforce[TK]D-Fender: I'm losted.... I can see how to add an exten but not a new context
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17:42.47psiforce[TK]D-Fender: but that just includes a context within another context, doesn't it. its not going to create a new context
17:43.23[TK]D-Fendermay have stretched that to allowing switch
17:44.14[TK]D-Fenderindeed this does require the config to me modded.
17:44.36[TK]D-Fenderthere was a way to run chell comamnd from a lter ver of CLI, just not sure which, or the syntax offhand
17:46.36psiforcebut how does running a shell command help? even if you run "echo [new-context] >> /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf", you still end up having to run "asterisk -rx 'dialplan reload'"
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17:48.04psiforceand "dialplan add include existing-context into new-context", doesn't work as "new-context" has to exist
17:49.59[TK]D-Fenderno point to dialplan add" if you're adding to the text file
17:50.10[TK]D-Fenderand you can use the CLI dialplan relaon, withoutt using the shell
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17:54.11psiforce[TK]D-Fender: ok so you can't create new contexts without reloading the dialplan
17:54.43[TK]D-Fenderpsiforce: Not that I can see.  Was mistaken on that.  Reloading it though, yes you can
17:55.29psiforceok, well guess we will just have to bite the bullet then :/
17:56.31psiforceits just that dialplan reload hangs the console for about 7 seconds
17:56.44psiforcehence wanting to avoid doing that
17:58.44psiforcethanks for your input anyway [TK]D-Fender
17:58.58[TK]D-FenderYou're welcome
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19:17.14Docfxit_Penguin: May I PM you?
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19:54.29dan_jWhat does Asterisk do with Imap if the mailbox has exceeded it's quota?
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20:36.49lordvadrIf I set FAXOPT(gateway)=yes,10 in my dialplan or in sip.conf, it causes "Codec mismatch" warnings and transcoding between slin and g.711 on my ISDN circuits.  Removing the FAXOPT fixes this.  Is this normal behavior due to the gateway having to listen to the stream?  Is there a way to suppress the warnings?  Version is 10.12.4 (the last version I can get out of the repo for an old el5 box).

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