IRC log for #asterisk on 20160109

00:03.52*** join/#asterisk spicyramen (~Adium@
00:08.30*** join/#asterisk ModFather (~ModFather@unaffiliated/modfather)
00:09.54*** join/#asterisk Bordr (
00:11.45ModFatherHi There
00:12.07ModFatherdoes anyone can help me invistigate why i cannot make call to other extensions?
00:12.19ModFatheri have 2 softphones ( different extensions ) on my asterisk
00:13.09ModFatherbut i cannot make call between them, i recieve calls from SIP Trunking  and call worldwide, but not make call to another SIP device
00:16.17ModFatherWARNING[24509][C-00000018]: app_dial.c:2411 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 20 - Subscriber absent)
00:16.20ModFatherthis the error i get
00:23.38*** join/#asterisk pchero (~pchero@
00:38.31*** join/#asterisk Draecos (
00:59.21*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
01:10.20[TK]D-Fender* has nowhere to contact for that dial
01:10.42[TK]D-FenderTheEither because it failed a qualify timeout, or has not registered
01:16.10ModFather[TK]D-Fender thanks for your reply, finally it was a setting by using "Proxy"
01:16.23ModFatherwhen i checked that its working for internally calls between extensions
01:16.33*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
01:19.37ModFather[TK]D-Fender No application 'SetMusicOnHold' for extension (TwilioCalling, 5555, 2)
01:20.04ModFatheri am trying to make IVR so when a customer calls our outside number, to be able to choose extension and be transfered
01:45.53[TK]D-FenderGod for it
01:46.18[TK]D-FenderAnd stop trying to use apps that haven't existed for half a decade
01:47.35*** join/#asterisk lanning (
01:57.51ModFather[TK]D-Fender app_dial.c:2411 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 20 - Subscriber absent)
01:58.15[TK]D-FenderNowhere to contact them
01:58.22[TK]D-Fenderas I've already said
02:02.01ModFatheryep :)
02:10.52*** join/#asterisk Echo6_ (~Echo6@
02:26.11*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (~wert@
02:37.50*** join/#asterisk youtmon (
02:40.34*** join/#asterisk Frojoe (Frojoe@2a01:7e00::f03c:91ff:fe70:bc74)
02:59.57ModFatheri had 2 Queues, with priority 1 & 2, when 1 queue timeout, it doesnt jump to the second queue
03:00.22ModFatherexten => 1,1,Queue(main-queue,,,,10)
03:00.22ModFatherexten => 1,2,Queue(secondary-queue,,,,10)
03:00.48ModFatherit ringing on (phones) on main queue
03:01.47ModFatherbut after never change to secondary-queue
03:02.04ModFatherit just loop forever on main-queue
03:03.38[TK]D-Fenderit will only check the queue timeout if your RING timeout has been reached
03:03.50[TK]D-FenderAnd if you put the app-level timeout in the right sopt
03:03.53[TK]D-Fendercheck both of these
03:06.07ModFatheryes correct
03:08.05[TK]D-Fenderheads out for the evening
03:09.11ModFatherhave a good evening
03:09.14ModFatherthanks a lot [TK]D-Fender
03:09.20*** join/#asterisk MarqueI (
03:10.17*** join/#asterisk utrack_ (~u@unaffiliated/utrack)
03:10.44*** join/#asterisk marlinc_ (~marlinc@unaffiliated/marlinc)
03:11.50*** join/#asterisk Marquel (~Marquel@fuchsfanclub/allerdings/marquel)
03:14.05*** join/#asterisk ketas (
03:16.35*** join/#asterisk Draecos (
03:22.11*** join/#asterisk Qwell (~north@asterisk/developer/Qwell)
03:22.11*** join/#asterisk Temper (~Temper@
03:22.11*** join/#asterisk cb` (~cb@
03:22.11*** join/#asterisk robmal (
03:22.11*** join/#asterisk Fanch (
03:22.11*** join/#asterisk Milenco (
03:22.11*** join/#asterisk gruetzkopf (
03:22.11*** mode/#asterisk [+o Qwell] by
03:41.47Bordrmbecroft: were you from the east coast or las vegas?
03:42.10mbecroftBordr: neither :)
03:42.25mbecroftNew Zealand
03:42.45mbecroftand about to go out for the evening otherwise I would stay and chat!
03:43.18Bordrlol, ok nvm. I just got an emergency call and am flying out Vegas... Three of you guys helped quite a bit the other day so I was going to buy the guy in Las Vegas a beer or few for the help. :)
03:54.05mbecroftYou're welcome to drop by Auckland if you feel like it ;)
03:54.42mbecroftThe weather's good!
04:29.36wyoungmbecroft: Sydney's weather is better though :)
04:29.48snadgeis there a preferred platform for asterisk? or is this a baited question
04:30.01wyoungsnadge: I say Linux, most people in here say FreeBSD
04:30.11wyoungbut what do they know :P
04:30.12snadgemy question was assuming linux
04:30.41snadgethe strongest contenders appear to be centos, debian and ubuntu
04:30.45wyoungas long as you are not using Windows it's all good ;)
04:30.49snadgesome people use fedora for some reason
04:30.56*** join/#asterisk kritzikratzi (
04:30.56wyoungdoes Fedora still exist?
04:31.09wyoungI thought it was rebranded to centos
04:31.21snadgelol no.. centos is a free version of redhat enterprise linux
04:31.30snadgefedora is redhats playground
04:31.34wyoungeither way debian based distros is what I prefer to use, but you can use centos or redhat if you really want to
04:31.49wyoungI see
04:32.01snadgeyeah i've just seen some amusing stuff like "just disable selinux"
04:32.31snadgethen theres the whole systemd debacle etc, and weird and wonderful new technologies like firewalld, network manager etc.. which is outside the scope of asterisk really
04:32.39wyoungyeah, security is too hard so don't use it, just stick your head in sand and hope you won't get attacked
04:32.57wyoungnetwork manager is the worst but I have learned how to tame it
04:33.21wyoungI don't mind systemd, it does some things better than the old style
04:33.24snadgei tried to use centos 7 under lxc.. it works, as long as you dont install updates :D
04:33.45snadgeso im thinking of giving debian 8 with lxc a go
04:33.49snadgeon proxmox
04:35.03wyoungummmm, I have heard bad things about debian 8 under lxc, I hope they have fixed all the issues
04:38.30snadgereally? hmm
04:38.49snadgei'll give it a crack anyway.. im just bringing up a test system really, not replacing anything with it yet
04:38.53snadgemaybe i'll smack some dialler traffic at it etc
04:38.58snadgejust see how it goes
04:57.54*** join/#asterisk kritzikratzi (
05:07.43*** join/#asterisk vader- (
05:08.22*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
05:14.48snadgecurious.. doesn't make menuselect normally come up in color with dialogs etc?
05:15.00snadgeapparently on debian 8 it doesn't.. maybe im missing something
05:17.03*** join/#asterisk coppice (
05:25.33snadgeahh yeah just missing a dep
05:38.13*** join/#asterisk juned (~juned@
05:39.40*** join/#asterisk youtmon (
05:45.06snadgealso i cant start asterisk with safe_asterisk .. it just does nothing and dumps me at the command prompt
05:45.12snadgebut if i start it with just "asterisk" it works
05:45.25snadgedebian 8
05:57.59snadgeso noob.. i've copied the conf off another box.. but the res_config_mysql doesnt appear to be working
05:58.29snadgeim getting auth fail anyway.. increasing core verbose, looking at sip debug, doesn't appear to be revealing anything
06:03.25snadgestarting it in debug mode just tells me the driver has
06:08.30MaliutaLapauth fail could be anything
06:08.48MaliutaLapthat could be the DB user not having permission from that host
06:09.37snadgeextconfig was missing the mysql entry
06:09.43snadgeyeah i checked that :)
06:10.00MaliutaLapif you're having an auth fail with mysql then it's probably something DB related
06:10.37snadgedb was fine.. just asterisk wasnt even looking at the db.. you need to configure it in extconfig.conf
06:10.45snadgeso its registering now.. im getting somewhere :)
06:10.55snadgenow i get 404 when i dial out.. it should be easy to sort from here though
06:14.16*** join/#asterisk joako (~joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
06:14.19*** join/#asterisk youtmon (
06:44.39*** join/#asterisk Marquel (~Marquel@fuchsfanclub/allerdings/marquel)
07:03.45*** join/#asterisk Docfxit (~Docfxit@
07:05.59snadgeeverythings working now.. i just need to figure out why CDR(clid) has the wrong value now
07:09.01snadgebecause compatibility options have been removed.. awesome ;)
07:15.42snadgenot just a drop in replacement then
07:29.14snadgeim trying to figure out why ${CDR(clid)} is not set to ${CDR(accountcode)}
07:50.36*** join/#asterisk Lope (~Lope@
08:38.01*** join/#asterisk youtmon (
08:45.28*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
09:14.34*** join/#asterisk bof22 (
09:17.45*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
09:20.21*** join/#asterisk ModFather (~ModFather@unaffiliated/modfather)
09:21.17*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (
09:26.13*** join/#asterisk C1ph3r (
09:28.54ModFatherHi All Does anyone how i can avoid those :
09:29.02ModFatheri see too many timeouts
09:29.26*** join/#asterisk chendy (~alexc@
09:47.32*** join/#asterisk t4nk299 (b646742f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:47.40t4nk299Hello, for some call we are getting X-Asterisk-HangupCause: Normal Clearing X-Asterisk-HangupCauseCode and call is not connected to asterisk and for some call we are getting X-Asterisk-HangupCause: Unknown X-Asterisk-HangupCauseCode: 0 and the call gets connected;; where/what should i change to get the even behaviour ?
10:05.32*** join/#asterisk netman (~netman@
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10:25.14*** join/#asterisk zapata (~zapata@2a02:b18:581:10:30f0:a126:e06a:f3db)
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10:41.09*** join/#asterisk pchero (~pchero@
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11:33.14*** join/#asterisk pchero (~pchero@
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12:03.20*** join/#asterisk pchero (~pchero@
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12:59.20*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
13:14.37*** join/#asterisk BlackBishop (
13:15.13BlackBishopis there a simple way to make a call from the CLI ? Then put it on hold / call another number .. make a conference .. just by using the cli ?
13:20.23paBlackBishop, you mean interactively, by hand?
13:25.17BlackBishoppa: I'm going to use chan_dongle .. I'm not sure if asterisk's meaning of a conference is the same as having a sim in a phone and connecting 5 calls together in a conference ..
13:29.13*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (~Suzeanne@
13:30.54*** join/#asterisk puzzled (~puzzled@2001:982:1097:1:f45a:c70:e726:cbc2)
13:41.08*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (~pchero@
14:02.16*** join/#asterisk CyberPony (
14:02.33WIMPyBlackBishop: Asterisk meaning of a conference is using ConfBridge or MeetMe.
14:16.14BlackBishopWIMPy: hmmm ..
14:20.19*** join/#asterisk C1ph3r (
14:30.11*** join/#asterisk yang (yang@freenode/sponsor/fsf.member.yang)
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14:39.56*** join/#asterisk lambda79 (~lambda79@unaffiliated/lambda79)
15:08.30BlackBishopdoes anyone see anything wrong in this simple extensions.ael ?
15:08.43BlackBishopall I want it to do is answer the call and do nothing
15:09.37WIMPyYou can't do nothing.
15:10.11WIMPyThe call ends there.
15:11.40BlackBishophmmmm .. can I just add a Wait(99999999) ?
15:11.53WIMPyYes. That would work.
15:12.03WIMPyBut what are you trying to do?
15:12.19BlackBishopanswer a call .. put it on hold .. accept another ..
15:12.56WIMPyPutting calls on Hold does not really exist in Asterisk.
15:13.06WIMPyWhat do you really want to do?
15:13.37BlackBishopexactly that :) a honneypot :)
15:14.21WIMPyI know chan_dongle has some special things in there. You will probably have to use them.
15:14.52BlackBishopif you can give some pointers that would be great ...
15:15.15WIMPyIf you don't want to do anything with those calls other than answering them, it might be easier without Asterisk.
15:15.42BlackBishopI might want some conferencing for other stuff at a later time so I'd like to learn a lil' bit about asterisk while I'm at it
15:15.44WIMPyI seem to remember that cahn_dogle had some way to put a call on hold.
15:16.35WIMPyIf you want to use the network provided conference, you'll probably have to do it yourself.
15:17.14BlackBishopand the call dies ( goes to voicemail )
15:17.29BlackBishopI added the Wait(60) .. no luck
15:17.41WIMPyLooks liek that extension doesn't exist.
15:18.07BlackBishopdoesn't _X. match any number ?
15:18.30WIMPyBut "s" is not a number.
15:19.23WIMPyAnd _X. would also require at least two digits.
15:21.03BlackBishopit's ok .. it's coming from a 10 digit number anyway
15:21.28WIMPyWe don't care about FROM, it's about TO.
15:21.47BlackBishop ( this is my dongle.conf )
15:24.01BlackBishopok, so _X. means it's TO the dongle's number ...
15:24.36WIMPy_X. means match anything that starts with a digit and is at least 2 chars long.
15:24.52WIMPyBut as you can see from the error you pasted, the call goes to "s".
15:25.38BlackBishopI wonder why ? :/
15:26.08WIMPyIt's the defaut, if the destination is unknown.
15:26.14*** join/#asterisk kritzikratzi (
15:28.09BlackBishopok ...
15:29.16BlackBishopyey s => is awesome
15:29.35BlackBishopperfect, now to figure out a way to put it on hold
15:29.44BlackBishopso it can accept as many as it can >:)
15:30.07WIMPyCheck the documentation for chan_dogle.
15:30.58BlackBishopnothing about hold stuff :-(
15:32.54WIMPyI see something about CHANNEL(callstate)
15:34.24WIMPyHmm. That seems to be only informational.
15:35.55WIMPyNo, looks like you can answer a waiting call that way as well.
15:36.33BlackBishopSet(CHANNEL(callstate)=held) ?
15:36.56WIMPy=active as far as I read it.
15:37.05BlackBishopNo .. for hold ..
15:37.15WIMPyTo answer a waiting call and place all others on hold.
15:37.30WIMPyThat's what the sample config says.
15:41.26BlackBishopWARNING[9525][C-00000000] channel.c: allow change state to 'active' only from 'held' in CHANNEL(callstate).[Jan  9 17:41:04] WARNING[9525][C-00000000] func_channel.c: Unknown or unavailable item requested: 'callstate'
15:42.17WIMPyHuh? Those two message look contradictory.
15:43.18WIMPyCheck the supplied extensions.conf. You probably need to check if it's a waiting call first.
16:15.21BlackBishopbut the new call doesn't even get in my asterisk :|
16:19.36WIMPyDo you have CW enabled on your subscription?
16:20.24BlackBishopyeah, tried on a normal phone first, it was ok ..
16:21.04WIMPyMaybe it also needs explicit enabling in chan_dongles config?
16:21.40BlackBishopyeah, just thought about that
16:21.48*** join/#asterisk joako (~joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
16:29.31*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
16:36.13WIMPyBlackBishop: What about that "callwaiting=no" in your config?
16:37.54BlackBishopyeeey,  dongle cmd dongle0 AT+CCWA=1,1,1
16:38.01BlackBishopcrap, yeah, that'd fix it probably
17:13.31*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
17:31.39*** join/#asterisk tompaw (
17:33.52*** join/#asterisk Docfxit (
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17:43.47youtmongetting errro starting asterisk - PHP Fatal error:  require_once(): Failed opening required 'DB.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in /var/www/html/admin/libraries/db_connect.php on line 3
17:44.31WIMPyYou start Asterisk from PHP?
17:44.33[TK]D-FenderAsterisk doesn't care about PHP
17:45.01*** join/#asterisk Docfxit (
17:45.19WIMPyDon't know what you're doing but it does not look related to Asterisk.
17:48.00DocfxitI have replaced some outgoing gsm messages in the sound folder.  Asterisk is still playing the old gsm files.  How can I get Asterisk to use the new files?
17:48.11DocfxitI have rebooted the system.
17:48.46*** join/#asterisk SuperBawlz (
17:49.22SuperBawlzWhat's the best way to do reliable backups of a live CentOS system?
17:50.32WIMPyDocfxit: Looks like you haven't replaced the files then. Do you have multiple installations or something?
17:51.08WIMPySuperBawlz: I'm sure they provide some sort of support somewhere.
17:56.48*** join/#asterisk Docfxit (
17:57.37*** join/#asterisk Echo6 (~Echo6@
17:58.32DocfxitWIMPy: I was disconnected from the network.  Was there any reply while I was gone?  The last I see is I replied with Only one.
17:59.25WIMPyOnly mine.
18:01.01DocfxitI don't understand how it could play the old gsm files.  I see the new gsm files with the same name but the new date.
18:06.07DocfxitI'll replace them again and see if it works.  I'll be back later.  Thanks.
18:09.55youtmonany free types of services similar GV but using SIP?
18:11.21youtmonfree calling from SIP to SIP, SIP to LAN, SIP to cell ?
18:12.23WIMPyTo LAN?
18:12.44WIMPyYou certainly won't find anyting that will give you free calls to mobiles.
18:13.48youtmonLAN = TDM
18:21.08*** join/#asterisk happy-dude (uid62780@gateway/web/
18:23.06*** join/#asterisk ModFather (~ModFather@unaffiliated/modfather)
18:27.59drmessanoI guess the answer we gave him in #FreePBX wasn't good enough
18:28.59ChannelZFree calling is a civil right dontchaknow
18:30.05drmessanoWell yeah.  A free IP PBX should mean free PSTN calls too.  Just like how all "server" Distros come with a server
18:38.51*** join/#asterisk sparetire_ (~sparetire@unaffiliated/sparetire)
18:39.29*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
19:04.10*** join/#asterisk jim_bob (~jim_bob_@
19:06.19jim_bobI am having a presence state issue. when I run core show hint 100 for ext 100, Presence is null (known issue) but when I run database put CustomPresence 101 available,,
19:06.19jim_bobit still has presence set to null
19:06.49jim_bobsupposedly this was the workaround to correct the presence null issue, but I cant seem to get it to do anything
19:10.21*** join/#asterisk twanny796 (~user@
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19:21.05drmessanojim_bob: pastebin showing us your ran the command, and the result
19:28.54*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
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19:49.01*** join/#asterisk sawgood (~sawgood@unaffiliated/sawgood)
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20:45.51dan_jHi. Why would the endpoint status be set to Unknown immediately after an endpoint registers?
20:45.58dan_jUsing pjsip
20:49.54*** join/#asterisk spicyramen (
21:38.56*** join/#asterisk marlinc (~marlinc@unaffiliated/marlinc)
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23:58.39*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~Adium@

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