IRC log for #asterisk on 20160108

00:01.09*** join/#asterisk pppingme (~pppingme@unaffiliated/pppingme)
00:04.49*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-wjbssorcxzbpsgdb)
00:09.04*** join/#asterisk spicyramen (~Adium@
00:25.11*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (~wert@
00:41.36*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
00:59.19*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
01:03.15*** join/#asterisk C1ph3r (
01:34.01*** join/#asterisk [NC] (
01:37.46*** join/#asterisk coppice (
01:48.35*** join/#asterisk _TWS (~chatzilla@
02:07.23*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101 (
03:31.37*** join/#asterisk captain118 (
03:32.18captain118Is there a digium support channel?
03:40.28*** join/#asterisk sawgood (~sawgood@unaffiliated/sawgood)
03:49.57wyoungcaptain118: on their website
03:50.23wyoungalthough most of the people in here may be able to assist you (unless it is relating to RMA's :))
04:11.23captain118I've got their cloud sip trunk and I'm trying to setup the firewall securely.
04:16.49*** join/#asterisk juned (~juned@
04:38.20*** join/#asterisk felix___ (62eba05a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:39.11felix___I'm having issues using Comcast Digital voice fake POTS lines with asterisk.
04:39.24felix___asterisk 1.8, 11, 12, 13
04:40.07felix___DAHDI with Rhino or Xorcom hardware, Sangoma Vega50, doesn't seem to matter
04:40.42felix___Hardware or software echo cancellation, both have the same issue
04:41.13felix___Echo during calls inbound and outbound, some voice cutting out
04:41.41felix___I've tried PBXmate also
04:42.31felix___The best quality so far has been with mg2 and echocancellation=64
04:42.44felix___Anyone out there experience similar issues?
05:03.31wyoungcaptain118: ok
05:18.17*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (
05:24.06*** join/#asterisk Nugget (
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06:07.01*** join/#asterisk fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
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06:43.08*** join/#asterisk genpaku (~genpaku@
06:46.44*** join/#asterisk Aamit (~Amit@
06:49.49*** join/#asterisk juned (~juned@
06:52.54*** join/#asterisk tparcina (~tomo@
07:38.49*** join/#asterisk unforgiven512 (
07:50.46*** join/#asterisk Rac-on (
08:04.42tparcinavoicemail, I can put time in e-mail with ${VM_DATE}
08:05.01tparcinaThat puts date in format: Friday, January 08, 2016 at 09:02:54 AM
08:05.52tparcinaIs there any way I can set this time in format: 09:02 08. 01. 2016.
08:06.05tparcinahh:mm dd. mm. yyyy.
08:10.24*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (~pchero@
08:27.25tparcinaFound it! :)
08:27.41tparcinaI just head to put "emaildateformat=%H:%M %d. %m. %Y." in voicemail.conf
08:34.01*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
08:42.27*** join/#asterisk F2Knight_ (~F2Knight@
08:44.09*** join/#asterisk youtmon (
08:46.03*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@
09:02.27*** join/#asterisk skrusty (~skrusty@
09:08.41*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
09:15.03*** join/#asterisk Bordr_ (
09:16.01Bordr_hagbard you out there?
09:16.22Bordr_mbecroft you out there?
09:43.21*** join/#asterisk hrnt (
09:56.51*** join/#asterisk Phil-Work (~Phil-Work@
09:57.44Phil-Workwhat's the safest way to do string comparison in Asterisk? I'm currently comparing the return value from a CURL request to a string like this... same => n,GotoIf($["${agent_validation}" = "OK"]?agent-success)
09:58.11Phil-Workbut if ${agent_validation} contains HTML, it triggers an error in ast_expr2.fl
10:07.54*** join/#asterisk mohan_ (ca4efb97@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:14.11mohan_hi i have a question regarding dial pattern, in the calling queue has 2 different dial patterns 1 starting with 0 and other not with 0, the number which starts with 0 should be dialed as it exists and the number which is not prefixed with 0 should be dialed by prefixing with 0
10:16.57mohan_currently i have this in the extensions conf exten => _X.,1,AGI(agi:// exten => _X.,n,Set(CALLTIME=${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},Asia/Calcutta,%d-%b-%Y-%H-%M-%S)}) exten => _X.,n,Set(Client_cli=${EXTEN:1}) exten => _X.,n,Set(FILENAME=${Client_cli}_${CALLTIME}.wav) exten => _X.,n,Set(RECORDFILENAME=${FILENAME}) exten => _X.,n,Set(SOUND_PATH=${RECORDING_KINREP}/${RECORDFILENAME}) exten => _X.,n,MixMonitor(${SOUND_PATH})
10:21.21mohan_the straight question is can i have more than 1 dial plan in same context
10:21.46*** join/#asterisk C1ph3r (
10:39.12hagbardBordr_: what sup
10:41.30mohan_while i read through document understood that there can be more than 1 Dial function in a context with different priorities and each can have different pattern
10:42.22Bordr_Hey hagbard. Wanted to say thanks for the all the help last night. GREATLY appreciated. Problem turned out to be power supply (entire circuit) loose nuetral wire. Found voltage fluctuating at the outlet. Thats why replacement hardware wasn't helping :)....
10:42.48Bordr_Last 2 entries - hadn't enabled offsite phones until 1:45 this afternoon.
10:42.48Bordr_[2016-01-07 10:22:48] NOTICE[2984] chan_sip.c: Peer 'peakteks' is now Reachable. (63ms / 2000ms)
10:42.48Bordr_[2016-01-07 13:48:42] NOTICE[2984] chan_sip.c: Peer '116' is now Reachable. (46ms / 2000ms)
10:42.51hagbardBordr_: how the hell did you discover that? didn't someone get shocked?
10:43.25Bordr_No I ran out of options and started checking everything I could think of. The only commonality after replacing the server was the outlet on the wall...
10:44.37Bordr_Have been watching and only 1 packet missed, arping is happy without any errors, no dropped calls and not one unreachable since 10:22 (about 17 hours ago).
10:57.36*** join/#asterisk pawiecki (~pawiecki@
11:07.19*** join/#asterisk bof22 (~Thunderbi@
11:09.43*** join/#asterisk mbecroft (
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11:18.10*** join/#asterisk chendy (~alexc@
11:19.04mbecroftBordr_: that is crazy
11:21.46mbecroftIt would have taken a long time to occur to me that the server could run fine in every respect except for oddly specific IP packet corruption, with multiple different NICs, due to a mains power fault
11:23.16Bordr_The server is on UPS, switch wasn't. Since I had replaced everything (i mean everything :), there was only one commonality left... Simple check showed 91v spiking to 150 (should have been 120). Check hot and ground - 123v steady.
11:23.53Bordr_Used an extension cord across room to different circuit and problems haven't returned since.
11:25.00Bordr_Electrician is coming by in the morning to address further. Requested he replace with GFI/ACFI to prevent issue in the future.
11:34.43*** join/#asterisk chendy (~alexc@
11:39.25*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
11:42.41*** join/#asterisk youtmon (
11:48.24*** join/#asterisk steelbrain (~steelbrai@
11:48.35*** part/#asterisk steelbrain (~steelbrai@
11:48.51*** join/#asterisk anees (~steelbrai@
12:01.24*** join/#asterisk plod (
12:05.37*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~Adium@
12:06.10mbecroftBordr_: still one of the most bizarre faults I've ever heard of
12:07.00mbecroftEspecially as the fault started with the phones on the main switching infrastructure, which I imagine is on UPS power even if your test switch was not
12:08.21Bordr_No, the core switch was on UPS but the POE switch wasn't. UPS is only 1500va and the POE switch cut down the run time... They were supposed to get a new UPS for the switch but never did.
12:09.16Bordr_Been in IT for 15+ years and first time I have seen mains power cause an issue like this, every other time it was identified in under a minute...
12:09.37mbecroftYeah, pretty insane set of symptoms
12:10.46mbecroftAlso that the same fault happened with both the main POE switch and the test switch in response to the unreliable power...
12:10.49Bordr_After everything was fixed they told me the "soda machine guy" was out and moved the soda machine away from the wall. Thinking he pull the wire to the outlet and knocked the N wire loose.
12:11.29Bordr_Yes it did. The managed switch and the non-managed both did the same thing. The managed swithc would sometime load pages fast and other times slow.
12:11.46mbecroftWow. Good work diagnosing that
12:11.48Bordr_Now I think it was booting up or reloading the management pages due to the power.
12:12.27Bordr_Thanks, I really appreciate the help.
12:13.14mbecroftAny time
12:13.36mbecroftAre you a regular here or did you just drop on for this?
12:13.43Bordr_I have a simply stupid question. How are you highlighting the response? You and hagbard both responded and it's highlighted...
12:14.01Bordr_Not regular, got in here for this, but might hang around a while.
12:14.18Bordr_Been helping people on centos and fpbx...
12:14.31mbecroftUsually if your nick is mentioned it is highlighted
12:14.39mbecrofte.g. Bordr_ <-- highlighted ?
12:15.40Bordr_mbecroft yes exactly mbecroft
12:15.46Bordr_did that highlight your side?
12:15.59Bordr_(new to irc) sorry for the noob questions...
12:17.16Bordr_Thank you sir! I'll hang around a bit, but for now I'm headed to bed. (5:15 am here in MST)
12:18.26mbecroftSleep well--well deserved!
12:19.04mbecroftWas going to chat but will perhaps catch you some other day!
12:21.54*** part/#asterisk juned (~juned@
12:24.48*** join/#asterisk cusco (~tralala@2001:41d0:1:6caf::cafe)
12:26.14cusco can I choose from these 8 ports wich are fxs and wich are fxo, right?
12:27.02cuscobasically so this is not a X-Y question: someone wants to place a method of recording calls. 4 landline phones...
12:27.22cuscoSo I was thinking of a asterisk between the phones and PSTN (POTS)
12:30.56*** join/#asterisk chris-lx141_ (3effef3e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
12:33.04chris-lx141_Hi all
12:36.08chris-lx141_I'm lokking for some help with my asterisk server. in sip.conf in siptrunk context I have set fromuser=USERNAME but when I'm doing a call in sip header is showing From :sip:<other-peer-name> and is failing to authenticate in sip trunk
12:36.19chris-lx141_anyone know how to solve that problem ?
12:37.39Bordr_cusco: you would need to add the fxo/fxs modules.
12:37.48Bordr_cusco: then it would work
12:38.35Bordr_chris-lx141_: can you post the config (change the password or just put in xxxxx)
12:38.47*** join/#asterisk davlefouAMD (~davlefouA@
12:43.39*** join/#asterisk vinrock (~vin@unaffiliated/vinrock)
12:44.45marceloamorimguys, about openr2, there is something ( best practice )I test to send for the list asterisk-r2 ? I can't receive or make calls, seems to be busy all channels.
12:57.55chris-lx141_Bordr: I do not see any fxo or fxs modules in /usr/lib64/asterisk/modules/
12:59.20*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
13:00.27chris-lx141_Burdr: heh now I can see that your answer was not for me :-0
13:02.16chris-lx141_thats my sip.conf
13:02.17chris-lx141_[general] context=incoming                ; default context for incoming calls allowguest=no                   ; disable unauthenticated calls srvlookup=yes                   ; enabled DNS SRV record lookup on outbound calls tcpenable=no                    ; disable TCP support localnet= externaddr=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX   register =>  [voipfone] username=
13:04.25chris-lx141_you can see it here
13:05.28chris-lx141_and in extensions.conf I'm testing with same => n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}
13:06.28*** join/#asterisk Rholk (
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13:13.42chris-lx141_I'm lokking for some help with my asterisk server. in sip.conf in siptrunk context I have set fromuser=USERNAME but when I'm doing a call in sip header is showing From :sip:<other-peer-name> and is failing to authenticate in sip trunk
13:14.15chris-lx141_my sip.conf could be seen here
13:14.23*** part/#asterisk chendy (~alexc@
13:14.26chris-lx141_and in extensions.conf I'm testing with same => n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}
13:19.22*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (~leon@
13:27.28*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
13:28.46*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (
13:41.40*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (~leon@
13:45.37*** join/#asterisk Zogot (~Adium@
13:45.56Zogotahoy all, belated happy new year
13:50.03*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
13:58.12wyoungZogot: belated happy hanukkah, kwanzaa and christmas too!!!
14:00.33*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (
14:09.31[TK]D-Fenderchris-lx141_: Your dial is wrong.  "and in extensions.conf I'm testing with same => n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}" <- this sends the call directly to that host.
14:09.58[TK]D-Fenderchris-lx141_: instead of the peer you defined.  You need to dial that peer properly.  Dial(SIP/voipfone/NUMBER)
14:16.39*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
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14:40.11*** join/#asterisk vader- (~Adium@
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14:47.44plodanybody done asterisk fast start course, any good?
14:49.35*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (~leon@
15:03.46*** join/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-bouuqcgiaqgvcenq)
15:06.36[TK]D-Fenderif you don't have time and need a course where they can pin you down and feed it to you ... then that's why it's there.
15:06.55[TK]D-FenderIf you're more directly motivated then you could do fine with just the book.
15:10.44*** join/#asterisk happy-dude (uid62780@gateway/web/
15:12.50chris-lx141_[TK]D-Fender: thanks for help, it works now
15:13.41*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit (~u388mw@
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15:35.32*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (~leon@
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15:43.54*** join/#asterisk acidfoo (45a5a03c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:45.27acidfoodoes call parking require DAHDI ? like meetme require DAHDI
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15:55.38*** join/#asterisk marceloamorim (
15:58.21*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-mywhawuglfsrlajw)
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16:03.35*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (~leon@
16:10.21*** join/#asterisk cyford (~support@
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16:20.53captain118I have an asterisk phone and a pbx running freepbx.  When I dial a 10 digit phone number a pick up my phone it dials properly.  When I pick up my phone and start to dial once I go past the number of digits that is our internal extensions I get "You call can not be completed..."
16:21.32captain118Excuse me I have a digium phone.
16:21.55[TK]D-FenderThat is your phone's dialplan cutting you short
16:22.13cyfordhi i am having the hardest time installing flite,   anyone familiar with these errors
16:22.17*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (~leon@
16:23.06captain118Where do I change the phone's dial plan?
16:23.08*** join/#asterisk cyford33 (~cyford@
16:23.26WIMPyOn the phone.
16:23.49captain118I dont see the option in the config on the site
16:23.52WIMPyAnd if you don't know what to put there, the best option usually is to leave it blank.
16:24.04WIMPyWhat site?
16:27.34captain118The web page for the phone.
16:27.55cyfordphones web gui?
16:28.07captain118its nice
16:28.33captain118Though I eventually want to just pull the config from a server.
16:28.52WIMPyIs it? For me it only worked propperly once I use a browser it called unsipported.
16:29.35captain118Sounds like you have a really old phone.
16:29.55captain118You should find the latest firmware and update it.
16:30.07cyfordhi i am having the hardest time installing flite,   anyone familiar with these errors
16:30.14WIMPyThat was the latest.
16:30.28drmessanocyford: Which version of Asterisk?
16:31.18cyfordon centos 6.5
16:32.19captain118WIMPy: huh.  I've got a D40 Digium phone and the web page lets you do all the configs.  Interestingly enough the default Digium config in the phone wanted you to push 91 for an outside line.
16:33.09WIMPyIt worked nicely with Opera even though it says it won't.
16:34.05captain118I'm using Chrome
16:36.50*** part/#asterisk mcargile (
16:42.29drmessanocyford33: I don't see at all where it will work with anything newer than 1.4
16:42.49drmessanoMaybe I am looking at the wrong page
16:43.26WIMPyThere we have it again. 1.4 was probably the best supported version.
16:43.27drmessanoNevermind.. I am
16:43.39drmessanoBut you have a VERY old version of Asterisk Flite
16:47.40cyford33when i try to install that one i get error
16:47.49*** join/#asterisk coppice (
16:48.03cyford33what are Asterisk header files
16:48.03cyford33Flite 1.4 libraries and header files
16:49.49*** join/#asterisk azerus (~badass@unaffiliated/badass)
16:50.09cyford33i installed asterisk from source btw
16:51.36cyford33opps wrong screen
16:51.52drmessanoYou didn't do an ldconfig after installing it
16:58.03*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
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17:18.12cyford33i just added contrib/scripts/install_prereq install
17:18.12cyford33and  recompiled with make menuselect ; make && make install && make config && ldconfig    -----  but still same error
17:19.41*** join/#asterisk ModFather (~ModFather@unaffiliated/modfather)
17:25.40*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
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18:29.30*** join/#asterisk sparetire_ (~sparetire@unaffiliated/sparetire)
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18:39.58*** join/#asterisk BarthezZ (
18:50.13*** join/#asterisk gmalsack (
18:52.56gmalsackgood day all. having problems with call file placed in /var/log/spool/asterisk. ast 13.1-cert2 on centos 6
18:53.25gmalsackcall file worked when testing in home office.
18:53.41newtonrwhat happens?
18:53.45gmalsackwhen I took phones to corporate office to demo, call asked for password
18:53.51gmalsackpuzzled me
18:53.57[TK]D-FenderUnless you have a paid support contract with Digium using an outdated CERT like that is a supreme waste of time
18:54.13gmalsackso then I tried calling my cell again, worked fine.
18:54.26gmalsacktried calling bosses cell. asked for password again.
18:54.28[TK]D-FenderAnd a call asking for a password... is nott a callfile issue
18:54.40[TK]D-FenderGo look at what it's actually doing
18:54.45gmalsackno it's not. seems to happen when the calls go into the basic bridge
18:55.21*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
18:55.41gmalsack -> asks for password
18:56.19gmalsack -> works perfectly....
18:57.00WIMPyI don't see anything there. Is it your ITSP asking for the password?
18:59.12gmalsack[TK]D-Fender: outdated CERT.... funny, downloaded from on Dec 28th 2015
18:59.12newtonrgmalsack, there is a voice on the call requesting a password?
18:59.20newtonrThere is nothing obvious in the debug
18:59.32[TK]D-Fender- Executing [s@macro-trunkdial:5] Dial("SIP/3006-00000013", "SIP/flowroute/50261305#12628758005,,r") in new stack
18:59.37gmalsackyes, alisons voice
18:59.54[TK]D-FenderVERY obvious difference in yoru dial out to flowroute
19:00.04[TK]D-FenderAnd thqat format shows you needing AUTHENTICATION in the dial you pass
19:00.11[TK]D-Fenderand you did NOT do it the same on your other attempt
19:00.22[TK]D-Fenderbad aim
19:00.25[TK]D-Fenderhold tthat thought
19:00.39[TK]D-Fenderis going cross-eyed today
19:01.47newtonrI need food or I'll go cross-eyed
19:01.55[TK]D-FenderHave a Snickers.
19:02.00[TK]D-FenderYou're not yourself when you're hungrgy
19:02.23newtonrmmmm chocolate
19:02.23gmalsackI have no food left. ate it all yesterday. time to the the gs
19:02.59[TK]D-Fendergmalsack: You hear this prompt after the Dial() we see there?
19:03.07[TK]D-Fendergmalsack: If so ... then that's Flowroute.
19:03.12gmalsackafter the connect to flowroute
19:03.23[TK]D-FenderThe "why" would remain in question then.
19:03.34[TK]D-FenderLook at the SIP debug to see if there is anything else different
19:03.48WIMPyThen you should find out why or when they ask for a password.
19:03.53[TK]D-FenderI think I see it
19:03.58gmalsackright..... why the heck would flowroute do that.... dorks probably an old DID in their system they are not using anymore that the telco's recycled.....
19:04.14[TK]D-FenderYou are Calling your OWN number
19:04.26[TK]D-FenderThis would be their VOICEMAIL system kicking in because you are calling yorurself
19:04.49[TK]D-FenderAnd is a mechanism for picking up voicemail.
19:04.55WIMPyUgh. You can't call yourself?
19:05.24newtonrI'll bet that is it
19:05.29gmalsackNormally I'd agree, but it's the same context running the call that does work. and the one that does work sets the caller id as well. ;-)
19:07.07[TK]D-Fenderor I'm going cross-eyed again
19:08.27[TK]D-FenderIs the failed one using a callerID you don't own?
19:08.35[TK]D-Fenderbecause they may not allow that
19:08.38gmalsackthey both are
19:09.06[TK]D-Fenderneeds more coffee
19:09.12gmalsackbut you're right, I do need to update the script so it sets the correct ocid
19:09.17[TK]D-FenderI'd certainly call up Flowroute and ask them what's going on
19:09.36WIMPyThat would roule out the VM.
19:10.06gmalsackso definitely leaning towards it being flowroute?
19:10.34WIMPyRight from the beginning.
19:11.32gmalsackguess with it being alison's voice asking for the pw, I just thought that was a little too close to home to be coincidence.... however I guess it's not far off to think flowroute might be using ast
19:12.12newtonrAlison has also done a lot of work for other products and companies :)
19:19.20gmalsackah, yea.... i suppose. duh!
19:21.42*** join/#asterisk kritzikratzi (~kritzikra@
19:29.58*** join/#asterisk rtpman (~rtpman@
19:33.35*** join/#asterisk rtpman (~rtpman@
19:33.36rtpmanhi all
19:35.15rtpmani am doing a school project. I have redirected my sdp audio IP to another server in my call initiation packet. I receive the the RTP call data  on the correct server when looking in wireshark, but Asterisk is dropping the call after a few seconds. Why would this be?
19:36.00rtpmani do not have control of the asterisk that is killing my call
19:36.10rtpmanbut all i have done different than normal, is change the media IP
19:36.19rtpmanand I do receive media for a few seconds
19:37.02rtpmando I need to reply to the RTP packets ? is that why the call drops?
19:37.05WIMPyUsually it's a good idea to kill calls with no RTP comming in.
19:37.17rtpmanI am just viewing them in wireshark and seeing them start tthen seeing them stop
19:37.46WIMPyHmm. What are you redirecting exactely and from where?
19:38.12WIMPyMight be a good idea for a little ASCII art showing SIP and RTP streams.
19:38.59rtpmani make a call to example: i put as the audio IP. i run wireshark on . I see audio data flowing properly. a Few seconds later, the audio data stops.
19:40.05WIMPyWhat are the components involved?
19:40.31rtpmanwell this only happens when the media ip is changed
19:40.41WIMPyAnd as I already said: Usually it's a good idea to drop calls when no RTP is received. So that might give you a clue.
19:40.54rtpmanok, so i must handle the RTP connectoin
19:41.02rtpmani cannot just actively monitor it using wireshark or the cal will drop
19:41.26WIMPyDepends on configuration.
19:41.34WIMPyAnd we still don't know the full setup.
19:41.38rtpmanasterisk default configuration
19:41.44rtpmandoes it drop calls which don't handle RTP
19:41.58rtpmanbecause some RTP data IS received on the media server
19:42.03rtpmanthen the call is suddenly lost
19:42.29WIMPyThere isn't really a default configuration. But I think rtptimeout is off by default.
19:43.38WIMPyTell us EXACTELY what your setup looks like and we might be able to give you better answers. It's too unclear ATM.
19:44.20rtpmanok well i think i figured out the problem thanks to your help
19:44.29rtpmando you know if RTP requires handshakes to avoid timeout?
19:45.00WIMPyNot by itself.
19:45.17WIMPyBut then there are things like NAT support that can play a role.
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19:50.44rtpmanis there a rtp server standalone?
19:50.51rtpmanthat just handles the rtp connections? so it doesn't timeout?
19:51.37rtpmancan i direct my rtp audio toward a asterisk? and will it handle it?
19:52.14WIMPyYou need to make clear what you're trying to do.
19:57.05rtpmanI'm trying to receive audio on a different server than the place the call was initiated from.
19:58.48*** join/#asterisk pa (~pa@unaffiliated/pa)
20:00.07WIMPypa [n] da man!
20:00.39pajust upgraded to nx5 :-)
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20:17.30rtpmanI'm trying to receive audio on a different server than the place the call was initiated from. Can anyone help with this please
20:34.55rtpmanIs audio data sent and received on 1 udp port in RTP protocol?
20:36.10WIMPyNot neccessarily.
20:37.02gmalsackhello all ~ Seems to have been a flowroute problem. I have my system updated so it sends the outgoing callerid of our corporate office if the ocid and number dialed match as they were.
20:37.11gmalsacknow the calls go just fine.
20:37.39gmalsackdoesn't really make sense though why it worked calling my cell phone..... ocid and number dialed matched there as well.
20:38.00gmalsackguess it's an inconsistency in flowroutes dial plan based on area code maybe....
20:38.16rtpmanok and when it is (in most cases i believe)
20:38.51WIMPyWhen you implement it that way.
20:40.29rtpmando i just send audio data back to the port it's sending me from?
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20:41.17WIMPyThe ports and IPs are negotioated in te SDP via SIp.
20:42.07rtpmanok thanks
20:42.12rtpmancan asterisk be used as a RTP server only?
20:42.18rtpmanwithout using sip etc?
20:42.23rtpmanand i will just point audio there
20:42.53WIMPyNo. What would it do with that?
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21:19.57rtpmananyone conisder themselves a voip engineer? i need a consoltation
21:23.23*** join/#asterisk jab416171 (
21:28.36[TK]D-Fender* is not a "media server", a "proxy", or much else in the sense of being a "SIP server".  It is a....
21:28.39infobot[b2bua] a Back 2 Back User Agent. Additional information is available on wikipedia:
21:29.11[TK]D-FenderIf anything like this is what you're looking for... you're looking at the wrong tool for the job.
21:29.44WIMPyGood luck finding out what the job is.
21:30.09[TK]D-FenderSo far we are hearing only bits of aspects... with no actual end-game goal in mind.
21:30.25[TK]D-FenderSo yeah... best of luck for whoever wants to jump through all those hoops.
21:30.43[TK]D-Fenderpacks up to head home
21:47.46rtpmananyone conisder themselves a voip engineer? i need a consoltation
21:49.50rtpmanI need to play ~1000 IVRs at once to alot of customers. I want the audio stream to be handled by a different server. How do I sert something lik,e this up?
21:50.58WIMPyOh, the first pieace of the puzzle.
21:51.12WIMPyAnd what is the 1st server going to do then?
21:51.28lvlinuxrtpman: why do you want the audio stream handled by a different server?
21:51.53WIMPyDon't ask. Just sell something *eg*
21:52.10rtpman1st server is handling calls.
21:52.31rtpmanlvlinux, because the 2nd server is to be managed by a different company (the company who provide the ivr)
21:52.36WIMPyWhat is the difference between handling calls and handlin rtp?
21:52.58WIMPyNow it starts to make less sense again.
21:53.00rtpmanthe ivr is for a different company to manage
21:53.08lvlinuxwhat company?
21:53.21rtpmanfor example lvlinux
21:53.25lvlinuxwhat company does IVR, but doesn't "handle calls"
21:53.43rtpmanthe idea of the project is to handle rtp
21:53.47rtpmannot the calls part
21:54.01rtpmanthats the project
21:54.04WIMPyOne doesn't go without the other.
21:54.23lvlinuxrtpman: Why is there such a project?
21:54.44lvlinuxIs this something you just want to do or do you have someone else giving you these specifications?
21:54.53rtpmanthis is something i want to do for the project
21:55.08rtpmanlike serve audio
21:55.11lvlinuxok, and WHY do you want to separate RTP from the "calls"
21:55.12rtpmanvia rtp
21:55.19rtpmanno i dont want to seperate it
21:55.24rtpmani want to provide it as an example service
21:55.34lvlinuxan example of what?
21:55.40rtpmanits for a school project
21:55.45rtpmanits not a real life scenario
21:55.46WIMPyHow do you know what audio to play where without calls?
21:56.02rtpmanthats not the problem
21:56.05WIMPyYou urgently need a sense of the basic concepts of handling calls.
21:56.07lvlinuxrtpman, how long have you been messing with VoIP?
21:56.13rtpmanlvlinux, not long
21:56.36lvlinuxok. I'm going to put it to you straight---you cannot do what you want to do because it does not make sense.
21:56.58lvlinuxNow, here's a scenario that you may find does make sense that would fit into your project:
21:57.41lvlinuxYou have one server, it handles call "routing" and "press this for that" and such,
21:58.00lvlinuxand it receives the incoming calls from wherever you are getting them from.
21:58.44lvlinuxThen you have another server that all it does is talk with the first server and connect calls (with RTP audio) between endpoints, based on "instructions" from the first server.
21:58.54lvlinuxIs that sortof what you are trying to accomplish?
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21:59.24lvlinux[bear with me WIMPy] :-D
21:59.33rtpmanyes sort of
21:59.44rtpmanim just trying to type out exactly what i am trying to do now
22:00.15WIMPyHow does one server handle press this or that and another play the menus?
22:00.22rtpmancan i use my voip phone , dial a number ,  having pre-set the rtp sdp ip to x.y.x.y , and recieve the audio not on my desktop where i made the call. but receive the audio on x.y.x.y server
22:00.53lvlinuxWIMPy: I [purposefully] left out the mention of RTP that the first server is using, which it is of course.
22:01.34rtpmanthere are no menus it is just for a demoonstration for handling audio away from the client call initiator
22:01.36WIMPyDoesn't make sense to me, yet.
22:02.08rtpmanmake a call and put the audio data to another server - doesnt make sense ?
22:02.29WIMPyWhat's the use case?
22:02.35lvlinuxit does, but you don't "preset" RTP really, unless you are writing your own signalling stack.
22:02.46WIMPyEarlier you said you want >100 IVRs.
22:02.46rtpmanthat part is done
22:02.54rtpmanthe rtp is heading to my server now
22:03.00rtpmanso i already pick it up on wire shark
22:03.08rtpmanim using an asterisk to play those IVR WIMPy
22:03.13rtpmanthis is to RECEIVE audio
22:03.17rtpmannot to PLAY AN IVR
22:03.33lvlinuxrtpman: SIP is designed to be agnostic of where RTP comes from or is sent. You use SIP to tell each endpoint where to send RTP and where to expect to receive it back.
22:04.11rtpmanif RTP is not received from one side, the call will be disconneced in most default cases?
22:04.15WIMPySo you just want something to stress-test Asterisk?
22:04.47rtpmanfor example if i just use a c# app to send a invite packet
22:04.55lvlinuxrtpman: nope, SIP could care less about whether RTP is received or not ,that's why you have the problem with one-way audio in a lot of misconfigs
22:05.03rtpmaninitating the call , sending the acks and cfollowing the call flow
22:05.22rtpmannow i get the RTP audio on a different server
22:05.34rtpmanbut it seems after 2-4 seconds
22:05.38rtpmanthe RTP stops being received
22:05.45rtpmanand the remote server i invied sent me a BYE
22:05.51rtpmanwhich doesn't happen when i use a normal client
22:05.54rtpmanit is not my signalling
22:05.58rtpmanit is something to do with RTP
22:06.01WIMPySounds more like a SIP issue.
22:06.01lvlinuxrtpman: that is probably because you are not following the sip specs in your c# app.
22:06.13lvlinuxit is nothing to do with RTP and everything to do with your signalling
22:06.15rtpmanlvlinux, i followed the wire shark 100% perfectly
22:06.23rtpmani am listening to you
22:06.39rtpmanso if no audio data is sent to the rmeote asterisk
22:06.43rtpmanand we just receive receive
22:06.47rtpmanthat won't cause a disconnectright ?
22:06.48WIMPy2-4 seconds sonds like a timeout at the SIP level.
22:06.54lvlinuxrtpman: here's what yo uneed to do: go study about the SIP protocol.
22:07.06rtpmanlvlinux, its not SIP im worried about and im not even using SIP
22:07.14rtpmannot only
22:07.21rtpmanwe have several implementations of protocols with the same problem
22:07.26rtpmani am asking you about RTP
22:07.29WIMPyI doubt anyone would set rtptimeout to less than 10s. Often much higher.
22:07.34lvlinuxbuddy if you are sending an INVITE and getting a BYE you are using SIP whether you like it or not.
22:07.52lvlinuxYou have in your mind that the RTP is the problem, and it isn't.
22:08.01lvlinuxRTP doesn't know or care if it is ever received.
22:08.16lvlinuxthat's exactly why you need a signalling protocol like SIP
22:08.18rtpmanso asterisk doesnt disocnnect calls based on silence/lack of rtp transmission from one party?
22:08.36WIMPyNo, but Asterisk can care. But that is not likely the cause.
22:08.53WIMPyDepends on configuration.
22:09.05lvlinuxbut I doubt that is his problem
22:09.34WIMPySo do I
22:10.12rtpmanso there are no requirements for rtp handshakes etc
22:10.19rtpmanif i just send signalling and request rtp media to other IP
22:10.25rtpmanit should just be flowing normally until i disocnnect the call
22:10.28rtpmanfif signalling is correct
22:10.29rtpmanyeah ?
22:10.29WIMPyDepends on configuration.
22:11.40lvlinuxrtpman: You can set up a purposeful one-way audio "problem" scenario where neither end gets one bit of audio, RTP just sent into the bottomless pit somewhere out on the internet, and your call will stay alive indefinitely. RTP doesn't know or care, and by default SIP doesn't know or care. You have to _TELL_ Asterisk to know or care if it isn't getting RTP. By default you can just ave a silent call.
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22:12.17rtpmanthanks lvlinux
22:12.45lvlinuxrtpman: do yourself a favor---study about SIP, and go look at pjsip SIP stack (the code API is quite simple and easy to work with).
22:13.21lvlinuxIf you feel really brave, you can implement your own SIP stack like you have already started to do, but if you do that you'll probably end up with problems.
22:13.59lvlinuxUse a tried and true one like pjsip or sofiasip and you can accomplish what you need.
22:14.16lvlinux^^^^and you can do it quicker and easier than trying to roll your own.
22:14.19WIMPydoesnt think there will ever be such a thing as SIP without problems.
22:14.33rtpmanme neither
22:14.40lvlinuxunfortunately I agree with WIMPy.
22:15.02lvlinuxbut rtpman you haven't hit any problems with SIP yet, just your code that is trying to talk to it.
22:15.23lvlinuxSIP will absolutely do what you are wanting---it doesn't care where you want the RTP sent, it will do it.
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22:53.49lambda79hi guys, about webrtc do you think this websocket browser-oriented webrtc protocol could one day replace sip in entreprise ?
22:54.04lambda79in business i mean
22:54.14WIMPyAny crap is possible.
22:54.33WIMPyBut someone said there is a comeback for reason.
22:54.37*** join/#asterisk Aboba (
22:54.43WIMPywon't hold his breath.
22:55.49lambda79it is more a toy for webdeveloper ? no
22:56.17lambda79no way telco business comes from this world
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23:00.01lambda79today are the webRTC offer reliable or professional ?
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23:17.56lvlinuxlambda79: do you consider Google Hangouts to be professional?
23:18.39lvlinuxlambda79: there are many professional big $$ applications using WebRTC. Now _replacing_ SIP is another story, but WebRTC is most certainly NOT a "toy."
23:30.31lambda79ok thx you
23:32.18lambda79didn't know for google hangouts
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