IRC log for #asterisk on 20160106

00:01.41*** join/#asterisk superscrat (
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02:02.52*** join/#asterisk vader- (
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02:25.40*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (
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03:01.03*** join/#asterisk crocodilehunter (
04:02.53snadgeexten => _+611[38].,1,Set(CALLERID(dnid)=${EXTEN:3})
04:02.54snadgeexten => _+611[38].,n,goto(${EXTEN:3},1)
04:02.59snadgedoes that do what i think it should do?
04:03.26snadgeie.. if the number starts with +6113 or +6118 then.. strip the first 3 digits.. eg.. dial 13. or 18.
04:03.55snadgei guess i could test it.. live on a production system and see ;)
04:28.05snadgethat worked.. thanks guys.. i love you so much ;)
04:32.23*** join/#asterisk juned (~juned@
04:39.01*** join/#asterisk crocodilehunter (
04:50.43*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (
05:31.07*** join/#asterisk happy-dude (uid62780@gateway/web/
05:54.37*** join/#asterisk F2Knight (~F2Knight@
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07:03.56Lope[TK]D-Fender: you recommended I not use extensions.ael. So I'll switch to extensions.conf now
07:05.21LopeCan someone please show an example of how to greet a caller like "Hi, you've reached blah" Dial(,30) (after 30s timeout) "Please leave a message?"
07:09.33robmalPlayback, Dial, Playback
07:09.48robmalI can draw a diagram if you want.
07:09.52LopeCan you show a real world example please?
07:11.37[TK]D-Fenderexten => 12345,1,Playback(hello)
07:11.51[TK]D-Fenderexten => 12345,n,Dial(SIP/myphone,30)
07:12.10[TK]D-Fenderexten => 12345,n,Playback(guessimnothere)
07:12.32robmalThe last playback should be tt-monkeys :-(
07:12.43[TK]D-FenderMonkeys don't ask about messages
07:13.10robmalSome people could assume you answered.
07:14.07LopeWhat does exten mean in the above example? lets say my DID number is 7777777 would it be 7777777 => 12345,1,Playback(hello) ?
07:14.14LopeWhat is the 12345 part?
07:14.26Lope(I know the 1 and n are priorities)
07:14.29robmalIts the number of satan.
07:15.04Lopeoh, cool, I've been meaning to have a chat with him.
07:15.21[TK]D-Fenderexten => 7777777,1,Playback(hello)
07:15.24[TK]D-FenderRead the book
07:15.53LopeOkay cool, thanks.
07:15.57robmalWhy no caps?
07:17.16*** join/#asterisk netman (~netman@
07:17.17*** join/#asterisk hehol (
07:17.59Lopewhere is the book?
07:18.30infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
07:19.44LopeWhats a simple way to setup a mailbox such that caller's messages are stored as files with their phone number, the extension they dialled and the date?
07:21.23[TK]D-FenderWe like to call that VOICEMAIL
07:21.27[TK]D-FenderAnd it's already a dialplan app....
07:21.31LopeI'm looking inside voicemail.conf. I see all this stuff about IMAP, I'd prefer to just store them as WAV and then execute my script afterwards to compress it.
07:21.35[TK]D-Fender"core show application voicemail"
07:21.43[TK]D-FenderAnd go read the sample config for it
07:21.55LopeI saw the Voicemail() thing being called in the sample extensions.conf file
07:21.59[TK]D-Fenderstoring as files is the DEFAULT
07:22.02[TK]D-FenderIMAP, etc are OPTIONS
07:22.19Lopebut the params were so simple I figured there must be more config
07:22.31[TK]D-Fenderno, it is that simple
07:23.07[TK]D-Fenderpile of lines for some general stuff, then1 line per mailbox to define the box withing a VM context
07:23.24[TK]D-FenderThen you have to actuall USE the dialplan apps
07:23.43LopeWhere can I see a list of variable definitions like ${user} ${mbx} etc?
07:24.11[TK]D-FenderDepends if they are standard or not
07:24.26[TK]D-FenderOtherwise your own variables... have no definition except that which you set them to
07:24.34[TK]D-Fender"Asterisk Standard Variables"
07:24.38[TK]D-FenderVEWRY Googlable
07:24.57Lopeokay, thanks. sorry will google more.
07:25.08[TK]D-FenderAnd go play around
07:25.52[TK]D-Fenderoff to bed, later....
07:26.40Lopethanks, later
07:28.36Lopeby default my ubuntu asterisk install has no sounds in /var/lib/asterisk I see there's a apt package called `asterisk-core-sounds-en` and also `asterisk-core-sounds-en-(gsm|wav|g722)`
07:28.46Lopewhich package do you recommend?
07:32.42*** join/#asterisk netman (~netman@
07:33.23Lopeweird. I already have the asterisk-core-sounds-en asterisk-core-sounds-en-gsm packages installed without having done anything.
07:33.53robmalPlayback(tt-monkeys) !
07:39.49Lopeso pbx_ael is for the extensions.ael file. What module is used to read extensions.conf?
07:43.43Lopea friend help me setup asterisk to use extensions.ael. But I want to use extensions.conf now. How can I switch?
07:44.02Lopewith debug/verbose 10 and core reload, I see it's not loading extensions.conf
07:44.54Lopeextconfig seems to be relating to useing a DB instead of flat files.
07:45.47infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
07:48.09Lopethanks mate
07:52.50LopeWARNING[8485][C-00000003]: pbx.c:4878 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'Playback'
07:53.05LopeI've loaded these modules:
07:53.16Lopethey are all that exists for *play*
07:55.06*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (~pchero@
08:07.24Lopehaha lol I heard the monkeys when I loaded all modules. now the question is which module is it...
08:08.40robmalIt should be just app_playback, without it some things can go... bananas.
08:10.12*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
08:10.49Lopei've got app_playback loaded.
08:11.15Lopeoh no, I don't.
08:13.22Lopehaha. I just listed the new modules... but did not have load= infront :D
08:15.54*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
08:18.51*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
08:38.14Lopelol it's quite funny chaining an Alison (your call will be answered by the next available representative' with tt-monkeys WAAAH WAHHH waaaa!
08:43.09robmalThat's what tt-monkeys are for.
08:45.36*** join/#asterisk skirmisha (~skirmisha@
08:49.56snadgeoh crap.. what does WARNING[28801]: acl.c:328 ast_append_ha: Invalid IP address in
08:49.58snadgelots of those mean
08:54.12Lopei've got /usr/share/asterisk/sounds/en_US_f_Allison/tt-monkeys.gsm and other files that can be played using Playback(tt-monkeys). now I've put my own WAV inside /usr/share/asterisk/sounds/custom/foo.wav and trying Playback(foo). But it says "File foo does not exist in any format"
08:56.17LopeThe permissions are the same as the Alison files.
08:57.25robmalGuess what?
09:00.01Lopeokay now I specified the absolute path (google said I can) and now it says File /usr/share/asterisk/sounds/custom/foo.wav does not exist in any format.... but `ls` says otherwise?
09:00.26*** join/#asterisk youtmon (
09:03.04Lopeshow file formats> no such command
09:06.38snadgeokay.. so we had a network outage.. and now it would appear that one of our core servers has a corrupt realtime db
09:07.00snadgei dont even.. how does..sig
09:07.49snadgehow is that even possible
09:08.06snadgehow to i refresh it?
09:09.37Lopenone of these commands work in my new ubuntu asterisk install
09:09.54Lopeshow file formats, show translation ?
09:12.35robmalLope: voip-info is outdated.
09:12.46robmalcore show file whatever
09:13.06robmalsnadge: And the db is? MySQL?
09:13.29LopeI've got plenty of wav formats showing
09:13.39LopeAny idea why it doesn't find my file that exists?
09:13.55robmalBecause it is in the wrong format.
09:13.59snadgeyes.. the db is mysql
09:14.11LopeI'm going to check that it's in the correct format, but I would have thought it would be a different error in that case.
09:14.27snadgei can access it from mysql workbench.. it seems to look no different to the other databases, from casual inspection
09:14.40snadgeall the peers are showing unreachable.. i cant register to it
09:15.26robmalsnadge: Copy all mysql files to a safe place, then mysqlcheck or whatever.
09:18.21ChannelZchances are your permissions are completely screwed up
09:18.42ChannelZ(Lope.. for the sounds)
09:22.12LopeStrange. I'm using audacity. I resampled my 22050hz Wav as 8000hz. I also changed the format from 32bit to 16 bit. I exported it. But the exported file is still 22050 32 bit :/\
09:30.26*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
09:32.26ChannelZAudacity is free but retarded. You need to change the project rate
09:33.06*** join/#asterisk Bordr (
09:33.56ChannelZThe 32-bit is a lie if you're checking by reloading it in to Audacity and seeing it say that in the track
09:34.50BordrHoping someone can help... Having a problem with chan_sip.c lagging out extensions. They are local to the system (i.e. - same subnet). No firewall, single POE switch to the server.
09:36.06ChannelZBy 'lagging out' do you mean you have Qualify turned on and it's saying they've become unreachable?
09:36.48BordrYes. I get the following lines:
09:36.48Bordr[2016-01-06 02:28:59] NOTICE[2692] chan_sip.c: Peer '117' is now Lagged. (2035ms / 2000ms)
09:36.48Bordr[2016-01-06 02:32:09] NOTICE[2692] chan_sip.c: Peer '111' is now Lagged. (2038ms / 2000ms)
09:37.01robmalOh noes!
09:37.16BordrThe calls will drop, go silent and recover, or recover with 1 way audio.
09:37.21ChannelZhmm.. well that's 2 seconds
09:37.24robmalOh noes!
09:37.29ChannelZIt sounds like you have some network issues
09:38.03ChannelZPackets whizzing off into space, being dropped, who knows
09:38.08BordrThat's what I thought as well. Checked everything I could think of and found nothing except in the /var/log/messages... Had a statement about over full arp cache
09:38.21ChannelZOr the phones are particularly crappy and losing their minds
09:38.28Bordrincreased the threshold to double and the error went away.
09:38.28LopeOkay I managed to convert the 32bit wav to 16 bit. I did this by changing the default sample format to 16 bits, then starting a new project and importing the WAV again.
09:38.58ChannelZDoes ifconfig show tons of errors or anything?
09:39.03Bordriperf shows near 98% throughput between links
09:40.38Bordrifconfig just shows the network interfaces.... look normal to me
09:41.13Lopeokay, now my wav file is 8000hz 16 bit Mono. And it still says file /usr/share/asterisk/sounds/custom/foo.wav does not exist in any format?
09:41.29ChannelZincreasing the threshold might make the problem 'go away' but you've really just hidden it rather than fixed it.  If the devices are truly taking over 2 seconds to respond, that doesn't seem right to me, unless they are doing that on purpose just for the notify packets
09:41.51ChannelZWhat kind of phones are they?
09:42.31ChannelZLope, RE: check permissions.  Whatever user your askterisk runs as, if not root, might not have access to the entire path/file.
09:43.08Bordrsorry should have mentioned that Aastra 6867i and a SPA112 ATA.
09:43.11LopeI checked the permissions, the file is owned by root:root with rw r r (same as all my other .gsm files that Playback() can play (eg: tt-monkeys)
09:43.30robmalmodule reload whatever
09:43.33ChannelZbut that's presumably not in your 'custom' folder
09:43.46ChannelZdoes 'custom' have +rx?
09:44.08LopeI am getting one strange error where it says Unable to open /path/to/custom/foo.wav (format (ulaw)): No such file or directory
09:44.19Lopeulaw, is that the same as WAV?
09:44.50ChannelZbut it's misleading anyway.  And you shouldn't include the extension in your Playback()
09:44.53Lopecustom is actually a symlink
09:45.14Lope(created by the apt asterisk package) i'll move it somewhere normal
09:45.45ChannelZregardless, is the real directory accessable?
09:46.21Bordrincreasing the threshold just stopped the arp cache errors... i agree, not sure what could be causing them. went onsite because I thought for sure they made a switching loop. sounds like it the way the phones drop calls.
09:46.48LopeI've moved the file to the root dir now, and referenging it as Playback(/foo.wav)
09:47.43Bordralso, it seams at night the interval is much better... only getting them every few minutes. during the day it's about every 2-30 seconds - assuming due to traffic. on a side note, behind ext 117 i can ping the server constantly without any abnormal ping times...
09:48.59ChannelZstill wrong.. Playback(/foo) - you don't put the extension on, as I said
09:49.50ChannelZAsterisk will look for your audio files with various extensions on its own, preferring to find a version which is in the codec of the channel it's being played on
09:50.35Lope doesn't offer a place to choose a playback format
09:50.36ChannelZIE you can have foo.wav, foo.ulaw, foo.gsm, and it will determine which one to best play.
09:50.51LopeI'm using Playback(/foo.wav) the .wav should suggest the format, right?
09:50.59ChannelZYou're not listening to me
09:51.07ChannelZDON'T PUT .wav ON THE END
09:51.20Lopeoh, okay.
09:51.26ChannelZ(of your Playback filename.. leave it on the actual file)
09:52.28Lopeokay, so basically the console says it looks for a ulaw, but doesn't find it.
09:52.44Lopehowever it's quite happy to play tt-monkeys as tt-monkeys.gsm
09:52.48ChannelZit's just worded misleadingly
09:54.27ChannelZso long as you have format_wav loaded it should find it
09:54.37Lopeoh wow. okay got somewhere
09:54.39ChannelZAlso it needs to be 8kHz, 16-bit, MONO
09:54.53LopeWhen I give the absolute path, excluding the .wav it says
09:55.14Lopeplaying /path/to/foo.slin language en
09:55.27ChannelZas I said
09:55.38LopeMy wav is 8000hz 16 bit mono
09:55.58ChannelZthen all is well
09:56.14Lopewhat is foo.slin (i don't have a file with that name)
09:56.34ChannelZsigned linear. It's what it gets converted to internally
09:56.40Lopeoh wow, okay it does actually play. it's just very short :)
09:56.49LopeI see
09:56.56Lopei need to add a delay or something
09:57.35ChannelZformat_wav is just a format handler that knows how to read out of a wav container and then turns it into slin
09:58.27LopeChannelZ: thanks so much :)
10:00.05LopeCan I ask the caller if they'd like to leave a voice message or continue to hold?
10:01.04LopeI've got various DID's and 1 softphone. I only want to allow 1 conversation to go through to the softphone simultaneously.
10:01.38BordrLope - You can in Queues. We create an IVR and use the IVR breakout menu.
10:01.55BordrLope - You can do that also in Queues by enabling skip busy agents.
10:03.37BordrBy skipping busy agents you can have them wait on hold and announce every say minute the option to leave a message. If they stay in the queue too long you can then drop them to VM or elevate to another Queue.
10:20.06*** join/#asterisk todwetsprock (
10:29.38BordrLope, did that work for you?
10:30.30BordrChannelZ, can you recommend anywhere else to look?
10:44.22*** join/#asterisk lanning (
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12:24.33*** join/#asterisk Lope (~Lope@
12:26.20napnapHi all. Since many weeks/months I have trouble with my VoIP, I have cut during conversation (few seconds of blank). After the advice I got here I captured packets on my PBX.
12:27.55*** join/#asterisk TheTechStewart (
12:28.25napnapAnd I see many "PDUType: Resupply offer" from my PBX to my phone and "PDUType: Unknown" from my phone to PBX during the time when it cuts (I think)
12:29.11napnapI have no idea what this is and if it can have a link?
12:35.23*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
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12:44.21napnapOk... according to is not DIS protocol but RTP sended on port 3000
12:44.27napnap(I have aastra phones)
12:59.19*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
13:11.06*** join/#asterisk weissbier (
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13:13.39weissbierif i use the "b" option within the "Dial" application, how do i correctly specify the arguments? at the moment it looks like this: Ttb(internal-gosub^context^1)
13:18.40weissbierdisregard that, i should do some more googling ;)
13:20.59*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (
13:21.56*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (nikolai@unaffiliated/maliuta)
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13:41.57*** join/#asterisk AsteriskNoob (cedfaf06@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
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13:45.45AsteriskNoobHi Fellas , a quick question , to keep my NAT pinholes open using Qaulify=yes is not doing keeping my nat connections open , and at moment only few extension have this issue , but could easily spread to others so Should the Value for Qualify=XXX be less than deafukt of 2000ms or more than this, Please Help, Thanks
13:47.45*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
13:52.22WIMPy1. You should use keepalive on your phones if you have trouble with expiring NAT, not qualify.
13:53.25*** join/#asterisk Draecos (
13:53.27WIMPyAnd if 2s works for qualify depends on your network situation, but if there is no answer within 2s, do you really want to send a VoIP call that way?
13:55.48*** join/#asterisk jpastore (
13:55.57AsteriskNoobI have 20s Keepalive on phones but no effect, and one of the affected ones is support line agent
13:56.05AsteriskNoobso need to resolve this
13:56.39WIMPyLooks like you need to take care of that router then.
13:56.39AsteriskNoobany ideas anyone on Grandstream GXP 1200 phones
13:59.53*** join/#asterisk happy-dude (uid62780@gateway/web/
14:05.06*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (
14:08.22AsteriskNoobWIMPy my router xlate are set to timeout every one 1 hour
14:29.10*** part/#asterisk eschmidbauer (~eschmidba@unaffiliated/eschmidbauer)
14:31.01*** part/#asterisk weissbier (
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14:50.21WIMPyMaybe it has run out of RAM?
14:51.11*** join/#asterisk josecapurro (~jcapurro@
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15:28.28*** join/#asterisk dsmith_9031 (
15:29.54dsmith_9031Good Morning all, anyone home?
15:30.18[TK]D-FenderSome of us are at work...
15:30.42dsmith_9031As am I, curiously I didn't think of that
15:33.51*** join/#asterisk azerus (~badass@unaffiliated/badass)
15:33.57dsmith_9031But nevertheless, here's a question I'm search for the answer to. I have an existing PBX system through our phone company, but I would like to add Asterisk as an addendum to this system to automatically answer inbound calls on the first ring.  Like an answering machine, and present a simple auto attendant menu to direct calls to extensions. Is this something that can be accomplished using...
15:33.58dsmith_9031...the Asterisk platform?
15:41.46*** join/#asterisk KNERD (
15:42.53dsmith_9031I've deduced as much that I will need a analog card for the server, but past that I come up short. Obviously this differs from the standard Asterisk setup because there is already an existing PBX I want it to interact with.
15:46.53[TK]D-FenderNo such thing as "standard Asterisk"
15:46.59[TK]D-FenderIt is whatever you configure it to be
15:47.08[TK]D-FenderFor me it's a jukebox and coffee maker
15:48.37*** join/#asterisk elguero (cf9a22a3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:48.58dsmith_9031That's awesome, I suppose my terminology was off. I guess the gist of what I'm asking, is there a manner in which I can configure an installation of the program to perform this task that you are aware of.
15:49.24[TK]D-FenderWant to take calls in from analog lines?  Get and interface for the lines.
15:49.35[TK]D-FenderWhat to answer those calls and give a menu?  Go for it.
15:49.53[TK]D-FenderWhat to call extension on your existing PBX based on that .... does it let you do that directtly?
15:50.00[TK]D-FenderThis we don't know
15:50.45[TK]D-FenderPerhaps if you use station ports on it instead of line ports.  Then again you'd lose things like CallerID, etc
15:50.58[TK]D-FenderAnd the entire idea is kludgy of course
15:51.12[TK]D-FenderWhat do you acttually have right now?
15:55.28dsmith_9031kludgy, excellent word, to which I agree. As far as the setup we have right now, it's a Lucent Partner system with 10 phone extensions and four incoming lines. None of the phones even have CallerID presently
15:57.10*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-dizthmayprfkqfgv)
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15:57.38[TK]D-FenderI would very serioulsy look at ripping & replacing the whole thing
16:00.06dsmith_9031I would in an instant. But since I only work for the small business instead of running I don't hold the purse strings, but I see the wisdom in that.
16:00.59dsmith_9031I'm mostly trying to come up with an inexpensive way to lighten the load on our office workers who currently answer and direct every call.
16:01.09WIMPyRemember to always look twice.
16:01.55*** join/#asterisk mcargile (
16:02.38[TK]D-Fenderwell your current plan has you paying for an assumed 4 ports IN  (required), and 4 OUT (this is the waste factor)
16:03.22[TK]D-FenderFar better to deal with 10 phones direct then to go through the old system at all.
16:03.30mcargilecan someone help me with SIP REFERs getting 603 declines? I have canreinvite=yes and allowtransfer=yes
16:03.41[TK]D-FenderEither get a direct interface for the phones, or replace them direct and ditch all the old remains
16:03.57[TK]D-Fendermcargile: those settings show nothing of use
16:04.15[TK]D-Fendermcargile: Show us the actual failed call in full.
16:05.04dsmith_9031Fender: Thank you. I'll take that and run with it.
16:05.40[TK]D-Fenderdsmith_9031: can you show us your exact phones?
16:05.46*** join/#asterisk Temper (~Temper@
16:06.09dsmith_9031These are the ones:
16:06.15[TK]D-Fenderdsmith_9031: Curious if they are worth even thinking about vs replacing with used SIP phones.  Older models still work great and cost next to nothing...
16:06.30[TK]D-FenderWow.... 1980 is calling...
16:06.39dsmith_9031You're telling me haha
16:06.44[TK]D-Fenderyup, no supporting those things...
16:06.50mcargileIn the process of ditching a Asterisk 1.4 system and going to new polycom phones. When I do a blind transfer it fails with a 603.
16:06.55Temperwhat is a cheap easy to integrate with asterisk sip service?
16:07.08mcargilesetting up an asterisk 11 system.
16:07.42[TK]D-FenderLooks a lot like a vantage 24 system I made a CDR / logging / blacklist interface for over 20 years ago
16:08.26[TK]D-Fendermcargile: [Jan  6 10:38:46] SIP transfer to extension 208@defaultlog by 204@
16:08.40[TK]D-Fendermcargile: looks like a DIALPLAN error.  nowhere to go
16:09.20*** join/#asterisk C1ph3r (~C1ph3r@
16:09.27dsmith_9031Well let me think, the business opened in 1978 and as long as they work, no one thinks twice about the system
16:09.57mcargilehere is the defaultlog context:
16:10.17mcargilethe catch all at the bottom should have grabbed it
16:12.03[TK]D-Fendermcargile: "dialplan show defaultlog"
16:12.26[TK]D-Fenderdsmith_9031: That phone pic corroborates it.
16:12.54[TK]D-Fenderdsmith_9031: If you want IVR, might as well get voicemail, callerid, etc and spend a handful of dollars.
16:16.34[TK]D-Fendermcargile: That output looks very filtered
16:16.44[TK]D-Fendermcargile: I see a call from 204 and no ack as to where it's going
16:19.21mcargilebrand new call from beginning to end:
16:24.24[TK]D-FenderStill doesn't look right
16:25.02[TK]D-Fender367 204 starts a new call which I suspect it's going to try to transfer the call to.
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16:25.31[TK]D-FenderWhere we see the "trying" we SHOULD see where it is dumpiong it... but we DON'T
16:26.00[TK]D-Fender#424 the call gets "answered" (only reason for a SIP 200 OK)
16:26.19[TK]D-FenderHow the hell can it be answered... without hitting DILAPLAN
16:26.28[TK]D-Fenderstill isn't believing what he's seeing
16:27.44mcargileI thought that was a bit oodd
16:28.25mcargileon the polycom. I am hitting the transfer button. Thats when I see an INVITE sent out even though I have not hit any other keys on the phone
16:29.47[TK]D-Fender[Jan  6 11:18:02] INVITE sip:asterisk@;transport=udp SIP/2.0
16:29.59[TK]D-FenderThat is a call to "asterisk"
16:30.12[TK]D-FenderWhich you certainly don't have a match for
16:30.16[TK]D-FenderBut I don't see it stating that it's looking
16:30.50[TK]D-FenderI'm betting this phone's provisioning has been suitably mangled
16:31.32mcargilequite possible
16:36.06mcargilesomeone had me disable URL dialing on the polycom (no clue why). Just reenabled it. That seems to have fixed it.
16:36.40[TK]D-FenderYou shouldn't have URL dialing on
16:37.22mcargilenope nevermind
16:37.58mcargileregular transfers work, blind doesnt which is what I was testing.
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17:40.28gtTunaquick question/poll i wanted to bounce off you guys regarding CDRs -- what method(s) do you guys use to determine if a call is considered local or long distance?
17:41.09*** part/#asterisk mitchthecleaver (
17:42.25[TK]D-FenderThe very thing that defines it
17:43.00[TK]D-FenderWhen my plan says "US48" for the same price ... what does long-distance even MEAN?
17:43.04[TK]D-FenderWhose MAP?
17:47.54gtTunawell, that might be fine in your configuration
17:49.02*** join/#asterisk azerus (~badass@unaffiliated/badass)
17:49.34[TK]D-FenderAnd you need to define what "long distance" actually means in your case
17:49.41[TK]D-FenderI don't know.
17:49.49[TK]D-FenderI doubt too many others do.
17:50.23AsteriskNoobshould canreinvite=no when nat=froce_rport
17:50.36gtTunacalls from a NPA-NXX to another NPA-NXX that are not considered local
17:50.49[TK]D-FenderConsidered local by who?
17:51.43gtTunawhy is it that any time I come here and ask a question, you're always the patronizing asshole that responds?
17:52.05[TK]D-FenderFirst this isn't patronizing, and second I help a lot of people in here
17:52.15[TK]D-FenderYou seem to be completely missing the point
17:52.19[TK]D-Fender'This is YOUR TELCO
17:52.28[TK]D-FenderMikne doesn't draw the borders thhat YOURS does.
17:52.39[TK]D-FenderYour map is YOURS.
17:52.47[TK]D-FenderGo get your telco's list
17:53.18[TK]D-FenderI clearly don't have it since my plan does draw a boder that isn't international or divided by an entire ocean
17:53.36[TK]D-FenderThis is not patronizizing.  This is a simple matter of fact
17:53.56[TK]D-FenderSome telcos in the US may say "your entire state is "local"
17:54.10[TK]D-FenderSome not.  Immediate difference right from there
17:54.46[TK]D-FenderPlaces that would take me an hour to drive to would be free and one I could walk to in half that time might cross a zone line
17:55.13*** join/#asterisk youtmon (
18:02.37AsteriskNoobshould canreinvite=no when nat=froce_rport ?
18:03.27[TK]D-FenderYou should never allow reinvites wherever ANY NAY it involved
18:03.41[TK]D-Fenderand the setting is directmedia, not "canreeinvite".
18:03.49[TK]D-FenderThis changed over half a decade ago
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18:30.38mcargile[TK]D-Fender: pretty sure I have narrowed down the problem. THat weird invite is the phone trying to put the call into Music on hold. The strange sip:asterisk@blahblahblah was because my coworker set the caller id name of the call to the phone but not the number.
18:31.28[TK]D-Fender* shouldn't be trying to contact a 3rd party MoH server
18:31.36[TK]D-Fenderthe standard hold should work fine
18:31.43[TK]D-Fenderfix your provisioning
18:32.34mcargileIt works perectly when I call from phone A to phone B and then try transfering to phone C. But when the AGI triggers the call to phone B and B tries to transfer to C it fails.
18:33.17[TK]D-FenderAGI has nothing to do with with that borked invite it is sending out
18:33.37*** join/#asterisk DragonAzul (~DragonAzu@
18:37.22mcargilehere is that invite that is created when I hit the transfer button on a phone to phone transfer: it ends with the call being placed into MoH. You are saying it is not suppose to do that?
18:37.55mcargileor is something malformed with the other Invite?
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18:40.10ipncan someone help me out real quick. I have a server already running centos. I want to install the asterisk.iso on that server. How do I do that? Do I need to create a bootable USB or can I wget and do it that way?
18:40.51[TK]D-FenderBoot it however iut can boot
18:41.12[TK]D-Fenderwahtever your machine supports
18:41.23ipnif i wget, how do i tell the machine to boot that ISO?
18:41.33*** part/#asterisk DragonAzul (~DragonAzu@
18:41.37[TK]D-FenderBURN IT <-
18:41.38WIMPyOr network, but that will require RAM, the size of that image.
18:41.51ipnI dont have a cd/dvd drive on the machine
18:41.55WIMPyUse dd to copy it to some spare medium.
18:42.09WIMPyUSB stick memory card, spard HDD.
18:43.37ipnnot sure i follow
18:44.15[TK]D-Fendermake a bootable USB drive
18:44.27[TK]D-Fenderor get a USB optical drive.
18:44.29[TK]D-FenderOr whatever
18:44.38ipnguess thats easiest - and I can change boot order for USB
18:44.47ipnbut I was hoping if I did a wget how would I do that
18:45.19mcargilewget the iso. use dd to copy it to the usb. reboot off the usb.
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19:11.43sweetteadd if=as.iso of=/dev/sd_usb
19:13.49*** join/#asterisk lambda79 (~lambda79@unaffiliated/lambda79)
19:17.41lambda79hi everyone, do you know any massively scalable and fault-tolerant system integrating Asterisk ?
19:20.02lambda79i was looking Digium's Switchvox but i guess it is a only commercial offer
19:21.17newtonrYou'll probably want to define "massively scalable" and "fault-tolerant" in order to get good recommendations
19:21.52lambda79massively scalable: from 5 to 500 users
19:22.19lambda79fault tolerant: phone could survive the failure of its call-setup server and later transfer the same call
19:22.45robmalGoogle: VMWare
19:24.08lambda79i'd say massively autoscalable and extentd to 5000 users
19:24.49robmalStill, one HA cluster with asterisk can do this.
19:24.54lambda79robmal: vmware is very time consuming and storage consuming
19:26.08lambda79it is not easy to cloud provision efficiently a UCommunication system
19:26.13lambda79with VMware
19:26.20lambda79(at least i am not good at)
19:27.47lambda79i was looking for something more 'readily'
19:28.43lambda79and maybe more 'carrier grade oriented'
19:29.24robmalSomething like, lets say, Switchvox?
19:29.33lambda79yes but opensource
19:29.54robmalThere's freepbx.
19:30.12lambda79not an ipbx alone
19:30.16WIMPychews popcorn
19:30.50robmalBut freepbx has all that you need.
19:31.02lambda79hm freepbx != freeswitch you re true
19:31.19lambda79ok gonna have a look at that
19:31.49robmalThey even have a support channel here on freenode. Very helpful people.
19:32.45*** join/#asterisk goddva (~goddva@
19:32.48robmalBut be aware. Once you say you have a freepbx problem on #asterisk your cows will stop giving milk and your future children will be born with a hump.
19:33.56lambda79last question
19:34.35lambda79what do you sincerely think of Kazoo in a term of cloud telephony system ? (if you ever know )
19:35.00robmalNever heard of it.
19:35.33robmalLooks nice.
19:35.55lambda79no special advice about freeswitch ?
19:36.02WIMPyThat was a quick sale!
19:37.03robmalNobody uses freeswitch.
19:37.22lambda79that is the main issue of Kazoo
19:38.22robmalMaybe you'll get a reward for being their first customer.
19:38.46robmalLike WinRAR.
19:39.23lambda79i am not gonna drop asterisk, i get used to it
19:39.42ipnso I downloaded the ISO and I enter: dd if=source.iso /dev/sde1
19:39.52ipnbut when i try to boot from usb it says missing operating system
19:40.17ipnis it a bad iso or did i do something wrong
19:40.44WIMPyYou should copy to sde, not sde1.
19:41.04ipndamn - ok
19:41.07[TK]D-FenderIt also has to be an img that is meant to be nurned tto USB.
19:54.35sweetteawhat wimpy said :D
19:54.57WIMPydidn't say anyting
20:04.32*** join/#asterisk UncleKiwi (~UncleKiwi@unaffiliated/unclekiwi)
20:08.17lambda79do any of you know Xivo, is it a reliable Asterisk appliance ?
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20:48.07*** join/#asterisk Spengler (~spengler1@
20:49.17SpenglerWith POTS we use to have a scenario where in a bank of three numbers if one was busy an incoming call would roll to the next line
20:49.35Spenglerhow does this work with VOIP, on a service like Vitelity for example
20:50.58[TK]D-FenderDepends what service you pay them for
20:51.35[TK]D-FenderWith POTS each line typically has a number associated to it.  Virtually no other kind of circuit is limited in this way
20:52.16[TK]D-Fendertake ISDN (PRI/BRI).  These support upwards of 30 channels to qhich tthere is no fixed number of DID's you can associate to it.
20:52.38Spengleri see
20:52.42[TK]D-FenderI have a T1-PRI at the office  (23 channels) and over 100 DID's on the account
20:52.48WIMPyAnd often no fixed number of calls, either.
20:53.29Spenglerso i spoke with  the rep and i believe she said 4 inbound channels for each did
20:53.49SpenglerIf I want more I guess I should just increase it
20:54.05Spenglerbut I think 4 should be enough as they only had 3 pots lines previously
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20:55.48[TK]D-FenderThey have many different package options.
20:56.24acidfoo(Asterisk 11) In sip.conf and rtp.conf I've set icesupport=no, I'm still getting this error =>  WARNING[1858][C-00000000]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:800 ast_rtp_ice_set_role: Set role failed; no ice instance (0x7f4398024b48)
20:56.31acidfooany Idea ?? thank you
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21:16.51filethat warning message has been silenced in later versions
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21:30.28acidfoowhen trying to make a call, asterisk always repond with 403 forbidden, directmedia=no, icesupport=no, nat=yes
21:31.02acidfooI don't know what should I check first, I presume I have something misconfigured in sip.conf :|
21:48.37*** join/#asterisk NeuhNeuh (
21:48.42NeuhNeuhHello  everybody :)
21:49.20NeuhNeuhI have a question, I try to put a « Waiting music » for my phone, but I get .... Not sound when I call my phone number
21:49.26NeuhNeuhHow fix that ? :x
21:49.33NeuhNeuhI have a .ogg file into /var/lib/asterisk/moh
21:50.00NeuhNeuh And its my musiconhold.conf
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22:38.37NeuhNeuhOk I progress lol
22:38.56NeuhNeuhI have waiting music but block on music on hold (SIP don't ring)
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