IRC log for #asterisk on 20160102

00:00.16*** join/#asterisk GameGamer43_ (sid5533@gateway/web/
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00:02.15*** join/#asterisk WIMPy (~wimpy@
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00:59.20*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
01:45.21*** join/#asterisk Synthase_ (uid63346@gateway/web/
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03:16.06*** part/#asterisk DragonAzul (~DragonAzu@
03:32.58*** join/#asterisk saint_ (~saint_@unaffiliated/saint-/x-0540772)
03:41.35*** join/#asterisk Lope (~Lope@
03:43.07LopeI want to configure asterisk to receive calls from my DID number, and forward them to my softphone. I'd like to use IAX2. Can you recommend steps or a guide for doing this on ubuntu 14.04?
04:00.27[TK]D-FenderIf you have * installed then your OS doesn't matter
04:00.40[TK]D-FenderAs for the rest .... Just DIal() your device
04:00.51infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
04:17.59Lopeasterisk is currently listening on my server on 2000 SCCP, 5000 Unistim, 4520 Dundi, 5060 SIP, 4569 IAX2... I only want to receive incoming calls on IAX2 from a DID and forward them to an IAX2 softphone. How can I disable everything that's unnecessary?
04:34.37[TK]D-Fendermodules.conf <-
04:34.43[TK]D-Fendernoload =>
04:34.52[TK]D-Fenderfor the ones you know you're not going to need
04:52.06*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101 (
04:56.40Lopedo you think this quickstart guide might be outdated? With the default config I had "2000 SCCP, 5000 Unistim, 4520 Dundi, 5060 SIP, 4569 IAX2" Now I set /etc/asterisk/modules.conf according to the quickstart recommendation, restarted asterisk and now asterisk is not listening on any ports at all :/ hehe
05:18.17[TK]D-FenderOld, but close enough
05:18.58[TK]D-FenderYou either disabled too many modules or did another kind of mistake like not autoloading the rest
05:19.07[TK]D-FenderOr broke a config in general
05:19.42[TK]D-FenderTHat guide's page for it ... not good
05:19.57[TK]D-Fenderbecause that also doesn't include any of the basic dialplan apps & functions modules, etc
05:20.19[TK]D-FenderThat thing is a mess
05:20.37[TK]D-Fenderrestore it to the way it was and selectively NOLOAD only the channel drivers you don't want at all
05:45.57*** join/#asterisk chendy (~alexc@
05:52.19*** join/#asterisk craigify (
07:13.45*** join/#asterisk tripleslash (~triplesla@unaffiliated/imsaguy)
07:14.15tripleslashI have a weird situation.   Fresh start of asterisk, voicemail hints are generated as expected.  core show hint *98 shows several lines such as *989000@app-dialvm  : MWI:9000@default      State:Idle            Presence:not_set         Watchers  1 which is what a person expects.
07:14.20tripleslashOnce I do a reload of asterisk (core reload), MWI breaks.
07:14.24tripleslashit only shows as MWI:9000@
07:14.31tripleslashdoing a asterisk core restart now/gracefully/when convenient restores the hints until the next reload
07:14.44tripleslashAny pointers as to how I can trace this down?
07:50.54*** join/#asterisk robink_ (~quassel@unaffilated/robink)
08:02.16*** join/#asterisk chendy (~alexc@
08:09.29*** join/#asterisk F2Knight (
08:22.35*** join/#asterisk chendy (~alexc@
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09:01.08conosjI can call out, but cannot receive incoming call. Please help! :)
09:44.24*** join/#asterisk BarthezZ (
09:57.12LopeI'm trying to receive a SIP call from my DID and forward it to my SIP softphone. But when someone calls my DID, I just see asterisk looping around a few times, and then the call is disconnected. The softphone never rings. Any ideas? Here's the debug where 1234567... is my DID number
09:59.53LopeI've just got 7 modules loaded now.,,,,,,
10:02.49Lopeextensions.ael is only "context guest { 12345678901 => { Dial(testsip00; }; }"
10:04.18LopeTypo correction, extensions.ael is only "context guest { 12345678901 => { Dial(testsip0); }; }"
10:34.20*** join/#asterisk Kunsi (kunsmannf@unaffiliated/kunsi)
10:35.24Kunsihello, is it possible to allow all sip users from to place calls to outside, even if they are not logged in?
10:35.56WIMPyThere is no such thing as "logged in". Each single call is authenticated.
10:36.27WIMPyAnd yes, you can create a peer with 'host' but without 'secret'.
10:36.46Kunsiah, that's what i wanted to know
10:36.50Kunsithank you 😊
10:47.33Lopeextensions.ael contains: context myphones { testsip0 { Dial(SIP/testsip0); }; }
10:47.47LopeNOTICE[28405][C-00000003]: chan_sip.c:25450 handle_request_invite: Call from 'testsip1' ( to extension 'testsip0' rejected because extension not found in context 'myphones'.
10:53.32LopeI also tried this now, without any improvement in error message: _X./testsip0 => { Dial(SIP/testsip0); };
10:54.33LopeI did a core reload with verbosity and debug set to 9. No unusual errors.
10:55.32WIMPyThee are probably not many people who know the ael syntax. Try 'dialplan show' to find out what the result is.
10:56.24Lope'_X.' (CID match 'testsip0') =>  1. Dial(SIP/testsip0)
10:56.37Lopeis CID the caller ID of the incoming caller?
10:56.56Lopeokay, then that's wrong
10:57.03WIMPySo testsip0 is allowed to dial any number.
10:58.07Lopeyeah that's fine
10:58.13Lopeit's still not working
10:58.24Lopebasically I want testsip1 to be able to dial testsip1
10:58.38Lopebut I keep getting the above NOTICE
10:58.39WIMPyNot allowed
10:58.55LopeWIMPy: what do you mean, not supported by asterisk?
10:58.56WIMPySo remove that CID matching part.
10:59.10WIMPyBy your configuration.
11:00.11Lopenow show dialplan says: 'testsip0' =>     1. Dial(SIP/testsip1)   'testsip1' =>     1. Dial(SIP/testsip0)
11:00.52LopeWarning. no application Dial for extension myphones, testsip0, 1
11:00.53WIMPyLooks a little mixed up.
11:01.10LopeYeah I just pasted one line after the next, people on IRC don't like floods of lines.
11:01.28Lopeso maybe I need to load some module to dial?
11:01.37WIMPyLooks like you need to load some modules. Unless you know better, enable autoload.
11:01.58WIMPyNo, the Dials don't match the extensions.
11:02.02LopeWIMPy when I autoload them asterisk listens on so many ports that I don't want it to
11:02.06LopeI'd rather just load what I need?
11:02.46LopeNo application 'Dial' for extension (myphones, testsip0, 1 == Spawn extension (myphones, testsip0, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/testsip1-00000000' was not loaded.
11:06.10Lopelol, ok I successfully called myself, it seems, from testsip1 to testsip1... seems a little mixed up
11:06.25WIMPyThat's what I said.
11:07.03LopeWIMPy yes, you did. I obviously interpreted the params wrong.
11:08.49LopeOk I managed to connect a call, but there's no audio
11:09.30WIMPyDid you load rtp modules?
11:09.35LopeDTMF works from testsip0 > testsip1 but does not work from testsip1 > testsip0
11:09.46LopeWIMPy: yes, I did load all the RTP modules
11:11.11WIMPyThe joys of SIP. You should read up on SIP and NAT to get a understanding of all the things that can go wrong, including the things that go wron when they should work, because of clever thing to make
11:11.17WIMPyit work when it shouldn't.
11:12.27Lopegonna test the mic on my testsip0 because the DTMF from testsip0 goes through to testsip1. But no audio.
11:13.03LopeWIMPy: yeah, I don't like the SIP protocol, I prefer IAX2. but my provider DIDX wasn't playing nice with me :/ now I'm using DIDforsale and they only support SIP.
11:13.23Lopewell, didx was just not working, website errors etc.
11:18.14LopeOkay cool. Pulseaudio wasn't working, on my laptop (testsip0) but Alsa does.
11:18.24LopeSo I've got DTMF and voice going one way.
11:18.31LopeSo how can I debug this shiz?
11:19.07*** join/#asterisk samneo (~samneo@
11:19.17WIMPyhates pulseaudio.
11:19.25WIMPyWhat do you want to debug?
11:19.41LopeI need sound to go from testsip1 > testsip0
11:21.03Lopetestsip0 and testsip1 are identical in sip.conf. allow=!all,ilbc,g729,g723,ulaw
11:22.37LopeI tried allow=all. That didn't help
11:30.08Lopeokay I've loaded every codec module that asterisk has.
11:30.49Lopeall 10 of them. if I choose allow=all then I lose audio going from 0 > 1
12:14.14*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
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15:45.46*** join/#asterisk azerus (~badass@unaffiliated/badass)
16:30.04*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
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17:08.36*** join/#asterisk joako (~joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
17:20.03*** join/#asterisk coreyfarrell (
17:26.20coreyfarrellanyone good with SELinux know the correct way to permit sendmail from asterisk (for app_voicemail)?  I know I can repeatedly use audit2allow to get each permission that is needed, but I'd rather use a proper policy interface macro.  using Centos7 with asterisk 13 based on fedora RPM's.
18:18.08*** join/#asterisk sparetire_ (~sparetire@unaffiliated/sparetire)
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20:02.01*** join/#asterisk Tagor (
20:02.36Tagorwhat causecode on hangup should be used for 'nobody picked up the phone'? 18? 21? 16? 17?
20:06.39[TK]D-FenderTo do what?
20:09.40Tagor[TK]D-Fender: PSTN call > VOIP > Hangup() after 30 seconds if phone is not picked up
20:10.22[TK]D-FenderIf you let the call fall through It'll already carry the status from the dial
20:11.26Tagor[TK]D-Fender: ok, thanks and happy new year :)
20:38.08WIMPyTagor: 19, but app_dial should hopefully set that for you.
20:59.21*** join/#asterisk DragonAzul (~DragonAzu@
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22:26.36*** part/#asterisk DragonAzul (~DragonAzu@
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22:48.59*** join/#asterisk moe` (
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23:03.20*** join/#asterisk crocodilehunter (
23:14.57*** join/#asterisk almostworking (~almostwor@unaffiliated/almostworking)
23:24.31*** join/#asterisk WebSprocket (
23:26.01WebSprocketHi, We have a box behind a DMZ but all external calls come in showing the following channel Answer("SIP/", "")
23:29.44*** join/#asterisk crocodilehunter (
23:44.02*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)

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