IRC log for #asterisk on 20151229

00:01.39WIMPyamonk: That sounds like a bit of hit or miss to me.
00:08.34amonkWIMPy: yeah, it's not ideal, but it looks doable
00:09.23WIMPyUsing somethign end2end through something that by definition is an endpoint soulnds like a questionable concept anyway.
00:09.53WIMPyYou should look a SIP proxys instead of an B2BUA for that.
00:10.48amonkyeah, i know.
00:13.52MaliutaLapWIMPy: <- seems to indicate DN is "Directory Number"
00:14.34WIMPyMaliutaLap: But where would that appear in any of the XML files?
00:15.19WIMPyI don't find anything number other that the voicemail extension.
00:24.50MaliutaLapWIMPy: yeah, not finding much on getting the 9971's working in that way
00:25.02MaliutaLapWIMPy: most example are just to a single * server
00:25.40WIMPyGuess that's just a case of bad luck.
00:52.50*** join/#asterisk vandyk (~vandyk@
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02:10.38*** join/#asterisk sweettea (
02:11.19sweetteaive asked this before, but I am sorry to ask again. I am switching asterisk servers shortly. How can I transfers voicemail? Ive already configured it in the new host, can I just copy the contents in NEW to the new box?
02:12.03sweetteaINBOX rather...
02:20.12*** join/#asterisk Nugget (
02:54.57ChannelZcopy the whole mailbox dir (generally /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/[context]/[mailbox]
03:16.46*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (
03:41.28*** join/#asterisk Nugget (
03:43.26*** join/#asterisk Nugget (
03:43.34wyoungsweettea: rsync works great
03:45.46*** join/#asterisk Nugget (
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07:10.52*** join/#asterisk BillyCrook (
07:12.10BillyCrookI'm looking for an IAX provider that I can port my t-mobile number to, and use that number for termination/origination of voice, SMS, and MMS
07:12.21BillyCrookany recommendations?
07:44.41*** join/#asterisk pppingme (~pppingme@unaffiliated/pppingme)
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09:10.04DonkeyDongHas anyone ever experienced SNOM 3xx phones suddenly starting ignoring incoming traffic?
09:32.26*** join/#asterisk karelk (~karel@
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10:16.57drmessanoBillyCrook: IAX?  Don't do it
10:58.48*** join/#asterisk vandyk (~vandyk@
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12:03.33*** join/#asterisk apavlov (somebody@nat/google/x-xcvjoqfstnlafygs)
12:07.48apavlovHey all. Wondering here if it's possible to set up a tlsbindaddr with an IPv4+IPv6 interface/port in http.conf (using 13.6). tlsbindaddr=[::]:8089 apparently does not work
12:10.07*** join/#asterisk juned (~juned@
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12:39.27pawieckiDonkeyDong: Can you elaborate?
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12:57.48*** join/#asterisk eschmidbauer (~eschmidba@unaffiliated/eschmidbauer)
12:59.17DonkeyDongpawiecki: phones starts ignoring incoming traffic out of the blue. Wireshark shows traffic both ways, ifconfig shows rx packets increments but the phone does nothing with it so it can not communicate with the network. It acts as if it does not see the incoming packets
12:59.22*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
13:00.08WIMPyifconfig on the phone?
13:00.35WIMPyHow do you get there?
13:00.44DonkeyDongserial cable
13:01.04WIMPySounds desperate :-)
13:01.20WIMPyOnly sip or all traffic?
13:01.29DonkeyDonghehe, all traffic..
13:02.40WIMPyI havent' seen or heard of anythign the like so far.
13:02.40pawieckiDonkeyDong: latest firmware? I had some problems with firmware on SNOM 370 and 710 and had to downgrade. Another thing is, is the phone registered? Check another phone, with the same settings/firmware combo.
13:03.18WIMPyBut yesterday I took apart a Snom for the first time. Don't know why. Usually I have to take a peek earlier :-)
13:03.51pawieckiJust out of curiosity - what phones have you guys used/configured/repaired so far?
13:04.08WIMPyYeah, I stopped at 8.4.35 as well.
13:04.09pawieckiI have one Polycom VVX500 right now as a organ donor
13:04.24pawieckirepair of the screen costs more that new unit
13:05.23WIMPyAllnet, Avaya, Cisco, Digium, Gigaset, Linksys, Snom
13:07.28WIMPySiemens, UTStarcom and ZyZEL.
13:08.43pawieckiI had so far: Polycom, RTX, Yealink, Gigaset, Linksys, Cisco, Grandstream, Ascom and Snom.
13:20.45*** part/#asterisk eschmidbauer (~eschmidba@unaffiliated/eschmidbauer)
13:21.02*** join/#asterisk eschmidbauer (~eschmidba@unaffiliated/eschmidbauer)
13:22.11eschmidbauerwe have asterisk setup with public + private NICs
13:22.38eschmidbaueruser sends INVITE on private NIC, asterisk sends b-leg INVITE on public, but the to-header has the private NIC IP
13:22.50eschmidbaueris that normal? or should it be translated to public IP
13:23.01*** join/#asterisk marceloamorim (
13:23.16WIMPySounds like you haven't configured NAT support correctly.
13:23.56WIMPyWith the phones using what they found to be their public IP and Asterist believing them.
13:24.49eschmidbaueri read RFC and it said the to-header contains the logical address.
13:25.17eschmidbauermy question is, does this matter? call seems to setup properly and all. i'm just not sure if it's correct behavior
13:27.32WIMPyWho does that work? I can't see how the phones could be reached vir the public IP.
13:28.35eschmidbauerit's the to-header
13:29.00eschmidbauerAFAIK the to-header is not used to navigate SIP packets
13:29.16WIMPyIf the phines don't care...
13:32.52*** join/#asterisk davlefouAMD (~davlefouA@
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14:00.34*** join/#asterisk happy-dude (uid62780@gateway/web/
14:02.06*** join/#asterisk chazzam (
14:03.04*** join/#asterisk ArcticFox (
14:03.10ArcticFoxHello every1!
14:04.31ArcticFoxHow to fix that error: ERROR[30513]: app_voicemail.c:2813 inboxcount2: Couldn't find mailbox 1001 in context internal.
14:05.21*** join/#asterisk C1ph3r (~C1ph3r@
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14:05.27ArcticFoxextension in dialplan presents, in voicemail.conf string also presents: 4001 => 4001,4001 VoiceMail,
14:05.59WIMPyHow would 1001 match 4001?
14:06.08ArcticFoxwhooh, yeah found it here
14:06.21ArcticFox1 moment, fix it in .conf
14:07.05ArcticFoxfixed to 1001, same error
14:07.51WIMPyAnd BTW: Are you still using Asterisk 1.2 or earlier?
14:07.53ArcticFox1001 => 1001,1001 VoiceMail, ; Password is the same as extension
14:08.01ArcticFoxAsterisk13, PJSIP
14:08.13ArcticFoxnot using users.conf
14:08.20WIMPyOh, that still accepts that syntax?
14:08.30WIMPySince 1.4 we use () for parameters.
14:09.13WIMPyand "" is not "default". So there's still somethign wrong about your story.
14:10.33ArcticFoxOh, thanks, 1 more glitch
14:11.30ArcticFoxnot that one, creating pastebin
14:11.37*** join/#asterisk C1pher2 (~C1ph3r@
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14:17.01ArcticFoxAny ideas?
14:21.27*** join/#asterisk smkelly (
14:24.11WIMPyDo you really have [internal] twice?
14:25.33BillyCrookdrmessano: And why is that?  Please elaborate.  I thought IAS was the preferred format?
14:31.36*** join/#asterisk smkelly (
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14:52.56WIMPyBillyCrook: It's not a format. And it's better so people don't like it.
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15:08.19qakhanwhat is alternate of eventwhencalled and eventmemberstatus in asterisk 13.6
15:08.25*** join/#asterisk newtonr (
15:08.25*** mode/#asterisk [+o newtonr] by ChanServ
15:33.02*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
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15:57.38*** join/#asterisk onebree (d1bf0df7@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
16:05.47newtonronebree, howdy
16:07.09onebreeIs it possible to determine what cipher the client-side of things is using?
16:07.43onebreeRight now, we believe our issue with video is that the two clients do not have the same cipher/crypto set.
16:08.35[TK]D-FenderDo you have audio?
16:09.05[TK]D-FenderBecause if you have one then you can have the other.  If you don't have one then the call would have dropped like a rock
16:09.15[TK]D-FenderSo basically that isn't your problem
16:09.20onebreeThe clients cannot hear each other, but they can hear the sounds that asterisk sends
16:09.33[TK]D-FenderThen you are screwing something else up.
16:09.56onebreeAnd that is correct -- when one person enters the conference, all is fine. When a second person enters, the second person is dropped immediately.
16:10.12[TK]D-FenderShow the actual backup for all this
16:10.30onebreeThis is similar to what I am experiencing, just with sipml5 (not linphone) --
16:11.49onebreeAlthough closed, this patch seems to not be applied in asterisk for us:
16:14.13*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
16:15.06[TK]D-FenderOther people's debug is useless garbage
16:15.08[TK]D-FenderShow yours
16:16.26onebreeI do not have much -- I keep getting the error "SRTP unprotect failed with: authentication failure" with codes 10 or 110. When the second person enters the conference, the websocket is immediately closed, and a stale connection remains
16:16.33[TK]D-FenderGot GET debug
16:16.41[TK]D-FenderStop showing us single-line messages
16:16.48[TK]D-Fenderthat doesn't proce what the comms were that CAUSED it
16:17.18onebreeHow do I debug or check the client-side ciphers/crypto settings?
16:17.43[TK]D-Fenderthis is all negotiated in SIP debug.
16:17.48*** join/#asterisk Echo6 (~Echo6@
16:17.50[TK]D-FenderStop wasting time and show us the call
16:18.48onebreeI don't mean to waste time. I did not know if this could be answered shortly.
16:19.03onebreeI'll gather some debugs and if I still need help, I will report back.
16:30.44*** join/#asterisk slav3_sergal (~frankthet@unaffiliated/slav3-kitten/x-0866809)
16:35.20onebreeI mean, how much of the debug do you want? There is a lot, and I am not sure which would be relevant to show
16:35.32*** join/#asterisk mjordan (mjordan@nat/digium/x-bfvanmtbrpsnidax)
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16:44.56[TK]D-FenderStop stalling and start showingh
16:47.14onebreeIDK what to show for the debug. A ton of logs just spew out with only one client connected to the conference room
16:47.26onebreeI do not have the ability to have 2 clients in the room at once, ATM
17:03.21newtonr[TK]D-Fender, probably easier to specify what you want to see rather than simply saying "show us the call" over and over.
17:03.52newtonrprobably want to include "sip set debug on" or "pjsip set logger on" depending on what you use
17:04.54newtonrThat will show the SIP packets received and sent by Asterisk along with the debug the rest of the article has you enable.
17:05.00[TK]D-FenderHas has debug and is looking for an excuse to show LESS of it
17:05.33*** join/#asterisk ArcticFox (
17:05.39newtonrI think that is an assumption you have made. He appears to not understand what you want to see or how to gather it.
17:05.48newtonrHe even said "IDK what to show for the debug"
17:05.52[TK]D-Fender"There is a lot" <- why don't see irt NOW? Why are you truying to show LESS?  Why the DELAY?
17:05.57[TK]D-FenderHe HAS it according to that
17:06.25[TK]D-Fender"There is a lot".  So where is it?
17:06.32[TK]D-FenderALL OF IT
17:06.38[TK]D-FenderLet us soprt
17:06.47[TK]D-Fenderlet us sort through it
17:10.33newtonrWhether he has it or not, typing in caps (which most interpret as yelling) and asking the same thing over and over when the other person obviously doesn't understand doesn't tell anyone how to provide the debug or gather it accurately. If anything it simply makes people irritated. :)
17:11.11newtonrIf you believe they do understand but are being obstinate then there is no reason to continue dialog with them.
17:15.45moe`classic, [TK]D-Fender looking for complete logs.   newtonr, do what [TK]D-Fender asks, he will fix it for you.
17:16.01[TK]D-Fenderonebree> IDK what to show for the debug. A ton of logs just spew out with only one client connected to the conference room
17:16.13[TK]D-FenderYup, has tons.  Shows nothing.  Clearly obstinate.
17:16.17[TK]D-FenderYou're right
17:16.32[TK]D-Fendermoves on to more productive matters
17:17.00newtonrmoe`, I'm not the one looking for help. :)
17:17.22moe`if you play nice, the greybeards here will help you fix it
17:17.28moe`they did so for me.
17:17.36ArcticFoxHello, what I'm doing wrong? Asterisk13+PJSIP+Voicemail here is a paste bin:
17:18.31moe`one thing that got me twisted six ways from Sunday was a SIP trunk not registering but still working.
17:18.55[TK]D-FenderArcticFox, Interesting....
17:19.22[TK]D-FenderactCLI seems to show it there pretty clearly in the VM dump, and the config looks like it matches...
17:20.07[TK]D-FenderArcticFox, Are you using realtime at all?
17:20.16ArcticFoxnope, Extensions.conf
17:20.27[TK]D-FenderArcticFox, Only thing I can think of is if that dump came from one source but * was looking somewhere else.
17:20.29*** join/#asterisk C1ph3r4 (~C1ph3r@
17:21.02[TK]D-FenderArcticFox, try restarting * completely
17:21.10ArcticFoxmay be users.conf, but it's not usable by pjsip, only by voicemail
17:21.38ArcticFoxbut i don't know algorith by which parameters from users.conf is taken by voicemail
17:21.54infobot[~users.conf] users.conf is a flaming pile of sh1t that takes the fine control of several perfectly usable asterisk config files and reduces them to the lowest common denominator and makes your system behave like a "toaster grade" PBX system.
17:22.01[TK]D-FenderStop using that
17:22.03*** join/#asterisk azerus (~badass@unaffiliated/badass)
17:22.21moe`LOL [TK]D-Fender
17:22.25ArcticFoxyeah, this is reason why i don't using it
17:22.27moe`how good is that
17:22.42[TK]D-Fendertrash it
17:23.01ArcticFoxyep, this is my idea ;)
17:27.14moe`hey, [TK]D-Fender, dialplan can do logic like select lowest latency SIP trunk to select outbound, right?
17:27.52moe`I have 3 SIP trunks, so I'd like to enable automagic failover, etc.
17:28.41WIMPymoe`: The latency is not available.
17:28.43*** join/#asterisk pjensen00 (
17:29.54moe`WIMPy: dammit, so how to select?
17:30.40moe`right now I have dial prefixes... 9 = flowroute, 7 = twilio, 5 = skype SIP
17:30.43moe`that's LAME
17:30.48WIMPyBy destination (cost)?
17:30.56moe`I care not of cost
17:31.06moe`mostly just need to make sure the call completes
17:32.34moe`so it flowroute is down, for example (that's never happened flowroute is awesome).... but if a user tries 9-international, it should failover to twilio or skype
17:32.52moe`s/so it flowroute/so if flowroute/
17:33.09moe`lol I just sparked infobot, amusing
17:33.48moe`nice work on the bot, what's its running?
17:34.13WIMPyEither chack status before trying with the SIPPEER function, or try and check DIALSTATUS and HANGUPCAUSE and retry on another account when appropriate.
17:34.56moe`ah, ok, so adjust the outbound dialplan and on DIALSTATUS or HANGUPCAUSE to roll over to another provider
17:34.58moe`got ya
17:37.07ArcticFoxgot interested debug string: [Dec 29 20:33:15] DEBUG[32355] res_pjsip_pubsub.c: Subscription to resource 4001 is not to a list
17:37.07ArcticFox[Dec 29 20:33:15] NOTICE[32355] res_pjsip_mwi.c: AOR 4001 has no configured mailboxes. MWI subscription failed
17:37.07ArcticFox[Dec 29 20:33:15] DEBUG[32355] pjsip:         endpoint .Response msg 404/SUBSCRIBE/cseq=2 (tdta0x1fdb320) created
17:38.40moe`Can it be done to setup a virtual SIP?
17:38.58moe`i.e. a virtual SIP trunk that is a mongrel of real trunks
17:39.12WIMPyIsn't it always virtual?
17:39.18moe`well, true
17:39.39moe`but can I define a SIP trunk to be something of a combo of real trunks?
17:39.48WIMPyNope. have to use dialplan.
17:39.50moe`for example, a simple extension is a virtual, yes
17:40.07moe`that's unfortunate
17:43.09[TK]D-FenderArcticFox, that message shouldn't be related to your previous error.  It is its own issue
17:43.25[TK]D-FenderArcticFox, fix the endpoint to have that box
17:44.05ArcticFoxtrashed users.conf, need to add [endpoint] type=aor, mailboxes=vm4001@internal?
17:45.59[TK]D-Fenderread the sample config to see wher it belongs
17:46.13ArcticFoxno samples with aor&&mailboxes
17:49.15ArcticFoxgreat: [Dec 29 20:48:30] DEBUG[32483][C-00000002] app_voicemail.c: Before find_user
17:49.16ArcticFox[Dec 29 20:48:30] WARNING[32483][C-00000002] app_voicemail.c: No entry in voicemail config file for '4001'
17:54.33[TK]D-FenderArcticFox, the sample config clearly shows where mailboxes go
17:54.36*** join/#asterisk DragonAzul (~DragonAzu@
17:55.24ArcticFoxare we about: ?
17:55.50[TK]D-FenderIs that the sample config?
17:55.54[TK]D-FenderLooks like a wiki page.
17:56.16[TK]D-FenderGo read the sample config
17:57.43*** part/#asterisk DragonAzul (~DragonAzu@
17:57.58ArcticFoxbut does mwi required? it conflicts with app_voicemail
17:58.06*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
17:58.28[TK]D-FenderI already told you it'
17:58.32[TK]D-Fenders not related
17:58.39[TK]D-Fender[TK]D-Fender> ArcticFox, that message shouldn't be related to your previous error.  It is its own issue
17:59.20ArcticFoxk, cleaning configs
17:59.30moe`hey, suppose a guy wanted to plug in an analog phone line to a x86/x64 boxen via PCIe, what's the go there?
17:59.55moe`for asterisk integration, of course
18:00.22*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
18:00.39moe`there are many cards out there, anyone with experience on that?
18:00.53moe`it should be a simple thing, really
18:01.20*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
18:02.54moe`so far all I've got is Bria/CSipSimple VoIP for clients, and SIP trunks, but I'd like to extend to actual physical land lines... inviting landlines to the party.
18:03.08moe`well, linphone too, of course
18:03.47moe`so outbound to landlines I have, but I'd like to have a means for inbound landlines - analog or digital.
18:06.04sweetteadoes the voicemail directory need to be owned by asterisk?
18:06.16moe`I have a DISA 1.888 number, etc, so landlines can call the system and dialout via that
18:06.22moe`but I'd like something more direct
18:06.40[TK]D-FenderIt clearly needs rights to all the files
18:06.55[TK]D-FenderWhy shouldn't it be the owner?
18:07.05[TK]D-FenderIf other things need rights then give it to them
18:07.14[TK]D-FenderOther things shouldn't be the owner of things * makes
18:07.14moe`asterisk daemon needs to have read/write access to the voicemail repository
18:07.39[TK]D-FenderI don't buy a car, say it belongs to my dog, and then say the dog gave me rights to the car.
18:08.35sweetteathats one way to answer it
18:08.39ArcticFoxat last i have a new error ;) good news  may be
18:10.42sweettea/var/lib/asterisk is not owned by root, by default, why i asked. Installed put a bunch of stuff in there.
18:11.22[TK]D-Fenderit shouldn't be owned by root
18:11.28[TK]D-FenderSince Asterisk shouldn't be run as root
18:12.46onebreeDoes that mean doing `sudo asterisk -rvvv` is wrong?
18:14.05*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
18:14.39sweetteaahh there lies my problem
18:14.43sweetteaits runnin as root
18:14.59ArcticFoxnew error:
18:15.07[TK]D-Fender<onebree> Does that mean doing `sudo asterisk -rvvv` is wrong? <- no
18:15.24[TK]D-Fenderthat only CONNECTS to an already running *
18:15.25moe`root@banshee:/usr/local/etc/asterisk:0# ps axO ruser | grep asterisk
18:15.25moe`77873 asterisk  -  Is      122:14.83 /usr/local/sbin/asterisk -n -F -U asterisk
18:15.30moe`that sorta thing?
18:15.49onebree[TK]D-Fender: Thank you for the clarification.
18:16.12[TK]D-FenderArcticFox, PS your voicemail.conf
18:16.56[TK]D-FenderAnd show us the contents of your config folder as a whole
18:17.11[TK]D-Fender"ls -la /etc/asterisk" <- or wherever you have them
18:18.59sweetteawhy does default install run as root?
18:21.07[TK]D-FenderThere is no such thing as "default"
18:21.13[TK]D-FenderThere is only "how you did it"
18:21.27sweetteai did w/e the wiki said :)
18:22.17[TK]D-FenderWiki shows all sorts of creating a user for it....
18:25.13ArcticFoxwiki shows clearly, but something goes wrong
18:25.23ArcticFoxand it's in voicemail.conf now
18:25.32moe`[TK]D-Fender any suggestions on a card for analog/digital landline to an asterisk instance via PCI/PCIe?
18:25.35ArcticFoxpjsip have no errors now
18:25.46[TK]D-Fenderls /etc/asterisk
18:25.49[TK]D-Fender-la <-------
18:26.51ArcticFoxthank you, found new glitch
18:34.08*** join/#asterisk sparetire_ (~sparetire@unaffiliated/sparetire)
18:35.03ArcticFoxstrange rtp source comes, but mostly it's norma;
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18:49.38millsu2Is it possible to keep a callers wait time when moving a call to another queue?
18:51.00millsu2I don't think setting the position will hep, since the members answering the call are members of other queues.
18:52.26*** part/#asterisk Ellenor (~x@unaffiliated/ellenor)
18:55.41[TK]D-FenderNo, wit time is wait time
18:55.49[TK]D-FenderYou can force their position, that is about all
18:56.20*** join/#asterisk davlefouAMD (~davlefouA@
18:56.40ArcticFoxany ideas for me case?
18:59.44[TK]D-Fenderset core debug and retest
19:01.27*** join/#asterisk almostworking (~almostwor@unaffiliated/almostworking)
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19:17.32ArcticFox[Dec 29 22:10:26] DEBUG[985][C-00000003] app_voicemail.c: Before find_user
19:17.32ArcticFox[Dec 29 22:10:26] WARNING[985][C-00000003] app_voicemail.c: No entry in voicemail config file for '4001'
19:24.54[TK]D-Fendergives up
19:44.04*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
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20:03.17ArcticFoxin which context app_voicemail.c looks for mailboxes - mailbox-context(voicemail.conf) or dialplan-context(extensions.conf)?
20:04.27onebreeIf the context is the mailbox name/number, it looks for it in voicemail.conf.
20:04.53onebreeI think of extensions.conf as handling the routing/paths of a call
20:06.27*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (
20:15.35ArcticFoxthan i'm totally lost
20:16.09ArcticFox4001 => 4001,VoiceMail vm4001
20:16.09ArcticFoxCorrect, is it?
20:16.58ArcticFoxfor imap string: 4001 => 4001, name,
20:17.13ArcticFoxpin = extension
20:18.05[TK]D-FenderWhy are we talking about imap?
20:18.49ArcticFoxI'm using voicemail with imap
20:18.57[TK]D-FenderWhy are you only telling us this NOW?
20:19.16ArcticFoxI'm thinked that bug was resolved in 2012
20:19.39ArcticFoxdoes it changes alot?
20:19.41[TK]D-FenderI think you have been holding out on needed information and we have been wasting our time.
20:20.08ArcticFoxbut imap was in all PBs
20:20.35[TK]D-FenderWhere do we see the core debug I told you for?
20:20.41[TK]D-FenderYou showed us the text-file config
20:20.55[TK]D-FenderWe have no prrof about what voimail module is actualyl even loaded
20:21.02ArcticFox<ArcticFox> [Dec 29 22:10:26] DEBUG[985][C-00000003] app_voicemail.c: Before find_user
20:21.02ArcticFox<ArcticFox> [Dec 29 22:10:26] WARNING[985][C-00000003] app_voicemail.c: No entry in voicemail config file for '4001'
20:21.03[TK]D-Fenderand you did not say you were using imap
20:21.19[TK]D-FenderWThat doesn't say it either               Comedian Mail (Voicemail System) with IM 0          Running              core
20:21.47[TK]D-Fenderthere are MULTIPLE modules
20:21.51[TK]D-FenderGo look
20:22.37[TK]D-FenderYou can't load more than one
20:22.44[TK]D-Fenderevery other one will fail
20:23.59ArcticFoxother mails unloaded
20:29.51[TK]D-Fendergo into your MODULES FOLDER and look
20:31.55ArcticFoxlook for what?
20:39.08ArcticFoxcleaned from res_ari_mailboxes and minivm
20:41.07ArcticFoxchecked for conflicts in make menu
20:56.09*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
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21:06.15jpastorehi have a n00b question. Is there a lexicon that says version 1.8.x = asterisk 1x? because I have no idea what version I have (11,12,13etc?) when I do core show version it returns 1.8.x...
21:06.53onebreeThen you have version 1.8.x
21:07.12onebreeAsterisk started its versions at 10+ after 1.8
21:07.57*** join/#asterisk zerohalo (
21:08.08jpastoreahh...that's a weird jump
21:08.11jpastoreso I'm way behind
21:10.45onebreeWe are still using 1.8 here for production work, but we plan to move to 13.x soon.
21:12.43infobotAsterisk versions and their support levels are documented at
21:14.57ArcticFoxhow to check app_voicemail configuration? with IMAP
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21:27.42jpastorethanks guys
21:27.45jpastoreappreciate the link
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