IRC log for #asterisk on 20151224

00:07.30*** join/#asterisk almostworking (~almostwor@unaffiliated/almostworking)
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05:29.40drmessanoWhy don't you purify yourself in the waters of lake minnetonka
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07:04.19MaliutaLapdrmessano: because I'm as pure as the driven snow :P
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16:59.29*** join/#asterisk amonk (~amonk@unaffiliated/amonk)
17:01.05amonkAnyone know the status of xmpp with googlevoice?  Is it still working with Asterisk or no?
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17:56.20Ellenoramonk: <_<
18:11.28amonkif someone answered my xmpp googlevoice questio, sorry, but i missed it.  had a crash.  prolly not, being xmaseve and all, but if so, please repost.
18:38.52*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
18:44.21amonksaint_: thanks, but how long ago?
18:44.50saint_amonk last year. i stopped when i read somewhere that google was going to charge for google voice. they never did. i should have waited.
18:51.29amonkthanks, a little late, i guess
18:51.49drmessanoXmpp is going away at Google
18:51.59drmessanoIt's deprecated and being replaced
18:52.00amonkanyone else know if chan_gtalk still works with google today?
18:52.26drmessanoDoes your account use Hangouts?
18:52.33amonkdrmessano: yeah, that been the word for years now.  so, i only care if it does or doesn't now.
18:52.47drmessanoIf it's been upgraded to Hangouts then it doesn't work
18:53.02amonkno.  i never used hangouts
18:53.03drmessanoIf you get a new account, it won't have Google Talk
18:53.29drmessanoIf you never upgraded to Hangouts then the answer is definitely maybe.
18:53.40drmessanoIf you did, it definitely no
18:53.51amonkso, are you saying then that because i never used/"upgraded" to hangouts that my account will still support chan_gtalk today?
18:53.54drmessanoAnd that's a strong "Maybe"
18:54.04drmessanoI'm saying its "maybe".
18:54.15amonkokay, definitely maybe.  and more detailed maybe.  thanks
18:54.30drmessanoNot everyone with a non-upgraded account can still do it
18:54.48drmessanoBut if you did Hangouts, it's 100% no
18:55.19drmessanoChan_gtalk sucks BTW
18:55.32drmessanoYou should upgrade and use chan_motif
18:55.39*** join/#asterisk onebree (d1bf0df7@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
18:55.56onebreeHave a merry christmas and happy holiday, everyone!
18:56.16amonkokay.  thanks.  i generally loathe companies new crap for the same old crap that runs one deeper and deeper into their walled gardens, so i eschew them all like the plague.  i will not upgrade.  they must upgrade me by force.
18:56.35mjordanhow much are you paying for gtalk?
18:56.42mjordanor google voice, for that matter.
18:56.49drmessanoThere's nothing shady about a new Asterisk
18:56.55drmessanoOr more closed
18:57.06drmessanoNot sure what that's even about
18:57.10mjordandrmessano: other than the usual ... things.... THAT WE MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE DONE.
18:57.13amonkwhy does chan_gtalk suck?  and i guess you're saying chan_motif will make googlevoice calls via hangounts?
18:57.21drmessanoNo I'm not
18:57.39mjordanchan_gtalk was a pretty bad implementation of a cobbled together/reverse engineered Google Voice flavored Jingle
18:57.40drmessanoChan_motif is a better implementation of what you're trying to do
18:57.57drmessanoThere is no bridge to hangouts. Never will be
18:57.59mjordanchan_motif was written after Google stopped playing "let's change the spec again", so it's a better implementation
18:58.05mjordanamen to that
18:58.20mjordanOne Google product to chase after is enough, thank you very much
18:59.01amonkwell, that what i'm wanting to do, so if chan_motif doesn't do it, it's not a fit anyway
18:59.06drmessanochan_motif is so much more stable. But obviously depends on the thing Google is looking to kill off.  I'm just saying if you're going to take a shot at it, use the right channel driver
18:59.32onebreeI cannot find much on this error. Can anyone help me with it? >> PJ ICE Rx error status code: 370400 'Bad Request'.
18:59.37*** join/#asterisk protem (~protem@unaffiliated/protem)
18:59.43drmessanoNo one will or can help you with chan_gtalk.  We hate it
19:00.02drmessanoIt kills kittens
19:00.14amonkmjordan: exactly.  i hate the chase game.  especially when they had it all open standard.  it's lets' be evil long ago, rather than don't be evil, clearly
19:00.20mjordanand as far as chan_motif goes... if you have a bug that is XMPP related, then there's hope. Given that Google is slowly but surely terminating Google Voice, the desire to keep investing time & energy into it is minimal.
19:00.35mjordanPatches welcome, always, of course.
19:01.03mjordan'it' being the XMPP flavor that Google used, at any rate.
19:01.23onebreeI did not get the error while using chan_gtalk. Just asking how I can debug it
19:01.39mjordanonebree: chan_gtalk didn't have ICE.
19:01.39amonkdrmessano: i see, but if it doesn't do what i want, it's a paper weight, regardless of how nice at what i'm not after.  but i'll file your assesment for prosperity
19:02.04amonkdrmessano: i'm not looking for help.  i'm looking for current status.
19:02.27mjordanonebree: most likely you've configured ICE for your endpoint in motif.conf, and are talking to something that doesn't support ICE.
19:04.05onebreeLike this person, I experience the error when doing video with linphone:
19:04.18mjordanprosperity is always good. And drmessano's assessment matches reality. The official status for GTalk/GVoice support is as it has been for a long time: if you can make it work; great. If not, you can either patch it, or not. The project itself isn't going to try and work around Google's support or lack thereof.
19:04.55mjordanSounds like linphone is sending a bad request or doing ICE wrong.
19:05.22onebreeI think that is the case, because I have icesupport=yes where necessary, and even enabled in the linphone phone app (checkbox)
19:05.32amonkmjordan: never asked.  only asked for status.  i'm not big on tech support.  but thanks for the input
19:05.39mjordanwanders off
19:07.18amonkalso, reality is relative in a pluralistic word, but that's a much deeper level of technical than mere computers, so.
19:12.53[TK]D-FenderReality is for people who can't handle drugs.
19:16.55onebreeHmm, I just added icesupport=yes to the linphone user, and does not seem to help.
19:18.24drmessanoamonk I don't understand the need for the snark.
19:19.00onebreeWhat is the difference between chan_sip and chan_pjsip?
19:19.20amonk[TK]D-Fender: yea, man.  self-transforming machine elves handle everything anyway. ;)
19:19.24[TK]D-FenderTotally separate code stacks
19:20.43onebree[TK]D-Fender: I have a user set in sip.conf, but when they enable video via the linphone app, an error from res_rtp_asterisk.c is triggered, making me think I should look at pjsip stuff
19:20.52amonkdrmessano: i don't see the snark.  it's a point of fact in that realty you speak of, at least from the perspective of it which is mine that i speak of, and i'm pretty sure would be shared by most rational, non-solipsistic people.  that's all.
19:21.13[TK]D-FenderBoth use a shared RTP module
19:22.16onebreeShould I still configure pjsip.conf? (I only have sip.conf setup)
19:22.27[TK]D-FenderYou said it's chan_sip
19:22.37[TK]D-Fenderif so then obviously NO, you don't need pjsip
19:23.18onebreeOkay, I am just trying to debug the error message I posted before.
19:23.23drmessanoI really don't even understand what you have an issue with....  But it sounds like you already know you're smarter than everyone else, so not sure why you bothered asking. This all could have easily been Googled.
19:24.21onebreedrmessano: I have already tried to google the error message, and all I found were dead-end forum posts.
19:24.43drmessanoonebree: wasn't even talking to you
19:25.08onebreedrmessano: Okay, good. I was wondering what I said made me sound like you described. :-)
19:25.17amonkdrmessano: i don't see the need for the chip on the shoulder.  and it was googled and googled an googled with ambiguity.  anyway, i'm out before you go all crazy one me.  seems like you're brewing up a good one for me.  EOT
19:25.47amonkonebree: yeah, exactly.  but i have "problem".  whatev
19:26.09*** part/#asterisk amonk (~amonk@unaffiliated/amonk)
19:26.18onebreewell then...
19:26.37drmessanoConsidering he had the chip...
19:26.50drmessanoAnd ragequit
19:27.03drmessanoI get 20 XP
19:27.36onebreeAchievement unlocked: being a good sport
19:29.24drmessanoOf all the college educated folks I have ever spoken with online, none have ever gone 12th grade Lit on me to prove a point. So when someone does, it's pretty much a troll.
19:29.30drmessanoAnd or a teenager
19:29.44drmessanoSo at that point, Conversation: DEGRADED
19:29.58onebreeA teenager working with asterisk? I would be greatly impressed.
19:30.10drmessanoDon't be
19:30.17drmessanoHappens all the time
19:30.45onebreeReally? Why would a teenager look into asterisk?
19:31.10drmessanoA toy?  Fun phone stuff to talk to their gamer buddies?
19:31.27onebreeHmm, that does sound interesting.
19:31.45drmessanoA lot of people make a hobby out of Asterisk.  I did
19:32.00drmessanoIt's my hobby and also part of my job
19:32.15drmessanoLots of young and old hobbyists play with it
19:32.35onebreeI worked with it a little over the summer. I started again this month, when assigned to use Asterisk with WebRTC for video conferences
19:33.08onebreeBoth cases, for my job.
19:33.19drmessanoI used Asterisk for 4 years before I deployed a system that was used in a professional environment
19:33.54onebreeI find asterisk very interesting, but some of it is difficult to understand. I need to learn more about networking things like ICE, STUN, etc.
19:34.31drmessanoAsterisk makes my coffee
19:34.59onebreeReally? You have an IoT coffee maker?
19:35.34drmessanoIt's easy as can be
19:35.52drmessanoDial plan, system() call, few x10 modules
19:35.54onebreeHow does asterisk help to make coffee? Like, does it trigger a call or something?
19:36.11drmessanoI dial an extension, it turns it on
19:36.26onebreeThat is really awesome!
19:37.00onebreeI am interested in automation myself, but do not know what I would automate. I would also want to use Ruby, since it's what I program in for work, and am most comfortable with
19:37.01drmessanoActually, it starts a shell script that turns it on for 20 minutes, then off
19:37.41drmessanoEnough to get a cup and not burn the place down when I forget
19:37.46onebreeOkay, that seems more realistic... Either way, using asterisk for that is still cool. You could text "coffee" to a number and turn it on!
19:38.14onebreeWhat kind of coffee maker do you have to be able to program it>?
19:38.51drmessanoIt's not programmable.  It's a $20 Walmart coffee maker, and this is important, with a ROCKER switch
19:39.03drmessanoSo it stays ON and the X10 switches it
19:40.31onebreeWhy does it need a rocker switch
19:40.46drmessanoBecause it has to stay on
19:41.03onebreeOh, okay.
19:41.10drmessanoThe X10 is an external module. It plugs between the wall and coffee maker
19:41.20onebreeI see now :-)
19:41.21drmessanoIf it's not ON, then I can't make coffee
19:41.48onebreeI can't think of anything nearly that interesting that I've programmed...
19:42.42drmessanoMy Xmas lights are all on X10.  I love being able to write lighting schedules with Bash scripts
19:44.37onebreeHave you seen adventofcode? One of the puzzles is about lights, and people have actually visualized the outcome.
19:45.38onebreeIDK if Asterisk could handle many of the puzzles on the site. They involve math, some recursion, etc.
19:47.46[TK]D-Fenderheads home for the holidays
19:48.43drmessanoThat's pretty awesome
19:50.12*** join/#asterisk ruied (~ruied@
19:51.30onebreeAll puzzles will still be available after the holidays :-)
19:57.01*** join/#asterisk amonk (~amonk@unaffiliated/amonk)
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19:59.24drmessanoI'll have to try them
19:59.56drmessanoMy eyes are crossed enough trying to IRC in the car
20:00.52Ellenordrmessano: LOL
20:01.23drmessanoI'm not driving. Lol
20:10.26*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
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