IRC log for #asterisk on 20151201

16:32.49*** join/#asterisk infobot (
16:32.49*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.6.0 (2015/10/09), 11.20.0 (2015/10/09); Standard: 12.8.2 (2015/04/08); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.10.0 (2014/08/13), DAHDI-tools 2.10.0 (2014/08/13); libpri 1.4.15 (2014/06/16) -=- Asterisk wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
16:42.59*** join/#asterisk vader- (~Adium@
16:43.45Phil-WorkI'm having trouble getting BackgroundDetect() to detect talking and hand off to the talk extension
16:43.54Phil-Workdoes anything special need enabling (modules, configs, etc.)?
16:45.56Phil-Workit doesn't appear to respond to DTMF either
16:46.08igcewieling1Phil-Work: have you looked at the AMD app?:
16:46.28*** join/#asterisk saratogga (~saratogga@
16:46.48igcewieling1Phil-Work: there is a good chance you will have to answer the call before Asterisk can detect
16:46.55*** join/#asterisk tompaw (
16:46.59Phil-Workigcewieling1, yeh but I'm really just trying to detect the presence of audio here
16:47.28Phil-Workigcewieling1, it's an inbound call into Asterisk - it does an Answer() then a BackgroundDetect()
16:47.35igcewieling1Phil-Work: not trying to detect the presence of a fax tone?
16:47.53Phil-Workthe audio file given to BackgroundDetect() plays but it doesn't detect talking or DTMF
16:47.57Phil-Worknot trying to detect fax, no
16:48.05Phil-Worktrying to set up some automated telephony testing
16:48.12Phil-Workjust need to make sure there's audio heard
16:48.21tompawGuys, anyone dealing with this sort of segfaults?
16:48.37igcewieling1Phil-Work: good luck.   I've not seen many people trying that, usually they are trying to detect a fax tone.
16:48.39tompawIt looks like listing channels via ari-py overflows the memory
16:48.51tompaw#44 0x00000000005218ec in handle_uri (headers=0x7f87dc379250, method=AST_HTTP_GET, uri=0x7f87be2c6be9 "api-docs/channels.json", ser=0x7f8870004e08) at http.c:1480
16:50.25igcewieling1tompaw: you might check #asterisk-dev
16:51.27Phil-Workplaying a longer message, I can get it to respond to DTMF now
16:51.29Phil-Workjust not talking
16:51.58*** join/#asterisk theron (~theron@2620:10d:c091:200::9:3ce2)
16:52.49Phil-Workoh, that got it
16:52.50Phil-Worksame => n,BackgroundDetect(bombsquad, 1, 1, 5000)
16:54.34*** join/#asterisk [d__d] (~d__d]
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18:45.52*** join/#asterisk mcargile (
18:47.19mcargileI am looking for a very simple WebRTC phone that I can integrate into my website and connect into my Asterisk server. Any recommendations?
18:49.48*** join/#asterisk ericNL (eric@2a01:7e00:e000:69::c0ff:ee)
18:51.41*** join/#asterisk generalhan (~tester@about/windows/staff/generalhan)
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18:58.02*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
18:59.43*** join/#asterisk JonathanD (~JonathanD@freenode/staff-emeritus/jonathand)
19:01.52*** join/#asterisk solmsted (
19:05.08solmstedHello, I'm using Asterisk with a custom FastAGI application.  Is there any way to cancel, interrupt, or stop an AGI command that is in progress?
19:05.40WIMPyhangup, redirect
19:05.52WIMPyOr kill that AGI
19:06.29solmstedI tried dropping the TCP socket connection, but Asterisk continues executing the command
19:08.15solmstedIf I send another AGI command while the previous one is still running it seems to just queue them up
19:08.37WIMPyYes, That's the way it works.
19:08.56solmstedis there no way to stop one early?
19:09.44WIMPyNot from the AGI.
19:10.17solmstedis there another interface, outside of AGI, that can stop a running AGI command?
19:10.32WIMPy*CLI and AMI.
19:10.59WIMPyOr you could change over and use ARI. That might have more possibiliteis, but I'm not in to that.
19:11.08igcewieling1you can use non-fast agi
19:11.18*** part/#asterisk mcargile (
19:11.32WIMPyWhat difference does that make?
19:11.34igcewieling1that, along with catching SIGHUP might do what you need to do.
19:11.37solmstedYes, ARI would solve the issue, but last I checked ARI doesn't support speech recognition which I need
19:12.13WIMPyHow is that related to AGI?
19:12.22solmstedwhat AMI action could do it?  I'm not very familiar with AMI.  I was reading through the docs looking for something to do this.
19:12.24igcewieling1WIMPy: might make asterisk see the disconnect.   I *never* have problems with Asterisk continuing to send data to my AGIs
19:12.36igcewieling1WIMPy: oddly, AGI and FastAGI are similar.  He said he is using FastAGI.
19:12.56igcewieling1WIMPy: he's not using Manager.
19:13.11WIMPyAGI and FastAGi should do the same, just on another connection type.
19:13.18igcewieling1solmsted: often using both AGI and Manager are done.
19:13.43igcewieling1WIMPy: I doubt it sends HUP accross the tcp socket.
19:14.16WIMPyBut it would reset the connection, which might do the same.
19:14.47igcewieling1"Asterisk will send a SIGHUP signal when the user hangups the channel."   the AGI needs to catch that to see the hangup.
19:15.19solmstedso an AMI redirect action would immediately send the channel to another extension in the dial plan?  If that works, I could probably build something with that and have it just reconnect to FastAGI
19:15.51igcewieling1solmsted: it should.    Any NEED for fastagi .vs. regular AGI?
19:16.35solmstedwe don't want to be running 1 process per call, we can have a small pool of processes handle all the tcp connections
19:17.13solmstedor we have the option of moving that service to another machine if we want to
19:17.14igcewieling1solmsted: unless you have MANY calls I strongly doubt it will matter.
19:18.54solmstedaveraging 800-1000 calls per hour, so the process count is somewhat significant
19:20.01WIMPyDoesn't sound too interesting.
19:21.31solmstedbut thanks! I'll look at redirect.
19:21.50igcewieling1solmsted: 8000-ish calls per day.  could be considered "many" 8-)
19:23.09solmstedigcewieling1, yes we hit that regularly
19:24.01WIMPyA fork every 3.6 seconds may not be nice, but I see no cause for concern.
19:24.02igcewieling1one of my main servers:  890432 calls processed in 10 weeks, 4 days
19:24.17igcewieling1I run at a min 2 agi per call
19:27.08solmstedidk all the details, we were hitting performance limits with AGI at about 100 simultaneous calls.  We switched to FastAGI and it's been great.
19:31.22*** join/#asterisk saratogga (
19:36.12*** join/#asterisk DragonAzul (~DragonAzu@
19:56.24*** join/#asterisk kayatwork (
20:02.12*** join/#asterisk theron (~theron@
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20:32.03*** join/#asterisk jpastore (
20:32.54jpastorehi I was wondering how I can modify the sip headers for the invite request. I have a call failing. The capture shows a difference in the Allow header, but I don't see where I can modify that
20:34.37*** join/#asterisk jrrose (jon@nat/digium/x-mdoroeziebeqbmzj)
20:35.06igcewieling1jpastore: For the most part you don't mess with SIP headers in Asterisk.  Is there a specific header you want to modify?
20:36.40*** part/#asterisk DragonAzul (~DragonAzu@
20:37.39jpastoreigcewieling1, yes, "allow" under the message header. as well as "supported" the call that fails shows: replaces, timer...the successful call shows timer, 100rel, precondition.
20:37.55igcewieling1jpastore: not going to happen in Asterisk.
20:38.33igcewieling1For direct modification of SIP you'll need a SIP proxy like Kamailio
20:38.57igcewieling1I suggest fixing the cause rather than the symptoms
20:39.13jpastorewhat would the cause be?
20:39.34igcewieling1no idea, but messing with allow and supported is not the solution
20:40.07jpastoreIs it possible to enable a configuration option to allow 100rel and precondition?
20:40.10igcewieling1if you pastebin the invite for a working and non-working call someone (not me) might be interested in looking at it.
20:41.51jpastoreigcewieling1, why would I want to setup Kamailio? what benefit does it serve?
20:43.06igcewieling1jpastore: it allows you to mess with the sip packets.
20:43.21igcewieling1For direct modification of SIP you'll need a SIP proxy like Kamailio
20:43.41igcewieling1if you don't need to mess with the SIP packets there is little reason to set up Kamailio
20:43.43solmstedigcewieling1, WIMPy: thanks I just did a proof-of-concept test with AMI redirect and it's working!
20:44.24jpastoreigcewieling1, well SIP packet modification seems to be the goal. I'll download this and see if I can find a primer on it thanks for the lead
20:44.53igcewieling1jpastore: modifying the SIP packets is a terribly dumb idea.  If you want to do it though.....
20:45.21igcewieling1If this was a general problem there should be zillions of hits in a web search.
20:46.37jpastorethanks I apprecaite the input
20:46.51igcewieling1you're going to waste a lot of time on this.
20:50.15*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
20:51.31jpastoreI appreciate your position. I imagine with my experience where it's at will result in that regardless
20:53.16*** join/#asterisk happy-dude (uid62780@gateway/web/
20:54.05*** part/#asterisk marceloamorim (
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21:37.34*** part/#asterisk DragonAzul (~DragonAzu@
21:39.41*** join/#asterisk AlHafoudh (
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22:46.47*** join/#asterisk SupaYoshi (~SupaYoshi@
22:57.45*** join/#asterisk infinity1 (~brendon@
22:58.50*** join/#asterisk xpheres (
22:59.13xphereshello, it is possible to use two trunks at the same time, one for inboun and the other for outbound?
22:59.27infinity1rrittgarn: i have access to a block of about DIDs (company going out of business). i'm hoping to get some of them (maybe 10, or more depending on cost.). I don't plan on using the DIDs right now and i need a place to hold them. any thoughts? You mentioned e4, NexVortex, and Bandwidth before, but all of those seem like i need a large account to get a descent price.
22:59.42infinity1s/about DIDs/about 150 DIDs/
23:00.10infinity1xpheres: yea
23:00.47infinity1xpheres: you can have different trunks for different area codes, dial patterns, whatever.
23:01.49rrittgarnPM'd you infinity1
23:17.56*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
23:32.22gruetzkopfDID is so much cleaner with variable-length numbering plans
23:33.24gruetzkopfwe are supposed to use -00 to -99 at our location, but up to 11 digits work..
23:34.03WIMPyThat would off course depend on where you're calling from.
23:35.33gruetzkopfit doesnt even work from all germany mobile carriers
23:36.02gruetzkopfbut we haven't found a POTS or ISDN provider where it doesn't
23:36.42gruetzkopfeverything that does step-by-step dialing works.
23:38.36gruetzkopfwe do weird stuff with that much numbering space
23:38.59WIMPyHas that become legal, BTW?
23:39.21WIMPyI just saw that sipgate offers to add a single digit to any registered number.
23:39.37gruetzkopfwhy shouldn't they
23:40.22WIMPyBecause it used to be illegal to extend numbers.
23:40.46WIMPyNot that it has always been done. I only found out by pure chance.
23:41.35gruetzkopfwell, the BNetzA did complain about us wanting 2 digits for a single ISDN BRI
23:45.07*** join/#asterisk cyford (
23:45.20gruetzkopfbut yeah, we run 5 PBXes, we need some phone numbers
23:45.48*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
23:49.12pjensen00Hey, I'm going nuts ovah hyah.  I'm trying to handle a SIP 302.  Does anything look wrong in this debug output of processing of the 302?

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