IRC log for #asterisk on 20151120

00:04.04*** join/#asterisk AlHafoudh (
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02:13.30*** join/#asterisk rubio (~rubio@
02:14.45rubioHi there!!! can someone help  me with a dialplan in order to join all the parked calls on one bridge ? (the idea is a call b, b park a and then call c, b park c, b hangup so then a and c are bridged) THANKS.
02:17.47*** join/#asterisk ruied (
02:31.55WIMPyThat's just an attended transfer.
02:37.55*** join/#asterisk DragonAzul (~DragonAzu@
02:43.33rubioas far i research with the client i'm using that's imposible (sip.js will only support unattended transfers)
02:44.10WIMPyThen yu should find another.
02:44.40rubiocan you suggest me a webrtc client that support attended transfer?
02:46.24rubiook.... but you think it's not possible to make a dialplan to join on a single bridge all the parked calls  arround?
02:47.38WIMPyYou'd somehow have to store As channel so you can use it with the Bridge Application.
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02:47.54WIMPyThe catch is that you need to execute that on Cs channel.
02:49.41rubioso you say that if i ask asterisk to bridge channel A from channel C there is no need to "un park" the call, bridge will take control it self?
02:50.30rubionice to know...
02:51.14WIMPyBridge() os good for soe magic :-)
02:51.32rubiothere is any way to ask bridge to join multiple channels? like on chan B execute: bridge (chanA + chanB) ?
02:51.57WIMPyThe calling channel will always be one of them.
02:52.09WIMPyIf you want more, you'd have to use ConfBridge.
02:52.26WIMPyOr build your own application with ARI or the classic way.
02:52.36WIMPyOr just get a decent phone app.
02:54.20rubioso bridge only work with 2 channels at once... for more channels together i need confbridge...
02:56.04rubioor i can do something like, on ChanA, bridge ChanB, Then again on ChanA bridge ChanB, then hangup ChanA and B&C remain on bridge? :S
02:56.36WIMPyNo. That would replace the 1st bridge.
02:56.57WIMPyBut you can (ab)use ChanSpy().
02:57.21rubiook, got it... i will check confbridge
02:57.31rubioand then chanspy...
02:57.54rubiothank for the suggestion... :D
03:34.39laptopdude90Any point in a graphics card in a terminal server?
03:35.01laptopdude90It's based on the X server/X client
03:35.13laptopdude90Right now I have a message about "software rendering mode"
03:35.32laptopdude90It should fix that at the least, but will it help with stuff like 3d modelling
03:39.05*** join/#asterisk bluemerlin (~bluemerli@
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04:08.52*** join/#asterisk tacky (~tacky@unaffiliated/tacky)
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04:29.30*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~hola@unaffiliated/liuyan)
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04:43.23wyoungWIMPy: Do you like snom handsets?
04:45.10WIMPyI never use the handset.
04:45.55wyoungoh, what handsets do you recommend then?>
04:46.14WIMPyAre you talking about handsets or phones?
04:46.27wyoungarn't they the same thing?
04:47.00WIMPyThe handset is the detachable thing you listen and talk to.
04:47.14wyoungah, ok , I was refering to the entire unit :)
04:47.32drmessanoNot "Handset"
04:47.38WIMPyI don't know the new Snoms, but I like the old ones, yes.
04:48.04drmessanoThat too
04:48.05wyoungold ones as in the 300 series?  or the 700 series? (the new series is D700 and D800)
04:48.31drmessanoThe old Snoms were awesome
04:48.33wyoungah yeah, I have a 300 on my wall
04:48.41WIMPyPreferrable the 360.
04:48.46wyoungthe D715's aren't bad, for entry level
04:48.48LiuYanHi, when playing music-oh-hold in Dial() application, how can I see which file is playing to to caller?
04:49.05LiuYanin asterisk console
04:49.09drmessanoThey look like they should have "Designed for the EuroAsian Industrial Complex"
04:49.29WIMPyLiuYan: Might happen if you seth some higher debug.
04:49.34wyoungwell they are German built ;)
04:49.55wyoungHow do they compare with the digium phones?
04:50.06drmessanoLike I feel like my name should be Dieter or Helmut if I use a Snom
04:50.07drmessanoWhich is cool
04:50.09wyoungyes, designed, probably built in china
04:50.31WIMPyDepends on what you want to do.
04:50.42LiuYanWIMPy: let me try more 'v'... currently i'm using -vvv.
04:51.12WIMPyThe cal handling on the Digium ones is really goo IF (and only IF!) you only use one account.
04:51.14WIMPyLiuYan -d
04:51.20wyoungany way, I Just got a bunch of D715 for an office.  They seem good, 1Gbit switch, HD audio, 2x usb slots, supports wifi dongles and an extension console
04:51.35wyoungWIMPy: ah ok
04:51.43wyoungso you can't have multiple identities/
04:52.22WIMPyYou can, but then the call handling becomes similarly shitty as on the Cisco/Linksys SPA.
04:52.53WIMPyAnd the UI of the Digium is a liite unique.
04:53.22WIMPyI'm not saying it's bad, but if you also use otherphones, switching from their concept to any oter is a little annoying.
04:54.19WIMPyBut there's no reason you can't get used to it like you get used to anything else.
05:01.00LiuYanWIMPy: just tried `asterisk -rgcvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvddddddddddddddddddddT`, still can't see which moh file is playing
05:04.05*** join/#asterisk vader- (~Adium@
05:04.14WIMPyHmm. Looks like the onformation isn't available then.
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07:14.53mattslI'm having an issue with registering a trunk. I'm running tcpdump on my router and seeing packets full of 0x00\0x00\0x00.... Can anyone suggest how to troubleshoot this?
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09:27.28junedHii All
09:28.07junedI am using Asterisk Manager to Originate the call
09:28.39junedbut how to check call status whether its answered or rejected ?
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09:34.15ApocryphalYou can listen for the DialEnd event on AMI
09:34.22ApocryphalIt'll contain information on how the Dail ended
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10:10.28junedApocryphal: Hi
10:10.45junedI got this
10:10.55junedUsing Async leads to an OriginateResponse event which contains the failure reason if any. Reason may be one of the following:
10:11.12junedProblem is how do i get those reponse in php code
10:11.24ApocryphalOriginate, as far as I know, still requires you to dispatch the channel into a context for both legs, which then does a Dial
10:11.35ApocryphalAt least that's how I've had to use it
10:12.08ApocryphalOriginateResponse only tells you how the originate itself got handled - not how any dialing goes
10:12.38junedBut as per that link it says
10:12.38juned0 = no such extension or number. Also bad dial tech ie. name of a sip trunk that deosn't exist
10:12.39juned1 = no answer
10:12.39juned4 = answered
10:12.39juned5 = busy
10:12.59junedso if this is really true then i dont need anything else
10:13.50ApocryphalOkay, well I've never managed to feed a dialstring into Originate and have it dial anything. I've always had to throw it a bunch of whatever@somecontext stuff, and then do a dial from those contexts to make it do anything
10:14.05ApocryphalBut that might just be me not having enough originate jutsu
10:25.59*** join/#asterisk lumasepa (
10:28.19junedLet me check that link
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10:47.40junedApocryphal: How do i override ${CDR(disposition)} value
10:47.51junedif i want set some custom value
10:51.03junedexten => s,n,Set(CDR(disposition)=SOMEVALUE)
10:51.11junedI think i cam do like this
10:52.50junedast_cdr_setvar: Attempt to set the 'disposition' read-only variable!
11:14.59*** join/#asterisk marceloamorim (
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13:10.16*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
13:12.41*** join/#asterisk rubio (~rubio@
13:13.30rubioHi again... can someone help me with dynamic parking lots?
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13:15.10paraxorrubio: I like to play a game called 'guess the channel'. your message really threw me off. I thought maybe I joined a traffic engineering channel.
13:16.14rubiosorry paraxor, you'r right about this :S my issue here is that i'm not sure also how to describe this, i was thinking about this in the meantime...
13:16.54WIMPyMaybe you should think about why you want to do that in the first place.
13:17.32rubioWIMPy, i think you already know me... LOL
13:18.57WIMPyNo need to use parking.
13:20.05rubioso i still working on transfer/bridge/parking issue... i'm trying to park several calls and know where the parks are (witch lots) in order to retrieve the proper one... so i'm trying to do something like:
13:20.06rubioexten => _[P]X.,1,Set(PARKINGDYNEXTEN=${EXTEN:1})
13:20.06rubioexten => _[P]X.,n,Park()
13:20.06rubioso operator 99 on call 10 will make a blind transfer to P99910 in order to park the call
13:20.30rubioand the same for operator 999 call 11 => P99911
13:20.57WIMPyThat won't help you. You need the channels name.
13:21.26rubioto retrieve the proper call from parking?
13:21.31WIMPySo you can transfer the calle anywhere, like an extenson that plays MOH or some other file.
13:21.57WIMPyYou don't want to retrieve the call, or do you?
13:22.26rubiowait, i'm fighting with parking now as the operator can't retrieve the parking calls on different order...
13:22.35rubioyes i want some times...
13:22.57rubioin different order that they where parked also..
13:23.18WIMPyYou really need a decent phone.
13:23.26rubioLOL LOL
13:24.11WIMPySounds like you're trying to emulate somone shifting gears on a big loud box full of relais.
13:24.47WIMPyBut then you're not the first..
13:25.02rubiothat's good to know :)
13:25.13WIMPyNot really, no.
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13:46.37dorphalsighey everyone
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14:14.50dorphalsigHey, if anybody sees this, how can I configure WSS in asterisk?  I've read this and this
14:15.35dorphalsigbut still, when I try to connect sipml5 to * via WSS (wss://my-ip:8089/ws), I just fail miserably
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14:15.48dorphalsigthe port is not even open :/
14:16.04dorphalsigSo, clearly I did not understand :P
14:16.45dorphalsigif any charitable soul wants to help out I'll be here.
14:17.36newtonrDid you try following  ?
14:19.58newtonrOh i see, none of those pages really mention the TLS options in http.conf. Perhaps that is what you are missing
14:20.17dorphalsignewtonr: Yeah, although that guide only works with WS
14:20.29dorphalsigI think so...
14:21.13dorphalsigThe only TLS-related  thing I have is this:
14:21.14dorphalsigtlscertfile=/etc/pki/tls/certs/server.cert.pem tlsprivatekey= /etc/pki/tls/private/server.key
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14:21.29newtonrin http.conf?
14:21.31newtonryou also need
14:21.33newtonr;tlsenable=yes          ; enable tls - default no.
14:21.33newtonr;tlsbindaddr=    ; address and port to bind to - default is bindaddr and port 8089.
14:21.48newtonrcheck out the sample
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14:32.58dorphalsigHrmmm... something happened there.
14:33.31dorphalsignewtonr: nope, that did not do the trick either. Should I specify the port even if I want to go with 8089?
14:35.11newtonrit should open up 8089 by default if it is enabled
14:35.19newtonrbut you might try specifying it too just in case there is a bug
14:36.32newtonrafter you try again, pastebin your http.conf configuration (sanitize any public IPs of course)
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14:42.11newtonrwell for one you have a missing [ and a missing 9
14:44.02newtonrIf you are actually missing the open bracket in the config file that will probably prevent the configuration from loading
14:44.43newtonrYou also have tlsbindaddr=
14:46.24dorphalsigyeah, I messed up the port. I just saw it as well.
14:46.43dorphalsiglemme try and fix it (the missing bracket is just I'm dumb and I dont know how to copy properly :P)
14:49.28dorphalsigWell, I just fixed the typos
14:49.33dorphalsigand still nothing :(
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14:50.55newtonrpastebin the output of "http show status"
14:51.09dorphalsigthis is what I have now
14:51.10newtonrand "core show settings"
14:53.43newtonrCool and "http show status"
15:00.04dorphalsignewtonr: the fact that my generated ssl certificates have a different "common name" than where I'm running, can that have something to do with this? (I don't think so, but...)
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15:04.22newtonrI dunno
15:04.52newtonrWell, I don't think the http show status command shows anything about the TLS setting unfortunately
15:05.52newtonrfile a bug on - if anything we need better documentation showing how to get it setup and troubleshoot it
15:08.20dorphalsigI think I need an account?
15:08.24newtonrIn the meantime someone who uses WSS may respond and tell us what is wrong
15:08.39newtonrYup the main page tells you where to go to signup
15:13.05*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
15:13.18dorphalsignewtonr: what severity?
15:18.07newtonrmajor is fine. i tried quickly to set it up and I also couldn't get it working.
15:19.02newtonrI may have forgot something since I'm busy with a few other things. I'll look into it later on when I get a chance
15:24.31dorphalsigk thx
15:27.21*** join/#asterisk monsterco (~monsterco@
15:27.32monstercocan I have asterisk bind to two different ports?
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15:28.45monstercoOr can I have Asterisk bind to two different IPs <<< that is more desired
15:29.04WIMPyOne or all.
15:33.31*** join/#asterisk paws (~paws@unaffiliated/paws)
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15:34.40R1ppaI finished installing AsteriskNOW iso on a Xenserver VM, no errors, eth0 was not set onboot=yes and I do not see any http services or Asterisk for that matter, install.log just staes all packages installed....any ideas?
15:36.50R1ppaerr sorry I meant eth0 was set to onboot=no, but no httpd and asterisk install, was there a choice in the install I could have messed up and it didnt install the main packages, doesnt make sense
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15:40.07pawscan anyone tell me are these errors
15:40.56pawswhen i am trying to call my phone i get -> rejected because extension not found in context 'internal'.
15:41.48R1ppawhy would asterisknow iso not install httpd and asterisk packages?
15:44.00MaliutaLappaws: would need to see the extensions.conf, and the other file containing extensions to know
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15:48.02pawsMaliutaLap: extensions.conf:
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15:49.33MaliutaLappaws: you need to go and get help from #freepbx if you want to use that
15:50.09MaliutaLapi'm not even going to start to try an unpick it all
15:50.54MaliutaLapasterisk != freepbx
15:54.09R1ppaany ideas guys? the asterisknow iso install went smooth, system started with no httpd and no asterisk, this is on a xenserver the only issue I saw was that the xentools do not see SHMZ as a Linux flavor, easy to avoid rename SHMZ to CentOS temporarily and it allows install but this install is tainted somehow
15:54.20pawsokay sorry, thank you
16:03.02R1ppaanyone here have AsteriskNOW running as VM?
16:03.31infobot"Does anyone have X or use Y?" is taking a poll, not asking a valid question. Don't do it or our army of rabid weasels will hurt you. Usually, people other than those with the exact same set up can help you and those who have sometimes will not be able to help you. Also see <ask>
16:03.31igcewielingA better question migjt be "does anyone here use AsteriskNOW"
16:03.34[TK]D-FenderLots of people...
16:04.14R1ppaI am going to attempt reinstalling but as I said the iso didnt finish giving me httpd and asterisk, it would be odd to have a choice to not install these things, will have to retry
16:05.51R1ppaoh good ol Fender to come troll your butt
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16:48.19R1ppafor AsteriskNOW install on VM the only thing I can think of is that because it needs internet right away it fails to run the freepbx updates required after the install, obviously some tweaks needed to get this into VM
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16:57.40igcewielingPHP-AGI does not seem to be listed here
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18:47.34craigifyHaaaaay asterisk lovers.  Or haters.
18:53.51[TK]D-FenderIndifferent Lives Matter!!!
19:02.03infinity1what color are these lover/haters. we must know so we can sterotype accordingly.
19:08.50[TK]D-FenderNon-monochrome Lives Matter!!!
19:09.34igcewielingAll the other stuff going on in the world and now I find out Windows 1.0 was released 30 years ago today.   Truly a sad day in technology.
19:10.20monstercoWIMPy - not sure what you mean by one or all? Can I have Asterisk bind to muliple public ip addresses?
19:11.17igcewielingmonsterco: put in your binding statements in sip.conf and Asterisk will listen on all interfaces.
19:11.38[TK]D-FenderOne or all.  That is all you have
19:11.46monstercoI need to set Externalip=x.x.x.x as public IP is not set on the virtual container
19:11.56monstercoCan I set multiple external IPs?
19:12.03igcewielingmonsterco: no.
19:12.26monstercothis bind to won't help me
19:12.33igcewielingmonsterco: externip has nothing to do with what IPs asterisk listens on
19:12.35monstercocan I have Asterisk listen to multiple ports?
19:12.39igcewielingmonsterco: no.
19:13.02igcewielingIt might be possible in Asterisk 13 with PJSIP, but I don't know.
19:13.08monstercoigcewieling - it does in a sense that the provider authenticates me by IP so they won't let me make calls out or respond to their handshake from another ip
19:14.03igcewielingmonsterco: that should work by default unless you have some crazy routing on your network.
19:15.47igcewielingmonsterco: out of more than 70 Asterisk boxes I've never had to bind to specific interfaces or IPs.
19:16.06igcewielingexternip (not externalip) needs to be set, of course.
19:16.19igcewielingThat is only when NAT in involved, of course.
19:16.50monstercoNAT is involved in this case and provider, for billing purposes, needs to send to different IP or port
19:17.00igcewielingmonsterco: send or receive?
19:17.04monstercoboth ways
19:17.18igcewielingah, yes that makes stuff horribly complicated.
19:17.22monstercoto them a separate port and same IP as if it's a different server
19:17.40igcewielingyou can do this if you put Kamailio infront of Asterisk.
19:17.50monstercoso their work around is make your Asterisk server listen to another port at the same or have a 2nd IP assigned to it
19:18.03monstercoI hate kamailio :) too much
19:18.10igcewielingmonsterco: not much of a workaround if it doesn't work.
19:18.22igcewielingmonsterco: me too, but you need it if you want to do complicated SIP stuff.
19:18.22monstercothanks for the input
19:18.43monstercoyep, i gotta find a work around or make a new server...might be easier
19:19.06igcewielingmonsterco: Like I said, there might be a workaround in Asterisk 13 with PJSIP
19:19.18igcewielingmonsterco: you could switch to a non-moron provider?
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20:22.31laptopdude90why are wall plates so expensive
20:23.01mublaptopdude90: We use cardboard covered in black ink
20:23.15robmalStolen from our neighbours.
20:24.53laptopdude90wheres the best place to buy them?
20:25.22robmalWTF is a wall plate?
20:25.37laptopdude90A piece of plastic with holes for stuf..
20:25.45laptopdude90what do you use?
20:26.01WIMPyThey are used if you can't afford a table so you can eat off the wall.
20:26.33MaliutaLaplaptopdude90: I buy from Jaycar, or another local electrical supplier
20:27.16MaliutaLapWIMPy: I'm gonna steal that one
20:27.20laptopdude90me too
20:27.49*** join/#asterisk octo675 (5803f333@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:27.57MaliutaLaplaptopdude90: do you just need the face plates? or the krone ports too?
20:28.33WIMPywonders wo these two fit together.
20:28.35MaliutaLaplaptopdude90: also there are like three different kinds
20:28.43octo675Hi all, im studing for dcap exam any recomendation for practical exam? thanks
20:28.57laptopdude90I just want to mount like all m'ethernet ports D:
20:29.28MaliutaLaplaptopdude90: so you need krone ports too
20:29.46MaliutaLaplaptopdude90: cat5, or cat6? how many ports per plate?
20:29.56robmalWIMPy: It looks like it has free spaces for plates, you were correct.
20:30.16laptopdude90I just want an empty plate with room for 8 jacks
20:30.21laptopdude90No jacks
20:30.23laptopdude90Just empty holes
20:30.42robmalYou need a piece of plastic with 8 holes.
20:30.47MaliutaLapeight??? they are gonna be expensive
20:31.01*** part/#asterisk monsterco (~monsterco@
20:31.10robmalI've never seen one with more than 2 :-/
20:31.15laptopdude90I've seen them with 12
20:31.22MaliutaLapI've used 4 ports
20:31.25laptopdude90good price?
20:31.48MaliutaLapbit expensive to do a 24 port house.
20:31.50laptopdude90ignore that
20:31.52laptopdude90wrong link
20:32.06robmalAh, US of A. You've got everything bigger.
20:32.19laptopdude90C A of Nada
20:32.32robmalImported ;-)
20:32.37laptopdude90Does the jack have to be rated for CAT5E?
20:32.46laptopdude90b/c they have cat 5 jacks
20:32.55MaliutaLapwell keytones fit into a different kind of wall plate
20:33.41MaliutaLapcat6 wires are thicker, don't fit in cat5e ports
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20:33.54laptopdude90I'm not using cat6...
20:34.06MaliutaLapat 12 per plate I'd just put a damn patch panel in the wall
20:34.23laptopdude90I don't need a 12 port plate...
20:34.42WIMPyThere are 8 port patch panels as well.
20:34.50*** join/#asterisk goddva (
20:35.03robmallaptopdude90: Do you really need a wall plate at all?
20:35.20robmalOk, so there are none >4 ports.
20:35.30laptopdude90yes there are
20:35.34laptopdude90I've seen them
20:35.34MaliutaLaprobmal: you're on drugs
20:36.08robmalDamn, i'm not, what are you selling?
20:36.37laptopdude90$37 CAD for 50 jacks. Good deal?
20:36.49laptopdude90awwwww it's in hong kong
20:36.52robmals/none >4/none >6/
20:38.24octo675Hi all, im studing for dcap exam any recomendation for practical exam? thanks
20:38.44MaliutaLaplaptopdude90: I probably wouldn't use them
20:39.14MaliutaLaplaptopdude90: I found it's better to spend a bit more on the jacks - less failures that way
20:39.30laptopdude90Do jacks really fail often
20:39.49robmalocto675: They say read the book. I'd say - stay here for a while.
20:40.58octo675did you pass dcap ?
20:41.00MaliutaLaplaptopdude90: when I did that 24 port install I ended up going through about 40 jacks
20:41.32MaliutaLaplaptopdude90: and then I bought some decent ones from an electrical wholesaler
20:41.47laptopdude90then where should I buy them from?
20:42.04robmalocto675: No and before now i didn't even know it existed :-)
20:42.09lvlinuxI've seen up to 6 on a plate before.
20:42.55lvlinuxI thought all * people knew about DCAP. I'd like to take it someday when I have time to study for it...
20:43.40MaliutaLaplaptopdude90: I use Haymans - but I don't think you want a supplier in QLD, Australia
20:44.00MaliutaLaplaptopdude90: find an electrical wholesaler near you - google is your friend
20:44.15igcewielingThere are large parts of Asterisk you might not encounter in your Asterisk install.
20:45.02MaliutaLaplaptopdude90: krone if you can, but there are other brands that are just as good (here in Australia there is one called Clipsal)
20:49.02lvlinuxthat's what I was talking about ^^^^^^^^^^^^
20:49.32lvlinuxlaptopdude90: u got ur phones yet?
20:49.53MaliutaLaplaptopdude90: will work, bit expensive. Local electrical store does decent ones for $2.90
20:50.01laptopdude90remember, it's CAD
20:50.09laptopdude90And it's a pack of 5.
20:50.15MaliutaLaplaptopdude90: which is about the same as $AU
20:50.24MaliutaLapoh, for 5 that's not bad
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20:54.09MaliutaLaplooks about right
20:57.59laptopdude90how about that?
20:58.23lvlinuxlaptopdude90: u get ur phones yet?
20:59.08laptopdude90not yet
21:03.06MaliutaLaplaptopdude90: you using cat6, or cat5e
21:10.14MaliutaLapthen don't buy cat6 jacks, they won't work properly
21:10.53robmalIf i'm on drugs you went apeshit crazy.
21:11.13MaliutaLapcat5e cables into cat6 jacks (on the backend) is bad
21:11.29lvlinuxMaliutaLap: how is that?
21:11.39lvlinuxMaliutaLap: sounds like hooey
21:11.40MaliutaLapnote that there is a physical difference in the width of cat6 wires
21:12.00lvlinuxbut the 110 connection points are variable
21:12.29lvlinuxin their width I mean
21:13.28robmalHe is, indeed, right!
21:14.47lvlinuxyes I know the wires are heavier guage for cat6, but the 110 block connection points don't care as long as they can bite on the conductor
21:15.42robmalBut they might not bite into the wire!
21:15.58robmalWhich is especially important when using crone.
21:16.08robmalYou might not make them bite.
21:17.34lvlinuxehh, i doubt in real-world situations that it would make much diff. May have to press a bit harder to force them in but I would think it would still bite fine, possibly even better.
21:17.51robmalBut seriously, i've ran 1gbps with only 6 wires working on short distances. I think my rj45s love me.
21:18.04lvlinuxon the other hand, I've never used cat6 jacks or cable :-)
21:18.12lvlinuxso i could be wrong
21:18.30robmalIt'll work <30m on 6 wires, cat 5e cable.
21:19.03robmalBut i might be using premium grade hifi wire and jacks, just to prove MaliutaLap wrong.
21:19.13robmalOr he might be an idiot.
21:20.36lvlinuxOn the other other hand, the spec for cat5e says it can use up to 22 awg cable, which is THICKER than most cat6.
21:20.47robmalOh noes!
21:20.56lvlinuxI've never seen it with 22, but I've seen it with probably 23
21:21.46robmalPolycom sends 23 with their phones.
21:23.32MaliutaLaprobmal: I'm not just talking from my own experience - but from the experience of people that use cat5/6 cable to do A/V installs
21:23.38MaliutaLapand lots of them
21:23.58lvlinuxwell most cat5/5e is 24-25
21:24.08lvlinuxand most cat6 is 23
21:28.22robmallaptopdude90: Buy them cheap, just punch them correctly.
21:28.41laptopdude90the one I linked is the cheapest I could find
21:28.48robmalMaliutaLap: No problem, when i'm in sales mode i too tend to bend reality.
21:28.50laptopdude90W/o ordering overseas
21:28.55robmallaptopdude90: Buy.
21:29.19laptopdude90what, did you think I was just going to stare at the ad
21:29.22robmalBut you've got a krone knife, right?
21:30.56MaliutaLapI love my krone punch tool
21:33.06laptopdude90Whenever I terminate ethernet, some of the wires inside don't reach the end
21:34.10robmalShitty krone or poor technique. Watch youtube.
21:34.13MaliutaLapthat's just poor technique
21:34.19laptopdude90yes I am aware
21:34.22laptopdude90But how do I fix it
21:34.28robmalWatch youtube.
21:34.32laptopdude90Also, the wires cross over each other inside of the cable and it looks ugly
21:34.33laptopdude90I did.
21:34.39robmalWatch more youtube.
21:34.46laptopdude90I watched like 10 videos.
21:34.48MaliutaLapfirst don't crimp a cable until you've verified all the wires are in the right place
21:35.05laptopdude90Can you recommend me a good video?
21:35.20MaliutaLapif they are not lining up then pull them out and trim a small amount off the end to make them level
21:35.31MaliutaLaprinse, repeat
21:35.48laptopdude90yes I do that
21:35.54laptopdude90When I push them back in the wire just goes down more
21:36.34MaliutaLapyou can visually verify that a wire has a) reached the end of the the port
21:36.36robmalCould you post a pic of your krone tool?
21:36.41lvlinuxlaptopdude90: it's an art and a science. You have to really think about it when you're doing it.
21:36.58laptopdude90yeah I spend like 20 minutes on the termiantion
21:37.42MaliutaLap20 minutes? I can do like 12 patch cables in that time - both ends
21:37.50robmalstill wants to see the tool your using
21:37.51lvlinuxwow ur fast
21:38.10MaliutaLaplvlinux: I get in a groove
21:38.14lvlinuxprobably takes me 1.5-2 minutes per connector
21:38.39MaliutaLapit's just rhythm in the end
21:38.44MaliutaLapand focus
21:39.19MaliutaLapprobably start at about 2mins, and then end up faster
21:39.20tackyHi.  Can and would someone call ISN number 8649*1917 to verify incoming calls for me (cite:  TIA
21:40.33lvlinuxtacky: I called it but it looks like you didn't offer any codecs so the call failed
21:40.35tackyThanks, Ruel.  That was FAST! :D
21:41.14tackylvlinux: It rang but I must have a bug.  Will dig.
21:41.34laptopdude90should I get modular jacks?
21:41.42tackylvlinux: should be codecs.  hmm
21:41.55robmallaptopdude90: This guy does is right.
21:42.25laptopdude90no no no
21:42.26robmalWell, right-ish.
21:42.28laptopdude90Not one of them.
21:42.32laptopdude90The plug
21:42.34laptopdude90Not the jack
21:42.47robmalBut that's like 15s.
21:43.01laptopdude90I can do the jacks in like 30s
21:43.12laptopdude90the plugs is the problem
21:43.18robmalNo it isn't.
21:43.22laptopdude90um yes it is
21:43.31robmalCould you make a video?
21:43.35tackylvlinux: Ah, here's the prob... [Nov 20 13:39:54] WARNING[1009780][C-00000013]: dsp.c:1484 ast_dsp_process: Inband DTMF is not supported on codec ilbc. Use RFC2833
21:43.37robmalI promise i won't laugh.
21:43.44robmalWe all were young at some point.
21:43.47lvlinuxtacky: maybe
21:43.48laptopdude90I'm good
21:43.54laptopdude90could it be the jack?
21:44.05laptopdude90I got a package of 100 for $5 on amazon
21:44.27laptopdude90are modular jacks better?
21:44.37lvlinuxtacky: but I suspect that's not it actually
21:45.10robmallaptopdude90: I seem to have lost you. You've got a problem with making correct a) plugs b) wall jacks ?
21:45.16tackylvlinux: hmm. digging.
21:45.57lvlinuxtacky: let me turn debug on my side and try again so can see exactly what response I'm getting.
21:47.12tackylvlinux: i have 'dtmfmode=auto' which should prefer rfc2833, so i would have thought that's what was used.
21:47.30lvlinuxlaptopdude90: what?
21:47.44laptopdude90I still have my ethernet termination problems
21:48.02robmal This.
21:48.10lvlinuxlaptopdude90: patience young paduan :-)
21:48.39robmalThis movie is great. I wish i'd seen it years ago.
21:49.11MaliutaLaplaptopdude90: <- bit of a gas bag, but that's done properly
21:49.35robmalDude, 12 minutes.
21:49.50robmalMine is 4. And the important part is at 1:55
21:50.33robmallvlinux: Just watch:
21:51.03robmalThis is the most important part of every rj45 plug.
21:51.42MaliutaLaprobmal: that vid is putting me to sleep
21:52.12robmalMe too, so i muted it and played Prodigy :-)
21:52.31robmalFirestarter fitted quite well
21:52.36MaliutaLapalso looks like he left the wires short
21:52.57MaliutaLapI generally want them all the way to the end of the plug
21:53.06robmalWe all do.
21:53.09MaliutaLaphis are a couple of mm short
21:53.27robmalBut life is too short for fixing it every time.
21:54.29MaliutaLapdepends on how short they come up - I wouldn't have crimped that one, would have taken just a little more off the casing to fix that one
21:54.48MaliutaLapthat length is about failure lenght
21:56.10tackylvlinux: did you get any useful debug info?  i set dtmfmode to rfc2833 explicitly.  would you try again, please?
21:56.48lvlinuxtacky: I'm checking---got a lot to sift through---tons of options fired when I made the call lol
21:56.49robmalMaliutaLap: Which one!?
21:57.03tackylvlinux: right
22:02.52lvlinuxtacky: AH, ok here's what I got: WARNING[2367][C-0000015b]: chan_sip.c:10092 process_sdp: Ignoring audio media offer because port number is zero
22:03.56tackyscratches head
22:04.50tackylvlinux:  i'm too n00b to know that one off the top of my head. :-/
22:04.51lvlinuxyour rtpstart and rtpend set correctly in sip.conf?
22:05.06lvlinuxi mean rtp.conf sorry
22:05.35tackylvlinux: heh.  i didn't add an rtp.conf yet.
22:05.48lvlinuxtacky: lol well that'll do it
22:06.14tackylvlinux: thanks.  i'll address that and get back to you.  thanks for the help.
22:06.30robmallvlinux: Awesome job. Thank you.
22:09.00lvlinuxtacky: np
22:10.49lvlinuxtacky: lemme know when you get your rtp.conf in and * restarted and I'll call again.
22:11.07tackytacky: ack
22:11.29tackys/tacky/lvlinux/ lol
22:12.55tackylvlinux: i am surprised that rtp.conf is necessary, so i want to read up on it a bit first.  much calling has worked with whatever the defaults are.
22:13.26lvlinuxthat's odd
22:13.34lvlinuxthat it worked without it
22:13.34tackylvlinux: course i never negotiated ilbc with anyone before either. lol
22:14.26tackylvlinux: i'm unix old and asterisk new, fyi
22:16.29tackylvlinux: and this box is obsd, which has a very trimmed down /etc/asterisk set, not including rtp.conf.  I'm perusing /usr/local/share/examples/asterisk/default/rtp.conf now, where asterisk's real default /etc/asterisk files are stored.
22:18.57lvlinuxobsd!?! cool
22:19.25tackylvlinux: yeah, man.  i'm old and varied. lol
22:19.34lvlinuxtacky: all you need in the file is:
22:19.59lvlinux[general]  rtpstart=16000 rtpend=17000
22:20.13lvlinuxeach on new line and of course change ur ports to whatever range you want
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22:21.46tackylvlinux: thanks.  maybe i'll just do that then so you can test again and properly satisfy myself later.  as it is, i haven't been reading like i should yet.  sorry.  i'm slow too. lol
22:22.28tackylvlinux: and i forgot to mention thorough. ;)
22:24.22lvlinuxtacky: hmmm, well I just found that the default ports that * uses are 10000-20000
22:24.33lvlinuxtacky: so it's possible that the missing rtp.conf isn't your problem...
22:26.42tackytacky: hmm.  well, port 10000 could be a problem for me.  in any case, you can test again now. :)
22:27.05tackys/tacky/lvlinux/ dam!
22:28.19tackylvlinux: i'm guessing the problem will still exist. :(
22:29.06tackylvlinux: assuming so, i'll filter out ilbc for now for another try, if you're willing.
22:31.35lvlinuxk gimme sec
22:32.18lvlinuxtacky: same :-(
22:32.21tackylvlinux: thanks.  filtering ilbc now
22:32.59lvlinuxyou don't have a SIP ALG somewhere do you?
22:33.12*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101 (~cmendes01@
22:34.02tackylvlinux: too soon.  it'd done now.  SIP ALG?
22:35.15lvlinuxk i'll try again. A SIP ALG is sip filtering software in some routers that wreaks havoc with Asterisk. Might check your router config to see if there's a setting for it. If it's there, disable it.
22:35.23tackyApplication-Level Gateway; ah. no
22:36.05lvlinuxtacky: hmmm, it didn't disconnect me that time
22:36.14lvlinuxbut i didn't here anything on my end
22:36.20tackylvlinux: yeah, but no audio
22:36.57tackyno audio either way.  hmm
22:36.59lvlinuxyou do a sip debug and pastebin it and let me take a look at it when you have a chance
22:37.12lvlinuxwhat codecs do you have enabled?
22:39.06tackylvlinux: now that ilbc is gone (which was first), i have speex g729 gsm g722 ulaw alaw, in that order
22:39.29tackylvlinux: RE: sip debug.  okay
22:44.01tackylvlinux: sip debug is on
22:44.03lvlinuxhmm try taking away speex
22:44.14tackylvlinux: okay
22:44.31lvlinuxI've never had much luck with it. Don't know why. (that's so unscientific i know lol)
22:48.24igcewielingtacky: do you have a g729 license?
22:48.28tackylvlinux: no worries.  experience isn't always scientific.  speex is gone.  sip debug is on.
22:48.54tackyigcewieling: >/dev/null
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22:54.34lvlinuxtacky: k i'm back sry got busy there. I'll try now
22:55.23lvlinuxno audio
22:55.27tackylvlinux: no worries.  same deal.  no hangup. no audio
22:56.24lvlinuxtacky: is your asterisk server on the internet directly or behind NAT?
22:57.13lvlinuxI should have asked that to begin with...
22:57.45tackylvlinux: direct.  it's on a vps where the provider doesn't support obsd option or pxe install, so i booted bsd.rd via grub from their lousy install of debian and installed from that. lol
23:00.29tackylvlinux: anyway, this is a strange issue i have not had before, although my asterisk is not very old (like a couple weeks), but at least you have verified that incoming ISN calls are working.  thanks.
23:01.32*** join/#asterisk ModFather (~ModFather@unaffiliated/modfather)
23:02.53lvlinuxtacky: no problem. Perhaps [TK]D-Fender or WIMPy can help you diagnose it further (or me when I get some more time) gotta go for now though.
23:03.27*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
23:05.09tackylvlinux: right on.  of course there was a problem. lol
23:05.45*** join/#asterisk pchero (~pchero@
23:06.47WIMPylooks around
23:06.50igcewielingtacky: if you enable g729 and don't have the codec your calls won't work if they try using g729
23:06.51WIMPyWhat's going on?
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23:07.20lvlinuxWIMPy: tacky has no audio and no NAT
23:08.28igcewielingtacky: have you tried disabling g729?
23:08.31WIMPySounds like SIP.
23:08.41lvlinuxWIMPy: of course!
23:08.55tackyWIMPy: well, i asked for someone to verify my incoming ISN was working, and lvlinux generously obliged.  the call came in but then we ran onto a problem disconnect at first.  i disabled ilbc and then we did not disconnect, but got no audio either way.  i never had that prob before.  was only trying to verify incoming ISN, but problems come up, eh.
23:08.56WIMPySo what else do you need to know?
23:09.14lvlinuxigcewieling: I don't think that would be the problem since my server doesn't offer it anyway
23:09.26tackylvlinux: i have audio.  just not with you. lol
23:09.27igcewielinglvlinux: I thought you called a PRI?
23:09.39lvlinuxtacky: ah, so your normal calls are working fine?
23:09.48tackyigcewieling: no, but i can disable that.
23:10.02igcewielingtacky: you can't disable what?
23:10.05[TK]D-FenderLack of audio != codec issue
23:10.18[TK]D-FenderCodec issue = instantly dropped call
23:10.19lvlinuxigcewieling: read it again :-)
23:10.49igcewielingits been a long day.
23:10.52lvlinux[TK]D-Fender: yes that's what I thought. After he disabled ilbc the call wasn't dropped anymore
23:10.53tackyigcewieling: no PRI involved on my end.
23:11.21tackylvlinux: yes, working fine.  this is the first of this prob.
23:11.45igcewieling"Py: well, i asked for someone to verify my incoming ISN was working, and lvl"   I assumed ISN was typoe for ISDN
23:12.23tackyigcewieling: not 'can't', 'can' (and g729, but as lvlinux said, it could not have been negotiated anyway, as it so happens).
23:12.57lvlinuxtacky: ah, ok i didn't realize that---i just erroneously assumed you weren't getting audio anytime.
23:13.04igcewielingtacky: if g729 isn't biting now, it will in the future.  save your self weeks of frustration and disable it.
23:13.24lvlinuxi like ilbc better anyway :-)
23:14.18tackylvlinux: no worries.  i thought i was golden when the call came in.  but it's always something, eh.
23:15.40tackyigcewieling: RE: g729.  prolly good advice.  i read there is some lack of sanity regarding g729a and not A that could be trouble, but i have not read up on it enough yet.
23:16.03tackyi want opus :D
23:16.47tackymabe is some else can call ISN numbers, they could give a try.  maybe lvlinux is the problem. ;)
23:17.05tackyib4, bot :-P
23:17.14tackys/ib4/inb4/ lol
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23:24.42tackyfyi: i disabled g729.  better to have less potential battles to fight for now.
23:26.16tackyalso, if anyone else can try an ISN number, please dial 8649*1917 to see if the audio issue is unique between lvlinux and I.
23:29.31*** join/#asterisk iq (
23:29.39WIMPyWhy don't you just say "URI"?
23:30.08WIMPyOr give one.
23:32.32*** part/#asterisk iq (
23:43.17lvlinuxyes that would be same thing as ISN as far as call connection:
23:43.46tackyWIMPy: because i want the call to go the full path (i.e. through the NAPTR record and all).  otherwise i am just testing SIP.
23:44.26tackya SIP call success != to an ISN call success
23:45.39WIMPyDoes anyone actually use ISN? I mean noone seems to use ENUM and I'd guess that would be a lot more popular.
23:45.40lvlinuxtacky: when you dial an ISN, your asterisk server figures out the SIP addr, and then calls it. So the lookup is totally separate from the call. Since my call got through, the lookup is working fine.
23:45.56lvlinuxWIMPy: I use it, and tacky does :-) lol
23:46.04tackybut lvlinux has already verified that my incoming ISN NAPTR stuff is working.  we just fail in the RTP afterward.  so, at least between lvlinux and I, i can't imaging that we would have anything but no audio still even if he did call the SIP equivalent directly.
23:46.50tackyWIMPy: ENUM is under a telco oligopoly stranglehold, otherwise it would be mondo popular.
23:47.13WIMPyThere are free versions.
23:47.45tackylvlinux: yes, i know.  i delegated to my own dns server. :)
23:51.16tackyWIMPy: RE: ENUM.  from a caller perspective, why pay the operator of a private signaling network operator over a public network when you can connect directly without them?  form a legacy telco perspective, why do anything by sabotage ENUM (especially since you control some of it's necessary data) when your customers will no longer need you then? :-/
23:54.04lvlinuxHmmm, now I'm not able to call the ISN.
23:54.11lvlinuxor the sip addr.
23:54.18lvlinuxlookup failed for the ISN
23:54.18tackylvlinux: fyi: i say that nat=yes is depricated, so I changed to 'nat=force_rport,comedia' and put it in the general section of sip.conf, as recommended.  maybe that will have a positive affect on our audio.  previously, my nat=yes only applied to my stations.
23:54.45lvlinuxbut my server isn't behind NAT either
23:54.54tackylvlinux: yeah, my box is down! :-(
23:55.06tackylvlinux: no NAT of ru 2.  ack
23:55.23WIMPyWell, the telcos have become needless anyway. They're whining quite a lot about that, but it was their own choice.
23:55.49lvlinuxnot in rural areas, WIMPy.
23:55.56WIMPyAnd I've been on ofr many years, but still waiting for the first call.
23:56.03tackyam am also fighting the provider's astonishingly bad disk I/O.  which is causing my box to crash frequently, in addition to being painfully slow to interact with often.  they suck!
23:56.12lvlinuxyuck, which VPS provider?
23:56.18tackymakes it VERY had to function. :(
23:56.36lvlinuxcloud vps?
23:56.41lvlinuxhow much u pay?
23:56.44WIMPylvlinux: Everywhere. They don't offer telephonty any more and no find out that people use cheaper supplierts.
23:56.49tackyi just migrated it there a couple weeks ago.  may not stay long.
23:58.02lvlinuxtacky: serverpoint/collossuscloud, INIZ, crissic are who I use.
23:58.53tackylvlinux: RE: pay.  well, there's the reason i got it.  i paid $14 one time fee for 512M RAM and 10G disk and 1 CPU for ever.  it's on vmware (sucks), but i could live with it not never pay again IF the disk will work!  i don't care about speed, but being at leas functional does matter.
23:59.21tackylvlinux: yeah, i use half a dozen.  i was trying this forever thing there.  it's not going well. :-(
23:59.34lvlinuxforever!?!?!?!? wow that's interesting.

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