IRC log for #asterisk on 20151117

00:00.09paraxorlaptopdude90: I've never actually seen horizontal studs on an interior wall
00:00.14MaliutaLapthermite, it burns a big hole in just about anything :)
00:00.18paraxorand you should run them on interior walls if possible
00:00.30laptopdude90interior walls?
00:00.47laptopdude90oh jsut the walls that don't have the outside world on the other side
00:01.16laptopdude90Okay but what about the wood between floor 2 and 3
00:01.19MaliutaLapparaxor: this sounds like a house, not an office. The plaster board would just go onto the studs
00:01.31paraxorwell I guess a stud is technically always vertical
00:01.31MaliutaLaplaptopdude90: hole saw
00:01.37laptopdude90a who
00:01.44laptopdude90a drill?
00:01.52laptopdude90but where do I drill from
00:01.59laptopdude90And how do I not cut through 120v wires
00:02.55MaliutaLapsurely at that point in construction nothing should be live, and you should know where everything is
00:03.08MaliutaLapit doesn't even look like you've reached first fit
00:03.19laptopdude90yeah but where do I drill from?
00:03.26paraxorlaptopdude90: aha. so I looked this up. those horizontal things are called 'fireblocks'
00:03.46paraxorthey slow down the spread of fire from floor to floor
00:03.57MaliutaLaplaptopdude90: well that is going to depend on where you want to run the cable to
00:04.14paraxorand also, you often can't drill holes over certain sizes into them without violating fire code
00:04.15laptopdude90Okay I'll try to explain
00:04.25laptopdude902 rooms next to each other
00:04.30laptopdude90My bedroom on the left, another on the right
00:04.41laptopdude90Directly under the room on the right is where I need a cable dropped
00:04.52laptopdude90And another in my bedroom
00:05.26MaliutaLapmeasure where you are mounting your cabinet so you can drop the cable right near it - also invest in cable trays
00:05.50laptopdude90Actually I wasn't gonna run it out from the ceiling
00:05.51MaliutaLapfor the things on the same level run some conduit between the walls
00:06.01laptopdude90I was gonna do it with a hole in the wall
00:06.10laptopdude90they arent on the same level
00:06.20MaliutaLapcabinet placement should still influence where you do the drop
00:06.42laptopdude90Cabinet's been there for years
00:06.57MaliutaLapyour sparky should be able to at least lay the cable for you
00:07.04MaliutaLapthen you can just terminate it
00:07.07laptopdude90my who?
00:07.22laptopdude90lol I'm not hiring an electrian
00:07.28MaliutaLapelectricity sparks - hence sparky
00:07.49MaliutaLaphow are you putting electricity into that space you showed the picture of?
00:08.04MaliutaLapor is this a different, completed place?
00:08.10laptopdude90It's completed
00:08.12laptopdude90It's a house
00:08.18laptopdude90That's been here since 2006
00:08.44laptopdude90What about this
00:08.50laptopdude90I make a hole for the ethernet cable in the wall
00:09.00laptopdude90Then I use a flexible bit to drill a hole right below it
00:09.07MaliutaLapthat's different from the construction state you showed
00:09.32MaliutaLapI've done that kind of install recently. a) buy a stud finder
00:10.07MaliutaLapb) don't put the network sockets near power sockets
00:10.46laptopdude90yes but how do I drill between floors
00:11.06laptopdude90And I assume I should turn off the power to a room before I got drilling holes, right
00:11.25MaliutaLapwell the place I did the floor boards were the ceiling of the floor below, so I got off easy
00:12.16MaliutaLapthere are ways. if you can get into the cavity between floors, or find a way to use existing cable run slots
00:12.37laptopdude90whats wrong with the method I described
00:12.38MaliutaLapretro-fitting cable is a PITA
00:12.44laptopdude90with the flexible drill bit
00:13.16MaliutaLapthey are not exactly precision tools
00:13.25laptopdude90I don't really need to be precise
00:13.34laptopdude90I just need a whole so I can run a cable between floors
00:14.17MaliutaLapI have found retro-fitting easier if you come out from the wall about 5cm and drill straight through the floor boards
00:14.37laptopdude90does that involve cutting more holes in the wall
00:15.07MaliutaLapnot always as neat, but without taking huge amounts of time or hiring someone with the skill and tools who can do it in 5 mins ...
00:15.21laptopdude90how much would it cost to hire an electrian
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00:15.46MaliutaLapor a cable/tv installer should be able to do it
00:16.27MaliutaLapfor what you have described? two rooms and then down a floor? not much
00:16.49MaliutaLapbuy your cables first though, and then terminate them yourself
00:17.03MaliutaLapthat way they just run the cable you have
00:17.05laptopdude90I've had a 1000ft roll for over a year
00:17.28laptopdude90yeah but idk how much it would cost
00:17.33laptopdude90to hire an electritan
00:17.50MaliutaLaptrying to remember what they guy charged to re-do all the antenna cable and points in this house
00:18.12MaliutaLapI think it was less than $200AUD, and that included a new antenna
00:18.18MaliutaLapbecause I had the cable
00:19.12laptopdude90how many drops?
00:19.56MaliutaLapone upstairs and two downstairs - including the painful run to the lounge
00:20.55MaliutaLapand a splitter in the ceiling upstairs
00:21.08MaliutaLapone of those drops had to be done externally too
00:21.12laptopdude90A friend of mine's dad is an electrician
00:21.24laptopdude90I'll ask her what I can expect to pay
00:22.43MaliutaLapgiven that pricing will vary from person to person and country to country it's probably best to ask
00:23.00laptopdude90also he's been over to approve my death box
00:23.05laptopdude90so he has an idea what my house looks like
00:23.14*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-yxubspsirsdvsrss)
00:23.34MaliutaLapthat helps
00:24.01MaliutaLapmost retro-fits like this are best done by people who do them all the time
00:41.54WIMPypulls laptopdude90 out of the trash can again. What are you doing there?
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00:55.58*** join/#asterisk dorphalsig (be9d89b9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:56.26dorphalsigHey all. How are things?
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00:59.42laptopdude90WIMPy what have I done now
01:15.10*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101 (
01:24.07laptopdude90>be me
01:24.21laptopdude90>flirting with a girl by showing her a pic of my rack
01:24.23laptopdude90>My server rack
01:28.49*** join/#asterisk babak (uid19622@gateway/web/
01:39.30drmessanoAre you 12?
01:40.24laptopdude90lol its a joke
01:40.27laptopdude90I'm not flirting
01:40.46WIMPyNot even with a pic of a server rack?
01:40.59laptopdude90yeah I send a pic
01:41.32drmessanoI remember when I was a teenager and I thought it was cool to have a server farm at home
01:41.39drmessanoThen I adulted
01:41.45drmessanoTesticles descended
01:41.51drmessanoWomen, existed
01:42.07laptopdude90yeah yeah women are cool and whatnot
01:42.08laptopdude90but servers
01:42.47drmessanoyawns and burps
01:42.59drmessanoYeah, having a rack at home is sew kewl
01:43.52laptopdude90I'm sorry but I'd prefer a 32 core server w/ 128gb of ram over sex
01:44.16drmessanoThat sounds so... boring
01:44.24WIMPyHave you ever tried either?
01:44.41drmessanoNow thats funny
01:45.13drmessanoA better question is, has he ever paid a power bill
01:45.39WIMPyGood point.
01:46.04drmessanoWhat good is hosting all those Minecraft server VMs with the Barbie Dreamworld mod when your DSL connection can't handle the traffic
01:46.15drmessano*mic drop*
01:46.39WIMPyThat's why I didn't pick up one of the Sun boxes with 4 octocore opterons with 256GB RAM when they were offered for free some years ago.
01:47.48drmessanoIt's like when I bought all those PAP2's years ago.. I got them for dirt cheap.. Modded like 50 or so of them.  But I don't have that many friends
01:47.53drmessanoSo.. yeah
01:48.27WIMPyGet on Facebook. They see freiends, I think.
01:48.43drmessanoIf he gave each friend a VM with 1 core, he would need like 30 more friends
01:57.28*** join/#asterisk DragonAzul (~DragonAzu@
02:16.11dorphalsigCan anybody give me a hand getting SIPML to run? I am being able to register and such, but when I try to do a call I cant get it through
02:17.10cmendes0101Do you have debug on in the console?
02:17.13dorphalsigIm seeing some operation not allowed
02:17.13cmendes0101of the browser
02:18.05cmendes0101Post that up
02:22.12dorphalsigcmendes0101: see anything?
02:23.33cmendes0101Unauthorized and not acceptable here, is showing up. I really see a response if I'm looking at it right
02:23.52cmendes0101Can you use the sipml5 demo site to connect and perform the UI client portion of it?
02:24.41cmendes0101I've setup sipml5 and sipjs and was always little tweaks needed and the demo pages were good to confirm browser and client config issues
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02:31.34dorphalsigcmendes0101:  Actually no, I didnt want to mess with my firewall. Messy stuff
02:32.16cmendes0101Hmm you shouldn't need to it's a local client
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02:32.51cmendes0101watch out for your stun server setup since that is going outside
02:35.07cmendes0101Just use the sipml5 demo and enter your info. Basically the library is running locally in JS on the browser so you should be fine to enter your local network data and have it connect
02:36.29dorphalsigcmendes0101: failed to connect to server :(
02:37.56cmendes0101did you go into expert mode and enter the websocket info?
02:39.37cmendes0101Just to make sure, you have asterisk setup and everything for webrtc support?
02:40.34dorphalsigcmendes0101: Yeah, I think I have asterisk ready
02:40.44dorphalsigI mean, if it wasnt I would not be able to register, would I?
02:41.02dorphalsig(and yeah, I've followed the wiki guide)
02:45.17dorphalsig <-- This one. Except I decided to host it myswlf
02:45.23cmendes0101Ok just checking because the log didn't have too much info as if it wasn't running correctly. Since your running on a local network you should remove the ICE settings in your config since right now your reaching out for those
02:46.23cmendes0101Are you getting anything else on the asterisk cli or is it just showing the user registering and not the call?
02:48.47dorphalsigcmendes0101:  I dont have sip debug on asterisk side. Lemme try again with sip debug on and I'll pb it
02:49.05dorphalsighere's the expert config in sipml:
02:50.29cmendes0101I believe you need to the port 8088 on the websocket server url if you kept it default
02:51.19cmendes0101and I don't remember if it matters anymore but check the disable video. In earlier versions that caused a bunch of weirdness with asterisk.
02:52.33cmendes0101Another thing to check. You can reach ?
02:56.22dorphalsigcmendes0101: <-- registration. SipML Side
02:58.07dorphalsig <-- Registration * side
02:59.36*** join/#asterisk joat (~joat@
02:59.45dorphalsig<--- SIP read from WS: ---> SIP/2.0 405 Method Not Allowed Via: SIP/2.0/WS;branch=z9hG4bK2029ffd4 From: "Unknown"<sip:Unknown@>;tag=as7a49b16a To: <sip:110@df7jal23ls0d.invalid;rtcweb-breaker=no;transport=ws> Call-ID: 5671f90462928c291cfed5b25ed3f389@ CSeq: 102 OPTIONS Content-Length: 0   <------------->
03:00.17cmendes0101Looks like it still registered. does the sipml5 show registered?
03:01.02cmendes0101and if it does, whats it look like when you try and dial
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03:01.21dorphalsigHold on. I just found out I have another browser window open
03:01.27dorphalsiglemme try again
03:08.07dorphalsigNope, still the same story. The SipML disconnects
03:08.58dorphalsigsipML side -->
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03:09.42dorphalsig* side -->
03:10.10dorphalsigcmendes0101:  Same method not allowed
03:10.33cmendes0101Are you talking about it registering and disconnecting or when you try and dial?
03:12.34dorphalsigit just registers, stays registered for a couple of secs
03:12.45dorphalsigand then disconnects
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03:13.37dorphalsigActually that was what was happening
03:13.54dorphalsigI saw it registered and tried to dial and in the meantime it got disconnected
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03:24.47cmendes0101Yah I don't see much on the sipml5 aside from the stopped last line. Can't say I've seen a register and a disconnect as an issue before
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03:36.01*** join/#asterisk puzzled (~puzzled@2001:982:1097:1:6ef0:49ff:fe50:659d)
03:36.20dorphalsigcmendes0101: any idea where to look next?
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03:44.58cmendes0101dorphalsig:  Pretty weird that it disconnects. It does show a proxy listed not sure if thats affecting anything: SIP stack start: proxy=''
03:45.52cmendes0101Your local sipml5 was acting exactly the same?
03:46.31dorphalsigYeah, the behaviour was similar, I did not look into the logs tho.
03:46.47dorphalsigI'm trying the local thing right now.
03:47.02dorphalsigso far it has stayed connected
03:51.58cmendes0101ok, anything happening on the dial?
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03:53.37dorphalsigcmendes0101: 2015-11-16 22:53:07] WARNING[13258][C-00000000]: chan_sip.c:10496 process_sdp: Can't provide secure audio requested in SDP offer [
03:54.00dorphalsigand some 405 method not allowed
04:01.17dorphalsigWhat is DTLS?
04:01.25dorphalsigI'm finding some stuff related with it
04:01.32cmendes0101Oh, ok so the SDP offers error I've seen before. Hmm I remember it being related to ICE. Let me try and find something
04:02.50cmendes0101Its the security key for the webrtc browser. I don't know much deeper except that asterisk needs to be built to use it correctly
04:03.08cmendes0101but if you followed the instructions you mentioned earlier you should be setup already
04:05.35cmendes0101Something you might want to try and step through is this troubleshooting guide from the asterisk forums:
04:19.54dorphalsigcmendes0101: Dude its working
04:20.09dorphalsigcmendes0101:  I had not enabled DTLS on the extension side
04:22.25cmendes0101oh awesome
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04:41.03dorphalsigcmendes0101: thnx for everythinG!!
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04:43.42bezam86Hello everybody! Sorry for my bad English. Tell me, is the context in IVR on AEL: {blablabla context
04:43.53bezam86As in this block to make lunch time frames, the man went to lunch, and calls to another number. He came to the dinner, call back to both.
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05:23.05[TK]D-Fenderbezam86, What you wronte does not make sense.  Please rephrase it
05:23.42[TK]D-Fenderand PASTEBIN your code samples, do not paste them in-channel
05:23.45infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
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09:46.57BakaKunaI am trying to debug AMI messages. When I try to log in using invalid credentials, I get an error message in the CLI. When I send an Originate command (valid or invalid) though, I get no message. Even with `manager set debug on`. Any way to get even more AMI logging?
09:56.15*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~Adium@
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17:24.49*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.6.0 (2015/10/09), 11.20.0 (2015/10/09); Standard: 12.8.2 (2015/04/08); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.10.0 (2014/08/13), DAHDI-tools 2.10.0 (2014/08/13); libpri 1.4.15 (2014/06/16) -=- Asterisk wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
17:26.27WIMPyYou've git 4 months to gwt it working wit IP and document it :-)
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20:37.44*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.6.0 (2015/10/09), 11.20.0 (2015/10/09); Standard: 12.8.2 (2015/04/08); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.10.0 (2014/08/13), DAHDI-tools 2.10.0 (2014/08/13); libpri 1.4.15 (2014/06/16) -=- Asterisk wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
20:39.04igcewieling1iulhk: have you considered using the L() option to Dial?
20:40.38igcewieling1Why is it, anytime I get my cable+internet bill goes below $70/month, they always find a way to add more charges?
20:41.42iulhk<igcewieling1> let me check
20:43.16*** join/#asterisk bluemerlin (~bluemerli@
20:44.41Chainsawigcewieling1: They know you're good for it.
20:45.08igcewieling1Chainsaw: they know the alternative is 1/3 the speed.
20:45.44Chainsawigcewieling1: I dropped the TV out, that helped a lot.
20:46.12Chainsawigcewieling1: And then they offered phone for nearly free. From time to time they try to put it up, and I tell them to take it away. And they won't, they'll drop the price again. It's all very odd.
20:46.31Chainsawbets giving me highly discounted phone counts against sales targets whereas removal does not
20:49.45igcewieling1Chainsaw: I have a general policy of not rewarding companies with my money if they piss me off.     Last time I had an iinternet outage I called them up and dropped my speed to the lowest tier.
20:50.07igcewieling1When reasonable I simply stop doing business with companies which annoy me.
20:50.22Chainsawigcewieling1: I have a redundancy approach to internet connections. 1 DOCSIS3, 1 VDSL2, 1 FTTH.
20:50.39igcewieling1Chainsaw: in Europe?
20:50.42Chainsawigcewieling1: But it does mean putting up with 3 suppliers. They're all annoying, just in different ways.
20:50.48Chainsawigcewieling1: UK probably still counts as Europe, yeah.
20:50.57igcewieling1close enough from a telecom standpoint.
20:51.21Chainsawigcewieling1: Don't get me wrong, if the FTTH was reliable enough I could do with just that. But it isn't.
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20:52.45igcewieling1Chainsaw: most places in the USA there are very few providers.   Local cable company, local phone company (with no VDSL), satellite, and any LTE/EVDO./whatever service.      My local cable company's lowest speed is faster than the phone company's fastest speed.
20:53.33Chainsawigcewieling1: I'm blessed to be living in a city with a fibre project. It's supposed to be for businesses only, but they were very understanding when I went it with a "shut up and take my money" pitch.
20:54.33vane-Hi all, I have a quick question, do SIP truck providers have an affect on the ability to use certain codecs, or is that ability controlled via the Asterisk server?
20:54.53igcewieling1vane-: yes.
20:55.07WIMPyWhat codes?
20:55.17igcewieling1whatever codecs are supported by both devics are the codecs available for your call.
20:55.55vane-igcewielding1: okay thanks, I was just curious, I thought as much, but just wanted to confirm
20:57.16igcewieling1vane-: I recommend allowing one codec.
21:00.40vane-our provider put in three specifically, so I assume they support all three, just curious if we could add more or not, seems that wouldn't be the case now
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21:19.23tenspeed705Hey guys, Not sure if this is the correct place for this question, but am hoping someone can point to in the right direction. I am trying to figure out how DTMF is negotiated in the SIP signalling. Not seeing to much in the SIP or SDP RFC
21:24.41robmalIt isn't.
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21:40.17tenspeed705robmal, so its just something that happens on the end points?
21:43.03lvlinuxtenspeed705: DTMF is usually in the RTP stream, either inband or via rfc2833 RTP payloads.
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21:43.21lvlinuxtenspeed705: SIP info DTMF is in SIP, but it's kindof nasty and not usually supported.
21:43.45robmalIt's just tones. Nobody cares if you can hear them or if they exist in the rtp.
21:48.02*** join/#asterisk roswell (
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22:20.50igcewieling1tenspeed705: "a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000" in the SDP inticates rfc2833
22:21.10igcewieling1I assume, as lvlinux said, the actual packets are rtp.
22:22.33*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
22:26.10igcewieling1In case anyone finds this interesting:
22:27.54roswelligcewieling1, i still can hear these sounds )
22:28.11robmalIs there a video with some indicator showing the spectrum?
22:28.22*** join/#asterisk saratogga (
22:28.26robmalAlso. I've learned something today. Thank you.
22:28.30*** join/#asterisk Synthase_ (uid63346@gateway/web/
22:30.11laptopdude90I got electrician quotes :D
22:31.19robmalHi Stephen. How's your asterisk project doing?
22:31.41laptopdude90I've taken a break from it
22:34.51*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (
22:43.42*** join/#asterisk igcewieling (
22:43.52volga629_igcewieling1 I found
22:44.09volga629_reason from here
22:45.29igcewielingheh, comfort noise
22:48.08roswellsource of pain )
23:02.57*** join/#asterisk crocodilehunter (
23:13.46*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (
23:16.00*** part/#asterisk superscrat (asanders@nat/digium/x-ammcqfazbhwocnuv)
23:22.56*** join/#asterisk saratogga (
23:38.24*** join/#asterisk EOIP (
23:43.45*** join/#asterisk bluemerlin (~bluemerli@
23:49.51lvlinuxigcewieling: that's sweet! thanks

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