IRC log for #asterisk on 20151114

00:00.07infobot[cheap] a bad idea.  If you're setting up an Asterisk system, one of the wisest pieces of advice you can take is this: DON'T BE A CHEAPSKATE.
00:00.23igcewieling1drab: often the outgoing audio packets open the nat port for the incoming audio.
00:00.25lvlinuxlaptopdude90: unless they come with power supplies you can figure adding around $15 per phone for the poewr supply
00:00.36laptopdude90I've got boxes of em
00:00.43laptopdude90And also power supplies aren't that much on ebay
00:00.46WIMPyDoes that imply "don't use Asterisk"? It's as chap as it could be.
00:01.00lvlinuxlaptopdude90: you have boxes of 48V .38A supplies?
00:01.31laptopdude90I've got boxes of all power supplies pretty much
00:01.34WIMPyAn old Cicco switch with inline power might be cheaper than a bunch of PSUs.
00:01.48lvlinuxor you can use any PoE switch really
00:01.51FuriousGoergeim sorry but i still dpon't see what what im doing wrong
00:01.55lvlinuxbut you have to wire the cables special
00:02.03WIMPyWith the correct wrong cable.
00:02.03FuriousGoergehow does 91005 not match?
00:02.27WIMPyFuriousGoerge: Hint: 9100 or 9105 would match.
00:02.33[TK]D-FenderWhat line do you THINK it should match?
00:02.34lvlinuxWIMPy: lol yes that's correct--it's wrong.
00:03.16drabrobmal: igcewieling1: ok, but then I'm confused, why many aritcles (like this ) talk about opening ports on your firewall?
00:03.21[TK]D-Fender<lvlinux> or you can use any PoE switch really <- um NO :p
00:03.22laptopdude90What about these:
00:03.29lvlinuxlaptopdude90: if you don't KNOW you have 48V power supplies, you probably don't---they aren't very common like your average 12V/5V/etc.
00:03.29[TK]D-Fenderlvlinux, no chance in hell with a 7940
00:03.31drabfrom what was just mentioned it sounds like that as long as you have "related allowed" in your firewall you're good
00:03.40laptopdude90Yes, I have them
00:03.42[TK]D-Fenderlaptopdude90, NO NORTEL
00:03.42laptopdude90I've got lots
00:03.45lvlinux[TK]D-Fender: no chance of what?
00:03.49drabbecause the request never comes from outside, it uses the already established one for sip and rtp
00:04.02[TK]D-Fender<lvlinux> or you can use any PoE switch really <-----
00:04.08drabso the phone at boots establihes a connection with the sip server
00:04.18drabwhen the sip server wants to call in uses that connection to pass the rtp port in the INVITE
00:04.21lvlinuxlaptopdude90: technically you can use Nortel---I have one in use actually, but big big trouble
00:04.36draband then the phone initiates the rtp connection which is then reused by the external phone
00:04.42[TK]D-FenderNortel 2004 = UNISTIM = FUCK NO
00:04.44FuriousGoergethanks guys.  g2g.  thanks again (even though all you had to say was that you saw an obvious clerical error that I should see)
00:04.45drabso there's never a new connection initiated from outside
00:04.45lvlinux[TK]D-Fender: you can with a 7940 if you wire the power lines backwards in the cable
00:05.11drabif that's true that no ports ever need to be opened on a firewall to allow asterisk to work
00:05.13igcewieling1drab: They are often wrong.   clients out on the internet need 5060 forwarded to Asterisk to register to an asterisk server behind NAT.
00:05.20[TK]D-Fenderlvlinux, Cisco PoE was 48V last I heard, not the 24V standard with 802.3af
00:05.30drabigcewieling1: oh, sure, that I can see
00:05.43igcewieling1drab: good to use qualify and qualifyfreq to keep the NAT ports open.
00:06.05lvlinux[TK]D-Fender: 802.3af is 48V as well I believe
00:06.48[TK]D-Fender802.3af is also a negotiated protocol....
00:06.50robmalI'd go 802.3at
00:07.00[TK]D-FenderNot aware of a simple reversal being able to force it....
00:07.05[TK]D-FenderSounds messy at best
00:07.14drabigcewieling1: that's great and depressing considering how much time I've spent trying to understand all those guides on problems with NAT setups when there doesn't really seem to be any at this point
00:07.20WIMPyIt does work.
00:07.22draband stun etc
00:07.24lvlinuxnobody said it wasn't messy lol
00:07.52[TK]D-FenderI like to avoind pain by buying good products that play nice with wider accepted standards :)
00:08.09igcewieling1drab:  there are situations where it gets complicated, but plain standard asterisk behind a nat router connect to an ITSP is simple.   You still need to coufigure Asterisk for NAT of course.
00:09.12lvlinux[TK]D-Fender: i hear ya, but I'm also a firm believer in making things work for the fun of it :-)
00:09.38igcewieling1drab: what does the Asterisk book say about NAT?
00:09.43robmalLike mailbombs!
00:09.47[TK]D-FenderSure, if they fell into my lap I know I'm at least competant... but I wouldn't recommend it to the general public
00:10.20robmalMailbombs or shitty PoE?
00:11.03lvlinuxwhat TK said last
00:11.11robmalMeh :-/
00:11.17lvlinuxI don't know what mailbombs are :-)
00:11.39robmalTL;DR: You open mail and *boom*
00:12.02lvlinuxI'm lost
00:15.35lvlinuxlaptopdude90: stick to Aastra, Snom, Yealink, or Polycom. Get at least one Polycom, and something else too.
00:16.52robmalI'll help you with anything Polycom.
00:16.54laptopdude90Oh, what's the reason for the phones to be on a dedi vlan?
00:17.20lvlinuxlaptopdude90: easier to manage, easier to setup QoS
00:17.31robmalThey don't have to be, but should. Less transfer = less jitter, QoS, all that crap.
00:17.34laptopdude90Do I really need QoS though?
00:17.49lvlinuxthe $64000 question!!!
00:17.51robmalSure you don't!
00:18.02laptopdude90Cause I mean there's not gonna be more than 10 phones
00:18.23robmalYou can enjoy lots of calls from users complaining about the call quality once someone launches utorrent.
00:18.23WIMPyAnd what about other devices?
00:18.29lvlinuxit's not the phones you worry about---it's little Johnny in his room downloading movies and watching netflix
00:18.49lvlinuxor are you Little Johnny? lol
00:20.17lvlinuxWhen mama calls grandma, you don't want to hear: "LAPTOPDUDE90!!!!!! what did you do to my PHONE!?!?!?!? Grandma sounds like a robot!
00:21.39lvlinuxlaptopdude90: what kind of switch(s) do you have?
00:22.13laptopdude90Let me explain my network setup, it might help
00:22.22laptopdude90I've got a 150/50 connection to the outside world
00:22.36laptopdude90Which comes in via pfsense to a gigabit switch
00:22.43laptopdude90And I want to plug the phones into the switch
00:22.55lvlinux"gigabit switch" <---- what is this?
00:23.04laptopdude90Unmanaged tp-link box
00:23.56robmalgrabs popcorn
00:24.00laptopdude90I should really move my network off of
00:24.06laptopdude90But I've got too many computers
00:24.13lvlinuxBuy an HP 2610-PWR PoE switch and give your tp-link to the neighbor and you will be all set :-)
00:24.18lvlinuxwhy should you move it?
00:24.21laptopdude90But I like my tp-link
00:24.24robmalpushes full fust of popcorn into mouth because hilarity enshures.
00:24.25laptopdude90It was like $100 D:
00:24.31lvlinuxBut I hate your tp-link
00:24.34robmalstuffs more popcorn.
00:24.45laptopdude90Cause I'd prefer 10.*.*.*
00:24.50laptopdude90Cause I like loads of IP addresses
00:24.51robmalstuffs more popcorn.
00:24.55lvlinuxok whateves
00:25.07lvlinuxreal men like 172.16.x.x
00:25.08laptopdude90why do you hate my tp-link
00:25.17lvlinuxit's a kiddo switch
00:25.31laptopdude90what makes it a "kiddo switch"
00:25.49lvlinuxit's not an HP Procurve or Cisco
00:26.20lvlinuxdoes it do QoS? VLANs?
00:26.31laptopdude90No and no
00:26.33laptopdude90And I don't want either
00:27.40WIMPyThen you don't want to use VOIP.
00:27.46lvlinuxgrabs some popcorn from robmal so he can watch laptopdude90's mom beat him up when her phone messes up.
00:28.09lvlinuxlaptopdude90: you can get a real switch surplus for less than $100.
00:28.13laptopdude90I really don't see how a couple of phones can max my 150 connection
00:28.18WIMPyOr use a sepereate switch for that.
00:28.28WIMPyThey can't. But something else can.
00:28.35laptopdude90I've got literal piles of 24 port switches
00:28.39robmalhas already licked all his popcorn.
00:28.40laptopdude90pfsense has QoS
00:28.44WIMPyOr are you goint to use that line for VOIP only?
00:28.51laptopdude90>pfsense has QoS
00:28.56robmallaptopdude90: Take a deep breath.
00:28.57lvlinuxlaptopdude90: a couple of phone's won't max your connection, but all those computers will flood your LAN with junk
00:29.06laptopdude90>pfsense has QoS .-.
00:29.08robmallaptopdude90: You can do it your way. It might work.
00:29.39lvlinuxlaptopdude90: pfsense QoS will handle your VoIP connection from your * box to the internet. It won't help your LAN.
00:29.42WIMPyIt will probably work most of the time(tm)
00:29.45robmallaptopdude90: You can do it our way. It will work, because we've spent houndreds of hours to figure out the 'might' part.
00:30.00lvlinuxlol that's good ^^^^^^^^
00:30.03lvlinuxvery true
00:30.22laptopdude90Well what I was thinking
00:30.28laptopdude902 wires out from the pfsense box
00:30.29lvlinuxconfesses that he has a small network with a few phones without QoS...
00:30.31laptopdude90One to LAN
00:30.36laptopdude90One to VOIP network
00:30.41laptopdude90Then I can do QoS
00:31.01robmalcan has ~500 endpoints on Polycom with ~100 pbxes
00:31.17lvlinuxlaptopdude90: you mean a separate switch for the phones?
00:31.33lvlinuxthat should work.
00:31.45lvlinuxbut you'll still have a kiddie switch :-)
00:31.52laptopdude90But it looks cool
00:32.06lvlinuxnot as cool as a real man switch.
00:32.10robmallaptopdude90: You should buy a switch with a magic option called 'voice vlan'. It'll detect voip phones and move it to a separate vlan. MAGIC.
00:32.22laptopdude90Is that a real thing
00:32.28robmalIt is.
00:32.44laptopdude90does this dingy do it
00:32.47lvlinuxlaptopdude90: I'll sell you my Cisco 4006 --- then you'll be in business :-)
00:32.54laptopdude90How much?
00:33.10lvlinuxlol do you know what a 4006 is?
00:33.11laptopdude90this thing?
00:33.20laptopdude90its huge
00:33.21robmalI'll have anything you want - cheaper than lvlinux ;-)
00:33.22laptopdude90I dont
00:33.26laptopdude90I have no idea what it is
00:33.33lvlinuxDon't cuss my God dude.
00:33.37laptopdude90But I kinda need to know the price before I bother researching it
00:33.43lvlinuxit was a joke
00:33.47lvlinuxyou don't want one that big
00:33.54laptopdude90yeah its massive
00:33.58lvlinuxi mean the 4006 was a joke
00:34.06lvlinuxmine has 170 some-odd ports
00:34.09robmallaptopdude90: Have you ever configured anything cisco?
00:34.16lvlinuxbut talk about looking cool.
00:34.21robmalDon't do it.
00:34.22lvlinuxlaptopdude90: get that HP
00:34.31laptopdude90but its $$$
00:34.37lvlinuxhwo much?
00:34.55laptopdude90$133+$64 shipping
00:34.58robmalIt's something like kung-fu for people who think thumb-wrestling is a sport.
00:35.05lvlinuxnah too much
00:35.32lvlinuxrobmal: I am a blackbelt in thumb-wrestling
00:35.39lvlinuxerrr black-ring?
00:36.00robmalI'm pretty sure about that ;-)
00:36.22*** join/#asterisk eofster (
00:36.24robmallaptopdude90: Buy something you can click through, d-link, hp.
00:36.33robmalSome SMB options.
00:36.49lvlinuxlaptopdude90: NO NO buy something you can telnet into
00:36.52drabbefore I pastebin, am I expecting something that makes no sense: I'm trying to setup vitelity with ip authentication. I've set up my DID to be routed to my external ip and configured a vitel-inbound on my asterisk as per their instructions and on sip show peers I can see it and it says OK
00:36.55robmalSmall-Medium Business
00:37.13drabhowever when I try to place an incoming call I get a msg saying that when they tried to route the call they got a CHANUNAVAIL
00:37.34lvlinuxI just got an HP the other day (first one I've had) and was blown away by the ease of the config (on the commandline).
00:37.35drabwhich I'm assuming means they couldn't get to my asterisk box
00:37.53robmaldrab: core set verbose 10, sip set debug peer xxx and pastebin
00:37.58laptopdude90this is hard
00:38.05lvlinuxdrab: what you said sounds reasonable
00:38.12drabunfortunately the modem/firewall doesn't allow me to dump the traffic so I can't even see if they are trying to get to me and I messed up something on their end settings wise
00:38.15drabrobmal: ok
00:38.16lvlinuxlaptopdude90: what is hard?
00:38.25laptopdude90finding a cheapish switch
00:38.25robmallaptopdude90: It's pretty easy once you spend about an year with it :-)
00:38.40robmallaptopdude90: Cisco SG series.
00:38.48robmalIt's cheapish.
00:38.52lvlinuxlaptopdude90: forget the switch for now, just get your phones and do what you said with the three legged pfSense
00:39.06lvlinuxthat should work fine.
00:39.10laptopdude90but now I want a badass switch
00:39.13laptopdude90you're converting me
00:39.15*** join/#asterisk F2Knight (
00:39.34robmallaptopdude90: How much do you want to spend?
00:39.44robmalOr - should you spend?
00:39.45laptopdude90Ideally, less than $100
00:39.48lvlinuxhave eBay email you for new deals on HP procurve 2600 powered switches. Best bang for buck
00:39.57lvlinuxyou should be able to get one for that.
00:40.10laptopdude90Not after shipping
00:40.31lvlinuxwait till a company in Canada lists some.
00:40.41lvlinuxin the mean time get your phones and start your * setup.
00:40.46robmalI'd go something in the cisco sg series, they're cheap, don't fail.
00:41.05robmalOr buy something used from lvlinux ;-)
00:41.28laptopdude90 ?
00:42.09lvlinuxno experience with the 3400s
00:42.25robmalI wasn't advising HP because old models seem to love IE and Java. That's a huge pain in the ass in these days.
00:42.35robmalBut yeah, they don't break.
00:43.04lvlinuxhe's a Linux guy, he can handle a bit of commandline. It's no big deal on the HPs. Not like Cisco.
00:44.10lvlinuxdon't get an earlier Cisco w PoE cuz the PoE only works with the studpido Cisco phones.
00:44.11robmallvlinux: I'm a linux guy and i've lost all sympathy for HP when i've learned how to make a factory reboot on them. Do you know how to?
00:44.46laptopdude90Back in my day
00:44.57laptopdude90You judged a switch my the speed and number of ports
00:44.57lvlinuxrobmal: never done it, but it's probably not as bad as Cisco
00:45.12lvlinuxlaptopdude90: only in the consumer world
00:45.14laptopdude90QoS was "oy get off the youtubes I'm tryna download something"
00:45.32WIMPyThat's not POE.
00:45.58lvlinuxnot even trashy Cisco inline power poe
00:46.22lvlinuxgotta go with 2960 or 3560 or newer to get 802.3af PoE
00:46.23WIMPyThey had a 3rd version?
00:46.41drabrobmal: all I'
00:46.49lvlinuxWIMPy: 3rd ver of what?
00:46.57draball I'm seeing is a repeated OPTIONS call that gets a 404, nothing else
00:47.11drabrobmal: happy to pastebin if that's still useful
00:47.16WIMPylvlinux: Power
00:47.20drabbut nothing else about connections of any sort
00:47.35drabmy asterisk seems to make a OPTIONS request that gets a 404 from the vitelity end, nothing else
00:48.06lvlinuxWIMPy: no just Cisco Inline Power PoE and 802.3af
00:48.15robmaldrab: OPTIONS is good, edit /etc/asterisk/logger.conf to log all to file and make a call - then pastebin
00:48.16lvlinuxrobmal: lol that is hillarious!
00:48.17laptopdude90This one has a problem with the RAM or something
00:48.41lvlinuxD-Link is NOT a real switch
00:48.53laptopdude90Okay :(
00:49.02lvlinuxD-Link is the one the kiddie threw away lol
00:49.04robmallvlinux: It is the first 3 times. Then it goes to 'WTF am I doing with my life' very quickly ;-)
00:49.29lvlinuxat least it's easy to do.
00:49.37robmalIt is.
00:50.22robmalSo easy it can be done by someone sent to the server room to reconect some cables. They are still alive. (3 and counting)
00:51.18laptopdude90Now then, how do I convince my dad to let me punch holes in the wall and run wires
00:51.31lvlinuxlaptopdude90: how old are you?
00:51.55robmal12v DC power, cables, handcuffs and ethanol.
00:52.07robmalIf you have luck - in reverse order.
00:52.22laptopdude9012v isn't gonna do much
00:52.35robmalDepends where you connect the cables to.
00:52.44lvlinuxlaptopdude90: you don't convince your dad--- you do it right by going through the floor and into the basement or crawl space.
00:53.02lvlinuxand putting nice rj45 jacks
00:53.19laptopdude90Yeah and then he's like "why are there ethernet ports in the wall"
00:54.04robmalTell him 'the interwebz is everywhere'
00:54.09robmalOr just use wifi?
00:54.26laptopdude90I want to run PoE
00:54.29laptopdude90Also muh ping
00:54.35lvlinuxif you do it nicely and have him a cool phone plugged into one of them he'll be like "Wow, this kid did a good job---maybe I should buy him more network stuff to improve his life." :-)
00:54.36drabrobmal: grep full logger.conf -> full => notice,warning,error,debug,verbose,dtmf,fax , reloaded, made the call, nothing showed up in the log. This is the options pastebin:
00:54.54laptopdude90I've got a 1000 foot roll of CAT5E under my desk
00:54.57laptopdude90I'm fine for now
00:55.07robmallaptopdude90: Dude, you're making a lab. Adjust to the conditions you have, you'll be doing this for the rest of your life.
00:55.24laptopdude90I'm not using WiFi >:*
00:55.30lvlinuxgood for you
00:55.35laptopdude90Right now I've got a wire about 100 feet long
00:55.43laptopdude90Running down the stairs into my server rack
00:55.50laptopdude90It's a big mess
00:55.55lvlinuxwifi works great when you have no choice :-)
00:56.30robmaldrab: There's like 2 SIP packets. My magic ball is in service now but i'd guess - 'you've fucked something up'
00:56.43laptopdude90Yeah but I can't run a IP phone over wifi
00:56.55drabrobmal: that's what my mom always told me
00:57.06laptopdude90My Wifi would die
00:57.12robmallaptopdude90: Sure you can. But you need to learn more.
00:57.21lvlinuxahhhh, so you have kiddie wifi too lol
00:57.33laptopdude90well I don't see why I would pay more for wifi
00:57.40robmaldrab: She told you you've got only 2 SIP packets? :-( I'm sorry.
00:57.42drabrobmal: trying to figure out what. calling out works fine, not sure what's up with incoming calls and why all the pain
00:57.43laptopdude90I use LAN for everything but my iPod
00:57.53lvlinuxlaptopdude90: good for you
00:58.15laptopdude90are these kiddie switches
00:58.24lvlinuxset everything up in your room/lab and get it working 100%, then introduce it to the rest of the house.
00:58.36lvlinuxlaptopdude90: nope those are the real deal.
00:58.49lvlinuxlaptopdude90: 100
00:58.53lvlinux100 is all you need
00:59.07lvlinuxif you need more, your doing it wrong.
00:59.10laptopdude90I want all the speeds
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00:59.16robmaldrab: Meh. sip debug doesn't show any passwords, i'm too lazy to guess who's your sip provider. Just clear the logs, make a call that doesn't go through, pastebin. Then make a call that does make goe through and pastebin.
00:59.25lvlinuxlaptopdude90: QoS gives you the speeds
00:59.38*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
00:59.48lvlinuxa Cisco 100 or HP will cream your tp-leach
00:59.59laptopdude90For IP phone
01:00.06laptopdude90but not for general networky speedy stuff
01:00.17lvlinuxyes for general networky stuff
01:00.24*** join/#asterisk BinaryMaster (
01:00.39laptopdude90well my tp-link can transfer a file at gigabit speeds
01:00.50robmallaptopdude90: I'd suggest you to buy all the swithes you pasted. That'll be a great practice before real life scenarios. So if the budget is no problem - buy them all.
01:00.56lvlinuxyou get 100MB/s transfer rate?
01:00.57robmalI'll help.
01:01.05laptopdude90Um budget is a big problem
01:01.12robmalFor free, whenever i can.
01:01.19laptopdude90On my TP-Link I get around 900Mbps
01:01.29robmalYeah, that tp-link too.
01:01.32lvlinuxI said transfer rate
01:01.41robmalBut first buy all that shit you found.
01:01.50laptopdude90I can't afford that
01:01.54laptopdude90And yes transfer rate
01:02.00robmalSo i can't help :-(
01:02.06lvlinuxI mean to the drive.
01:02.09BinaryMasterQuestion: I'm working on writing an application in python, I think i have a lack of understanding of how ami works I want to listen to events for an extension so that I can pop caller id info on the screen is there documentation somewhere that might explain how to listen to events for an extension?
01:02.17laptopdude90I've an SSD
01:02.35[TK]D-Fender<3 Mikrotik
01:03.03[TK]D-FenderBinaryMaster, the book & wiki
01:03.08infobotwell, asteriskwiki is
01:03.10robmalBinaryMaster: asterisk wikipedia has amazing docs on manager, i use php-ami but if you have a specific problem - shoot.
01:03.14infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
01:03.19lvlinuxlaptopdude90: if you want a real gigabit switch (with more than 2 Gb ports) it will cost ya.
01:03.21laptopdude90Not to mention 100mbps is slower than my internet speed
01:04.11BinaryMasterrobmal, I think at this point it's a lack of understanding both in the terms used to name something and how it works
01:04.39BinaryMasterI'm going to read over the wiki and look at maybe getting the book
01:05.06robmallaptopdude90: Dude, you're 16, you have no experience, no established target. I'll help you if you tell  me why the fuck everyone loves minecraft. (i'm 30)
01:05.17lvlinuxlaptopdude90: get your phones, you can upgrade your network anytime.
01:05.25laptopdude90I used to play it a while ago(years)
01:05.27robmalBinaryMaster: So, what do you want to achieve?
01:05.29lvlinuxrobmal: language
01:05.48robmallvlinux: Sorry, forgot.
01:05.51lvlinuxI'd llike to know the anser to that quesiton too
01:06.01laptopdude90rombal: I have enough experience to tell you why I need gigabit vs 100 meg
01:06.30laptopdude90I've got a 7TB storage server
01:06.32robmallaptopdude90: So you shouldn't care about ethernet speed. Next.
01:06.42fileI just have gigabit because it's a business expense and not that expensive as I don't subscribe to TV
01:06.43laptopdude90I kinda need it to move my files around
01:06.53BinaryMasterrobmal, I have an application that is on the computer I want it to pop caller id information to the user when a call comes in
01:06.59laptopdude90Back when I used 100m it was dreadful
01:07.09robmallaptopdude90: How the f*ck have you got 7TB of storage and where does asterisk fit in?
01:07.22laptopdude90Because I had a bunch of files
01:07.24laptopdude90So I went out
01:07.27laptopdude90And I bought a server
01:07.30laptopdude90And I bought ahrd drives
01:07.36robmalBinaryMaster: So, something that checks callerid vs some database?
01:07.36laptopdude90And I stuck em together
01:07.50laptopdude90Asterisk is non-existant atm
01:08.07robmallaptopdude90: I'll give you my shipping address, k?
01:08.22[TK]D-FenderBinaryMaster, or you could just call a script AS you call the device
01:08.22robmalI'll manage this server for free for you :-)
01:08.33laptopdude907TB isn't much, I'm upgrading to 30TB soon
01:08.52laptopdude90Like for $500 you can get 7TB
01:09.03[TK]D-FenderBinaryMaster, Depends what direction you want to do this
01:09.03BinaryMasterI feel like I should also add that I'm using freepbx to manage the configuration of the pbx
01:09.09lvlinuxlaptopdude90: I was right---YOU are the "little Johnny" lol
01:09.17[TK]D-FenderBinaryMaster, "feel"?  OBLIGATORY
01:09.23drabholy cow, it worked
01:09.24[TK]D-FenderBinaryMaster, That changes a LOT of rules
01:09.30laptopdude90I'm a who?
01:09.34drabok, so I now don't understand again tho :/
01:09.44[TK]D-FenderBinaryMaster, And you should be more aware of exactly what calls you want to do this for
01:09.58drabrobmal: I had to do portforwarding on the comcast firewall (5060 to my asterisk box). then incoming calls started flowing
01:10.03robmalDudes. I HATE when you go CAPSLOCKING.
01:10.16drabrobmal: I don't get why since from previous convo with igcewieling1 I was under the impression this was not needed
01:10.19lvlinuxlaptopdude90: The "little Johnny" in his room downloading movies that I mentioned earlier
01:10.21BinaryMastercalls are in a queue, so when they ring the agent that is when I want it to pop
01:10.22drabclearly still not understanding how this works
01:10.23robmaldrab: uPnP should do that.
01:10.31[TK]D-Fenderlvlinux, singing oldies, goldies?
01:10.49laptopdude90Oh :P
01:10.52laptopdude90silly me
01:11.34lvlinuxlaptopdude90: quit downloading junk and read the Asterisk book and get your future going :-)
01:11.42laptopdude90But muh tb
01:11.50laptopdude90How's this?
01:11.52drabrobmal: guess it doesn't? not sure, the thing is, I haven't opened any of the rtp ranges so something is initiating the outgoing call and making the rest work
01:12.02laptopdude90I'm going the route of splitting it at pfsense
01:12.02lvlinuxlaptopdude90: no
01:12.07laptopdude90So all I really need is a switch w/ POE
01:12.10lvlinuxlaptopdude90: yes I mean
01:12.37laptopdude90And I know those cisco phones are going to be hell to configure
01:12.42lvlinuxbut that is a 100Mb switch
01:12.42laptopdude90But is it worth it for the experience?
01:12.46laptopdude90Yeah, I know
01:12.50lvlinuxno it's a waste of your time
01:12.57BinaryMasterI'm trying to do this over the weekend as a proof because management wants to move to an avaya phone system
01:12.58lvlinuxit will work fine and it's really not that bad
01:12.59laptopdude90TP-Link for my LAN network, that switch for VOIP network
01:13.11lvlinuxbut it's not worth it when you can buy good phones for similar price
01:13.18lvlinuxthat are SOO much nicer
01:13.25laptopdude90Yeah but I can get a box of 12 for like $100
01:13.26BinaryMasterI think moving to a closed platform will kill us
01:13.49lvlinuxlaptopdude90: and then in 2 months you will wish you had gotten cooler phones with more features.
01:14.12robmaldrab: Something it happens, some cheap routers work in strange ways. My friend bought a cheap mikrotik router yesterday, asked me to configure it, so i did, setting a web proxy to redirect all images to a picture of N. Cage and he called me just a few hours ago, so either the router didn't respond instantly or i've fucked something up and some fairy fixed it.
01:14.15laptopdude90What kind of features can I get?
01:14.20lvlinuxlaptopdude90: the Cisco 79xx sound good, work fine, built well. That's IT.
01:14.24[TK]D-Fender<laptopdude90> How's this? <- "as-is". LOL
01:14.30lvlinuxlaptopdude90: other features you can get are:
01:14.33laptopdude90I know the seller
01:14.56laptopdude90I've ordered many things from them, lots "as-is", all worked great, they were just too lazy to test
01:15.09robmalBinaryMaster: Kill the management first. Pastebin your context for this event.
01:15.09lvlinuxlaptopdude90: BLF, wideband audio, programmable keys, SRTP, and more
01:15.22laptopdude90Can the Ciscos do that?
01:15.32lvlinuxlaptopdude90: they do what I said they do above
01:15.51lvlinuxlaptopdude90:  the Cisco 79xx sound good, work fine, built well. That's IT.
01:15.53lvlinuxnothing else
01:16.15laptopdude90Do I need more"?
01:16.24lvlinuxdefine "need"
01:16.33laptopdude90For home use, maybe eventually for a small business
01:16.47robmalYou shoudl define 'ridiculously expensive' for yourself.
01:17.06laptopdude90More than, say, a few hundred bucks
01:17.22robmalGood job. That's not cisco.
01:17.25laptopdude90Anybody wanna split it? :#
01:17.53lvlinuxlaptopdude90: guess why those are on eBay for cheap
01:17.57robmalSure, we'll share the earpiece.
01:18.01laptopdude90Because they're bad?
01:18.12laptopdude90You take the earpieces, I'll take the bases
01:18.13robmalYou can have it 8-16 and i'll have it 16-8
01:18.25lvlinuxno they aren't bad, just nobody wants them. They sound good, work fine, built well. That's IT.
01:18.35robmalJust make sure it makes to 4pm polish time to my place.
01:18.46laptopdude90Is it going to be hell to switch them out at a later time?
01:19.05lvlinuxlaptopdude90: unplug and program your new phone
01:19.14laptopdude90sounds easy enough
01:19.22robmalIf it's the same make and model.
01:19.32robmalIf anything is not - pray
01:19.32laptopdude90I meant with a newer one
01:19.40lvlinuxlaptopdude90: but why waste money/time when you will want something else in a month
01:19.47laptopdude90It's not going to be in a month
01:19.50laptopdude90It'll be in a few years
01:20.00lvlinuxif you get the Ciscos it will be in a month
01:20.03laptopdude90+I don't wanna pay a bunch for the prototype
01:20.12laptopdude90Just for home use?
01:20.17lvlinuxlaptopdude90: you can't extract max coolness from your Asterisk from those phones
01:20.32lvlinuxlaptopdude90: and going on everything else you have said, you want max coolnes from your phone sys.
01:20.39robmalDude, i'll make this bold (sorry) FIGURE OUT WHAT DO YOU NEED, THEN BUY SHIT
01:20.40laptopdude90yup :3
01:21.05laptopdude90I want people to come over for a LAN party and they'll be all like
01:21.08laptopdude90wow man sick rig
01:21.10laptopdude90and I'll be like
01:21.16laptopdude90yeah it's k, but check out my phone system
01:21.20laptopdude90and they'll be like "woah"
01:21.33lvlinuxlaptopdude90: with Cisco 79xx they'll be like "oh"
01:21.42laptopdude90yeah so I need something better :D
01:21.43robmalI think something inside me has bursted and i will die now.
01:21.59drabfrom laughter? cuz that's what I was about to do
01:22.09drabnext I was hoping for a quote from the hackers movie
01:22.12laptopdude90Can IP phones play recorded messages off of asterisk?
01:22.12drabhack the planet yo
01:22.27laptopdude90oh boy
01:22.29laptopdude90lods of features
01:22.37lvlinuxlaptopdude90: if you want some 7960s I'll sell you some cheap. But seriously get some cooler phones.
01:23.15laptopdude90Can you sell me the cooler phones?
01:23.29zer0coolrobmal: lol,priceless, thank you
01:23.29lvlinuxlaptopdude90: if you want a 7960 to play with I'll sell it for like $10+actual shipping to Canada
01:23.34robmallaptopdude90: What time is it at your place?
01:23.38lvlinuxlaptopdude90: NO I keep cool phones lol
01:23.52laptopdude90It's 9:23
01:23.55laptopdude90I'm in Halifax
01:24.13lvlinuxlaptopdude90: splurge and get yourself one Yealink T46G
01:24.26robmalGet a piece of paper and a pen/pencil.
01:24.27lvlinuxlaptopdude90: you will be in cool heaven.
01:24.38laptopdude90dude I can't afford that
01:24.38robmalDrow your future VoIP network.
01:24.43laptopdude90It's all the money
01:24.55lvlinuxlaptopdude90: you can find a good used one sometimes for about 70 or so.
01:25.03laptopdude90I have an idea
01:25.04robmalBreak your neighbours window, cut your veins.
01:25.05laptopdude90Buy just one of them
01:25.12laptopdude90And put it on a trolley and wheel it around the hous
01:25.16robmalDraw with your blood your future network.
01:25.18laptopdude90We can all share it
01:25.28lvlinuxlaptopdude90: yeah your mom/dad will love that.
01:25.43robmalMake a picture, paste it here, call911.
01:25.56laptopdude90I think they'd be madder that I spent $200 on a phone
01:26.07laptopdude90here we go
01:26.09robmalI'm pretty sure theye are.
01:26.14robmalI would be.
01:26.14lvlinuxlaptopdude90: look for a Snom 360 or 320.
01:26.15lvlinux80% coolnes factor, supports tons of features, cheap.
01:26.43laptopdude90Still cost more than I'd like
01:27.04robmallaptopdude90: Focus now.
01:27.10laptopdude90Honestly I like your offer for the $10 phones
01:27.13laptopdude90Just temp
01:27.15laptopdude90Yeah got it
01:27.17laptopdude90here we go
01:27.21lvlinuxlaptopdude90: i just put in 5 Yealink T46Gs at a church office---color screen, they tell the weather, XML browser, bluetooth. Super cool
01:29.09laptopdude90thats more than my house cost
01:29.12laptopdude90picture is done
01:29.15laptopdude90how do I upload
01:29.28drabascii art it for extra coolness
01:30.45*** join/#asterisk TechSmurf (~jdaniel@unaffiliated/techsmurf)
01:31.39robmalOk, clicking.
01:32.37robmalIt's quite good.
01:32.47laptopdude90wow I'm honored
01:32.53robmalIt's surprisingly good.
01:33.11laptopdude90what makes it so good
01:33.44robmalSo now: move the asterisk server just below pfSense. Make it the gateway for a vlan there, where all the ipphones get the 'internet' from'.
01:34.07laptopdude90any specific reason?
01:34.07robmalMake asterisk have access to the internet, so it can connect to your ITSPs.
01:34.36laptopdude90yeah it can do that already
01:34.37robmallaptopdude90: 'The guy on the internet said so' has to be enough.
01:34.48laptopdude90So 2 LANS on asterisk
01:34.50laptopdude901 to pfsense
01:34.53laptopdude901 to phone LAN
01:34.56*** part/#asterisk TechSmurf (~jdaniel@unaffiliated/techsmurf)
01:35.09robmalDoesn't have to be but it'll be easier for you so ok.
01:35.27laptopdude90lvlinux, can I pm?
01:35.48robmalSo, from pfSense 2 vlans: 1 for PCs, 2nd for Asterisk and it's minions.
01:36.32laptopdude90I actually use physical lans
01:36.40laptopdude90I'm that kind of guy
01:37.00robmalBTW - if you have free ports that's even better.
01:37.26robmalBut it's usful only when you reach port capacity on any vlan.
01:37.43laptopdude90I've got all the ports
01:38.25laptopdude90Just have to see about buying a few phones off lvlinux
01:39.35robmalSo, Asterisk, 2 ports, one directly to pfSense (drop all incoming except sip 5060 and udp 10k-20k, you can leave all outgoing), second to lan for phones - serving as a dhcp gateway (you can do magic things with dhcp options and things like voice vlan on switches)
01:39.59robmalNononono, lvlinux is trying to rip you off, buy from me, me me! ;-)
01:40.14robmal(just kidding, don't buy anything now)
01:43.31laptopdude90why not?
01:45.17robmal1) Each phone manufacturer has his own configuration, you'll spend some time to set it up. 2) Each model has it's specific capabilities. I have no idea what do you need your phones to do (except making *ring* d'Oh) so you might need not the lowest models.
01:46.22robmalBut yeah, you know, if you're on a spending spree - htt://
01:46.54robmalI can even guarantee something depending on your payment.
01:48.24laptopdude90I need to transfer calls
01:48.28laptopdude90And that's about it
01:48.43laptopdude90Oh and play messages I suppose
01:48.54robmalYou don't need phones to do that.
01:48.58[TK]D-FenderPhones themselves don't "play messages"
01:49.09laptopdude90But the messages are on the server
01:49.11[TK]D-FenderAnd ANY kinda of device can trnasfer calls
01:49.17laptopdude90So can't I play them on the phone?
01:49.19robmal[TK]D-Fender: Shh, i could be earning moneys now!
01:49.30laptopdude90My family has a completely different internet connection than I
01:49.40laptopdude90so they've got to be able to do it all from the phone
01:49.44robmallaptopdude90: That's not a problem.
01:49.52[TK]D-Fenderunderstand the difference is LISTENING to somethig on a phone.. and the phone PLAYING something
01:49.53laptopdude90okay, so they can play the messages from the phone?
01:49.54robmal[TK]D-Fender: Shhh!
01:50.07[TK]D-Fender"the messages" <- also vague
01:50.09drabmmmh, so I went back and out of curiosity took out the nat=yes and internal/external stanzas from the sip general file and everything still works (can make inbound and outbound phone calls as before)
01:50.10robmallaptopdude90: No, asterisk can.
01:50.13robmal[TK]D-Fender: SHHH!
01:50.13laptopdude90As in when someone calls
01:50.16laptopdude90And it goes
01:50.23laptopdude90"pls leave message thx luv u"
01:50.23drabare those only used when phones are connecting through NAT to an external sip server?
01:50.30laptopdude90and then the message goes on the server right
01:50.30[TK]D-FenderThe PHONE does not do that
01:50.36laptopdude90Yeah ik
01:50.38robmaldrab: I said, some combination would work ;-)
01:50.41drabas it stands I have asterisk and the phones on the same network connecting to vitelity through nat
01:50.43[TK]D-Fenderthe SERVER is doing all of that
01:50.47laptopdude90I don't want to record the messages on the server
01:50.47[TK]D-Fenderit has nothing to do with the phone
01:50.50laptopdude90I just want to play them back on the phone
01:50.58drabrobmal: well at this point it seems the only thing I needed to do was to port forward 5060
01:51.03laptopdude90Sorry I *do* want to store them on the server
01:51.04drabnothing else was needed on the asterisk side
01:51.14laptopdude90So can I play back the messages on the phone?
01:51.14[TK]D-FenderDo you think the voicemail you use with your cell-phone is run OFF of your cell phone?
01:51.17robmallaptopdude90: Don't listen to [TK]D-Fender, he uses CAPS to make his statements APPEAR CORRECT.
01:51.18drabI've reverted to my older configs, restarted and things are fine
01:51.22drabnothing broke
01:51.33laptopdude90Cause I'd like to be able to do that on any phone in the house
01:51.47drabso the nat configuration stuff doesn't seem needed when instead I thought it was
01:51.52drabso trying to correct my misunderstanding
01:51.54[TK]D-Fenderyou can
01:51.58drabcuz clearly there's still something I don't get here
01:52.03[TK]D-Fenderunderstand this is the server doing the job
01:52.08robmaldrab: Nothing new. My international calls broke today around 4pm and reverting the config from 10 days didn't fix it ;-)
01:52.10[TK]D-Fenderyour phone records nothing
01:52.21laptopdude90The server does
01:52.22[TK]D-Fenderyou call into the voicemail system just like you do on any other phone with VM
01:52.28laptopdude90But I want to PLAY IT BACK on the phones
01:52.44[TK]D-Fendertht is a call between your phone and the server
01:52.47robmallaptopdude90: OH NOES!
01:52.52laptopdude90Okay so I *can* do that?
01:52.53[TK]D-Fendereverything is jsut a call
01:53.00laptopdude90I'm not asking how
01:53.05robmallaptopdude90: Yes.
01:53.05laptopdude90I'm just asking is it possible
01:53.24laptopdude90So then the cheap cisco phones will be fine
01:53.35robmalDude, again.
01:53.51robmalI'm pretty sure you don't need phones.
01:54.05laptopdude90then how do I call people
01:54.36robmalPoke [TK]D-Fender with a stick and shout 'Originate, bitch'
01:54.43robmal(Sorry, had to)
01:54.50laptopdude90actually though why don't I need phones
01:54.58laptopdude90Cause I thought the last hour was trying to figure out what phones I need
01:55.19robmallaptopdude90: You'll be fine using sip phones as apps for cellphones.
01:55.33laptopdude90Yeah but I also need desk phones
01:55.42laptopdude90My mom doesn't even have a cellphone
01:55.50laptopdude90And we have like 6 landlines
01:56.00[TK]D-FenderYou said you had 2 lines...
01:56.03laptopdude90Oh and I suppose I need  a cordless IP phone
01:56.10robmalOk. You need like 7 cell phones? ;-)
01:56.10laptopdude90And the entire point of this
01:56.14laptopdude90Is to get away from them
01:56.24laptopdude907 landline phones, 2 phone numbers
01:56.27laptopdude90how's that
01:56.40[TK]D-FenderDon't call a "phone" a "line"
01:56.46laptopdude90Okay did you just get here
01:56.53[TK]D-FenderI own a road.  it's how I drive to work.'
01:56.55laptopdude90Because I'm suddenly reexplaining everything
01:57.07laptopdude90Let's start the begining
01:57.09laptopdude90I want phones
01:57.10laptopdude90to call people
01:57.12[TK]D-FenderYou are using wrong words to describe things
01:57.30robmalOk, ok, chill, people.
01:57.31[TK]D-FenderIf you want to know where confusion comes from ... that was it
01:57.32laptopdude90and the phones neeed the ability to call people
01:57.36laptopdude90and transfer
01:57.48laptopdude90And I need the linux guy
01:57.51robmallaptopdude90: Buy that ipphones, as many as you need.
01:57.52laptopdude90Cause he has cheap phones
01:58.00[TK]D-FenderYou could use ATA's with your existing phones.  You could get any phone you can power and configure with a protocol * can speak
01:58.05laptopdude90Oh boy $500/month in phone bills
01:58.12laptopdude90TK we've been over that
01:58.17[TK]D-FenderCisco can work but will likely involve a fair amount of pain.  Go for it.
01:58.20laptopdude90The existing system is stupid
01:58.29laptopdude90I want to be able to use all the phones as once
01:58.31[TK]D-FenderWhat "system"?
01:58.36[TK]D-FenderYou said you had a "dumb line"
01:58.39[TK]D-Fenderthat isn't a system
01:58.40laptopdude90Yeah exactly
01:58.45laptopdude90The non-system
01:58.49robmallaptopdude90: You don't need a guy who knows a linux/asterisk guy since you know better what you need than guys here who do linux/asterisk everyday :-)
01:58.49[TK]D-FenderStop calling it a system
01:59.01[TK]D-Fenderand I didn't say you'd use those existing phones on the same port
01:59.03laptopdude90No but the linux guy
01:59.07laptopdude90He's gonna sell me the phones
01:59.10robmalSo, buy the phones and GTFO :-)
01:59.16laptopdude90He's not online
01:59.38[TK]D-FenderGet whateveer kind of device you want.  Just be warned that Ciscos are espcially large PITA's
01:59.47laptopdude90Yeah that's what I'm trying to do .-.
01:59.51laptopdude90But the seller isn't online
01:59.57robmalAlso: cheaper models of pretty much anything.
02:00.05robmalAnd anything your using for the first time.
02:00.09[TK]D-FenderAnd that 79XX series have very specific power requirements that are not standard 802.3af PoE
02:00.13robmalAnd anything asterisk.
02:00.20laptopdude90Yeah we worked out a switch for them
02:00.27[TK]D-FenderMake a wrong choice and they'll be bricks until you spend more on them
02:00.43laptopdude90are you just trying to shut me down
02:00.48laptopdude90cause we were making progress
02:00.50laptopdude90and you showed up
02:00.55laptopdude90And then I had to reexplain everything
02:01.07[TK]D-FenderI'm trying to make you aware that that stupid specific series is FUCKING PICKY
02:01.16[TK]D-FenderYou are desperately chasing "cheap",.
02:01.24[TK]D-FenderThat family of phoones has CONSEQUENCES
02:01.33robmalruns for moar popcorn
02:01.45laptopdude90because I just want phones
02:01.49[TK]D-FenderAre you getting the picture yet?
02:01.54laptopdude90I don't want to be able to browse the bloody internet on the phone
02:01.55laptopdude90I wanna call
02:02.01laptopdude90I wanna call everyone
02:02.06laptopdude90I wanna call Obama and be like
02:02.08robmal[TK]D-Fender: You shoud be aware i've made a standalone drinking game because of you.
02:02.10laptopdude90"hey I gots the phones"
02:02.27[TK]D-Fenderrobmal, I expect that royalty check now...
02:02.29robmalEvery time you CAPS or someone in response CAPSES - a sip of whiskey.
02:02.50laptopdude90btw tk
02:02.52laptopdude90No swearing
02:02.52[TK]D-Fenderrobmal, You'd better be already on that transplant list...
02:03.07[TK]D-Fenderlaptopdude90, Things don't seem to be sinking in.
02:03.16laptopdude90b/c I just want a phone'
02:03.31laptopdude90I don't need anything fancy ya ding dong
02:03.37robmalI am - first on 'liver rejected' ;-)
02:03.40[TK]D-Fenderlaptopdude90, If you're going gaga over that one particular series and are then making switch considerations that only support that you are pidgeon-holing yourself
02:04.00[TK]D-Fenderlaptopdude90, If you want to go that route you should at least be aware of that
02:04.05laptopdude90How much do you think I'm spending on the switch?
02:04.20[TK]D-FenderJust be sure of what you're getting.
02:04.43laptopdude90> How much do you think I'm spending on the switch?
02:04.52robmal1 million dollars.
02:05.02laptopdude90it seems like it lol'
02:05.09robmal1 thousand dollars?
02:05.29laptopdude90you win
02:05.30robmalPaypal or wire transfer?
02:05.38laptopdude90why not both
02:05.49robmalHow many ports?
02:05.55laptopdude90all the ports
02:05.55robmalAFAIK you need 7.
02:06.01laptopdude90just realized the switch is marked as broken xD
02:06.02robmalI'll get you.... 8!
02:06.04laptopdude90But it's 24 port
02:06.13laptopdude90I've got piles of 24 port switches
02:06.16laptopdude90I'll use one of em
02:06.31robmalBut they don't work how you want them to.
02:06.40[TK]D-Fenderlaptopdude90, link it again
02:06.46laptopdude90THey don't have POE
02:07.02lvlinuxlaptopdude90: I'm back temporarily. You send me an email?
02:07.06robmalI'll get you 8 port PoE switch <1k USD
02:07.14laptopdude90yeah I want to buy them phones
02:07.14lvlinuxrobmal: lol
02:07.15robmallvlinux: GTFO!
02:07.24laptopdude90How much for shipping
02:07.34laptopdude90And do they come with the wall warts
02:07.45robmalNo bugs.
02:07.45lvlinuxdon't know I'll have to check on it. Hey robmal what's your UPS shipping number?
02:08.00laptopdude90How many do you have available
02:08.14lvlinuxI think 5 or 6.
02:08.22lvlinuxYou only want one.
02:08.34laptopdude902 actually, so I can play with transfer
02:08.42*** join/#asterisk jeev (~j@unaffiliated/jeev)
02:08.43lvlinuxthey don't have transfer
02:08.43laptopdude90Let me know on the adapters
02:08.49[TK]D-FenderNo warts
02:08.52[TK]D-Fenderthey have cream for that
02:08.59robmalMy switches were cleaned with Mr Proper by Ukrainian wannabe brides in their lingerie. I had picutres but had to give them to the ukrainian mob.
02:09.03laptopdude90then how do I move a call to a different phone
02:09.09lvlinuxlol jk i don't knowif they do transfer or not but you can do it with DTMF and *
02:09.43lvlinuxtone buttons
02:09.56laptopdude90k so DTMF + * does a transfer?
02:10.04robmalNo, lvlinuxes switches only support VeryDirTyMouthFuck
02:10.05laptopdude90ah, got it
02:10.11lvlinuxyou set it to whatever you want in *
02:10.17lvlinux#1 or something
02:10.30laptopdude90so if they have adapters and shipping isn't too bad
02:10.32laptopdude90I'll take 2
02:10.35lvlinuxshipping is probably going to be more than you want to pay thoguh.
02:10.46laptopdude90Might as well check tho
02:11.05lvlinuxmaybe I should reword that--- "I guarantee you will not receive power adapters from me"
02:11.11robmallvlinux: If you sell anything to laptopdude90 - you owe me a postcard, i haven't seen a circus like this in a long time.
02:11.22drabcan I get a postcard too
02:11.32lvlinuxrobmal: lol I'm libel to send him tons of junk.
02:11.40robmaldrab: You'll get my postcard.
02:11.41drabit was a bad day until this started, thank you
02:11.49laptopdude90Do you take 3d printed stuff as payment? :3
02:12.11laptopdude90wow really
02:12.20lvlinuxbut i prefer bitcoin, or western union, or wire transfer lol
02:12.25laptopdude90yeah kk
02:12.26lvlinuxor paypal
02:12.30lvlinuxor credit card
02:12.32lvlinuxor cash
02:12.36lvlinuxor check by phone
02:12.55laptopdude90The 3d printed thing is open to all BTW
02:13.29lvlinuxlaptopdude90: this is not a selling market---so watch it.
02:14.05lvlinuxthat was sarcasm btw
02:14.19laptopdude90kk :P
02:15.35robmallaptopdude90: So, a hard working troll?
02:16.47robmalYou asked all the wrong questions, kept all the threads live.
02:17.20robmalPeople who don't know shit about VoIP are too lazy do to that.
02:18.26laptopdude90now I'm more confused
02:20.26robmallvlinux: You should buy phones from lvlinux :-)
02:20.59lvlinuxyeah then you too can be the proud owner of reject junk phones
02:21.17laptopdude90I just want to call people ;(
02:21.28robmal^ which you can use all the time
02:21.44lvlinuxlaptopdude90: well you can hook your existing phones to Asterisk and call pepole with them
02:22.00laptopdude90But I wanna saves the cash money
02:22.09laptopdude90Its the only way there's a change of getting my dad onboard
02:22.33robmalSo how much do you pay now?
02:22.56laptopdude90And I found a replacement ITSP for $10/month
02:23.00robmalHow much fixed and mobile?
02:23.01laptopdude90And there's a free winnipeg line
02:23.12laptopdude90Which I'm gonna steal for myself
02:23.20laptopdude90$50 for fixed
02:23.26laptopdude90$60 for cell
02:23.30laptopdude90But I'm not replacing cell
02:24.05robmalDude, $50+$60 != $50/mo
02:24.19laptopdude90>But I'm not replacing cell
02:24.22robmalFocus now.
02:24.30robmalHOw much are you using now.
02:24.37laptopdude90What do you mean?
02:24.44robmalHow many minures.
02:24.56laptopdude90A few hundred, maybe, per month?
02:25.03laptopdude90I'm not replacining mobile
02:25.06robmalFor .ca as I assume.
02:25.06laptopdude90So it's not relevant
02:25.30robmalSo - only fixed.
02:25.40robmalHow many minutes do you use?
02:25.47laptopdude90A few hundred per month
02:25.54laptopdude90I've already picked out my ITSP
02:25.57robmal101 or 999 ?
02:26.04laptopdude90400, let's say
02:26.17robmalAnd all in .ca ?
02:26.41infobotitsplist-ca is probably Here are some popular Canadian ITSPs: , ,,
02:26.44laptopdude90>I've already picked out my ITSP
02:27.04robmal(i'LL NEVER remember this crap)
02:27.08robmallaptopdude90: so?
02:27.26robmalYou need 1 asterisk box.
02:27.32robmalon raspbery pi.
02:27.37laptopdude90Why on a pi
02:27.40laptopdude90I've got literal piles of server
02:27.43robmalcheaper than a dead moose.
02:27.51laptopdude90And I use VMs for everything anyway
02:27.53robmalSell the servers.
02:27.58robmalBuy rPi.
02:28.05laptopdude90Pis only have 1 ethernet
02:28.29robmalOk, drop the servers into water, make new coral reef
02:29.08laptopdude90Pis only have 1 ethernet
02:29.19laptopdude90And either way a VM is free
02:29.27robmalI've had 1 ethernet for 30 yars, you'll adapt.
02:29.39laptopdude90Remember what you literally said a few hours ago
02:29.45laptopdude90When I showed you the drawing
02:29.55laptopdude90You were all "put the asterisk server between pfsense and the phones"
02:29.57robmalDrawing was awesome.
02:30.03laptopdude90How can I do that with 1 ethernet port
02:30.17drabcan anybody spot any different in the wording of "outgoing proxy" and "call server" ? manual doesn't quite point out if those are the same thing or not
02:30.35robmalBut in the drawing you had pfSense in the front.
02:30.58laptopdude90And you told me to change it
02:31.10laptopdude90So it would be pfsense->asterisk->phones
02:31.11robmaldrab: call server is for people with 'marketing' on their business cards.
02:31.25robmallaptopdude90: So?
02:31.32laptopdude90That needs 2 ethernet ports
02:31.56robmalNo, you need 2 vlans if you have only 1 eth (not possible).
02:32.11laptopdude90still though
02:32.12robmallaptopdude90: Draw me that. And a charmander.
02:32.13laptopdude90Why not a VPN
02:32.22laptopdude90Or some of the servers that I already have
02:32.24laptopdude90VM* not vpn
02:32.53drabfwiw, not quite a pi, but similar enough and with 4 ports:
02:33.05robmallaptopdude90: Draw me your future network schematics with a charmander saying ' [TK]D-Fender has a small penis ' :-)
02:33.18laptopdude90dude I'm not your slave
02:33.29robmalYou want my help or not?
02:33.43laptopdude90Not if your suggestion is to throw my servers away and downgrade to a pi
02:34.00robmalYou didn't so what's the problem?
02:34.26laptopdude90well obviously your suggestions are basd
02:34.34laptopdude90so I don't see why I need them
02:34.49robmalOk, good luck waiting for someone else :-)
02:35.06laptopdude90I got all the information I need
02:35.16laptopdude90You just suddenly decided you needed to help me
02:35.19laptopdude90I never asked for it
02:35.44robmalNo way!
02:35.52robmalThat's amazing.
02:35.58laptopdude90dude are you high
02:36.47robmalNo, but i think this converstaion would be much more fun if you drew a fucking charmander.
02:38.29laptopdude90no swearing dude
02:38.47robmalOh noes, don't go Voyager on me.
02:39.04laptopdude90linux guys rules
02:39.07laptopdude90not mine
02:40.43robmalOk, my opinions aside, what equipment do you have laying around (routers, swithces, pcs)
02:41.26laptopdude90dude I don't want your help
02:44.11[TK]D-FenderIf you've got a server already running the sure, go for it.  Th Pi idea isn't bad technically.  It's lower power so easy to battery backup for hours and hours and doesn't have other stuff loaded to wear it down.
02:44.14[TK]D-FenderDepends what you want to do
02:44.17[TK]D-Fenderin the end.. whatever
02:47.22laptopdude90Yeah I know, but considering how I have a VM server plus a bunch of other servers
02:49.13robmalYou should draw a charmander just in case.
02:49.35laptopdude90are you high or drunk
02:51.31[TK]D-Fendernever assumes mutual exclusivity...
02:52.12robmalNone of the above, i have to keep an eye on rsync of ~3TB, restart sone services once it ends and do some tests which i can't autmate so i'm trying to entertain myself in anyway i can :-)
02:52.55robmal[TK]D-Fender: Both apply sometimes, just not tonight :-)
02:53.37drabI might have figured out what was happening, altho I can't tell why the heck it's happening
02:53.54drabthese nortel have a "outbound proxy" configuration and a "call server" configuration
02:54.03robmalHint: almost 4am my time - still no charmander
02:54.18drabfor whatever reason on the ones that work the call server is set, on those that don't no dice even tho they both pull down the same general config
02:54.28drabbeats me how that's happening, but at least now I know
02:55.26drabwell still not solved tho, I've had to disable tftp, set it manually and thenr eboot... can't do that will all the phones out in the field
02:55.49robmalSo your tftp is fucked up :-(
02:55.51draband that setting for whatever reason is not in the web interface, so can't even script it that way
02:56.05drabno, it isn't, it's serving the same config to all the phones
02:56.07drabsome work, some don't
02:56.17robmalSame vlan?
02:56.20drabconfig is downloaded and applied correctly as the other settings are set
02:56.28drabso it seems for whatever reason only this one is missing
02:56.52drabnah, no vlans
02:57.29robmalOk. Same firmware on the phones?
02:58.10drabyes, however I just noticed that the "H/W" field says 2.1 on one and 2.2 on the other. checking the other phones that don't work now
02:58.53robmalMight be it but doubtful.
02:59.11*** join/#asterisk woleium (
03:09.40drabmeh, it's just getting worse and worse
03:10.15drabnow I set a bogus call server on the phone manually and it still registers with asterisk
03:10.34drabso I can't go back anymore to the broken state where it won't register
03:11.12robmalAwesome :-) So, what kind of phones are you using? (too lazy to scroll, sorry)
03:13.05drabsome old lg-nortels they got on ebay in 2008 or something...
03:13.25drabphone was discontinued in 2007 from the little I found on google
03:13.34robmalOk, and they stop registering?
03:14.10draba bunch of them never register, a bunch did. there is a master config they all download and individial $mac based config with individual passwords
03:14.18drabso except for the pwd they are all configured identically
03:14.36drabpwd and line name
03:14.53draband the problem it seems that those that don't work don't get this per line call server set
03:15.07drabthe ones that work have that call server set on line1, they dones that don't register don't
03:15.20robmalAny chances of starting syslog to a remote server on the phones?
03:15.40drabif I change it manually then they start registering apparently, but then the above happened where if I change the call server toa bogus ip they still register
03:15.55drabnope, no such thing, at leat not that I can access and don't see it in the manual I found either
03:15.59drabflying pretty blind
03:17.35drabthey seem to have bought boxes worth of them so I geuss I'm just gonna go through them 'till I find enough that work
03:17.41drabhave already spent far too much time on this :/
03:17.43robmalI like 'wtf' cases at this time of night. Can you give me any way to access the phones cli/www and a copy of his provisioned config with apache access.log as well?
03:18.30lvlinuxlaptopdude90: I'm back for a few mins
03:18.35robmalScratch that apache - tftp ;-)
03:18.51robmallvlinux: Good luck.
03:19.18lvlinuxrobmal: with what?
03:19.24laptopdude90hey man
03:19.28robmallvlinux: With laptopdude90 :-)
03:19.43laptopdude90So those phones
03:20.52lvlinuxlaptopdude90: what's ur zipcode?
03:21.01lvlinuxlaptopdude90: errr up postal code
03:21.26laptopdude90can I message you
03:21.55lvlinuxi much prefer email but ok.
03:22.06laptopdude90Sure I can do email
03:22.08laptopdude90What's your address
03:22.24lvlinuxit's on my site
03:23.26drabrobmal: I found the fix
03:23.38drabwhy it would have done that to begin with tho is still unknown
03:24.04drabso basically, as I said, there's one master config that sets among other thinsg the outgoing sip proxy
03:24.23draband then individual MAC configs only have extention number and secret
03:24.37drabone per configure line
03:24.47lvlinuxlaptopdude90: yikes! are u on an island or something?
03:24.51lvlinuxshipping is high
03:25.12drabdrab: so what seems to be happening is that on some phones the outgoing proxy was used as the call servers for all the lines
03:25.15laptopdude90I'm on the edge of Canada
03:25.19drabeer, robmal ^^
03:25.21laptopdude90How high
03:26.08lvlinuxwell for the big box i was gonna send you $125
03:26.15drabrobmal: in others it didn't. the fix is to add a line1_proxy_address to the individual MAC file. once that's set the magic happens and the phones register (at least these test ones)
03:26.25lvlinuxI can send a flat rate box for $60, but that's still high
03:26.41drabrobmal: it's also still beyond me why, once I manually overrode the setting to an unknown ip, it would still register
03:27.07drabnone of that makes sense, but I think I'm gonna regen the tftp configs with that added setting and call it a day
03:29.09robmaldrab: Sorry, had to erm, make pictures. Which phones have this 'awesome' feature?
03:29.11*** join/#asterisk vader- (
03:31.07lvlinuxlaptopdude90: i was gonna send you a polycom too
03:33.58lvlinuxlaptopdude90: but that's just too high for shipping. Maybe I can check UPS.
03:34.33laptopdude90don't bother
03:34.57lvlinuxyeah they charge broker fees up there don't they?
03:35.13lvlinuxup in Kanada
03:36.08robmaldrab: LG is a synonym for 'not working', but i'll give it a look once i stop the reflux (they owe me $ ;-) )
03:36.41drabalright, everything's reconfigured and seems to be working. thanks robmal [TK]D-Fender igcewieling1
03:36.57robmaldrab: O
03:36.58drabrobmal: sure. to add to the list of odd things - you can see sshots in the manual from the voip page
03:37.05draband that clearly shows a "line" section
03:37.22robmalKbd panic.
03:37.34drabI don't have such a thing.. I can see an empty div, so clearly something is amiss on those devices
03:38.00robmaldrab: I'd be better to check your configs myself so ssh and a ssh tunnel to the phone would be great.
03:38.51lvlinuxlaptopdude90: take it as a blessing in disguise: now you won't be stuck with junk phones.
03:39.48robmalIf you can't - get a phone, make an extension far away from your normal range, put it in another vlan, whatevers. These phones are try&check to make working.
03:40.56drabrobmal: no sweat, as it stands they work even tho I've still no idea why some did and some didn't to begin with
03:41.02drabgonna take a break, been nearly 9hrs non stop
03:41.07drabthanks again
03:43.04robmaldrab: No problem, but if you come here crying all the phones stoped working and nobody knows why - good luck :-)
03:46.16lvlinuxlaptopdude90: I found your phones: eBay item #281855915959
03:47.57lvlinuxlaptopdude90: you looked at the book yet?
03:48.11lvlinuxlaptopdude90: or got ur * install started?
03:48.22lvlinuxnot soon NOW
03:48.37lvlinuxyou can start using it with your ipod immediately
03:49.03lvlinuxyou can call your system and hear the weasels and the jedi trick and the monkeys!
03:49.15*** join/#asterisk cryptic (
03:49.18lvlinuxand tons of useful stuff too
03:50.52lvlinuxwell i gtg for the night. Been fun today :-)
03:52.12lvlinuxgoes to get ready to eat supper
04:15.44igcewieling1someone figured out how to hack a computer using barcodes.   we are doomed.
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08:02.20igcewieling11) there are many rodents 2) rodents like to run on wheels 3) wheels can be connected to generators 4) ??? 5) profit
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13:36.43twanny796is there an ftp for asterisknow?
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14:00.31laptopdude90K so Asterisk is stuck installing
14:00.38laptopdude90I'm doing it from the AsteriskNOW iso
14:00.50laptopdude9069%, installing FreePBX web interface
14:06.31laptopdude90NVM it was just taking its sweet old time
14:41.03laptopdude90I have no idea what I'm doing and the manual says nothing about the web interface
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15:30.20laptopdude90Any idea why I'm getting '403 forbidden' when trying to connect my SIP client to the server?
15:34.24laptopdude90Also, when I try to send a SMS message from the UCP I get "Your message was not sent because your account has not yet been verified."
15:34.27laptopdude90robmal pls
15:36.09robmalI think your account has not been verified yet.
15:36.19laptopdude90Yeah and I googled that
15:36.28laptopdude90And I couldn't find anything on it
15:36.32laptopdude90How do I verify?
15:37.47robmalI'd guess you have to do something they asked you to do during registration.
15:38.08laptopdude90I'm confused
15:38.08robmalI.e. a backflip
15:38.17laptopdude90Registration with whom
15:38.18robmalI know.
15:38.43robmalWell, uhm, the party you are to trying to call through.
15:39.21laptopdude90I'm using Sipstation
15:39.23laptopdude90Free trial
15:39.56laptopdude90Okay I need to call them
15:39.58laptopdude90But I can't
15:40.04laptopdude90Because my SIP client won't connect .-.
15:40.47robmalThat's aweful.
15:41.23laptopdude90How would you recommend I diagnose my problem?
15:41.34laptopdude90I set up an account in asterisk
15:41.38laptopdude90And that's what I'm trying to connect w
15:43.28robmalYou should send sip debug to [TK]D-Fender.
15:43.45laptopdude90Would that be in the log files?
15:44.43laptopdude90[2015-11-14 11:39:23] NOTICE[7367] chan_sip.c: Registration from '<sip:laptopdude90@>' failed for '' - Wrong password
15:44.51laptopdude90But the pass is the same..
15:45.40robmalBut it doesn't work.
15:45.47*** join/#asterisk sparetire_ (~sparetire@unaffiliated/sparetire)
15:46.32laptopdude90I can log into the UCP
15:46.39laptopdude90But not into my SIP client
15:48.01laptopdude90What should I check?
15:48.20robmalThe password.
15:48.40laptopdude90It emailed me the pass
15:48.46laptopdude90And then I put that pas in the SIP
15:48.50laptopdude90I've retyped it like 5 times
15:49.38laptopdude90Do I have to enable SIP on the account?
15:49.51robmalNo, never. Disable everything.
15:50.05laptopdude90Then... how do I connect
15:50.12laptopdude90Do I have to use the number instead of the username?
15:51.12laptopdude90Do I use the local IP or my public IP?
15:51.45laptopdude90Should I turn on more codecs?
15:51.54*** join/#asterisk ketas (
16:11.07*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
16:15.07laptopdude90Hey TK
16:16.37[TK]D-FenderUCP has *NOTHING* to do with your SIP client.
16:16.41[TK]D-Fenderthat is not the same user & pass
16:16.44[TK]D-FenderSIP = EXTENSION
16:17.04[TK]D-FenderAnd you are in the wrong channel for support on this
16:17.06infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
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16:34.20laptopdude90I DID IT
16:34.32robmalOh :-(
16:34.48laptopdude90Confirmed working!
16:35.23robmalOh no :-(
16:36.35laptopdude90k now what just happened
16:36.40laptopdude90So I call asterisk from my cell
16:36.41laptopdude90It goes
16:36.48laptopdude90It tells me about the call info
16:36.53laptopdude90It tells me my phone number
16:36.57laptopdude90like why
16:37.02laptopdude90how do I make it not
16:37.02[TK]D-FenderWe don't know
16:37.06[TK]D-Fenderwe have no idea what you did
16:37.11laptopdude90I'm on default settings
16:37.16[TK]D-Fenderno such thing as default
16:37.20[TK]D-Fenderand you're in the wrong channel
16:37.21*** join/#asterisk livtyler (~livtyler@unaffiliated/livtyler)
16:37.24[TK]D-FenderGUI's are not supported here
16:37.33infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
16:37.49laptopdude90Yeah I'm not using the GUI
16:37.58livtylerI need the multicast feature enabled, where do I apply this?
16:38.31[TK]D-FenderYou're using FreePBX
16:38.37[TK]D-FenderSo yes, you are
16:39.49laptopdude90Um no. I'm not.
16:39.53laptopdude90I am using SSH.
16:40.42[TK]D-FenderThat GUI is still what runs your system
16:40.43[TK]D-FenderToo late
16:40.49robmalcan has a lot of enjoy from this.
16:41.14laptopdude90I don't think you understand how a GUI runs
16:41.18[TK]D-Fender69%, installing FreePBX web interface
16:41.28laptopdude90That was hours ago
16:41.29laptopdude90Since then
16:41.30[TK]D-FenderI don't care if YOU are logfged in via SSH'
16:41.31laptopdude90I have reinstalled
16:41.35laptopdude90WITHOUT the web interface
16:41.36[TK]D-Fenderthat GUI *owns* you now
16:41.42laptopdude90Reread what I said.
16:41.46[TK]D-FenderUCP = FreePBX
16:41.51[TK]D-FenderI Did read
16:41.56laptopdude90I reinstalled
16:41.57[TK]D-Fenderand I know what that all is
16:41.59laptopdude90the GUI
16:42.04laptopdude90not with
16:42.09[TK]D-FenderShow us
16:42.09*** join/#asterisk JuanesPTY (~JuanesPTY@
16:42.15laptopdude90how do you want me to do that?
16:42.24[TK]D-FenderShow What you actually configured
16:42.35laptopdude90So just my sip.conf?
16:42.43[TK]D-Fenderactual dialplan
16:42.53laptopdude90I've not touched the dialplan
16:42.59laptopdude90I don't even know what a dialplan is
16:43.02[TK]D-FenderThen you've done just about nothing
16:43.06laptopdude90That is correct.
16:43.08[TK]D-FenderYou can't place calls
16:43.09laptopdude90That is what I said above.
16:43.11[TK]D-Fenderthere is nothing it will do
16:43.14laptopdude90I can place calls.
16:43.17laptopdude90I can't receive them.
16:43.27[TK]D-FenderShow us
16:43.38laptopdude90Should I record myself making a call?
16:43.39[TK]D-FenderPASTEBIN the CLI output of your call
16:43.49laptopdude90I'm making the calls with a SIP client.
16:43.51[TK]D-FenderPASTEBIN the CLI output of your call
16:43.53laptopdude90Not from the CLI
16:43.55[TK]D-FenderPASTEBIN the CLI output of your call
16:43.58laptopdude90Not from the CLI
16:44.14laptopdude90I'm making the calls with a SIP client.
16:44.18laptopdude90Not from the CLI
16:44.20[TK]D-FenderLog into the CLI and show us the OUTPUT your call generates
16:44.29laptopdude90how the hell do I do that
16:44.41[TK]D-Fenderasterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
16:44.56laptopdude90k and now I make a call?
16:45.23JuanesPTYHello. I just finished installing Asterisk asterisk 13.6.0 on CentOS 7, but I'm not able to start it with the service asterisk start command. I get: "PID file /var/run/asterisk/ not readable (yet?) after start. / Supervising process 4042 which is not our child. We'll most likely not notice when it exits." If I start asterisk using safe_asterisk it does work. Any recommendations
16:45.23JuanesPTYon how to fix this?
16:45.48laptopdude90Nothing shows up
16:46.03[TK]D-Fenderyou said you could call
16:46.11laptopdude90And the call went through
16:46.17[TK]D-Fendernot to Asterisk it didn't
16:46.17laptopdude90'But nothing showed up in the cli
16:46.34*** join/#asterisk ketas (
16:46.52laptopdude90Considering how the SIP client is pointed at asterisk
16:46.57[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> asterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
16:47.00laptopdude90I'm thinking it went through asterisk
16:47.15laptopdude90trying again
16:47.25laptopdude90there we go
16:47.45lvlinuxlaptopdude90: you haven't read the book, have you now? bad juju...
16:47.51laptopdude90I couldn't find it
16:47.55infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
16:47.56laptopdude90I searched for the asterisk manual
16:48.10[TK]D-FenderYou were linked a dozen times
16:48.16[TK]D-FenderPASTEBIN <-
16:48.27lvlinux[TK]D-Fender: I don't think it was a dozen, more like 9 lol
16:48.39[TK]D-Fenderlvlinux, Rounded to CANADIAN
16:48.53laptopdude90I ctrl+f'd for "manual"
16:48.57laptopdude90and it didn't show up
16:49.01[TK]D-FenderStop lying to us
16:49.05lvlinuxno don't say that word
16:49.06laptopdude90I reinstalled the whole thing
16:49.15laptopdude90Idk what to tell you
16:49.25lvlinuxlaptopdude90: what system are you on? debian?
16:49.29[TK]D-Fender- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:22] Dial("SIP/demo-alice-00000007", "SIP/fpbx-1-OfnsBpZnxqQO/4183172685,300,Tt") in new stack
16:49.30laptopdude90Ubuntu server
16:49.51lvlinuxhow did you install Asterisk?
16:49.57lvlinuxpackages or source?
16:49.57[TK]D-FenderAsteriskNOW <-
16:49.58laptopdude90I followed the guide
16:50.01laptopdude90Let me find it
16:50.04[TK]D-FenderScroll up
16:50.09[TK]D-Fenderit's LOGGED
16:50.22[TK]D-FenderI can log into the UCP
16:50.35[TK]D-FenderLess than 1 hour ago
16:50.38lvlinuxwhat trash is UCP??????
16:50.43laptopdude90What's UCP
16:50.44[TK]D-Fender"I'm doing it from the AsteriskNOW iso
16:50.44[TK]D-Fender9:00 am
16:50.44[TK]D-Fender69%, installing FreePBX web interface
16:50.47laptopdude90and how can you log into it?
16:50.53laptopdude90Dude I told you like 4 times now
16:50.53[TK]D-FenderStop lying
16:50.55laptopdude90I reinstalled it
16:50.56[TK]D-FenderIt's pathetic
16:51.03[TK]D-FenderZThat is FreePBX
16:51.04laptopdude90Do you want me to reinstall again?
16:51.12lvlinuxlaptopdude90: do this:
16:51.30lvlinuxlaptopdude90: wait, first, are you on a VM? or bare metal
16:51.32[TK]D-FenderThat is a FreePBX system with Full dialplan and trunk setp
16:51.39[TK]D-FenderThat is a pathetic lie
16:51.54laptopdude90I'm on a VM
16:52.00[TK]D-Fender"I have no idea what I'm doing and the manual says nothing about the web interface"
16:52.06[TK]D-Fenderthat is FreePBX
16:52.06laptopdude90I reinstalled
16:52.09*** join/#asterisk karelk (~karel@
16:52.16[TK]D-FenderAnd that CLI is FreePBX
16:52.17laptopdude90That's the guide I used
16:52.18*** join/#asterisk mac_ified (
16:52.23lvlinuxlaptopdude90: oh then it's easy! Find the image file for your VM and DELETE IT DELETE IT DELETE IT
16:52.32lvlinuxlaptopdude90: then make a new image
16:52.35[TK]D-FenderThen that is ANOTHER VM
16:52.44lvlinuxlaptopdude90: then install * from source
16:52.44[TK]D-Fenderthat CLI = FREEPBX
16:52.50lvlinuxlaptopdude90: because I said so.
16:52.51laptopdude90Also why from source
16:52.56robmalcan has a lot of enjoy
16:52.57[TK]D-Fender<laptopdude90> <- FREEPBX
16:53.04[TK]D-FenderThis is not a question.  It is a fact
16:53.07laptopdude90salty much?
16:53.13lvlinuxlaptopdude90: you can do it from packages but DON'T use AsteriskNOW!!!!!
16:53.26lvlinuxDELETE the AsteriskNOW ISO FROM YOUR DRIVE NOW!!!!!
16:53.30laptopdude90So source is better than packages?
16:53.51lvlinuxwell it'll be up to date and you won't be missing any features.
16:54.07laptopdude90Debian server this time
16:54.18lvlinuxlaptopdude90: you gotta realize one thing, you CANNOT just blindly follow "guides" you find on the net. Many of them are ancient
16:54.23lvlinuxDebian server is good.
16:54.28laptopdude90Yes, I quite like it
16:54.41lvlinuxwait, what do you mean Debian "server"??
16:54.49laptopdude90No desktop installed
16:54.52lvlinuxyou mean just plain Debian right?
16:55.04lvlinuxyes that'll be good
16:55.54robmalStill hoping to sell him your old phones, i see :-)
16:56.03laptopdude90he worked out shipping
16:56.06laptopdude90And it was WAY too much
16:56.12laptopdude90So I'm buying 4 on ebay
16:56.22lvlinuxlaptopdude90: buying 4 of what?
16:56.28laptopdude90The one you linked
16:56.37lvlinuxlaptopdude90: oh, ok yeah those will be good.
16:56.39livtylerI've modified extensions_custom.conf how do I reload this?
16:56.55lvlinuxlivtyler: ask in #freepbx
16:57.08[TK]D-Fender]liv"dialplan reload"
16:57.08lvlinuxlivtyler: because that is what you are using right?
16:57.14[TK]D-Fenderlivtyler,  "dialplan reload"
16:57.16[TK]D-FenderIt is
16:57.26livtyler[TK]D-Fender: thank you
16:57.49lvlinuxlol ^^^^^^^^^
16:59.26robmallvlinux: I must remind you, as the wise man file said, we can't say mean things to those who are just beginning the journey. Also laptopdude90 is just 15 so he has a lot of time to learn.
17:00.21lvlinuxrobmal: yes I guess TK is just rubbing off on me lol
17:00.37lvlinuxbut he seems to be overly nice today
17:01.22robmalMust be the weather. Or drugs.
17:03.15laptopdude90what IRC client do you guys use
17:03.34laptopdude90Do they have a free version?
17:03.54laptopdude90B/C I just downloaded it and it wants me to register
17:03.59laptopdude90And registration is $20
17:04.02robmalYou can also spank people. With a fish.
17:04.20robmalDon't register, only pussies register anything except SIP.
17:07.40robmalMaybe he won't return...
17:07.48[TK]D-Fenderdoesn't feel that lucky
17:09.14*** join/#asterisk laptopdude90 (
17:09.25laptopdude90Okay I'm back
17:09.29laptopdude90and using mIRC
17:09.37robmalThat's awesome.
17:09.56*** join/#asterisk vader- (
17:09.58laptopdude90you know what I did'
17:10.03lvlinuxlaptopdude90: got ur debian running?
17:10.06laptopdude90the installation was all finished
17:10.11laptopdude90And then it was like "pls install grub"
17:10.19laptopdude90and I accidentally pressed enter before typing in the drive
17:10.25laptopdude90So I'm redoing the entire installation
17:10.29robmalOh noes.
17:11.32laptopdude90I need another monitor
17:11.47lvlinuxwhich ver debian?
17:11.50laptopdude90I've got 1 for TV, one for monitoring my 3d printer, and 1 for everything else
17:11.51robmalI'm sure lvlinux has one for a fair price.
17:12.00laptopdude90And now IRC is covering over the printer
17:12.15laptopdude90I'm going to buy 3 more on black friday
17:12.20lvlinuxrobmal: wrong, I have tons of them for fair prices
17:12.53lvlinuxthat would be great to ship a bunch of monitors to laptopdude. Course he'd pay thousands for shipping and they'd be broken when they got there but so what.
17:13.04robmalI know.
17:13.24robmallaptopdude90: BTW, what's your first name?
17:13.43robmalJust curious.
17:13.51lvlinuxyeah why? your not supposed to ask minors that on IRC lol.
17:14.01laptopdude90First name is fine
17:14.06laptopdude90Last name I don't give
17:14.17robmallvlinux: :-D
17:14.22lvlinuxcourse I asked his age yesterday lol... which he should have refused but he didn't...
17:14.52laptopdude90meh, I don't really see the problem
17:15.18lvlinuxnot really a problem I guess
17:15.20robmalWe're about twice your age so it's fun and refreshing ;-)
17:15.33laptopdude90how so?
17:15.55lvlinuxfun to see someone excited about what we do for work :-)
17:16.24robmalThe rookie problems. Now if my grub broke i would fix it faster than you could put a cd in your pc.
17:16.41laptopdude90Not if there's no grub to start
17:16.56laptopdude90I mean I could do a repair if there was anything important on the system
17:17.05laptopdude90But since it was a fresh install, no point
17:17.23lvlinuxi would be tempted to reinstall---i hate dealing with grub. But I'd fix grub 1000 times faster than I'd mess with Lilo again.
17:17.49laptopdude90So the other day I was in a group of 4 working on a project with them
17:17.58robmalOf course yes, no grub, broken grub, L99 error (fun!) - everything faster than you can put a cd in the drive :-)
17:18.04laptopdude90The girl next to me goes "wow, that's a reaaaaaally old version of windows you're running"
17:18.13laptopdude90And I go "actually it's a flavour of linux"
17:18.19laptopdude90And she goes "oh I hate linux"
17:18.30laptopdude90It gets better
17:18.32robmalYou should ask her out.
17:18.40robmalThat's an awesome pickup line on her part.
17:18.46laptopdude90Just yesterday, she was having problems where her computer went into Greek or something
17:18.51laptopdude90and I go
17:18.58laptopdude90"if you were running linux you wouldn't have this problem"
17:19.26robmal'if You weren't we'd be having sex now'
17:19.44lvlinuxlaptopdude90: ignore robmal
17:19.52robmalJust kidding, you'll get that in a few years ;-)
17:19.56lvlinuxlaptopdude90: stay away from girls---they will mess you up
17:20.06laptopdude90You wanna know why she hates linux?
17:20.12robmalA bit.
17:20.18laptopdude90Cause her 2011 netbook runs an extremely run down version of it
17:20.28laptopdude90Cause all linux distros are the same
17:20.31lvlinuxcuz she has no clue, obviously
17:21.16lvlinuxlaptopdude90: stay a loner geek/nerd with NO girlfriend. Get rich doing your tech stuff. Then look for a good one if you're old enough.
17:21.16robmalNever the less, you still should ask her out.
17:21.46robmalShe can be useful. Dishes, cleaning, buying clean dvds for new ubuntu releases...
17:21.54lvlinuxlaptopdude90: don't be the dude that is like 35 and stuck at some computer desk job just to pay for the female's spending habits...
17:22.02laptopdude90USB installs you scrub
17:22.07robmallvlinux: 30!
17:22.09laptopdude90+Robots for dishes and cleaning
17:22.39robmallaptopdude90: You'll lose pendrives. A lot of them. Pretty much everyone you buy.
17:22.44lvlinuxrobmal: yeah but it doesn't stop at 30, once they hook you in, you'll be at that same desk for years...
17:22.56lvlinuxrobmal: I've NEVER lost a USB drive
17:23.04lvlinuxrobmal: and I carry loads of them
17:23.08robmallvlinux: But i like my desk. :-(
17:23.17laptopdude90me too
17:23.19robmalI, too, never lost one. I just borrow.
17:23.27robmalAnd they don't seem to come back :-(
17:23.42laptopdude90I've also never lost a USB drive
17:23.47lvlinuxlaptopdude90: Debian 7 or 8?
17:24.25robmalGo 8, get used to the devils spawn (systemd)
17:26.11lvlinuxit's got that junk!!!! I hate systemd!!!!!!!!!!!!!
17:26.25laptopdude90Soooo excited for black friday.
17:26.30lvlinuxglad I only have d 7 systems...
17:26.36lvlinuxi like my init.d
17:26.53lvlinuxlaptopdude90: do this ^^^^^^^^^^^
17:27.31laptopdude90asterisk 13 is the newest?
17:27.44lvlinuxit's the LTS
17:27.48robmallvlinux: I have made a mistake recently. Had to make a few VMs really fast on a remote site, downloaded netinst from, got 8. Noticed when varnish was ignoring /etc/default config. So it's not THAT bad.
17:28.00lvlinuxI think 14 might be out but you want 13
17:28.25lvlinuxrobmal: yuk
17:29.06lvlinuxyeah at least systemd still lets you call it with /etc/init.d/asterisk start wahtev
17:30.43laptopdude90>mfw I'm using debiab 8 on half my servers yet haven't touched systemd
17:34.03laptopdude90After installing debian 3 times
17:34.04laptopdude90It boots
17:34.06laptopdude90I need a nap
17:34.24robmalSorry ;-)
17:34.32robmallaptopdude90: Oh ;-/
17:35.34robmalNothing, have a nice sleep.
17:35.44laptopdude90Im joking
17:35.48laptopdude90Im too lazy to have a nap
17:36.02lvlinuxlaptopdude90: it's installing?
17:36.45laptopdude90right now i'm installing asterisk
17:36.54laptopdude90E: Unable to locate package –y
17:36.54laptopdude90E: Unable to locate package libtools
17:38.12lvlinuxi thnk u mistyped
17:38.22laptopdude90I copied and pasted
17:38.45laptopdude90I took out -y and libtools
17:38.47laptopdude90and it's fine
17:38.48lvlinuxu got build-essential already?
17:38.54lvlinuxtry libtool
17:40.14laptopdude90Is the telephone code the number at the beginning of the phone number
17:40.20laptopdude90When calling between countries
17:40.31lvlinuxcountry code
17:40.44lvlinux+44 for UK +1 for US/Can etc
17:45.57igcewieling1lvlinux: it is very nice of you to install laptopdude90's Asterisk for him/her.
17:46.11laptopdude90he just gave me the link
17:46.13robmalHim. Steven. Age 15.
17:47.06lvlinuxigcewieling1: lol he's doing ok now
17:47.12lvlinuxrobmal: Stephen
17:47.35robmalThere's a difference?
17:47.50laptopdude90u wot m8?
17:48.16lvlinuxlaptopdude90: installed now?
17:48.30laptopdude90It's still doing stuff
17:48.38lvlinuxslow system...
17:48.52laptopdude904gb of RAM, single core
17:48.53laptopdude90So yea
17:49.16lvlinuxjk it always takes a while. Asterisk is a lot of stuff to compile
17:49.36laptopdude90must I
17:49.55robmalAll of it.
17:49.59laptopdude90is it long
17:50.05lvlinuxnot that long
17:50.09lvlinuxand it's easy read
17:50.10robmalBut you have to read all of it.
17:50.11infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
17:50.14robmalThere will be a test.
17:50.15igcewieling1Usually users read the security document after they are hacked.
17:50.28igcewieling1be a rebel and read it before.
17:50.35robmaligcewieling1: Shh!
17:51.03lvlinuxyeah what are you doing igcewieling1? Trying to put us out of business?
17:51.11laptopdude90ok so
17:51.15laptopdude90Asterisk is installed
17:51.21robmallaptopdude90: There will be a test later - 30 questions, concering the security document. You have to read it all. We all have.
17:51.33laptopdude90how much later
17:51.44robmalNot [TK]D-Fender. He wrote the security document.
17:51.48robmallaptopdude90: 30 days.
17:51.49lvlinuxjust read it, it takes 20 seconds
17:51.56robmallvlinux: Shhh.
17:51.59laptopdude90To read the whole thing?
17:52.17robmalHe's a speed reader.
17:52.21robmalDisregard that.
17:52.28lvlinuxit's just a readme that tells you a few tips not to get hacked IIRC
17:52.45lvlinuxlaptopdude90: remember we told you voip security is a different world?
17:53.02lvlinuxread it yet?
17:53.03[TK]D-Fenderreads his speedometer very quickly. It's like ... just 1 dial.
17:53.16laptopdude90where do I find it
17:53.21laptopdude90~security ?
17:53.21infobotSecurity is way over rated, Heck I imagine you still run windows on your regular PC don't lecture about security
17:54.12laptopdude90how do I do this
17:54.16lvlinuxlaptopdude90: look in the folder where you are. There's a cool new command on linux---called "ls" it shows you neat stuff.
17:54.17robmallaptopdude90: We all like you 'once you paste your sip credentials there will be calls made to premium rate numbers in countries you didn't even know existed' way.
17:54.59laptopdude90I'm in etc/asterisk
17:55.05laptopdude90THere's a load of configs
17:55.24igcewieling1I'll be on the more technical channel.....#FreePBX.
17:55.24lvlinuxthose are all samples
17:55.26*** part/#asterisk igcewieling1 (
17:55.38laptopdude90yeah, don't I want samples
17:55.48lvlinuxsamples = reading material
17:55.55lvlinuxnow, you have two choices,
17:56.15lvlinuxyou can go read the book which is easy and walks you through everything you need to get started, OR,
17:56.24[TK]D-FenderDOOR #3 !!!
17:56.37lvlinuxyou can start reading the sample configs which is not easy and will confuse you until you have read the book first.
17:56.51lvlinuxor yes of course there is DOOR #3
17:57.08laptopdude90I'm reading the book now
17:57.09lvlinuxit's called yate or freeswitch
17:57.34lvlinuxwill the infobot digitally murder me if I mention those words???
17:58.44lvlinuxi hope i never get infected by the freepbx virus
17:58.58laptopdude90mv: cannot stat ‘*.*’: No such file or directory
17:59.01laptopdude90am I stupid
17:59.04lvlinuxoh dear
17:59.08laptopdude90like why isn't that working?
17:59.31robmalBecause of reasons.
17:59.43lvlinuxum, do you have a samples folder?
17:59.48laptopdude90I do
18:00.03lvlinuxum, have you already moved everything into it?
18:00.19laptopdude90oh dear
18:00.39lvlinuxuse that "ls" thing
18:00.45robmalcan has a very much enjoy
18:01.55lvlinuxlaptopdude90: ok now hit the book!
18:02.08laptopdude90Yes I am
18:02.11laptopdude90It told me to do that
18:02.19lvlinuxlaptopdude90: what told you?
18:02.23laptopdude90the book
18:02.27laptopdude90It was like
18:02.31laptopdude90take the samples
18:02.34laptopdude90And push them over there
18:02.41lvlinuxah yes good.
18:02.43robmalI have obtained the list of people who believe you are reading the book:
18:03.16laptopdude90there's my proof
18:03.19laptopdude90A snippet of the book
18:03.28robmalYou have to post a picture.
18:03.35robmalWith a timestamp.
18:03.40robmalAnd your nick.
18:03.49robmalA shoe on the head will also be nice.
18:04.09lvlinuxignore us and read
18:04.47robmalThe first person ever reading the book with photos, guys at Digium will be drinking for a year after this.
18:05.11robmallaptopdude90: Disregard that.
18:05.17robmalIt was my evil twin.
18:05.22robmalWith a small penis.
18:12.45laptopdude90Chapter 4
18:15.27*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
18:19.47robmalI hope chapter 4 isn't about channelz.
18:20.20ChannelZuhm what?
18:21.02robmalChannelZ: Nvm, laptopdude90 is reading The Book.
18:24.28livtylerhow to check if I have muticast rtp feature enabled?
18:25.03lvlinuxlivtyler: what exactly do you mean by enabled?
18:25.16lvlinuxlivtyler: on your phone? or *?
18:26.12livtylerI need the multicast feature enabled, I have modified extensions_custom.conf using this, I use yealink phones that have that capabilities
18:26.47livtylerlvlinux: I need the multicast feature enabled, I have modified extensions_custom.conf using this, I use yealink phones that have that capabilities
18:27.57*** join/#asterisk u0m3 (~u0m3@
18:28.22lvlinuxlivtyler: I don't exactly know what you mean by "enabled" though. AFAIK you don't "enable" multicast you just use it in a Dial() string
18:28.56lvlinuxor a Page() string rather
18:29.13lvlinuxexten => *777,1,Page(MulticastRTP/basic/,i)
18:29.23lvlinuxThis is what I have in my dialplan ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
18:29.49lvlinuxThen I have my phones listening for multicast on
18:29.58livtylerlvlinux: is it ok to put that in extensions_custom.conf? and how do I apply it?
18:30.42lvlinuxI'm not sure how it works w FreePBX (you can ask them if that will work fine in #freepbx) but I don't know of a reason why it wouldn't work.
18:31.08lvlinuxThen to apply it (or any dialplan change) like TK told you before you simply run "dialplan reload" on the Asterisk console
18:31.46lvlinux"dialplan reload" reloads your extensions.conf (and any files included by it like extensions_custom.conf)
18:33.40lvlinuxlivtyler: give it a shot and see if it does like you want
18:38.43livtylerlvlinux: thanks, one more question, the stream that this Page generates what TTL would be using? is it any way to tweak it?
18:44.35lvlinuxnot sure about that
18:45.20livtylerlvlinux: I got "Call from '1010' ( to extension '*777' rejected because extension not found in context 'from-internal'"
18:47.47[TK]D-FenderBecause you didn't put it in a contect included by the one your call falls into
18:49.43livtyler[TK]D-Fender: :( , so that's my initial question, where do I put that exten line?
18:50.07[TK]D-FenderHave you looked at the context your device actually points to yet?
18:50.58robmalOh noes, another one.
18:50.59*** join/#asterisk DragonAzul (~DragonAzu@
18:51.42livtyler[TK]D-Fender: it's in sip_additional.conf, but there's a section for every extension, do I need to create one for *777?
18:52.05[TK]D-Fenderthat is not a contex
18:52.15[TK]D-Fenderin the DIALPLAN
18:53.49lvlinuxlivtyler: read the chapter in the book about dialplan, it will make your life a lot easier.
18:55.41robmallvlinux: You get a librarian badge if you get >0 people to read the book so chill, your reward is on its way.
18:57.02robmal(It's a potato shaped like an asterisk)
18:57.56livtylerlvlinux: ok, now I get 603, declined and in cli some message appears: WARNING[4730][C-00000019]: app_page.c:248 page_exec: There is no ConfBridge application available!
18:58.06laptopdude90What's a good iOS SIP client
18:59.24[TK]D-FenderThere is also currently no point to using Page() at all.. you are calling a SINGLE device
19:02.13livtyler[TK]D-Fender: this is for testing, then we will add nearly 200 phones
19:02.40[TK]D-Fenderlivtyler, yes but if you're using that multicast for all of them it is still ONE device to *
19:04.03livtyler[TK]D-Fender: I don't understand, if I dial for example 7777, all the 200 remaining phones will hear the voice from the device calling that extension right?
19:04.14[TK]D-Fender<lvlinux> exten => *777,1,Page(MulticastRTP/basic/,i)
19:04.17[TK]D-FenderONE device in there
19:04.33[TK]D-FenderThere is no & in there
19:04.41[TK]D-FenderDoesn't matter if 5000 things pick up on it.
19:04.50[TK]D-FenderAsterisk doesn't need to use Page to call it
19:04.54[TK]D-Fendera dumb dial will do
19:05.58livtylerlvlinux: ok, my original sample was this
19:06.20livtyler[TK]D-Fender: my original sample was this
19:06.27[TK]D-FenderAnd lookl.. they even had an example of it...
19:07.40livtyler[TK]D-Fender: yes, but it's not working, I get Declined, and the confBridge error I mentioned above
19:07.54[TK]D-FenderWhat part of "change it to just use dial" was not clear?
19:09.15[TK]D-FenderThough you should still fix your Asterisk install as you don't have Confbridge loaded it seems.
19:10.45*** join/#asterisk livtyler (~livtyler@unaffiliated/livtyler)
19:10.57livtyler[TK]D-Fender: oooooooooooh, thanks
19:12.26*** join/#asterisk babak (uid19622@gateway/web/
19:15.11[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> Though you should still fix your Asterisk install as you don't have Confbridge loaded it seems.
19:20.56livtyler[TK]D-Fender:  thank you very much, now it's working on my segment, however I need this to be propagated to other subnets, and I can see the TTL of the rtp stream is 1, is there any way to tweak this?
19:22.05[TK]D-FenderCan't help you on the fine points for that, sorry
19:23.17livtyler[TK]D-Fender: thank you very much
19:26.33laptopdude90What's a good free ITSP
19:26.36laptopdude90Just for testing
19:28.30*** join/#asterisk bkruse (~Adium@
19:43.36robmallaptopdude90: Some guy once said there are no free dinners. This goes all the way to ITSP too.
19:49.04laptopdude90Okay so I found a provider and I plugged it into my config
19:49.10laptopdude90But it's not registering
19:49.26robmalOh noes.
20:06.37laptopdude90Am I allowed to paste 4 lines here?
20:07.11[TK]D-FenderAsking took longer than just using pastebin
20:07.31[TK]D-FenderAnd 4 lines is all but certain to be useless in debuggin
20:07.46laptopdude90It's just from my config
20:07.47[TK]D-FenderBecause the actual packet itself is 4 times that let alone the response
20:08.00[TK]D-FenderWere you to be looking at actual SIP debug... which I'm fairly sure you aren't
20:08.07laptopdude90exten => _XXXX.,1,Log(NOTICE, Dialing out from ${CALLERID(all)} to ${EXTEN:1} through Foo Provider)
20:08.07laptopdude90exten => _XXXX.,n,Dial(SIP/fooprovider/${EXTEN:1},60)
20:08.07laptopdude90exten => _XXXX.,n,Playtones(congestion)
20:08.07laptopdude90exten => _XXXX.,n,Hangup()
20:08.14robmallaptopdude90: Feel free to send those 4 lines to [TK]D-Fender via msg. He won't mind, i'm sure.
20:08.18[TK]D-FenderConfig won't prove that the rest of your setup isn't at fault
20:08.24[TK]D-Fenderthat has nothing to do with registration
20:08.30laptopdude90Thats not my question.
20:08.40laptopdude90Don't assume. It just makes an ass out of u an me.
20:08.55infobotAbout assumptions :  It makes an (ass) out of (u) and (me)
20:09.17laptopdude90My question is
20:09.35laptopdude90That block of code should allow phone numbers longer than 4 digits to pass through my ITSP, correct?
20:09.44laptopdude90Because I fixed registration forever ago.
20:09.45[TK]D-Fendernothing "passes through
20:10.01[TK]D-FenderIt calls the application 1 pririty at a time and does what you tell each to do.
20:10.18laptopdude90Do you understand what I mean?
20:10.25[TK]D-Fenderexten => _XXXX.,n,Dial(SIP/fooprovider/${EXTEN:1},60) <- do you understand what this means?
20:10.45[TK]D-FenderI fyou think it should do something.. what does each peace of that represent?
20:11.01robmal[TK]D-Fender: I assume that's the lamest way to use that assumption.
20:12.09laptopdude90hold on I have to change fooprovider don't i Xd
20:12.35[TK]D-Fender\o/ copy-pasted code
20:14.08laptopdude90I think I corrected it
20:14.08laptopdude90exten => _XXXX.,n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@callcentric)
20:14.37laptopdude90Oh and now it says forbidden .-.
20:14.46*** join/#asterisk Tamo (~x@
20:17.28robmallaptopdude90: I can't wait until you get to dialplan magic. It'll be awesome.
20:18.03laptopdude90so how do I debug the forbidden thing
20:18.22lvlinuxREAD THE BOOK
20:18.43laptopdude90yeah I read a bunch of it
20:19.07robmalYou have to make a picture.
20:19.10laptopdude90You realize if you think I'm lying
20:19.11[TK]D-FenderBook won't really teach all of that too well actually...
20:19.12laptopdude90And I'm not
20:19.18laptopdude90I have literally no reason to read the book
20:19.34[TK]D-FenderThat makes no sense
20:19.45laptopdude90I'm reading it b/c you guys told me too
20:19.50robmalSure, nobody besides you cares if your asterisk can call.
20:19.52laptopdude90But if you guys don't think I'm reading it, when I am
20:19.59laptopdude90then I don't see the point
20:20.01[TK]D-FenderSomeone's belief in your having taken an action isn't grounds for not doing it
20:20.14laptopdude90As TK said apparently the book doesn't help with the forbidden thing
20:20.33[TK]D-Fender"sip set debug on" <-
20:20.40robmalOh noes.
20:20.49[TK]D-FenderTime to actually learn to LOOK at what is actually going on.
20:21.04robmalI have no popcorn left and this will be amazing.
20:21.13[TK]D-FenderIf you're going to be using SIP you should learn how to see what is being communicated via SIP
20:22.07[TK]D-Fenderyou didn't connect to SSH the way I've already had to tell you twice
20:22.31laptopdude90you dont have to be salty
20:22.42laptopdude90that's not connecting to ssh
20:22.45laptopdude90that's executing a comman
20:22.51[TK]D-FenderIt comes bundled with the package when I'm have to repeat myself for the 3rd time
20:23.07robmalOh noes,[TK]D-Fender uses CAPS for ALL TEH WORDS. Legen...
20:23.08[TK]D-FenderCLI* <-
20:23.17[TK]D-FenderAnyway, try again
20:23.23laptopdude90I am
20:23.39laptopdude90Is that enough v's
20:23.58[TK]D-FenderContact: <sip:17772409788@>
20:24.03laptopdude90yeah ik
20:24.05[TK]D-Fenderthis is what you have in your outgoing INVITE to them
20:24.20[TK]D-Fenderbecause you have not set your system up properly to work from behind NAT
20:24.26laptopdude90Does that have to be an external IP
20:24.27laptopdude90is that it
20:24.34laptopdude90Yay :D
20:24.35[TK]D-Fender(for starters)
20:26.01infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT: otherwise check the wiki at .  Typically, you MUST configure these settings with appropriate values in the [general] section of sip.conf: nat, directmedia, externhost or externaddr, and localnet.
20:26.02laptopdude90That's what I change?
20:26.26[TK]D-Fender<laptopdude90> host=dynamic <- this in not your [general] settings
20:26.31laptopdude90first one is 404 not found
20:26.34[TK]D-Fenderthat is stuff related to a section
20:26.39[TK]D-Fenderas in a single device
20:26.48[TK]D-FenderYou need to specify your server's environment
20:26.55[TK]D-Fender" Typically, you MUST configure these settings with appropriate values in the [general] section of sip.conf: nat, directmedia, externhost or externaddr, and localnet."
20:27.01[TK]D-FenderRead the sample config for these
20:27.09[TK]D-FenderRead the sample config for these
20:27.15laptopdude90yes I am
20:27.17laptopdude90I'm in the manual
20:27.24[TK]D-Fendernot the manual
20:27.25laptopdude90nat=yes under [general], correct?
20:27.27[TK]D-Fenderthe smaple config
20:27.33laptopdude90le sigh
20:28.46[TK]D-Fender<laptopdude90> nat=yes under [general], correct? <- along with all the other related settings
20:29.13[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> " Typically, you MUST configure these settings with appropriate values in the [general] section of sip.conf: nat, directmedia, externhost or externaddr, and localnet."
20:29.22laptopdude90externaddr, localnet, right?
20:29.32[TK]D-FenderHow many things to you count in there?
20:29.48laptopdude90one, two, three, four
20:30.01[TK]D-Fendernow read the sasmple config for them
20:30.03laptopdude90now count how many I've said
20:30.04laptopdude90I am
20:30.07laptopdude90I have it open
20:30.10[TK]D-Fenderjust can't type cleanly today
20:31.58laptopdude90there we are
20:32.09[TK]D-Fender3 down
20:32.21laptopdude90externalip=whatever mine is
20:33.00laptopdude90No specific order as long as they're all under general, right
20:33.35[TK]D-Fenderand all general settings before any register directive
20:34.42laptopdude90Still not working
20:35.07[TK]D-FenderContact: <sip:17772409788@>
20:35.12[TK]D-Fenderclearly didn't do it right
20:35.51[TK]D-Fenderyup, definitely wrong
20:35.51laptopdude90register is right below that
20:35.57[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> <[TK]D-Fender> " Typically, you MUST configure these settings with appropriate values in the [general] section of sip.conf: nat, directmedia, externhost or externaddr, and localnet."
20:35.58laptopdude90what gow
20:36.08laptopdude90Yeah... I have nat
20:36.13[TK]D-FenderYou have invented a parameter name.
20:36.25[TK]D-FenderGuess which one
20:38.22laptopdude90contact is still wrong
20:38.44lvlinuxlaptopdude90: the book walks you through a simple setup. If you read it (and not just skim over) you can setup a system that will work 100% AND more importantly you will understand what's going on in the dialplan.
20:39.05laptopdude90I read up to chapter 8 but I need a break
20:39.44[TK]D-FenderThe book is rather lax in certain ares though
20:39.47lvlinuxRead the dialplan chapter and do everything it says
20:39.49[TK]D-Fenderbut you still need the basics
20:40.07laptopdude90But I'm trying to figure out NAT .-.
20:40.21lvlinuxYes the book isn't going to get u to pro level but u gotta have the basics down
20:40.35[TK]D-FenderAnd I haven't seen a proper config yet
20:40.46[TK]D-FenderLet alone proof that it's being applied
20:40.57[TK]D-FenderNEXT PASTEBIN
20:41.02laptopdude90yes yes
20:41.03lvlinuxThe book gives proper configs
20:41.10laptopdude90not for nat.
20:41.36[TK]D-FenderIndded there are many things that it overlooks.
20:41.47[TK]D-FenderThen again that's what the SAMPLE CONFIGS are for
20:41.56[TK]D-Fenderbecause the book describes the basic concepts
20:42.05[TK]D-Fenderthe sample show what the paramters mean.
20:42.25[TK]D-Fenderlaptopdude90, failed again
20:42.37[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> <[TK]D-Fender> <[TK]D-Fender> " Typically, you MUST configure these settings with appropriate values in the [general] section of sip.conf: nat, directmedia, externhost or externaddr, and localnet."
20:42.46[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> You have invented a parameter name.
20:42.51[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> Guess which one
20:43.12[TK]D-Fender5 times
20:43.19lvlinuxlaptopdude90: look at the samples and watch ur typing
20:43.54robmalhas had new popcorn and is out once again, good job.
20:44.42laptopdude90okay that part is now correct, right
20:45.00[TK]D-FenderLet's go see!
20:45.09laptopdude90yes I tried it already
20:45.12laptopdude90and it didn't work
20:45.23[TK]D-FenderWhat tells me you applied your changes?
20:45.31laptopdude90from the console
20:45.33laptopdude90core stop now
20:45.37[TK]D-Fenderwhat shows ME?
20:45.38laptopdude90then I do asterisk
20:45.46laptopdude90do you think im lying or what
20:46.03lvlinuxstarts pounding laptopdude90's IP with Nmap scans...
20:46.04[TK]D-Fendermaybe you're being honest... and what you're doing is simply WRONG
20:46.12laptopdude90you're welcome to
20:46.16robmal[TK]D-Fender: He's 15 ;-)
20:46.28[TK]D-FenderWe don't know, and I'd be an idiot to trust blindly when you couldn't get the names right after 5 times
20:46.40robmalWe know.
20:46.47[TK]D-FenderJust show some initiative
20:46.58[TK]D-Fender"sip show settings" <-
20:47.00laptopdude90well I'm not sure how to prove that I'm pressing the keys on my brick of keys in the correct order
20:47.04[TK]D-Fenderverify that while you're at CLI
20:47.22laptopdude90Network Settings:
20:47.31laptopdude90sorry should have pastebin'd that
20:47.36[TK]D-Fender<laptopdude90> well I'm not sure how to prove that I'm pressing the keys on my brick of keys in the correct order <- Funny Pastebin is perfectly capable of containing a copy/paste from CLI where I see you issuing commands
20:47.47[TK]D-FenderFix the port
20:47.56laptopdude90how? .-.
20:48.51[TK]D-FenderAnd before we look for another call... lets fix 1 thing in your [callcentric}
20:48.51laptopdude90Call still doesn't work
20:49.00laptopdude90Error. Other side said: Forbidden
20:49.05[TK]D-Fenderthey should be "nat=no" because THEY are not behind NAT
20:49.11[TK]D-FenderSHOW THE CALL
20:49.19laptopdude90yes I am going to.
20:49.27laptopdude90There's a limit on how fast I can type you know.
20:49.35laptopdude90Caps lock doesn't overclock my fingers.
20:49.40[TK]D-FenderYou wasted lines telling us :
20:49.45[TK]D-Fender<laptopdude90> Call still doesn't work
20:49.45[TK]D-Fender<laptopdude90> Error. Other side said: Forbidden
20:49.46laptopdude90Now then
20:49.48[TK]D-FenderJust show it
20:50.00laptopdude90Do you want me to paste the call? Or fix the config?
20:50.08[TK]D-Fenderfix config, and place a new call
20:50.14[TK]D-Fender[TK]D-Fender> And before we look for another call... lets fix 1 thing in your [callcentric}
20:50.18[TK]D-FenderWas this unclear?
20:50.20[TK]D-Fenderfix BEFORE
20:50.29laptopdude90Well then you yelled at me.. so
20:50.57laptopdude90I don't understand what I'm suppose dto fix
20:51.00laptopdude90I don't see nat=no
20:51.06[TK]D-Fender[TK]D-Fender> they should be "nat=no" because THEY are not behind NAT
20:51.11[TK]D-FenderFUCKING SET IT
20:51.17laptopdude90I am
20:51.56[TK]D-FenderGood, go apply everything and let's see what we get in the call
20:52.23lvlinuxPlease don't cuss TK
20:53.11[TK]D-Fender<--- SIP read from UDP: --->
20:53.11[TK]D-FenderSIP/2.0 403 Incorrect Authentication
20:53.17[TK]D-Fendernot "forbidden" anymore
20:53.20laptopdude90oh dear
20:53.21[TK]D-Fenderyay progress
20:53.41[TK]D-Fender"sip show registry"
20:53.55[TK]D-FenderLets see if your registration actually went though properly
20:54.15laptopdude90Host                                    dnsmgr Username       Refresh State                Reg.Time                    N      ?sa                120 No Authentication
20:54.16laptopdude901 SIP registrations.
20:55.32[TK]D-Fendertime to look at the registration itself
20:55.51[TK]D-FenderMore typos?
20:55.56laptopdude90Im gon try the passa gain
20:59.49lvlinuxTip: make sure your password doesn't have a colon or @ in it
21:00.10laptopdude90I FIXED ITTTTT
21:00.46[TK]D-FenderA friend of mine had an ileostomy, or as I call it, a SEMI-COLON.
21:01.07laptopdude90Wait. No I didn't :/
21:01.11laptopdude90Authentication works now
21:01.25laptopdude90but the call doesn't go through
21:01.31laptopdude90my cell doesn't ring or anythin
21:01.57[TK]D-Fender4 more lines and nothing to show...
21:02.31[TK]D-FenderAlways. Be. Pastebinning.
21:02.57[TK]D-FenderBecause last time the response was different
21:04.30[TK]D-Fender<--- SIP read from UDP: --->
21:04.31[TK]D-FenderSIP/2.0 183 Session Progress
21:04.37[TK]D-Fenderand I see a whole lot of ringing
21:04.49[TK]D-FenderCANCEL sip:14183172685@ SIP/2.0
21:04.52[TK]D-FenderAnd they gave up
21:05.13laptopdude90Hold on
21:05.16laptopdude90It's a free number
21:05.26laptopdude90Is it possible they don't allow long distance calling
21:05.26[TK]D-FenderWhat is a "free number"?
21:05.35laptopdude90It cost me 0.00
21:05.52[TK]D-Fenderdo not assume INBOUND is the same as OUTBOUND
21:06.05[TK]D-FenderIf they give you a NUMBER ... the som far that is only the ability to RECIEVE calls.
21:06.13[TK]D-FenderNothing is assumed about outbound
21:06.27[TK]D-FenderWhat do they actually say they offer?
21:07.23lvlinuxOne of those 1777 numbers?
21:07.48lvlinuxThat won't call out to pain
21:07.56lvlinuxU gotta pay the Bucks
21:09.11laptopdude90im gon take a break from this for now
21:09.23lvlinuxgoes to clean some mold and mildew fun fun....
21:24.29*** join/#asterisk cyford (~support@
21:25.57cyfordhi,  any ideal why this would work in linux  but not asterisk system(),  email goes out fine in shell...     echo  " Call lasted 159 seconds" | mutt -a "/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/2604374171-20151114162054.wav" -s "Chat Room Results " -c "" --
21:30.05drmessanocyford, can the asterisk user execute mutt?
21:31.02robmalDon't help the spammer!
21:34.22cyfordthanks,  asterisk didnt have a home directory lol
22:16.18*** join/#asterisk KNERD (
22:59.12*** join/#asterisk karelk (~karel@
23:14.26*** join/#asterisk crocodilehunter (
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23:34.39*** join/#asterisk Fanch (
23:37.25infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
23:38.54robmalI knew it!
23:39.15laptopdude90knew what?
23:39.30laptopdude90I closed the tab a few hours ago and I'm picking up where I left off
23:39.42*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (
23:40.09laptopdude90Quiz me on anything up to chapter 8
23:41.26robmalNice try, i'd have to read it myself first ;-)
23:41.36laptopdude90just open it up
23:41.40laptopdude90and read a paragraph
23:41.45laptopdude90and quiz me on that paragrapgh
23:41.53robmal<- very lazy
23:42.23laptopdude90and yet you have the audacity to call me out for supposedly lying about reading  a book
23:43.02*** join/#asterisk Encrypt (
23:43.05EncryptHey guys!
23:43.08robmalIf they had a perfect laziness in Sevres i'd be laying next to it.
23:43.37robmalEncrypt: Hi! laptopdude90 is our designated host for you today, feel free to ask him anything.
23:43.46laptopdude90up to chapter 8
23:43.51*** join/#asterisk KNERD (
23:44.00robmalEncrypt: Up to chapter 8 of TEH BOOK.
23:44.48EncryptFor those of you who were dreaming to automatically send "Happy birthday" SMS messages:
23:44.53EncryptI've just published it :D
23:45.43robmalBut we all know when our birthdays are and we don't have friends so whats the point of such service?
23:46.06laptopdude90the sad truth
23:46.34robmallaptopdude90: Don't go this way so ;-)
23:54.43laptopdude90I've got question about something in the book
23:54.55laptopdude90In their sample Voicemail configuration file
23:54.58laptopdude90They have this: format=wav49|wav
23:55.10laptopdude90Does this make 2 copies, one as wav and one as wav49?
23:56.36[TK]D-FenderAnd you don't need 2
23:56.45laptopdude90Yes I know
23:56.51[TK]D-Fendermight be useful depending what you want to do
23:56.52laptopdude90But that was the sample they recommended
23:56.57[TK]D-Fenderjust to hear you don't
23:57.10[TK]D-FenderSample does it just to show you can
23:57.25[TK]D-Fenderand recording in native can save on transcoding
23:57.35laptopdude90yeah, they said about that
23:57.37[TK]D-Fenderwhich wouldn't be either of those 2 formats technically
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