IRC log for #asterisk on 20151104

00:00.00Trioxinlvlinux, well I remember the freepbx interface being very helpful
00:00.07[TK]D-FenderDo you SEE the option?
00:00.15[TK]D-FenderIf you SEE it... then it is there
00:00.25[TK]D-FenderAnd if you don't see it ... it's probably still there
00:00.34[TK]D-Fender...and you just need to have your eyes checked
00:00.39lvlinuxTrioxin: ehh, depends on what you are trying to do. Just for an office style PBX I can see that. For me FreePBX has always been a hindrance.
00:01.12lvlinuxTrioxin: but if you want to get something setup very quickly it may help you if you aren't doing anything non-officepbxlike :-)
00:01.29wyoung[TK]D-Fender: I am wearing my glasses so I should be right
00:01.51lvlinuxBut you'd probably want to go with more RAM if you wanted to use FreePBX. Not sure how much it would take though. Might want to ask them in #freepbx
00:02.11wyoung[TK]D-Fender: c: If the Dial() application cancels this call, always set HANGUPCAUSE to 'answered elsewhere'
00:02.19wyoungIs that it?
00:02.26wyoungI need to give Dial the c flag?
00:02.45Trioxinlvlinux, well, extensions, ivr, departments, voicemails, and I was thinking about maybe using goautodial (Don't remember if that's asterisk) since I need an autodialer. Either that or I'll use ytel subscription for our autodialer.
00:03.43wyoung[TK]D-Fender: and obviously I use that in my incoming call context :)
00:03.49lvlinuxTrioxin: extensions, ivr, departments, voicemails all sounds like regular PBX stuff. Autodialer is different and I dont' know if FreePBX will play nicely with that or not.
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00:04.25Trioxinlvlinux, I'm assuming they could run on the same machine and different ports. if not then a second vps for goautodial
00:04.39Trioxinor share an asterisk install idk
00:05.43lvlinuxI'm not familiar w goautodial so idk. But I know with FreePBX, doing anything with Asterisk outside of the FreePBX interface is a total nightmare.
00:05.44Trioxinactually it sounds kind of nice and easy to setup
00:06.46[TK]D-Fenderwyoung, You obviously put it in any dial that goes to multiple you want that effect to apply to
00:07.12*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-tvooqwumaotrokjh)
00:08.06lvlinuxTrioxin: looks like goautodial is a whole shebang in a box like Trixbox, Elastic. So might look into just installing it first and see if it gives you everything you need. If not you'll probably have to set things up manually.
00:08.32lvlinuxgtg... good luck :-)
00:09.36mzbotrI'm trying to connect mysql to ODBC to asterisk 11.17 in gentoo (all cmdline). I have a connection up to the database, but asterisk -vvvcr will repeatedly report remote unix connection open/disconnected.
00:10.01mzbotrevery few seconds. The last conection attempt is also shown to have happened in 1969...
00:10.06mzbotrand that's not right.
00:10.51[TK]D-FenderTrixbox has been dead for years, Elastix should be dragged out and shot.
00:10.53mzbotrDecrementing the verbosity level makes those messages go away.
00:10.56[TK]D-FenderSurvivors should be shot AGAIN
00:11.52[TK]D-Fenderunix != ODBC
00:12.06[TK]D-Fenderthat would be AMI <-
00:14.21mzbotrso it's not ODBC acting up, only asterisk?
00:15.17wyoung[TK]D-Fender: obviously
00:17.04mzbotryeah.. I've had so many things go horribly wrong w/ asterisk's internals. I'd rather run from read-only sources on asterisk with a VM/iso
00:17.30mzbotrwith tmpfs or qcow2 mounted on /var or something.
00:24.57wyoung[TK]D-Fender: in Dial(), instead of doing Dial(SIP/1000&SIP/1001&SIP/1002&SIP/1003&SIP/1004&SIP/1005&SIP/1006&SIP/1007&SIP/1008) can I use Dial(meGroup) or get the list of extensions to dial from another means, database or whatnot?
00:25.07wyoung(for incoming calls that is)
00:25.36[TK]D-FenderDial requires you pass it TEXT
00:25.52WIMPyYou can use a variable or a function.
00:25.58[TK]D-FenderHow you get that text is up to you but it had better evaluate out like you had in your first example
00:26.10[TK]D-Fendereg: SIP/1000&SIP/1001&SIP/1002&SIP/1003&SIP/1004&SIP/1005&SIP/1006&SIP/1007&SIP/1008
00:26.22[TK]D-FenderWhether you read that value from a DB, or whatever, dial doesn't care.
00:26.38[TK]D-Fenderjust make sure that's what you're feeding dial
00:26.56wyoung[TK]D-Fender: ah ok, I Might set it has a global variable
00:26.59wyoungfor now
00:27.18[TK]D-FenderIf you use it in several places then it might be an idea
00:32.00wyoungDo I need to ' or " enclose a string when setting a global variable?
00:36.00mzbotrhas anyone here experience with confbridge?
00:37.11WIMPyAsk what you want to know, not meta questions.
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00:57.49wyoungWIMPy: I like that word, meta questions.  I might use it :)
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01:57.10*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (~Thunderbi@
01:58.02Jesterboxboyi have a problem with understanding how asterisk handles calls that are buys when i use the Dial() Application
01:58.20Jesterboxboywhen i use Dial() and the line is state busy, does the caller get the busy tone?
01:58.54Jesterboxboyor do i have to do that myself with  checking the DIALSTATUS and then invoking Busy() ?
01:59.06WIMPyIt will continue with whatever follows in your dialplan.
01:59.45WIMPyIf you just Hangup() (i.e. without parameter) it will keep the cause from the last Dial() attempt.
01:59.52Jesterboxboyso i invoke Dial() and afterwords execif(Dialstuatu
02:00.29Jesterboxboyi have the problem that people  dont hear a busy tone when the line is busy
02:00.37WIMPyNo need unless you want to modify something or try something else.
02:01.26Jesterboxboyi just want to here the caller to get the busy tone when the line is busy
02:01.28WIMPyIf it's on a SIP device, that would generate the busy tone.
02:01.52WIMPySIP doesn't have a concept of sending tones after a call failed.
02:02.13Jesterboxboyno its a sip server that just hangs up and gives back exit status 16 i think( or whatever busy is)
02:03.06WIMPyAnd that's exactely what's expected.
02:04.42Jesterboxboyokay, so if i want the user to hear a busy tone, i  have to check for the response on the asterisk server and then give him a busy with busy().
02:05.04WIMPyThat won't make a difference.
02:05.28WIMPyCheck the phones config. There might be an option to immediately cancel failed calls or not.
02:06.23WIMPyOr you could Answer the call from our dialplan and use PalyTones or something. But then the call would appear to the user as answered.
02:08.04Jesterboxboyokay thanks
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02:42.05epinkywhere do I set ttl for multicast paging? what's the default ttl value?
03:05.06wyoungMy SIP provider allows 4 concurrent "lines" through it.  Can I use SLA for this?  Or do I need to do this another way?
03:05.18ChannelZA channel is a channel
03:05.31ChannelZHow you want to manifest it on your side is up to you
03:06.06wyoungso do I need to create 4 entries in sip.conf to represent each "line" / channel?
03:06.19wyoungor does SLA use the call counter?
03:06.28wyoungor max-lines config?
03:07.31wyoungthe only SLA examples I can find are for DAHDI
03:07.49ChannelZWell SLA is kind of complicated
03:08.17wyoungok, where do I start? :)
03:08.21ChannelZAs far as limiting channels, you can count yourself (which I believe is the current way? I think call counter is kind of old/broken but I could be wrong)
03:08.51ChannelZYour ITSP may simply reject calls with a congestion signal if you're over the limit, so you can just let it work its self out like that if you wanted.
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03:08.55wyoungcount myself, as in I increment and decrement a global variable?
03:09.09ChannelZIt just depends on what you want. And even what your devices are.  Are you using phones with multiple line keys?
03:09.37wyoungChannelZ: I am using snom phones which support SLA.  In particular they turn a red light on the "line" if it is in use
03:10.41ChannelZThat's more BLF than SLA.  SLA is treating a channel as a 'party line' where you could actually pick up an in-progress call from any phone.
03:10.51ChannelZlike an analog line
03:10.54wyoungah ok
03:10.55*** join/#asterisk WangDang_ (~wangdang@
03:11.03*** join/#asterisk rhineheart_m (~rhinehear@unaffiliated/rhineheartm/x-283746)
03:11.18rhineheart_mhello! all of a sudden my asterisk process won't start up
03:11.24wyoungI guess I would like that behaviour too
03:11.41wyoungrhineheart_m: what does /var/log/syslog and / or /var/log/asterisk/messages say?
03:12.17ChannelZYou can use your line keys with BLF on 4 different SIP peers on each phone and sort of pretend they're analog lines for that purpose, with them actually being shared in the traditional analog sense
03:12.47ChannelZbut personally I got rid of analog lines to escape their limitations :)
03:13.26wyoungok so the 4 sip peers will contain the same information to my ITSP.  Do I need to set maxlines or anything like that or will it figure that out?
03:13.27ChannelZI don't want/shouldn't really care about what "line" I'm using.
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03:14.22ChannelZAgain, that depends on your ITSP. Chances are they'll just reject calls if you're over your channel limit
03:14.36wyounghmmmm, ok
03:15.06*** join/#asterisk Tagor (
03:15.30TagorIs there a way to disable the 'please say your name' prompt when using confbridge?
03:15.32ChannelZIn your out-dialing extension(s), you can put some logic in there to check the result of the Dial() and if it's CHANUNAVAIL or something, maybe play a more helpful prompt to the user ("sorry all channels are in use" or something) or just let them get a busy signal
03:16.19wyoungTagor: what is conf bridge?
03:16.41Tagorwyoung: a module that replaced meetme
03:17.48ChannelZhmm there's 'quiet' but I didn't think it prompted for names or anything (besides PIN if you have one) on conferences..
03:17.59wyoungChannelZ: hmmm, I think I tried that once before and CHANUNAVAIL was being returned for BUSY as well by my ISTP
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03:18.16wyoungTagor: ah ok, I still use meetme
03:18.18ChannelZyeah that might be true
03:18.23wyoungis confbridge better?
03:18.57Tagorwyoung: I never used meetme, so can't tell. but from what I read, yes
03:19.28ChannelZoh... Tagor, announce_join_leave under your user section
03:22.00TagorChannelZ: ah I thought that would also disable the sound when someone is entering, but it doesn't
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03:22.27rhineheart_mwyoung, I have this : WARNING[16701] db.c: Couldn't create astdb table: disk I/O error
03:23.25WIMPyYes, ConfBridge is a lot better in all but one very important point: MeetMe is faster.
03:23.43ChannelZprobably /var/lib/asterisk or somesuch is not writeable
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03:27.54WIMPyHmm. Looks like there have been some serious changes to chan_dahdi since I last tried it.
03:28.43Tagoris there a way to get the current number of participants in a confbridge conference room without actually joining the conference?
03:29.07ChannelZthrough AMI I think..
03:29.18WIMPyThe CONFBRIDGE function.
03:29.25ChannelZoh.. there's also CONDBRIDGE_INFO function
03:29.33ChannelZ*CONF even
03:29.49WIMPyOr rather CONFBRIDGE_INFO, yes
03:30.02Tagorthanks that's what I needed!
03:34.25WIMPyIf that famous "glare" "feature" has also been fixed, I think I might find DAHDI usable.
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03:36.17linociscoWIMPy, contra
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03:39.32linociscohi , is there any CRM + Asteriks integration that offer notification of how many times user had call whenever a new call received and for why and recording all cases regarding issues.? I want to generate report everymonth like what are the most common issues/problems, who is the top 1-10 callers. etc?
03:41.21linociscoand also the CRM+Asterisk portal should be accessible anywhere from internet while being providing service with GSM or WCDMA or PSTN trunks in our server room
03:53.10*** join/#asterisk leedm777 (
03:53.27wyoungrhineheart_m: type in dmesg.  Do you have any of ATA RESTART or BAD SECTOR or stuff like that in it??
03:54.26wyoungWIMPy: I have created a peer entry in sip.conf to my ITSP.  In their example asterisk conf they have insecure=invite,port.  Is that bad?
03:55.35WIMPyThe invite part is pretty normal for ITSPs. They hardly ever authenticate towards their customers.
03:55.56rhineheart_mwyoung, I didn't notice 1.
03:56.02*** join/#asterisk Garibaldo (~smuxi@
03:56.23wyoungWIMPy: ok, can that be abused?
03:56.54WIMPyEverything can be abused.
03:57.01wyoungWIMPy: I would like to allow users to take their SIP phone home and connect into office which means opening the SIP port
03:57.03rhineheart_mwyoung, there's none.
03:57.12wyoungrhineheart_m: you have permission?
03:57.28rhineheart_mwyoung, I don't know. How to check?
03:57.30WIMPyYou can use ost or permit/demy to restritct the peer to their servers.
04:00.38rhineheart_mwyoung, I am using elastix
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07:04.12wyounghey, in a queue, is it possible to play announcements over the top of the music on hold music?
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09:45.54Harm133Hey, anybody has knowledge about auto provisioning a yealing SIP-T38G? I know this isn't the channel for this exact issue but if, by any chance, someone knows about this I'd like to PM with you :)
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10:10.53wyoungany ideas gang?
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10:53.26phpboyHarm133: I run yealinks with auto provisioning
10:53.34phpboywhat is your question?
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11:05.01Harm133I have the normal cfg files all set up, everything works, except for when I push a autoconfig setting the account which handles my linekeys jumps from 1 to 2. I haven't found a line that corresponds with this setting within the cfg itself but in the webinterface it is adjustable.
11:07.44phpboyit's possible that your devices firmware doesn't support it or it's a bug
11:14.55wyoungphpboy: Do you know anything about queues?
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11:23.27phpboyI've done a little bit here and there
11:23.32phpboywhat's the question
11:24.25phpboyHarm133: with the Yealinks specifically, I've found that it either works or doesn't work. No in between
11:24.38phpboyI've also picked up on a firmware bug or two in the past
11:29.47wyoungphpboy: When the periodic message plays it pauses the music on hold music then resumes when the message is finished.  Can I just lower the volume of the music on hold music and play the message over top then raise the moh music after teh message?
11:30.55Harm133phpboy: Thanks, and sorry for my late response
11:30.56phpboyI can't say I've ever had to do that before... I'm sure google can answer that question though?
11:31.10wyoungphpboy: yeah google was my first stop
11:31.12Harm133phpboy: I'll try and look for another firmware and see if it works there
11:31.21wyoungI have about 32 tabs open of research into this and I can't find anything on it
11:32.15phpboyHarm133: look, you need to confirm that it's a known bug... don't assume that upgrading your firmware will fix it
11:33.02phpboywyoung: We had a similar challenge at a customer and ended up making the ad part of the on hold music
11:33.19phpboythis wasn't an astrisk system though
11:34.28wyoungI could stream the music on hold and inject the ads over the top of the music
11:34.43phpboythat's another option
11:35.08phpboyTheorhetically I think you'll have to do that
11:35.39wyoungnow to find some streaming software that does that or I open up a text editor and write some python :)
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12:21.11Puck`hi everyone
12:21.37Puck`is anyone using an asterisk AMI PHP library? Or do you guys know of any functioning ones?
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13:14.45[TK]D-FenderPuck`: PHP-AGI has a class for it
13:26.48wyounghi [TK]D-Fender!
13:27.23wyoungI would like to inject ads into music on hold.  Can asterisk do this natively or do I need to roll my own?
13:28.56wyoung[TK]D-Fender: Actually I lie, what started this was I wanted periodic announcements to play over the music on hold music.  Although I may want to inject ads at a later time
13:28.57[TK]D-FenderYour streaming idea is all you've got.
13:29.06[TK]D-FenderIt does nt play over
13:29.12[TK]D-Fenderyou're on your own to hack this up
13:29.28wyoungYou would think asterisk would have an option for this
13:29.50wyounglower volume of MOH, overlay announcement, return MOH to original volume
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13:31.58wyoungInstead I have to deal with MOH, announcement with no background sound, MOH
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13:34.54wyoungvery clunky
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13:37.32[TK]D-FenderOr you mix your own with the announcements already integrated.
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13:39.37wyounglike a chump
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13:42.22[TK]D-FenderI'm a musician so that'd be "like a CHAMP".
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13:44.09scinawais it possible to write a call file that just spawn an exension in a context, without spawning a call? I have to set P-Preferred-Identity header and I cant add it after the call has been dialed
13:44.38[TK]D-Fenderuse a Local Channel as your Channel:
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13:47.15scinawa[TK]D-Fender: like a dialing to local/extension@context and pass all the parameters I need there?
13:47.25scinawasounds a good idea, i'll try it now. tnx
13:47.38[TK]D-Fenderyes including doing the actual idal, etc yourself
13:47.42*** join/#asterisk acidfu (~netvirt@unaffiliated/acidmen)
13:48.21wyoung[TK]D-Fender: so being a musical type of person you can understand my delema
13:48.29acidfuon asterisk 1.8, use the macro AST_EXT_LIB_SETUP ... where is that defined ? I'm getting an error when I do ./configure
13:48.52acidfu(im running debian wheezy)
13:49.57[TK]D-Fenderwyoung: Nope, I can mix.  Not a dilemma for me :)
13:50.34[TK]D-FenderYou should not be touching 1.8 at all
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13:53.40acidfu[TK]D-Fender, ... ?
13:53.58acidfuso anyway idea for the macro problem ? :)
13:54.43[TK]D-FenderStop using 1.8 and try something supported
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14:02.07acidfuok I found the problem, we should not do "autoreconf -fvi" before  ./configure
14:02.41[TK]D-FenderAnd should still not be using 1.8 at all.... seriously... don't
14:03.06acidfutake it easy, if Im using 1.8 it's because I have my reasons
14:04.47acidfubut yeah I agree with you, when possible it's better to use the newest version
14:04.57acidfuand in the future that might be possible for me
14:05.28[TK]D-FenderNot a matter of "newest".  1.8 is completely EOL and not supported.
14:06.01[TK]D-Fender1.8 is 4 entire branches ago
14:08.53acidfuthank you for the history course
14:14.14[TK]D-FenderCorrect, 1.8 is HISTORY :)
14:15.42lvlinux1.8 is still supported according to the topic.  ??
14:16.51[TK]D-Fender1.8.X LTS released 2010-10-21 sec fix only 2014-10-21 EOL 2015-10-21
14:16.56[TK]D-Fender1.8 = BAI BAI
14:18.19lvlinuxyup looks like. Well then malcolmd or file probably should change the topic I guess.
14:19.10[TK]D-FenderTopic for #asterisk was set by file!~file@asterisk/developer-and-muffin-lover/file on Friday, October 9, 2015 7:47:47 PM
14:19.23*** topic/#asterisk by file -> #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.6.0 (2015/10/09), 11.20.0 (2015/10/09); Standard: 12.8.2 (2015/04/08); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.10.0 (2014/08/13), DAHDI-tools 2.10.0 (2014/08/13); libpri 1.4.15 (2014/06/16) -=- Asterisk wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
14:19.36[TK]D-Fendertosses file a muffin
14:23.47[TK]D-Fenderfile: perhaps you could arrange to have that WIKI page updated as we've passed the tentative dates on some already?
14:26.39[TK]D-FenderWow, a whole year for 14 now :)
14:27.00fileremains to be seen
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14:40.53MarkS-Hello, are there known issues with connecting 2 asterisk servers using multiple sip accounts? all sip accounts should have calls going both ways and for internal reasons it is not possible to combine it into 1 sip trunk
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14:45.01[TK]D-FenderWhy would you need multiple
14:47.05acidfu[TK]D-Fender, let me help you for internal reasons it is not possible to combine it into 1 sip trunk
14:47.35MarkS-[TK]D-Fender: 1 server is used by multiple companies that each need their own account/trunk (different persons managing a certain part at that end, different invoices, legal reasons, etc.). if it is not possible I have to setup an extra asterisk server to go between the 2 servers for 1 account
14:48.23[TK]D-Fenderjust tag the calls
14:49.21MarkS-not something they seem to be willing to do :( they require seperate sip trunks
14:49.35MarkS-If it is possible to change the port for only one of the 2 it would probably work
14:52.27[TK]D-FenderSet them as type=friend on both and it should work.
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14:54.31MarkS-even with 2 times the same ip:port combination? that would be something that is easy to test/do
14:56.10[TK]D-Fendermatch by USER
14:57.53MarkS-[TK]D-Fender: Thank you for the pointer! Now looking for some documentation so I can get everything configured
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16:15.18eth01hi, please can somebody tell me what the command 'asterisk -rx "core show calls"' actually shows?
16:15.35eth01is it internal calls, or internal calls plus external inbound/outbound on our SIP trunk?
16:15.48eth01many thanks
16:16.54*** join/#asterisk darkbasic_ (
16:17.07[TK]D-FenderAll calls
16:17.07WIMPyAsterisk has no concept of internal or external calls. A call is a call.
16:17.10[TK]D-Fendera call is a call is a call
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16:17.47eth01could a call be a call into a telephone IVR , and if it rang multiple extensions in some kind of ring group, would it still represent one call?
16:18.21[TK]D-FenderA call is either 1 channel tht is unbridged, or 2 that are
16:18.27[TK]D-FenderIt could be ANTYHING
16:18.32[TK]D-FenderSitting in a prompt
16:18.37[TK]D-Fenderbridged call
16:18.45[TK]D-Fenderthere is no such thing as in vs out
16:18.54[TK]D-FenderCould be sitting in a queue
16:18.56[TK]D-Fenderor anywhere
16:19.39[TK]D-Fender3 channels : #1 = SIP phone is in Voicemail().  #2 is another SIP phone that dialed a # that the dialplan bridged out to a carrier..  3 channels.  2 calls
16:20.12[TK]D-Fendercarrier leg there is also a channel.  because they are bridged, those 2 = 1 call
16:20.43WIMPychannels - bridged channels = calls
16:20.50eth01ok ok ok ok i get it
16:20.59eth01very helpful
16:22.27*** join/#asterisk Voyage (~user1@unaffiliated/voyage)
16:22.51VoyageWhat are the recommended ways to send and receive sms via asterisk?
16:23.26WIMPyUse SMS software.
16:23.27*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-lfneabrkqcxkafqu)
16:23.32[TK]D-FenderNothing is "recommended".
16:23.43VoyageWIMPy,  Do you mean some SMS software other than asterisk?
16:23.48[TK]D-Fenderthe only ways that are supported are some European R1's, or SIP MESSAGE
16:23.58eth01hopes that voyage doesn't work for voyage
16:24.21VoyageWIMPy,  so there is no built-in way in asterisk?
16:24.42Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  is E1 and Sip message not an SMS?
16:24.42[TK]D-Fender[11:23][TK]D-Fenderthe only ways that are supported are some European E1's, or SIP MESSAGE
16:24.42WIMPyWell that ETSI SMS stuf is actually analog modem shit.
16:24.42eth01can't you use a SMS gateway box?
16:24.50eth01filled with sim cards ?
16:24.53Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  I read it the first time.
16:25.05[TK]D-FenderThen why did you ask again?>
16:25.14Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  for clarity
16:25.17[TK]D-Fender[11:24]VoyageWIMPy,  so there is no built-in way in asterisk? <- I jsut TOLD you there were 2 ways
16:26.10WIMPyThe funny thing is that the GSM operators uesed to have V.110 or X.75 access to their SMSCs before SMS in the PSTN came up.
16:26.15Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  no, you didn't  "there is no facility in * to send normal SMS"
16:26.43WIMPyVoyage: What kind of SMS do you want to use?
16:26.49Voyageand I dont know if Sim or E1 can be used to send sms
16:27.02VoyageWIMPy,  normal text message that we type from cell phone
16:27.13[TK]D-FenderVoyage[TK]D-Fender,  no, you didn't  "there is no facility in * to send normal SMS" <- I did not say this
16:27.19[TK]D-FenderYou asked if there was a way
16:27.21[TK]D-FenderI told you 2
16:27.27[TK]D-Fenderthis is crystal clear
16:27.50WIMPyVoyage: And how do you want to send them? With some kind of GSM MT? Over a land line? Over some ITSP?
16:27.56[TK]D-FenderThis is option #1
16:27.57Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  I dont know about technical terms for now. If something can help me send SMS, I will read about it. Thats my clear question "is there any way to send sms via *"
16:27.58[TK]D-FenderThis is option #2
16:28.07[TK]D-Fenderand I said YES
16:28.16VoyageWIMPy,  I have an account with flowroute as an ITSP.
16:28.45VoyageWIMPy,  is there a possibility that it might help me?
16:29.31WIMPyI don't really know. The SIP stuff might be SMS or something else. It's some rather shady term there.
16:29.53Voyagehm. so what should I know
16:29.57Voyageor start with
16:30.34WIMPy1. Does their service do what you want?
16:30.50WIMPy2. Does their Service work with what Asterisk supports?
16:30.52VoyageWIMPy,  I came here to know what technical terms should I use to ask them
16:31.07VoyageWIMPy,  flowroute is providing good voice calls service to me.
16:31.13Voyagebut I am not sure about SMS
16:32.45Voyageit would be good if I would be able to send SMS during a call  with some certain conditions in dialplan
16:33.13*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
16:33.39WIMPyI've only tried direct access to SMSCs or via http (the easiest and best for higher volumes). Not sure it's available via SIP here anywhere at all.
16:34.19Voyageyes likely my worry
16:34.49VoyageI think a) I can't do sms via normal ITSP and sip b) asterisk don't have a SMS facility built-in
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16:39.02Voyagewill be back
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17:33.30Voyageso it seems there is no proper way in * to send sms?
17:34.09paraxoroh! * = asterisk
17:34.12paraxorI just got that
17:34.42[TK]D-FenderYes, it can
17:34.45[TK]D-FenderI told you 2 ways
17:34.55[TK]D-Fendermany times.  Over several days.
17:35.00[TK]D-FenderAnd we discussed carriers.
17:35.13Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  those 2 ways can't send sms. If I am correct
17:35.14[TK]D-FenderThis was answered literally weeeks ago
17:35.21[TK]D-FenderI told you they can.
17:36.01Voyage<WIMPy> Well that ETSI SMS stuf is actually analog modem shit.
17:36.55Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  do I need to have special support from ITSP sip provider to use ETSI or SIP messaging to send sms (the 2 ways you told me 'repeatedly' that can send message)?
17:37.14Voyageor just normal sip ITSP service for calling will be suffice?
17:37.33[TK]D-FenderYes, your provider obviously has to support SIP messaging... in order for you to send them SIP messages
17:37.38[TK]D-FenderWe'd already been over that
17:37.46[TK]D-FenderaAND looked at the carrier offers for this
17:37.49Voyageand about ETSI?
17:38.03[TK]D-FenderYou said you want to send SMS message
17:38.10[TK]D-FendersSIP messaging allows this with providers who support it
17:38.13[TK]D-FenderThe end
17:38.17Voyageand i said I am not,yet, familier with tech terms
17:41.15VoyageDoes anyone knows, as a non-google, reputed recommendation that allows sip messaging?
17:42.07Voyage"any recommendations on providers that provide sip messaging support"
17:43.38[TK]D-Fenderlots of providers.
17:43.58Voyageyes, only need the reputed ones with good rates
17:44.10[TK]D-FenderVApparently does
17:44.19[TK]D-Fenderwhich means upstream vitelity should as well
17:46.02Voyagehm. not flowroute it seems for now
17:46.26Voyagewill check and upstream and vitelity
17:46.56[TK]D-Fender"upstream" was not a name
17:47.08[TK] is a vitelity reseller
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20:16.11K0HAXIs there a limit to the number of simultaneous faxes with res_fax_spandsp in the current Git tree?
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20:18.05[TK]D-FenderNot inherently
20:18.22K0HAXIt's not licensed like the res_fax_digium module was though, right?
20:18.32K0HAXwhere you had to pay for each channel
20:19.07K0HAX(I don't think it is, as I never had to install a license and I can use it)
20:19.17[TK]D-Fenderno license
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20:19.40K0HAX:) That's what I thought.
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20:21.22pjensen00When a blind transfer happens to a channel in the Stasis app, the two local channels spawn.  One of them goes to my default dialplan which puts it goes back into the Stasis app.
20:21.39pjensen00When I get the channel's information I don't see anything indicating it was a result of a SIP level refer.
20:21.57pjensen00Is there a way to query a channel to see if it was created as a result of a SIP level xfer?
20:25.19robmalI don't know if it's the best way but i use CEL for this.
20:29.22pjensen00with chan_sip it'd just be a new sip channel which had the sip header SIPREFER in it.  Obviously on LOCAL channels I can't be querying that kind of information.
20:30.04robmalPlease check CEL specification in the wiki.
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20:36.18pjensen00"THIS IS NO LONGER TRUE REWRITE" is not a good sign when reading the documentation for CEL
20:37.30robmalTry this.
20:39.15igcewieling1gawd, please don't mess with CEL.
20:39.42pjensen00I'm also shopping in the dialplan functions to see if there is something I can use out of there too
20:41.10robmaligcewieling1: Why?
20:42.19rrittgarnDoes the new res_parking support realtime? Tried and failed to configure it in extconf
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20:48.14caseydI have a copy of asterisk running, and I usually have asterisk -r up. I tried asterisk -rd for debug, and now it won't quit debugging. Even if I exit and go back to asterisk -r.. i figure its something simple.. can anyone help?
20:48.59[TK]D-Fenderturn it off at CLI
20:49.07[TK]D-Fendercore set debug 0
20:49.15[TK]D-Fenderif it's core (which I suspect that means)
20:50.02caseydthat was it, thanks!
20:51.18[TK]D-FenderYou're welcome
21:01.06igcewieling1robmal: because it works fine the way it is.
21:02.35robmaligcewieling1: I know, i'm just suggesting it has lots of useful info about transfers.
21:04.04igcewieling1I was replying to "pjensen00: "THIS IS NO LONGER TRUE REWRITE" is not a good sign when reading the documentation for CEL"  8-)
21:04.35igcewieling1I love CEL.  It allowed me to build the sorts of logging I wanted.
21:05.34robmalWhich is? ;->
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21:17.39ericNLI need to create a conference room that calls (invites) 4 external numbers everyday at a certain time to invite them into the conference room. They need to press 1 to confirm, otherwise they won't be added to the conference. Something like that possible?
21:19.13ericNLAny example scripts around or?
21:19.48robmalEasiest way to do it is via cron and callfiles
21:20.10ericNLPlace a copy of 4 callfiles everyday at time X in place to setup the calls.
21:20.31ericNLfollow me for call confirmation i think
21:21.04robmalOriginate to an extension, which does playback and waits for dtmf, then jumps to confbridge/meetme if dtmf==1
21:22.32ericNLI'll get to it, awesome. Thanks!
21:24.48*** join/#asterisk qakhan (
21:29.34qakhani am trying to config fsx port, when i connect the analog phone there is no dial tone. here is my config
21:31.09wyoungqakhan: have you connected the molex power cable up to the card?
21:31.22wyoungOr are you using a different type of FXS / FXO card?
21:31.40wyoungOr an ATA?
21:31.57qakhanits Digium Wildcard A8B
21:32.17wyoung[TK]D-Fender: Can you teach me to mix?
21:32.48wyoungIn realtime?
21:32.49[TK]D-Fenderget to it..
21:32.54[TK]D-Fenderheads home
21:33.25wyoungqakhan: ummm I am not familar with that card but I am assuming you have installed the DAHDI modules for it?
21:34.03qakhanyes this card has 4 FSX and 4 FXO module. i am getting calls on FXO lines
21:34.26qakhanbut there is no dial tone on FSX lines
21:34.55wyoungqakhan: have you connected the molex power cable up to the card?
21:35.48wyoungqakhan: you have alot of channels there
21:37.14qakhani have to check
21:37.43qakhanif i dont have power connected to it then that is the reason?
21:39.01malcolmdif you don't have the power supplied to the molex connector, then, if fas modules are to be used, they won't have the necessary power to provide battery or ringing voltage to the attached telephones.  tl;dr, you need the molex for fxs
21:40.07qakhanok and this also a reason that when i connect analog phone i dont see any alarm on cli that port is up
21:48.14drmessanoPower that molex
21:51.55qakhanok i will check let you guys know
21:55.56MaliutaLapdrmessano: I never liked that Mole X guy. I voted for Mole Y ;)
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22:05.44lvlinuxHmm, I have one server that is constantly (every few minutes) saying that "Peer 'voipms' is now Lagged. (2089ms / 2000ms)" and then "Peer 'voipms' is now Reachable. (68ms / 2000ms)"
22:05.57lvlinuxUsing chan_sip
22:06.18lvlinuxHow should I go about fixing that?
22:08.04lvlinuxI have other Asterisk servers registering to the same server so I'm pretty certain that there isn't a problem with them.
22:08.30lvlinuxAnd the other servers don't report any issues with being lagged or not
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22:42.06wyoungok next problem.  When my queue retries my handsets I am getting multiple missed calls registered on my handset.  Can I configure the queue to send a 'handled elsewhere' or equiv header instead?
22:54.35[TK]D-Fender"core show application queue" <-
23:00.07wyoung[TK]D-Fender: <3
23:02.23wyoungThe correct answer is C
23:02.54[TK]D-FenderSounds like you're on a solid path to passing every multiple-choice standardized exam.
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23:29.00igcewieling1A good exam woud have questions like "3:30pm, random calls get audio quality problems, there are two people calling to find out what the hell is going on.  What do you do?"
23:31.07WIMPyWait until rush hour is over and try again.
23:31.12fileblame a saturated Level3 interconnect
23:32.34pjensen00is there a way to persist channel variables when doing a SIP transfer?  I know you can "__variable" to have that variable persist over to the next channel it creates.  I was wondering if there was something similar for when a channel blind transfers
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23:33.13MaliutaLaptell each user it was the fault of the other, and then go to the pub
23:35.31igcewieling1file: both are very good answers.
23:35.33pjensen00Real life example, we flew one of our people out to the customer's physical site to troubleshoot audio quality issues.  Turns out, people were chewing on the cords, stuffing the mic almost inside their mouths etc.  Also the computer struggled to have an IE window open and the softphone at the same time.  Needless to say, our man out there found a closet full of unused computers way more powerful than the call center's agent's computers.
23:37.29robmalWhat about the cord chewing part? Did you give them soothers?
23:38.36WIMPyPoisen the cords and wait for Evolution.
23:38.59pjensen00They didn't last much longer.  For... reasons.
23:39.00WIMPyObviousely won't work for creationists, however.
23:39.35pjensen00Well, it will.  But more of a Jonestown.... ascension
23:41.45pjensen00One fun one was complaints that their speaker had a rattling sound in the audio.  This was a drive through speaker in Texas.  Flew the same guy out to look at it.  First thing he sees when he opens it is the cooling fan bouncing around inside.  It fell off whatever mounting and was dangling by the power cable.
23:47.22*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-yvlngzroullyvxfi)
23:59.19wyoungContext 'default' tries to include nonexistent context 'featuremap'

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