IRC log for #asterisk on 20151031

00:00.19robmalhas once again achieved full zen mode thanks to IRC.
00:06.28boritosdial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'dongle' (cause 44 - Requested channel not available.. any tips how to fix it ?
00:07.05WIMPyEnable debugging and see what the dongle sent.
00:11.31talntidrobmal, what do i use for creds for that? :)
00:11.37talntiddo i gotta make my own?
00:12.41robmaltalntid: It wasn't for you, you'll get the creds once it's ready, right now i just need Voyage to click ;-)
00:19.57robmalVoyage: You there?
00:32.23*** join/#asterisk cesurasean (
00:32.26cesuraseanyo yo yo
00:33.02cesuraseandamn chromebox won't stay on. built like shit.
00:33.12cesuraseanfew months after warranty expire, too. sucks.
00:33.38cesuraseani am however back though, to learn more from yall. :)
00:33.56cesuraseanlost convo and don't know yall's nicknames on here.
00:37.05robmalcesurasean: Rule no.1 for now is: be nice to Voyage
00:37.36cesuraseanwho is Voyage?
00:37.40robmalNobody knows.
00:37.53robmalRule 2 is: You might be nice to everyone else.
00:38.30talntidRule 3 is: you must sacrifice a FreePBX installation to the Asterisk gods...
00:38.56cesuraseantalntid, im an old warez leech. :D
00:39.14talntidirc warez. i wonder if those still exist much
00:39.17talntidback in the days over DCC
00:39.23talntidhave not thought about that in a long time
00:39.38talntidused to write eggdrop bot scripts to do that stuff
00:39.39cesuraseandcc me 323 zips
00:40.36cesuraseaneveryone grew up, apparently.
00:41.18cesuraseanhow does a person get DID blocks?
00:41.26cesuraseanand how exactly does all DID talk to each other?
00:41.57cesuraseansome questions i have been wondering lately......
00:42.18cesuraseansurely there is some centralized system somewhere the Government maintains of DID type stuff?
00:43.06boritostalntid: #123warez #oldwarez at undernet :)
00:43.12cesuraseanstill a lot about telephony i don't yet understand.
00:43.29cesuraseanwhere do these phone numbers come from? surely a database of sorts?
00:43.32cesuraseanlike internic?
00:54.16robmalPolen has a government institution to keep a hand on this. Telephony providers can get 1k numbers from them and they keep a db who has which number.
01:00.04*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
01:03.20*** join/#asterisk [NC] (
01:03.32cesuraseansorry, i was watching them mine gold on television.
01:03.48cesuraseandoes USA have a database?
01:04.02robmalEven better than polen.
01:04.07WIMPyAnd yes. They will come from some government agency. How depend on which country.
01:04.26WIMPyThat should be the FCC.
01:04.34cesuraseanoh i see.
01:08.35cesuraseanWIMPy, do you know how to get my asterisk to not go straight to voicemail?
01:08.43cesuraseanim using
01:08.55WIMPyTheir VM or your VM?
01:09.15cesuraseanon my vm
01:09.23cesuraseani tried to email them but they want to see my configs. lol
01:09.31cesuraseanis there an easy way to show someone asterisk configs?
01:09.40infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
01:09.46WIMPyWell, then it's your dilplan. It will do whatever you write there.
01:10.11cesuraseanbut its hitting the voicemail
01:10.17cesuraseanhow do i know its routed to my box correctly?
01:10.34WIMPyThat was what I asked for.
01:10.44cesuraseanoh yeah the debug
01:10.50WIMPyWell, then they probably can't reach you.
01:10.51cesuraseanso it was getting calls?
01:10.59cesuraseanthe calls are making it to my box?
01:11.09cesuraseanshows how much i know. :D
01:11.14WIMPyProbably not.
01:11.26WIMPyEnable sip debug and have a look.
01:11.30cesuraseanhow can i test to see if a call hits my box?
01:11.39cesuraseanoh so the debug is the way to find out?
01:12.00cesuraseani see.
01:12.38robmalI'm pretty sure you go to VM when your extension is UNREACHABLE in sip show peer.
01:13.03robmalSo try figuring out why.
01:16.11cesuraseansip show peers says my extension is online
01:16.48*** join/#asterisk crocodilehunter (
01:17.59cesuraseanoh yeah you guys said freepbx is newer than the gui
01:18.02cesuraseanlet me try to use that first
01:18.22WIMPyGood luck.
01:24.03*** join/#asterisk Janos (~cramos@
01:27.23Janoshey there, got a TE4XXP card I'm trying to setup, the problem is, when I only use the first span everything works. That is only first span configured in system.conf, but if I try to use a second span, everything works according to dahdi, but asterisk `pri show spans` says down,active. Any idea what could be going on ?
01:59.26*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (~jasonwert@
02:11.53*** join/#asterisk boritos (
02:59.07*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (
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03:26.28*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
03:31.06*** join/#asterisk igcewieling (
03:35.05igcewielingI'm just about ready to disable ssh on a router to test something and I say to myself "I should tell the router to reboot in 30 mins on the off chance I lock myself out of the router".  So I disabled ssh and sure enough I locked myself out of the router. 8-|
03:38.39*** join/#asterisk bluemerlin (
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04:24.40*** join/#asterisk DragonAzul (~DragonAzu@
04:53.02*** join/#asterisk blooregard (~francine@
05:33.45blooregardGood evening all
05:34.01blooregardhas anyone here used an auto dialer before?
05:37.20drmessanoOnly if they want to be stabbed and ridiculed
05:37.29drmessanoRobodialers BAD
05:39.35blooregardon the receiving end yeah, they're usually bad.  But they can serve a purpose when they're not being used to sell aluminum siding at 5am on a sunday morning.
05:49.47*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
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12:06.53boritosdo we have a export in asterisk dongle here ?
12:09.29*** join/#asterisk ruied (
12:14.27boritosworking on asterisk raspberry and 3g dongle. but i dont get any mode or submode
12:27.34*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (~jasonwert@
12:32.12lvlinuxigcewieling: but DID you tell it to reboot?
12:36.29*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (~jasonwert@
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13:57.08*** join/#asterisk bluemerlin (~bluemerli@
16:08.06*** join/#asterisk infobot (
16:08.06*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.6.0 (2015/10/09), 11.20.0 (2015/10/09), (2015/04/08); Standard: 12.8.2 (2015/04/08); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.10.0 (2014/08/13), DAHDI-tools 2.10.0 (2014/08/13); libpri 1.4.15 (2014/06/16) -=- Asterisk wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
16:11.38*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
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16:57.00*** join/#asterisk DragonAzul (~DragonAzu@
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18:02.39*** join/#asterisk dduffield (
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18:07.29*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (
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18:58.28*** join/#asterisk Frojoe (Frojoe@2a01:7e00::f03c:91ff:fe70:bc74)
19:11.34*** join/#asterisk Garibaldo (~smuxi@
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21:08.23*** join/#asterisk Encrypt (
21:08.28EncryptHello o/
21:08.39Encryptboritos, Hey o/
21:19.18*** join/#asterisk ghoti (
21:34.18*** join/#asterisk ghoti (
21:40.26*** join/#asterisk Garibaldo (~smuxi@
21:40.52wyoungLet's Encrypt!
21:41.16wyoung(I hope that comes out soon)
21:46.03*** join/#asterisk craigify (
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22:12.28*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (
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22:47.21*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (
22:59.18*** join/#asterisk Garibaldo (~smuxi@
23:19.22*** join/#asterisk cesurasean (
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23:23.23lvlinuxwyoung: me too!
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23:38.39*** join/#asterisk rubio (~rubio@
23:39.51rubiohi there.... i'm loosing my head here fighting WebRTC sound issue... is this the right channel to ask about this? (running asterisk 11.13 from debian 8 with sipml5 over chrome) thanks.
23:44.07lvlinuxrubio: Depends on if you think the issue is related to your Asterisk config. If so, then yes.
23:48.39rubiolvlinux: i think so, looks to me that asterisk is always sending the rtp via udp and not using ICE (as i never see a "(via ICE)" legend on the rtp debug, and i have seen this legend on most pages on internet)...
23:49.01rubioi think i missing something on configs... but i can't find it.
23:50.03lvlinuxuh, ICE isn't a protocol. ICE figures out your addressing and port settings by trying to negotiate with the remote endpoint.
23:50.22lvlinuxyour rtp should be over UDP, regardless of whether ICE is being used.
23:50.44*** join/#asterisk Garibaldo (~smuxi@
23:51.12lvlinuxLet me rephrase that: ICE isn't a media transfer protocol, it's a NAT punch-through protocol.
23:51.15*** join/#asterisk MadHatter42 (~MadHatter@unaffiliated/madhatter42)
23:52.00lvlinuxICE is similar to STUN, but doesn't require a STUN server.
23:52.57rubioi know, but when i inspect trafic, udp it going directly to client (remember client is web and under a nat)... in most pages i find on google the rtp debug say: "to <ip> (via ICE)"...
23:53.19rubiomy point is.. the client registers ok... but there is no sound at all... :(
23:53.54rubioi'm using wss with the asterisk http module... using an ssl cert for the site...
23:54.01lvlinuxok so I guess ICE just isn't working for some reason, so thus you get no RTP delivery.
23:54.24lvlinuxNot really sure where to go from here since I haven't used the webrtc capability.
23:55.32rubiowill wait for someone who has work with webrtc :D
23:55.43*** join/#asterisk ruied (
23:55.54rubiothanks lvlinux :D
23:56.25lvlinuxsincerely hopes someone can help rubio out, because no audio problems are SO irritating...
23:58.16*** join/#asterisk almostworking (~almostwor@unaffiliated/almostworking)

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