IRC log for #asterisk on 20151028

00:01.20*** join/#asterisk simplydrew (~simplydre@unaffiliated/simplydrew)
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08:21.06qloogkmdoes anyone have a recommended client for Hylafax that is nice?
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08:32.46*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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09:11.40phpboyI've tried every method known to man (google) to get audio working with WEBRTC and still it doesn't want to work... can somebody please help me
09:14.07Chainsawphpboy: What Asterisk version are you trying WebRTC with? 11 or 13?
09:16.08phpboyChainsaw: 12
09:16.34Chainsawphpboy: That is a development release. I would recommend that you try on 13 instead.
09:16.45phpboythat I can do
09:17.49phpboylet me install it quick
09:18.11phpboygoing to remove /usr/lib64/asterisk and build asterisk13
09:18.57Chainsawphpboy: Essentially the PJSIP support in 13 is better. 12 was caught in the middle between chan_sip & PJSIP if you ask me.
09:19.18Chainsawphpboy: I'm expecting tutorials for "Asterisk 12 with PJSIP" to work well on 13 with PJSIP. Just better.
09:19.37phpboyWell, I have pjproject installed on the server but I cannot for the life of me figure out where it fits into the picture
09:19.47phpboybeen drowning myself in reading :(
09:20.00ChainsawThere is a lot of reading material out there, yes.
09:20.19ChainsawYou're going to have to cut things into modules, and test small parts.
09:20.47phpboycertified-asterisk-13.1-cert2 <--- good enough?
09:20.55Chainsawi.e. try with a SIP soft phone from the machine you're trying WebRTC from, and get that to the point where you get audio both ways. Then try WebRTC, so that you know you're not fighting a NAT problem elsewhere.
09:21.00ChainsawYes, certified Asterisk will do nicely.
09:21.40phpboyok, the one thing I can confirm from the beginning is there is NO NAT involved here and there will never be a NAT requirement for this specific project I'm working on
09:23.46Chainsawphpboy: That does make things a little easier.
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09:26.51phpboyok, I'm looking through menu select.. I can confirm all pjsip related modules are checked.... app_ices enabled... and strp enabled
09:27.03phpboyanything else I do think of before I make and make install?
09:27.54*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
09:28.23phpboyI don't want to waste your time, but I'd love for you to quickly help me through... I'll be quick!
09:30.13*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
09:37.58ChainsawUnfortunately I'm in an office full of people, they do ask me questions as well.
09:38.07ChainsawSo honest admission, you do not have my undivided attention.
09:38.21*** join/#asterisk Padma3475 (7aaee486@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:38.44ChainsawI'd make sure you have STUN, even if you think you don't need it. Clients may try it unconditionally.
09:38.45*** join/#asterisk infernix (nix@unaffiliated/infernix)
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09:42.20Padma3475Hi there , I have an outbound IVR with grand stream HT503 as PSTN Gateway asterisk start playing recorded mesage before user pickup the phone and miss first few words of the recorded message, how do i correct this. could any one help in this regard
09:55.37phpboyChainsaw: I'm going to be writing the webclient myself and besides that I cannot get STUN working properly either
09:55.49phpboyasterisk 13 installed and still not working
09:56.14Chainsawphpboy: The two least descriptive words in the world... "not working".
09:56.59phpboyI've configured pjsip ONLY, both clients I'm testing with register (Firefox sip.js) and (Chrome sipxl5)
09:58.07phpboyso lets start with chome, when I click call it doesn't seem to do anything with asterisk... what I see in chrome debug console is all the SIP chatter and then a final message --> The FSM is in the final state
09:59.23Chainsawphpboy: And what have you set up in the dial plan? echo test?
10:00.11phpboyno, a welcome playback
10:00.21phpboythe thing is it doesn't even attempt the dialplan
10:00.41Chainsawphpboy: You'd only see it traverse the dial plan if you're on a high "verbose" level. Are you?
10:01.11phpboyasterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvr
10:01.18Chainsawphpboy: core set debug 10
10:01.20Chainsawphpboy: core set verbose 10
10:01.25Chainsawphpboy: Then try.
10:01.57Chainsawis wanting to rule out the call working and just not lasting beyond the voice prompt
10:02.09Chainsaw(This is why the echo test is better as it lasts forever)
10:02.19phpboyabsolutely nothing
10:02.29phpboywell add echo test but I need to get to the dialplan first
10:04.08Padma3475can any one help me to rectify my outbound calling issues
10:05.32phpboyPadma3475: sure
10:05.38phpboyChainsaw: I've enabled pjsip logging
10:05.51phpboygetting some unauthorized messages which is not correct
10:06.28Chainsawphpboy: Is it wanting a TLS transport that you are not providing?
10:07.37phpboyChainsaw: it is possible but I believe it's setup correctly
10:07.41phpboyhow can I tell for sure?
10:07.54Padma3475Hi phpboy, My set up is aserisk call pstn number and plays a recorded message before user picks up the phone, is there a way to correct it. thanks
10:08.03Chainsawphpboy: I'd expect your client end to tell you if is abandoning TLS.
10:08.15Chainsawphpboy: So the browser.
10:09.13phpboynothing stands on in the browser
10:09.20phpboycan asterisk debug or some sort help?
10:10.55phpboyI am seeing a Not Acceptable msg
10:11.40phpboy the data closer to the bottom is a more recent call
10:11.45Chainsawphpboy: That could happen for various reasons, including an audio codec that is not to its liking.
10:13.18phpboy <--- pjsip debug of a failed call
10:14.10ChainsawWe may need Fender, the SIP whisperer.
10:20.46Chainsawphpboy: The codec list that the client is offering seems rather comprehensive, but the response suggests it likes none of them.
10:20.53Chainsawphpboy: Are you restricting available codecs?
10:25.00phpboyok, I've managed to get into the dialplan... was a misconfiguration in pjsip.conf
10:25.10phpboyso now I'm hitting the dialplan but no audio
10:25.25Chainsawphpboy: Hitting the dial plan is good. (Was it the context?)
10:26.34phpboyno, it was the webserver setup in pjsip.conf
10:27.08phpboyok, so now I do a rtp debug and it's sending the rtp traffic to my public IP which is completely incorrect as there's no NAT setup
10:28.21phpboyhmm, icesupport=false set
10:28.30ChainsawI'd let it use ICE.
10:28.43phpboydoes it matter that I don't have stun set?
10:28.45ChainsawBetter to have NAT awareness and not use it then to explicitly say "no NAT ever" and be wrong, now or later.
10:29.28phpboyice enabled...
10:30.56phpboySent RTP packet to (via ICE) (type 00, seq 059628, ts 023360, len 000160)
10:31.01phpboyone of many rtp debugs
10:31.08phpboystill no audio
10:31.55*** join/#asterisk MadHatter42 (~MadHatter@unaffiliated/madhatter42)
10:34.29*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
10:34.49Padma3475my asterisk is connected to a grandstream pstn gateway. asterisk dials a pstn number and plays a recorded message.the problem is that, asterisk plays the message before the user pickup the phone, so he missess first few words
10:35.27phpboyPadma3475: put in a Wait(2) before the message is played
10:38.52phpboywhat you may want to consider then is using ORIGINATE
10:39.01phpboythat way it will play the message when the call is answered
10:39.14Padma3475I am using originate already
10:42.48phpboythen it should only be playing the message when the call is connected?
10:43.00phpboyor rather, when the client answers the call
10:43.45phpboyso how it should work is you origniate to the clients number being (12345678) and when it connects the call it will execute the other end (your playback file)
10:44.13Padma3475grandstream pstn gateway is registered to asterisk as a sip account (eg:100), asterisk dial the pstn number like this: originate sip/100/pstnnumber  when the gateway responds asterisk start playing the message
10:45.01phpboyI would dial the orignate number directly from asterisk
10:45.14phpboysee asterisk thinks it's answered the call hence doing its job
10:45.59*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
10:46.13phpboyit should be SIP/gateway/123456(client number) ----> answer ----> hit asterisk context with playback msg
10:47.02Padma3475exactly, but how do i directly dial the originate number
10:47.32phpboysetup a sip connection to your grandstream
10:47.52phpboyand dial via that sip connection
10:48.21phpboyso it would look like sip/grandstream/123456
10:49.41Padma3475i have registered the gateway ,as a sip account is that you mean?
10:49.57Padma3475now i dial sip/100/12345
10:50.17Padma3475100 is the sip account
10:50.46Padma3475but still the problem occurs
10:52.15phpboythen it thinks the call as been answered because it's answered
10:53.03Padma3475you are correct, but is there a way to solve this scenario
10:53.03phpboypastbin the asterisk console between initiating the call and playing back the file
10:53.17phpboylet me see exactly what's happening
10:55.43Padma3475can two stage dialing be a solution to this,
10:56.39*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
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11:08.51phpboyPadma3475: meaning?
11:08.58phpboyjust pastebin the colsole output
11:09.17phpboyChainsaw: got some time on your hands?
11:16.23phpboyhmmmm, that doesn't look like a plain old originate
11:16.34phpboyhow are you originating a call exactly?
11:18.25Padma3475from the dialplan
11:20.00Padma3475every thing is ok if the user pich up the phone
11:20.55Padma3475if he wait for long he may miss more words
11:27.10Padma3475phpboy:same => n,originate(sip/100/12345,exten,users,xxxx,1)
11:31.36phpboytry this on your cli
11:32.01phpboyoriginate SIP/100/123456 extension 123@your_dialplan_context
11:34.24Padma3475sorry,extension 123@ means.?
11:48.18phpboyso in your extensions.conf
11:48.31phpboyyour playback file falls under a context
11:48.39phpboylet's call it [my-context]
11:48.55phpboyand within that context the file is played by a dialing plan
11:50.34Padma3475I am doing the same . Let me share my doubts with u ?
11:51.32Padma3475I think when asterisk dial sip/100/123456 in a single shot actually it is like
11:51.49Padma3475asterisk call sip 100 gateway responds
11:52.05phpboythat's fine, it's the answer portion that's important
11:52.22Padma3475asterisk think ok other end pickedup let me play the message
11:52.50fileAsterisk isn't what determines that it has answered, the gateway responds that it has answered
11:52.54phpboythat could very well be
11:53.01Padma3475by this moment gateway is dialing the pstn no
11:54.21phpboythat's fine
11:54.27phpboyit doesn't matter what is making the call
11:54.35phpboyit just matters what asterisk interprets
11:57.19Padma3475i guess when gateway responds asterisk interpret it as line is answered, because if i call a sip phone,message plays exactly after user pick the phone
11:57.31*** join/#asterisk monsterco (~monsterco@
11:58.22fileAsterisk is told that it is answered. It doesn't do any analysis on the audio or anything. The gateway likely responded with a 200 OK which means answered.
11:59.53Padma3475@file: then how we tell asterisk, wait untill pstn user pick the line?
11:59.57phpboyor there's something funky in the dialplan
12:00.34fileyou can't, unless you try to use something like AMD (answering machine detection) to determine that a person has picked up
12:00.34Padma3475but to sip phone it is working fine
12:00.48filea SIP phone won't respond that it has answered until you pick up
12:01.18Padma3475if i get rid of gateway and instead use a pstn card, will this help?
12:01.59*** join/#asterisk marceloamorim (
12:04.19Padma3475will two stage dialing help to resolve this?
12:09.05fileanalog doesn't provide call progress so the audio has to be analyzed to determine things, Asterisk has really experimental code which may or may not work for PSTN cards
12:09.12fileotherwise the gateway has to do it
12:09.40*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~Adium@
12:09.48phpboyAnybody got some time on their hands to help me with a WebRTC audio issue that I'm having?
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12:12.32Padma3475@file:phpboy: Ok. thanks for your time
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13:52.02Reapsterheya, I'm having some odd trouble with bridging. I'm creating a bridge and adding a channel to PJSIP andpoint and another to Local/*43@from-internal (echo test for testing), but keep ending up with Unable to find a codec translation path: (ulaw) -> (slin). core show codecs shows both slin and ulaw available though, and there seems to be a translation in core show translations
13:52.27Reapsterit seems to be creating a simple_bridge, do these not transcode?
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14:21.16vandykI have an Asterisk 11 running with medium load of calls per day. Some customers are complaining about call quality, they say that the call is too bad, the sound is low. All calls only use u-law codec. How can I troubleshoot this issues and discover what could be wrong?
14:21.37robmalPacketloss or jitter.
14:22.15vandykrobmal: and how can I identify that?
14:24.19vandykI did a small search now about jitter. It says to use jitter buffer. How can I do that? Probably is a setting on SIP that should be set on both sides, right?
14:24.40robmalYou shouldn't use jitterbuffer.
14:24.56phpboyrobmal: happy to see you here
14:25.08phpboyI've reinstalled from asterisk 12 to asterisk 13
14:25.17phpboyidentical issues with WebRTC
14:25.28robmalBecause it's on the client side ;->
14:26.27robmalYou have to find out where those weird 192.0.x.x addresses come from.
14:27.06*** join/#asterisk Kaian (
14:28.24phpboyrobmal: I'm onsite now on a different pc
14:28.33phpboyno more funny 192.0 address
14:28.58phpboywhat's weird is I see the RTP packets going to my IP but no audio :\
14:31.51*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
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14:38.37robmalwireshark and debug the rtp stream.
14:40.16phpboydo you have any tips on debugging the rtp stream?
14:40.24phpboyI see the udp packets hitting my PC
14:40.31phpboybut further than that I don't know what to do
14:41.23vandykrobmal: this is the result of sip show channelstats
14:41.26vandykCall ID      Duration Recv: Pack  Lost       (     %) Jitter Send: Pack  Lost       (     %) Jitter
14:41.27vandyk262b8b05-f8  00:04:00 0000010880  0000000092 ( 0.84%) 0.0000 0000010987  0000000879 ( 8.00%) 0.0007
14:41.27vandykNjI3Y2FhYjU  00:00:08 0000000254  0000000000 ( 0.00%) 0.0000 0000000113  0000000000 ( 0.00%) 0.0030
14:41.27vandyk6af70ee8079  00:01:06 0000002994  0000000000 ( 0.00%) 0.0000 0000003280  0000000001 ( 0.03%) 0.0000
14:41.28vandyk0b51895d04c  00:00:08 0000000113  0000000001 ( 0.88%) 0.0000 0000000254  0000000000 ( 0.00%) 0.0000
14:41.29vandyk21821254321  00:01:06 0000002378  0000000000 ( 0.00%) 0.0000 0000002402  0000000000 ( 0.00%) 0.0000
14:41.30vandykae52e8-0-13  00:01:06 0000003280  0000000013 ( 0.39%) 0.0000 0000002994  0000000000 ( 0.00%) 0.0037
14:45.45*** join/#asterisk dummys (~dummys@unaffiliated/dummys)
14:46.35dummyshi [TK]D-Fender, I come to you because we speak together about the perfect way to use the sip trunk behind nat
14:46.42dummysand you speak about vpn tunnel
14:47.04dummysmy question is, how do you say to asterisk to use the tunnel ? only with ip route ?
14:47.16dummysbut with this, all my traffic will be routed thru the vpn
14:47.33dummysthere is a way to tell to asterisk to use the tunnel for outgoing call ?
14:47.40phpboydummys: do you only want traffic to an IP routed via the VPN?
14:47.53phpboyis the server that hosts asterisk doing the actual VPN connection?
14:48.09phpboyis it connected to the VPN right now?
14:48.10dummyswith openvpn and tun
14:48.30phpboyplease pastebin the output of this command -> netstat -rn
14:48.41phpboyand which IP should it use via the VPN?
14:48.51dummysin fact I need to do that because when speaking with [TK]D-Fender he told me to do it because is a proper way to do it and will work on every networks
14:50.18dummysI don't want to have inbound calls
14:50.31dummysjust that my outbound calls are routed correctly
14:50.58phpboyok so let me exaplin what's happening here
14:51.00dummysI think if I put the default route for the vpn it will be ok
14:51.08dummysbut all my traffic will go thru the vpn
14:51.09phpboyyou have set openvpn to route all traffic via the vpn
14:51.16phpboyso go into the config and disable that
14:51.35phpboythen add only the route for the IP that your asterisk server uses for it's SIP traffic
14:52.13dummysI think it use the ip of the eth0
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14:52.19dummysit's the dhcp ip
14:52.47phpboywhat is the IP your use on the VPN? the sip gateway IP
14:53.17dummysthis is the ip of the tun
14:53.23dummysthe sip gateway is
14:53.38dummysyes so I just add a route
14:53.39phpboyso you want to route via the vpn?
14:53.41dummysfor this one
14:53.57dummyswith this solution and an iptables route, I must be ok for a optimal SIp setup right ?
14:54.07phpboyno set it up in openvpn
14:54.10dummysiptables rule sorry
14:54.21phpboyin your open vpn config
14:54.31phpboydisable adding default route
14:54.35phpboycomment it out
14:54.38dummysthe problem it's network-manager of debian doing that
14:54.47dummysI will try to find where I can change it
14:54.54Ikikaysorry, I know it's the wrong channel... but, does someone know jitsi-virtualbridge ? :x
14:55.09phpboyall you need to do is disable default route and add a route for via the vpn
14:55.13phpboyand that will solve your problem
14:55.57phpboyyour issue is with openvpn and NOT with asterisk
14:56.51*** join/#asterisk vandyk (~vandyk@
14:57.25dummyslook better now
15:00.00dummysso now I put a route like this:
15:00.03dummys159.8.85.128 UG        0 0          0 tun0
15:06.31robmalCan't you just bind asterisk to the vpn address?
15:09.12dummyshmm i dunno how
15:09.30dummysis it possible to do that ?
15:09.41dummyseven if the vpn address is dhcp I think ?
15:11.17dummysbindaddr with this settings robmal ? but is there a way to say bind asterisk to tun0 ?
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15:13.10dummysok so it's better to add a route when the tun0 is up
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15:17.06c0ldg0ldso I've established that there is an Asterisk selinux module out there.  How would one go about activating it?  I'm hoping that it's not a bunch of semange fcontext for all the asterisk directories and rather an all encompasing command for the application
15:17.17WIMPyYou don't bind to an interface. You bind to an IP.
15:17.56dummysI'm creating python script to retrieve the ip and do the binding and routing
15:18.12dummysWIMPy: did you have some pre configured iptables rule for sip ?
15:18.21dummyslike the one we spoke together yesterday
15:18.48WIMPyErr, what was that for?
15:20.31WIMPyOr what do you want to do?
15:21.24dummysjust to add rule for iptables to accept sip/rtp port from the vpn
15:22.41WIMPyUnless you blocked it, I don't see a need for special configuration.
15:23.02dummysI will block all incoming from the vpn
15:23.08dummysfor security purpose
15:23.12dummysso I need to accept it
15:23.48WIMPyAccept udp/5060 and ESTABLISHED,RELATED.
15:24.14[TK]D-FenderShouldn't even need that unless you have conntrack on
15:24.25[TK]D-FenderSince otherwise UDP = stateless
15:24.32[TK]D-Fenderand "established" does not exist
15:24.45dummysand you speak about 10000-20000 right ?
15:25.06[TK]D-Fenderabout ALL
15:25.40dummyshmm ?
15:25.53WIMPyNe, but ESTABLISHED does.
15:26.22WIMPyRELATED will take care of RTP ports.
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15:27.05[TK]D-Fenderthat's just an "Accept" anyway.  So far I haven't seen any policy to REJECT anything
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15:53.06dummysWIMPy: so only this should be enough ?
15:53.12dummysiptables -A INPUT -p tcp  -i eth0 --dport 5060 -j ACCEPT
15:53.36[TK]D-FenderIt shouldn't even matter unless you are REJECTING somewhere else
15:53.54[TK]D-Fenderand NO, that should not be TCP either way
15:53.57dummyslike this is ok ?
15:54.03dummysyes sorry i put udp
15:54.05dummysdon't worry
15:54.05WIMPyUnless you want to do SIP via TCP.
15:54.12dummysjust a bad cc
15:54.21dummyscan you look at the paste please, is it correct for you?
15:54.48WIMPyLooks ok.
15:54.55dummysok cool
15:55.16dummysI would like to say sorry to you guys, [TK]D-Fender and WIMPy to be rude yesterday with you
15:55.29dummysbut i was really thinking that you take me for a noob that didn't want to rtfm and so on
15:55.43WIMPyNow you just have to make sure you have the nf_conntrack_sip module loaded and the nf_nat_sip module isn't loaded.
15:55.54dummyslet me check
15:56.02WIMPyI didn't really read much here yesterday.
15:56.12dummysI didn't change the original module file
15:56.18dummysthis must be enabled ?
15:56.55WIMPyOS modules, not Asterisk modules.
15:57.08dummysoh yeah
15:57.12dummysit's already ok
15:57.22dummysoh wait you speak about sip
15:57.24dummyslet me check
15:57.31dummysit's a normal debian with xfce
15:57.39dummysit's by default or not ?
15:58.01dummysnf_conntrack_ipv4      18448
15:58.22WIMPyNo idea what debian does. Usually not what I want.
15:58.36dummyshmm there is no nf_conntrack_sip
15:59.48WIMPyThen load it or allow the RPT ports manually and statically.
15:59.54dummysnf_conntrack           87424  4 xt_conntrack,nf_conntrack_sip,nf_conntrack_ipv4,nf_conntrack_ipv6
15:59.56dummysit's ok now
16:08.17*** join/#asterisk Voyage (~user1@unaffiliated/voyage)
16:13.34VoyageI need some help with finding correct operator() in dialplan. I want to ring only 1 time (one ring tone) and then hangup.
16:14.13[TK]D-Fenderyou aren't even dialing via the dialplan currently
16:14.55[TK]D-FenderTher is also no such thing as "ring 1 time".  calls can be limited by "time", not "rings"
16:15.03Voyageoh ok
16:15.06[TK]D-FenderYou are using ORIGINATE.
16:15.22[TK]D-Fenderyou are not even IN the dialplan until that call-out gets answered
16:15.41Voyagethen lets say 3 seconds "after" its starts ringing (being picked up by callee is now irrelevant)
16:15.45craigifyHe did ask for operator()
16:16.24[TK]D-Fendercraigify: He isn't USING Dial()
16:16.28Voyage[TK]D-Fender> Ther is also no such thing as "ring 1 time".  <-- should be as a suggestion
16:18.15Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  I am in the extension that is used for dialing....
16:18.16Voyageexten  => _1NXXXXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@flowroute)
16:18.16Voyagesame  => n,Hangup()
16:18.24craigifyVoyage: the problem with counting rings is that it's a very ambiguous way to do things.  Not all rings are the same.  When you're actually writing up telephony applications, you deal with seconds
16:18.34Voyagecraigify,  ah
16:18.38[TK]D-FenderVoyage: And how are you even calling that?
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16:19.47Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  I think , as far as I have read the book you suggested, by what ever means you call either softphone or CLI or AMI, the call goes to the extension and that ext decides "HOW" to call
16:20.05Voyageso, for learning purposes, I am making the ext right
16:20.19[TK]D-Fender[12:18][TK]D-FenderVoyage: And how are you even calling that?
16:20.24lvlinuxvandyk: clarify a few things: approximately how many is "medium load"? 10? 100? 500? What type of phones and/or interfaces? What does "call is too bad" mean? Breaking up? Silence? Odd sounds?
16:20.26[TK]D-FenderShow us EXACTLY how you are calling that
16:20.29WIMPyVoyage : You get an event when the called party starts ringing.
16:20.51VoyageWIMPy,  ok, how to know "its ringing to the callee"?
16:20.58Voyage[TK]D-Fender, ok
16:21.00WIMPylvlinux: That all sounds rather meaningless.
16:21.22vandyklvlinux: 35 calls simultaneous. The issue they say the volume at call is to low nad sometimes there is too much noise on it
16:21.31WIMPyThat's what I just wrote.
16:21.44VoyageWIMPy,  first I will detect if it IS ringing and then hangup after 3 seconds
16:21.52vandykthey are using SIP phones and softphones
16:22.16[TK]D-FenderNo point in detection
16:23.24Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  this is how I am calling. originate SIP/+132numberhere7@flowroute extension s@outgoing       Any more questions?
16:23.37[TK]D-Fenderthat has NOTHING to do with Dial() then
16:23.50[TK]D-FenderAnd you are still using CLI Originate which you should NOT be using
16:24.08Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  ok, the said will be true for AMI too?
16:24.13[TK]D-FenderYou have a serious problem following instructions
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16:24.33Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  stop responding me if you want to start that again
16:24.39[TK]D-Fenderoriginate SIP/+132numberhere7@flowroute  <- this is NOT "Dial()"
16:24.45Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  sorry to say, we are not on the same page
16:25.08[TK]D-FenderIT IS NOT DIAL() <- Are we on the same page now?
16:25.23Voyagemay yes on that but not on [TK]D-Fender> You have a serious problem following instructions
16:25.25[TK]D-FenderYou CANNOT tell CLI-based Originate a TIMEOUT
16:25.30dummysvoyage voyage tutututututu
16:25.38[TK]D-FenderSTOP USING CLI ORIGINATE.  Clear?
16:25.44[TK]D-FenderSame page?
16:25.47[TK]D-Fenderit has LIMITATION
16:25.59VoyageI am not going to argue with you. Lets take AMI then
16:26.14Voyagecan AMI do what I am trying to do?
16:26.28[TK]D-FenderRead the page for AMI Originate
16:26.44[TK]D-FenderWhat else is there besides ringing?
16:26.57Voyageringing for now. thats it
16:27.07[TK]D-Fender[12:22][TK]D-FenderNo point in detection
16:27.20[TK]D-Fendercalled + not yet answered = ringing
16:27.28[TK]D-FenderSo ring for TIME
16:27.35Voyagering for time
16:27.46[TK]D-FenderRead the instructions for Originate
16:27.52[TK]D-FenderI gave you the page for it already
16:27.56WIMPyIf you limit by time, it will cut the call no matter if it even reached ringing stage.
16:27.56[TK]D-FenderOthers have as well
16:28.07WIMPySo you have to act on the channelstate event.
16:28.24[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: Realistically he's calling US48 off a decent ITSP
16:28.41[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: Not like we're dealing with international interconnects
16:29.05Voyageif that is one problem. heres what I think happens.     you dial > call goes out > it connects callee > it rings > it gets picked up.                             I want to wait for 3 seconds on step 3
16:29.17Voyage" it connects callee"
16:29.22WIMPyI don't see an issue with international calling, but usiong SIP makes things ratehr unpredictable.
16:29.35[TK]D-Fenderyou do not CONNECT the callee ... and THEN ring
16:30.07Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  how do you draw the chat?
16:30.12WIMPyConnecting is done after (optional) ringing.
16:30.17[TK]D-FenderYour ORIGINATE creates a channel.  ITSP rings (or not) for your amount of time or until answered.
16:30.31lvlinuxvandyk: are you using all VoIP or is there PSTN inteface involved?
16:30.32[TK]D-FenderAfter answer it gets dumped to the place you told it to dump to.
16:30.41VoyageWIMPy,  oh so in *, connected means when callee picks up?
16:31.07VoyageWIMPy,  oh so in *, connected means when callee answered?
16:31.08[TK]D-Fender"connected" = vague choice of words
16:31.15[TK]D-Fenderthus bad
16:31.16vandyklvlinux: my customers connect to my Asterisk server and I have GSM gateways to complete the calls
16:31.17WIMPyNot only with Asterisk.
16:31.39Voyageok, so its ringing > answered
16:31.53Voyagedial > ring > answered
16:32.08VoyageI want to wait for 3 seconds on step 2 "ringing"
16:32.16Voyageand then hangup()
16:32.42[TK]D-FenderOriginate > Channel: called > (maybe get ringing, still just waiting for answer) > Is time up, if not keep waiting for answer > ANSWER > Goto Dialplan/Application
16:32.42VoyageWIMPy,  this is an automated call by AMI or CLI not by soft/hard phone
16:32.58[TK]D-FenderSo tell it to wait LESS for answer
16:32.58WIMPytold you how to do that.
16:33.03Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  ok
16:33.15lvlinuxvandyk: ah ok. Methinks your low volume problem may be related to your GSM gateways possibly. I would think the noise would be there too.
16:33.24WIMPyEven though that smells quite extreme like some illegal activity.
16:33.49Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  I believed those instructions to wait/hangup etc would be in the [extension]  either I do AMi or CLI
16:33.58lvlinuxWIMPy: hehe depends on where he is.
16:34.03[TK]D-FenderAnd I told you 10 times "no"
16:34.06[TK]D-FenderCHANNEL gets called
16:34.10vandyklivlinux: I don't think so, because I have 64 channels at total, and there are 3 distinct gsm gateways
16:34.15VoyageWIMPy,  ya, but I just want to understand things, experiment
16:34.16[TK]D-FenderEverything else is AFTER the call is actually answered
16:34.28vandykI mean lvlinux:  I don't think so, because I have 64 channels at total, and there are 3 distinct gsm gateways
16:34.29WIMPyVoyage: No dialplan so far.
16:35.03Voyageok, WIMPy  where do I need to put those instructions in case I am doing it by CLI , AMI
16:35.13Voyagewill be back in 5
16:35.34WIMPyRead what I told you earlier.
16:35.36[TK]D-FenderVoyage: in the ORIGINATE.  Told you repeatedly, it is in the ORIGINATE ITSELF.  Read the instructions again
16:36.31lvlinuxvandyk: You can try increasing your volume, but that wouldn't fix the noise.
16:39.05WIMPyGreat. Looks like my soldering iron just broke :-(
16:39.45lvlinuxWIMPy: a nice one?
16:40.01lvlinuxWIMPy: what are you soldering?
16:41.05WIMPyNo, just a simple regulated one. Have got the station over now. Doing a 12V power distribution box.
16:41.26lvlinuxah, ok. You a ham operator?
16:41.46WIMPyIt's mainly for lighting.
16:41.55lvlinuxwhat kind of lighting?
16:42.15WIMPygives lvlinux one guess.
16:42.46WIMPyOh, that "kind". No, room lighting.
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16:44.28lvlinuxadmires other people that use DIY electronic skills :-)
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16:48.14lvlinuxlol sry wow that was close---I knocked my laptop off the top of a ladder and barely saved it by grabbing the keyboard...
16:48.39WIMPyWhat is your Laptop doing on a ladder?
16:49.05trewqhi Folks - I've been using and they are great, but I want to have some more control over voice lines.. If I were to use asterisk, I imagine I need to use some SIP provider - Is there someone reliable that you guys use with asterisk?
16:49.41lvlinuxWIMPy: I'm working on a phone sys at a church and have a console cable connected to a Cisco switch and an Adtran FXS box...which are mounted in the ceiling.
16:50.12WIMPyGet a longer cable. Or use bluetooth.
16:50.21Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  WIMPy  ok. What i understood from the conversation is that if I am using normal soft/hard phones, the thing I want to do would be configured in dialplan extension but if I am using CLI or AMI to originate calls, I need to look into origination and I assume all or most of the things done in [extensions] can be done in origination as well. (regarding dailing applications itc). I will come back after reading about origination form the book
16:50.47lvlinuxWIMPy: lol well when I get IP connectivity setup I'll just ssh into them.
16:50.59[TK]D-FenderYou should not be "assuming".  We have explained how Originate works over a dozen times now
16:51.01Voyagecraigify,  thanks
16:51.03lvlinuxor telnet (gasp) for the Adtran lol...
16:51.21[TK]D-FenderDialplan does not EXIST until the call is actually answered
16:51.24WIMPyVoyage: No. the calling is done in one place ot the other. What happens after the call is answered is always dialplan.
16:51.29Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  hm
16:51.38Voyagegot it WIMPy
16:51.42[TK]D-FenderHow many more times are we going to have to tell you?
16:51.46lvlinuxtrewq: works fine with Asterisk. Any other provider will be similar
16:51.54Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  respect my newbieness
16:52.13Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  I am bloody TRYING to follow your sarcastic help.
16:52.21[TK]D-FenderI am not being sarcastic
16:52.27[TK]D-FenderEverything I have told you is literal
16:52.39Voyageyou are. and also disrespectful. Help me does not give you that right either
16:52.51Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  ok. let me read the book then
16:52.59lvlinuxVoyage: newbiness has nothing to do with following instructions and doing your own research when it is clearly laid out for you. If you are having trouble following what TK is saying, it shows that you haven't really read much in the * book.
16:53.29Voyagelvlinux,  I have problems understanding where to go/read. anyways. nvm
16:54.16[TK]D-FenderYou were told repeatedly that dialplan does no exist until after than Channel: gets answered
16:54.24Voyageok fine
16:54.25[TK]D-FenderThis has nothing to do with "newb"
16:54.31lvlinuxVoyage: TK isn't being overly hard on you---he's just frustrated. You need to read the book. You can skip the part about installation, but read the rest, especially the core concepts like the dialplan until you fully understand it.
16:54.32WIMPyVoyage: that's normal. You read and then you understand. It doesn't work the other way round.
16:54.34[TK]D-Fenderwe told you a SIMPLE FACT
16:54.41[TK]D-Fender10 times or more
16:54.44Voyageok STOP
16:55.11VoyageWHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO PROOF. ? whatever it is , i admit it in advance.  CAN I GO READ ORIGINATION PLEASE?
16:55.14[TK]D-FenderIf you want to restrict how long that call goes out go then you have to do it in the Originate.
16:55.38VoyageWHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO PROOF. ? whatever it is , i admit it in advance.  CAN I GO READ ORIGINATION PLEASE?
16:56.05[TK]D-FenderGo read
16:56.48WIMPyVoyage: My impression is that you don't have time to learn, but do have time to argue.
16:57.03VoyageWIMPy,  good.
16:57.15WIMPyNo. Bad.
16:57.20VoyageWIMPy,  can can I step back from this chat and do something now?
16:57.32VoyageWIMPy,  ok, bad. happy?
16:57.39WIMPySee. That's exactely the point.
16:57.49[TK]D-FenderWhy are you still chatting in here?  You said you were going to go read.  Just stop and do it.
16:57.57[TK]D-FenderAnd come back with some new questions
16:57.58WIMPyStop arguing and DO it. It's YOUR choice!
16:58.13[TK]D-FenderHopefully more informed.....
16:58.14VoyageWIMPy,  [TK]D-Fender  what ever you are doing and saying is correct.
16:58.36[TK]D-FenderGo read.
16:58.44Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  I know what to do
16:58.53[TK]D-FenderGood.  Go do it.
16:58.58Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  I know what to do
16:59.04Voyageor go or not
17:04.28dummyslol Voyage
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17:04.50dummysyou are taking one of the most ownage I ever seen in an irc channel
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17:06.09Voyagedummys,  I got pissed of man. they could just say in the start "dialplan comes after the call is connected and not before - you need to read origination"
17:06.17Voyagethats one line answer
17:06.46Voyageeveryday, i get " you dont read, you dont folow instructions, you are nt smart, you dont read we say"
17:07.06[TK]D-Fender[12:32][TK]D-FenderOriginate > Channel: called > (maybe get ringing, still just waiting for answer) > Is time up, if not keep waiting for answer > ANSWER > Goto Dialplan/Application
17:07.10Voyageand I get CAPS  words like abusive thigns. e.g FUKCING
17:07.12[TK]D-FenderAnd I gave uyou exactly that in 1 line
17:07.26[TK]D-FenderYou were given exactly that
17:07.27Voyageafter a 3 dozen lines. yes
17:07.29WIMPyVoyage: I'm pretty sure I DID tell you 3 days ago.
17:07.42Voyageah. you guys again win
17:07.52Voyagewonders why he even replied to dummys
17:07.56[TK]D-Fender[12:51][TK]D-FenderDialplan does not EXIST until the call is actually answered
17:07.56Voyagesteps back
17:08.00[TK]D-FenderTold you here too
17:08.08lvlinuxVoyage: it has nothing to do with being smart. You can be the most intelligent person in the world, but you have to be able to take instructions and be humble enough to take some hard words when someone else is taking time to help you.
17:08.29[TK]D-FenderWe were clear
17:08.43[TK]D-FenderAnd said exactly what you now say we should have
17:08.49[TK]D-FenderAnd that's just today's chat
17:09.28Voyagelvlinux,  i really appreicate all the help i am geting. from bottom of my heart. but being harassed is not impressing me either
17:09.54Voyagewel. I should really stop responding. no offence.
17:11.33[TK]D-FenderVoyage: Now that you just went to read up on Originate again do you have new questions on it?
17:15.38Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  do you think I will ask if I have any more questions
17:15.58[TK]D-FenderNo idea.
17:16.10[TK]D-FenderI'm trying to see if you're just looking to move forward
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17:47.18Voyagelooked at  and  p 572 of asterisk definitive guide book. Cant understand how to limit call time to 3 seconds and hangup.
17:48.05[TK]D-FenderThat is Application Originate
17:48.08[TK]D-Fenderthat is not AMI Originate
17:48.10[TK]D-FenderNot the same
17:48.15[TK]D-Fenderjust like CLI Originate is not the same
17:48.20[TK]D-Fenderthat is not the page you should be reading
17:48.49[TK]D-FenderI gave you this link for this yesterday and probably earlier as well
17:49.06[TK]D-FenderActually bookmark it.
17:49.09Voyageok. going to read that
17:49.59Voyageoh, what ever is in that page, I read similar in the book. p 572
17:50.35Voyagemaybe I need Data - Data to use (requires Application).  but how, I dont know
17:50.55lvlinuxwell, they may be similar in that they both originate calls, but different in what you can do with them.
17:51.13Voyagemaybe Timeout - How long to wait for call to be answered (in ms.).
17:51.48[TK]D-FenderVoyagemaybe I need Data - Data to use (requires Application).  but how, I dont know <- you don't
17:52.36[TK]D-FenderAI answered this in your question yesterday about the fixed word "extension" in CLI originate
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18:11.47ModFatherhi robmal :)
18:12.11Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  can we talk without hints and riddles/
18:13.00[TK]D-FenderI haven't given any
18:13.15[TK]D-FenderI told you what that fixed word "extension" meant in relation to CLI Originate
18:13.26Voyageya you did
18:13.37[TK]D-FenderALL originates have one of two destinations
18:13.58[TK]D-FenderEither a single application, or a fully qualified target in the dialplan
18:14.12Voyageright, I know that.
18:14.22[TK]D-Fender[13:51][TK]D-FenderVoyagemaybe I need Data - Data to use (requires Application).  but how, I dont know <- you don't
18:14.34[TK]D-FenderYou don't need Datat because you aren't going to be using Application
18:14.38[TK]D-Fenderthis is not a riddle
18:14.47[TK]D-FenderI told you you would only be sending your cal into the dialplan
18:14.48Voyagethen I need timout?
18:15.03[TK]D-FenderWhat does Timeout say it does?
18:15.31Voyagethat means, its not in the dialplan yet
18:15.39Voyageoh wait. it is
18:15.39[TK]D-FenderSo if you want to ring for a limited amount of time, then that is telling you extremely clearly that this is the setting for that
18:15.47Voyagewait its not
18:16.12Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  ok, what is the setting for it then?
18:16.22[TK]D-Fender[14:15][TK]D-FenderSo if you want to ring for a limited amount of time, then that is telling you extremely clearly that this is the setting for that
18:16.39[TK]D-FenderVoyage Timeout - How long to wait for call to be answered (in ms.). <-
18:17.22VoyageThe call goes to dialplan AFTER it had been answered or after it had been dialed?
18:17.37[TK]D-FenderAFTER answered
18:17.57Voyagethanks for being informative
18:18.06[TK]D-FenderI did tell you that a lot
18:18.06Voyagegets back to read
18:18.35Voyagesir, either you didn't, or you did and I missed (sorry for that), or i mixed up things. either way. thanks
18:19.00Voyageis trying to learn.. trying to try to try learning
18:20.25[TK]D-FenderI didn't?
18:20.28[TK]D-Fender[12:15][TK]D-Fenderyou are not even IN the dialplan until that call-out gets answered
18:20.30[TK]D-Fender[12:34][TK]D-FenderEverything else is AFTER the call is actually answered
18:20.31[TK]D-Fender[12:51][TK]D-FenderDialplan does not EXIST until the call is actually answered
18:20.33[TK]D-Fender[12:51]WIMPyVoyage: No. the calling is done in one place ot the other. What happens after the call is answered is always dialplan.
18:20.34[TK]D-Fender[12:54][TK]D-FenderYou were told repeatedly that dialplan does no exist until after than Channel: gets answered
18:20.36[TK]D-Fender[13:07][TK]D-Fender[12:51][TK]D-FenderDialplan does not EXIST until the call is actually answered
18:20.44[TK]D-FenderThere is 7 times in the past 2 hours alone you were told
18:21.04[TK]D-FenderAnd from multiple people
18:21.22Voyageok. you win again
18:21.50[TK]D-FenderLet's move on.
18:22.37robmalVoyage: You're paying [TK]D-Fender to be this patient, right?
18:22.43Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  you should know I dont have ALLLLL terminologies in my head yet. And I cant do that before a month.
18:22.47[TK]D-FenderNo, we're all paying
18:22.52Voyagerobmal,  I might pay someont to be impatient on him though
18:22.55[TK]D-FenderVoyage: You were told 7 rtimes in 2 hours
18:23.28Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  you should know I dont have ALLLLL terminologies in my head yet. And I cant do that before a month. e.g call connected vs call answered vs call picked up. just on example
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18:24.19[TK]D-FenderVoyageThe call goes to dialplan AFTER it had been answered or after it had been dialed? <- this EXACT thing was what we answered extremely specifically repeatedly today alon.  We also did all this yesterday.  There is no excuse to say we didn't clearly tell you
18:24.41[TK]D-FenderSo continuing on....
18:25.19drmessanoWhat happens in a month?
18:25.30drmessanoAre you being paid to set this up?
18:25.34[TK]D-FenderBlack Friday?
18:26.10lvlinuxSquirrel season!
18:26.29[TK]D-FenderIn what territory?
18:26.41drmessanoIt sounds like someone took a job setting this up and has resorted to IRC to get them to do it for him
18:26.57[TK]D-FenderI know just they guy he should have drinks with....
18:27.19lvlinuxlol actually it's been squirrel season here (TN) for a while but we always wait till it's miserable cold to go...
18:27.46[TK]D-Fenderlvlinux: Because death should always be a somber  thing...
18:28.17VoyageI have been years in irc and never saw this attitude
18:28.41lvlinuxVoyage: who's attitude? TK?
18:32.03lvlinuxVoyage: TK is helping you. He's not perfect but he is giving you accurate and followable information. Like many on IRC and elsewhere, he does expect cooperation and extra effort on your part.
18:32.20[TK]D-Fenderlet's not even ask for "extra".
18:32.32[TK]D-FenderI tell people specifically where to go and they go looking at everything else
18:33.11[TK]D-FenderI answer specific question extremely clearly and specifically and get told "why did you just tell me this?".
18:33.54[TK]D-FenderI literally hand the links to the specific pages for documentation and then come back to find they aren't reading them and are somewhere else
18:34.33Voyagelvlinux,  I REALY appreciate all including [TK]D-Fender  helping me. Its PRICELESS. but ..
18:36.08PenguinI'm glad I didn't also try to help.  He would have probably killed himself.
18:37.49Voyageok, timeout works, now  deleteing any timout in origination and I am making sure (in dialplan) that the call gets hungup() after 5 seconds. (no matter what). Will read and get back
18:38.10Voyagenext, play some recording. ask for press 1/2/3..
18:40.01Voyageah, great, I dont have any sound file. I wonder why * didnt installed any while I installed it via ubuntu repositories
18:40.23[TK]D-Fenderbecause it probably isn't all in one package
18:40.31[TK]D-FenderAnd specific sounds is not a requirement
18:45.38[TK]D-Fenderfree hint :
18:46.19Voyageapt-get install asterisk-core-sounds-en-wav
18:46.48Voyagestill :/var/lib/asterisk/sounds# ls
18:48.49[TK]D-FenderWhere does the package say it puts them?
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18:49.16Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  hm let me see
18:49.27Voyageshould be /var/lib/asterisk/sounds but let me see
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18:49.37[TK]D-Fenderre-evaluate "should be".
18:49.45craigifyVoyage: what would you do without irc?
18:49.56[TK]D-FenderWelcome to Debian.  Puttuing things where they feel like, not necessarily the author
18:50.59ldc[ot] I've managed to fit an entire asterisk PBX plus sounds and codecs (except g729) in a 16 MB flash, 32 MB RAM device
18:51.28ldcthe largest thing was the default /etc/asterisk :p
18:51.32craigifywhat cpu architecture?
18:51.36lvlinuxldc: cool!
18:51.48ldcdual core bmips
18:51.49ldcBCM6358KFBG SoC
18:52.01craigifythat's crazy
18:52.19lvlinuxyes that's kindof scary :-)
18:52.34lvlinuxwhat exactly are you trying to do? or just for fun?
18:53.01ldclvlinux: oh just for fun. I've had this MIPS board laying around for too long :)
18:53.14ldctested 4-5 concurrent calls just fine, of course high cpu usage if performing translations
18:53.26ldcbut no drops
18:54.17lvlinuxcool. That SoC is an ADSL transceiver isn't it? What format do you have? a dev board?
18:55.05ldclvlinux: it was from a very old Telecom Italia do-it-all box, you know those CPE devices that perform router, firewall, wireless, SIP ATA, whatever
18:55.29ldcand ADSL modem too
18:55.54[TK]D-FenderPlenty of people doing this with crappy Linksys routers, etc for a long time now.
18:56.05lvlinuxyep. wow that's neat. reminds me of the days when I ran linux with X windows on a 486dx33 laptop with 3.5MB RAM.
18:56.27[TK]D-Fendersure it's possible, but a painful amount to sacrifice.  If you have the gear I suppose "why not"
18:56.44lvlinuxat the time that was the best machine I had.
18:56.52[TK]D-Fender"640K ought to be enough for anybody"
18:56.55ldcyeah, nothing I'd put in production use of course, but a nice experiment
18:57.02craigifyI remember the first time I got X to run
18:57.08craigifyI had 4MB of total ram
18:57.10[TK]D-FenderI remember ... before X
18:57.18craigifyI just had X running
18:57.20craigifyno window manager
18:57.26[TK]D-Fender"mega"?  What are you the gov't?
18:57.28craigifyand all it did was thrash my swap partition
18:57.51craigifythis might have been on slackware
18:57.59craigifyand linux kernel 1.2 maybe
18:58.00lvlinuxcraigify: yes that was about what mine was like. took 15 minutes or so to open Netscape Navigator lol
18:58.07craigifytrying to remember....
18:58.21lvlinuxi was at 2.0 i think
18:58.22[TK]D-FenderNutscrape *shudder*
18:58.35craigify4MB ram
18:58.38craigifyis tht even right?
18:58.42craigifyI guess it is
18:58.45craigifyit seems so small
18:58.58lvlinuxmine only had 3.8MB or so.
18:59.10craigifywhy such an odd number>
18:59.15craigifysomething else using it?
18:59.21craigifyI didn't think that went on then
18:59.35craigifyvideo cards using system ram, etc...
18:59.45lvlinuxnot sure, it was a toshiba 1910 and that's what it had available. Maybe there was some sort of BIOS junk using the extra. I'm sure it was nominally 4MB
19:00.02drmessanoI remember booting QNX from a Floppy disk
19:00.15drmessanoand browsing the internet
19:00.20ldcahh the two bootable QNX demo disks :D
19:00.21craigifywell, it could be that the same thing happened for me, but I honestly don't remember if all of that 4MB was available directly to ths OS
19:00.22drmessanoSo elite
19:00.29drmessanoldc, you bet
19:01.11craigifydoes anybody remember something that could have been called TSX-11? It was some kind of os that implemented MS-DOS but had multitasking?
19:01.19ldcI'm still using QNX on my phone, although it's being phased out in favour of Android :(
19:01.46craigifyI guess it implemented the DOS API (is that a thing?) on top of something else
19:02.31VoyageIs there anyything illogical here?
19:02.42[TK]D-Fendercraigify: I user I used to use DESQview for that....
19:03.38Voyagewhen i call (my skype number), it rings, I pickup and I hear my own skype (callee) call recording instead of hello world..
19:04.04lvlinuxldc: QNX? on what phone?
19:04.14ldclvlinux: BlackBerry Classic
19:04.18ldcyes, BB OS 10 (RIP)
19:04.27[TK]D-FenderVoyage: You are calling right back out there.
19:04.35lvlinuxldc: it could have been so nice...
19:04.38[TK]D-FenderVoyage: You are not "just playing a message"
19:04.39Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  sorry?
19:04.49[TK]D-Fender[15:04][TK]D-FenderVoyage: You are calling right back out there. <- what's unclear?
19:04.53craigifyVoyage: you'll never get to the part after Dial
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19:05.01[TK]D-FenderAfter your callee answers you are issuing a DIAL
19:05.13[TK]D-FenderWhy are you doing that?
19:05.23craigifyyeah why are you doing that?
19:05.30Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  You are calling right back out there. <-- am... i am calling my other phone (for testing). Is that what you mean? yes then.
19:05.45craigifyOriginate takes the place of a human
19:05.49Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  OH. got it
19:06.00craigifyyou can Originate, hit the dialplan, then call another person and bridge the call
19:06.01craigifyif you want
19:06.02[TK]D-Fendersame => n,Playback(/usr/share/asterisk/sounds/en/hello-world)
19:06.02Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  I got my mistake.
19:06.08[TK]D-FenderThis is nto goign to happemn in the background
19:06.13[TK]D-FenderDial is a blocking app
19:06.17[TK]D-FenderLike almost all
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19:07.31Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  so whats happening is -> I call via AMI, it calls the number, but when the call is answered, it hits dialplan [outgoing]. Now the first line says DIAL, it dials again to the same number, this time the voice recording speaks up (as th e skype number is already on the first call). So I am having 2 calls.
19:07.46[TK]D-FenderDialing the same number again is pointless.
19:07.56Voyageright. it was a mistake.
19:08.29[TK]D-FenderYou said you wanted a message.  You put a dial first.
19:09.09[TK]D-FenderTechnically you are cannibalizing taht other dilplan taht was provided as a sample for how to let a "phone user" cdial to go out your provider.
19:09.48[TK]D-Fenderthat context was meant for phone-type user's to use
19:09.54[TK]D-Fendernot for your automated process
19:10.00[TK]D-Fendersomething we did go over before
19:10.25craigifyThe way you have it, you could originate a call to person A, then have asterisk call person B and bridge the call
19:10.33VoyageI am going to put only 2 lines in [outgoing] now.
19:10.34Voyageexten => playm,1,Playback(/usr/share/asterisk/sounds/en/hello-world)
19:10.34Voyagesame  => n,Hangup()
19:11.04Voyagecraigify,  yes. now I get it. as [TK]D-Fender  said it was s default config for phone/soft/hard dialing
19:11.15[TK]D-Fendera SAMPLE
19:11.32[TK]D-Fenderlet's see how round 5001 goes
19:11.37Voyagesample. yes
19:11.45Voyageround 50001?
19:11.47craigifywhy don't you just pay him to write this for you?
19:12.10Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  that made me wonder how I got out of PSTN balance so quick yesterday :(
19:12.22[TK]D-Fender5001 was mild sarcasm.  I've pre-payed this one.
19:12.36Voyagecraigify,  coz I dont want [TK]D-Fender  to earn from me at least
19:13.42*** join/#asterisk Hypfer (~hypfer@unaffiliated/hypfer)
19:13.56Hypferis there any sip client for linux which tells me at least SOMETHING about the connection status?
19:14.17Hypferjitsy sflphone ekiga linphone. they all just assume that everything works and I don't need to know
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19:14.29Hypferwhats the recommended software client for an asterisk? ?
19:15.15lvlinuxbut mainly you can get the most info from your * console
19:15.43Hypferlvlinux: but I'll need some monitoring or something
19:16.03craigifywhat do you want to monitor?
19:16.05lvlinuxHypfer: huh? what do you mean?
19:16.21Hypferalso, at work we have a unify pbx whatever. with that I can dial numbers in the softclient while my hardware phone dials. can astersik do that?
19:16.33Hypferlvlinux: well.. notify me when there is no connection and I won't receive calls
19:16.43Hypferlike the indicator every normal gsm phone has
19:17.04lvlinuxyou can setup asterisk to do that for you.
19:17.04craigifyZoiper will tell you if it cannot connect to Asterisk
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19:17.25craigifya red box pops up in the UI
19:17.31Hypferoh and hardware phone.. whats the recommendation for a hardware phone?
19:17.45craigifythere's all kind of vendors
19:17.49Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  UNBELIEVABLE
19:17.51Hypferi'll try yate and zoiper
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19:18.04Hypferis it possible to dial on my computer and use the phone?
19:18.18lvlinuxHypfer: I like Polycom, Yealink, and Snom. But to each his own.
19:18.21lvlinuxyes you can do that.
19:18.23[TK]D-Fenderwhat phone?
19:18.32lvlinuxhe means a hardphone
19:18.33craigifyI've been wanting to try Yealink's portable sip phones
19:18.33Hypfer[TK]D-Fender: to be decided and bought
19:18.50[TK]D-FenderWhy would you be dialing on a computer?
19:18.56Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  I heard hello world.
19:19.00lvlinux[TK]D-Fender: click-to-call, etc.
19:19.04lvlinuxVoyage: yay!
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19:19.42craigifyHypfer: Perhaps a commercial PBX that implements Asterisk would have what you want out of the box
19:20.00Hypfercraigify: but i'm just a single student living in a small flat :-)
19:20.03lvlinuxor you could hire me to configure it :-)
19:20.09craigifyotherwise, you can do all of those things, but you'll have to either a) use some kind of software, or b) program it
19:20.12Hypferso that would most likely be insanely overpowered
19:20.17Voyagethough the caller id was stil "undisclosed number" despite of out.println("CallerID: 321 <321>");   but it worked
19:20.21lvlinuxHypfer: then you get to learn and do it yourself!
19:20.31lvlinuxHypfer: which will greatly benefit you!
19:20.40Hypferas long as its somehow possible I think i could do it, yes
19:20.47[TK]D-FenderVoyage: taht does not look like a legit # to your provider.
19:20.51HypferI just need help on deciding what to buy exactly
19:20.56craigifyAsterisk as a development platform is pretty cool, and powerful
19:21.02lvlinuxyes it can be done and it's not that hard
19:21.03[TK]D-FenderVoyage: They'll probably look at it and go "nope!"
19:21.13Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  hm I will make a long number then
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19:21.35[TK]D-Fendera LEGIT NUMBER
19:21.49lvlinuxVoyage: which provider?
19:21.49[TK]D-Fenderbecause they might also limit you to a number you arranged through them
19:22.08craigifyI would start with soft phones Hypfer
19:22.12craigifyyou can get 'em for free
19:22.47Voyagelvlinux,  flrowroute and [TK]D-Fender  was right. more meaningfull full number worked instead of 321
19:22.57Hypferi need my fritzbox to install asterisk on first
19:23.01[TK]D-Fendercraigify: He's already been using several
19:23.08Hypferbecause i need to convert my analog phone to.. well.. whatever asterisk likes
19:23.16Hypferanalog phone line
19:23.39lvlinuxHypfer: get an Obihai OBI110
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19:24.00lvlinuxAsterisk likes lots of stuff---SIP, IAX2, MGCP, etc
19:24.08Hypferlvlinux: pots -> asterisk -> analog phone
19:24.15Hypferi need pots -> asterisk
19:24.22lvlinuxObihai Obi110
19:24.23Hypferlocation is germany :)
19:24.38Hypferlvlinux: that thing looked like its a sip to analog phone bridge
19:24.40Hypfernot vice versa
19:24.46lvlinuxit is both
19:24.58lvlinuxyou have FXS and FXO ports on it.
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19:25.13Hypferwhatever that is
19:25.21Hypferwill it work in germany?
19:25.25Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  one question out of curiousity. My skype number has a call recording facility if the call is not answered. So I am guessing the * would have called, completed all the rings and the call recording would have spoken. But I didnt go any voice recording.   Maybe because by the time recording "beep" started, * had played helloworld and hungup)
19:25.38HypferSale:$59.99 + $23.27 Shipping & Import Fees Deposit to Germany
19:25.54lvlinuxFXO = phone line from oFFICE. FXS = phone line going to sTATION analog (phone).
19:26.12Hypferany alternative to that obi110 thing which is also available in germany?
19:26.21lvlinuxyes there are others.
19:26.46lvlinuxreally just about anything that has an FXO port and supports SIP, and isn't locked to a particular provider.
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19:27.19lvlinuxSipura makes some, and Multitech MultiVOIP MVP410 (nice box but pain to config), and others.
19:28.43Hypferbut i'll need to run asterisk on some other machine then, right?
19:29.35lvlinuxyour other choice is get an FXO interface from Rhino, Digium, or Sangoma that comes in a PCI card, or a USB interface.
19:29.40lvlinuxPut that on your * box.
19:29.44HypferI don't understand why its so hard to find information on this topic on the internet
19:30.05lvlinuxHypfer: huh? it's not hard. But you have to know what you are looking for.
19:30.29Hypferah, that could be the reason why I don't find stuff :-)
19:30.32lvlinuxHypfer: the book will help you understand how it all works.
19:30.37infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
19:31.00craigifyI just searched for "How to hook up Asterisk to a phone line"
19:31.07craigifygot some blogs, wiki and other articles
19:31.27Hypferapparently I'm unable to use google properly then
19:31.44craigifythat was in the list
19:31.59lvlinuxall it takes is some thinking. Figure out what you are trying to ask and then punch it in to google and it will get you at least close.
19:32.01craigifyprobably of interest to you
19:32.17[TK]D-FenderVoyage[TK]D-Fender,  one question out of curiousity. My skype number has a call recording facility if the call is not answered. So I am guessing the * would have called, completed all the rings and the call recording would have spoken. But I didnt go any voice recording.   Maybe because by the time recording "beep" started, * had played helloworld and hungup) <- no
19:32.33Hypfermain problem i that I don't have any pcie slots left in my server
19:32.38lvlinuxHypfer: but read the book---it's free online so no excuses. Will cover all the basics that you want to know.
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19:32.47Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  then?
19:32.54lvlinuxHypfer: Then you'll have to go with an external device.
19:32.55[TK]D-Fenderif the call is not answered then you aren't getting to the dialplan.  Remember we just went over the fact we said this about 8 times now?
19:33.14[TK]D-Fenderanswerd call > dialplan
19:33.15Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  but call waiting/beep recording == call answered
19:33.23craigifyif you are using or something
19:33.30craigifyperhaps your search results are different
19:33.31Hypferlvlinux: the definition of fxoand fxs was very useful
19:33.51Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  if skype says "please record your message after the beep", it is an attended call.
19:33.54[TK]D-FenderVoyage: remember the call is to a phone number.  Voicemail is still an "answer"
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19:34.19lvlinuxHypfer: yw
19:34.25[TK]D-Fendermy first answer was more from a different direction
19:34.37[TK]D-FenderSo lets disregard that for now
19:34.49Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  yes, voicemail or manual answer/pickup. isnt that a call and the hello-world should have been played in both cases?
19:34.59[TK]D-FenderChannel: calls a phone.  Voicemail is an answer.  But your Timeout is still a limit
19:35.06craigifyVoyage: I can tell you, the fact that there is no difinitive way for the telephone netwok to send back a regular answer, or voicemail answer is highly annoying, but answers are just answers.  It might not even be a human that answers.
19:35.15[TK]D-FenderAnd yes.. if could start playing a sound file to the answering machine
19:35.15Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  I deleted timout
19:35.21[TK]D-FenderYou shouldn't
19:35.27[TK]D-FenderAll dialouts should ahve a limit
19:35.37[TK]D-Fendersomething sensible
19:35.42Voyagecreativx,  yes , I agree " answers are just answers"
19:35.44craigify24 years
19:36.29WIMPyWell, often voicemail is achieved through diversion. In that case you'd know that part.
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19:37.08Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  ya, I would limit call to be = all ring time + 10 sec recording time. But thats a separate story. For now I did NOT made a limit. answering machine attended call. no recording recorded.
19:37.27Hypferare the us and DE landlines the same?
19:37.35Voyagewhat i will do is I would record my calls and see when it spoke 'hellow world' or it didnt in the first place
19:37.41Hypferbecause then I'd order one of those obi whatever from the us
19:37.52craigifyWIMPy: how so?
19:38.07craigifysome kind of event you mean?
19:38.15VoyageI wish ther would be a universal recording facility rather exten => s,n,Monitor(wav,,b)
19:38.58lvlinuxHypfer: not sure if they are completely the same as far as rings and stuff, but should work fine I believe. WIMPy probably knows the definitive answer to that.
19:39.22WIMPycraigify: A divesion notification.
19:40.15WIMPyThey are not the same.
19:40.20craigifyWIMPy: I'm lokoing into this….
19:40.31WIMPyHypfer: What kind of line are you dealing with?
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19:40.45craigifyIt looks like it comes in a SIP header, for one.  This is news to me.  This might solve a problem I have...
19:40.52HypferWIMPy: the one that comes out of my hitron DOCSIS 3 modem
19:41.40Hypferyep. kabeldeutschland :-))
19:42.03WIMPyCan't they be hacked?
19:42.14Hypfernot that I'd know of
19:43.04Hypferso what do you think?
19:43.43WIMPyYou made a bad decision when signing that contract.
19:44.56Hypferbut i'll run that modem in bridge mode so internet wise everything is fine. just the telephony feature is crippled
19:45.46WIMPyI know. But using Asterisk will probably not make the packet loss any better.
19:45.58Hypferthere is no packet loss
19:46.03WIMPyUnless you don't suffer from that.
19:46.09Hypferwhen did anyone mention packet loss?
19:46.39WIMPyI just hear it every tiome I talk to KDG users.
19:46.46[TK]D-FenderVoyage[TK]D-Fender,  ya, I would limit call to be = all ring time + 10 sec recording time. But thats a separate story. For now I did NOT made a limit. answering machine attended call. no recording recorded. <- some providers bill you for RINGING TIME TOO.
19:46.56[TK]D-FenderImagine you screw up and it rings for HOURS and you get billed
19:47.26[TK]D-FenderOr you are making your mass call-out system and lines get tied up because you were expecting them to always get answered one way or another ... andd they aren't
19:47.31Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  oh come on... NO. if providers bill for ringing time, thats not goood.
19:47.45Hypfer20:47 < [TK]D-Fender> BAD THINGS HAPPEN
19:47.51Hypferthis concludes the news for today
19:47.55[TK]D-FenderThis is a Real World warning for you
19:48.03[TK]D-Fender60 seconds TOPS
19:48.13Voyage60 sec tops?
19:48.22[TK]D-Fenderunless you have specific people you need to make exceptions for.
19:48.29[TK]D-Fender60s before giving up a dial
19:48.31WIMPyHypfer: I think the best you can do is use another provider and wait for the new law to pass.
19:48.56HypferWIMPy: still 1 year contract. but I will after that because the telekom provides 100/40 here :-)
19:49.11Voyagewhat do you mean by "60s before giving up dial"? you mean pstn will keep on dialing for 60 seconds if not picked up
19:49.29WIMPyHypfer: 40? Is that a new thing?
19:49.51HypferWIMPy: yes. the new vdsl whatever it is
19:50.04Hypfer"magentaZuhause L"
19:50.07[TK]D-FenderYou should force a timeout limit of 60s on YOUR side in case the other side DOESN'T give up on you automatically
19:50.46VoyageI will ask flowroute if they charge on dialtones
19:50.48Voyageis there something wrong with this syntax? exten => _1NXXXXXXXXX,1,Monitor(wav,myfilename)
19:50.48Voyagesame  => n,Playback(/usr/share/asterisk/sounds/en/hello-world)
19:51.32[TK]D-FenderIs there something wrong in the result of that?
19:51.52[TK]D-FenderDoes it fail to do what you ask?
19:53.01Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  nothing wrong, call is being made but no recording
19:53.13Voyagein /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing
19:53.42[TK]D-FenderShow us exxact code and the CLI output of your call
19:53.53*** join/#asterisk jrrose (jon@nat/digium/x-gjkyjiltkqxhufkg)
19:54.05Voyageok. one minut
19:57.11Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  is it safe to show sip debug and manager debug logs?  does it have username/ password in it?
19:57.34[TK]D-Fenderwe don't care about AMI at this stage
19:57.48Voyagesip debug?
19:58.11[TK]D-Fenderjust in case inbound audio is a problem
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20:01.39Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  sent you private message
20:02.18Voyageproviding that I promptly picked up the call and yelled at it. (also heard the hellowrold from other side. )
20:03.11[TK]D-Fender[15:53]Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  nothing wrong, call is being made but no recording
20:03.13[TK]D-Fender[15:53]Voyagein /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing
20:03.29[TK]D-FenderYou should very quickly reconsider why you assumed it would go in THAT folder
20:04.29Voyageright. because its a default one?
20:04.38[TK]D-Fendernot default for recordings...
20:04.46[TK]D-Fenderthat is for call-files
20:05.06[TK]D-Fenderwhich is the text-file equivalent of AMI Originate
20:05.13[TK]D-FenderNot the folder we want
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20:05.36[TK]D-Fendergoes under astspooldir /monitor by default
20:05.42[TK]D-Fender"core show settings"
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20:06.00[TK]D-Fenderif you don't provide an absolute path
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20:09.11Voyageit has myfilename-out.wav and myfilename-in.wav.       the out one saying 'hello world" but not my yelled voice which I did.   the 'in' one says 'click sound'
20:11.49[TK]D-FenderYou should try making a call that lasts longer.  Also one where you do an explicit answer first, etc
20:23.08Voyagethe last one was an explicit answer
20:23.33Voyageand I wonder why theres an name'in'.wave
20:23.48Voyageout is what is should have for outgoing calls
20:28.29[TK]D-Fenderbecause that is a call
20:28.35[TK]D-Fendersounds goes in both directions
20:29.05[TK]D-Fenderpacks up to head home
20:30.15*** join/#asterisk crocodilehunter (
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20:34.39Voyageah, so I cant get one recording of both way conversation unless I merge the 2 in,out.wav files in asterisk?
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20:37.43drmessanoVoyage, they added this thing called MixMonitor about 12 years ago..
20:38.24Voyagegreat. thanks
20:41.30Voyagedrmessano,  i wonder if theres some universal call monitory settings rather declaring it in every extensions
20:42.29drmessanoThe chapter in the Asterisk book on pattern matching will tell you how to do just that
20:43.05WIMPyIf there is any pattern matching involved...
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20:53.40drmessanoTrue, there doesnt HAVE to be
20:53.50drmessanoFew different ways of doing it
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20:58.39trewqFolks - I've been using and would like to find out if there is someone cheaper or more of a favorite here in the channel
21:00.31PenguinThey're pretty cheap already.
21:05.02lvlinuxtrewq: I second
21:06.16trewqthank you - I am looking for providing phone service to businesses and was looking for sip terminating options
21:06.30trewqbeen happy with
21:07.50trewqwhen a phone rings, I want my app to know what it says on the caller id has no ability to do an api callback with the number
21:08.23trewqare there any creative ways of doing this?
21:09.31WIMPyTry again. I'm not sure what you want to do there.
21:09.33*** join/#asterisk EOIP (
21:10.21trewqwhen someone calls my phone, I would like my web application to know who is calling (caller id)
21:11.41WIMPyWell, the information is available in the dialplan. How to get it in to your app, only you can know.
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21:29.46craigifytrewq: There are many ways to accomplish this in Asterisk with AGI scripts to push a notification somewhere, or potentially a program listening for events via AMI that can make a push request
21:30.48craigifytrewq: If you are running a boxed product, open source or commercial, perhaps they already have such a solution.
21:34.12craigifyWIMPy: I wonder how consistently the Diversion: header gets sent back…
21:35.16craigifyI figured it's not 100%
21:35.23WIMPyNothing in SIP is in any way consistent or reliable. Everybody should know that.
21:35.27craigifyI'm guesisng not even close
21:35.44WIMPyAnd off course not everyone is using a diversion to VM.
21:35.47craigifyI'm wondering if there is anything like that in SS7 at all
21:36.39craigifythat's good news
21:36.43craigifyI'm going to run some tests
21:36.56craigifyI want to see how many I'm getting out of total call volume per day
21:37.04craigifyand see if it will even be useful to me
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21:58.36craigifythat seems to be the majority of poeple asking questions in here
21:59.30WIMPyNo, but they might ask the most questions.
22:03.01drmessanoStart to finish setup
22:03.28drmessanoHelp me install, help me configure, help me dialplan, help me get caught inappropriately touching my underage assistant
22:03.31drmessanoAll the same
22:05.03robmalI can help with the last one.
22:05.10robmalIf she's 16+
22:05.23robmalAnd in polen.
22:05.27robmalAnd cute.
22:06.00drmessano16+ is "old meat" in Uzbekiraqipalistadia
22:07.14robmalI'm a connoisseur.
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23:20.22craigifysilly irc client
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23:57.00Miccdoes sipp show rtp packet loss?
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