IRC log for #asterisk on 20151027

00:00.05Voyageso, can anyone tell me whats wrong here and what -exactly- is wronge and what to replace it with ?
00:00.58*** join/#asterisk agoodm (
00:02.21Voyagequotes "<talntid> Voyage, arguing with __those of us who do know what you are trying to learn___, won't cause us to be useful to you"
00:02.22agoodmHi; I've got a weird issue where asterisk 11.20 is using 100% of one core when the following things are true: selinux enforcing and started via systemd using the init script that comes with the asterisk source.  If any of these things are not true asterisk behaves normally. Have tried with sample config.
00:06.31MaliutaLapVoyage: the "Channel" should be "SIP/flowrate" - the "Exten" should be "1321xxxxxx7"
00:07.09Voyage[TK]D-Fender> SIP/+1326546547@flowroute <--------------- this IS the "Channel:" from AMI Originate
00:07.23VoyageMaliutaLap,  so one of you is mistaken?
00:08.17WIMPyDon't use that @ syntax. Make it sip/flowroute/+1....
00:08.26MaliutaLapVoyage: depends on what you are trying to achieve
00:09.00VoyageWIMPy,  what should be out.println("Exten:  then?
00:09.03MaliutaLapare you trying to place a call from an outgoing channel to a local extension?
00:09.10WIMPyAnd context/exten/priority are the point in your dilplan to hadle that channel.
00:09.12VoyageMaliutaLap,  "make a call of course" . its says originate.
00:09.25VoyageMaliutaLap,  to a normal phone
00:09.43VoyageWIMPy,  what exactly in my case?
00:09.56WIMPyI don't know.
00:10.11Voyagethats what my question is
00:10.20WIMPySome place that does what you want to do with that call.
00:10.29MaliutaLapVoyage: and you only have the one user in sip.conf?
00:11.28MaliutaLapVoyage: because your internal phone needs to be defined somewhere for this to actually bridge a call
00:13.01WIMPyIs bridging wanted?
00:13.30MaliutaLapWIMPy: the point of originating the call is that both ends are terminated right?
00:13.40VoyageI dont have a soft/hardphone
00:13.49WIMPyNot neccessarily.
00:14.32WIMPyAnd from what I recall from yesterday the ide was to put them in some IVR. I didn't really read so far today.
00:15.08WIMPyOr actually the day before yesterday and yesterday here.
00:15.40MaliutaLapVoyage: read
00:16.03MaliutaLapand substitute for the IVR or whatever you need
00:16.07*** join/#asterisk jonno11 (
00:16.44Voyageto proof that my configs are ok, originate SIP/+1321xxxxxx7@flowroute extension s@outgoing  <- worked
00:20.55*** join/#asterisk DragonAzul (~DragonAzu@
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01:21.56cesuraseananyone mind helping me configuring asterisk to use callcentric?
01:22.03cesuraseanseems impossible for a newbie.
01:25.38VoyageMaliutaLap,  WIMPy  robmal talntid  [TK]D-Fender  the issue was priviliage to AMI user. I had to add 'originate' and I missed that. THIS was not mentioned in  * wiki. Or I missed that.  and I also had to delete "+" before the number in code.
01:26.04Voyagecesurasean,  youwill be asked to read the docs and a book, then re read it. then ask.
01:27.22*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
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02:00.12*** join/#asterisk SamBrereton (~SamBreret@
02:18.13*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (~Thunderbi@
02:21.07Jesterboxboyis there a way to get information about ongoing calls in the asterisk dialplan? specifically i need to check if a call with a certain src number is already underway.
02:21.08JesterboxboyIs it possible to do this from the dialplan or do i need to use an external script with "core show channels concise" or similar command?
02:23.22*** join/#asterisk F2Knight (
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02:45.04nnyanyone have a modern install guide for oslec with Centos6 and asterisk 13?
02:48.40*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (~jasonwert@
02:54.49WIMPyIsn't it included in Centos?
02:57.09nnyFound this but the damn Rhino driver crashed the server. Waiting on a restart. Not a fan of RHINO hardware :\
02:57.46nnybut yeah it's in the kernel source as well as the git repo listed there
03:06.04nnyWIMPy: thanks for answering, more fun later
03:06.49*** join/#asterisk snadge (~snadge@unaffiliated/snadge)
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03:07.09snadgehow does one show transcoding stats for g729?
03:07.20snadgei know about core show translation.. but thats not really telling me what im after
03:07.41snadgei just want to get an idea of how much cpu is being chewed up translating codecs
03:08.13snadgeor even just how many channels are being transcoded
03:10.58*** join/#asterisk fling (~fling@fsf/member/fling)
03:11.19[TK]D-Fenderlook at your channels then
03:11.22*** join/#asterisk F2Knight (
03:15.28snadgemodule show gives me a use count
03:15.43[TK]D-Fenderthat is not "looking at your channels"
03:15.51snadgeso if it says 20.. im presuming that means the codec module is being used 20 times
03:15.52[TK]D-Fender"sip show channels" <----------
03:15.57[TK]D-Fenderbig print
03:16.05snadgeyeah.. that tells me what format the channel is in.. but not necessarily if its being transcoded ?
03:16.18snadgeeg. if its just being passed through, or actually being converted
03:16.27*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
03:16.35[TK]D-Fenderand "g726 show" give you the list of encoders/decoders in use
03:16.55[TK]D-FenderWhen you look at the channel it is BRIDGED to you know
03:17.16[TK]D-Fenderbut "g729 show" already gives you an exact number
03:18.19snadgei get no such command for that
03:18.30snadgeim guessing 1.6 is too old
03:20.46[TK]D-Fenderg729 <tab>
03:20.51[TK]D-Fenderit's been there since forever
03:24.45Jesterboxboyi need to check if a call from the same source is already in progress, is this possible from the dialplan? with "core show channels concise" i found the necessary information, but i am at a loss at how to solve this problem
03:24.56[TK]D-Fender1.6 is no longer supported.
03:25.02[TK]D-Fender1.8 is no longer supported
03:25.05[TK]D-Fenderupgrade NOW
03:25.16snadgethis is going to happen when i get back from thailand :D
03:25.46snadgewe have one server in the core network that has been upgraded to asterisk 11 cert
03:26.11snadgebut some changes need to be made to the web based billing sytem.. to accommodate the change in the asterisk database format etc
03:26.13[TK]D-FenderJesterboxboy, "core show application ChanIsAvail", "core show function DEVICE_STATE",  "core show functions like GROUP", take your pick
03:26.15*** join/#asterisk F2Knight (
03:50.09Jesterboxboy[TK]D-Fender thansk for the input, it seems that GROUP_MATCH_COUNT seems to accomodate my needs the best.
03:50.09Jesterboxboywhen i do a show channels concise i get this when a call is ongoing:
03:51.00Jesterboxboy[TK]D-Fender iam not quite sure how i would filter out calls that i.e. have the (Outgoing Call)  text and some specific other string like the 190403346806001 in it?
03:51.53[TK]D-FenderClarify EXACTLY what you mean by "same source
03:52.21[TK]D-Fenderbecause that is flagged as the same device from what we see
03:52.57[TK]D-FenderALMOST the same
03:53.08[TK]D-FenderWhat the 2 peers?
03:53.16[TK]D-FenderAt which point I'd GROUPCOUNT them both
03:54.28Jesterboxboymhm i want to check if a call is underway that has the same string (in this case the  190403346806001) in the channel information.
03:54.34Jesterboxboyits some account id i use,
03:54.37Jesterboxboythe peer is always the same in this case
03:54.56[TK]D-Fenderwell you can already see it in CLI
03:54.58[TK]D-Fenderwhich means you can get it in a SHELL
03:55.08[TK]D-Fenderand you can grep it
03:55.09[TK]D-FenderSo that's the solution for that
03:55.44[TK]D-FenderYou could also use AMI in an external script.  There just isn't a dialplan app for that specific bit without an intermediaty step
03:56.30Jesterboxboymhm, i am missing something, how would i then tell asterisk in the dialplan to act according to that?
03:56.45*** join/#asterisk DragonAzul (~DragonAzu@
03:56.49Jesterboxboyi thought i could do something like Gotoif(${GROUP_MATCH_COUNT}>=1))
03:58.42Jesterboxboyokay so the best way would be to use an external script with AMI, there just grep if the pattern occurs, and return false or true to asterisk
03:59.26Jesterboxboymhm i just wanted to avoid that as i havent yet looked into AMI :D
03:59.33Jesterboxboybut thanks for the input
04:01.00[TK]D-FenderSHELL + grep works, AMI works
04:01.17[TK]D-FenderHow you get that specific number... will check if anything else comes into play
04:01.24[TK]D-Fenderbut this could be a single SHELL()
04:01.53JesterboxboyAHH, now the light goes on
04:02.07Jesterboxboyi forgto about the SHELL() Application
04:03.20Jesterboxboyi guess in this case its just a grep combined with a wc -l or something then i have the occurences
04:07.57Jesterboxboythanks, that was what i was missing
04:38.48*** join/#asterisk joako (~joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
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07:45.14rl1Hmm... When asterisk receives a 302 Moved message, the new call leg it creates is a Local channel in the same context right? Why do all my "transfered" calls have 0 billsec in cdr???
07:46.46rl1Hmm.. apparently that is only true for SQL cdr
07:46.51rl1not for the csv's one
07:50.50*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
07:58.38*** join/#asterisk Zogot (~Adium@
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08:18.43rl1is it a known bug?
08:19.05rl1I use a legacy
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08:25.47*** join/#asterisk Ikikay (
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08:37.17*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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09:07.52wdoekesrl1: the whole cdr record system is a known bug
09:09.16wdoekesif however the sql cdrs differ from the csv ones, that sounds like something that may be possible to fix (but maybe it already has, you should check the issue tracker)
09:19.58rl1nope I was wrong. The csv and sql don't differ. Apparently I have to add "/n" into Dial command when transferring a call
09:30.21rl1alright. How do I do that? I have a phone that sends 301 and asterisk does something like "Dial(Local/DIVERT_NUMBER@incoming_context)" how do I make it add "/n" into that dial command?
09:42.09*** join/#asterisk D30 (~D30@
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09:49.45rl1fucking shit
09:50.03rl1that's why you shouldn't use asterisk as your main softswitch platform
09:54.13rl1man for real??? do i really have to deal with this shit. oh fuck :( way to hate my job
09:54.49ChainsawIs there someone we need to call? Has your medication run out?
09:56.12rl1yeah call 911 and tell them someone on the internet is having a seizure because of the asterisk CDR bug
10:02.56phpboyanybody here managed to get webrtc to work?
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10:29.45Zogotphpboy: yep
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10:30.31Zogotquestion: in agi, if I give another command after STREAM FILE , depending on how the file im streaming is, it wont play the next STREAM FILE's i give it
10:30.57Zogotso STREAM FILE /example/file then STREAM FILE vm-next then STREAM FILE vm-repeat
10:31.07Zogoti only hear repeat, but the asterisk console says it played both
10:32.30Zogotoh no, ignore me
10:35.38phpboyZogot: I cannot get it to pass audio to my browser, if I do an rtp debug I see it sending packets to my local IP but I don't hear anything... got any tips?
10:36.20phpboymy browser is registered and I see it attempt to make the call on console
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10:39.13phpboyit also takes a very long time to setup a call
10:41.17Zogotphpboy: you got the certificates?
10:42.41phpboyI do
10:42.52phpboyI generated them using the script in contrib/scripts
10:43.13phpboyI've disabled stun and ICE as I'll only be using this on a local network
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10:43.43phpboybut for some reason when I disabled ice, it starts sending RTP packets to my gateway
10:45.26Zogotphpboy: this is my config
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10:46.44phpboyyou running on lan or public ips?
10:46.53Dratekhi guys. I have a question. If try to reload pjsip when my endpoints are registered Qualify works but if I unregister and register phone again it stays is Unavail status and qualify doesn't start. Any suggestions please?
10:47.23phpboynat is disabled
10:47.53Zogotphpboy: weve tested only from lan
10:49.24phpboygoodness knows why this thing refuses to use the lan IP for my client
10:49.34phpboyit's using the public IP for some bizar reason
10:50.21Zogotphpboy: what library are you using from the browser?
10:51.59Zogotphpboy: we had issues with that one, we went with sipjs
10:53.21phpboylet me give that a shot
10:53.23phpboythanks man
10:54.25Zogotphpboy: if you need a hand with configuration, give me a buzz
11:05.43*** join/#asterisk Aamit (~Amit@
11:06.10*** join/#asterisk _abc_ (~user@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
11:06.47_abc_Hello. Anyone active here at this time or should I come back later?
11:07.35_abc_I would like to know if anyone has a Nortel/Avaya 2033 conference phone (the UFO shaped one) working with any version of asterisk using chan_unistim ? Or any other channel (I think these phones also do SIP with different firmware)?
11:08.52_abc_ I retract that
11:18.02phpboyZogot: do you mind pasting your javascript config?
11:18.18phpboyif I look at debug in the browser it's trying to force ICE
11:18.27phpboywhich I'd prefer it avoid if posible
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11:27.25Zogotphpboy: not sure how readable it'll be to you
11:27.27Zogot1 sec
11:48.18*** part/#asterisk snadge (~snadge@unaffiliated/snadge)
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11:54.22ParhamHi. How can I debug why I get this message? "Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5"
11:56.09ParhamI get this message when trying to dial an extension. 'dialplan reload' works fine, and 'core reload' doesn't cause any errors.
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12:15.47*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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12:17.45WIMPyParham: You get that message when calling out via SIP and you have verbose set to 2 or higher.
12:18.33ParhamWIMPy: Ah. That explains it. So, why am I not hearing the sound that the specified extension is supposed to play? I also don't get the customary reporting of the stack.
12:20.05nnyIs dahdi-complete(ver)/linux/drivers/staging/echo the proper dir for oslec? Guides say cp -fr /usr/src/dahdi-linux-<ver> /usr/src/dahdi-complete(ver)/drivers/staging/echo but the drivers dir already exists
12:20.14nnyer exists in linux
12:20.31nnyignore the cp -fr
12:21.16*** join/#asterisk simplydrew (~simplydre@unaffiliated/simplydrew)
12:23.05WIMPywdoekes: By that kind of definition, I guess you could call the whole Asterisk a big bug.
12:23.17simplydrewHey guys. Looking for methods to do monitoring of sip peers (end user phones and trunks) within asterisk to shoot me a simple email when something goes down. Trying to get ahead of client issues before they panic, when disaster strikes. Anyone have a way they’re doing this now that they like?
12:24.05WIMPysimplydrew: Listen on AMI.
12:25.29*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
12:26.12simplydrewWIMPy: Ah, didn’t think about utilizing the AMI. Not really a programmer, so was trying to see if there was something out there prebuilt to install, etc.
12:26.57WIMPyWell, it's pretty simple to listen for the peerstate events.
12:28.42[TK]D-Fendersimplydrew: There are existing plugins for monit, etc
12:28.54[TK]D-Fendersimplydrew: And the other big one
12:29.06[TK]D-Fendersimplydrew: Don't remember the name because I've never touched them
12:29.49simplydrew[TK]D-Fender: Nice. I’ll have to take a look
12:40.36nnyok OSLEC is live, *sacrifices chicken*
12:41.41*** join/#asterisk bkruse (~Adium@
12:43.25nnysimplydrew: found this shell sript
12:44.11[TK]D-FenderNagios was the one I was thinking of.
12:45.10simplydrewnny: Very cool. I think that’s what I’m looking for. Probably will crontab that for every half hour or so
12:45.39_abc_I would like to know if anyone has a Nortel/Avaya 2033 conference phone (the UFO shaped one) working with any version of asterisk using chan_unistim ?
12:46.40nnysimplydrew: nice!
12:46.59nnyok I resolved my EC fun. Out for now
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13:07.09*** join/#asterisk blooregard (~francine@
13:07.21blooregardhi everyone
13:10.47blooregardI have a question regarding AMI vs ARI.  I wrote an autodialer in perl several years ago before ARI was available that made extensive use of AMI to both send commands to asterisk an receive status messages to be logged back to the database.  This dialer worked flawlessly the was it was written, however stupid me has managed to lose all of the code and I now have to rewrite the app.  Would I be better off just sticking with what worked or should I po
13:10.48blooregardrt to ARI.  I'll admit, I haven't really dug into the ARI details much at all.
13:12.10[TK]D-FenderAFAIK ARI is for creating apps used in actual call flow, not as a back-end manager
13:12.16[TK]D-FenderI'd read up on it in the WIKI
13:14.17blooregardThat's kind of what I gathered.  The dialer I wrote pulled numbers from a MySQL database, did an AMI originate, put the call in the correct extension in the dialplan then logged back the call status details to the database for the corresponding number dialed.
13:15.41*** join/#asterisk MadHatter42 (~MadHatter@unaffiliated/madhatter42)
13:16.53blooregardI still can't believe i lost all that code.
13:19.00blooregardI'd like to be able to commercialize the autodialer somehow.
13:25.23rl1220 active channels
13:25.23rl1110 active calls
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13:27.25phpboy[TK]D-Fender: have you ever played with webrtc?
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13:47.27cervajs2hi, can you recommend node.js module for fast AGI? there is maaaany options
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15:14.07*** join/#asterisk Harm133 (2e2caf3e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:14.48Harm133Hello, I was wondering if there is any way to show in the logging which party disconnects the call, as in hangs up ? Im using freepbx
15:15.29ZogotHarm133: you'll have to go to the freepbx channel I think
15:17.32Harm133Is such a feature even available within asterisk ?
15:17.48Harm133( I've already asked in the freepbx channel now, thanks )
15:17.56ZogotHarm133: you can do things on the h context, which only triggers when the other end hangs up
15:18.13Zogotactually im not sure now lol
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15:20.17[TK]D-FenderHarm133: Answered in #freepbx
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15:41.44wdoekesWIMPy: I'd say that many things just work in a sane fashion. but cdr's don't. and you don't find out, until it's too late and you've already tied your billing to it
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15:59.46WIMPywdoekes: CDRs were not a part where I had to seriousely lower my expectations.
16:05.06_abc_Has anyone got a unistim Avaya/Nortel 2033 going with any version of asterisk please?
16:06.23[TK]D-Fender_abc_: Expect virtually no answqer here on it
16:06.31[TK]D-FenderAlmost nobody uses UNISTIM.
16:06.39[TK]D-FenderFewer still have that specific model
16:06.54[TK]D-FenderAnd then out of those who do ... how many would actually be sitting around in IRC?
16:07.15_abc_[TK]D-Fender: One hopes, one repeats (infrequently) for a while.
16:07.22[TK]D-FenderUse the mailing list.
16:07.46[TK]D-FenderDo you have other UNISTIM phone working?
16:07.51*** join/#asterisk monsterco (~monsterco@
16:07.55_abc_[TK]D-Fender: Because *I* have such and asterisk crashes the phone (reboots) upon keypress on the phone ... actually when * sends the setup voice channel commands.
16:08.11_abc_Yes I have plenty of unistim phones working and I hacked the channel a bit to make them work better.
16:08.29_abc_So when I'll get bored with asking I'll go back to making it work, when I have time ;)
16:08.43*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
16:09.00[TK]D-FenderIf you've already haved your setup then you should taking this to #asterisk-dev as you're not running the distributed code.
16:09.27*** join/#asterisk DivideBy0 (~DivideBy0@unaffiliated/divideby0x0)
16:09.40_abc_Yes, probably. Thanks for the tip. Meanwhile I'd like to catch a user, any user, on any version, having ever seen it work. I hope you can see how that can save lots of time.
16:10.11_abc_So I'll lurk a bit more here and infrequently ask the pesky question. If you don't mind.
16:10.38_abc_Is Hans Cedric still actively contributing to chan_unistim? I talked to him some years ago about what I did.
16:10.46[TK]D-FenderYour odds are in "lightning strike" territory here.  Mailing list is a better option
16:10.55_abc_Yes, eventually.
16:11.01_abc_feels lucky ;)
16:13.36*** join/#asterisk marlinc (~marlinc@
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17:07.09*** join/#asterisk Voyage (~user1@unaffiliated/voyage)
17:07.55Voyagein exten => 123,n,WaitForRing(5),   5 is the number of seconds to wait for a ring bell. whats 123 for? and whats n? I cant find docs for this.
17:08.19malcolmd123 is the extension to match on
17:08.23Voyagesome use 'same => " in stead of exten too. why
17:08.25malcolmdn is the priority
17:08.26Voyagemalcolmd,  hm
17:08.32malcolmd"same" is a shortcut
17:08.38malcolmdso you don't have to type the extension over and over
17:08.39[TK]D-Fender123 = exten
17:08.40Voyageshortcut for exten?
17:08.48[TK]D-FenderAnd you said you understood this yesterday.....
17:08.52[TK]D-Fenderis IT the exten
17:09.01[TK]D-FenderREAD THE DAMN BOOK
17:09.02igcewieling1wow.  just wow.
17:09.11[TK]D-FenderIT is THE EXTEN*
17:09.33Voyageis the details in the book or the asterisk wiki/docs/
17:09.42[TK]D-FenderBOOK <-
17:09.46[TK]D-Fenderread it
17:09.52Voyagenot asterisk docs?
17:09.54igcewieling1The wiki is pretty useless for lots of stuff.
17:09.57[TK]D-FenderIt's free.  It's online.  DO IT
17:10.10Voyagethe orielly one I guess. ok
17:10.21infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
17:11.04malcolmdcontexts, extensions, and priorities -
17:11.06[TK]D-Fender100 times now.  dialplan = extensions.conf and is well documented.  Read it.  No excuses, no delays.
17:11.14igcewieling1[TK]D-Fender: you should answer every question with the relevant page number from the book. 8-)
17:11.56[TK]D-FenderNo, I seriously shouldn't have to
17:12.28*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
17:12.53[TK]D-FenderYou didn't read.
17:13.03[TK]D-Fenderand I also told you what each part of that line meant here
17:13.06Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  Ok, yes, i have no cert to show
17:13.10[TK]D-Fenderand you then you tell us you DO understand
17:13.11lvlinuxVoyage: really, do read the book. It's great and it will get you started. Then we can help you with your confusing things.
17:13.16[TK]D-FenderAnd then you ask again and clearly don't
17:13.19Voyagelvlinux,  ok!
17:13.21igcewieling1Voyage: asking "what exten means" shows a fundamenta lack of knowledge.
17:13.44Voyageigcewieling1,  I didnt found the terms in wiki :)
17:13.49Voyagesteps back
17:13.59igcewieling1Voyage: no, you would not.  That is how fundamental it is.
17:14.18[TK]D-FenderDialplan basics.  Extensions.conf.  Can't find it?  REALLY?  You're going to try to tell us after all this you can't find it?
17:14.24*** part/#asterisk Voyage (~user1@unaffiliated/voyage)
17:14.53malcolmdthe usage of "same" as a replacement for the named extension is found on the wiki page i referenced.  is the page not clear about what extensions are?
17:15.07malcolmd"Within each context, we can define one or more extensions. An extension is simply a named set of actions. Asterisk will perform each action, in sequence, when that extension number is dialed. "
17:15.39[TK]D-Fender....and he's gone
17:16.11lvlinuxhopefully going to read :-)
17:17.12[TK]D-FenderI'm not holding my breath
17:24.08*** join/#asterisk Voyage (~user1@unaffiliated/voyage)
17:24.16Voyagemaybe this pdf is more handy,%204th%20Edition.pdf
17:25.25*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (
17:25.41lvlinuxVoyage: that works
17:26.55Voyageat least I will have a copy on my desktop
17:27.04Voyageand I can scroll fast too
17:27.44WIMPythought that browsers scroll faster than pdf viewers.
17:33.03*** join/#asterisk DivideBy0 (~DivideBy0@unaffiliated/divideby0x0)
17:39.25_abc_browsers scroll faster than pdf.js crap viewers written in js and foisted upon unsuspecting firefox users
17:39.31*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
17:39.48_abc_otherwise, pdf viewers scroll faster.
17:40.39_abc_recommends sumatrapdf on windows - no page rotation and no search but very fast
17:40.52*** join/#asterisk bkruse (~Adium@
17:41.37[TK]D-FenderVoyage: That IS the book we've been telling you a hundred times to go read
17:42.57VoyageI read.. the things I wanted to dive int
17:45.01[TK]D-FenderYou need to master the dialplan.
17:45.23[TK]D-Fenderand represents 95% of configuring *
17:49.32*** join/#asterisk mac_ified (
17:50.11DivideBy0down with dialplan!
17:59.51WIMPyWas that Asterisk 20?
18:07.01Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  yup
18:07.08DivideBy0long live dialplan!
18:08.14Voyagecan anyone recommend a 'one channel unlimited package' plan for fixed per month cost (US calling)?
18:09.10[TK]D-FenderWhat are you expecting to do with this?
18:09.39*** join/#asterisk darkbasic_ (
18:09.53Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  call, of course
18:10.07lvlinuxflowroute has one for $25 I think.
18:10.08[TK]D-FenderHow much are you actually INTENDING to call?
18:10.11Voyagewe dont have much calling load for now. so one chanel is fine
18:10.17Voyagelvlinux,  no, thats for inbound calls only
18:10.21Voyagelvlinux,  the vPRI
18:10.27lvlinuxah, yes that's right.
18:10.41Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  not very hight. but we are comfortable with per month fixed
18:11.59[TK]D-Fender$25/month is the same as paying for 2500 minutes (41.6) hours a month @ $0.01/min regardless of whether you use it or not.
18:12.44Voyage[TK]D-Fender,  right, still its  a psychic / comfort thing
18:16.27Voyage is giving unlimited plan for $25
18:19.09WIMPyIf unlimited would make sense for the customer, it probably wouldn't exist.
18:19.33[TK]D-Fenderthat isn't "unlimited".
18:19.42*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
18:19.48WIMPyTrouble is that it's hard to find any plan these days that doesn't include unlimited national PSTN :-(
18:19.49*** join/#asterisk u0m3 (~u0m3@
18:19.49[TK]D-FenderLike all there is a soft-limit of 3000min , plus other T&C.
18:19.54*** part/#asterisk _abc_ (~user@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
18:20.07WIMPyUnlimited is never unlimited, but it might be called so.
18:20.32lvlinuxgoogle voice! lol...
18:21.06*** join/#asterisk marlinc (
18:21.43[TK]D-Fender"Additionally, Sangoma reserves the right to in any combination (i) immediately terminate the Service, (ii) charge a minimum inappropriate use fee of $500.00 and/or charge $0.05 per minute for all calls made during such periods of prohibited use (plus applicable toll free and international charges), whichever is higher, to Customer’s payment method of record, and (iii) all applicable...
18:21.44[TK]D-Fender...termination fees described in these Terms and Conditions."
18:22.29WIMPyIs that legal?
18:23.08igcewieling1When has legality ever applied to contracts? 8-|
18:23.19WIMPyGood point.
18:23.25[TK]D-FenderOf course it is.  That's in the T&C.  It's a contract.  You accept it in order to become a customer.
18:23.50WIMPySuch T&C would be void here.
18:24.45WIMPyWhich means all of th4e T&C unless being taken care of.
18:25.55*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
18:27.39phpboyWIMPy: have you ever implemented webrtc in asterisk?
18:28.15[TK]D-Fenderphpboy: Rather than asking every user one by one how about just asking your actual question?
18:28.36WIMPyLike in
18:28.42infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
18:28.42phpboy[TK]D-Fender: I've resorted to asking specific people :P
18:29.09WIMPyAnyway... I'm off for the evening.
18:29.11[TK]D-FenderJust get started and when you run into snag ask sepcific question and show where you're at
18:30.29phpboyso I've implemented webrtc and tried two 'clients' sipxl5 and sip.js.... I cannot get it to pass audio for the life of me. the asterisk server is on the same network as the web clients... LAN only... so my first question is do I need to use stun/ice and how can I pass audio directly between asterisk and the web clients
18:30.51phpboyaudio issues are quite common online, but none of the threads have concrete answers
18:33.33robmalCan u haz pcap?
18:35.36phpboyright now that's a bit of an issue
18:35.47phpboywas hoping to cover some of the theory
18:35.57[TK]D-FenderTheory won't prove your problem.
18:36.01robmalIn theory something is wrong.
18:36.14phpboymy biggest question is, can this work without ICE/STUN
18:43.18VoyageWIMPy,  do you know any so called unlimited one?
18:44.26[TK]D-Fendernone are likely to be "unlimited
18:44.29[TK]D-FenderYou missed the point
18:44.45[TK]D-FenderAll the companies that ever offered these WITHOUT restriction learned that they get abused
18:44.50[TK]D-FenderYou are looking for a UNICORN
18:52.08[TK]D-FenderREAL UNICORNS HAVE CURVES!  #allunicornsarebeautiful
18:57.04*** join/#asterisk TriJetScud (
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19:00.58davidbowlbyI'm running some phones behind nat with nat=yes qualify=yes and was curious about phones I take offline.  I see the system trying to send options messages (which I understand why) for long intervals after the phone has been offline.  Is there a timeout option where asterisk will give up sending OPTION messages on the last known NAT address?
19:02.26phpboyok, so I think I found the problem kind of... if I do a sip set debug... the from in my sip headers says 1234@ ( being my astirisk server) but my client is what could cause this besides the client?
19:02.45davidbowlbyphpboy, nat?
19:03.26phpboyno nat on this network, it's routed... not even a firewall between the two (Layer 3 switch)
19:04.05phpboySIP read from WS: says my client IP by the FROM in the SIP header clearly says the asterisk servers IP
19:04.07davidbowlbyphpboy, well doesn't it go to 1234@<asterisk IP> then asterisk sends it to 1234@<client IP>
19:04.35phpboythat's the thing, I don't know
19:04.43davidbowlbyphpboy, I just got in the channel, so didn't get the background on what you're going through.
19:04.53davidbowlbyphpboy, but that is normally what you see
19:04.56phpboyWEBRTC client
19:05.02davidbowlbyphpboy, ah
19:06.01*** part/#asterisk Voyage (~user1@unaffiliated/voyage)
19:06.35phpboyin all the sip headers... always from: 1234@ and to: 1234@ ... so it's looping I think and not sure where to fix it
19:06.59[TK]D-FenderDon't just say "headers".
19:07.03[TK]D-FenderIt matters WHICH ONES
19:08.34phpboyI'm looking through all of them, not much change...
19:09.04[TK]D-Fender"all of them" tells us nothing you know...
19:09.28phpboyok, which should I be looking for specifically? or is a pastebin going to be better?
19:09.42[TK]D-FenderALWAYS better
19:09.52robmalYou're looking for INVITE, it specifies where the rtp stream goes to.
19:10.12robmalAlso: 1234@ is good.
19:10.32phpboyplease hold, changing hosts... moving myself into the same block as the asterisk server to iron out any NAT realated issues/questions
19:14.13phpboy <----- * is, my webrtc client/browser is and is another server on my network trying. this one can be ignored
19:15.35robmalo=mozilla...THIS_IS_SDPARTA-41.0.2 4294967295 0 IN IP4
19:15.38robmalThis is wrong.
19:17.01phpboyI have no idea what that is or means?
19:17.14robmalWhere does this get from?
19:17.26phpboyI have no idea
19:17.32phpboylet me check the sip.js source
19:18.40*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (
19:18.41davidbowlbysounds natty ;)
19:18.44phpboyI have no idea where that comes from
19:19.02davidbowlbyphpboy, I bet your network guy does
19:19.03phpboyit does, but I'm on the same subnet/network
19:19.09phpboyI am my network guy
19:19.14davidbowlbyphpboy lol
19:19.18robmalGo get a mirror.
19:19.24phpboyI am physically on the same network
19:19.34davidbowlbylol a mirror, yes and be harsh with him
19:19.49davidbowlbyphpboy, maybe your software has that address in a config file or option?
19:19.50phpboyI will give him uphill
19:19.59davidbowlbyphpboy, the client
19:20.17phpboywell, I did a quite search in the .js file, nothing uses that IP
19:20.30phpboybut besides that, what else looks strange?
19:20.49davidbowlbyyour register fails
19:20.57davidbowlbyphpboy, do you have it set to dynamic?
19:21.09davidbowlbyphpboy, is the secret correct?
19:22.05davidbowlbyphpboy, actually one fails, then works..
19:22.23phpboyhost=dynamic yes
19:23.05phpboythe reason why you may be seeing that is because I do a refresh of the page which probably causes deregister and reregister
19:23.39phpboythe secret etc must be right because I can see it 'attempt' the call by running through the dial plan
19:23.59robmalFind that ip.
19:23.59davidbowlbyphpboy, yeah, it would have rejected the invite
19:24.01phpboywhat's weird is it stops at exten => 1234,1,Answer()
19:24.24phpboythe next step is to play a recording for testing
19:24.27davidbowlbyI agree with robmal, it's trying to do RTP on that port
19:24.30*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
19:24.35davidbowlbyphpboy, how many interfaces are on this host?
19:24.40davidbowlbyand your web server
19:25.07phpboyasterisk/web = 1 interface
19:25.44phpboysomething that's worth mentioning is this was installed on a CentOS 7 server for what that's worth
19:25.47robmalHoly shit, google is fast now.
19:25.57*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
19:26.07robmalYour pastebin is on 9th position for: "" sip
19:26.21phpboythat is fast
19:26.44phpboy192.0.2.75 is in public address space
19:26.54davidbowlbywith nosql, it's the old stuff that's hard to find ;)
19:27.37davidbowlbyphpboy, it looks like it is coming from your browser, do you have a proxy set up?
19:27.57davidbowlbyphpboy, web proxy might do this
19:28.06phpboylet me double check
19:28.15phpboyit's an IP range in the states, I'm in South Africa
19:28.16davidbowlbyautoconfig burn maybe?
19:28.20phpboyso I doubt it
19:28.47phpboydefinitely no proxy
19:28.59davidbowlbyI don't think 192.0 is public
19:29.04phpboyit is
19:29.13robmal192.168.0.0/16 is private.
19:29.30robmalphpboy: tcpdump the whole thing for me.
19:29.47phpboyplease hold
19:29.57robmal... your call is important to us.
19:31.08phpboytcpdump -i ens32 host and not port ssh
19:31.14phpboywill that suffice?
19:31.21phpboyor should I through in -vv ?
19:31.54robmal-i any -s 65535 -w whatever port not ssh
19:33.08phpboyah, you want the actual pcap
19:33.12phpboyhow do I get it to you?
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19:36.16phpboylet me put it on my webserver instead
19:36.30robmalBut i like wetransfer :-(
19:36.41phpboyit seems complicated :\
19:36.50phpboypaste me a link to upload it please
19:38.11robmalJust enter some fake emails.
19:38.16*** join/#asterisk SpeakerToMeat (~SpeakerTo@prgmr/customer/SpeakerToMeat)
19:38.30phpboywetransfer to follow...
19:39.17robmalOh, you need to click the share icon and switch it to link instead of email
19:39.59SpeakerToMeatI come, as usual, to make a stupid question. I'm sorry... question if I have set up a sip trunk with encryption=yes and transport=tls, is there any way I can get/use a certificate file and config asterisk so it'll connect to the endpoint only if the certificate matches?
19:42.42robmalo=mozilla...THIS_IS_SDPARTA-41.0.2 4294967295 0 IN IP4
19:42.54robmalUhm, something is seriously wrong ;-)
19:45.07igcewieling1perhaps webRTC?
19:45.10robmalK, lets try the easy way ;-)
19:45.14robmalphpboy: Try chrome.
19:45.42robmalBTW, there was some magic website for sip debuging.
19:51.53*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (
19:52.24SpeakerToMeatigcewieling1: Thank you
19:56.05phpboyrobmal: <---- sip debug with chrome
19:57.07robmalEven better ;-)
19:57.26phpboystill having same issue :(
19:57.54robmalBecause the rtp stream is sent to ;-)
19:58.06phpboyyes, that I did notice
19:58.13robmalI'd suggest starting over with the sipml5 config.
19:58.13phpboywhy would that be though?
19:58.29*** join/#asterisk GameGamer43 (sid5533@gateway/web/
19:58.33phpboyin this case I'm using sip.js... forgot its formal name
19:58.55phpboyI could even use the puplic sipml5
19:59.07phpboylive demo
20:00.27robmalSo check it.
20:00.47*** join/#asterisk jeffspeff (~jeff.clay@
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20:03.19phpboyit's late here
20:03.22phpboygotta sleep
20:03.25phpboythanks a lot for your help
20:03.35phpboyI hope tomorrow brings me fortune
20:04.19robmalGood luck.
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22:35.03*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.6.0 (2015/10/09), 11.20.0 (2015/10/09), (2015/04/08); Standard: 12.8.2 (2015/04/08); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.10.0 (2014/08/13), DAHDI-tools 2.10.0 (2014/08/13); libpri 1.4.15 (2014/06/16) -=- Asterisk wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
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23:40.14saint_hi all, how can i limit or delete the console history in asterisk 11  ?
23:40.55WIMPyJust delete the file.
23:41.32saint_WIMPy  which one is it ?
23:41.50robmalThe big one.
23:41.55WIMPyThe obvious one :-)
23:42.46WIMPyIn case you don't see it: .asterisk_history
23:46.56saint_damn me.
23:47.00saint_that was obvious ..
23:53.47saint_gotta go , thanks

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