IRC log for #asterisk on 20151022

00:03.41*** join/#asterisk dms (
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00:35.07infobotrumour has it, coredump is the guy who maintains the hentges distribution @
00:36.34talntidwas just trying to get info on core dumps
00:36.41talntidafter a reboot, my * as doing coredumps
00:36.50wyoungah ok
00:36.55wyoungsounds lame
00:36.58infobotcollectdebug is probably a method of collecting logs allowing others help troubleshoot an issue.  Refer to
00:37.51talntidProgram received signal SIGILL, Illegal instruction.
00:37.52talntid0x00000000004d984f in cfmtime_new (who_asked=0x602693 "", filename=0x7fffffff9a00 "/etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf") at config.c:1454
00:37.52talntid1454            cfmtime = ast_calloc(1,
00:37.56wyounghi WIMPy, do you have your hoverboard?
00:37.59talntidapparently, this is what is happening
00:38.15WIMPywyoung: That was yesterday.
00:38.32wyoungYeah I didn't get mine yesterday, wondering if you got it today
00:38.44WIMPyThat looks evil. Disk contents shreddered?
00:39.03talntidi dunno, shouldn't be... was working fine...
00:39.03WIMPyNope. Looks like they are delayed.
00:39.11talntidi revooted, and it is doing this
00:39.14talntidsuper weird
00:40.01talntidin syslog:
00:40.02talntidOct 22 00:32:14 ip-172-31-30-97 kernel: [   63.745012] traps: asterisk[1964] trap invalid opcode ip:4d984f sp:7fff7f875720 error:0 in asterisk[400000+295000]
00:41.15WIMPyWell, if you didn't change the CPU something bad happened to at least one important file.
00:43.10talntidi didn't change the cpu
00:43.18talntidand i even did a recompile
00:43.27talntidafter the issue presented itself
00:43.32WIMPythought so.
00:43.36talntidinsanely weird
00:43.46WIMPyThen it's some library.
00:45.36robmalhtop has a great feature of strace'ing the process live, try it.
00:45.47talntidthe process won't even open
00:46.06talntidthe moment i try to run it, it says Illegal instruction (core dumped)
00:46.29WIMPyOr just reinstall all libs.
00:46.46WIMPyOr the backup.
00:46.51WIMPyIf you have one.
00:47.20talntidwhat libs would i reinstall?
00:47.23talntidi did make uninstall
00:47.26talntidthen make install
00:47.48talntidseems to have something to do with realtime clock
00:48.27WIMPyLooks like file-I/O or parsing.
00:48.44WIMPyDo you have a backup?
00:48.56talntidnegative, i was just begining this build
00:49.20talntidi can just rebuild it, but what is concerning is this could have happened during a normal production environment
00:49.53WIMPyWhat FS? What mount options?
00:50.10talntid/dev/xvda1 on / type ext4 (rw,discard)
00:50.48WIMPyOh, wait. Was that a normal reboot?
00:51.00talntidjust a normal reboot
00:51.08talntidworking *, then rebooted it.
00:51.16talntidto make sure everything comes back normal
00:51.23talntidand nope, coredump
00:51.29WIMPyCongratulations. You have a component in your system that can't be trusted.
00:51.47talntidscary thing is, i have many * deployments on the same hardware: EC2
00:52.09robmalHow many?
00:53.27talntidmmmm, 6
00:53.32talntidthis would be 7.
00:53.41talntidone of them runs a call center with 70 agents.
00:53.46robmalYou should go buy 7 pairs of brown trousers.
01:01.56*** join/#asterisk troyt (~troyt@2601:681:4601:cb11:44dd:acff:fe85:9c8e)
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02:08.30DivideBy0talntid: what instance type do you have for that 70 agent box?
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15:54.59*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.6.0 (2015/10/09), 11.20.0 (2015/10/09), (2015/04/08); Standard: 12.8.2 (2015/04/08); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.10.0 (2014/08/13), DAHDI-tools 2.10.0 (2014/08/13); libpri 1.4.15 (2014/06/16) -=- Asterisk wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
15:57.49*** join/#asterisk kasanop (
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16:01.51*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-xravlfxwlhfadaof)
16:05.29stefan27There's no "FindBugs"-tool for dialplan, something that could search extensions.conf for bad syntax?
16:05.56WIMPyIt's called Asterisk :-)
16:08.43stefan27yeah asterisk complains when the dialplan is executed but it takes ages to test all dialplan
16:10.13*** join/#asterisk ruied (~ruied@2001:8a0:774c:1301:56ee:75ff:fe29:4649)
16:11.01WIMPyWell, some syntax errors are shown when loaded, but indeed only some.
16:12.24stefan27asterisk seems forgiving with some syntax errors as well, like missing ) paranthesies
16:13.23WIMPyYes. The parser is pretty oppurtunistic.
16:13.35stefan27i was just curious if anyone has made a static code analyzer script, not just for syntax errors but for common pitfalls
16:14.42robmalWhat is a common pitfall in a configuration file everyone has different?
16:14.55robmalExcept 'you have no extensions.conf'
16:18.26*** part/#asterisk marceloamorim (
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16:21.28igcewielingGenerally Asterisk expects you to provide a valid extensions.conf
16:22.57igcewielingyou could try conf2ael -- it might catch some of the errors you are looking for.
16:24.44stefan27robmal i dont know what's common, perhaps calling apps in wrong order, playback before answer
16:25.46rmudgettplayback has a valid use before answer.  Also playback will answer itself if the channel is not answered and it has not been explicitly told to not answer.
16:26.23stefan27yeah I just took that out of the blue
16:26.30rmudgettEach application parses its own parameters so a generic dialplan syntax checker cannot exist.
16:27.54davidbowlby[TK]D-Fender - I have opened my firewall and can talk them through doing it on their side, but I thought there was a way to do it that doesn't require firewall rules as long as their outbound rules aren't restrictive (normally the case)
16:29.59davidbowlbyAre there phones with built in VPN clients that get around the issue?
16:30.01stefan27I made one mistake of calling an app with app(${VAR1},${VAR2}) where VAR1 could contain commas
16:30.17davidbowlbystefan27, time to switch to pipes ;)
16:30.43stefan27but it worked when one passed them as "${VAR1}"
16:32.13nbjoergdavidbowlby: ALG with SIP support on the firewall normally handles that?
16:32.19*** join/#asterisk kritzikratzi (
16:32.24nbjoerg(of course, doesn't help if you use TLS)
16:32.30[TK]D-Fender"firewall" != proper settings
16:32.42davidbowlbynbjoerg, client side or server side?
16:32.48stefan27I'm sure there are some patterns for mistakes, like Set(uniquevarname=boo) followed by a Dial
16:32.52nbjoergdavidbowlby: between client and server
16:33.12nbjoergbasically, the classic FTP problem of having a second channel again...
16:33.14davidbowlbynbjoerg, but the client has their own gateway, think home user
16:33.20stefan27to a local channel, that need not be a mistake but I often forgot underscores when i want underscored scope
16:33.44nbjoergdavidbowlby: yes and most home routers do have SIP ALGs configured
16:34.00stefan27but I get your points, if a syntax-checker _had_ made a lot of sense, someone would have made it :)
16:34.54davidbowlbynjboerg, if they don't, would STUN work around that?
16:35.20stefan27didn't commas replace pipes in asterisk 12 or somewhere, davidbowlby?
16:35.43davidbowlbystefan27, no no, nm me
16:35.58davidbowlbystefan27, it was joke, hence the ;)
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16:38.36[TK]D-Fenderstefan27didn't commas replace pipes in asterisk 12 or somewhere, davidbowlby? 1.4 <-
16:38.49nbjoergdavidbowlby: IIRC, it's one of the possible options of making things more firewall friendly. symmetric RTP helps a bit as well
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16:39.15nbjoergdavidbowlby: also disable media handover
16:39.47stefan27Oh, i see [TK]D-Fender, I only ever tried asterisk1.2 12 and 13
16:39.48davidbowlbynbjoerg, I get the problem and how to resolve it via firewall rules, I'm just looking for a way to not require at home folks to touch their routers
16:40.28[TK]D-Fenderstefan27: Try not to assume we wasted 10 years before getting those changes :)
16:40.38davidbowlbynbjoerg, I've seen vonage work without touching the firewall and just wondered if they use a different approach.
16:40.55[TK]D-Fenderdavidbowlby: You virtually NEVER have to touch a remote user's router
16:41.13[TK]D-Fenderdavidbowlby: Unless it is horribly buggy or hostile
16:41.22[TK]D-Fenderdavidbowlby: and butting in (ALG, etc)
16:41.31[TK]D-FenderFix your peer settings
16:41.38davidbowlby[TK]D-Fender, in what way
16:41.49[TK]D-FenderTell it that it is behind NAT
16:41.59[TK]D-Fendersend your KEEP ALIVE so taht you can continue comms with it.
16:42.04[TK]D-FenderPrevent reinvites
16:42.04davidbowlbyah crap, one sec, maybe I forgot lol
16:42.32davidbowlbyI did that with my interconnects, but may have missed it on the endpoint
16:42.42davidbowlbybangs head on table
16:43.24[TK]D-Fender"Am I supposed to trust the media IP's in the invites"? , "Do I need a keep-alive in order to contact them later or will NAT close up behind me?", "NAT'd devices cannot be allowed to reinvite.  Did I screw up and allow something so silly as this?"
16:43.58[TK]D-Fenderthat is just the PEER side
16:44.14[TK]D-FenderNow if your SERVER is behind NAT ... that is a pile MORE settings
16:44.29davidbowlby[TK]D-Fender that I have working fine, server is good
16:44.41[TK]D-FenderSometimes "working" is not "good"
16:44.54[TK]D-FenderAnd is just waiting for the proepr circumstance to bite you in the ass
16:44.59davidbowlby[TK]D-Fender lol I mean things work fine if the firewall on the client side is set to route to the phone
16:45.03[TK]D-Fenderand "good" doesn't answer that yes/no question...
16:45.21davidbowlby[TK]D-Fender, this is what I'm preparing for, don't want to have to modify the client firewall for every home
16:45.28[TK]D-Fendercliens should almost never need forwarding
16:45.31[TK]D-FenderAnd you should ne be doing
16:45.47davidbowlby[TK]D-Fender, phone with firewall rule can register, dial, audio, everything works
16:46.05[TK]D-Fenderremove the forwarding. and configure your peer right
16:46.12davidbowlby[TK]D-Fender, phone behind a wifi router without firewall/port forwarding configured doesn't register
16:46.18[TK]D-FenderYou are over exposing it and complicating the setup
16:49.46*** join/#asterisk marceloamorim (
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17:01.26davidbowlby[TK]D-Fender >:( so, umm, lol peer settings were it
17:01.53davidbowlby[TK]D-Fender some days I could screw up a free lunch
17:03.14*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (~Thunderbi@
17:04.08JesterboxboyIf i have something like
17:04.08Jesterboxboyexten => _434343.,1,Set(DIALED=${EXTEN:6})
17:04.08Jesterboxboyin my dialplan and someone is calling 434343666, asterisk should set  DIALED to 666 ?
17:04.48Jesterboxboyiam asking because asterisk is not matchin the extension 434343666 here in my dialplan
17:06.35davidbowlbyjesterboxyboy, is it hitting the right context?
17:08.51Jesterboxboyi see it hitting the correct context, if i change it to
17:08.51Jesterboxboyexten => 434343,1,Set(DIALED=${EXTEN:6})
17:08.51*** join/#asterisk dms (~Adium@
17:08.54Jesterboxboyits working
17:09.12Jesterboxboybut i just cant figure out why its not matching with the above? the syntax shoudl be right or?
17:09.25Jesterboxboy_434343. should catch all numbers starting with 434343?
17:09.38[TK]D-Fenderso far...
17:09.43[TK]D-FenderShow us the actual call and actual dialpan
17:09.49infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
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17:10.44Jesterboxboynot quite comfortable with pasting the number, just wanted to ask if anyone is seeing a syntax error here?
17:11.35nbjoerg. or .! ?
17:14.39WIMPy. or ! - .! doesn't make sense.
17:16.48igcewielingJesterboxboy:  _434343. should catch all numbers starting with 434343 followed by ONE OR MORE chars, but not match just 434343
17:17.24Jesterboxboyhow would i write this?
17:17.32WIMPyYou could argue that "starting with" implies that :-)
17:17.35igcewielingJesterboxboy: common n00b mistake
17:17.43Jesterboxboyyep i bow my head in shame
17:17.57igcewielingJesterboxboy: you can't.  you need one for 434343 and one for "_434343."
17:18.07igcewielingyes it is ugly, no there is no way aroun dit.
17:18.11Jesterboxboyokay thanks
17:18.20WIMPyYou use _434343! .
17:18.36igcewielingWIMPy: I did not know that worked on SIP.
17:18.51WIMPyIt has nothing to do with channeltype.
17:19.11igcewielingJesterboxboy: you can use his method or mine.
17:19.21igcewielinguse whichever works.
17:19.28WIMPyBut, yes, sip overlap and overlapping extensions is not possible.
17:20.18Jesterboxboywhy would need !. and not just !
17:22.05igcewielingJesterboxboy: have you read extensions.conf.sample?
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17:22.59Jesterboxboyno, iam just going through
17:23.05Jesterboxboybut i will do that now
17:24.42WIMPyThere are two differences between . and ! - one is that ! will match nothing.
17:24.55[TK]D-Fenderigcewielingyes it is ugly, no there is no way aroun dit. <- in many cases, there is
17:25.34[TK]D-Fenderand you never mix "." with "!"
17:25.41Jesterboxboy@WIMPyokay but only if taken on its own? not if 23423!  ?
17:25.43[TK]D-Fenderthey are both terminators
17:26.25[TK]D-FenderDepends if you ar dialing like an IVR, or if that's a context a call initially lands on with a complete number or not
17:26.39WIMPy_23423! will match 23423, so that would be nothing.
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17:27.18WIMPyNot from the Asterisk side, no.
17:27.53rmudgettAnother important difference between "." and "!" is that "!" will NOT wait for more digits to arrive.  It matches immediately.
17:27.55igcewielingYes, it is SFW:
17:28.47WIMPyigcewieling: Thats nice.
17:28.59WIMPyrmudgett: Unless there are other extensions that couls also match.
17:29.14igcewieling[TK]D-Fender: I have vague memories of pain and misery associated with !, but I last used it so many years ago......
17:30.13[TK]D-FenderWorks fine for direct dialed complete numbers, not "as-you-go"
17:31.03WIMPyyes, but that's the idea, isn't it? Otherwise you'd use . .
17:31.30WIMPyBut if you use sip you are extremely unlikely to notice.
17:32.19igcewielingJesterboxboy: Im interesting in knowing how ! works out for you, let us know.
17:32.29Jesterboxboyit worked out good for me
17:32.45Jesterboxboycatches the main number plus all extensions
17:33.39Jesterboxboyi have one other question: can i use a logical and in asterisk dialplan
17:34.11Jesterboxboysomething like:
17:34.11JesterboxboyGotoIf($[${LEN(${DIALED})} >1 && $LEN(${DIALED} <5]?label
17:34.51WIMPyIf you want that, I'd make extensions for all allowed lengths instead.
17:35.18[TK]D-FenderJesterboxboy: Yes there is a logic "AND"
17:35.28[TK]D-Fenderread the WIKI page on Asterisk Expressions
17:35.39WIMPyI.e. _1234X, _1234XX, _1234XXX and _1234XXXX .
17:36.01WIMPyNo need to accept the calls first.
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17:42.26[TK]D-FenderTechnically he'd just use 2 patterns
17:42.33[TK]D-Fenderone with ".", one without
17:42.39[TK]D-Fenderif he wanted it IVR-able
17:42.56WIMPyNot if he wants a maximum length.
17:45.01WIMPyIt might however make sense to ignore additional digits for DDI if you have any sort of IVR.
17:48.50[TK]D-FenderWell we're missing a little bit of usage info and dialing circumstance so....
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17:53.40rl1i got this nortel mg1010 and dunno what to do with it
17:53.46rl1probably sell it on ebay
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18:34.54kfifeQuestion: In Asterisk 12/13, if I have loaded, do I need anything other than grammar files to do ASR?
18:35.03kfifeI'm trying to do some simple digit recognition
18:36.16kfifeIOW: years ago you had to explicitly connect to a speech engine like Lumenvox.  I'm trying to understand if there has been a concept change
18:39.14fileAsterisk isn't a speech engine, you have to have something else
18:41.08kfifethe digium wiki seems to refer to a default speech engine.   What's your recommendation for a lightweight application like digit recognition?
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19:06.00igcewielingkfife: where does it say that?
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20:55.50jonmCan anyone help me locate a standalone appliance or PCIE card to do 4 POTS lines -> my asterisk box? Ive been trying to browse through Sangoma stuff but I'm not that familiar with analog / DAHDI
20:56.36robmalYou're looking for fxo/fxs
20:57.51jonmIs that like a Sangoma A104 ?
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20:59.17jonmOr is that more like the A200 series with 4 ports.
21:02.27*** part/#asterisk nbjoerg (~joerg@netbsd/developer/joerg)
21:02.53jonmSo both would work ? =p
21:03.15jonmseems like the a104 might be the better option depending on price
21:04.19[TK]D-Fendera014 = digital
21:04.23[TK]D-FenderCompletely different
21:04.56jonmyoure right, i just re-read it. the a200 with 4 ports seems to be the one.
21:09.05jonmAnd just to make sure - i want FXO since its not providing dialtone and phones arent plugging into the ports, it is the "end unit"
21:15.39igcewielingAdtran should have a product to do what you want, but they are not cheap.
21:20.38Phil-Workjonm, I've been using one of these:
21:21.12Phil-Workbit slow to get from China so I'd always have a spare on hand for a production system
21:21.28Phil-Workbut it's been doing the job for 2 years now
21:21.42WIMPyBefore you buy such a card, you want to make sure that you don't have any other choice.
21:22.02jonmWow thats ludicrously cheap =p. This is being explicitly used for fire/911 though, and I know Sangoma has a stellar reputation around here.
21:22.06igcewielingThe trouble with a card like that is you get no support.  From anyone.
21:22.25WIMPyAnd if you still think that's your only choice, make sure it really really is your only choice.
21:22.33*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
21:24.23Phil-WorkI'd think that with any card, regardless of price, if it were being used irregularly for E-911 I'd have it perform an automated test call every hour or so
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21:44.09malcolmdi like to think digium's own A4B cards are pretty handy for PCI-Express and FXO.  i'm certainly biased, but it does continue putting coins into asterisk development. :D
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