IRC log for #asterisk on 20151016

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07:35.41andycol_500Hi All
07:35.57andycol_500i am struggling to find info as to why i am getting this error on pjsip when i dial out
07:36.01andycol_500Unable to create request with auth.No auth credent als for any realms in challenge.
07:36.10andycol_500has anyone seen it before
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09:55.54stefan27If asterisk13.5 on some channel sip_Q executes Dial(SIP/77@peer_A) and peer_A in sip.conf has outboundproxy=X and host=Y it seems asterisk creates a request URI like sip:77@Y, which is sent to ip X, but if I want to override the value of Y by Z in the dial if the channel sip_Q satisfies some condition, how do I best do this?
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10:01.46Zogotstefan27: Dial(SIP/user:secret@newY/77)
10:01.47Zogoti think
10:02.01stefan27the only solution we've come up with is patching chan_sip's 'sip_call' to consider a new special dialplan variable OUT_NEW_REQ_URI which is sometimes set to Z and make sip_call use that instead of the peer's default: Y.
10:03.16stefan27but I want all the other properties of peer_A, I'd have to rewrite the entire dialplan if Dial(SIP/<boo>@peer_A) is to be replaced with Dial(SIP/user:secret...)
10:06.37*** join/#asterisk bluemerlin (~bluemerli@
10:06.43Zogotstefan27: maybe you can mess with SIPAddHeader?
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11:00.10tiumanhow run parralel thread extention??
11:00.21tiumanhowt to run parralel thread extention??
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11:26.38phpboytiuman: what are you trying to achieve?
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12:45.26zafcan anyone recommend a phone to use in a hospital environment? I guess it needs to be anti-microbial, no screen, and simple, large-ish buttons?
12:46.37[TK]D-FenderForget anything "VoIP" at that point and get an analog one.
12:46.53[TK]D-Fender"Antimicrobial" is not going to be on the list of normal stuff
12:47.10[TK]D-FenderSame with "big button"
13:00.32lvlinuxzaf: yes, find an analog phone that fits your criteria, and then run FXS interfaces to talk to them.
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13:15.26zaffound these -
13:18.32stefan27When asterisk crashes and a sip device is registered via UDP, the sip device will usually not notice the crash since the registration is stored in asterisk database and udp is stateless, but if the sip device is registered via TCP, what is supposed to happen? The server machine seems to send some F flag on the tcp connection, is a good sip device supposed to detect the termination of the tcp
13:18.32stefan27connection and attempt some kind of special re-register sooner than the usual re-registration time given by last REGISTER's dialog's expire attribute?
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13:30.18Tagorcan someone tell me if this sip client config is ok ? although it has a really strong password some bot was able to log in and make calls. * version is 11.13.1
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13:45.04[TK]D-FenderAny password could get brute forced
13:45.17[TK]D-FenderDo you have prrof that this was the peer that those calls were authed as?
13:45.30[TK]D-FenderA secret alone is not "secure"
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13:53.09Tagor[TK]D-Fender: I killed * and checked the logs. They logged in on multiple user accounts and successfully made calls. I changed the passwords but it happened again. According to the logs there were about 20 failed log in attempts from other IPs. That shouldn't be enough to crack one of the used passwords
13:53.43Tagor[TK]D-Fender: by the way I'm also using BFD
13:53.48[TK]D-FenderDepends if you were getting flooded with attacks so fast they wouldn't log.
13:53.59[TK]D-FenderWhich is a thing...
13:54.10[TK]D-FenderWhat is this BFD you're referring to?
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13:55.09Tagor[TK]D-Fender: similar to fail2ban. A cron that checks logs and adds ips to iptables
13:55.31[TK]D-FenderYou should be rate limiting as well
13:59.05Tagor[TK]D-Fender: thanks I will look into that. do these flood attacks show up when sip debug is on?
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14:00.46filefalls over
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14:01.21[TK]D-FenderTagor: IIRC
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14:05.52Tagor[TK]D-Fender: anything else I could look into? I used a password like this one: V$S=gtJ3;m-P3x<8A:5FZ$2u>R2^L+}uZpmg?zRtk and they got in within a few hours. I wonder if that's enough time to brute force such a password
14:06.16glNitoNo, not unless there are thousands of computers attempting.
14:06.34glNitoAnd that would still take a very long time.
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15:52.28stefan27how does ${CHANNEL(rtpqos,audio,all)} which I report just before hangup relate to the output of sip show channelstats?
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19:38.02rrittgarnhaving a senior moment, if i specify operator=yes and exitcontext for a voicemail entry, that goes to the 'o' extension in the exit context right (if the caller presses zero)?
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19:45.10newtonrDoes the docs say? I'll look
19:45.58rrittgarni ended up just testing it - worked
19:46.00newtonryeah voicemail.conf sample says "Context to go to on user exit such as * or 0" for exitcontext
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20:11.35CurtNhello everybody, can i ask a question plz ? :)
20:11.48infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
20:15.58CurtNWell i have just installed Asterisk, WebRTC & SIPML5, created two accounts but the problem is when i try to call i have this problem :
20:16.22CurtN== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Oct 16 15:15:38] WARNING[17969][C-00000000]: chan_sip.c:10519 process_sdp: Can't provide secure audio requested in SDP offer is already loaded
20:18.34CurtNanyone can help ? :)
20:18.58[TK]D-FenderIt may be loaded... and available.. but did you actually setup your certificate?
20:19.22CurtNi have no wss just ud ws
20:19.31CurtNjust ws*
20:20.26[TK]D-FenderCurtN== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 [Oct 16 15:15:38] WARNING[17969][C-00000000]: chan_sip.c:10519 process_sdp: Can't provide secure audio requested in SDP offer
20:20.34[TK]D-Fenderoffer was for secure
20:20.37[TK]D-Fenderno certificate = fail
20:20.49[TK]D-FenderEither fix the request, or satisfy it
20:21.22CurtNok so i have to get ssl certifacte and enable wss transport ? (i am new to Asterisk :)  )
20:21.31CurtNthanks a lot for helping me ! :D
20:23.24CurtNor i have to set transport = tls
20:23.41[TK]D-Fendertls=secure certificate
20:23.43CurtNprotocol = tls sorry ><
20:23.56[TK]D-FenderTransport Layer SECURITY
20:24.05[TK]D-FenderYou expect TLS ... then set up the cert
20:24.32CurtNso i follow this should it work
20:24.48CurtNsorry for being a newbie ^^
20:24.56[TK]D-FenderI'm pretty sure the official WIKI's instructions do pretty much what they say they do...
20:25.05[TK]D-Fenderif that's what you want then I suggest trying to follow it
20:25.20CurtNok thanks a lot i will follow it
20:26.38[TK]D-Fenderpacks up to head home...
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23:35.29TagorWhat function can I use to tell the calling party that a number is not in use?
23:37.06Tagorrobmal: Do I need to use Answer first?
23:40.48WIMPyAnd if you narrow "not in use" down a little, we might be ablw to suggest the right parameter.
23:41.43TagorWIMPy: I mean 'number does not exist'
23:42.05Tagor'no such number'
23:44.56robmalI'd love to make everything Hangup()
23:46.55*** join/#asterisk zerohalo (~zerohalo@2601:199:4200:d92e:818:625:e260:d0d)
23:55.29WIMPySaves a lot of traffic!
23:57.34robmal('d love to make a hangup() day but tue users won't understand :-?
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