IRC log for #asterisk on 20151014

00:21.21*** join/#asterisk markl (
00:22.32marklstill having problems with stopping rtp streams on asterisk 11.20.0
00:23.21marklin a call with rtp debug on i suddenly see only "Got RTP", no "Send RTP"
00:23.26marklanyone an idea?
00:32.00talntid2I don't know. Seems pretty dead here today
00:44.14SeRiso many years of silence
00:50.28*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (~jasonwert@
00:51.21talntid2this is so frustrating
00:51.31talntid2everything works, except no sound.
00:51.40talntid2makes me want to bash my head into a woodchipper :)
00:51.46WIMPyYou get used to it.
00:51.47SeRitalntid2: rtp issues?
00:52.11SeRiWIMPy: houdy there, Long time no see!
00:52.18talntid2SeRi, I'm sure it is.. just.. there are no firewalls in the way or anything... I just must have misconfigured transports or something.
00:52.32WIMPyHe, I'm still here a lot.
00:52.58WIMPyOr configured NAT even if not needed?
00:52.59SeRiWIMPy: I spent more time with docs and hospitals now... No time fore the fun stuff
00:53.34talntid2I don't think I have configured NAT, because I don't even think I know how to configure NAT with this PJSip stuff. It's not as straightforward
00:53.39WIMPyStrqange definition of "fun". But might still be better than yours.
00:53.47talntid2SeRi, that's a bummer :(
00:53.57SeRitalntid2: what WIMPy said
00:54.02SeRitalntid2: mehhh
00:54.12SeRitalntid2: I am sure is a nat issue
00:54.15WIMPyMight be somethign automatic.
00:54.32SeRiWIMPy: correction automagic
00:54.59talntid2I am sure it is something like that too, just, this new PJSip + realtime stuff, isn't as easy to troubleshoot for me yet, as I don't understand all the moving pieces
00:55.23talntid2there are no longer things like nat=yes
00:56.01SeRitalntid2: you have to be like me stick to oldskool 1.8 branch... LOL
00:56.41talntid2i understand what goes on in there :P
00:56.43SeRiwiats for the fire breathing dragons
00:56.54WIMPyFor the moment I still have hopes to be able to stick with 11.
00:57.01WIMPyBut you know the thing about hope...
00:57.08SeRiWIMPy: LOL
00:57.09talntid2no fire breathing dragons, they aren't around.. they are trying to fix pjsip+realtime :P
00:57.26talntid2or guarding all of the secrets about it
00:58.27talntid2sucks, because our PBX requires constant additions/removals of extensions and queues and such, so I just write web interfaces for it. I was looking forward to doing it like this
00:58.52SeRitalntid2: LOL
00:59.06SeRitalntid2: sucks to hit a wall
00:59.20talntid2yep indeed
00:59.22talntid2oh well
00:59.29SeRitalntid2: I dont even know what you are talking about so I just put my hands up and drink beer.
00:59.39talntid2that sounds like a better plan ;)
00:59.44SeRitalntid2: sorry I cant be much of help but all this new shit is too much for me... LOL
00:59.55talntid2basically, cliffnotes
00:59.56WIMPyOh, someone is being clever here :-)
01:00.09SeRiWIMPy: LOL
01:00.12talntid2someone decided chan_sip sucked, so they made a new one called pjsip
01:00.27talntid2so sip.conf goes away, and is replaced by putting things in 3 different places
01:00.36talntid2additionally, realtime is...
01:00.38SeRitalntid2: just like sytsemd
01:00.39WIMPyNo, it's not chan_sip that sucks. SIP sucks.
01:00.50SeRisomebody decided initd sucks
01:00.59SeRiwhat they dont know is that thir mom suck
01:01.12talntid2all the sip stuff, voicemails, extensions, etc are stored in a database now
01:01.14talntid2when using realtime
01:01.36talntid2extensions is optional, and probably left as a flat file
01:01.56talntid2but queues, sip endpoints, voicemails, etc are in database
01:02.37talntid2so, enjoy your beer, it's easier to understand! ;)
01:02.53SeRitalntid2: LOL, Well Thanks
01:03.42SeRitalntid2: I just need to catch up is all, I actually like the fact that all is now store in DB, I use the asterisk DB quite allot my self.
01:04.01talntid2yeah that is why I want to use it too!
01:04.11talntid2but NoOoOoOoOoooooooooo.... it just wants to be a pain in the ass
01:04.15WIMPyThat option is not new at all.
01:04.30talntid2yeah, that's not new at all. I have built other interfaces with that
01:04.38talntid2just trying to be a hipster, that's all.
01:13.39SeRitalntid2: :)
01:14.08SeRiWIMPy: How is 11 working out for you?
01:14.20SeRiI need to find the time to move
01:14.22SeRiI am so behind
01:14.33talntid2i'll move yours, you move mine
01:14.37SeRiis not like 11 is that new
01:14.46SeRitalntid2: Thats no fun
01:15.10SeRiI have a new project in my hands and is call open-mesh :/
01:15.21SeRioh before I forget, I hate shortel
01:15.22*** join/#asterisk dms (~Adium@
01:15.39talntid2doesn't everyone?
01:15.46WIMPyI have a big issue with DTMF on native bridges. Somethign has changed there and it was not for the better.
01:16.05SeRitalntid2: a safe assumption
01:16.26SeRidamn typos
01:16.42WIMPyI don't. I don't know them :-)
01:16.54SeRiWIMPy: lol
01:17.13SeRianybody here play with open-mesh in the past?
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05:04.59igcewieling1I should have known my "NOT HERE TO MAKE FRIENDS" t-shirt would make people talk to me.
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10:48.53ak77_hello all
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12:16.32*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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13:17.05*** join/#asterisk ModFather (
13:17.08ModFatherhi There
13:19.36ModFatheri have setup Asterisk 13, i've got a number from twilio and i setup Sip Trunk
13:19.52ModFatheri can get calls from outside, but i cannot make calls to a friend on a US number
13:20.04[TK]D-Fenderwhat happens?
13:20.34ModFather[Oct 14 13:05:26] NOTICE[30713][C-00000000]: chan_sip.c:25660 handle_request_invite: Call from 'johnd' (myiphere:63831) to extension '+171xxxxxxx' rejected because extension not found in context 'LocalSets'.
13:20.45[TK]D-FenderMeans exactly what it says
13:20.58[TK]D-Fenderyou are dialing a number from your phone that you do not have a match for in your dialplan
13:21.18[TK]D-Fendernoting in [LocalSets] matches the number you dialed
13:21.35ModFatheryes i purchased a book from amazon regarding asterisk, and i read some blogs on google, and i added on [LocalSets]
13:22.09ModFatherexten => +/NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/johnd/${EXTEN})
13:22.15ModFatherexten => same,n,Dial(SIP/twilio0/+${EXTEN})
13:22.20[TK]D-Fenderthat / is no good....
13:22.31ModFatheryes i have tried later, after some research
13:22.47ModFatheri had it _1 before i ad /
13:22.49[TK]D-Fenderremove it and fix the rest of the pattern
13:23.15*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
13:23.17ModFatherexten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/johnd/${EXTEN})
13:23.29[TK]D-FenderWill not work.
13:23.33[TK]D-Fenderdoes not match what you are dialing
13:23.46ModFatherokey 1 sec to read again the section on the dialing match patterns
13:23.59[TK]D-Fenderyou need to look at what your phone is sending
13:24.25ModFatherit calls my friend US number
13:24.58[TK]D-FenderStill doesn't match the number you dialed
13:25.16ModFatherthis is the number i am trying to call
13:25.28ModFatherits not a real i changed the numbers to 0
13:25.42[TK]D-FenderAnd still won't match that
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13:26.01ModFatheralright, i am gonna read again the section on that
13:26.03ModFatherand i will retry
13:26.12ModFathermany thanks man , i thought it was something else
13:26.49[TK]D-Fender"rejected because extension not found" <- means that you don't have an extension that matches what was dialed.
13:27.44ModFatherhmm yes but as i read i thought that _1NXXNXXXXXX matches the number i am dialing
13:27.49ModFather_ for symbol +
13:27.54ModFather1 the US number
13:28.00ModFatherand the rest 718000000
13:29.09[TK]D-Fender_ is NOT +
13:29.16[TK]D-Fender_ says that what follows is a pattern
13:29.25ModFathersorry yes
13:29.30ModFatherN matches to digit from 2-0
13:29.32ModFatherN matches to digit from 2-9
13:29.40ModFatherX matches any digit from 0-9
13:29.47[TK]D-Fenderotherwise those N & X you have in there are taken as LITERAL letters of the alphabet being part of the number being passed
13:30.00ModFatheraha yes right
13:30.27ModFather_ = the following is a pattern
13:30.39*** join/#asterisk MadHatter42 (~MadHatter@unaffiliated/madhatter42)
13:30.47ModFatherso in my already config, if i call without + extension
13:30.51ModFatherits gonna work?
13:30.56ModFathergonna try
13:31.00[TK]D-FenderSo far....
13:31.12[TK]D-FenderIf the patttern matches.. then it matches
13:32.30ModFatherexten => _17183XXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/johnd/${EXTEN})
13:32.33ModFatherokey i am trying this one
13:32.43ModFatheri checked and the XXX is exact the other numbers
13:34.19ModFather[TK]D-Fender, you are the best man ;)
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13:34.27ModFathernow it tries to call ;)
13:34.48[TK]D-FenderGood lesson learned today...
13:35.30ModFatherheh yes
13:35.34ModFatheri thought i had it correct
13:35.50ModFatherwithout you i would still thinking something else is the wrong there
13:36.08ModFatheri did many tries thats why the / on the extension before
13:36.19ModFathernow i get an error after 30 seconds
13:36.21ModFather[Oct 14 13:33:38] WARNING[1312]: chan_sip.c:4038 retrans_pkt: Hanging up call 612430fd5dd1bd051f91d9a22f7ote6c@ipofserverhere:5060 - no reply to our critical packet (see
13:36.58*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
13:37.05[TK]D-FenderThat error suggest you've got a networking iswsue, most likely due to improper NAT setup
13:37.33ModFathernat issue from my softphone or servers network?
13:37.47ModFatherthe server is hosted on RackSpaceCloud ( no firewalls enabled at the moment )
13:38.03ModFatherand my softphone is  linphone app on my iphone
13:38.21[TK]D-Fender"sip set debug on" <-
13:38.33infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
13:39.58ModFatherRetransmitting #5 (no NAT) to mysoftphoneip:5060:
13:40.10ModFatheryou are godlike man.. going to fix that issue
13:40.13ak77_asterisk/pjsip closes tcp/ip (tls) connection after each REQ/RES... why?
13:41.25ModFather[TK]D-Fender, i think i will need to define on asterisk.conf nat=yes and make my phone lan ip on my router on DMZ setting
13:41.33ak77_registration makes two connections, as first RES is 401, then new connection is maed with REGISTER and basic authentication
13:41.55[TK]D-FenderModFather: You normally never need to DMZ or forward clients
13:42.40ModFathermy router using NAT already so i guess i need to open ports ?
13:44.09[TK]D-Fenderjust let * know what its situation is
13:44.29[TK]D-Fenderwhich should be "nat=yes", "qualify=yes", "directmedia=no" <- last one is critical.
13:54.25ModFather[TK]D-Fender, i should add those on asterisk.conf and not on any file sip.conf or extensions.conf right?
13:54.26ModFathernat=yes", "qualify=yes", "directmedia=no"
13:55.31*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101 (~cmendes01@
13:59.55[TK]D-Fenderthat is not for asterisk.conf
13:59.59[TK]D-Fenderthat is sip.conf
14:00.25[TK]D-FenderSIP stuff clearly does not belong anywhere else except sip.conf (or pjsip.conf if that's the channel driver you're using)
14:01.42ModFatheraha i understand now, i am using only sip channel not pjsip, so i am gonna use those on the [twilio-trunk] and on my phone [1000]
14:03.04[TK]D-Fenderno, those are just for your PHONE
14:03.09[TK]D-Fendertwilio is NOT behind NAT.
14:03.14[TK]D-FenderThey should specifically be nat=no
14:03.18*** join/#asterisk jzaw (
14:03.40ModFatheryes i added only to my phone section
14:03.41ModFathernat=yes is deprecated, use nat=force_rport,comedia instead
14:03.55ModFatherso i guess i should change it to nat=force_rport,comedia
14:04.14*** join/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-vlybfmppuwlseyvn)
14:05.40ModFatherokey now it doesn't dialing and i get:  WARNING[5041][C-00000003]: app_dial.c:2411 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 20 - Subscriber absent)
14:06.03*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
14:06.24[TK]D-FenderThe device being called is considered non-contactable
14:06.45[TK]D-Fenderif you changed twilio's settings to include "qualify" and they reject it then they will be considered non-contactable
14:06.56[TK]D-FenderYou should not have those there probably
14:07.06*** join/#asterisk igcewieling (
14:07.11ModFatheryes i just added it
14:07.21ModFatherand now i cannot call the same number i was trying
14:07.45ModFatherthe number i am calling is valid, is my friends mobile, so i guess i should set qualify to no
14:08.47ModFathernow i see its using NAT
14:09.01ModFatherbut i still get WARNING[4773]: chan_sip.c:4009 retrans_pkt: Retransmission timeout reached on transmission
14:09.04ModFatherlike before
14:13.31ModFather[TK]D-Fender, hehe ... i just installed another softphone on my pc Zopier, and on my iphone i have Linode , when i am calling my friends US mobile i get incoming call to my softphone from me
14:14.41ModFatheri think i know what is
14:19.15ModFatherSIP/2.0 603 Declined
14:21.04[TK]D-Fender[09:38]infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
14:23.54*** join/#asterisk MadHatter42 (~MadHatter@unaffiliated/madhatter42)
14:24.12ModFather[TK]D-Fender,  my extension.conf pass: 12344
14:24.52[TK]D-Fender118dialplan has nothing to do with this
14:26.04*** join/#asterisk happy-dude (uid62780@gateway/web/
14:26.27ak77_anyone has an idea why tcp/ip connection is not preserved between sip each req/res ? (asterisk trunk, pjsip, outbound calls with registration)
14:27.36ModFather[TK]D-Fender, my sip.conf pass:12344
14:27.43ModFatherand now i am gonna send you the debug
14:28.37[TK]D-FenderModFather: I told you to do "nat=no" for your twilio peers
14:31.57ModFather[TK]D-Fender, sorry, i just added nat=no to twilio-trunk
14:32.30ModFatherdo i have to add nat=no to every twilio ip?
14:33.07ak77_i am testing SIP calls with asterisk and with pjsua cli app... there are few differences (don't know if that is the reason tcp connection is closed after each req/res) like SIP url in REGISTER and SIP url in Route header are in each other places (compared to pjsua cli).
14:33.10ModFatheron my sip.conf i had twilio-trunk inside a template, so i guess the rest peers will get that nat=no
14:34.33WIMPyak77_: I don't know much about PJ, but if the connection was persistant, there wouldn't be a point in registereing, would there?
14:35.00ak77_WIMPy: it's TLS and ITSP requires registration
14:37.14ak77_WIMPy: ok, maybe I can leave out registration, but problem remains that on INVITE request I got ringing status but because connection closed, I never got notified that other party answered
14:40.15igcewielingak77_: sounds like classic NAT issues.
14:40.33igcewielingdoes it work if you use UDP?
14:40.52WIMPyNo, sounds like something's seriousely broken.
14:41.59ModFather[TK]D-Fender,       debug info pass: 12344
14:42.37ak77_igcewieling: with another ITSP/udp it works yes.
14:43.01*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101 (~cmendes01@
14:43.59ak77_igcewieling: and... it works with pjsua cli app
14:44.18igcewielingI can't help with pjsip.
14:44.40igcewielingI don't plan on using it until Asterisk 15.
14:46.42*** join/#asterisk dms (~Adium@
14:47.39ak77_igcewieling: yes. i maybe made a mistake for using it too early.
14:49.06igcewielingak77_: I very much dislike angry customers calling so tend to run not-the-newest-code.
14:49.36igcewielingthe main advantage of chan_sip, in my opinion, is almost all Asterisk docs on SIP and online assume chan_sip.
14:50.59stefan27I get [2015-10-14 16:39:54] WARNING[19082] http.c: HTTP session count exceeded 100 sessions at a time where I expect the number of sessions to be 2 (netstat -tupan | grep asterisk shows 2 sessions) . How can I debug this?
14:51.13stefan27(asterisk 13.5.0)
14:51.35ModFather[TK]D-Fender,  i did nat=no to all twilio peers, nothing changed i still see the same debug logs
14:57.57[TK]D-FenderModFather: "core set verbose 10"
14:58.00[TK]D-Fenderplace another call
14:58.28ModFather[TK]D-Fender, ok
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15:03.45ModFather[TK]D-Fender, done..  pass: 12344
15:05.18[TK]D-Fender-- Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/johnd-00000009' status is 'UNKNOWN'
15:05.23[TK]D-Fenderyou ran out of dialplan to execute
15:05.30[TK]D-Fenderit did a Set, and then ended
15:05.37[TK]D-Fender-- Executing [17183000000@LocalSets:1] Set("SIP/johnd-00000009", "CALLERID(all)="+18883306354" <+18883306354>") in new stack
15:05.50[TK]D-FenderYou have no 2nd step to continue on to doing
15:06.51ModFatherlooking on my extensions.conf [TK]D-Fender right now 1 sec
15:07.21ModFatherexten => same,n,Dial(SIP/twilio0/+${EXTEN})
15:07.27ModFatherisn't that the 2nd step?
15:07.43[TK]D-FenderPB the newst version
15:07.50[TK]D-Fenderand no, that is BASD
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15:08.14[TK]D-FenderThat is not how "same" works
15:08.28ModFathernow i am really confused :(
15:08.49[TK]D-Fenderread the syntax for using "same" again
15:09.16ModFatheris that what i need ? the same syntax? or am i missing something else after "set"
15:09.49[TK]D-FenderModFatherexten => same,n,Dial(SIP/twilio0/+${EXTEN}) <- this line is WRONG
15:10.00[TK]D-FenderWhy did you put the word "same" there?
15:10.08[TK]D-FenderThis is not proper syntax
15:10.32[TK]D-FenderGo re-read the page you got that idea from and see how it is supposed to be done
15:10.41ModFathersorry for asking i am not very sure, i started from 0, all i did is what i have read on asterisk book and on the documentations ( without that means that those were wrong ) i am wrong i did it wrong
15:12.11igcewielingModFather: you read the docs wrong.  Your same has invalid syntax.
15:15.28ModFatheri know guys i just now realized that "same" should be replaced with _17173XXXX
15:15.50ModFatherthe number i wrote is example pattern not the real one
15:16.03igcewielingscream*  change it to:  same => n,Dial(SIP/twilio0/+${EXTEN})
15:16.15igcewielingnow go back and read the damn docs again.
15:17.46*** join/#asterisk overyander (~jeff.clay@
15:19.34ModFatherigcewieling, i did the change you mention
15:19.37ModFather[Oct 14 15:19:10] NOTICE[13211]: pbx.c:5017 pbx_extension_helper: Cannot find extension 'n' in context ''
15:19.37ModFather[Oct 14 15:19:10] WARNING[13211]: pbx_config.c:1783 pbx_load_config: Invalid priority/label 'Dial' at line 8 of extensions.conf
15:19.43[TK]D-FenderShow us
15:19.48[TK]D-Fenderthe new config...
15:19.59igcewielingModFather: I'm not helping you further.  The proper syntax is documented.
15:21.11ModFatherigcewieling, sorry man for the disturb, can you send me a link if you had it handy for to follow it?
15:21.26infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
15:21.34ak77_igcewieling: i change to using res_sip. :) it doesn't disconnect tcp/ip (tls) when two req/res are sent during registration.
15:22.14igcewielingak77_ now you have years worth of documentation on the internet you can read.
15:22.15ModFatherthis is the book 'ive got
15:22.21*** part/#asterisk igcewieling (
15:22.50[TK]D-Fender[11:19][TK]D-FenderShow us
15:22.51[TK]D-Fender[11:19][TK]D-Fenderthe new config...
15:23.57ModFather[TK]D-Fender, its still the same, i just removed the same before ,n,Dial .. but i supposed is not that a fix.. really sorry, i am going again into the book and try find the correct syntax.. really sorry for anoying you guys.. i appreciate so far [TK]D-Fender
15:24.15[TK]D-FenderWhat part of "show" are you having trouble with?
15:24.28[TK]D-FenderIf you'd like to get it fixed .... SHOW US so we can point out the mistake
15:24.47[TK]D-FenderShould have taken all of 10 seconds.
15:26.57[TK]D-FenderI don't see the line he gave you there...
15:27.24[TK]D-FenderThis is failure to take the 100% complete solution he handed you.
15:27.39[TK]D-Fender[11:16]igcewielingscream*  change it to:  same => n,Dial(SIP/twilio0/+${EXTEN})
15:28.40ModFatheryou are totaly true. sorry for that i am little bit stressed
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15:33.12Phil-WorkI'm doing "channel originate SIP/number@peer-name" from the CLI... how do I set the Caller ID that this used?
15:33.49[TK]D-FenderYou can't via that method
15:34.10[TK]D-Fenderyou could if you dial a Local channel, set it first and continue to a Dial()
15:37.38Phil-Workthought that might be the case, thanks
15:40.37Phil-Work[TK]D-Fender, what's the syntax to originate to a local channel?
15:41.38Phil-Workthat works, thanks
15:42.03[TK]D-FenderYou're welcome
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15:48.12ModFather[TK]D-Fender, sorry for late response, i went out for cigarets
15:49.11ModFather[TK]D-Fender,  its fixed, i apologize for the disturb i made, big thanks to you man, and also i would like to thanks igcewieling for send me the exact command to make it work. now i can call outside
15:49.31ModFatherbut without you i wouldnt made it
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16:05.00ksuvakinHi folks!
16:06.05ksuvakinHow to configure an asterisk (13.5.0/PJSIP 2.4.5) to answer 200/OK to OPTIONS request? My SIP provider using it as keep-alive..
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16:09.03[TK]D-FenderLook at the debug as to what it is looking for.
16:09.08[TK]D-FenderSIP debug + verbose tells you
16:10.25ksuvakin[TK]D-Fender: For nothing - the same functionality i can reach when i set qualify_frequency=30 in SIP trunk aor
16:11.23[TK]D-FenderNot entirely
16:11.29[TK]D-Fenderthere are other purposes served
16:11.36ksuvakin[TK]D-Fender: Basically it could complain qualify need - aor knows its latency and the fact that remote point is alive
16:12.14ksuvakin[TK]D-Fender: Hmmm, i receive this request every 20s from provider
16:12.56[TK]D-FenderThat would normally be considered quite excessive
16:13.05ksuvakin[TK]D-Fender: My Asterisk answer with 403/Unauthorized, but providet tell me that the response should be 200/OK
16:13.27[TK]D-FenderAnd most don't send anything.  Yours seems over the top.  I'd probably ask them to stop if it isn't required
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16:14.08ksuvakin[TK]D-Fender: Understand, i will talk about it with provider. Thank you for help
16:17.51ModFather[TK]D-Fender, is the best!
16:19.00[TK]D-FenderI am not the hero #asterisk deserves, I am the hero #asterisk needs.  </darkircvet>
16:19.36ModFatheri believe in heroes i can see..
16:20.11ModFatheri will join this channel every day to spam 1 line every single day, [TK]D-Fender is the best, until i got g-line
16:20.21[TK]D-FenderPlease don't
16:20.55[TK]D-FenderYou're welcome for the time I spent kicking you in the right direction.  Your acknowledging having learned a few things is thanks enough.
16:21.29ModFatheryour time were appreciated and just thanks isnt enough from my side
16:22.00ModFatheri buy a book, i read 40+ blogs , and you just fixed it :)
16:22.19*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
16:23.00[TK]D-FenderTechnically igcweiling ghanded you the answer.  I pointed out what was incorrect hoping you'd re-read the paragraph that explained where you were going with that in hopes you'd find it yourself first
16:23.09[TK]D-FenderThen he handed it to you... and you didn't follow it.
16:23.15[TK]D-FenderSo not quitre where I was going with things.
16:23.26[TK]D-Fenderbut hopefully you understand what it was that was given to you
16:27.31*** join/#asterisk bluemerlin (~bluemerli@
16:31.38ModFather[TK]D-Fender, i went very stressed with all this, thats why i missunderstood his guide, but without you i wouldnt get that far so the fix of igcweiling fix that
16:31.52ModFatheryou helped me debug the nat issues and some other stuff i had wrong
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17:48.53ModFather[TK]D-Fender, do you know any sites i can see the queue's ? i would like when someone call the twilio number, to ring on all available VoIPS
17:50.47[TK]D-FenderThen dial multiple devices
17:50.50[TK]D-Fenderor setup a queue
17:50.58[TK]D-Fender"core show application dial"
17:51.12[TK]D-Fender"core show application queue"
17:51.49[TK]D-FenderQueue's are more for the point of continuing to hunt for longer periods of time, scaling in new devices as time goes on, playhing music while they wait, etc...
17:51.53*** join/#asterisk genpaku (~genpaku@
17:52.04[TK]D-FenderIf you just want to ring all... then you're best off just Dialing mutliple at once
17:52.45ModFatheri want to setup a queue
17:53.03ModFatheri think its more advance this to be setup
17:55.30ModFatherhmm now may main issue is that i cannot call another voip which is registered
17:55.57ModFatheri am 100 and the other voip is 101, seems i need to create new extension for internal calls
17:59.06ModFatherbut i've got  NOTICE[8457]: res_hep.c:418 hep_queue_cb: Unable to send packet: Address Family mismatch between source/destination
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18:04.15[TK]D-FenderIPv4 vs IPv6 mismatch in the contact and media
18:05.20*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit (~u388mw@
18:05.58ModFatherthose settings are inside asterisk.conf
18:06.12ModFatheri am using only ipv4 i dont want to use ipv6
18:09.05[TK]D-FenderModFatherthose settings are inside asterisk.conf <- NO.  There is virtually no reason to be touching this file
18:09.14[TK]D-Fenderagain, this is SIP configs
18:09.25[TK]D-FenderAsterisk talks to a PILE of different techs.
18:09.27ModFatheraha i understand so i need to force sip to use ipv4
18:09.34[TK]D-FenderEach is configured in their own file
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19:13.55jPadawanHello everybody
19:15.23jPadawanWhen i access FreePBX 2.11, it says that my asterisk service is not running, but when i ran "asterisk service status", "service asterisk restart" it seems to be ok.
19:15.52jPadawanthanks! WIMPy
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20:40.01ed_hello, can anyone point me to some tutorial for res_pjsip please?
20:40.57ed_I have looked into wiki and got as far as "hello world" but that's about it
20:41.17talntid2good luck, ed_, hah
20:41.51talntid2but what are you trying to do?
20:42.10WIMPyAchieve world domination!
20:43.05ed_talntid2: for now do simple call within pbx and maybe configure trunk and do 2 way call between 2 pbxes
20:43.47ed_telntid2: nothing complicated, just struggle to translate chan_sip to pjsip
20:44.45robmalThere was this thing called wiki on the asterisk page, did they remove it?
20:44.48talntid2ed_, I am having similar issues, and have been in here for days searching, nobody seems to know much about it
20:45.14talntid2ed_, although I can point you toward a page that does what you are looking for
20:45.44talntid2that one uses realtime database though, which you may not want
20:46.08ed_robmal: I already looked into wiki, but looks like I am too dumb
20:47.07ed_talntid2: thanks, I wanted to start simple with baby steps,
20:48.42ed_telntid2: doing multi master database sync is probably overkill for me this moment in time. I need to learn basics before diving deep
20:49.28robmalBut... there're like examples there, you can copy them, you know, to test.
20:49.48robmalI think my cat could do that.
20:50.31ed_tobmal: any idea why there would be multiple [sections] with same phone No as section name?
20:51.13robmalEach serves a different purpose.
20:52.00robmalIt looks like you know how to read, copy the examples and try changing shit.
20:52.10robmalIf it stops working, try to figure out why.
20:52.14robmalWiki will help.
20:52.26ed_robmal: I learnt asterisk on 1.8 there was nothing like it there
20:52.44robmalI know.
20:53.00robmalAny reason you need pjsip over chan_sip?
20:53.56ed_robmal: thought pjsip is preferred method to talk to end points, will need to learn it at some point so can do it now.
20:54.14robmalSo learn.
20:54.52ed_robmal: not trying to avoid the subject. just need some hints where to start with it
20:55.15robmalOn the internet.
20:55.39robmalWiki is a good starting point.
20:56.55ed_robmal: tried wiki and doesn't feel any smarter :-(
20:57.21*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
20:57.26ed_robmal: have you looked into pjsip yourself?
20:57.41robmalWho's forcing you to do this? Blink twice if you're safe.
20:57.53robmalSure i have, hated it.
20:57.57ed_robmal: what did you do?
20:58.11robmalI copied the examples and figured shit out along the way.
20:59.18ed_robmal: I generated sample files, looked into res_pjsip.conf and can't say I understood much.
20:59.56robmalI don't know how to help. If you want me to do it - sure. Paypal is ok?
21:02.00ed_robmal: though I will try to get my head around it first but in case I fail what is your rate?
21:02.30robmalDepends what do you want me to do ;-)
21:02.43*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-vlybfmppuwlseyvn)
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21:03.46ed_robmal: tutorial for pjsip :-)
21:04.23robmalI can send you a printed copy of asterisk wiki for $99,99
21:04.35robmalLimited time offer.
21:04.54*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
21:05.04ed_robmal: nice try
21:05.31robmalI can change the fonts and colors for an extra $9,99
21:06.35ed_robmal: so now its going to be colour copy?
21:08.43ed_robmal: do you actually use pjsip or you stuck with chan_sip for now?
21:09.28robmalI tried, didn't like it, went back. Except for multiple registrations for the same extension i don't see any benefits.
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21:10.48ed_robmal: was it too complicated or not reliable/underperform?
21:11.00WIMPyis still unsure if that's actually a good thing.
21:12.40robmalNothing is too complicated if you mess with it long enough. I didn't see any downfalls in reliability or performance, cause hey, it's SIP, it just makes ends meet, no effect in rtp stream, so nobody will notice.
21:14.56ed_robmal: it has been preferred method 2dn version in the row while chan_sip is on extended support. so pjsip is likely to stay
21:15.13robmalI have no trouble with that.
21:16.18ed_robmal: ok lets start with the basics. why there are multiple [sections] for single phone No?
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21:16.46robmalI'm too lazy to copy and paste the wiki here.
21:18.46ed_robmal: ok, would you use multiple sections for single phone No in your configuration?
21:19.10robmalBecause they forced me to.
21:23.42*** join/#asterisk Cyphor (~Cyphor@
21:23.44ed_robmal: is there just wiki or are there any blogs covering pjsip?
21:24.01robmalI'm pretty sure there are.
21:24.54ed_can anyone point me to some blog explaining pjsip (preferably in simple terms) pretty please?
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21:25.21robmalThere's a company called google. They do that search shit quite well.
21:26.26robmalSeriously, what are you trying to achieve here?
21:28.29ed_robmal: need to learn pjsip in baby steps. e.g. establish a call between 2 extensions on same pbx (nothing complicated really)
21:29.53robmalYou've been here for an hour. I'm pretty sure you could've done that if you weren't chatting here.
21:31.16ed_robmal: I hoped for eureka moment, and hint like "have a look there, they explained it pretty well"
21:31.39robmal22:48:32 < robmal> There was this thing called wiki on the asterisk page, did they remove it?
21:32.00robmalhave a look there, they explained it pretty well
21:36.19*** join/#asterisk u0m3 (~u0m3@
21:37.45ed_robmal: I already looked into wiki and got nowhere with it, as I said before way too dumb
21:38.52robmalSo what are you expecting? You want to learn and say you're too dumb to do it. I don't think there's a cure for that.
21:38.58*** join/#asterisk dtcrshr (~datacrush@unaffiliated/datacrusher)
21:41.46ed_robmal: I expected some help not insults.
21:42.49robmalI tried, but all you say is you don't understand how it works.
21:43.03talntid2[Oct 14 21:40:59] ERROR[16328]: res_pjsip.c:2432 sip_get_tpselector_from_endpoint: Unable to retrieve PJSIP transport 'transport-udp-nat' for endpoint '102'
21:43.18robmalNow i'm trying to figure out why are you here.
21:43.29talntid2anyone know what causes this? pjsip.conf has
21:44.15robmaltalntid2: Paste ext 102 config as well.
21:44.54talntid2its in realtime config, so here's the database line
21:45.03talntid2everything else is null, except for the settings you can see in there
21:45.07*** join/#asterisk darkbasic_ (
21:46.32ModFatherget_defaults: Unable to find a valid server address or name.
21:46.39ModFatherdoes anyone knows what cause this error?
21:47.11ModFatherseems it doesnt get a valid server address or server name, but i dont see somewhere i can set a value for this
21:47.56ed_modFather: are you refereeing to the server as its name or IP?
21:48.28ModFatheri get this on every core reload
21:48.45talntid2that is in the phone provisioning config
21:49.11talntid2if you don't use auto provision, you can just disable the module
21:50.01ModFatherah yes i just saw it, really thanks
21:50.25*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
21:51.29robmaltalntid2: I'll need sorcery.conf too
21:51.38talntid2will do, thanks
21:55.31talntid2because I have transport-udp and transport-udp-nat on the same bind addr, i suspect thats the problem
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21:57.36ModFathertalntid2, i have everything ( ; ) on sorcery.conf
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21:57.40ModFatherbut i still get this:  sorcery.c:1376 sorcery_object_load: Type 'transport' is not reloadable, maintaining previous values
21:57.57robmaltalntid2: A dumb question, did you reload res_pjsip module once you've set up this transport?
21:58.42robmalOr, in other words, does pjsip show transports list it?
22:01.43ModFatherin my case i am not using pjsip
22:02.42robmalModFather: Unload the module, add it as noload to modules.conf
22:03.10ModFatherrobmal, i am not sure for the name i should use on the module.conf as noload
22:03.40ModFathernoload res_pjsip ?
22:03.47ModFatherwithout any extensions or something?
22:03.49robmalThere are examples there.
22:03.58ModFatheryes i saw them, they are with extension
22:04.13talntid2yes, robmal, i have even done full asterisk restart
22:05.05robmalModFather: That's a new one, modules.conf doesn't give a crap about extensions.
22:05.40ModFatheri was meaning extension of the module .so for example noload
22:06.02ModFatherbecause i've tried noload res_pjsip already
22:06.04robmalYe, should be noload =>
22:06.12ModFatherthanks man ;)
22:06.54robmaltalntid2: Maybe you're right about the bindaddr, did you try setting it to specific ip addresses?
22:07.32ModFatheri thought if i disable the res_pjsip i wouldnt get again this error: sorcery.c:1376 sorcery_object_load: Type 'transport' is not reloadable, maintaining previous values
22:08.10robmalmodule show like pjsip and noload all of them.
22:12.01ModFatheroh thats many in there
22:12.15robmalLike 2? ;-)
22:12.20ModFatherno man :)
22:12.23ModFatherits like 50
22:12.34ModFather50 modules loaded
22:12.59robmalOh, ye, they made everything a separate module. Just disable chan_pjsip, should be enough.
22:13.55ModFatherhehe thanks robma1 , may i ask you something related to pjsip and sip ?
22:15.03ModFatherfor what reasons someone will choose pjsip instead of sip? i see on many blogs talking about asterisk, they suggest pjsip instead of sip without explain the main reason for that
22:17.12robmalBecause chan_sip got bulky over the years, nobody wants to maintain it and it'll soon be obsolete. So, like Henry Ford said 'if i asked people what they wanted, they'd ask for a faster horse', asterisk is moving to the next best thing, pjsip ;-)
22:19.13talntid2i got it to work, robmal. thanks!
22:19.23ModFatherrobmal, sounds very solid
22:19.35talntid2it was a combo of.... having two transports binding to the same thing, and.... not having rtp_symetric and force_rport enabled
22:21.15robmaltalntid2: Thanks for the feedback, i'm the one who should be making notes ;-)
22:22.47ModFatherrobmal, i have my asterisk working just fine with sip if i change to pjsip and copy exact the content of sip.conf to pjsip.conf do i need to do extra configuration adjusts to make it work over pjsip?
22:24.26robmalThere's a migration tool in the wiki, works great for 9 out of 10 users. You usually are the 10th, because 9 are asterisk employees ;-)
22:29.30*** join/#asterisk ricksebak (
22:33.52ricksebakdoes anyone know of a way to get monit to detect (and preferably fix) this condition: "chan_sip.c: Peer 'didlogic' is now UNREACHABLE!"
22:36.08ricksebakrobmal: i am using the AMI and would be fine with using that interface to fix this condition, but i have no clue how to do that (via bash or asterisk or anything else)
22:38.57robmalYou're looking for PeerStatus
22:44.53ricksebakrobmal: is there an asterisk command that will cause it to reconnect?
22:45.07ricksebakwithin the asterisk shell i mean, not in the AMI
22:47.17robmalsip reload? Depends if your asterisk is the peer initiating registration to a sip provider or you'd like i.e. the phone to re-register.
22:49.39ricksebakthe unreachable condition is between my server and my sip trunk. so "sip reload" will cause it to attempt to reconnect?
22:50.40robmalSure, but that's an ugly hack and you should resolve the problem in some other way.
22:52.25WIMPyThere is no such thing as a connect.
22:52.56WIMPyIf the peer goes unreachable, that's what it means. I.e. there is some networking issue.
22:52.58robmalWIMPy: Please don't go [TK]D-Fender now ;-)
22:55.46WIMPyI certainly won't ask for sip debug. that's noth what I want to read.
22:56.00robmal;-) Thanks.
22:56.32ModFatherrobmal, maybe to you sounds easy but for me seems a huge issue, i purchased a number from twilio and with sip trunk setup on my asterisk, i can call outside, and get call to a specific extension. i want when someone calls our number, to ring on all available extensions, i have adjust queue config for that, but propably i am missing something to my sip.conf
22:58.12robmalQueues are boring, Dial(SIP/john&SIP/alice&SIP/paul)
22:58.21ModFatherlol hehe thanks mate
22:58.25*** join/#asterisk theron (
23:00.40*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (~jasonwert@
23:00.50ModFatherrobmal,  WARNING[30187][C-00000001]: app_dial.c:2411 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 20 - Subscriber absent)
23:00.52*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-oagmtzcmrwwbuszk)
23:01.52robmalMeh, i'm not used to unregistered extenions. Show me your queue.conf
23:10.01robmalmember => SIP/100 etc is enough. Now make exten => 1234,1,Queue(general)
23:12.24ModFatheri think i miss a step
23:13.34robmalMeh, these pastebins disappear before i have a chance to look at them again ;-) There should be another [something]
23:14.37ModFathermy bad for this, let me reupload it
23:15.54ModFatherand inside my extensions.conf : exten => 5555,1,Queue(general)
23:17.46robmalMaybe general is (or should be imho) a reserved name, add [whatever] before strategy and correct the dialplan.
23:19.21ModFatheri changed it to: general-queue
23:19.25ModFatherand updated extensions.conf
23:24.47*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (nikolai@unaffiliated/maliuta)
23:25.04ModFatherrobmal, ;) you had right man, it was that, now no errors, but when i call my external number i am not hearing anything and it doesnt ring, with verbose 10 i see that:
23:28.39*** join/#asterisk almostworking (~almostwor@unaffiliated/almostworking)
23:28.50robmalSilent MOH default maybe? Try setting Queue(general-queue,r)
23:30.55ModFatherah robmal now i changed the SIP/100 to names like SIP/john and it worked it rings, but from the phone i am calling its silent
23:30.58ModFathergoing to test the ,r
23:33.15ModFatherstill nothing,
23:33.43ModFatherfrom the phone i am calling the number i dont hear ringing or something, but when the member accept the call, he can hear me
23:33.54ModFatherbut i cannot, not even the tone on ringing
23:34.11ModFatherthe queue seems working like a charm except that issue
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23:36.14robmalK, so maybe that's a problem with the rtp stream?
23:36.34robmalSome nat along the way?
23:37.08ModFatherhmm, if i do calls internal it works, if i call the member alex we can talk just fine
23:37.27ModFatheralso if i remove queue and set the incoming to arrive to my softphone, it works too
23:39.06robmalDamn, i'll have to [TK]D-Fender myself.
23:39.18robmalPaste the sip debug for a call that has one way audio.
23:41.35robmalOh, pcap would be even better.
23:48.27ModFatheri changed the incoming call to arrive to my softphone, i've answered the call and i was able to speak and hear just fine
23:48.44ModFatheronce i enable queue i cannot hear , but the caller can hear me just fine
23:49.08ModFatherits kinda weird
23:50.39ModFatheri will enable also queue again and give you debug logs too after a call that i cannot hear
23:52.00robmalpcap would be better, i'm a friend of wireshark ;-)
23:54.44*** join/#asterisk superscrat (

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