IRC log for #asterisk on 20151011

00:14.50*** join/#asterisk theron (
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00:41.43t4nk656Do I need to install the cdr_mysql if i plan to work with cdr_odbc? is cdr_mysql like a prerequisit?
00:42.51*** join/#asterisk crocodilehunter (
00:42.57jPadawanIts on Asterisk 1.8
00:43.14jPadawanI'm getting "cdr_odbc.c: Unable to retrieve database handle. CDR failed."
00:43.33jPadawanand there is no record in asteriskcdrdb>cdr table
00:44.53jPadawanwhen i ran "cdr_odbc.c: Unable to retrieve database handle. CDR failed."
00:45.19jPadawanwhen i ran "CLI> odbc show all"
00:46.14jPadawanLast connection attempt: 1970-01-01 01:00:00 - Connected:Yes - Pooled:No
00:46.41jPadawanany guesses?
00:55.40cuscoyou either use odbc or mysql
00:56.21cuscoif you're using odbc you need to look on configuring it in your distro
00:56.27cuscoalong with fretds or whatelse
00:56.34cuscofreetds that was
00:57.13cuscocheck /etc/odbcinst.ini
00:57.35cuscoand then /etc/odbc.ini
01:01.54jPadawanthanks cusco... i working on it.. when i google for check my conf it seems to be ok...
01:06.07jPadawanmaybe /etc/asterisk/func_odbc.conf
01:06.18jPadawani'lll check
01:09.52*** join/#asterisk Frojoe (Frojoe@2a01:7e00::f03c:91ff:fe70:bc74)
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01:34.48*** join/#asterisk DanMurphy (
01:38.35DanMurphydear all, i've seen this problem before. But no real answer on google. What would be cause & resolution for flooded messages due to continuous registration loop of phones [Message: 'Correct auth, but based on stale nonce received from' ].
01:42.32DanMurphyi've cleared ARP cache on server/Restart */Load-Unload chan_sip problem still continues.  Some phones get registered & few momemnts later gets unregistered. The box has around ~ 1000 extensions.
01:46.46*** join/#asterisk DanMurphy (
01:47.10DanMurphyPhones are on a seperate vlan.
02:21.43*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
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04:01.38gofuncI’m trying to find out what extension made an outbound call. The Master cdr csv and all the other logs only show the originating source as the Caller ID number (and name) that was used, but that could have been altered by whoever used the sip credentials for one of the extensions. Any way to find out the actual originating extension used?
04:10.13ChannelZI think you mean the peer or device
04:10.52ChannelZanyway you should see both channels in the CDR
04:11.23ChannelZcolumns 6 and 7 I think
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09:48.12*** join/#asterisk WIMPy (
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14:33.03*** join/#asterisk SmileMZ (
14:33.10SmileMZHi people!
14:34.14SmileMZI have asterisk 13 running and I am happy. Can somebody tell me what the at least necessary modules need to be loaded for AEL, SIP and IAX2 and MOH ?! I want to run asterisk in the most minimal form if possible.
14:34.47SmileMZI am not interisted in T38 faxing, xmpp .......
14:39.45SmileMZnobody answering :(
14:39.49SmileMZok, bye!
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18:34.27*** join/#asterisk madduck (~madduck@debian/developer/madduck)
18:34.53madduckWhat could be going on if after "core set verbose 1000", I do not see any output about e.g. dialplan steps and applications?
18:35.13madducki do see output from Verbose on the rasterisk console, but I need some debugging output…
18:35.53madducki.e. I want to see output like I used to, e.g.
18:35.53madduck[Oct 11 14:21:49]     -- Executing [29@gern-in-penny:1] NoOp("SIP/gern-penny-0000008b", "") in new stack
18:40.51*** join/#asterisk darkbasic_ (
18:43.07*** join/#asterisk kingokent_ (~toss@
18:45.42kingokent_hello, i have asterisk, dahdi 2.10 , libss7 1.02 and sangoma a108. I get incoming calls from ss7 link and play a file as noanswer option. While calls more then 8-10 most of calls be silence or play middle of noanswer playback files or wait as silence a while for that noanswer audio finish then route the call to sip. I have not seen any error or warning on logs. Do you think why it is occured ?
18:52.49kingokent_or where shall look up the found issue ?
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19:24.47madducki find this a bit weird.
19:24.52madduckthe console logger channel is configured
19:24.53madduckConsole  Enabled    - NOTICE WARNING ERROR
19:25.05madduckand even after "core set verbose 0"
19:25.12madduckoutput from Verbose() is shown on the console
19:25.18madduckvery confusing
19:25.50*** join/#asterisk jPadawan (bffa8f2a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:25.53WIMPyWell, if it's Verbose(0,...)
19:26.13madduckno, it's just Verbose(foobar)
19:26.41WIMPyThen you should take a look at the syntax for Verbose().
19:26.57madduckyeah, just found out too
19:27.03madduckdefaults to 0
19:27.37madduckokay, that's solved. But the other problem still exists, about "core set verbose 1000" and trace output
19:27.48madduckWIMPy: could you have a look at scrollback from an hour ago?
19:29.11*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
19:29.29madduckuh, by an hour ago i meant 5 minutes ago.
19:29.36WIMPyDo you have verbose enabled for the console in logger.conf?
19:29.59madduckno, but I never needed to, and I thought "core set verbose" actually overrode the logger.conf setting
19:30.14madduckon my old asterisk server, it's also not enabled for the console, yet there it works.
19:30.18madduckolder version of * though
19:30.41WIMPyIt doesn't/
19:31.03WIMPyIf it's old enough, that setting doesn't even exist :-)
19:31.54madduckit works on 1.8
19:31.58madduckand it does not work on 11
19:32.05madducksame logger.conf file :/
19:32.26WIMPy1.8 might be old enough.
19:33.23madducki now added verbose,debug to logger.conf
19:33.29madducklogger show channels shows
19:33.47madduckbut even after "core set verbose 1000", it does not show anything whatsoever.
19:34.14WIMPyDid you reload logger?
19:34.41WIMPyYou might even have to restart the remote console.
19:34.59madduckyes, I did both…
19:35.02madduck… and found the problem
19:35.15madduckcore set verbose 10 works. It does not work if you set it to 1000
19:35.30madducki do not even want to know what happened between 1.8 and 11 in this regard! ;)
19:36.17WIMPyI'm not even sure anything >9 exists. But I'm very sure nothing >19 exists.
19:36.23*** join/#asterisk Kerber0s (~Kerber0s@
19:37.02madduckwell, I am *very* sure 1000 used to work for years ;)
19:37.34WIMPyBut it never made sense.
19:39.31madduckanything >9 no longer works
19:44.40madduckthanks WIMPy
19:45.01madducki do wonder sometimes whether I should start talking to Eliza since sometimes I only end up solving problems when I talk to someone about it.
19:45.48WIMPymodule load chan_eliza
19:47.15jPadawancusco: last night i was tryng to solve an issue with cdr... the problem was inside res_odbc_custom.conf and func_odbc.conf
19:47.32jPadawancusco: thanks
19:48.17kingokent_hello, i have asterisk, dahdi 2.10 , libss7 1.02 and sangoma a108. I get incoming calls from ss7 link and play a file as noanswer option. While calls more then 8-10 most of calls be silence or play middle of noanswer playback files or wait as silence a while for that noanswer audio finish then route the call to sip. I have not seen any error or warning on logs. Do you think why it is occured ?
19:48.17kingokent_(9:52:47 PM) kingokent_: or where shall look up the found issue ?
19:49.51*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
19:52.53jPadawankingokent_: i have no idea =/
19:54.25kingokent_it is strange have not any warning or any other think like verbose debug or system-asterisk logs
19:57.17madduckWIMPy: that's awesome. Now I can call her and have my very own support hotline!!
20:08.58*** join/#asterisk Kerber0s_ (~Kerber0s@
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20:33.24*** join/#asterisk seik0 (
20:34.41seik0Hi everyone! Some offtopic, but here is the most handy english-speaking worldwide chatty. Does anyone has a guess what may stand for "Fancy game dish " ?
20:36.48seik0i'm studying and there is a task to translate from english to my language, but looks like english World does not use anything even around that phrase
20:44.45ChannelZFancy game dish?  I have no idea.  Is there more context in which this phrase appears?
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21:33.49seik0ChannelZ: no, list of items to translate and one of it is "fancy game dish"
21:34.11seik0the only cue is that it is connected with cooking
21:34.32seik0but anyway "dish" word says this
21:35.18seik0Thanks anyway, I think it's dummy test maker, nothing serious
21:35.25ChannelZok, in that case "fancy game" could refer to things like cornish hens, duck, etc. "game" referring to "animals you eat."
21:35.56seik0without fancy?
21:36.01ChannelZDish could mean 'food', or a physical dish.
21:36.01seik0i mean
21:36.10seik0dish is food, that is clear
21:36.28seik0fancy dish is just not very usual food
21:36.50seik0so... it goes to "not very usual meat food" ?
21:37.04ChannelZSort of, sure
21:37.39ChannelZFancy = ornate, overly garnished, pretentious..
21:38.29ChannelZDuck A L'orange could be a 'fancy game dish'
21:39.26seik0looks like they take original title and tried to translated to english without trying to make it correct enough to be understood by native speakers
21:44.43WIMPyGoogle translate?
21:45.06*** join/#asterisk Kerber0s (~Kerber0s@
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22:27.10jPadawanhey guys... i'm getting "1390 ast_careful_fwrite: fwrite() returned error: Broken pipe" when i use my php script for click 2 call in asterisk 1.8..... the same php works fine on asterisk 1.6.  Any ideia?
22:27.28*** part/#asterisk kingokent_ (~toss@
22:31.25ChannelZI'm guessing your PHP script is terminating/closing the filehandle before asterisk has finished sending data to it
22:45.31jPadawani already add sleep().. but ill check it again. thanks, ChannelZ
22:46.49ChannelZwithout seeing your script I have no idea what that means, but chances are it's something at the end of your script; the last command you send is generating a response that you're not reading and are just closing down instead.
22:46.58ChannelZLike Logoff
22:53.19jPadawanChannelZ: genius!
22:53.47jPadawanChannelZ: Thanks... the issue was in logoff position in the script
23:01.37*** join/#asterisk robink_ (~quassel@unaffilated/robink)
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