IRC log for #asterisk on 20150928

00:06.56*** join/#asterisk averythomas (~averythom@2607:5300:60:2d42::1)
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01:41.31TSMhas anyone seen problems with SIP registrations where provider is using IPv6 and your device is IPv4?
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01:43.51drmessanoWhy would that fail?
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01:50.52TSMi have no idea, I am trying to install a poly phone at someones house, it was working fine as it is just their office unit, when when in their house it just fails all the time, I have taken it back to the office and it now works fine, , i checked the permit setting which is on  which is odd, i tried disabling SIP ALG on the router and no problem, they are
01:50.52TSMon a TWC NY connection
01:53.48TSMit works fine with xlite which is weird though
02:02.43*** join/#asterisk TSM2 (~tsmgeek@
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02:12.16drmessanoThat doesnt even remotely say "IPv6"
02:14.26drmessanoEvery one of your registers is faling
02:14.34drmessanoCheck the credentials
02:14.46drmessano"Ive taken it back to the office"
02:15.00drmessanoI dont know what variable that changes
02:15.13drmessanoWhere is Asterisk located?  What does moving it change?
02:22.27TSM2the server is hosted with rentpbx, the office has a pure IPv4 connection while the guys house is IPv6/IPv4, i litrally picked up the phone and took it back to the office and connected it up and it now connects to the * server
02:26.53TSM2could there be some carrier grade natting going on and just broken
02:51.30*** join/#asterisk almostworking (~almostwor@unaffiliated/almostworking)
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14:19.41*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.5.0 (2015/08/07), 11.19.0 (2015/08/07), (2015/04/08); Standard: 12.8.2 (2015/04/08); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.10.0 (2014/08/13), DAHDI-tools 2.10.0 (2014/08/13); libpri 1.4.15 (2014/06/16) -=- Asterisk wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
14:21.21*** join/#asterisk dms1 (~dms1@
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14:31.10newtonrJesterboxboy, there might be something in console or logs if you turn up verbose and debug
14:31.34Jesterboxboyboth to 10 but nothing
14:31.43newtonrJesterboxboy, check out logger.conf and verify you have all various log channel types going where you want
14:32.01Jesterboxboybut i should see it in the console ?
14:32.04Jesterboxboyif there is something
14:32.22newtonrJesterboxboy, if you have those log channels routed to the console...
14:36.57Jesterboxboythanks solved it
14:37.31newtonrsolved the logging issue or the cdr issue?
14:42.04*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-fntxyjmrsnsizype)
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15:06.08*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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15:15.17*** join/#asterisk Get_The_Fish (
15:16.44Get_The_FishHey can someone help me get inbound calls working on this config? I've put a couple full days into this config and this is the last thing that I can get figured out.
15:22.04fileGet_The_Fish, Flowroute is not including line information in the incoming INVITE, as a result you will need to do IP based matching
15:25.11Get_The_Fishfile: even that isnt working. And IP matching is far less than ideal, and not something we had to do in chan_sip.
15:27.04fileIP based matching does work, if the right IP address or range is used
15:27.10fileand did you use anonymous calling in chan_sip?
15:30.48Get_The_Fishfile: no, I didnt. And here is a paste showing it not working.
15:32.08filethe auth= option in an endpoint specifies inbound authentication
15:32.31filefor outbound authentication use outbound_auth=
15:35.20Get_The_Fishfile: Removed auth from the endpoint record. Outbound_auth is in the registration section.
15:36.13*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (~andresmmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
15:36.14[TK]D-FenderShould be in the endpoint
15:39.26Get_The_Fishfile: here is a paste with the same provider's chan_sip configuration and a packet trace of an inbound call.
15:39.47filethat's doing IP based matching
15:40.51Get_The_Fishfile: I dont see an IP address in that configuration file, do you??
15:41.05fileI see a hostname which resolves to an IP address
15:41.10[TK]D-FenderI resolves that you know....
15:41.19Get_The_Fish[TK]D-Fender: Not according to pjsip.conf
15:41.40[TK]D-Fendercontact supports fqdn....
15:42.01fileyou pasted a sip.conf configuration which is used by chan_sip, that resolves the hostname upon load
15:42.07[TK]D-Fendermatching the host.... as opposed to username, "to", etc
15:42.08Get_The_Fishfile: big difference between a HOSTNAME and an IP. Big. match requires IP, which I have in the configuration, by the way. Still. Not. Working.
15:42.26[TK]D-FenderGet_The_Fish: Show your new config....
15:42.38filematch doesn't require an IP address, it will resolve a hostname to all A records
15:42.45fileunlike chan_sip which resolves to only 1
15:42.52Get_The_Fish[TK]D-Fender: The difference is that could be several IPs', as it is a SRV record.
15:43.14Get_The_Fishfile: the docs specifically state that match requires an IP.
15:43.20[TK]D-FenderWhile file is now saying it will resolve all of them
15:43.37[TK]D-Fenderan IP that matches.... and it will resolve all the "A"'s as he says
15:43.48[TK]D-FenderLet's see you current config
15:44.13filethe hostname support got added later
15:44.19filecreate issue to update doc
15:44.47mjordanDocumentation: the task that never ends.
15:45.41newtonrmjordan, someone started writing it not knowing what it was... this is the documentation that never eeendds! *muppet lambs dance around*
15:45.58[TK]D-Fenderyou still left this in
15:46.07[TK]D-Fenderhe just told you to get rid of it for the "outbound_auth" options
15:46.19filenot quite
15:46.38filethe "auth=flowroute" needs to be removed from the flowroute endpoint
15:46.48fileit is challenging Flowroute for authentication which they won't provide
15:46.49[TK]D-Fenderthat's what' I was saying
15:46.58[TK]D-Fenderperhaps not the most explicit workding..
15:47.06[TK]D-FenderI did mean removal of all reference to it
15:47.16[TK]D-Fendercan't type today...
15:47.29fileit's needed for outbound authentication
15:49.35[TK]D-Fenderah, just remove from the endpoint
15:50.02fileyup yup
15:57.23qakhani am using Page() app to call from p1 to 2 phones p2 and p3. when both phones p2 and p3 hangup the call, p1 does not hangup the call.
15:58.16qakhancall still going on on p1
16:01.53Get_The_Fishfile: Hey thanks for your help, that is working now with hostname instead of IP. Now I just get to deal with some NAT.
16:02.14rmudgettqakhan: p1 controls the Page conference.
16:02.23rmudgettIt must hangup.
16:02.44Get_The_FishDo we have a list of channel variables with PJSIP?
16:03.17*** join/#asterisk lbazan (~LoKoMurdo@fedora/LoKoMurdoK)
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16:07.00qakhanrmudgett here is scenario what i am trying to accomplish. there are 2 people working in 2 different stores. backoffice guys need to communicate with them using 1 ext (i am using 8000).
16:07.56qakhanwhen they dial 8000 both phones p2 and p3 auto answer the call and back office guys call person name who they want to talk.
16:08.41qakhandesired person answer (i am here) and other person hangup the call.
16:11.52qakhanor is there any app in asterisk 11.10 which take person name (caller says person name) and asteriks will dial that person extension
16:13.56rmudgettAsterisk has no built in voice recognition
16:14.19[TK]D-Fender3rd party via sphinx, lumenvox, etc
16:16.43*** join/#asterisk igcewieling (
16:17.39*** join/#asterisk DragonAzul (~DragonAzu@
16:18.36SpeakerToMeatHello. it's me again :D
16:20.13SpeakerToMeatQuick question, so, you want to get a sub $80 sip phone on amazon (or a good retailer for voip), that at least has: a) tls/srtp b) a good sized directory c) good asterisk integration d) a not too confounding UI
16:20.37SpeakerToMeatWhat would you go for. Grandstream (simpler model, no color screen), cisco (simpler model), or another brand?
16:21.01SpeakerToMeat1 sip line only required (2 lines would be a plus, is not a must)
16:21.12infobotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
16:21.15infobotsomebody said grandstream was the Yugo of VoIP hardware.  Run...  Run away now.  Though, therealcircut says that they're not that bad.
16:21.41SpeakerToMeatI get it.
16:22.08SpeakerToMeatI see therealcircuit was ousted. Or eaten
16:23.21qakhan[TK]D-Fender can i call to 2 phones same time and both phones auto answer same time. without using page ()
16:24.01SpeakerToMeatWhat about cheap line cisco? My old and only experience with cisco voips was that trying to make it do anything with a non CCD setup required blood donations
16:24.10igcewielingqakhan: unlikely
16:24.43SpeakerToMeatccd? cca? meh I've forgoten most of that hell already
16:25.14[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: Dial dials.  Page dials.  That's just about it.
16:25.29SpeakerToMeatBtw for my own use, what's the cheapest 1 fxo 1 fxs gateway out there that is usseable?
16:25.34[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: How you go about doing that is up to you
16:25.59[TK]D-FenderSpeakerToMeat: Linksys SPA-3102 or whatever the new SPA version # is
16:26.16SpeakerToMeat[TK]D-Fender: Thanks
16:26.18igcewielingSpeakerToMeat: three rules of life:  variables dont.  constants aren't.  cheap voip stuff is crap.
16:26.52qakhan[TK]D-Fender Dial() dials both phones but only 1 phone auto answer the call.
16:27.04qakhanwhile Page() does both
16:27.11[TK]D-FenderThe SPA is very inexpensive and generally "good enough" for light us
16:27.30[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: Correct.
16:27.38igcewielingqakhan: why don't you want to use page?
16:28.02SpeakerToMeat[TK]D-Fender: Any preference regarding the sip phone? Other than run away from grandstream?
16:28.52igcewielingSpeakerToMeat: any preferences we have would be outside your "cheap" requirement.  For example, I only use Polycom phones.
16:28.59qakhani want call to be hangup if called party (p2 or p3) hangup the call.
16:29.06SpeakerToMeatigcewieling: I see.
16:29.39SpeakerToMeatigcewieling: besides the price range, also I have something with polycom. It's stupid, I know... but... I feel like I'd erupt in flames if I had to buy one
16:29.57igcewielingqakhan: perhaps someone else can think of a way, but the only way I can think of to accimplish what you want to accomplish is a complicated setup of scripts and dialplan.
16:30.43[TK]D-FenderSpeakerToMeat: You wanted our opinions.  If you have irrational fears like that then we wish you the best of luck.
16:30.59SpeakerToMeat[TK]D-Fender: It's ok, I take the opinions in anyhow. thanks
16:35.40SpeakerToMeatIs polycom's quality homogeneous thorough their line? including cheaper phones? I found a soundpoint ip 330 for a good price
16:36.07[TK]D-FenderI'd recommend a model is wasn't discontinued years ago
16:40.50Get_The_FishSpeakerToMeat: I've been  happy with my digium phones so far.
16:45.31qakhandid anyone try this google Speech recognition
16:45.53[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: Yes, I'm sure thousands of people have googled that
16:47.25qakhani meant to ask is it successful ?
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16:48.31[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: Google searches tend to be as successful as the user is smart at actually providing useful terms to search by.
16:49.10Get_The_FishSo do we have a pjsip equivalent of ${SIPPEER}?
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17:02.56Get_The_FishIs there a PJSIP channel variable similar to ${SIPPEER} ?Sorry I was disconnected, didnt see an answer.
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17:10.33litnhey, so in my AGI script, I ask them to press some keys for different options that will transfer the call to certain people. When I transfer I use the Dial application. Is there a better way to do this?
17:10.38litnor is that proper for a menu?
17:11.07litnjust want to make sure because we have had some weird issues since rolling out the menu and I was thinking it might be since the call doesn't really transfer but dials out
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17:15.06[TK]D-FenderDo not abuse the term "transfer"
17:15.12[TK]D-Fenderyou are processing a call in the dialplan
17:15.21[TK]D-Fenderthis is not 2 parties talking to one another
17:15.33[TK]D-Fenderyou are not transferring away from someone
17:15.51litnoh I see
17:15.53litnI understand
17:16.07[TK]D-FenderSo just like a standard Waitexten based prompt, etc, this is just a dumb dial like any other if you are simply calling a normal peer on your system
17:18.16litnI'm seeing some weird stuff happen, I don't know the right terms but it seems like ghost calls,
17:18.38litnsomeone will press the option for reception, go to that queue, talk to someone and hang up, and then reception tell me that same number rings them again but noone is there
17:19.29[TK]D-FenderWe'd actually need something real to look at for that issue
17:19.30litnonly started happening when I put this dial plan in place
17:19.57litnmaybe I can post the agi script and that part of my dial plan and you can tell me if I am missin anything obvious, this is my first time writing an agi script or even custom dialplan
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17:27.10litn[TK]D-Fender: Here it is..
17:27.33litn[TK]D-Fender: I use multithreading so I can run the http call to look the customer up in our db *while* it is streaming the initial greeting btw
17:27.52litnthe dialplan part is in triple quotes at the top
17:29.04litnit works well in my testing but yeah there are some weird ghost calls and stuff
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17:30.59litn[TK]D-Fender: and then also I wrap everything in a catch all - sloppy as that may be - just in case there is any ege case scenario, so I send the person to reception in any instance like that
17:31.20[TK]D-Fenderdialing local channels causes the 2 channels to break off from where they were before and probably causes issues with your AGI
17:31.35[TK]D-FenderSome of the basics you should know on how they get masquearded out
17:31.48litnsince this is dialplan, it should instead be like a goto ?
17:32.11[TK]D-Fendercalling Dial like that has its consequences
17:32.20[TK]D-FenderDoing a Goto will imply having to leave your AGI
17:32.39[TK]D-FenderIs that stream the only point of using AGI there?
17:33.34[TK]D-FenderBecause that would be a blocking action...
17:34.10litnAGI blocks yes
17:34.12litnbut it's in a separate thread
17:34.18litnI call http right after I start that thread
17:34.26litnso while it streams, I'm fetching JSON that has info about this customer
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17:35.05litn[TK]D-Fender: once they hit a number and go somewhere, nothing else needs to happen on that agi script
17:35.08litnit can exit
17:35.49[TK]D-FenderThen you should set the AGI exit point and just ext.
17:36.26litngoogling exit point didn't show anything- do you mean to call Goto?
17:38.53[TK]D-Fenderread your AGI basics where you get to set where the dialplan resumes upon exit
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18:03.27Get_The_FishSo now I'm getting this: No SIP authenticator registered. Assuming authentication is not required when starting Asterisk
18:04.36Get_The_Fish(as a console warning message)
18:05.25WIMPyTime to load some modules.
18:06.54litn[TK]D-Fender: thanks for your guidance! I changed it to set context, set extension, sert priority, and then exit rather than dial :)
18:06.57litnwe'll see if the issues go away
18:08.59*** join/#asterisk TSM (~tsmgeek@
18:11.39Get_The_FishWIMPy: Do I have a module that isn't loaded??
18:11.56WIMPyAt least one.
18:12.08*** join/#asterisk reveal (reveal@2401:7000:0:7::e376:fc6)
18:18.14igcewielingGet_The_Fish: did you mess with /etc/asterisk/modules.conf?
18:18.52Get_The_FishQuite a bit, actually. However I had autoload on, and I'm only noloading stuff I'm not using.
18:22.52igcewielingGet_The_Fish: step 1: stop noloading stuff.
18:23.24igcewielingif that helps you can track down which specific module you need.
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19:14.31Get_The_FishAnyone have a recommendation for the best way to make IVR recordings?
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19:16.15Get_The_FishIE software on a PC, phone, and IVR that makes recordings...
19:25.24[TK]D-FenderGrab phone.  Make recording
19:25.59[TK]D-Fendergreat because you already have everything you need and it goes directly into the right format
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20:01.08Get_The_Fish[TK]D-Fender: Didnt know if there was an easier way.
20:01.51[TK]D-FenderWhat's easier than picking a phone you already have and recording with software you already hav installed?
20:02.10Get_The_FishI could use some help with no audio now on inbound calls. It APPEARS that asterisk is doing what it's supposed to be doing, and sending audio back to the carrier, however I hear nothing.
20:02.17igcewielingYou could run an audo capture program like Audacity and a microphone, then postprocess the file into the correct format.   Using a phone sounds easier.
20:02.39SpeakerToMeatIs there a way I can check whether a trunk ( a chan_sip) is using tls/srtp?
20:02.44Get_The_Fish[TK]D-Fender: Yeah, kinda does. Making the dialplan to do it sounds like a pain
20:03.37Get_The_Fish for the no audio issue
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20:04.43[TK]D-FenderGet_The_Fish: pain? about half a minute.
20:04.52[TK]D-FenderGet_The_Fish: Less time than it took to ask
20:05.47igcewielingGet_The_Fish: um, call yourself, leave your message a voicemail, copy it to where you need it
20:06.01Get_The_Fish[TK]D-Fender: Actually I just found a dialplan snippet that will do it.
20:06.17Get_The_Fish[TK]D-Fender: *slaps forehead*
20:06.18[TK]D-Fenderall of 1 line
20:06.27[TK]D-FenderEverything else is gravy
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20:12.24SpeakerToMeatWill using freepbx/elastix to begin turn me into a bad user?
20:15.42[TK]D-FenderDepends on you
20:15.55SpeakerToMeatOk. I get it.
20:16.16SpeakerToMeatRegarding the sip connection? any tips please?
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20:16.34[TK]D-FenderIf you figure you'll be as lazy as humanly possible then it's a great first step.  Pile on a little sense of entitlement and you're well on your way.
20:16.42SpeakerToMeatI have a sip trunk setup encryption=yes is there any easy way to check the connection is actually tls and srtp?
20:17.12[TK]D-Fenderit'll get REFUSED if they don't agree
20:17.21[TK]D-FenderAnd you can tell by looking at the actual call debug
20:17.32SpeakerToMeatAh since encryption=yes makes it mandatory
20:19.17[TK]D-Fenderyes != maybe
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20:26.17[TK]D-Fenderheads home...
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21:07.00jkroonhi all, after some debugging on FAXOPT(faxdetect)=yes I realized that any frame that is not ulaw or alaw simply gets skipped for fax detection from the framehook handler - is there any way to in the framehook enable transcoding/decoding of the voice data into SLINEAR and rather process that?  Is there documentation I can look at for writing the code?  We would like to enable faxdetect, unfortunately the upstream codec is g729.  once we detect a fax we
21:07.00jkrooncan force a switch to t38 (which based on my testing should work but obviously the detection needs to work first).
21:07.07jkroonthis is in res/res_fax.c
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21:08.25WIMPyI think you are better off in -dev with that question.
21:09.11jkroonthat probably be true.  how are you?
21:10.01WIMPySomewhat tired, otherwise ok.
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21:24.50Jesterboxboyis it possible to use a variable in the pattern matching part in a dialplan?
21:25.09Jesterboxboyexte => _${variable},1, do something :?
21:25.53Jesterboxboyokay thank you
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21:46.49pjensen00Greetings!  I'm doing a 'redirect' in ARI.  1/2 the time I get asterisk sending our SIP server a 302 with the information I provide.  The other half of the time I am seeing Asterisk sending a 603.  Is there some kind of obvious failure scenario on a redirect a 603 would be triggered?
21:47.57*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
21:50.03WIMPyJesterboxboy: Yes, but the variable has to be defined in the dialplan as global.
21:51.42*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
22:07.37pjensen00@WIMPy was that at me?
22:08.09pjensen00Oh.  Ok.
22:08.38jkroonWIMPy, working FAXOPT(faxdetect)=yes in CNG for non-G.711 channels :D
22:09.08WIMPyjkroon: You changed the channel?
22:09.19jkroon"minor" patch to res/res_fax.c
22:09.53WIMPyCool. I would think that others would be interested as well.
22:09.56jkroonbasically drop the set read format code that was there for faxdetect that didn't work anyway and replaced it with a translator path when needed.
22:10.05WIMPyEven if I can't remember anyone asking for it.
22:11.22jkroonvery useful - use case:  incoming SIP, happens to be a fax call, outbound to phone ... incoming side doesn't initiate switch to t38, and obviously neither does the phone, now FAXOPT(faxdetect)=yes kicks in, drop the "peer" channel and sends to the fax extension instead.
22:13.25*** join/#asterisk vandyk (~vandyk@
22:14.30jkroonWIMPy, agreed - just not sure where to post patches nowadays.
22:14.40jkroonbug tracker or reviewboard?
22:14.58WIMPyThat would be gerrit now.
22:15.10WIMPyTheres a page on the wiki on how to put somethign up on gerrit.
22:15.27rmudgettCreate an issue as well
22:15.37jkroonrmudgett, ok.
22:15.46WIMPyIt was rather daunting for someon who might need it once a year or less. :-(
22:16.12jkroonwould logins from the old reviewboard pull through automatically?
22:16.50*** part/#asterisk superscrat (asanders@nat/digium/x-sfmpwdehxhwyhyhn)
22:22.02jkroonWIMPy, would need to refactor the patch for master.
22:22.12jkroonwill only apply as is to the 11 series.
22:22.29jkroonminor changes I reckon but I'm not going to make them tonight.
22:22.37WIMPyis stuck on 11 as well.
22:24.20rmudgettjkroon: If you have an accepted signed contribution license then you can log into gerrit with your JRIA login.
22:27.06jkroonrmudgett, i do, let me just refactor the patch for master/ first.  I'll obviously have to submit two patches, one for 11.X and one for master/ so may just as well do both in one go.
22:27.41rmudgettAnd a cherry pick for v13
23:01.28*** join/#asterisk moe` (
23:01.31moe`hey guys
23:01.36moe`another stupid problem
23:01.47moe`bria client to bria client, no audio
23:02.12moe`there are other bria and linphone clinets where it works fine, just the one client has no audio
23:02.19moe`but they can call landlines and voicemail
23:02.22moe`and it works
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23:16.23*** join/#asterisk t4nk997 (4b953aad@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:18.14t4nk997hi, my team and i have created a real-time payments platform for asterisk - anyone interested in trying it?
23:28.14TazzNZso you pay me to use asterisk. in real time ? :D
23:28.35t4nk997ha :D
23:28.55*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-bvvxtewnoiajrift)
23:29.10t4nk997between carriers, the payments happen as the call happens. there is no pre-payment needed.
23:34.44igcewielingBetween carriers payments are post pay.
23:35.06igcewielinggenerally after signing a 100 page contract and an credit check. 8-)
23:37.05t4nk997ya there is def some post pay, but what a waste of time (100 pg contract?!) and credit check / legal / risks costs built into the price
23:38.18igcewielingSorry, but in my view a carrier who gets their mins as prepay is not, in my view, a carrier.
23:38.43igcewielingI'm sure others would disagree.
23:39.09t4nk997how long do you think this industry can function (business-wise) as it does?
23:39.29igcewielingt4nk997: as long as they can extract money from customers.
23:39.49t4nk997seems to be a race to the bottom, where no one trusts each other - fair?
23:40.19igcewielingI don't expect Verizon or Level 3 to trust me.  I don't t trust them.
23:40.54t4nk997absolutely, coupled with the costs that lack of trust adds to the price and constrains margins
23:41.56igcewielingWe'll have to agree to disagree.
23:42.52t4nk997disagree on what part? thought we agreed there is lack of trust. :)
23:43.46igcewielingI think a lack of trust is good.  You seem to think it is bad.
23:45.22t4nk997no no - we agree - no one should trust anyone in this space. i have a solution where no one needs to trust anyone (incl ridding of pre or post paying) through real-time payments.
23:46.06t4nk997and when neither side needs to trust the other, that risk is eliminated
23:59.38*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)

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