IRC log for #asterisk on 20150906

00:10.16*** join/#asterisk BBone_ (
00:11.58*** join/#asterisk chendy (~chendy@
00:19.36*** join/#asterisk chendy (~chendy@
00:19.39*** join/#asterisk haryv (
00:19.50*** part/#asterisk haryv (
01:00.20*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
01:20.57*** join/#asterisk TriJetScud (
01:20.57*** join/#asterisk nanoha-sama (
02:05.05*** join/#asterisk lnb (
02:48.32*** join/#asterisk nanoha-sama (
02:51.19*** join/#asterisk darkbasic_ (
03:06.33*** join/#asterisk TriJetScud (
03:07.03*** join/#asterisk nanoha-sama (
03:30.27*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
03:40.01*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~hola@unaffiliated/liuyan)
03:41.14*** join/#asterisk salviadud (~Rgonzalez@
04:29.38*** join/#asterisk darkbasic_ (
04:33.53*** join/#asterisk [373K] (
04:59.28*** join/#asterisk dustinm (
05:32.45*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
05:36.17*** join/#asterisk almostworking (~almostwor@unaffiliated/almostworking)
06:33.29*** join/#asterisk cryptic (
06:34.08*** join/#asterisk chendy (~chendy@
06:48.02Resnikanyone who can help me up setting up windows voip client? I managed to crate new trunk, and connect from windows Blink sip client, but that's about it :s
06:50.54*** join/#asterisk Frojoe (Frojoe@2a01:7e00::f03c:91ff:fe70:bc74)
07:27.07*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (~tzafrir@
07:38.02ChannelZAre you getting an error or what are you really asking?
07:56.22*** join/#asterisk justdave_ (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
08:00.31*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
08:07.13ResnikChannelZ, I'm not getting error, and logs also show that sip client connects, but even if I direct call from incoming trunk to "inernal" one, it does not work :S
08:15.15ChannelZwell we're not clairvoyant. Gonna need to see some verbose output or something, "it doesn't work" is not helpful
08:15.28infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
08:17.02*** join/#asterisk Demon_VoIP (
08:17.09Resniksec, working th
08:17.30Resnikover some online guides, lets see
08:18.53*** join/#asterisk Draecos (
08:19.19infobotNew to asterisk configuration? Check out this primer to get started.
08:21.31Demon_VoIPIs where a way to turn off auth require on inbound MESSAGE in res_pjsip?
08:23.56*** join/#asterisk znf_ (
08:29.14Resnikis there anything wrong if I do all this via webgui? (asterisknow)
08:46.09Resniknot rly I see, just way more complicated :P
09:09.11Resniklooks like i'm stuck at extensions part of GUI
09:28.18Resniknm, got it to work :)
09:38.04Resnikok, I'm now able to receive calls from outside, but i'm having problems setting up outbound routes
09:39.00Resnikmy isp provided me with CgPn: SITE ID + internal number <> number
09:48.23Resnikhm, got it to work...
10:10.34*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
10:19.59ChannelZcongrats, you are now a ward of #freepbx
10:22.21ResnikI'm a what? :)
10:32.26*** join/#asterisk darkbasic_ (
10:39.29*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
10:50.14*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
10:55.01*** join/#asterisk Parham (
10:57.07ParhamHi. I have defined a static queue and have added user 3000 to it, along with 4000 and 5000. When I type in "queue show" in the Asterisk console,l 4000 and 5000 are "not in use", but 3000 is "unavailable". What's the problem?
10:58.15*** join/#asterisk sparetire_ (~sparetire@unaffiliated/sparetire)
11:02.08*** join/#asterisk pa (~pa@unaffiliated/pa)
11:48.12*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
11:58.50*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
11:59.39*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
12:07.08*** join/#asterisk Zogot (~Adium@
12:10.23*** join/#asterisk doome_ (
12:11.48*** join/#asterisk carrotcake (~carrotcak@unaffiliated/carrotcake)
12:12.41*** join/#asterisk Draecos (
12:19.05*** join/#asterisk doome_ (
12:26.36*** join/#asterisk Draecos (
12:27.13*** join/#asterisk snadge (~snadge@unaffiliated/snadge)
12:27.29*** join/#asterisk CeBe1 (
12:53.02*** join/#asterisk MadHatter42 (~MadHatter@unaffiliated/madhatter42)
13:03.22*** join/#asterisk Zogot (~Adium@
13:16.33*** join/#asterisk [NC] (
13:57.07*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
13:58.11*** part/#asterisk carrotcake (~carrotcak@unaffiliated/carrotcake)
14:33.52*** join/#asterisk kingokent (5c2cedd3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:34.32kingokenthello i have try to install libss7 but got following errors
14:35.34kingokentalso i have not any common problem on my google search shall i downgrade my dahdi version or shall i use another asterisk version (1.8.50 asterisk - latest linuxcomplete,ss7 and dahdi versions)
14:55.20[TK]D-FenderYou should not be using 1.8 at all anymore
14:57.01kingokentok let me try 11.19 versin
15:07.55kingokentit works issue was due to asterisk version thank you
15:34.38*** join/#asterisk darkbasic_ (
15:41.39*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
15:56.37*** join/#asterisk markit (
16:13.16*** join/#asterisk doome_ (
17:00.22*** join/#asterisk Encrypt (
17:00.37EncryptIs anyone using asterisk with chan_dongle here?
17:02.46infobot"Does anyone have X or use Y?" is taking a poll, not asking a valid question. Don't do it or our army of rabid weasels will hurt you. Usually, people other than those with the exact same set up can help you and those who have sometimes will not be able to help you. Also see <ask>
17:04.13EncryptWIMPy, Ok :D
17:04.25EncryptSO, I'm running asterisk and I would like to add a GSM gateway
17:04.57EncryptI have a Huawei E160 modem and I managed to send SMS with the chan_dongle module
17:05.10EncryptHowever, and I don't know why, I can't receive SMS
17:06.12EncryptI'm sure they are received somewhere because when I put back my SIM card in my mobile phone, no SMS were received
17:06.28EncryptMeaning that they had been received on the GSM modem
17:06.42Encrypt(They weren't in the SIM card either)
17:08.01WIMPyI personally haven't looked at the SMS part at all. No debug available?
17:08.23EncryptWIMPy, There is no error :/
17:10.02*** join/#asterisk robink_ (~quassel@unaffilated/robink)
17:10.09*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:4c50:62e:1413:8219:34ff:fecf:17f0)
17:12.32WIMPyIf it isn't obvious, it's time to look for debugging options.
17:24.01*** join/#asterisk juned (~juned@
17:57.00*** join/#asterisk protem (~protem@unaffiliated/protem)
19:04.34*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
19:17.22*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
19:23.24*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
19:43.59*** join/#asterisk happy-dude (uid62780@gateway/web/
19:45.07*** join/#asterisk doome_ (
19:48.15*** join/#asterisk Encrypt (
19:48.19EncryptHi again o/
19:48.29EncryptWIMPy, Problem solved :]
19:48.53EncryptIn fact, the modem was not "configured" the right way
19:49.38EncryptI set AT^U2DIAG=276 and I had three interfaces instead of two
19:49.53EncryptIt seems that only the interface /dev/ttyUSB2 can receive SMS
19:50.11EncryptThe modem interface (/dev/ttyUSB0) allows to send SMS but not receive SMS
19:52.13WIMPyUgly details.
19:56.59*** join/#asterisk doome_ (
19:59.18*** join/#asterisk u0m3 (~u0m3@
20:12.53*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
20:16.36*** join/#asterisk youjelly (
20:16.44youjelly[16:15]youjelly[17586] CRITICAL:core:yyerror: parse error in config file etc/opensips.cfg, line 134, column 3-4: syntax error
20:16.45youjelly[16:15]youjellyline 134 is                 $du = "sip:";
20:17.54EncryptWIMPy, :D
20:26.53ChannelZyoujelly: was that a question?  for us?  in #asterisk?
20:27.32youjellyChannelZ: I asked in OpenSIPS as well I believe a lot of people here use it so I asked here too
20:29.21youjellynvm, fixed it
20:29.28youjellystupid syntax issue
21:40.29*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
22:37.42*** join/#asterisk robink_ (~quassel@unaffilated/robink)
23:04.00*** join/#asterisk protem (~protem@unaffiliated/protem)
23:34.57*** join/#asterisk drathir (~kamiljk8@unaffiliated/drathir)
23:59.38*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)

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