IRC log for #asterisk on 20150831

00:01.48ChannelZps ax |grep asterisk
00:03.13overyanderavahi      397  0.0  0.0  28072  1672 ?        Ss   04:19   0:00 avahi-daemon: running [asterisk-1.local]          root      6092  0.0  0.0 115212   816 ?        S    19:01   0:00 /bin/sh /usr/sbin/safe_asterisk
00:03.13overyanderroot      6094  1.4  0.7 3075248 59164 ?       Sl   19:01   0:51 /usr/sbin/asterisk -f -vvvg -c
00:03.14overyanderroot      6551  0.0  0.0 112640   964 pts/0    S+   20:02   0:00 grep --color=auto asterisk
00:12.37*** join/#asterisk phormulate (~phormulat@unaffiliated/phormulate)
00:37.12ChannelZSo safe_asterisk runs the real asterisk and relaunches it if it dies.  Though I dunno why sysctl knows the right pid of the actual asterisk and not safe_asterisk which is what it's actually running
00:47.10ChannelZbut I'm avoiding systemd for as long as possible
00:49.47WIMPySounds like a good idea to me.
00:51.57overyanderso, you sticking with centos 6.5 or older releases of debian?
00:52.38WIMPyis using Slackware, which seems to be safe for the moment.
00:53.51overyanderdespite the process child warning, it all seems to be running ok
01:39.15*** join/#asterisk Tenhi (~tenhi@
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02:02.59*** join/#asterisk pppingme (~pppingme@unaffiliated/pppingme)
02:15.15infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
02:17.18overyanderso, the online version of the boook only applies to asterisk 1.8?
02:18.14WIMPyIt applies to all versions, but you certainly won't find information about chan_pjsip for example.
02:19.30overyanderthe 4th edition would have pjsip stuff wouldn't it? when i go to i don't see any links to view the 4th edition online
02:20.19overyanderit so happens that i'm trying to learn about pjsip. just did a fresh install of * 13 and thought it would be better to learn pjsip and start using it instead of chan_sip
02:20.24WIMPyYou can read it, there's just no pdf download. is the place for you then.
02:21.58overyanderi was reading the links for the different pjsip modules, just thought something in more of a book format would help put all the pieces together for me.
02:22.40WIMPyI don't think there's anything more "booky", yet.
03:16.11*** join/#asterisk cyford (
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03:45.23overyanderare there any reasons to switch to pjsip from sip other than for the sake of embracing the new?
03:52.36ChannelZThere are some features that are worthwhile to some
03:54.25ChannelZlike multiple registrations to a device, multiple interface binding support
03:55.32overyandercan you do realtime sip registrations yet in pjsip or do you still have to use the flat file for that?
04:02.33ChannelZI think you can
04:17.14moe`<ChannelZ> like multiple registrations to a device, multiple interface binding support
04:17.21moe`that kinda gives me a woody.  :)
04:17.40*** join/#asterisk protem` (~protem@unaffiliated/protem)
04:19.55overyanderso, the multiple registrations aspect. could that be used to register the same peer on two different * boxes for failover or load balancing?
04:22.08moe`I doubt you'll get that much joy from it.
04:22.31moe`in fact, I'm sure you will not.
04:24.34overyanderi was thinking about multiple * systems, using a shared realtime db in mulit-master mode using gluster-fs to keep the two systems exactly in sync
04:29.44moe`I'm not expert, but I can't see that ending well.
04:34.38moe`you'd best ask the folks known as file or malcolmd or ChannelZ or [TK]D-Fender of items so detailed.
04:39.21ChannelZThe multiple registrations is the other way around; multiple devices can be registered to the same SIP peer.  So dialing PJSIP/Joe might ring 5 different devices
04:41.25ChannelZFor load balancing you're probably better off putting a generic SIP proxy in front of your Asterisk boxes
04:42.41overyanderok. i was getting excited for a moment. :P
04:43.50overyanderi can see how that would really help for those offices that still want to have 'line 1' 'line 2' etc. on all their phones
04:44.13overyanderit'd make it easier than configuring pickup groups
04:45.16drmessanoIn that application, you could just use multiple devices with chan_sip just as easily
04:47.08overyanderso, i guess pjsip/joe ringing multiple devices would be the equivelant of me having multiple extensions configured with the same internal CID so i can use my desk phone, softphone on laptop and softphone on my cell phone?
04:47.54ChannelZwell right now to do it you'd have to Dial(SIP/Phone1&SIP/Phone2&SIP/Phone3) etc
04:48.53ChannelZIf you want to add a 4th, you edit your dialplan.  With multiple addresses on a PJSIP endpoint, your dialplan doesn't have to care how many or what each specific peer is called
04:49.17drmessanoI think it's "neat" that PJSIP permits multiple regs, and for some, that would consolidate such a scenario.. but inevitably, something would come up to where "I just want to ring the softphone on my cell" and Asterisk doesnt do that yet
04:49.59drmessanoI think PJSIP does, but last I checked, it's all or nothing in Asterisk
04:51.14drmessanoSo I still like multiple devices, even if you're using pjsip..
04:51.17*** join/#asterisk mbecroft (
04:51.18ChannelZWell it can't work by mind reading. How would you expect it to work?
04:52.30ChannelZI mean, I don't know how asterisk being involved would change that scenario
04:52.45drmessanoThe PJSIP stack can address those individual devices, but chan_pjsip doesn't support that yet.. So if it did work, I would expect it to work using that support, at some point.  Duh
04:53.22overyanderi was referring to dialing pjsip/foobar instead of sip/foobar&sip/foobar1&sip/foobar2
04:53.25drmessanoYou dont know how Asterisk being involved would change that?  It's called "Feature not yet supported"
04:55.10moe`<ChannelZ> The multiple registrations is the other way around; multiple devices can be registered to the same SIP peer.  So dialing PJSIP/Joe might ring 5 different devices  .... SO GOOD
04:55.31moe`I just setup my asterisk to "roll over" to other devices, so this feature is frickin' awesome
04:55.48drmessanooveryander, yes, I know.. and I was suggesting that if you regged all of your devices to one pjsip registration, and then decided you wanted to create an extension to address ONE of those, you can't
04:56.01overyanderi see
04:56.08drmessanomoe`, you don't need pjsip to do that.. just ring all of those SIP devices
04:56.25moe`and dialplan that how?
04:56.33overyanderdrmessano, could you dial a full uri to target an individual device?
04:56.48moe`right now I have it ring one device, then another, each device having a unique SIP profile
04:56.59ChannelZI'm just saying that you want to use a feature in a way it wasn't even designed for, so don't use it then.
04:57.25ChannelZIf you want things separate, then yeah, duh, they aught to be separate.
04:57.27overyanderlet's say i have foobar registerd to and could you dial only one of them by specifying foobar@ from the dialplan?
04:57.42drmessanooveryander, no you can't.. not yet
04:57.53moe`right now I do that, which is ugly
04:58.17drmessanomoe`, SIP/martin-s2&SIP/martin-s5&SIP/martin-netbook
04:58.27overyanderwas about to say the same thing
04:58.31moe`no way
04:58.42ChannelZIf you want them to all ring simultaneously yes
04:58.42moe`see I'm still very much an asterisk newbie
04:58.52moe`yeah that's exactly what I want
04:59.08moe`how good is that
04:59.12moe`you guys are awesome
04:59.13ChannelZThe way you just showed moe would be for a sequential. IE giving one person the chance to answer for a few seconds before trying someone else
04:59.40drmessanoYou dont need PJSIP to ring devices simultaneously or to make them the same EXTENSION.. DIAL already supports multiple SIP devices
05:00.07ChannelZRight. which I said.
05:00.10overyanderand setting the same CID(num) on all of them makes them appear as one device when making calls to other extens
05:00.14drmessanoPJSIP just has the ability to use ONE REGISTRATION with multiple devices.. which may or may not be useful in some cases
05:00.55drmessanoand personally, I think the ability to break out those SIP devices in other ways is far more useful to me
05:01.03overyandercan you use pjsip and sip simultaneously? or do you have to choose one or the other
05:01.06moe`does a dialplan reload
05:01.12moe`lets test this
05:01.18ChannelZYou can use them both but they can't both bind to the same SIP port
05:01.26drmessanoBecause I may want 104 to ring SIP/home&SIP/car&SIP/netbook but maybe 904 rings just SIP/netbook
05:01.41moe`HOW GOOD IS THAT
05:01.57moe`something so simple just made my day!
05:02.07overyandergotta love *
05:02.20moe`its so good
05:02.29moe`I just last night got flowroute SIP connected to it
05:02.42overyanderi use flowroute too, they're pretty good
05:02.49moe`so now I can dial out with a 9 prefix for Skype or 7 prefix for flowroute
05:02.51ChannelZOne annoying thing (to me) about pjsip+asterisk is that it seems to send PROGRESS _immediately_ to the dialing device even before it's tried the remote end
05:03.08overyandermoe`, that'd be in your outbound context
05:03.16moe`yeah, that's quite intentional
05:03.28moe`so I can pick which outbound provider I want to use
05:03.52drmessanoNot sure why Skype would even be an option
05:04.13drmessanoTheir per minute pricing is double that of any reasonable ITSP, especially flowroute
05:05.24overyandersomething like exten=9XXXXXXXXXX,1,Dial(sip/flowroute/${exten}:1)  then exten=8XXXXXXXXX,1,Dial(sip/foobar/${exten}:1)
05:05.26ChannelZI liked it as a novelty to do Skype-to-Skype calls (back when SFA was around) but in the end never even used it more than a couple times
05:05.36moe`yeah its there cuz it was the first SIP provider I plugged into asterisk
05:05.50moe`; --- outbound SIP calls
05:06.11overyanderdrmessano, who do you use? their per min pricing is pretty cheap in the US compared to some others i've seen
05:06.22overyandermoe`, never do 9.
05:06.28moe`why is that?
05:06.29drmessanoI use Flowroute
05:06.37moe`you are not the first person to tell me that
05:06.37drmessanoNo reason to use anyone else
05:06.54drmessanoSkype is nowhere near cheap
05:07.17overyanderit's always best practice to set specific patterns for what you're expecting to match. the '.' allows anyhing, not just numbers, but ANY character
05:07.46drmessanoLike 2.3cents per minute is 2.5x that of Flowroute
05:07.51moe`yeah I know, regex type things are good friends of mine.
05:07.56drmessanoHow is that even remotely cheap?
05:08.30overyanderalso, shouldn't you use (...${EXTEN}:1) ?
05:08.35drmessanoAnyone above 1.5 cents per minute in the US is expensive
05:08.45moe`overyander: yeah but I could want to call the same number with use skype SIP or flowroute SIP, depending on the target number/location
05:09.34moe`so the 9 prefix was just arbitrary what I remembered from years ago old school PBX's to dial "outside" lines.
05:09.39overyanderyou were correct. the ":X" goes inside the braces
05:09.50overyanderfor some reason i was thinking it went on the outside
05:09.52moe`the 7 prefix for flowroute was just because I had to pick a number
05:10.03overyanderi know
05:10.11overyanderi was referring to the string cutting
05:10.33moe`well, it works.  I'm not an expert on asterisk config syntax
05:10.38overyanderbut you really should use 9XXXXXXXXXX instead of 9.
05:10.49moe`yeah I know, but...
05:10.58moe`well, see, where I am, the area code is 4 digits
05:11.03moe`I'm in Curacao
05:11.08moe`prefix 5999
05:11.16overyanderjust place an X to match the total number of digits you want to match
05:11.22overyanderthat's all an X is
05:11.32moe`I know.  but then I'd need two exten entries
05:11.40moe`one for 9 and another for 10 digit numbers.
05:11.41overyander9X says i want to match any 2 digit number beginning with 9
05:12.01overyanderit's better than allowing 9*&KLKJLKJH(&*^YKJH:LKJ
05:12.08moe`again: my area code is 5999 (4 digits)
05:12.30moe`yeah overyander I know the pattern I have can be used for nasty stupid things
05:12.45moe`_9[0-9]+ would be better, even
05:12.59drmessanoHis box is secure.. im sure he has a BSD firewall
05:13.25moe`snickers at drmessano ... its funny cuz its true
05:13.47drmessanoThats like the inside joke of 2015 now
05:13.54drmessano"But I have a BSD firewall.."
05:14.00moe` baby
05:14.02drmessano"It's ok, I have a BSD firewall"
05:14.13overyanderyou're killing me
05:14.38drmessano"No, she can't be pregnant.. I have a BSD firewall"
05:14.48overyanderthat should be on a meme
05:14.54drmessanome rolls eyes back into head
05:15.01drmessanooveryander, yes it should be
05:15.59overyanderspeaking of firewalls... is f2b still the way to secure a box that has to be open to public for sip connections? or has some better technique come alonger?
05:16.28ChannelZ"secure a box" and "open to the public" does not compute
05:16.40overyanderrelatively secure?
05:16.42ChannelZbut fail2ban is as good a choice as any to try and mitigate
05:17.05ChannelZdisconnecting China from the Internet would be a better way, but unfortunately..
05:17.33drmessanooveryander, fail2ban is a worthless piece of crap
05:17.46drmessanof2b doesn't secure anything
05:18.05overyanderat work i wrote a script that alters the iptables of our * box and allows the external users ip through on udp after they authenticate on the vpn. i tail the firewall logs to determine that they're auth'd and get their public ip. it works like a charm
05:19.01drmessanofail2ban fails miserably during brute force attacks.. because it doesn't stop anything when the attack is fast enough to cripple Asterisk to the point that it doesnt log
05:19.14drmessanoWhich is actually far less than a total bandwidth exhaustion
05:19.24drmessanoWe've done some recent testing to support that
05:19.33overyanderthat makes sense.
05:20.05overyanderso use something in iptables itself to trip after X many sessions within a certain timeframe?
05:20.18drmessanoYep, thats exactly the way to go
05:20.44drmessanoLook for invites and register
05:20.44overyanderi saw an example like that yesterday for a way to help secure ssh... let me see if i can find it
05:21.25overyanderi'm not an iptables guru by any means, but i came across this  look at the second code snippet in section 6
05:22.10drmessanoSomething like that
05:22.12overyanderbtw, drmessano, this was in #freebsd
05:22.14overyander<rennj> har har
05:22.52moe`ipfw on BSD has a connection limit directive that can be applied per source IP.   "I have a BSD firewall".    :)
05:23.35overyandermoe`, you running this at your house or office?
05:23.40drmessanomoe`, great, IF you know the source IP.. useless after the attack
05:23.50moe`its stateful
05:24.01moe`so the source IP is known, inherently.
05:24.14drmessanoOk, and what I just posted does the dame
05:24.17drmessanoIn iptables
05:25.16moe`iptables pisses me off.    :)    That's just my BSDism coming through.
05:25.58overyandermoe`, you running this at your house or office?
05:26.07drmessanoThen overyander and the rest of us can use it, and you can keep telling everyone about your BSD Firewall
05:26.17drmessano*cough* troll *cough*
05:26.49moe`asterisk (voip.unixninja) is on a box at the colo where I work, but runs from my living room.
05:27.04drmessanoIt secures his entire basement
05:27.43overyandermoe`, so how would you suggest those of us using vps' secure a public server behind a bsd fw?
05:28.37overyandermy * vps is exposed directly to the internet... nothing i can do about that. i can however use the tools within my distro to harden the crap out of it.
05:29.01drmessanoyum install bsd-firewall
05:29.04drmessanoNo, fails
05:29.16drmessanosudo apt-get install bsd-firewall
05:29.54overyanderlol, you scared me for a sec. i was thinking "yum install bsd-firewall ??? wtf??? "
05:30.47overyanderdrmessano, do you have a code snippet or link to an example on how to use iptables to look for the notify and registers as you were suggesting?
05:31.30drmessanoI already posted it
05:31.47overyanderahh, missed that
05:32.00moe`just updated my dialplans to ring all my devices at once, not rollover between them.
05:32.04overyanderoh god
05:32.10moe`still, I'm stuck on that, how good
05:32.56moe`so yeah, two android phones, android tablet, netbook, and desktop.   ringy dingy dingy all over the damned place.
05:33.41overyanderdrmessano, so that actually looks at the contents of the packet for those strings?
05:33.50drmessanooveryander, yes
05:34.10moe`there's something about that, having a weed stash and a BSD firewall.
05:34.12overyanderhow badly does that effect performance (net and cpu) ?
05:35.26drmessanooveryander, never noticed a hit.. i'm sure it's there, but i've taken massive attacks on tiny VPSs that I could easily wipe out with SIPp and didn't move the needle
05:36.22overyanderso, you use that instead of f2b?
05:36.29overyanderor both?
05:36.42drmessanoI've thrown like 100 calls per second at a t1.micro instance on Amazon and didn't see the CPU rise
05:37.51drmessanoF2B is useless.. I DO see a CPU hit from all that log scanning, especially during an attack
05:37.59drmessanoI havent run F2B in years
05:38.27drmessanoThe logic is ALL wrong
05:38.38drmessanoIf I stop a SIP attack for even 60 seconds
05:38.45drmessanoMost bots will go on their way.. gone forever
05:38.57drmessanoThat IP will most likely NEVER show up in my log again
05:38.59drmessanoWhy ban it?
05:39.18drmessanoWHy not just drop packets from it for 60 seconds, let it go on, then quietly allow it again
05:39.50drmessanoSeems like all those added rules would add CPU overhead.. thousands of banned IPs
05:40.41overyanderi can see the logic in that. plus if you have a legit user trying with a bad password or something you don't have to admin the server to unban them
05:41.59drmessanoYeah, I totally agree from the bad password end too
05:42.23drmessanoI chose the limits there due to the load on my VPS'ed Asterisk instances
05:42.40moe`ahha, BSD firewall for the win.
05:42.49drmessanoThat seemed like a MAX based on worst case from one IP, which was power loss, phones come back up, all try to register at the same time
05:43.21drmessanoEven if they were too much, 60 seconds later they can try again
05:43.29*** join/#asterisk elitas (~elitas@
05:43.32overyanderwhich most phones will do
05:43.40drmessanoWith Fail2ban, you're fixing things
05:44.07moe`hey, speaking of phones....  :)   .... what hardware SIP phones would you guys recommend?
05:44.09drmessanoToo much work.. and I like to make things easy... better coding, better scripting = less work
05:44.40moe`I usually like cisco hardware for network goodies, but dunno about their phones
05:45.48overyandermoe`, if you want a nightmare, go ahead and use cisco phones with *
05:46.02overyanderi have had a really good experience with polycom's
05:46.24drmessanoHang on
05:46.38drmessanoThat was the old one
05:49.44overyanderdrmessano, what's the purpose of iptables -A SIP -m hashlimit --hashlimit 6/sec --hashlimit-mode srcip,dstport --hashlimit-name tunnel_limit -j ACCEPT
05:51.45drmessanoOverall rate limiting for SIP, per IP
06:01.35*** join/#asterisk qdel (
06:12.39overyanderdrmessano, have you thought about modifying the iptables rule you shared to only send to that chain if the src network is within the US?
06:13.41drmessanoNo, but not a bad idea
06:16.36overyanderi'm hollaring at the guys in #netfilter now to get their opinion on doing a subnet filter to only send US networks to the SIP iptables chain and to drop all other networks. that would really mitigate the amount of systems * is even exposed to
06:17.13overyanderi have a list of the subnets in the US. if the iptables gurus don't think it's a bad idea, i'll make the tables and share it with ya
06:18.40drmessanoThat would be great!
06:19.07*** join/#asterisk elijah_ (
06:21.03elijah_I've just built asterisk on Ubuntu 14.04 but when I run 'asterisk -vvvc' I get nothing back
06:21.19elijah_It's like it's immediately dying but I can't see why, any ideas?
06:24.24overyanderelijah_, have you checked the logs?
06:25.29overyanderdrmessano, guess how many subnets there are in the US?
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06:30.40elijah_Which logs?
06:30.54elijah_I'm running it with -c so all output should go to the console right?
06:31.14*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
06:32.48overyanderwhichever logs you have configured in /etc/asterisk/logger.conf
06:33.15overyanderyou would think it is all going to console, the fact that it's not is very weird and i can't think of why it wouldn't... unless you didn't compile something correctly
06:33.52overyanderi also don't use debian or ubuntu, so i have no ideas there. i use centos and fedora
06:33.52elijah_Right now logger.conf just has console => notice,warning,error
06:34.07elijah_Yeah, I'd think it would at least crash or something if it's built wrong
06:34.18overyanderapparently it is crashing
06:34.50elijah_Right, but with the -c switch shouldn't it report the error to the console?
06:35.03elijah_I'm just trying to find something to go on
06:35.31overyanderhave you tried editing the verbosity and debug levels in /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf and then just running asterisk -c ?
06:36.17elijah_hmm no, let me see how to do that...
06:36.28overyandervim /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf
06:36.40overyanderedit verbose =
06:36.44overyanderedit debug =
06:36.54overyanderpress escape key then :wq!
06:37.01overyanderasterisk -c
06:37.20elijah_verbose = 3?
06:37.40overyanderi have mine set for 99. LOL
06:37.44overyanderthe more info i get the better
06:37.44elijah_oh haha ok
06:38.10elijah_yeah still nothing
06:38.21elijah_The log dir is set to /var/log/asterisk
06:38.31elijah_I'm tailing the messages file in there but it's totally empty
06:39.02overyanderdid you by chance install from apt-get previously then try compiling from source?
06:39.29overyanderdid you read the install instructions or just try to do it based on typical make/make install logic?
06:40.11elijah_I followed a writeup I found that was supposed to be fore ubuntu
06:40.30overyanderhow old was it?
06:40.31elijah_no apt-get install for asterisk, some of the dependencies were installed that way
06:40.42overyanderwas it specifically written for the version you tried compiling?
06:40.48elijah_It was that, yeah for ubuntu 14.04
06:41.03elijah_I mean it all seemed pretty straightforward
06:41.12elijah_I'm just kinda surprised there is no error at all
06:41.26overyanderthat link is for installing freepbx, not asterisk
06:41.40elijah_well yeah but I just used the parts that apply to asterisk
06:41.44overyander2 completely different things
06:41.51overyanderfreepbx hacks the crap out of asterisk
06:41.52elijah_freepbx uses asterisk tho...
06:42.22elijah_They used the plain asterisk source for the part I followed, I didn't apply any patches or anything
06:42.52elijah_there were a couple others I referenced, trying to find them
06:44.09overyanderi would stick with official documentation
06:45.16elijah_Use version 11, not 13?
06:46.33overyanderuse the latest version
06:46.57elijah_I'll try over from the beginning I guess
06:46.57overyander11 was used in the code examples because that was probably the latest out at the time.
06:47.12overyanderthe install instructions are pretty much the same
06:47.16elijah_But this is seriously weird, I've never seen a program just silently crash like that
06:47.25overyanderi would start by going into your source dir and running
06:47.31overyander'make clean'
06:47.59overyanderthere's also a bootstrap file you need to run first... not sure if that's mentioned in these docs or not
06:48.05elijah_yeah I did run that
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07:46.43overyanderdrmessano, you there?
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07:59.19_omerDoes ConfBridge work with all type of channels (SIP/IAX/DAHDI) ? I am planning to replace meetme with confbridge....
08:00.39overyanderconfbridge is a an application just like dial,meetme,moh,voicemail, etc. the channel doesn't matter
08:06.23_omerthanks overyander
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10:29.07aiksa[LV]hey; anyone here having a bit of experice with ARI?
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10:29.59aiksa[LV]how do I track status of originated call before it has entered stasis application?
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11:35.57neeby_goosey_XHello everyone. Just wanted to ask if it possible for asterisk to Pickup() inbound channels. Seems like it works for outbound only.
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12:27.40[TK]D-Fenderneeby_goosey_X_: this is for "ringing" channels.  "outbound" is not a thing
12:29.35neeby_goosey_X_I tried picking channel that was running `exten => s,1,Ringing();` dialplan with no success.
12:31.31[TK]D-FenderYou should probably show us then
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12:34.48[TK]D-FenderAnd the call
12:36.10VinelHey [TK]D-Fender.
12:36.42[TK]D-Fenderexten => s,1,Set(__PICKUPMARK=1) <- And I'd avoid trying to throw inheritance into this right now...
12:38.43neeby_goosey_X_Why? Adding inheritance almost never breaks anything. This very line is there because of commented out Dial() command.
12:39.03neeby_goosey_X_(dial command not shown in my sample)
12:39.14[TK]D-Fenderlets see your test
12:39.42neeby_goosey_X_Will be back in several mins, gotta download those logs.
12:49.17neeby_goosey_X_Will this log fragment do?
12:52.39neeby_goosey_X_Could you explain what was meant by 'ringing channel'? I thought only devices and extensions could have ring statuses.
12:55.19neeby_goosey_X_Pickup documentation doesn't state anything about types of channels it can deal with either.
12:56.06[TK]D-FenderNot sure if that kind of "ringing" counts"
12:57.05WIMPyHow many kinds of "ringing" do you know?
12:57.30[TK]D-Fenderpassed status from a dial, etc
12:57.39neeby_goosey_X_[TK]D-Fender: Oh, my bad, pickup docs do state 'ringing channels'. So, how do I make a channel a 'ringing' one?
12:57.54[TK]D-FenderBeing in some kind of actual call.
12:57.59[TK]D-FenderDial, possibly Queue, etc
12:58.25WIMPyIt's in ringing state while a device is ringing.
12:59.28neeby_goosey_X_My example works if I add Dial or Queue to `pickup-seed`, I already tested that. It surprised me that it didn't work without at least one channel creating command.
12:59.57neeby_goosey_X_Can I somehow fool ast into believing that my channel is ringing?
13:00.28WIMPyYou could try Ringing().
13:00.29[TK]D-FenderMaybe you should think of another approach and tell us what you are actually trying to do
13:00.44[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: He already did, that's what his test showed fails.
13:00.51WIMPyBut once te channel is "up" it's too late.
13:03.57[TK]D-FenderThe extension is typically set on matching channels by the dial application that created the channel. The context is set on matching channels by the channel driver for the device.
13:04.06[TK]D-Fenderinstructions do infer Dial() specifically
13:05.51neeby_goosey_X_My goal was to allow users to pick up calls from queue. I solved it by setting PICKUPMARK just before routing inbound calls to the queue. Users then invoke Pickup(<smth>@PICKUPMARK) and get *some* call from the queue. The sample I showed you was my initial attempt to figuring out how Pickup() command works.
13:06.47[TK]D-FenderSo it does work with Queue() then?
13:07.17VinelWhat choice do I have to create a distributed queue for outbound calls? For instance, 200 agents on Asterisk box 1 and other 200 agents on other Asterisk box but shared same queue?
13:07.32WIMPyI think it works with the Dial executed by Queue.
13:07.48neeby_goosey_X_Yes, I think so. Although now I gotta test the case with multiple channels having the same PICKUPMARK, such case is not documented anywhere.
13:09.04[TK]D-Fenderneeby_goosey_X_: You can bet on it being one of either the oldest, newest, or morest recently changed status that gets grabbed.
13:09.20[TK]D-Fenderneeby_goosey_X_: or perhaps alpha-based
13:09.33[TK]D-Fenderneeby_goosey_X_: Wouldn't bet on queue order mattering
13:09.33WIMPyOr just random.
13:09.56[TK]D-FenderPretty sure it wouldn't be actually random.  Just not sanything proactical.
13:10.00neeby_goosey_X_[TK]D-Fender: It would do if it worked any way)
13:10.50neeby_goosey_X_[TK]D-Fender: Happily, I don't need the queue ordering influence my Pickup();
13:17.22neeby_goosey_X_Thanks for suggestions.
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14:11.41VinelAsterisk RealTime Extensions, it I create a new Extention in one of Asterisk box, can it be available automatically in other Asterisk boxes?
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15:56.53zafanyone familiar with digium phones and smart_blf? now matter what i try, the phones don't even seem to attempt to subscribe to other peers' status
15:58.35zafmy xml files are very close to the examples in the wiki
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17:22.21revealhow can i remove unathorized attempts for asterisk from people trying to connect to external ip
17:42.25WIMPyzaf: Have you configured Asterisk correctly? Do you have hints and are the phones allowed to subscribe?
17:42.49WIMPyreveal: Remove? From where/what?
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17:51.53zafWIMPy, as far as I can tell they are, the hints show up correctly afaict. but i'm not seeing any attempts at all to subscribe in sip debug
17:52.05zafother than them subscribing to themselves
17:52.23WIMPyTo themselves?
17:53.47zafi see a SUBSCRIBE from the phone with a destination of its own extension
17:59.20zafi'm not sure why they subscribe to themselves, maybe voicemail
18:00.34zafi really think it's something with the configuration of the phones that i'm missing
18:01.01WIMPyThere isn't much to configure.
18:01.06WIMPyOr much that can be configured.
18:01.58zafi get the phonebook, but i get no blinky lights
18:02.54WIMPy<contact first_name="conf" last_name="0" subscribe_to="11990"><numbers><number dial="11990" /></numbers></contact>
18:03.14WIMPyThat's an example of what works for me.
18:04.14WIMPyHmmm. Do you have the contacts in the "blf" group?
18:04.42zafi have the group name as "Directory", if that matters
18:04.57WIMPyI think it does.
18:05.03zafi haven't seen any references to the name of the group having any significance
18:05.07zafbut i'll try changing it
18:05.42WIMPyI can't relly remember, but it would seem to me lie that's not a name I came up with.
18:07.14zafno change..
18:07.31zafdo you have something else in your files that references a group named blf?
18:07.54WIMPySYS "Wimp_CommandWindow",-1QUIT
18:08.23WIMPyActually, yes.
18:08.33WIMPy<setting id="blf_contact_group" value="blf" />
18:11.00zafyou're not using DPMA, right?
18:15.29zafdammit, no change
18:18.18revealWIMPy: connections i see that are 401 from CLI
18:19.28WIMPyTurn off debug.
18:19.52WIMPyIf you have a service reachable from the internet, people will try to (ab)use it.
18:20.22reveali see
18:20.52WIMPySome people recommend using fail2ban to limit the number of attempts.
18:21.06revealive been also using iptables
18:23.32zafWIMPy, that's smart_blf right?
18:24.04WIMPyI don't think so.
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19:09.58fornaxHi all. I have problem where I really need help since I have no idea how to debug it. I'm quite familiar with asterisk but am lost at this moment.
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19:10.43infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
19:11.27fornaxgive me a second to formulate the answer, I do not want to flood the channel and so write in small pieces...
19:11.44fornaxWhen I make an outbound call from my gentoo asterisk (11.17.1), the called number rings, but when the other person answers, the call is terminated
19:12.20fornaxOn my side I have no sound and it looks like nothing happens. The line did not hang up
19:12.25WIMPyNothing unusual so far. How do you call?
19:12.38fornaxWhen I now call again, the call is established correctly
19:13.22[TK]D-FenderShow us the call
19:13.24[TK]D-Fender* CLI
19:13.28[TK]D-Fender"sip set debug on"
19:13.28fornaxI have a fritzbox which cannot be jailbraiked and I register the individual fritz box lines as trunks
19:13.30infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
19:13.53[TK]D-Fenderyour FB should not be touching those accounts.  They could be fighting with * over them
19:14.01[TK]D-Fenderand you would be causing yoruself issuez
19:14.09WIMPySince when do you have to jailbreak (or whatever) a Fritzbox?
19:14.11fornaxI enabled debug and can send you the file. Unfortunately after the first unsuccessful call everything works perfect, so it is hard to reproduce...
19:15.06fornaxWIMPy I would like to jailbeak the box to get the credentials to directly register the trunks with o2 instead of using the fritzbox to register at o2 and use asterisk to register at the fritzbox...
19:15.08robmalSet shorter registration time on the phone.
19:16.33WIMPyEither download te config and get a decoder for it or log in and use the provided commands to display the configuration.
19:18.33fornaxGive me some moment, the debug file is quite big and I want to find the part where the call occured
19:18.41fornaxwhich is your recommended paste service?
19:23.21fornaxHere is the log:
19:25.32fornaxWhen you seachr for Executing you see the call, which worked. The call before did not even executethe call, the line simply hung up
19:26.15[TK]D-FenderDialing OUT your FB?
19:26.42fornaxYes, my phone ist registered to asterisk, and asterisk uses a line of the fritzbox to dial out
19:26.55[TK]D-FenderWhat kind of line?
19:27.07WIMPyWhich seems to succeed.
19:27.30[TK]D-FenderIt does get ack'd then answered
19:27.49fornax[TK]D-Fender It is a registered with "register" in my sip.conf
19:27.53[TK]D-Fendermedia address seem sane as well
19:28.07[TK]D-Fenderfornax: No, I asked WHAT it is using on the FB to dial out.
19:28.51fornaxThe fritz box is using voip to register at o2, or what do you mean?
19:30.31fornax[TK]D-Fender You get a preconfigured FritzBox from o2, which registeres via DSL and VoIP at O2. You can then use your sip phones to register at your fritzbox or plug in your isdn or analog phones. But the box bridges to VoiP, I think they use SIP, but you cannot hack the box anymore to get more information
19:30.51[TK]D-FenderOk, it passes the call call through to your provider.
19:30.59[TK]D-Fenderas a B2BUA
19:31.09[TK]D-FenderSo was this call you showed a FAILURE?
19:31.26fornax[TK]D-Fender The first call did not work, the second did work
19:31.48WIMPyThey use a FB with special F
19:31.49fornax[TK]D-Fender It is always the first call that fails. When you then call a second time, it works without problems
19:31.57[TK]D-FenderUser-Agent: Sinus 501V021890000000 <- first call, this side terminated without error
19:32.00WIMPyThey use a FB with special firmware?
19:32.19fornaxWIMPy Yes, they hava a custom firmware and no way to reflash ist or change it
19:32.41WIMPyThere's always a way.
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19:33.19fornaxWIMPy The VoiP functionality is provisioned via O2. Some time ago there was some way, but when I got the box, the Fritz OS has been upgraded and currently I do not think there is a real way
19:36.10fornaxWIMPy I can not find any error. But when you call the first time, nothing happens. Do you have an other idea how to debug it?
19:36.26WIMPyLuckily it looks like that practice will soon become illegal.
19:37.00WIMPyI don't see anything go wrong. So I can't say.
19:37.25fornaxWIMPy Absolutely, and I really look forward to it. Probably an rtp problem?
19:37.50WIMPyI don't see any problem.
19:38.02WIMPyMaybe your Sinus has some sort of issue?
19:38.03fornaxWIMPy Or something goes into some standy after a while and need a call to wakeup first?
19:39.13fornaxWIMPy I think I can really easy test this. And I think I already tested it. I have a CISCO phone that is connected via sccp, and I think it did not work either. This means the problem needs to be on the trunk side to the fritzbox
19:41.49fornaxWIMPy Okay, this worked, but that does not say anything since it takes quite some time until it stops working
19:45.24fornaxWIMPy The interesting thing is that there also seems to be a problem with echo cancelling. But this does not really seem to be related.
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19:47.19mutilatoris there any built in mechanism to rotate MOH messages? "if you're having an issue with X, please try Y"
19:48.35zafmutilator, you can have multiple files, all that's edited in musiconhold.conf
19:49.08fornax[TK]D-Fender Probably I should try another sip hardware and check if this happens too. But I think it should be related to the new fritzbox voip trunks. Before I had a quadbri to call to the outside and this worked. With the FritzBox I now have the problem. But it does not explain why my sip hone terminated without error, but the phone does not signalize that the call has ended
19:50.06mutilatoryea but nothing out of the box to handle adding/editing that
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19:53.28zafmutilator, you could write a script to move files around
19:54.14mutilatorprob just go with one of these streaming services
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21:50.07malcolmdre: digium phones.  to make sure subscriptions are happening, the contacts file group_name needs to be the same as the phone config's blf_contact_group.  plz to ask Support ( if you're running into issues. :)  they're able to be much more responsive than i am.
21:51.30zafmalcolmd, yeah, had a ticket open since friday, but they didnt seem to be too familiar with the xml
21:54.14malcolmdbasic concept isn't that different from how it's done in DPMA land.  in DPMA-land contacts files and blf_items files are still just XML files.  in DPMA they're pulled in via specific key-pair values for the type=phone.  in xml land they're declared the phone's xml config file.
21:55.02zafyeah, that's what i've learned in the past few hours, heh
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22:25.00HurricaneHernandJust wondering if anyone in here is using Yealink phones
22:26.36HurricaneHernandAnd perhaps if they could help me with multicast paging, I can't seem to get it to work
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