IRC log for #asterisk on 20150827

00:36.01*** join/#asterisk chandoo (
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02:12.51tompawThat's quiet.
02:20.29wyoungIt is
02:20.40wyoungbut we just ruined it
02:25.34*** join/#asterisk azerus (~badass@unaffiliated/badass)
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04:35.57snadgeFrom: "301-09541696" <sip:301-09541696@202.xx.xx.xx>;tag=56c074da8cc025dbo5
04:36.10*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
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04:36.58snadgenot strictly an asterisk question but... if i send a call to a cisco device registered as an extension.. when you miss the call it shows up as "301-09541696" 30109541696 .. so it appears to strip the - from the sip: field
04:37.30snadgeso when you hit redial.. its an invalid number.. its a stupid quirk of thirdlane.. 301 is the extension number, and 09541696 is the tenant number
04:38.16snadgepiling through cisco docs isnt helping me much.. but i want it to dial the quoted number.. not sure what that field is called.. name ?
04:38.30snadge.. or not strip the - from the number
04:53.04*** join/#asterisk bkruse (~Adium@
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06:04.44robink_is not robmal
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06:14.36dhawanihi, can anyone explain what is "requested media update control 26"?
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08:03.16mrfrenzyHi! I've been reading about pattern matching but cannot get it to work, could you please give some hints?
08:03.47mrfrenzyI have an inbound route that sometimes sends DID "0381556000" and sometimes it sends "u0381556000"
08:04.08mrfrenzyhow could I make a route that matches both?
08:17.01ChannelZThe unambiguous way is to just make two extensions and make one jump to the other.. like   exten => u0381556000,1,Goto(0381556000,1)   and make your main 0381556000 do all the normal work
08:20.58ChannelZAnd actually I think that'd be the only way really, asterisk doesn't really have a 'zero or more' matches metacharacter like regex.  It does but only for ends of patterns.
08:21.55mrfrenzythat is what I'm just figuring out :( using . or ! in the beginning of the string is no good
08:24.30*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
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09:40.03hirogen1anyone work for BT aka british telecom in uk ?
09:40.16hirogen1urgently need a broadband business package re-enabled cos bt cut it off by mistake and its my presidents
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10:38.54*** join/#asterisk Milos (~Milos@pdpc/supporter/student/milos)
10:39.51MilosI know it's possible to use ChanSpy to listen and talk on an existing call, but if the original initiator exits the call, I am assuming the call will be hung up accordingly even if someone is still listening (which makes sense.) How can I make it so that someone else can join an existing call easily and if the original initiator hangs up the call remains active with the other person?
10:59.44markuslMilos: maybe you can transfer all three channels into a conference as soon as a 3rd party enters.
11:00.08markuslMilos: so you have a three way conference, if one party hangs up the other two can still talk
11:00.27markuslI don't know how to do that exactly right now
11:00.47MilosYeah that's what I thought I'd have to do. With a conventional telephone you can just pick up and the other party can hang up, and with ChanSpy you just pick up and dial one number. How much would the complexity increase with what you've mentioned?
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11:36.27markusli don't know. might be possible with a bit of dialplan
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12:34.29*** join/#asterisk KKeXX (c1aaa708@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
12:36.25*** join/#asterisk juned (~juned@
12:37.13junedWhere exactly i can get CAll end time in dialplan ?
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12:38.23junedi am getting null value
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12:53.34aiksa[LV]juned - I would assume call has not ended yet
12:53.52junedaiksa[LV]: that's true
12:54.30junedSo where exactly I should get this value ?
12:54.40aiksa[LV]therefore - if the call is not ended there is no ended_time value yet.
12:55.22junedOhh okay
12:55.39aiksa[LV]if I need that data - I usually resort to AMI and subscribing to CDR event
12:55.48junedso is there any other way to get this value within a dialplan
12:56.02aiksa[LV]h extension could work
12:56.11aiksa[LV]but I am not sure
12:56.24junedaiksa[LV]: no problem I ll give a try :)
12:56.34junedThank you..
12:57.43junedaiksa[LV]: I've one more question
12:58.09junedcan i log custom fileds in cdr log (Master.csv) ?
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13:03.08*** join/#asterisk newtonr (RustyNewto@nat/digium/x-puhdchbvjdnfxfmw)
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13:06.20aiksa[LV]take a look at this
13:06.26aiksa[LV]it should help
13:08.45junedaiksa[LV]:  yeah I looked into that but seems some issue with that
13:09.02junedeven default configuration is not working for me
13:09.12junedgiving error like this :
13:09.12junedWARNING[9571]: config.c:1803 process_text_line: parse error: No category context for line 13 of /etc/asterisk/cdr_custom.conf
13:09.12juned[Aug 27 18:38:24] ERROR[9571]: cdr_custom.c:99 load_config: Unable to load cdr_custom.conf. Not logging custom CSV CDRs.
13:09.41aiksa[LV]and whats on line 13?
13:10.02junedMaster.csv => ${CSV_QUOTE(${CDR(clid)})},${CSV_QUOTE(${CDR(src)})},${CSV_QUOTE(${CDR(dst)})},${CSV_QUOTE(${CDR(dcontext)})},${CSV_QUOTE(${CDR(channel)})},${CSV_QUOTE(${CDR(dstchannel)})},${CSV_QUOTE(${CDR(lastapp)})},${CSV_QUOTE(${CDR(lastdata)})},${CSV_QUOTE(${CDR(start)})},${CSV_QUOTE(${CDR(answer)})},${CSV_QUOTE(${CDR(end)})},${CSV_QUOTE(${CDR(duration,f)})},${CSV_QUOTE(${CDR(billsec,f)})},${CSV_QUOTE(${CDR(disposition)})},${CSV_QUOTE(${CDR(amaflags)})},
13:10.21junedits a default one i've just uncommented it
13:12.13aiksa[LV]do you have [Mappings] uncommented?
13:12.43junedOhh is commented
13:12.48junedLolz :)
13:13.11junedThank you very much
13:13.46junedhow stupid I am :(
13:14.33aiksa[LV]these things happen
13:14.59*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
13:15.09aiksa[LV]" No category context" basically tells you that asterisk configuration loader does not know what to do with this directive
13:15.27aiksa[LV]that "it just exists there in void"
13:16.04junedAhh i see
13:16.28junedso here we can say our context is [mappings] i guess
13:18.07aiksa[LV]not context in dialplan sense
13:18.27aiksa[LV]every configuration file follows this logic
13:18.50aiksa[LV]you would most probably have [general] or [default] at the beginign of file
13:19.10junedYeah it used to be there ..
13:19.11aiksa[LV]where you specify module wide configuration settings;
13:19.25aiksa[LV]think of sip.conf
13:19.45aiksa[LV]it also has that general part where you specify things like local network topology
13:19.59aiksa[LV]address to bind to, etc. etc.
13:20.25aiksa[LV]and after that there are seperate entries [XXXX] for each user and peer
13:21.08junedYeah correct
13:21.10*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (
13:21.13aiksa[LV]but no configuration options exist completely outside configuration categroy
13:21.59junedI understood :)
13:22.52*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
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13:32.21KKeXXI've a Macro what does's start/stop mixmonitor during a call. This macro is called via features.conf. This works fine, but to migrate the server to a newer version I've to rewrite that macro to gosub. Is it possible to call GoSub from features.conf? I've had no success with that ....
13:32.35KKeXXsomeone have experimented with that?
13:33.24KKeXXThe macro call in features.conf: record => *2,self,Macro,record
13:33.43KKeXXThe GoSub call: record => *2,self,Gosub(record,s,1)
13:33.52KKeXXBut this does not work (for me)
13:44.12newtonrDid you try record => *2,self,Gosub,"record,s,1" ? I'm curious if that works or not
13:45.16newtonralso what is the mode of failure? can you pastebin a debug log showing where it fails?
13:45.30KKeXXhmmm, think I haven't tried that one.
13:47.04*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
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13:57.28KKeXX@newtonr: There is not really a meaningfull entry in the log:
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14:11.57newtonrKKeXX, I see "record,s,0"  does a 0 priority exist ?
14:12.48KKeXX@newtonr, *hmmmm I've just seen it. No, it does not exist. But priority 1 is configured ... I'll check this
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14:14.45newtonrKKeXX, you might pastebin the whole dialplan as well
14:15.02newtonror at least the relevant contexts
14:19.50KKeXX@newtonr, not that exciting:
14:20.28KKeXXThis is just a Test
14:22.38newtonrweird, and if in features.conf you have record,s,1  I don't know why it would be looking for record,s,0
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14:23.01newtonrKKeXX, if you can't figure it out or narrow it down further you might post a bug on with all your configs and debug log
14:23.16newtonrassuming you are using a recent, supported branch of asterisk
14:24.02KKeXX@newtonr, entry in features conf is record => *2,self,Gosub(apprecord,s,1)
14:25.09KKeXXcurrent Version (where I tested) is 10.9 (not that recent), but planing to migrate to 11.19.0
14:25.17KKeXXrecord => *2,self,Gosub(record,s,1)
14:44.12newtonrYeah I would test in the latest 11 or 13 before posting a bug on tracker
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17:06.06dennis_345Hello everybody. I have a problem with establishing connection between two asterisk servers using iax2. I am working on this problem for two days already. I run out of ideas and have no idea where to look further. It would be great if somebody could steer me in right direction.
17:06.06dennis_345What do I want to achieve: I have two servers. One is server A with static IP address and DNS name . Other one is server B with dynamic IP behind NAT. I want to establish IAX2 connection between server A and B to be able to Dial from server A to B and visa versa. Here are iax.conf files for both servers: . Both servers are
17:06.06dennis_345running Debian jessie and asterisk from Debian repositories (11.13.1~dfsg-2+b1).
17:06.06dennis_345The problem is that registration does not happen. Status of peer is UNKNOWN when checked on server A and UNREACHABLE when checked on server B. Here are steps which I already did: I checked iax packets using tcpdump (tcpdump port 43762) on server A and I can see packets coming in and no packets going out. I checked that asterisk is listening for packets on UDP port 43762 (lsof
17:06.06dennis_345-i -n | grep 43762) and indeed it does. I enabled iax debug in asterisk console using 'iax2 set debug on' and I do not see any packets or activity. That is as far as I got. I have no idea what could be a reason for such behaviour and how can I fix it. Could anybody help me?
17:11.46[TK]D-Fenderusername doesn't match
17:12.04[TK]D-FenderAlso register => <- why this number at the end?
17:12.31dennis_345The number at the end is port number
17:13.01[TK]D-FenderAny reason not to use the standard?
17:13.15[TK]D-FenderDid you forward this port at each side?
17:13.28[TK]D-FenderBut it remains the the name doesn't match
17:14.20[TK]D-FenderWhen you use a "username" the thing in [] doesn't matter....
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17:20.34dennis_345I didn't use standard port for security reasons and to avoid increasing server load because of brute-force attacks, I can change it to standard. What do you mean by port forwarding? Server A has public IP and doesn't have firewall. Server B is behind NAT and I cannot change NAT settings. I will try changing usernames to same values.
17:21.46[TK]D-Fenderok, username seems to be key there.  Server A also didn't specify the port.
17:21.47[TK]D-Fenderwhich you should anyway
17:21.53[TK]D-Fenderif you're going to go that route
17:22.05[TK]D-FenderThis might be OK.
17:23.40[TK]D-Fenderthe username should be a more "combined name" than mentioning the specific server. like "[trunk_between_a_and_b]"
17:23.47[TK]D-Fendernot so long though.
17:24.16[TK]D-Fenderbecause you'll ahve an entry on both servers, and on Server A it'd look funny to make an entry aying it is to connect TO Server A (itself)
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17:27.40dennis_345I tried changing usernames and still no luck. Even with wrong usernames I would expect to see at least some feedback in console of server A, especially after 'iax2 set debug on'
17:28.23[TK]D-Fendercheck firewalls...
17:28.53[TK]D-FenderAnd set the port in your peers as I suggested
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17:34.19dennis_345I switched to default port, still same result. How do I check firewalls? '# iptables -L -n -v -x' shows empty iptables for both servers.
17:34.55[TK]D-Fenderiptables --list
17:35.06[TK]D-Fenderalways just go raw in case some syntax slips past you
17:36.22dennis_345Still empty for both servers:
17:36.55[TK]D-Fenderok, well lets look at teh IAX2 debug on the fixed host...
17:41.18dennis_345That is the problem, I do not see any debug output on the fixed host even after 'iax2 set debug on'. And I can see arriving packets using tcpdump. Do you know how I can get any extra information from asterisk?
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18:16.20Cuznerdennis_345: core set verbose
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18:42.13revealUnable to request channel DAHDI/0116
18:42.18revealwhat did i screw up with
18:42.59WIMPyYour argument to dial?
18:43.13WIMPyIs that really what you wanted to call?
18:43.43revealits an ext on a system that is using the DID to call it
18:43.52revealits a rj11 phone
18:44.01revealwith 0116 is mapped as a DID to ext 116
18:44.15WIMPyThat makes no sense.
18:44.26revealits a pri
18:44.51WIMPyThe 4th pri?
18:45.36revealwe have a comdial pbx with a pri and its connected to asterisk
18:45.39WIMPyThe 116th channel might be on the 4th pri.
18:45.42revealvia a card
18:45.54revealits trying to dial it based on channels?
18:46.05revealour pri only has 24 channels
18:46.13WIMPyThat's what you seem to have done.
18:46.30WIMPyWell, in that case you'd need more than 4 PRIs :-)
18:46.37revealwe have 1
18:47.05revealdahdi show channels shows 47 psuedo chan ext
18:47.39revealcan i pick a channel like originate dahdi/5/0116
18:47.44WIMPyYou probably want to dial an extension on a group, not a channel.
18:48.15WIMPyYou could do that.
18:48.29revealim trying to get the asterisk pbx to dial my ext to put me in a meetme conf
18:48.54WIMPyBut usually you don't want to select a cahnnel. Bad enough that DAHDI does so internally.
18:49.05revealread the CLI output i notice it shows dahdi/i2/number and dahdi/i1/number answered
18:49.32revealDAHDI/i2/0823-c4fa is proceeding passing it to DAHDI/i1/3072716
18:49.47WIMPyYou can't dial interfaces. You have to use groups.
18:49.49reveali think thats from-pbx to ptsn right
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18:50.11WIMPyPossible, We don't know what is what.
18:50.46revealDAHDI/i1/70866382-c4bf answered DAHDI/i2/2199377-c4fc
18:50.47reveal[2015-08-27 13:50:13]     -- Native bridging DAHDI/i2/2199377-c4fc and DAHDI/i1/7086638226-c4bf
18:50.58revealseems like its passing it off
18:51.05revealeither from the ptsn to the pbx or vice versa
18:51.21revealok so you also stated cant dial interfaces only groups
18:51.47WIMPySo you have two PRIs? One to telco and one to a PBX?
18:52.10revealhold on me better explain
18:52.13revealbare with me ok
18:53.02revealwe have a comdial dxp system with a pri card in it, that card is then connected to comcast ADTRAN and to asterisk, ADTRAN gives dialtone
18:53.07revealdoes that make sense
18:53.58revealusing a t1 crossover between the pbx and asterisk
18:54.58reveali have a A102 T1/PRI digi card in the asterisk machine
18:55.47WIMPySo that Adtran comes from your Telco?
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18:56.25revealthe adtran uses B8ZS encoding and ESF for frame
18:57.57revealour switch is NI-2
18:59.09revealWIMPy: did i do a decent enough job explaining it to you
19:02.19revealok good
19:02.26revealsort of green as you can tell
19:03.15WIMPyYou need to look at the examples dor DAHDI dial strings. You can find the groups there.
19:03.46WIMPyIf your config was auto generated, you would have a group per interface already.
19:04.03revealhow do i check
19:04.23reveali found it
19:06.41revealhere is another one
19:07.32WIMPyYes, there you have groups 0 and 1 for the two interfaces.
19:08.08revealwhat does that mean, is that bad retarded ok or...
19:08.22WIMPyAnd a rather senseless Group 11 for both.
19:08.33revealyou mean the 0,11 and 1,11
19:08.56WIMPyThat means you can dial group 0 or 1 depending on which interface you want to send a call to.
19:10.28revealthe PBX is plugged into port B on the card in asterisk and port A goes to the adtran
19:11.04reveali assume from-pbx is from our pbx and from-ptsn is from the adtran that provides dialtone
19:11.15revealport 1 is group 0 and port 2 is group 1
19:11.26revealgroup 0 would dial DIDs right?
19:12.27WIMPyGroup 0 would call the PSTN and group 1 would call extensions on your PBX.
19:12.43revealso if i wanted the asterisk to spawn a call on the PBX ext 0116
19:12.47revealhow would that work
19:14.34revealexten => _0XXX,1,dial(dahdi/g1/${EXTEN})
19:14.56WIMPySomething like that.
19:15.20WIMPyIf your internal extensions start with 0.
19:15.36revealon our hard phones no i mapped it as a DID to 0116
19:16.00revealcan i do dialplan show 0116@default
19:16.35reveal'_0XXX' =>        1. dial(DAHDI/G1/${EXTEN})                    [pbx_config]
19:16.39revealthats what that says
19:16.48revealfor dialpan show 0116@default
19:20.01revealcan i do originate dahdi/g1/0116
19:20.54revealthat will dial 0116 from asterisk right
19:21.20revealthen to hangup i type hangup?
19:22.09*** join/#asterisk doome_ (
19:22.36revealsays two ways to do it
19:22.54revealwhen i did originate dahdi/g1/100
19:25.14revealok it dialed me says sorry thats not a valid extension please try again
19:31.00*** join/#asterisk ibercom (58142a8f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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20:50.01[NC]We have a client with Asterisk 11.17.1 (FreePBX 2.11) where T.38 sends a single no-signal udptl message to the remote provider even though the ATA itself sends many such message. How can we get Asterisk to send multiple no-signal too (or forward all of those it gets from the ATA)?
20:53.18*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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